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July 13, 1940 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1940-07-13

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Chick Sanchez
K.O.'s Gilmore
In 5th Round
Jack Dempsey Sees Fight
From Ringside; Looks
To Be In Fine Condition
(Continued from Page 1)
he stepped in for the kill--and it
was curtains for Gilmore.
Popular Harvey Wickers, Ann Ar-
bor featherweight, satisfied the local
partisans when he dropped Gordon
Ross, of Detroit, in short order at-
2.40 of the first round in the opening
Other results in Promoter Ross
Marlin's second card this summer at
Sportsman Park were: Robert Gun-
ther, Grand Rapids, lightweight,
and Willie Cutsinger, Columbus,
draw; Arnold Pillen, Flint, Heavy-
weight, decision over Eddie Pierz,
of Detroit; Bobbie Neil, feather-
weight, of Detroit, over Albert Ad-
ams, of Flint, knockout in 2:15 of
second round; Tommy Jlisko, Sag-
inaw, middleweight, decision over
Gib Jones, of Cincinnati.
Dempsey made no comment on
the reported challenge he had issued
to Gene Tunney to box for the
benefit of the Red Cross. It was
apparent no reply had been received.
When asked what he thought
about college boxing, he said he had
been favorably impressed by the
fighters he had seen in Virginia,
North Carolina and on the West
Coast. He explained its failure to
catch on "in a big way" with, "most
people I know generally go to col-
lege for an education."
Child Guidance
Institute Plans
U.P. Campaign
The Michigan Child Guidance In-
stitute, headed by Dr. Lowell J. Carr,
will complete an important part of
its campaign to make Michigian
communities aware of the need for
guidance work, when .its experts go
into the Upper Peninsula this sum-
mer, on the invitation of Dr. Earl
H. Campbell, superintendent of the
Newberry State Hospital.
The three-year-old-and rapidly
growing-Institute will work in Luce,
Delta and Chippewa counties in a
program to increase coordination be-
tween agencies handling child be-
havior cases. Highlight of the cam-
paign will be a series of demonstra-
tion clinics to be conducted from
July 22 to Sept. 23.
(The local Institute and similar
state agencies concern themselves
with "problem children" that are re-
ferred to them by juvenile courts,
schools and social-work agencies. The
Michigan Instiute is primarly a re-
search and education nucleus for a
state-wide network of guidance
Institute social workers, and psy-
chologist Joseph Goodrich plan to
start work in the Soo July 22, go on
to Escanaba about August 12 and
reach Newberry about Sept. 3.
Treatment planning conferences in
Ann Arbor will follow the demon-
stration clinics to consider specific
recommendations and coordination
suggestions. These are scheduled for
the week of Sept. 30.
The summer tour has been as-
sured full cooperation by Superin-
tendent of Schools C. L. Bystrom, in

McMillan, Supt. John A. Lemer in
Escanaba, and Supt. G. G. Malcolm,
Sault Ste. Marie. Similar assurances
have come from welfare boards,
health units and jucenile courts.
Religious Plan
Of University
(Continued from Page 1)
program of the church in slum, in-
dustrial and urban areas.,
Revivalism has, been a technique
for extending religion with the ex-
panding frontier and increasing
church membership, Dr. William W.
Sweet of the Divinity School of the
University of Chicago analyzed in his.
description of the development of
American denominations in the last
of his series of four lectures on the
theme, "The Church and National
Rabbi Louis Binstock of Temple
Sholom of Chicago listed the scholar
as the hero of the Hebrew people,
and religion as the basis of all edu?
cation in his description of "The
Education of Jewish Children" in
yesterday's lecture.
The Jewish religion not only in-
volves ethics but includes practically
every phase of life, he continued. Fur-
nished with the content, conscious-
ness and character of the people, the

Col JWaters A 11(1Fresh A ir A re Iiveii 'lo CigN,- Ri- ys

Camp Custer
Panzer Units
War Department Studies
Plans For Mechanized"
Division InMichigan
(By the Associated Press)
Michigan became today a likely
vital locale for the training, as well
as the equipping, of America's new
mechanized and mobile army.
War department plans to make of
Camp Custer a strategic defense and
training point were devulged, and
two emissaries planned to leave
Washington today for Battle Creek
to carry forward the project.'
Congressman Paul W. Shafer sent
word at noon from Selfridge field,
Mt. Clemens, that he and Maj. Ar-
thur Wilson of the army general
staff would arrive in Battle Creek
by army plane late this afternoon.
Rep. Shafer, member of the House
military affairs committee, disclosed
in Washington last night that the
War Department planned to estab-
lish in Camp Custer a mechanized
division of approximately 12,000 men.
Would Be Major Base
Thus Camp Custer, heretofore used
mainly for summer exercises, would
be turned into one of the country's
chief army bases and would take a
place beside Selfridge Field, near Mt.
Clemens,as a major post in Ameri-
ca's defense system.
For some time Michigan's industry
has been at work on armament and
equipment, a phase of national de-
fense in which the state excels.
Doubling the size of Camp Custer
and the creation of combat units
with "all sorts of mechanized equip-
ment," are contemplated, Shafer,
said. The equipment, he said, would
include blacksmith and machine
shops and kitchens on wheels.
Republicans Get Song.
WASHINGTON, July 12.-(P)-
Irving Berlin, writer of the song
"God Bless America," today granted
the Republicans the right to use the
song in the Wendell Willkie cam-
1 _________________ ___

