T HE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JULY 16, 1940 _ ___. .a._v___v _ _.. _ .. ___ THE. MICHIGAN DAILY Washington Merry-Go-Round Grin And Bear It... By Lichty 1. A'- . -.w_,. . - Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Assolated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subcriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL AOVEt.SING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO BOSTON 'Los ANGELEW SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939.40 Editorial Staff Managing Editor . . ............ Carl Petersen City Editor .. ..............Norman A. Schorr' Associate Editors ...........Harry M. Kelsey, Karl Kessler, Albert P. Blau- stein, Morton C. Jampel, Su- zanne Potter. Business Staff Business Manager ............ Jane E. Mowers Assistant Manager...........Irving Guttman NIGHT EDITOR: NORMAN A. SCHORR Buy A Tag, Mister? . . EACH SUMMER, several truckloads of young boys rumble into Ann Ar- bor from the University of Michigan Fresh Air Camp at Patterson Lake to solicit support for the project that has given them four weeks of good food anda swell time. Today is that day. These boys will sell you tags, showing you have contributed to the support of one of the most unique projects in human engineering in this country. This camp provides vacations for 280 boys each year-a chance to get out in the sunlight and fresh air. The camp depends on the support Ann Arbor gives it. These boys are asking you to give so that the second half of the camp season, beginning Mon- day, July 22, will be able to accommodate 140 more boys like themselves. Don't let them down! CHICAGO-The question of a running-mate has given the inner Democratic leaders almost as many headaches as the long wrestle over the third term. When the President finally gave them the nod, the boys let out deep sighs of relief, confident that the worst was over. They were sure the vice-presidential election would be easy. They were mistaken. When the private pow- wowing began the leaders discovered themselves to be widely apart. Roosevelt's personal choice was young, tousle-haired Justice Bill Douglas. But Jim Farley and the conservatives wanted either Cordell Hull or Senator Jimmy Byrnes. Roosevelt did' not oppose Hull or Byrnes. Also, significantly, he made no attempt to lay down the law on whom he wanted. As put up to the leaders, the choice boiled down to these basic alternatives: (1) Whether the selection should be decided primarily on vote-getting ability in this adii- tedly tough campaign; or (2) on fitness for the presidency. The debate raged behind the scenes for three days in Washington, and then was carried to Chicago by Harry Hopkins, the President's per- sonal emissary. When Hopkins left the Capital the field had been narrowed down to six pos- sibilities: Douglas, Hull, Byrnes, Speaker Bank- head, Secretary Wallace, and Governor Stark of Missouri. Eliminated on various counts were Vice-Pres- ident Jack Garner (who was neither consulted nor directly informed about what was going on throughout the secret pre-convention confer-, ring); Senator Burt Wheeler, personally objec- tionable to Roosevelt; Attorney General Bob Jackson, because he also comes from New York; Jim Farley, for the same reason; Paul McNutt, Senate Leader Alben Barkley; House Leader Sam Rayburn; and a number of lesser lightning- rod hopefuls. Reluctant Candidates TWO OF THE POSSIBILITIES definitely do not want the nomination-Hull and Doug- las. It will take a personal plea from Roosevelt to persuade them to run, and he'll have to do some tall talking. Both have stated categorically they want to be left alone. Hull even has gone to the length of sending a personal emissary to Chicago to give empha- sis to his disclaimers. The secret emissary is Albert Gore, young Congressman from Carthage, Tenn., ,who holds the seat Hull filled for many years °in the House. Gore is not a delegate and did not intend to go to the convention until Hull asked him to do so last Wednesday. He summoned Gore to the State Department, told him that he did not want the vice-pres-' idency and was determined to retire to private, life after he stepped out of the Cabinet. He also gave Gore certain personal reasons, which the young Congressman told his wife were so pri- vate he could not even repeat them to her. "I have only one desire, Albert," Hull declared with deep feeling, as he paced back and forth, "and that is to spend the rest of my life as a private citizen promoting peace among the peo- ples of the world. I don't want to stay in politics any longer. I don't want to run for anything, not even for President. I want to work as a private citizen for peace