Weather jmwFair; Somewhat Warmer. LY Of ficial Publication Of The Summer Session 4:3attx Editorial White Man's Burden? .. VOL. L. No. 20 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1940 PRICE FIVE F.D.R. Denies Desire For Renominatioi Last Minute Peace Offer To Britain Expected Convention Firm In Determination 's Spain Breaks Formal Bonds With Chileans Blitzkrieg Against England Termed Ready To 9pen Friday IfProposal Fails Japanese Cabinet Of Yona Resigns (By the Associated Press) Diplomatic quarters in Rome heard last night that Adolf Hitler was pre- pared to make a last three-point. peace offer to Britain before launch- ing a full-scale blitzkrieg against the Island Kingdom soon. Two other reports, one from a French newspaper, and the other from the Rome radio and picked up in turn by the British Broadcasting Company and NBC, predicted an at- tack on England by Friday. Nationalist Spain suddenly broke diplomatic relations with Chile, which will send delegates to the Havana Pan-American conference Sunday along with other nations in this hem- isphere. Move Explained Spain's move was explained only by a foreign ministry statement which said the action was taken because of the Chilean' government's tolerance of an anti-isolationist campaign. Chile's popular front regime pres- ently is engaged in a drive on right- ist elements deemed dangerous to the state's safety. Nationalist Spain under General Francisco Franco terms herself in the ranks of rightist countries. The United States was reported sounding out Chile and other nations on their attitude toward the establish- ment of a protectorate over Euro- pean possessions in this hemisphere. Informed Berlin sources declared Nazi jump-off bases for the invasion of England were all set, and that Adolf Hitler's decision was expected soon. But there were some indications that eleventh-hour proposals to Eng- land might be made despite Prime Minister Churchill's vigorous declara- tion Sunday night that Britain would fight to the end. May Go To Berlin It was said Count Galeazzo Ciano, Italian foreign minister, may go to Berlin late this week to discuss a three-point price the axis powers are said to demand of England. In Tokyo, the government of Pre- mier Admiral Mitsumasa Yonai re- signed, apparently under pressure of an army clique which demands a stronger hand in the Far East against western powers, including the United States. Some speculated the U.S. fleet com- prising two battleships, 12 cruisers, an aircraft carrier, and a powerful unit of destroyers might be en route to patrol British and French possessions in the South Pacific. The Nazi-Fascist peace move, as pictured in Rome, would demand from Britain: 1. Regulation of continental Euro- pean affairs, presumably under Ger- man-Italian direction, and to Bri- tain's exclusion. 2. Restoration of British-held col- onies which were Germany's before the World War. 3. Europe's economic rehabilita- tion with British aid. Tag Day Campaign Nets $812 For Fresh Air Camp The 10th annual summer Tag Day campaign conducted by the Univer- sity Fresh Air Camp yesterday net- ted $812.80, Prof. Ferdinand Mene- fee, of the engineering college, direc- tor of the camp, announced last night. Camp officials expressed gratitude at the response accorded the 100 hnsn whn lid tags. and described the 350 Educators Register For Four Conferences Varied Lectures Speakers To Will Be Present By ROSE SCOTT Attracted to Ann Arbor by the four conferences of Educational Week, the Teacher Education Con- ference, Book-Week Conference, Reading Conference, and the Con- ference on Guidance and Adjustment of Youth, 350 educators and teachers -registered today for the second day of meetings, highlighted by round- tables, special lectures and exhibits. Dr. Rudolph Lindquist, director of Cranbrook School, prescribed anec- dotal records and a lighter teaching load as remedies for the problems of guidance in secondary schools at the morning meeting of the guid- ance conference. Adapted to the core curriculum in which one teach- er would teach more than one sub- ject for a two-hour period or more, guidance will become a more scien- tific diagnosis of the pupils' prob- lems, replacing the haphazard meth- od now prevalent.. Practical suggestions which the average classroom teacher might use for the improvement of reading were given by Prof. Clifford Woody of the School of Education at the afternoon meeting. Today's sessions will feature Dr. Fritz Redl's lecture, "A Critical Re- view of the Use and Abuse of the Terms Normality, Adjustment, and Maturity and their Place in Guid- ance Work" t' 10arm. in the Univer- sity High School Auditorium. At the same place Prof. Willard C. Olson of the School of Education will dis- cuss the topic, "Are There Cases of 'Reading Disability' in Present Day Schools?" at 2 p.m. Following