__.. .


- ,..;


phone 8489, notI
noon, July 16.

from Page 3)

later than Tuesday

Swimming and waterfront work, though by far the most popular of the many activites at the Univer-
sity Fresh Air Camp, are but one phase of a well-round ed program offered to under-privileged boys at the
Patterson Lake camp. Boys and counselors will canvas s the campus Tuesday in their annual Tag Day drive.

The Graduate Commercial Club
will hold its weekly meeting Tues-
day, July 16, in the West Conference
Room of the Rackham Building at
8 p.m. Mr. Fern, State Director of
Vocational Education, will be the
speaker. Refreshments will be served.
All commercial teachers are cordially
invited to attend.
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Except under
extraordinary circumstances, courses
dropped after today will be recorded
with a grade of E.
Notice to prospective teachers of
modern foreign languages in the sec-
ondary schools of the State of New
York. The State Education Depart-
ment at Albany will hold qualifying
examinations in French, German,
Spanish, and Italian on August 3,
1940, which may be taken in Ann
Arbor by candidates enrolled in the
Summer Session. Those interested
should register at once in the office
of tieher the Department of Romance-
Languages or the Department of Ger-
man. A circular describing the na-
ture and purpose of these examina-
tions is posted on the bulletin board
of the Department of Romance
College of Literature, Science, and
The Arts, School of Music, and
School of Education: Students who
received marks of I or X at the close
of their last semester or summer
session of attendance will receive a
grade of E in the course unless this
work is made up by July 24th. Stu-
dents wishing an extension of time
beyond this date in order to make
up the work should file a petition
addressed to the appropriate official
in their school with Room 4 U. H.
where it will be transmitted. The
petition must carry the written ap-

proval of the instructor concerned.
School of Education Students (Un-
dergraduate): Courses dropped after
today will be recorded with the grade
E except under extraordinary cir-
cumstances. No course is considered
officially dropped unless it has been
reported in the office of the Regis-
trar, Room 4 University Hall.
Exhibition of American Painting
presented by the graduate study pro-
gram in American Culture and Insti-
tutions is being held in the Rackham
Building through July 31, daily ex-
cept Sunday, 2-5 p.m. and 7-10 p.m.
Deutsches Haus: Reservations for
meals may still be made by calling
Dr. Otto G. Graf, 300 S. W. or the
German Office, 204 U. H.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Michigan State Civil Service Exam-
inations. In each case, the last date
for filing application is noted:
Highway Maintenance Foreman 1
$150-$190 per mo. Jnly 24, 1940
Liquor Warehouseman A-$130-
$150 per mo. July 24, 1940
Economic Analyst 1-$150-$190 per
mo. July 24, 1940
Domestic Cl.-$95-$110 per mo.
July 24, 1940
Further information may be found
on file at the University Bureau of
Appoihtments, 201 Mason Hall, of-
fice hours 9-12, 2-4.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
Brooklyn Hurler Recovers
JOHNSTOWN, PA., July 12.-OM))
-Hugh Casey, Brooklyn Dodged
pitcher who suffered a mild brain
concussion when he was beaned in
an exhibition game Wednesday night,
will be released from a hospital to-
morrow or Saturday, his physician
said today. Casey will rejoin the
Dodgers in Pittsburgh but probably
will not be able to play for a week
or more, the physician added.

Community Theatre White Hope
Of American Stage, Itkin Says

Asserting strongly that the Ameri-
can theatre is still very much alive,
David B. Itkin, director of "Beyond
the Horizon," declared in an inter-
view yesterday that "the )university
and community theatres and not the
great New York show houses are the
real hope of the American drama
The professional theatre may be
dead, he said, but as long as there
exsists in the United States organiz-
ations like the Michigan Repertory
players we shall continue to have an
American theatre.
"The main trouble with the pro-
fessional theatre," Mr. Itkinpointed
out, "is its insincerity. Actors and
directors too keep the box office to
strongly in mind, instead of working
for art they work for money-and
the theatre suffers."
In the community theatre like the
ones at Dallas, Cleveland, and Pase-
dena, and in the university theatres,
French War Film
To Be Shown Here
Second of four programs being
held this summer by the Art Cinemo
League, "Grand Illusion", the French
film rated the best produced in any
country in 1939, will be shown at
8:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Rackham
Schoo lauditorium.
A war film with no fighting scenes,
"Grand Illusion" was written and
directed by the famed French di-
rector Jean Renoir. The cast includes
such stars as Jean Gabin, Pierre
Fresnay, Eric von Stroheim, Dita
Parlo and Dalio..
The dialogue of the film is spoken
in French, German and English, with
complete English sub-titles provid-
ed. Short subjects will also be shown.

