TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURPAY, JOLT'' 13, 1940 TWO SA TLTRDAY, JULY 13, 19441 a" E MICHIGAN DAILY ! . The Straight Dope By Himself I _ i Ii Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the Tlntversity year and Summer Session. eMember of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All f3ghts of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. tered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, #.0O; lay mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVE,,SING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publshers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO BOSTO . LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939.40 Editorial Staff l anaging Editor .............. Carl Petersen City Editor ..... ,...... Norman A. Schorr Associate Editors ...........Harry M. Kelsey, Karl Kessler, Albert P. Blau- stein, Morton C. Jampel, Su- zanne Potter. Business Staff 'usiness Manager ............ Jane E. Mowers Assistant Manager .... . ......Irving Guttman NIGHT EDITORS: KESSLER-KELSEY BritiSh Control Of Gibraltar .. . T HE BRITISH BLOCKADE of the continent of Europe is fairly effec- tive. The British blockade of the Mediterranean, and thus particularly of Italy, is much more so. Controlling both Gibraltar and Suez, Britain 'can virtually prevent supplies from reaching Italy by sea. Italy is not self-sufficient. It must import to live. So, for that matter, must Ger- many. A swift conquest of the British Isles by Germany would breakcthe blockade all right, but if it did not 'succeed quickly, the sealing of the Mediterranean might begin to tell heavily on Italy. FOR THIS REASON, there is talk of a joint German-Italian attack on Gibraltar. The aim would be to open a doorway into the At- lantic. Unless and until this is done, the Italian 'Navy cannot be of much use in an attack on the British Isles, for it cannot get out to join in such an attack. It is therefore possible, though by no means certain, that a move against Gibraltar may pre- cede a move against England itself. There are said to be 60,000 Germans in Spain in civilian clothes, awaiting only the order to stand forth as three Nazi divisions. Thus, if Franco, under pressure, should still refuse to abandon his neu- trality, the Nazis within, and Nazis and Italians without, could soon bring him to reason. the more so as there are said already to be heavy German troop concentrations at the Spanish frontier, just inside France. From Spain, the Axis could enter Portugal, seize its ports, and keep the British Navy away from the coast. Thus Gibraltar itself would be blockaded. Eventually, it could perhaps be taken from sea and air by storm. ANOTHER WAY for the Axis to break out of the Mediterranean blockade would be to take Suez. But Suez, for the present, seems to be even more strongly held than Gibraltar. Our guess is, therefore, that unless Hitler and Mussolini decide t6 try- to invade England itself in the near future, a series of moves against Gibraltar is altogether likely. If that is the plan, it would help to explain the screams of rage and pain that arose from 'Berlin and Rome when the British seized most of the French fleet. They had wanted to use those ships themselves. Now Britain has them. What a dirty trick for the British to play on the ever-victorious dictators! -Chicago Daily News War Propaganda And Journalism .. . A MID THE tremendous shocks of Germany's offensive one feature of British journalism has not yet received as much attention as it deserves. It is a little thing, per- haps; but it is one of those little things that reflect the temper and fiber of a people most eloquently. Every day, the very blackest not excepted, one has been able to read in the British press full text of German war communiques. German claims and interpretations might be disputed in other columns of news and commentary. But the hostile communique was spread out for all to read without a single deletion. One has an idea that a people which can take the very worst of its bad news with so little sugarcoating will not be easily beaten. It is just when every citizen can see the worst interpreta- tion of the situation, without being reduced by censorship to feed on uncertain rumors, that there is every likelihood of a tonic resolution to make the united effort required to change the bad news into good news. MORE AND MORE OF THE FOREIGN NEWS that comes through approaches the disgust- ing. The battles were bad enough; but battles are after all fought between men. The history of betrayal, bribery, machination and oppression that has followed the battles is indeed a sad and nauseating view of human motives and means. We expect the Germans to oppress cap- tive populations; we did not expect the French to kill off their own. On the matter of German oppression a slight- ly amusing item comes from Amsterdam where