and goodwill amoritN men. Humanity needs that so desperately." Note-If Douglas is nominated the news will come to him at his old home in Washington State, where he is vacationing with his wife and two children. Third-Termer Ickes THE MAN who can claim credit for being the first to propose a third term, and for con- stantly gouging and pushing the President into running, is his hell-and-high-water Secretary of the Interior, Harold Ickes. Ickes first proposed that Roosevelt run again in a radio broadcast on July 15, 1938. At his next press conference, Ickes faced a barrage of questions. "Was that talk inspired by any out- side source?" he was asked. "Of course not; I thought it up all by myself." "Did you ever speak to anybody beforehand?" "No, I didn't ask Papa whether I could say it," Ickes shot back. Ickes followed this with an article in Look magazine given wide publicity, in which he cited reasons for a third term, and he kept hammering the idea home every chance he got. Right on the eve of the convention he debated the issue with Alf Landon in newspaper articles for "The American Forum." Ickes still says, however, that at no time did he ever get any definite word from "Papa." McNutt Hoodoo Federal Security Administrator Paull McNutt certainly is the jinx candidate of the Democrats. Every time things seemed to be picking up for the Hoosier Apollo, up popped some break' of hard luck that knocked his burning presiden- tial ambitions galley-west. The last time that happened was after Wendell Willkie's nomina- tion. To Administrationites this was a startling blow. But to the McNutt camp it looked like the happy turn they had been waiting for so long. The GOP nominee is an Indianan, and the McNutt camp figured this put their man out in front as the logical vice-presidential choice. But first R. Earl Peters, close friend of Jim Farley, threatened to challenge the election of Frank McHale as Democratic National Commit- teeman and chairman of the Indiana delega- tion. McHale is McNutt's campaign manager, and Peters charged that his election was wangled by guile. Then came the second, and finishing blow. Word leaked out that McNutt had had to pay $3,000 to settle a tax claim uncovered by Trea- sury agents during their investigation of big- shot Hoosier Democrats. The tax disclosure was the finish. After that McNutt's boom collapsed completely. Convention Chaff WOMEN ARE PLAYING a big role in this VT convention; in fact they're most important at any national political convention. In addi- tion to a record representation of 500 out of 2,000 delegates and alternates, the women also are well represented on all the important com- mittees. Eighteen women leaders in various fields are acting as an Advisory Committee to the platform makers ... Ugosvor. A. Ptt Off 1840. Ch~icago Tim1e .Ina. . #9 U S Pu ff.AU Rt.s.w "That pile of complaints about fifth columnists should be investigated -this pile has been checked and turned out to be just mother-in-laws." The New Hatch Bill * * * T WOULD BE NAIVE to suppose that the two Hatch Acts, the second of which has just been passed by the House of Representatives, will completely purify Amer- ican politics. Basic reforms are not accom- plished in wholesome degree by public support for enforcement of those laws. Public opinion has been heartily for the Hatch bills; otherwise the present one could not have been forced out of the reluctant committee and brought to passage over the opposition of en- trenched political leaders. The first measure, passed in 1939, provided penalties for using Federal office to influence the votes of WPA workers or others on Federal pay rolls. The statute which Senate and House now have added will forbid this sort of political activity among State employes paid wholly or in part with Federal funds, such as highway depart- ment workers, agricultural agents and many others. THE BANKHEAD AMENDMENT also limits political contributions to $5,000 from any individual. Wendell L. Willkie, Republican nom- inee for President, added to the pressure for enactment of the bill when he announced that gifts to his campaign fund would be limited to that amount anyway. The curb on activity of State employes already had earned the endorse- ment of President Roosevelt. Such measures, as has been said, are not self- enforcing. But the fact of their passage under the circumstances described is in itself an ear- nest of the fact that the American people want elections decided on their merits and not by an -army of office-holders using public funds. In a democracy public opinion determines political customs, and political customs determine the' character and quality of government. The pass- age of the second Hatch Act is an important -step in defining the American concept of po- litical morality. - Christian Science Monitor Vermont Offers Refuge . 