he explained, the directors and actors
work with just one object in mind-
to put on a good show. "The result,"
he observed, "is sincerity, simplicity,
reality, and 'art'."
American playwrights are great,
Mr. Itkin asserted. "Eugene O'Neill
and Maxwell Anderson have proven
themselves men of considerable abil-
ity and Clifford Odets shows much
promise. Elmer Rice and George S.
Kaufman are good," he continued,
"but their plays tend to become dat-
"Some individuals," he exclaimed,
"call this a 'Golden Age' of the drama
but I don't like to term it as such.
Rather I should like to feel that
the golden age playwrights of today
will serve as an inspiration to the
young men who will follow."
Mr. Itkin, a former member of the
Moscow Art Theatre, is at present
at DePaul University and a director
in the Goodman Theatre in Chi-
cago. This summer he is teaching
a number of courses at the University
and is taking part in the Michigan
Repertory Players program. He will
have one of the leading roles in
next week's production of Elmer
Rice's "Two on an Island".
'Even Pups Is Dogs,'
Health Director Rules
LANSING, July 12.-((/P))-"Dogs
is dogs-even if they are only pups."
Dr. Arthur Newitt, state depart-
ment of health director of epidemiol-
ogy, who is supervising a dog quaran-
tine 47 Michigan counties, said to-
day, Mrs. Warren Hosmer, Lansing
dog warden, was in error recently
when she said that a puppy was
exempt from the quarantine because
it was not a dog until it was three
months old.
"He's a dog when he's born as for
as we are concerned," said Dr. Newitt.

In The Majors
Cincinnati ........47 23 .671
Brooklyn .........45 24 .652
New York ........ 41 28 .594;
Chicago ..........40 38 .513
Pittsburgh........ 29 40 .420;
St. Louis .........27 41 .397,
Boston...........26 41 .388
Philadelphia......25 45 .357
Friday's Results:
Chicago 2, Boston 0
Philadelphia 6. Pittsburgh 3
Brooklyn at Cincinnati, rain
Only Games Scheduled
Saturday's Games:
Brooklyn at Cincinnati (2)
New York at St. Louis (2)
Boston at Chicago
Philadelphia at Pittsburgh
Cleveland .........47 29 .619
Detroit ...........44 28 .611
Boston...........42 31 .575
New York ........ 38 34 .528
Chicago ..........32 38 .457
St. Louis......... 33 45 .423
Washington ..... 31 46 .403
Philadelphia ......29 45 .388
Friday's Results:
Detroit at Washington, rain
Clevelanda1, Philadelphia 0
St. Louis at New York, rain
Chicago at Boston, rain
Saturday's Games:
Detroit at Washington (2)
St. Louis at New York (2)
Chicago at Boston (2)
Cleveland at Philadelphia

d-- --







Theodore Schmale, Pastor.
432 South Fourth Avenue. Dial 8498.
9:00 A.M. Service in German.
9:30 A.M. Church. School.
10:30 A.M. Morning Worship. The sermon will
be "Jesus, the Law, and the Prophet."


512 East Huron
Rev. C. H. Loucks, Minister.
Mr. Walter Kimble, Minister of Music.
10:30 A.M. The Church at Worship. Sermon
Topic: "What Is Man?"
Kindergarten and Primary Departments meet
during the worship service. All classes meet
for a half hour session.
11:30 A.M. The Church at Study.
6:15 A.M. Roger Williams Guild. Dr. 0. D.
Foster will speak on "Religion in Mexico" and
will show pictures of that country.