a prominent burgher has just bee fined and un- translateable amount and sent to prison for three years. His crime was that he counselled the women employes in his department store not to have dates with the German soldiers quart- ered in the city. For ,a moment we thougt the Labor Relations Act has been transferred to Holland (well, what do you call it now?) but it seems the unfortunate capitalist insulted the German army not wage slaves. Three years for that crime does not seem excessive to the Ger- mans. H, to be soldier in Amsterdam, now that June is here. What, gentle reader do you suppose happens to the Dutch maiden who does more than insult, and rejects entirely the German armed forces. The prospect, even for our Rabelaisian eye, is not a pretty one. Loaded dice always take all the fun out of the game to our way of thinking. Perhaps the Germans don't feel that way. Another item which we present here with- out comment also comes from Holland. The Dutch estimate of casualties suffered in the bombardment of Rotterdam comes to 100,000. The'British estimate comes to thirty thousand. The recently released German figures put total casualties at 354. As Saroyan says, "We all know what the truth is, we just can't put it into words." Or figures either, it seems. WORD of apology to our readers who read French. We are now aware that we spelled Travail wrong the other day. According to the best newspaper ethics we should blame it on the linotyper or the proof reads, but it isn't their fault. We just naturally spelled it wrong. Our source was an (P) dispatch and they spelled it right but we spelled it wrong. We know better, but we did it anyway. Are you satisfied Mr. Reichenbach? Returning to the war we note with some alarm that the French aircraft carrier, now encircled by British ships at Martiique in the West Indies may set sail for New Or- leans and be interned there. Internment means being out of action until the end of the war. Doubtless the British would wel- come this consumation devoutly, but for the United States to have the task of stopping French, read Fascist hereafter, propaganda in New Orleans, which has already been blessed with a loud-mouthed German con- sul-general, is no light matter. The fact that of, our 'danger of envolvement in war. It such a situation may exsist is proof enough probably ;doesn't mean athing, but we don't like it. 'Europe is indeed too close to us these days. T LONG LAST Soviet has found a friend. During the Litvinoff regime when she at- tended strictly to her own business and act- ually was a force for peace none of Europe had any use for her. Now, however, that she has invaded, Finland, Latvia, Esthonia, Lith- uania, Poland and Rumania, together with pro- jected plans for the possible invasion of half a dozen other countries; now that she has ter- rorized East Europe and proposes to do the same for East Asia; now that the brains are killed off together with what remained of the human- ists; now that all this is accomplished Russia has a friend. Peace brothers, there was nevg anything like it. In the House of Commons the other day the Hon. R. A. Butler, a Secretary for For- eign Affairs, rose and remarked that "The policy of the British Government remains.. . to improve and strengthen the relations between this country -and the "U.S.S.R." There surely is -no greater leson to be lec- tured in all of international politics than is implicit in that little statement. The whir- ring noise is Machiavelli revolving in the tomb. Washington Merry-Go-Round WASHINGTON-The authors of this column have received many inquiries as to what the United States can do, if anything, to stop Hitler and help stave off the defeat which seems to be in store for England. Obviously, any real answer is extremely dif- ficult, but there follows, as best as we can give it, a diagnosis of the situation in which this nation finds itself in relation to the country from which it sprang. First, the sale of more U.S. Government war weapons is almost out of the question. Govern- ment munitions are about the only type avail- able and ready to be shipped immediately. The rest are on order with private manufacturers, but cannot be delivered until probably too late to be of any aid to England. At present, munitions owned by the United States Army and Navy cannot be sold until it is certified that they are in no way needed for our national defense. And since we are using every possible factory in a preparedness program, it is difficult if not impossible to find anything which can be spared for Great Brit 3n. The two weapons which Britain needs most of all are airplanes, to prevent bombing attacks over her isles; and small naval vessels to inter- cept Nazi submarines. Regarding these, Con- gress has clamped down on the sale of airplanes, while the Justice Department has ruled out the sale of about twenty small mosquito