the roundtables, Prof. Raleigh Schorling of the education school will cite Rogers Opens Lecture Series TalksTonight Linguistic Institute Offers Discussion On Analysis1 Of Romance Languages Dr. Francis M. Rogers of Harvard University will- open the Linguistic Institute's program for the week when at 7:30 p.m. today he will lec- ture in the Rackham Amphitheatre on "The Relative Frequency of Phonemes and Variphones in the Romance Languages." Dr. Rogers, who has been associated with Prof. George K. Zipf at Harvard in the latter's statistical approach to lin- guistic analysis, is expected to dis- cuss the application of this technique to romance language study. At the customary Thursday lunch- eon conference, held at 12:10 p.m. at the Michigan Union, James N. Tidwell of Ohio State University will offer for discussion the subject, "The Accuracy of Dialect Representation in Fiction." Both the luncheon and the subsequent discussion, according to Director C. C. Fries, are open to all persons interested in: attending. Friday evening the Institute will close its program for the week with a lecture on "The Word" by Prof. Leonard Bloomfield of the University of Chicago. Le Cerele Francais Will Hear Talamon Prof. Rene Talamon of the romance languages department, will address the members of Le Cercle Francais at 8 p.m. today at the Foyer Fran- cais at 1414 Wastenaw on "French Customs, American Customs." From his observation abroad, Pro- Given On New Program; New Teaching Methods "What Is Ahead in Teacher Educa- tion." A special conference on high school and university relations spon- sored by the Bureau of Cooperation with Educational Institutions under the chairmanship of Prof. George E. Carrothers of the School of Educa- tion will be held at 7 p.m. in the Union, for high school principals and supervisors attending the week's sessions and for members of the Men's Education Club. The exhibit of new textbooks and classroom materials including mo- tion pictures, .art equipment, and fiction books are now on display by (Continued on Page 4) Student Heads For Summer Parley Named Advisers To Lead Panels On Religion, Education, Election,_Civil Liberties The appointment of more than 25 student advisers to serve on the four panels for the Summer Parley which will meet at 3:15 p.m. and 7:45 p.m. Saturday at the Union to discuss, "This War We Live In," was an- nounced yesterday by Helen Corman, general chairman. Joseph Fauman will head the meet- ing on civil liberties. Student ad- visers will be William Gram, Margaret Campbell, Marcia Sharfman, Nor- man A. Schorr, Dorothy Sankin, and John Schwartzwalder. Miss Sankin will act as secretary for the after- noon session with Miss Campbell tak- ing over in the evening. The panel on the national election will be led by Phil Westbrook, for- mer president of Congress. StudentI aides will be: Anabel Hill, Tom Downs, Arthur Biggins, A. P. Blaustein, Rudy Potochnik, Betty Guntley and Mor- ton Jampel. Miss Guntley will be sec- retary for the evening meeting with Jampel officiating during the after- noon. The discussion on religion will be under the leadership of Daniel Suits, (Continued on Page 4) . Malloy Wins Tournament DETROIT, July 16.-(/P)-Wood- row "Woody" Malloy of Ann Arbor, former University of Michigan ace, turned on the heat today with a 72-hole total of 291 to become the third Michigan open-amateur golf tournament champion to repeat. Frank Babish and Frank Connolly trailed by one stroke. Symiposium On Vibrations OpensFriday Prof. Timoshenko Directs Talk Series Sponsored By Engineering College Dr. Nelson To Head Series Of Lectures Problems in theory and applica- tion will be discussed at the sessions of the Symposium of Vibration Prob- lems, beginning here Friday. Sponsored by 'the engineering me- chanics department, the Symposium is under the direction of Prof. Ste- phen Timoshenko of Stanford Uni- versity, formerly of the engineering mechanics department and guest lec- turer here this summer. Opening lecture of the series will be by Dr. C. W. Nelson of the Timken Roller Bearing Company at 7 p.m. Friday in the Rackham Amphithe, atre on the general topic of railway track stresses. Dr. Nelson graduated from the University in 1934. He studied under Professor Timoshenko from 1934 to 1936 and received his Master, of Sci- ence degree here in 1934 rand his PhD in 1939. An authority in the field of railway engineering, he is now employed by the railway re- search department of the Timken Roller Bearing Company. Prof. J. P. Den Hartog of Harvard University will present the second lecture in the vibration series on Friday, July 26 on the subject of "Multi-Cylinder Engines with Dy- namic Dampers." Vibration of bridges will be anal- yzed by Professor Timoshenko on Wednesday, July 31. Prof. L. S. Jacobsen of Stanford University will present the fourth