750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1240 KC- NBC Blue 1030 KC - Mutual
Saturday Afternoon
12:00 Keyboard Capers Buck Rogers News Ace Tenor
12:15 Health Highways " Marguerite Werner ,"
12:30 Melodies Bradcast Police Field Day News Ace
12:45 " Your Treat Fan on the Street Health League
1:00 Vera Brodsky Your Gpvernment Ray Kinney Orch. "Might Be You"
1:15 " Dance Music " Organ
1:30 Follies World's Fair Band Lunch at Waldorf Noble's Orchestra
1:45 " " F.H.A. Speaker
2:00, U.S. Mar. Band Dance Music Irving Miller Orch. London Calling
2:15 ~ ,
2:30 News; Music " Nat'l Music Camp "o
2:45 Keyb'd, Console Tiger Talk
3:00 Bull Session Detroit at Wash. Club Matinee News; Songs
3:15 " " " Melody; Turf
3:30 Handicap Race "tJamboree
3:45 Quartet Ito "
4:00 Buffalo Presents " Gus Steck Orch. "
4:15 "t
4:30 Nat Brandywine " R'ythm by Ricardo Reynold's Orch.
4:45 "" " Tea Dance Tunes
5:00 News; Warner Don Alberto Orch. Cecil Golly Orch. News; Rhythm -
5:15 Yella Pessl News" The Turf Club
5:30 Musical Religion in News Day In Review Rumanian Hour
5.15 News Reel Merle Clark The Sandlotters
Saturday Evening

LOST-A pair of glasses; flesh-
colored shell rims; in soft, brown
leather case. Nobody knows where,
but if you do please call Guttman,
2-3241. Pittance for reward. Can't
study until found.
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at a low price.
LAUNDRY - Students' laundry.
Shirts 12c. Phone 4863 for other
prices. Cash and carry. Mrs. Rich-
607 Hoover Phone 5594
Free pickups and deliveries
Price List
All articles washed and ironed.
Shirts ...................... .14
Undershirts ................ .04
Pajama Suits................10.
Socks, pair ..............03
Handkerchiefs .............. .02
Bath Towels ................ .03
All Work Guaranteed
Also special prices on Coed's laun-
dries. All bundles done separately.
No markings. Silks, wools our
specialty. 14
APARTMENT with private bath and
shower. Also lovely room with ad-
joining lavatory. Shower bath.
Continuous hot water. Phone 8544.
422 E. Washington.

1432 Washtenaw Avenue. Dial 2-4466.
William P. Lemon, D.D., Minister.
Lillian Dilts, Assistant.
William N. Barnard, Director of Music.
10:45 A.M. Church School. The School will meet
at the hour of Morning Worship and will
consist of two groups. The Kindergarten and
Primary Departments will be combined and
all others will attend a Junior Church Service.
10:45 A.M. Morning Worship Service. "Revised
Judgements" will be the subject of the ser-
mon by Dr. W. P. Lemon.
5:30 P.M. Sunday Evening Vespers. "The Bible
of the World" (a dramatic production with
choral readings, music, and nationals in cos-
tume will be presented in the Out-of-Door
Theatre at 6:30 o'clock). A cost supper at,

409 South Division Street
Sunday, 10:30 A.M. Services.
11:45 A.M. Sunday School.
iednesday, 7:30 P.M. Wednesday Evening Meet-

Division at Catherine Street
Rev. Henry Lewis, Rector
Rev. Frederick W. Leech, Assistant Minister.
8:00 A.M. Holy Communion.
11:00 A.M. Morning Prayer and Sermon by the
Reverend Henry Lewis.
11:00 A.M. Kindergarten, Church Office Build-
5:00 P.M. Student Picnic at the home of the
Rev. and Mrs. Frederick W. Leech, 1505
Ottawa Drive. Professor Wesley H. Maurer
will lead a discussion on "An Analysis of the
Conflicts of Today." Cars leave Harris Hall
at 5 p.m.

6:00 Stevenson News
6:15 Inside of Sports
6:30 Gay Nineties
6:45 "1
7:00 Sky Blazers
7:30 News-to Life
7:45 "
8:00 Your Hit Parade
8:30 1" 4

Sport Review
European News
I Want A Job
Michigan Hgwys
Studio Feature
S. L. A. Marshall
Detroit Police
Nat'l Barn Dance

Benny Kyte Orch.
t "
Record Review
Town Talk
Bourbonnais Orch.
The Marriage Club
Gabriel Heatter
Al Donahue Orch.
Grant Park Conc't

Sons of the Saddle
News-Val Clare
Meet the Author
Nobody's Children
Evening Prelude
Choral Festival

State St. between Washington and Huron.
Ministers: Charles W. Brashares,
J. Edward Lantz.
Music: Hardin Van Deursen, director of choir;
Mary Porter, organist.
9:30 A.M. Student Class. Wesley Foundation
Assembly Room. "The Bible and Literaiture."
Miss Mildred Sweet, leader.
10:40 A.M. Church School for small children-
Nursery, Beginners, Primary. Parents wish-
ing to leave small children in one of these
departments while attending church may feel
free to do so.
10:40 A.M. Morning Worship.

State and William Streets.
Leonard A. Parr, D.D., Minister.
Director of Music, Donn Chown.
Organist, Mrs. Mary McCall Stubbins.
10:45 A.M. Public Worship. Dr. Parr will speak

TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or



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