THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, IE MICHIGAN DAILY 1-4 r, 7/ vq I . w ors a e" - Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Assolated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Stbcriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPREORNTED FOR NATIONAL ADVER-SING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. New YORK. N. Y. CHI CGO- BOSTON *-LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Editorial Staff Managing Editor .......... Carl Petersen City Editor...............Norman A. Schorr 'Associate Editors......... Harry M. Kelsey, Karl Kessler, Albert P. Blau- stein, Morton C. Jampel, Su- zanne Potter. Business Staff Business Manager ............ Jane E. Mowers Assistant Manager.......... Irving Guttman NIGHT EDITOR: KARL KESSLER White Man's Burden In China?.. . . /4 The Straight Dope By Himself We don't know whether you remember that parently he thrives on it since we have never famous comedian of times past Who was in seen him looking so well and happy. charge of sound effects on somebody's program. Virginia Batka (Mrs. George-and maybe that It might have been the famous Sisters of the doesn't break our heart too, buddy) goes her Skillet (and what ever happened to them? They serene way with only a slightly worried frown were funnier than our censoring editors) or it now and then, as she puckers her ivory fore- might have been almost anyone else. Anyway, head at the crimes going on around her. Any- whenever a particularly dramatic moment ar-' one less beautiful would surely be lost in the rived this comedian would pop up with loud shuffle. inquiries as to just what type of sound effects But the men for whom our great heart really were wanted. bleeds are those who are given the ungentle "We got 'em all," he would state in a loud, task of making all these effects, these sliding rough voice, "bells, whistles, trains, elevators, stages, these magical contraptions, these an- police calls, street cars and bargain sail noises. cient jalopies and none too recent furnishings- You can have what you want but you gotta let move, work and have their intended being in me know." the brief and fitful glare of the footlights. This, particular message is in the form of an These are strong men for whom we implore introduction to a little discussion of this week's your solicitations; men of purpose and some production by the Michigan Repertory Theatre, great and secret fortitude. Men like Vincent to wit and to w (h) oo, "Two on an Island," by Jukes and Tom Battin are not to be sneezed that colussus of the reformed radicals, Elmer at in any emergency and behind stage they Rice. "Two on an Island," we want you to know, rank with the titans. When augmented by the has bells, whistles, trains, elevators, police calls, mighty muscles and perceptive minds of their street cars and bargain sale noises. It also has immediate superiors, Robert Mellencamp, Alex an assortment of other noises, scenic contrap- Wyckoff and, last but not least, Bill P. Hal- tions and monstrosities not to be seen elsewhere stead, they form a veritable panzer division. ab one-sixteenth the price. cWell may the little prop girls gaze with awe The production also has a few actors in it, at these atlases of the fly gallery, these cyclops for which the patrons should be grateful and of the cyclorama. If any men can induce stub- for whom your laboring correspondent has the born nature to yield up her own, can force the utmost sympathy. The redoubtable David Itkin elements of wood and fire and earth and water manages his props and settings with consider- to perform as servants not as masters these able ease and grace, but the others, with more are the ones. They surely will force the broken troubles and less brawn than Mr. Itkin have wagons on worn-out casters to perform like the their difficulties, revolving stage at Salzburg, they surely will in- James Moll, one of our favorite persons and duce the lights to blend their shades to a har- surely the most agreeable actor ever to tread monious whole. the Mendelssohn stage, contends successively We urge you to attend this mighty spectacle with a balky taxicab, a lunchroom, a subway, a of man's mastery of the thunderbolt, this dis- furnished apartment, various street busses, persion of the wasteful wastes, this reduction about fifty other actors and, seemingly, far of the atomic mystery. There is no more ,in all more than that number of stagehands. Ap- of life than this. The giants are abroad again. Washington Merry-Go-Round Interpretive: Churchill Stand Ready For Test O NLY A FEW MONTHS AGO, the Japanese were hanging on for dear life at the end of their rope in China. Today, these sons of the Son of Heaven are strutting like the cock of the walk. A few months ago, they could look back only on an ominous series of military reverses fol- IbVing their early successes in the Land of the Dragon. Today, they are not only pressing Chiang Kai-shek harder than ever, but they Saie also cutting off his supplies, and they are badgering the British in Hongkong. HE WHEEL has turned full circle. With the >French out of the picture, with the pre- occupied British closing the Burma route, Kip- ling's "Road to Mandalay," and with the Amer- ican fleet more intent on patrolling home waters than extending protective guns over such far-off places as the Dutch East Indies, the Japanese are