0 NE OF THE most interesting experi- ments in the democratic way of liv- ing is in progress at Goddard College, in Plain- field, Vermont. It takes the form of a work and study camp, which provides an opportunity for political refugees to teach subjects upon which they are expert and for students of high school age from all parts of the United States to assim- ilate some of the best thought and culture of The Straight Dope By Himself Br itish Will Invincible By KIRKE L. SIMPSON (Associated Press Staff Writer) Prime Minister Churchill places the British national will to fight first among the weapons of defense mus- tered in a month of dreadful expec- tancy of German blitzkrieg. "Hitler has not yet been withstood by a great nation with a will power the equal of his own," Churchill said in a new worldwide broadcast of' Britain's determination. Without that unshaken and un- shakable public will to carry on, both in England and in the vast British Empire of which it is the hub, the other weapons which the British war captain enumerated, formidable as they are, would be insufficient to back his confident forecast of British survival and ultimate victory. With it, his picture of England enduring air and sea siege for more than a year, then turning on her foe in 1942 the harnessed war powers of the Em- pire well could prove an inspired vision of what the future holds. They Must Not Guess Certainly Churchill and his cab- inet stand at a point where sheer, realistic appraisal of their assets and liabilities must guide their ac- tions and decisions. They must know, not merely guess, at the will of English men and women at home or scattered aboutdthe world to en- dure to. the end. Of other countries, including France, which have succumbed to the German war machine, Churchill said that they had "rotted from within before they were smitten from without." "How else can you explain what has happened to France, to the French army, to the French people, to the leaders of the French people?" he asked. Rest To Come There can be little doubt that the next month will bring a test of his asserted supreme confidence in Brit- ain will to fight for England foot by foot, city by city, street by street, house by house, and, beyond that even, sea by sea, around the world. History will record that the battle of Britain began June 18, 1940, with collapse of France. There remain three months or less of this year before winter intervenes in Western Europe. Its long nights, fogs and frequent storms must prove an added handicap to Germany's principal weapon of attack, air power. Brit- ain's navy and the merchant ships that are England's lifeline use the seas in all weathers. Crises To Pass Three months of endurance well might see England past the crisis. That is the meaning of Churchill's summary of her readiness now, as she was not a month ago, to meet whatever is to come. And it is a very imposing aggregate of defensive battle strength that he listed. England is garrisoned by nearly half a million more troops today than the armies of the whole British Em- pire and their trained reserves repre- sented at the outset of the war. Ex- clusive of the "home guard," a mil- lion strong, formed to meet "fifth column" attack of any nature, she has 1,500,000 mobile army forces un- der arms by Churchill's count. She has a thousand ships of war at sea, he said, and the merchant tonnage under her flag is greater than when she entered the war, Commercial Club Will MeetTonight DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN. All notices for the Daily Official Bulletin are to be sent to the Office' of the Summer Session before 3:30 P.M. of the day preceding its pub-; lication except on Saturday, when the notices should be submitted be- fore 11:30 A.M. Pi Lambda Theta formal initiation' dinner will be held Wednesday, July 17, at 6:30 o'clock, at the Michigan League, in the Henderson Room. Members please make dinner reser- vations with Mrs. Sarah Olmstead,. phone 8489, not later than Tuesday noon, July 16. Phi Delta Kappa will hold its weekly luncheon today at 12:101 in the Michigan Union. Dr. William C. Bagley of Columbia University will be the speaker. A preview of school films is be- ing held in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. daily, until July 25. The film to be presented Tuesday, July 16 in- cludes Social Studies as its area of interest. Mathematics Club will meet today at 4 p.m., in 3011 Angell Hall. Pro- gram: Professor Dushnik will speak on "Partially Ordered Sets and Fami- lies