. I Wather Unspeakable Jrl gut ian 4 iga itt!J Editorial Too Much Rope For bean Henderson... i Official Publication Of The Summer Session 4 VOL. LI. No. 22 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1941 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS War Is Continuing According oPlan, Germans Maintain Reich ,Political'Chieftains Say U.S. Is ;Pursuing Policy Of Imperialism Nazis Declare Finns Gain Against'Soviets (By The Associated Press) BERLIN, July 25.-Germany's poli- tical leaders watched the Far East in- tently today, accusing the United States of "imperialistic aspirations" "there, while the High Command's only announcement of the Russian war front again spoke of opera- tions proceeding "according to plan" against stiff resistance in some areas. Although the official war bulletin was general, it reported "a large num- ber of prisoners and war material are being captured daily.". A military spokesman declared that, in the far northern theatre, Germany's Finnish allies had forced a passage between Lakes Ladoga and Onega and were menacing the Mur- mansk-Leningrad Railway (presum- ably in the Petrozavodsk sector, where the Russians ,themselves reported heavy fighting.)l Forces Progress Rapidly He added that German forces also were "rogressing steadily on both sides of the Peipus and Ilmen Lakes toward Leningrad.. News dispatches stated that 10,000 Red prisoners, more than 100 cannon and other war material had been tak- en in the vicinity of Mogilev along the central front; where it was de- .clared that Soviet units were being encircled. The dead there, it was added, far exceeded the s'umber of captives in hand. Describing ground, operations in extremely deep combat zones, a Ger- man war reporter wrote that fight- ing in the woods especially "is dan- gei'ous and attended by big losses." 6 Soviet Bombers Burned The Luftwaffe said 26 Soviet bomb- ers were burned through a lucky hit which exploded a gasoline truck on a Russian air field east of Smolensk. As to the Far ~ast., German'com- ment uniformly bespoke the deepest solidarity with Japan in its move to- wax'd French Indo-China. President Roosevelt was referred to as "a collector of island bases all iover the earth." The 'newspape Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung cas- tically called him "world presiden.' Russian Posions Reported Unchanged (By The. Associated Press) MOSCOW, July 25.-Russian posi- tions. from the far north to the Uk- raine were reported unchanged today and this continued impenetrability of the Red fieldlines was declared matched by the growing effectiveness of Moscow's defense against nightly Nazi air raids. For, it was stated officially, the1 fourth successive aerial assault ppon this capital-delivered in two sec- tions last night and early today-was a greater failure than any that had come before. Only a single raider wasable to break through thercity's defenses, it was declared, and that lone attacker was shot down, along with another destroyed outside of Moscow. Fighting afield, as reported during the day by the Soviet Command's afternoon communique, was still far- ,e spread, but not-'a single new battle area was mentioned. Specifically reported was heavy ac tion not only at the Russian cen- ter, about the Polotsk-Nevel-Smo- lensk triangle, below Leningrad about Porkhov and in the Ukraine about hitomir, but on the far Finnish front in the Petrozavodsk sector north of Lake Ladoga. Mexico Ousts Political Exile MEXICO, CITY, July 25.--(R)-In- formed diplomatic sources said. to- night Mexico had expelled a Nica- raguan political exile because he had urged the German minister here to provide him with planes for a revo- lution in Nicaragua. Choral Music Opens Vesper Series Today The 100-voice Summer Session A Capella Choir under the direction of Noble Kane will highlight the first Vesper Service to be held at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the Radkham Lecture Hall. Dr. Louis A. Hopkins,. director of the Summer Session, will give the Vespers address on "Dangerous Op- portunity." Worship wil be under the direc- tion of Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, counselor in religious education. A traditional feature of the Sum- mer Session, the Sunday Vesper serv- ices will this year be limited to two presentations, in addition to the "Mystery Cycle"- to be offered Aug. 17. All faculty and students of the Summer Session are invited to at- tend the program arranged jointly by the University School of Music and the Committee on Religious Ed- ucation. , The vocal program, under the di- rection of% Mr. Kane, famed choral leader, will be announced in The Daily tomorrow morning. Ecuador Calls More To War Peru Prepares To Accept Argentina's Offer QUITO, July 25.