boats which the Navy was willing to sell to Great Britain. Second, the sale to England of various war materials manufactured by private industry is proceeding. But this is chiefly in the form of raw or semi-manufactured goods, and can be of no immediate assistance. What the British need most, and desperately, is guns, ammunition, airplanes, tanks-already manufactured and ready to use immediately. These'are not available in any large quantity in the United States. Can England Move To Canada? Third-There have been various American proposals that the English Government should fall back on Canada, where it could rally the remairs of the British fleet and continue the war from this hemisphere. This, of course, is almost certain to pull the United States into war. It is inconceivable that fighting in the North Atlantic would not involve New England or American shipping. Already there is risk of German submarines operating off the French West Indies and involving the United States. However, assuming for the moment that the transfer of the British Government to Canada would not involve the United States, let us examine whether such a transfer actually is possible. Judging by the French experience, it would seem doubtful. Once the center of France collapsed, the Re- public of France, the people of France also col- lapsed. All leadership evaporated. French col- of the Low Countries from the British than +,,.,- i, - mace ,, Tha UNrv,- n. aa onies scattered whichever way their local leaders willed. The heart and soul of France was no more, and the body could not live without it. Probably the same would be true of the British Empire. Perhaps even more than in France, the heart and soul of Britain are those murky, rain- drenched isles which have been the center of literature, culture, government and trade for most of the English-speaking world during hun- dreds of years. If they were conquered, it is doubtful if his Majesty's fleet could rally around some other focal point. Most likely his ships would scatter among the Seven Seas. Anglo-U.S. Bitterness? Fourth, if Great Britain falls, it is very likely that the same bitterness now existent between France and Britain would break forth to ruin relations between Great Britain and the United States. It will take years for the French to forget that Great Britain did -not come to their assist- ance in their hour of need. Already a somewhat Similar resentment, whether justified or not, prevails in England toward the United States. "No, it is not your war," says the man in the streets of London, "but it will be your war as soon as we fall; just as it became solely our war after France fell." Fifth-One of the factors which created bit- terness in France was TVinston Churchill's eleventh hour offer of a union between France and Britain. It came as France was crumbling, as her last ray of hope was vanishing. So Churchill's offer met with jeers. Remembering the tardiness of Churchill's proposal, various American leaders, both inside and outside the Government,, have discussed and urged the idea of proposing such a union between Great Britain and the United States immediately.{ Such a union, they urge, would give immediate courage to the British to carry on, would bolster the few remaining free countries of Europe, and would keep in line the already wavering nations of South America, where there is no real confidence that the United States has an army or navy capable of keeping Hitler out of the Western Hemisphere-which we haven't, 'Union Now' These believers in "union now" also point out that it is a question of hanging together now, or falling as individual nations later. Just as Czechoslovakia, Poland, Norway, Denmark, Bel- gium, Holland and France, one by one were plucked by Hitler, so also will Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Ecuador, Colombia and Mexico fall to the new Empire of Germany until the United States has Europe at its very door. The distance between England and the United States today, in terms of time, is less than it was between Philadelphia and Virginia in 1776, and the slogan of "hang together or hang apart," in the opinion of many, is just as applicable today as it was in the days of the Founding Interpretive: Hitler's Move: On What Front By KIRKE L. SIMPSON (Associated Press Staff writer) Twenty-five days from its incep- tion the Battle of Britain (or rather, of England, for that is what it is) has attained such an intensity on two fronts that a new crisis in the war appears imminent. The Germans are pressing the fight in the air and underseas. A nod from Adolf Hitler may soon dis- close whether a third front is to flame into action in the form of a Nazi invasion or whether he will open a drive on a fourth front-a psychological assault on English nerves, on English will to prolong the battle. Hitler's own whereabouts could furnish a clue to the