lecture on Friday, August 2 on the topicon "Vibrations of Structures." The final lecture in the series will be given by R. P. Kroon of the Westinghouse laboratories in Phil- adelphia on Friday, August 9, on the subject "Modern Methods in Bal- ancing." honorary Sorority To Hold Initiation Pi Lambda Theta, education "Phi Beta Kappa" for women will initiate 17 women at its dinner at 6:30 p.m. today at the League with Miss Ruth Barnes of the English department of Michigan State Normal College speaking on "Nonsense About What." The chairman of tonight's banquet is Edith Steele with Elizabeth Crozer as toastmistress. Mary Eliza Shan- non, Lillian Kasmark, Norma Reid and Clara Berden will also partici- pate in the ceremonies. Rice's Drama To Open Run Here Tonight 'Two On An Island' Stars Itken, Baska And Moll At LydiaMendelssohn Play's Scene Laid In New York City Elmer Rice's latest Broadway suc- cess, "Two on an Island," will open its four-day run at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lyda Mendelssohn Theatre with a cast of more than 60 persons headed by David D. Itkin, Virginia Btaka and James Moll. Mr. Itkin, chairman of the drama department at DePaul University and guest director here this summer, portrays the role of Lawrence Or- mont, a producer. Moll and Miss Batka play a young couple from Iowa and New Hampshire respectively who try to acclimate themselves to life in New York. Wyckoff Is Art Director Alexander Wyckoff, art director, assisted by Robert Mellencamp, has built 11 elaborate sets to be used in the 11 different scenes in the drama. These include a scene of Broadway, the top of the Statue of Liberty, "The Greasy Spoon Cafe," and the Metropolitan Museum, as well as one of Greenwich Village and one in which a number of tourists travel through the city on a large sight- seeing bus. Among the other stage features which will be demonstrated by a crew of almost 60 backstage, are a series of extremely varied sound ef- fects and a group of scenes made with a movie projector. The main stage difficulty was the construction of two taxis, made of wood and scrap metal, which move on and off the stage. Other New York Scenes Other interesting scenes are those in which the lower New York east side and Park Avenue are compared and another in which William Pipes and Mrs. Lowell Pierrb dance a typi- cal Negro number. Members of the cast portray many diverse roles in "Two on an Island" ranging from a museum attendant to a prostitute and from a sailor to a member of the "four hundred." Supporting roles in the drama will be played by Truman Smith, as the sight-seeing guide; Vincent Jukes as William Flynn; Betty Gallagher as Mrs. Dora Levy; George Shapiro as Frederic Winthrop; Ray Pedersen as Heinz Kaltbart; Norman Oxhandler as Clifton Ross; Vivi French as Helen Ormont; Veitch Purdom as Gracie Mullen; Osna Palemer as Dorothy Clark, and John Schwarzwalder as Samuel Brodsky. For BARKLEY . .... Breaks Silence' DeWitt Parker, Dumas Malone To TalK Today Culture Institute To Hear' Discussion Of 'rends In American Aesthetics Prof. DeWitt H. Parker of the philosophy department will give the evening lecture of the Graduater Study Program in American Culture and Institutions today, while Dumas Malone, director of the Harvard Uni- versity Press, will speak in the after- noon. Dr. Malone's talk, at 4:15 p.m., will be on "Women and the Amer- ican Scene." Professor Parker will speak at 8:15 p.m. on "Some Trends in American Aesthetics." Both lec- tures will be given in the Rackham School auditorium and will be open to the public. Professor Parker took his A.B. and Ph.D. degrees from Harvard in 1906 and 1908 respectively. With the ex- ception of the year 1909 to 1910, when he was instructor of philosophy at the University of California, he has been in the philosophy depart- ment here since 1908 and is now head of the department. In 1924 to 1925 he returned to the Univer- sity of California as lecturer. Among Professor Parker's writings are "The Self and Nature" published in 1917; "The Principles of Aes- thetics" published in 1920; "The Analysis of Art" published in 1926; and "Human Values" published in 1931. Professor Parker is a member of the American Philosophical Associa- tion, the Western Branch of which he was president in 1929-30, and Phi Beta Kappa. Ford's Village Tour IsToday Summer Excursion To See Museum At Dearborn Summer Session excursionists will leave at 1 p.m. today from in front of Angell Hall for Greenfield Village in Dearborn, Henry Ford's recon- structed early American town. The special buses that will carry the party will return to Ann Arbor at about 5:45 p.m. At Greenfield Village, the group will see a typical nineteenth century Third Ter Boisterous Session Hears Barkley Deliver Terse Note From Roosevelt Delegates Raise 25-Minute Cheer CHICAGO STADIUM, July 16.