--(A)-The Ecua- dor Government, reporting fighting "of great intensity all day yesterday andlast night" against Peru in their border war, today ordered all men born between 1916 and 1919 to report for military duty within five days. A communique late today said the Peruvians, "with all kinds of arms and in great force, attacked Cha- cras and Huaquillas."', LIMA, Peru, July 25. -(A)-The Peruvian Government tonight ,pre- pared a note to Argentina accepting "peaceful means" to halt the border fighti with Ecuador, it was learned reliabl. Ecuador already has replied to Argentina's suggestion that the two nations call a truce to their century- old dispute. At the same time a diplomatic source said Japanese Minister Saka- ,moto today sent a note to the Minister from Ecuador, Carlos Larrea, in which he emphatically rejected Ecuador's charge that Japanese officers and soldiers were mixed with Peruvian troops on the border. Distributing FDR's Talks Serious Offense In Italy ROME, July 25.-()-Seven per.- sons convicted of copying and dis- tributing speeches , by President Roosevelt, U.S. Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox and Prime Minister Churchill were sentenced today to prison term ranging from three to 12 years py a special tribunal from which there can be no appeal.' Ann Arbor Swelters As Merc Sets Record Michigander and Michigoose swel- tered alike throughout Michigan yes- terday as temperatures soared to new highs, caused two fatalities in Michi- gan. Ed and Coed, too, were parboiled beneath a blistering Ann Arbor sun. as the mercury soaredto 96ddegrees at 2 p.m., a season's record. Main controversy on campus boiled over to the old question: shall classes go on in 90 degree weather. The majority of profs said, yes, all students, no. But some took pity, adjourned classes at early hours. One altruistic person convened his class of five in a downtown tavern over the summer brew, another sought the shade of campus trees to continue academic pursuits. , At day's end -there was no sign of relief, as a blazing sun setttled be- hind a boiling horizon. Prognosti- cators looked forward to an uncom- fortable night, more of the same to- morrow. Scout Leaders To Hold Final Meeting Today Detroit Executive Outlines Scouting's Preparations For Emergency Duties Scouting today is being called upon to show the full meaning and signi- ficance of its traditional vmotto and custom-"Be Prepared" and "Do a Good Turn Daily." So said Robert C. Reusch, Detroit scout executive, in his message, "The Role of Scouting in the Present Cris- is," to the opening session of the Scouting Institute here yesterday. Mr. Reusch enumerated three fields of action in which scouting today may take a part in the national de- fense effort. The morning session today, Direc- tor Emeritus Fielding H. Yost pre- siding, will open at 9 a.m. in the Kel- logg Auditorium with a message from President Ruthven. Other speakers will be Claude Eggertsen, "Education-, al Significance of Adolescent Youth Movements," and Prof. Elmer D. Mit- chell, "The Relation of Childhood Games to Future Vocational Activi- ties." C. J. Carlson will lead the scout- ing clinic at 11 a.m. Fritz Redl, university lecturer in education, will address the final lun- cheon meeting at 12:15 p.m. today. Other speakers on the Institute program yesterday included Scout Exectiuves Carlson of Chicago, Mac- Peek of Ann Arbor, Neitz of Lansing. Excess Avoirdupois Taxable, Says Writer NEW YORK, July 25.-('P)--Wo- men who allow themselves to grow unattractively obese, says Nina Wil- cox Putnam, should be punished by law. "Women, no matter what age, can be attractive-if they're not too lazy," the author df 1,200 pieces of fiction, about 1,000 magazine articles and 28 books said today. "It is offensive to see a fat-ugly woman in public and there should be a law against it," she said. "Take Turkey. There they are punished if they get too fat. That idea should be brought here. I know a lot of men who would vote for it." For the last two months Miss Put- nam has been undergoing strenuous routines, with an eye to reducing and looking and feeling younger. Today, at 59, she displays the gin- ger and vitality of a high school girl. OIL I Thousands Of Men, Equipment Ready, Sumita In Charge - BULLETIN - VICHY, Unoccupied France, Saurday, July 26. --(A')- The. French Foreign Ministry an- nounced at.4 a.m. today conclu- sion of an agreeme4 with Japan for mutual defense of French Indo-China. The defense plan respects the territorial integrity of Indo- China and French sovereignty, the French said.s TOKYO, Saturday, July 26.