preparing to take over the "white man's burden" in the Orient. They want to translate "Asia for the Asiatics" into their version of the Monroe Doctrine. And who is to say t\m nay? The dominance of Western man in the Far East was one of the greatest bluffs in history. -it seems almost inconceivable that the people of that tiny peninsula of the Eurasian continent that is Europe should have held sway over the eeming millions of the Orient. Steel and guns had something to do with it, but Western as- cendency rested more on prestige than on power. The ruropeans-and we, too, had our part in the business-boldly declared that they were superior people. Now, it seems that bluff is about to be called. And there are no big guns; not even new Kiplings to sing Empire's prowess. hngland is actually helping the Japanese, and so speeding the day when they can go to Hit- ler's aid. HE UPSURGE of the Japanese has received new impetus from Europe's war, but its origins go back much farther. William Henry Chamberlin, long the Tokyo correspondent of -the Christian Science Monitor, traces them at least to the Japanese victory over Russia in 105. That was the first major blow to the egend of white superiority. Then came the World War and the hounding of the Germans out of China-a serious breach in white solidarity. After the war, thousands of penniless Russian refugees appeared in Man- churia, China and Japan. The men went beg- ging or performed menial services, the women sometimes became concubines of the Chinese. If anything was left of prestige, most of it must have disappeared in the last few months. RECALLING the anti-Western Chinese revo- lutionary movement of 1925-27, Chamberlin would not be surprised by a Chinese-Japanese accomrodation to rid the Orient of the white man. If he were a "Yellow Peril" jingoist, his forebodings would be less alarming. Since he i not, they bring home all the more forcibly the warning that Western imperialism seems to be leading only to something worse. Europe sowed the wind and is reaping the whirlwind. Certainly, the United States should not elect to take over the role of the European imperial- ists. In spite of the flurry about those 16 Japan- ese plainclothes men, our interest is not in dom- ination, but merely in trade. - St. Louis Post-Dispatch A New Motto For France .0* FRENCH FASCISM proposes to sub- stitute "Work, Family and Father- r i , I-- - - - .1 . Grin And Bear It... By Lichty CHICAGO-There is a world of difference between this Democratic convention and the one four years ago. At Philadelphia in 1936 the Demos were ex- uberant, militant and confident. There had been some internal friction, but it was not serious, and on the whole the party was excel- lently organized. But not so this year. Three years of bitter factional war, purges and personal grudges have honeycombed all ranks with dissension and animosity. New Dftl- ers hate the old Guarders, who reciprocate with interest. And between the two groups there are numerous feuds and differences. On top of all this, Willkie's nomination has scared them stiff. They not only fear the dynamic GOP can- didate as a campaigner, but even iore the powerful backing behind his campaign. The Demos are going to be on short financial ra- tions this year, which with all their other lia- bilities will make life doubly tough. Hence the low state of morale at the conven- tion. Some of the leaders are hopefully pre- dicting that once the ticket has been launched and the National Committee reorganized, party spirit will revive. Whether this is mere whist- ling in the dark remains to be seen. Note-Due for a big shakeup is the National Committee publicity department. Under kindly, brainy, weary Charley Michelson, this section has been in a comatose condition for two years. In Old Chicago Seen and heard around Chicago: Mrs. Wood- row Wilson looking neither to right nor left as she gets into the elevator at the Blackstone . Senate Pat McCarran of Nevada bowing to anyone wearing a broad-brimmed Western hat. (Might be a voter from Nevada) ... Ambassa- dor Joe Davies without his wife, the former Marjorie Post Hutton. (Maybe she's for Will- kie) . . . Brien McMahon of Connecticut, who left his new and beautiful wife behind at the beach .. . Chip Robert, who did not leave his beautiful wife behind . . . Mauve-eyed Lee Pressman, legal brains of John L. Lewis, waiting to see Harry Hopkins . . . Handsome Donald Russell of South Carolina, wondering, whether Cotton Ed Smith would bless the convention . . . . Helen Kennedy, comely daughter of United Mine Workers' Tom Kennedy. He once was Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania . . . Eru- dite Leo Crowley of Wisconsin, who could have been chairman of the National Committee if he had not just become head of a utility cor- poration. (The Demos are going to have to do a lot of utility blasting 'against Willkie) ... Harvey Couch of Arkansas, another utility mag- nate-but strong for Roosevelt . . . Paul Fitz- patrick, new Democratic chairman of Buffalo, confident that Willkie cannot carry New York State . . . Tom Corcoran and Ben Cohen, the famous Brain Trusters, nowhere to be seen. 11er Military Man Of the many amusing convention incidents, the most hilarious went almost unwitnessed. It was dapper, bald little Harry Woodring, ex- Secretary of- War, at the rough, risque "Club 606." WPA, the sale of watered stocks by crooked financiers and the propagandas of Yellow Kid Weil and Dr. Goebbels. rAMILY.