of Sets of Points," and Professor Coe, on "Remarks on Maxima and Minima."All those interested are cor-' dially invited to attend. A Lecture, "The Michigan Coopera- tive Teacher Education Study-Prob- lems and Prospects," will be given by Harvey L. Turner, Director of Michi- gan Study of Teacher Education, in the University High School Auditori- um, at 4:05 p.m. today. "Talent in Motion," is the lecture to be given by Dumas Malone, Direc- tor of the Harvard University Press, in the Rackhm Lecture Hall, at 4:15 p.m. today. WhyPeople Do Not Get Jobs When There Are Jobs. The second in this series of lectures will be given this evening, at 7:00 p.m. in the Rack- ham Lecture Hall by Dr. T. Luther Purdom. All those interested are invited to attend. There will be an illustrated lecture dealing with personality qualities of individuals, showing the weaknesses and the strengths of students. The Graduate Commercial Club will hold its weekly meeting today in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building at 8 p.m. Mr. Fern, State Director of Vocational Education, will be the speaker. Re- freshments will be served. All com- mercial teachers are cordially in- vited to attend. Mentor L. Williams, University of Michigan, will give a lecture, "Am- erican Humor and National Sanity," in the Rackham Lecture Hall at 8:15 p.m. today. Faculty Concert. The second fac- ulty concert in the summer series will be given this evening, July 16, in Hill Auditorium, at 8:30 p.m. On this occasion, Professor Mabel Ross Rhead, pianist, will be heard. The general public is invited to at- tend without admission charge. The Summer Session Excursion to Greenfield Village will be held on Wednesday, July 17. Buses leave at 1:00 p.m. from State Street, in n the Pomnean Room in the Rack- lam Building, on Wednesday, July 7, from 3 to 5:30. Graduate Speech Students: A Speech Symposium of rhetoric and ratory will be held Wednesday, July 17, at 4 p.m. in the Men's Lounge of the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies. Chemistry Lecture. The third in the series of chemistry lectures will be given by Professor L. O. Brock- way on Wednesday, July 17 at 4:15 p.m. in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. Subject: "Ster- eochemistry of the Heavy Metals." Physical Education. Mixer will be held at the Women's Athletic Building on Wednesday, July 17, at 6 o'clock. Tickets at 50c may be obtained from: Roberta Jones, H. A. Oliphant, Donald Farnum, and Mar- tha Pierce (3200C UHS). After sup- per is served recreational games will be played. Come prepared to parti- cipate. Cercle Francais. Meeting at 4 o'clock Wednesday at the Foyer Francais, 1414 Washtenaw Avenue. Professor Rene Talamon will give an informal talk entitled "Coutumes- Francaises, Coutumes-Americaines." The Cercle cordially invited students of the French Department to attend this meeting. Refreshments. Violin Recital. John Shenaut, vio- linist, of Galesburg, Illinois, will be heard in recital Wednesday eve- ning, July 17, at 8:15 o'clock in the School of Music Auditorium, in par- tial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master ofMusic degree. The general public is invited to attend. "Two on at Island" by Elmer Rice, will open Wednesday, July 17, at 8:30 p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn The- atre. Other performances will be given on Thursday, Friday and Sat- urday nights. This is the fourth production of the Michigan Repertory Players of the Department of Speech. Tickets are available at the box- office (phone 6300); prices are 75c, 50c, and 35c. Students, College of Engineering: Saturday, July 20th, will be the final day for dropping a course without record in the summer session., Courses may be dropped only with permis- sion of the classifier after confer- ence with the instructor. Exhibition of American Painting presented by the graduate study pro- gram in American Culture and Insti- tutions is being held in the Rackham Building through July 31, daily ex- cept Sunday, 2-5 p.m. and 7- pm. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received notice of the following Michigan State Civil Service Exam- inations. In each case, the last date for filing application is noted: Highway Maintenance Foreman 1 $150-$190 per mo. July 24, 1940. . Liquor Warehouseman A-$130- $150 per mo. July 24, 1940 Economic Analyst 1-$150-$190 per mo. July 24, 1940 Domestic C1.