- (')- The Japanese Government announced today it had under- taken "joint defense" of'French Indo-China with the French. (By The Associated Press) SAIGON, French Indo-China, July 25.-Japan will swiftly pour thou- sands of troops with war equipment into newly-won military, naval and air bases in southern French Indo- China, starting this week-end, usu- ally reliable sources reported tonight. Maj. Gen. Raishiro Sumita, chief of the Japanese military mission in Indo-China, was expected to arrive here tomorrow from Hanoi to direct the operation. (Foreign sources in Shanghai said they heard from Saigon that Japan would land between 40,000 and 50,000 troops in Indo-Chin$a about July 30. Foreign intelligence reports . in Shanghai also said "upward of 1,000,- 000 men" were being called to arms in Japan in the greatest mobilization since outbreak of the war with China four years ago. (The Japanese news agency Domei reported in a dispatch from Nanking that the Chinese government at Chungking had ordered troops to proceed to Indo-China's northern border.) Japan has won the right to post troops at several coastal points in southern Indo-China. as well as to station warships in Camranh Bay. *' * * * Japan Comments On U.S. Stand (By The Assoclat'ed Press) TOKYO, July 25.-Japan displayed both astonishment and resentment today over the United States gov- ernment's stand on the Far East, and one widely-circulated newspaper called upon the Japanese to be pre- pared for any action the Upited States may take regarding the Ori- ent, Commenting upon President Roose- velt's statement yesterday in which he spoke in the past tense of Ameri- can reasons for permitting oil ship- ments to Japan, the newspaper Nichi Nichi foresaw the possibility of Washington taking some concrete steps and observed: "Of course Japan cannot antici- pate what course President Roose- velt's action will take and therefore she must be prepared. Hitherto the British-American strategy has been to keep Japan on the sidelines in the effort to destroy the Axis pow- ers. It is not certain that this strategy will be followed in the fu- ture."j o Rush. Troops /21 U. S. Freezes All Japanese Assets In Answer To Move In Indo-China; To Bases FDR Voices Disapproval Of Wheeler WASHINGTON, July 25. -(P- President Roosevelt today expressed his disapproval of the action of Sen- ator Wheeler (Dem.-Mont.), arch- foe of the Administration's foreign policy, in mailing post cards to men in the Army asking that they active- ly oppose involvement in the war. At a press conference in his home at Hyde Park, the Chief Executive referred to editorials in the New York Herald Tribune and New York Times captioned "On Dangerous Ground" and "Mr. Wheeler Goes Too Far." The captions, he said, covered the situation. % For months, Wheeler on one side, and the President and his aides on the other, have engaged in a run- ning battle in which harsh words have become commonplace.- Yesterday Secretary of War Stim- son disclosed that the Senator had sent postage-free postcards to some Army men asking that they write to the President expressing their opposi- tion to American entry into the war. This, said the Cabinet officer, was close to the line of subversive activity, if not treason itself. To this Wheeler' replied Stimson was in his "second childhood" and "ga-ga." GBS Sees Win For Britain, US., R.ussia LONDON, Juy 25. -(A')- George Bernard Shaw, who will be 85 years old tomorrow (quote: "I am trying to die but I simply cannot do it") marked his birthday eve with an interview in which he said victory in the war "will be a joint affair of Britain, the Unit- ed States and the U.S.S.R." The oracle, celebrated for his plays, his wit and his whiskers, declared that "as Russia is now in the front line and likely to be a decisive factor the peace terms will not be so simple as they were at Versailles where, al- though America had finished the job, France and Britain were not prevent.