next phase of the tragic drama. If he takes the field in conquered France it would sharpen expectation of invasion in England. It would again stress to all Germans Hitler's implied if not stated pledge at the outset of the war to ask his armies to take no risks he did not share. Fourth Front Attack If a fourth front German attack is in contemplation in the form of a dramatic last-moment peace ges- ture backed by the pistol-point threat of invasion, it must come from Hitler direct. No other German voice could give it authority in Eng- lish ears sufficient to create political dissension in Britain paralleling that which led, in France, to com- plete capitulation. There have been recent intima- tions that some such Hitler move as a final prelude to "all--out" at- tack on England was anticipated in some British circles. Every recent word spoken for British ears by Prime Minister Churchill and his aides has had in it the clear purpose of counter-acting any spread of de- featism in the nation's hour of great- est peril. Despotism Is 'Potent The continuing campaign in mi- nority British political circles to drive Neville Chamberlain, former prime minister and symbol of the former "appeasement" sentiment, out of the, Churchill War Cabinet, indicates a fear that despotism still could precipitate an internal political crisis to snarl defense plans. Crushed France, re-garbed in Fas- cist trappings, lies just across the Channel, an object lesson to which Hitler could point in urging Britain to escape the final horrors of com- plete war by accepting terms, per- haps generous terms, before it was too late. Berlin is dinning claims of mounting submarine and air suc- cesses into British ears to foster public fear of starvation in England. The mounting toll of civilian casu- alties from German day-and-night. bombing raids cannot be concealed by censorship from the British re- public, yet Berlin contends she had thus struck only at military objec- tives and has made no ruthless ef- fort to shatter English civilian cour- age. Censorship Is Rigid Censorship does conceal almost completely the actual military dam- age inflicted either in England or by British counter-raids against Germany. There is no yardstick by which to reconcile conflicting Brit- ish and German reports of the price Germany is paying in planes shot down in °action over England. It is certain, however, that day- light bombing is a dangerous busi- ness, even when bombers from near- by bases in France are protected by fighter escorts. Britain's air force is outnumbered; but not yet out- fought. Germany has far from at- tained that mastery of the air that would make invasion possible with- out German losses of staggering pro- portions. That is a factor even Hit- ler must weigh. Against British Nerves It is a factor, too, that well might urge him to attempt a dramatic fourth-front attack on British nerves, harrowed by weeks of bombing on a crescendo scale, in the hope of dupli- cating in England the political col- lapse in France that swept the Rey- naud "fight-to-the-end" ministry and the ThirddRepublic successively into the discard. Parliamentary government is not dead in England; only in a state of voluntarily suspended animation. The same Parliament that hustled Chamberlain into the discard pre- sumably could rescind Churchill's dictatorial powers if a spirit of de- featism gained sway in the bomb- agonized nation. It is a point which Berlin strategists are not apt to overlook and which . only English courage could answer finally. How About Harlan? "Mexican Dead May Reach 100 in Vote Riots," is the headlineover the Mexican election story current as this editorial is written. Terrible people, those Mexicans. However, a calmer view is possible, uri-. th grl efmathpmai.s We I Grin And Bear It . ei94U. S. Pit. Of.. All.56. 5AP" "You're seeing too much of bacteria lately, you for men!" Letitia-they're spoiling DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN All notices for the Daily Official Bulletin are to be sent to the Office< of the Summer Session before 3:30 P.M. of the day preceding its pub-i lication except on Saturday when the notices should be submitted be- fore 11:30 A.M.1 Angell Hall Observatory Evenings. If the sky is clear, the moon will be shown through the telescopes of the Students Observatory on the fifth floor of Angell Hall, from 8:15 to 10, p.m. again on Saturday, July 13th. These public evenings are resricted to students in the Summer Session. "Beyond the Horizon" by Eugene O'Neill, distinguished American play- wright, will be presented Saturday night in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. This is the third produc- this ummer of the Michigan Rep- ertory Players of the Department of Speech. Prices, 75c, 50c, and 35c. Box office open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. "Aircraft Engine Fuel Feeds" by Mr. F. C. Mock, Bendix Aviation Cor- poration and "High Octane Fuels" by Mr. W. G. Lovell, General Motors Research, are the lectures to be given in connection with,the Internal Com- bustion Engine Institute, in the Am- phitheater, Rackham Building this morning at 9 a.m. Graduate Record Program will be held .today, July 13 in the Men's Lounge of the Rackham Building from 3 to 5 p.m. The program will consist of the Oberon Overture by Von Weber, Suite from "Carmen" by Bizet, Suite for Strings and Wood- winds by Purcell-Barbirolli, .and from Die Meistersinger by Wagner, Act I, III, Scene II. 