-$95-$110 per mo. July 24, 1940 Further information may be found on file at the University Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, of- fice hours 9-12, 2-4. Preliminaries for the doctorate in the School of Education will be held on August 19, 20 and 21. Any grad- uate student desiring to take these examinations should notify my of- fice, Room 4002 University ,High School Building, by July 23., Clifford Woody, Chairman of Committee on Graduate Study in Education Home Lpans: The University In- vestment Office, 100 South Wing, will be glad to consult with anyone con- sidering building or buying a home or refinancing existing mortgages. 'The University has money to loan on mortgages and is eligible to make F.H.A. loans. Palyi Discusses Nazi Menace (CGntinued from Page 1) unavailable to all industries not en- gaged in producing armaments. They have fbr years been operating far beyond theoretical capacity, and the machinery needs replacing badly. If she is to exist without the help of other countries she will have to maintain her present economic sys- tem of low wages, long hours, com- pletely planned economy as she ex- ploits every resource available in re- capitalizing her industrial system. .South America is the one territory today from which it is possible for Germany to secure raw materials outside her boundaries. Germany de- rives little aid from Russia since that country's rapid rate of-indus- trialization swallows almost all her natural resources. South America is ready and wait- ing for Germany, he said. The N ORDER TO SPARE the faithful reader all undue suspense this pleasant morn, we will state now that we are going to write a column of literary criticism. We always wanted to write a column of literary criticism and anyway we have a -date coming up with the lady editor of a literary magazine and we believe in prepara- tion in spite of not having belonged to the Boy Scouts. ("Be Prepared" is a swell motto but that stuff about "physically fit, . mentally alert (?) and morally straight" was too much for a youth who wanted to be a newspaperman.) Now this literary criticism that we are about to write is not going to be either effete or pro- letarian. No sir, we are not going to touch upon Kenneth Fearing or Stephen Spender or half a dozen other gentlemen whose chief purpose, in writing poetry seems to be the mystification of a reasonably busy man like your beloved hack. Those gentlemen may have their innings with my critical brothers who can afford to spend a leisurely week or so pounding out phrases that will live in the memories of those fool enough to read them. We are going to write critically abeit Mr. William Shakespeare, no less. We are going to discuss for your benefit the Sonnets. No mere matter of a play will satisfy us at this juncture. The Sonnets it has to be and the sooner the better. The best part about cri- ticizing the Sonnets is that everybody agrees that the Sonnets are the real stuff and thbee is no minority ready to knock off my critical head when and if I agree. To the Sonnets then. Our favorite is number nineteen which deals with the subject of lust. This is a favorite subject with brother Shakes- peare and one which he handles superbly. Jle really knew his stuff on this subject we want to tell you. When William of Stratford spoke about "Th' expense of spirit in a waste of shame"' he wasn't kidding. He calls it every- The experiment apparently has already met with thing he can lay his tongue to. "Perjured, mur- derous, bloody, full of shame, savage, extreme, cruel, not to trust . . . despised straight" are only a few of the names he applies. But what we like most are the last two lines. After calling this ever-with-us emotion all the names in the book he winds up this way: "All this the world well knows; yet none knows well Toshun the heaven that leads men to this hell." Nice huh? We also go for William's estimate of him- self. He was the greatest poet in the world of his time and he knew it. He was bothered with no more modesty than a columnist, and with fewer scruples than an editor. He called himself good in his best poetry and made the world like it for the better part of two hundred and fifty years. Observe his estimate of himself. In his first sonnet he announces that the object of his love will never perish or grow old in men's hearts simply because he has written of her. It seems to have been a good guess. "So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives this and, and this gives life to thee." Self-confidence, that's what we call it. Of course, it's a nice little couplet too, but gad, the ego of the man that wrote it. That is surely the stuff that gods are made of. Could Edgar Guest write such lines? No! Nor would we be sincere if we did not men- tion our fondness for number two of the cytle which begins so aptly, "When in disgrace with Fortune and men's eyes,. I all alone beweep my outcast state," and goes on from that to pile up woes which