- ed by President Wilson from going all out for the disablement of Germany under cover of a League of Nations which was carefully reduced to im- potence beforehand by giving every power represented on it a veto." As if to balance that long sen- tence as well as explain President Wilson's position, Shaw added: "Wilson could do nothing because America was not at his back and turned him down. Theatre Group To Dramatize One-Act Plays The speech department's Second- ary School Theatre under the direc- tion of Nancy Bowman will present a program of one-act plays at 10 a.m. today in the Pattengill Auditor- ium in Ann Arbor High School The Secondary School Theatre de- votes itself to producing plays -which can be used in high school ,nder high school conditions. Assisting Miss Bowman as technical director of the Secondary Theatre is Jack Bender. June Madison is costumiere. Other members of the staff are Vera Russell, Terry Finch, David Goldman, Mildred Burleson, Archie Thomas, Jarvis Wotring, Marvin Levy, Thelma Davis, Eva Goldman, Eleanor Tobin and Dorothy Haydel. Student directors of the produc- tions today are Virginia Batka, George Batka and Helen Brown. Appearing in the casts will be Fay Goldner, Claire Cook, Naomi Greifer, Beulah Burgess, Herbert London, Theo Turn- bull, Dorothy Hanson, Harriet Coop- er, Tom Sawyek, Marcella Madison, Eileen Wilkens, Robert Rittenour, Chinese Funds In This Country Are Also Tied Up Here; Ships Are Immobilized By Order From President Roosevelt WASHINGTON, July 25.-(M)-In swift retaliation for Japan's push into French Indo-China, President Roosevelt tonight froze Japanese assets in the United States, including Nippon's ships, and similarly tied up Chinese assets so that the Axis can not get at them. A White House statement, issued here and at Hyde Park, declared the action was "designed among other things to prevent the use of the financial facilities of the United States and trade between Japan and the United States, in ways harmful to national defense and American interest, to pre- vent the liquidation in/ the United States of assets obtained by duress or conquest, and to curb subversive activities in the United States." It added that "this measure, in A -BULLETIN- OTTAWA, July 25. -(A)- Prime Minister W. L. Mackenzie King announced tonight "the necessary steps have been taken to prevent the withdrawal of as- sets in Canada belonging to resi- dents of Japan." 8: British Say Blockade Will Cripple Japan LONDON, July 25.-(?P)-A total economic blockade by the United States and the British Empire would cripple Japanese industry within six months of an outbreak of war with Japan, British economic welfare ex- perts said tonight. Japanese occupation of French Indo -China will bolster the Eripire's stocks of five basic commodities, but even these gains, which experts called "one of the chief reasons for the move into Indo-China," would be outweighed by the effects on Jap- anese industry and export trade of strict economic sanctions. The statement was made in full knowledge of "immense stocks" of war material bought by Japan in the world's markets for the last two years. Anticipating the Japanese move into Indo-China, Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden told Parliament today "certain defense. measures in Ma- laya already have been enforced" to meet "the potential threat." Band Concert To Be Given HereToa Prof. William D. Revelli, Morton Gould, Dale Harris and Cleo Fox will lead the combined High School Clinic and Summer Session bands in a con- cert at 7 p.m. today in South Ferry Field. Conductor of the organizations, Re- velli, is a professor of band instru- ments at the School of Music, while Gould, who is known as one of the country's outstanding young compos- ers, is presently conductor of the Mutual Broadcasting System Orches- tra. Fox, conductor of bands in Kalamazoo, and Harris, Pontiac band conductor, are both guest instructors of the High School Clinic. Opening today's program the Clin- ic Band will play Brockton's "Ani - can Crusader" and Goldman's "Build- ers of America" under the direction of Harris; Long's "American Rhapsody" and Wood's "Man of the Hour" under the direction of Fox; and -Gould's "Pavanne" conducted by the author. Professor Revelli will lead the Sum- mer Session Band in Tschaikowsky's "Fourth Symphony, Finale" after which Gould will lead the organiza- tion in three more of his own com- positions, "Tropical," "Deserted Ball- room" and "Cowboy Rhapsody." The program will close with three selections played by the combined bands and directed by Professor Re- velli, "Cavatina" by 'Raff and Sousa's "King Cotton" and "Stars and Stripes Forever.", Excursionists To Travel effect, brings all financial and import " and export trade transactions in which