- W)-President Roosevelt dramatic- ally informed the Democratic Na- tional Convention tonight that he had no "desire or purpose" to be. renominated, a declaration which d- creased not one whit the determina- tion of party leaders to draft hi for an unprecedented third-ter campaign. The chief executive's message was delivered to a boisterous convention -which previously had cheered the mention of his name for a good 25 minutes-by Senator Alben W. Bark- ley, the convention chairman, and was punctuated by shouts of "we want Roosevelt now." Barkley said he was making the statement by "specific request and authorization" of the President. He then said: "The President has never had and has not today, any desire or purpose to continue in the office of President, to be a candidate for that office, or to be nominated by the convention for that office. "He wishes in all earnestness and sincerity to make it clear that all of ' the delegates to this convention are free to vote for any candidate." Demainstration *esumed No sooner had Barkley finished then the tumultuous demonstration of an earlier hour was resumed, con- fined however to shouting, calls of "we want Roosevelt," whistling, bell- ringing, cheering and stamping. Senator James F. Byrnes of South Carolina, floor leader of the "draft Roosevelt" forces, quickly sounded the viewpoint of the pro-third term voices by telling reporters that the demonstrationon the floor and the cries of "we want Roosevelt" had answered the President. "I know that the President's state- ment represents his sincere views," Byrnes said. "However, it is for the delegates to say who shall be the nominee and in this emergency, the President cannot refuse to serve the American people." Gave Reaction But from Senator Worth Clark of Idaho, a supporter of Senator Bur- ton K. Wheeler's presidential as- pirations, came a different reaction. "The statement is not definite," Clark said. "It leaves the convic- tion, the delegates and the candi- dates in the same uncertain condition they were before. As far as I am concerned, unless Senator Wheeler decides otherwise, his name will be placed in nomination before the convention by me." James A. Farley, chairman of the National Committee-and a candi- date-said: "I have no comment to make. The statement speaks for itself."- r Another opponent of third terms, Senator Millard E. Tydings of Mary- land, said "I admire the President for the statesmanlike stand he has taken." He added: "I think he is sincere in not de- siring to continue. There is no doubt that he would have gotten the full support of two-thirds of the dele- gates had he been a candidate." Summer Vespers Continue Sunday Second in the series of three sum- mer vespers will be conducted at 8 p.m. Sunday in Hill Auditorium featuring the Summer Session Chor- us. Arranged by the Summer Session and the University Musical Society, Williams Lauds Value Of Humor; Malone Cites Role Of Foreigners r. . By HARRY M. KELSEY Humor is probably our most effec-; tual instrument for maintaining the. national sanity, Prof. Mentor L. Wil- liams told students and guests of the Graduate Study Program in Ameri- can Culture and Institutions in his lecture last night on "American Hu- mor and National Sanity." "Nations are wont to lose their heads over many things," he assert- ed. "In times of great political or economic stress leaders may lose their judgment and propose measures fool- ish and hysterical in character, which, acted upon, would go far to- ward undermining the whole struc- ture of the state. People, under can laugh, that nation will remain sane, Professor Williams pointed out. An essential element in the continu- ance of our democracy, he pointed out, is that its people should remain free to laugh, because "the laughter that comes from the heart of the free man is an expression of his hu- manness, of his faith in the future of the race and of his belief in the possible attainment of higher goals." Turning to America today, Profes- sor Williams said that aside from the Republican and Democratic con- ventions there is little evidence of humor, and, he stated, even the con- ventions are more serious than usual.: Tndieating the nrevailing tensnes. By MYRON DANN But for the freedom of movement allowed to those foreigners who have contributed to our cultural life, our country might have been another Europe, Dumas Malone, director of the Harvard University Press, said in his lecture yesterday afternoon to a near-capacityraudience in the Rackham Auditorium. The lecturer classified all those people born of parents who came to this country after 1790 as foreigners and all people in America before that period as natives. Contrary to popular belief foreign- ers had little to do with our country's political and economic life but rather r nd + hair v-I liomh. ,na rihi+nn+ M +