--It is axiomatic that "a strong state Someone had tipped off the star singer of the evening that Harry was present. So with all her blonde loveliness on exhibition, she placed herself opposite the ex-Secretary of War and proceeded to sing a gay version of "Military Man." Harry blushed, looked, and listened. Note-Harry said that he got 700 letters even before he left Topeka praising his isolationist speech, in which he criticized the New Deal's interventionist policy. But he didn't seem very isolated at Chicago. Along The Lake Front Jesse Jones' Reconstruction Finance Corpora- tion has lent quite a bit of money to the Con- gress Hotel, but he didn't try to improve his risk by giving them his patronage. Meanwhile the Congress is having rocky sledding . . . No. 1 on the list to succeed Chip Robert as Secretary of the Democratic National Committee is hand- some, able Colonel Edward J. S. Donovan of Buffalo, White House intimate (not to be con- fused with Colonel "Wild Bill" Donovan, also of Buffalo.) Eddie Donovan has managed to stay on excellent relations with both the Farley- ites and the Inner Circle. Hatch Act At Chicago Several Washington jobholders at this con- vention are watching out of a corner of the eye the quiet gentleman from New Mexico who authored the Hatch Act, Senator Carl Hatch. Not so Eugene Casey of Maryland, special as- sistant to the governor of the Farm Credit Administration. Casey got on the train from Washington to Chicago and bumped into a crowd of Democratic delegates, to whom he began to hand out red and blue buttons reading "Rally Round Roose-. velt." Joseph E. Davies, ex-Ambassador to Russia' and Belgium, put one on his lapel, even pinned one on Merle Thorpe, editor of Nation's Business and mouthpiece of the ardently anti-Roosevelt United States Chamber of Commerce. Senator Hatch, also present, watched Casey distribute the buttons, finally inquired: "What are those?" "This is our patriotic duty, Senator," said Casey, pinning a button on him. "Oug patriotic duty is to Rally Round Roosevelt in this time of international crisis and emergency. What else can we do? You couldn't possibly consider that "a violation of the Hatch Act?" The author of the act did not scowl his dis- approval. In fact, every time he met Casey around the convention, he accepted a new handful of 'Rally Round Roosevelt" buttons. Note-Anti-Roosevelt Merle Thorpe wore the "Rally Round Roosevelt" button all day. But when he appeared next morning it was gone. Merry-Go-Round Mayor Maury Maverick of San Antonio drew a big laugh from the platform committee, when he appeared to urge a compulsory training plank,, with the remark, "Since I became an ex-Con- gressman I've got close to the people. You have no idea how close you get to the people afteir you've once been exed." ... With vice-presiden- tial candidates almost as numerous as fleas on a dog, newsmen covering the convention de- cided to enter one of their own "in a spirit of levity." They are booming popular Bascom Tim- mons, who besides being correspondent for a number of papers also holds a proxy as delegate By KIRKE L. SIMPSON Prime Minister Churchill's assur- ance that Britain is prepared to fight for her life with a willpower equal to Hitler's is about to be put to the supreme test. Whether that test will come first as a "fourth front" German attack, offering England peace terms far short of the abject surrender forced on France, on as an attempted mass invasion of versions. It is crystal -lear, however, that the Nazi-Fascis partners are carefully preparing for their next dramatic stroke; and the Churchill broadcast last Sunday was designed to brace hearts and wills for the shock whichever way it may come. Against the background of Rome reports that Hitler is preparing, in consultation with his Axis ally, to voice a formal new "peace blitzkrieg" proposal, the curious lull in intensity of the German "softening-up" air attack on England becomes signifi- cant. It represented the first such lull of the month since the battle of Britain started June 18. It remains to be seen whether the indicated hope in Italy and Ger- many that the time is ripe for a psychological "fourth front" offen- sive on Britain is well founded, or whether Churchill has accurately guaged the temper and resolution of his countrymen in hurling war- to-the-death challenges at his arch foe, Hitler. In any event, the synchronizing reports in Swiss and French circles that Germany has massed more than half a million men and a vast flotilla of big and little craft for their trans- portation to invade England might well be Nazi window dressing for1 such a Hitler peace ultimatum as Rome reports in contemplation.' There is one factor, however, that conceivably should serve to give British war leadership a far clearer understanding of what actually is1 impending in a military way than any rumors in circulation in Euro- pean diplomatic quarters. The major German attack by air, by submarine or by invasion on England must nec- essarily be based very largely on ter- ritory hostile to Germany, though conquered. Berlin draws a picture of that German attacking force as now mus- te'red along the wide seafront of the1 European continent from Bergen in Norway to the Franco-Spanish bor- der, nearly 2,000 miles to the south. Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, Belgian and French residents, still mourning their lost national liberty and also the family casualties of the war, must be well aware of German troop concentrations or supply dumps and extemporized airdromes in their own vicinity, and eager to pass that in- formation along to the British. German commanders in Holland have already taken steps to suppress suspected sources ofumilitary infor- mation leaks. It is utterly impossi- ble, however, for the Germans to establish an air-tight patrol of the whole vast continental coastline and prevent all communication between British sympathizers ashore and British submarines or other craft lurking at night off-shore. Such bits of information as former allies can pass along could be of in- estimable value to the British, They could provide an accurate forewarn- ing of all-out attack, and they could also be a guide to counter-attack by air on the most vulnerable centers of the far-flung German front. The Hatch Act: An Evaluation The bill to extend the Hatph Act has been passed by both houses of Congress and has the support of Mr. Roosevelt. It is a logical development of the stand which Congress and the President took just a year ago in behalf of freedom from political ser- vitude for public employes. The original law made it illegal for appointive Federal employes to participate actively in party cam- paigns, to make political speeches, to contribute to campaign funds and otherwise be partisans or used as partisans in electoral decisions. The ink was not yet dry on this long step toward an independent Government personnel before need for its extension was being talked. It is one phase of this extension which has now been vrtually adopted. After the extension becomes law, it will be illegal for state, county and munici- pal employes, paid in part with Fed- eral funds, to engage in the political activities now barred to direct em- ployes of the Federal Government. State highway department em- ployes who receive Federal remun- eration for their part in carrying out th Federal road-building program, state public health workers who oper- ate with the aid of Federal funds, county farm agents, and many other classifications will be removed from legal impressment into political cam- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN All notices for the Daily Official7 Bulletin are to be sent to the Office of the Summer Session before 3:30 P.M. of the day preceding its pub- lication except on -Saturday, when the notices should be submitted be- fore 11:30 A.M. Buses for the Summer Session Ex- cursion to Greenfield Village will leave from in front of Angell Hall at 1:00 p.m. today, and will return to Ann Arbor about 5:45 p.m. Expenses consist of a round trip bus ticket, $1. Free admission will be arranged for the group. A preview of school films is being held in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. daily, until July 25. The film to be presented today, Wednesday, July 17, includes Vocations and So- cial Studies as its area of interest. The Michigan Dames will hold a bridge party at the Michigan League today at 2 o'clock for the wives of summer school students. There will be a ten cent charge to cover prizes and expenses. The Summer Session and Faculty Women's Club will give a reception for visiting faculty wives and guests in the Pompeian Room in the Rack- ham Building today from 3 to 5:30. Graduate Speech Students: A Speech Symposium of rhetoric and oratory will be held Wednesday, July 17, at 4 p.m. in the Men's Lounge of the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies. All Episcopal students and their friends are cordially invited to tea today from 4 to 6 o'clock at Harris Hall, corner of State and Huron Streets. "What Is Ahead in Teacher Edu- cation" is the lecture to be given by Raleigh Schorling, Professor of Edu- cation, at 4:05 p.m. today in the Uni- versity High School Auditorium. Dumas Malone, Director of the Har- vard University Press, will give a lec- ture on "Women and the American Scene" in the Rackham Lecture Hall at 4:15 p.m. today. Chemistry Lecture. The third in the series of chemistry lectures will be given by Professor L. 0. Brock- way today at 4:15 p.m. in the Am- phitheatre of the Rackham Building. Subject: "Stereochemistry of the Heavy Metals." Physical Education Mixer will be held at 'the Women's Athletic Building today at 6 o'clock. Tickets at 50c may be obtained from: Ro- berta Jones, H. A. Oliphant, Donald Farnum, and Martha Pierce (3200C UHS). After supper is served recre- ational games will be played. Come prepared to participate. Pi Lambda Theta's summer initi- ation dinner will be held at 6:30 o'clock at the Michigan League in the Henderson Room. Miss Ruth E. Barnes, head of the English Depart- ment at Micigan State Normal Col- lege at Ypsilanti will speak on "Non- sense About What." Members who are unable to attend the dinner and ceremony are cordially invited to the talk which will begin at 8:15. The Linguistic Institute Lecture: At 7:30 p.m. today, in the Auditorium of the W. K. Kellogg Building. Dr. (Continued on Page 3) US Pat OfM. All Rta. Re& W.. /2O "+Gentlemen-I think this is a good time to start brewing a pare-war' batch!" I Mats. 25c - Eves. 35c Today and Thursday! TWO FEATURES 4"- And rl t RAY MILLAND ELLEN DREW "FRENCH WITHOUT TEARS" Coming Friday I 0 MADELEINE CARROLL "SAFARI" I /I