Japanese interests are in- volved under the control of the gov- ernment, and imposes criminal pen- alties for violation of the order." Technically, the order prohibited the use or removal from the United States of any Japanese or Chinese property without a specific license for each transaction from the Secre- tary of the Treasury. Order Immobilizes Ships Besides applying to cash, checks, drafts, gold and a long list of other assets, the order had the effect of immobilizing, for the present at least, all American ships in United States waters. Four were believed to have been caught by the order, and 40 more were reported hovering off the west coast of the United States, fearing to come into port. It was estimated by some sources that, aside from the ships, some $131,000,000 of Japanese asset's were NETHERLANDS FOLLOW UIT LONDON, Saturday, July 26.-(R) -The Netherlands Government in 'dcated today it would follow the lead of Washington in counter-action against Japan in the Netherlands East Indies. involved, although others figured the sum was much higher. There are between 60,000 and 70,000 Japanese' nations in United States territory, it was estimated, and many . of them are expected to be affected by the order. If Japan should retaliate in kind, it might tie up some $217,000,000 of American assets within her reach. Order Applies To Chinese Assets Technically, the order applied to all Chinese assets, but it was made clear it would be administered in such a fashion as to do no harm to the cause of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, who has been engaged in a four-year battle against Japanese invasion with the active sympathy of the United States. In fact, the White House state- ment said China. was included in the order at the request of the Gen- eralissimo and "for the purpose of helping the Chinese government." It was patent the aim was to pre- vent the Japanese, by virtue of their occupation of a large portion of China, getting possession of, or bene- fit from, any Chinese wealth which is within the jurisdiction of the United States government. Japanese Anticipate Freezing Order SAN FRANCISCO, July 25.(M)- J'a'anese stood in long lines at bank windows today, drawing oit funds in anticipation of the President's order freezing assets in this country. The Yokohama Specie Bank, a center of Japanese-American busi- ness for the Pacific Coast and the country at large, did a land office business-all outgoing. Harried offi- cials and clerks were besieged with questions. The President's order was received here before the close of the business day, although it was after bankng hours, and its effect was electric, not only%.in the city's large Japanese col- ony and Chinatown, but in American importing circles as well. Banks reported exporters and im- porters, nervous for many days over the impending blow to their business appeared almost as fearful over red tape regulations under the licensing procedure as over out-and-out busi- / I I si nithies Discusses PostMWar Era; Parley Will Continue With Panels I Both American and Great Britain must strengthen their internal de- mocracy before they can aspire to guide a post-war world, Prof. Arthur Smithies concluded in his keynote address to the opening sessin of the Summer Parley yesterday. Assuming an Allied victory, Pro- fessor Smithies indicated that the two Eifglish-speaking countries were the only combination of powers who could effect a realistic economic con- trol over the world. Such a domina- tion, motivated by a cooperative out- look, would insure peace 'and sta- bility more than any other feasible he added, and such activities as the parleys that foster free discussion and encourage the free intercourse of ideas must form the backbone of our education for democracy. Parley panels and a concluding summary by Harold Guetzkow will' Cows To Eliminate Auto 'Graveyards LANSING, Mich., July 25.--(A)- The time may come when your worn- out automobile may mean a good lunch for bossy. feature the closing session of the Parley today. ! Discussion groups meeting at 2:15 p.m. and 7:15 p.m. today on the third floor of the Union are: "De- mocracy After the War," A. P. Blau- stein, chairman; "Economic Prob- lems of Defense," Joseph A. Yager, chairman; "Education In a Time of Crisis," Karl Kessler, chairman, and "Four Freedoms at Home," James Duesenberry, chairman. Guetzkow will preside over thel Parley's closing session today, and will deliver the summarizing address at 9 p.m. in the North Lounge of the Union.