'Mr. J. W. Peters will be in charge. Everybody wel- come. Unitarian Church. State and Hur- on Streets. 11 a.m. Sunday, Rev. Ed- win H. Wilson, of Chicago, summer minister on "Earth's Chief Enter- prise." 7:30 p.m. Panel Discussion, "What Are Science and Culture Do- ing to Christianity?", Participating, Professor R. W. Sellars and John Shepard; Rev. R. L. Mondale, Kan- sas City; Dr. F. S. Kinney, Method- ist Church, Galesburg, Mich; Profes- sor Gardner Williams, University of Toledo. First Presbyterian Chureh. 10:45 a. m. "Revised Judgements" will be the subject of the sermon by Dr. W. P. Lemon. 5:30 p.m. Sunday Evening Vespers -"The Bible of the World" (a dra- matic production with choral read- ings, music, and nationals in cos- tume will be presentde in the Out- of-Door Theatre at 6:30 o'clock). A cost supper at 5:30. First Baptist Church. 512 East Huron. C. H. Loucks, Minister. 10:30 -The Church at Worship. Sermon Topic-"What is Man?" 11:30-The Church at Study. Kin- dergarten and Primary Departments meet during the worship service. All other departments meet for a half hour session at 11:30. 6:15-Roger Williams Guild. Dr. O. D. Fostre will speak on "Religion in Mexico" and will show pictures of that country. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints: Sunday School and dis- cussion group, 9:30, Michigan Lea- at 9:30 a.m. on the theme "The Bible and Literature" led by Mildred Sweet. Wesleyan Guild Meeting at 5:30 p.m. in the Wesley Foundation Assembly Room. Refreshment and fellowship will be followed by the program at 6:15. Dr. C. W. Brashares will speak on "The Church Looks At Our Day." First Church of Christ, Scientist, 409 So. Division St. Sunday service at 10:30, subject: "Sacrament." Sun- day School at 11:45. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church- Sunday: 8 a~m. 'Holy Communion; 11 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon by the Reverand Henry Lewis; 11 a. m. Kindergarten, Church Office Building; 5 p.m. Student Picnic at the home of the Reverendand Mrs. Frederick W. Leech, 1505 Ottawa Drive. Prefessor Wesley H. Maurer will lead a discussion on "The Anal- ysis of the Conflicts of Today". Cars leave Harris Hall at 5 p.m. Lutheran Students: Rev. Yoder conducts early services at 8:30 a.m. and regular services at -1-0:30 a.m. every Sunday in Trinity Lutheran Church. Rev. Stellhorn conducts reg- ular services every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. in Zion Lutheran Church. The Lutheran Student Association for Lutheran Students and their friends will meet this Sunday for supper at the home of Katherine Bock, 2560 Jackson Ave. Gunnar Mal- min will speak on Lutheran Church music. The group will meet -at the Zion Lutheran Parish Hall at 5:30 p.m. and will proceed from there to Miss Bock's. Student Evangelical Chapel: Ser- vices Sunday July 14, 1940 Conducted by the Rev. Wm. Stuart of Grand Rapids. 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p m. 'Chapel of the Women's League Building. Michigan Christian Fellowship, an evangelical Christian student group meets each Sunday afternoon at 4:30 in the Fireside room, Lane Hall. Stu- dents of the summer session are cor- dially invited to enjoy fellowship with this group. A social half-hour after the program gives an oppor- tunity for getting acquainted. First Congregational Church, State andlWilliam, Rev. Leonard A. Parr, D.D. 10:45 a.m. Public Worship. Dr. Parr will speak on the subject, "On Having 'The Last Word"'. The guest soloist will be Miss Ruth Enss. The Chorus Choir will sing "Sweet Is Thy Mercy." On Monday from 3 to 4, Dr. Parr will give the last of the summer ser- ies of Monday BookhLectures. This Lecture is open to the public. Graduate Outing Club will meet on Sunday, July 14, at 2:30 p.m. in the rear of the Rackham Building for an outing to Cavanaugh Lake County Park. Swimming, softball, and hiking. Supper outdoors around a campfire, followed by a social hour. Dave Davidson-and Gerald Hart will be in charge of arrangements. All graduate students, faculty and alum- ni are invited. Clinic Band Concert. The first con- cert to be presented by the High School Clinic Band will be given Sunday afternoon, July 14, at 4:15 o'clock, in Hill Auditorium, under the direction of. William D. Revelli. By Lichty T -, 0{ 41