THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1941 .. . IHCHIGAN DAILY ~ i ' ^' Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications.; PublIshed every morning except Monday during the iniversity year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it, ont rotherwise credited in this newspaper. All riot of republication of all other matters herein also ?iseryed. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arior, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, 4.00; YT manll, $4.50. AoRFRYRNTED FOR NATIoNA.,AVKR.,SING by National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEw YoRx, N. Y. CHICAGO *'BosTON * LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Editorial Staff Managing Editor.............. Carl Petersen City Editor...............Norman A. Schorr Associate Editors. .......Harry M. Kelsey, Karl Kessler, Albert P. Blau- stein, Morton C. Jampel, Su- zanne Potter. Business Staff Business Manager............Jane E. Mowers Assistant Manager .......... Irving Guttman NIGHT EDITOR:' MORTON C. JAMPEL When Allies Go To ' .ar . N REPRISAL for losses sustained by the French fleet when parts of it refused British terms designed to keep it out of German and Italian hands, French airplanes are reported to have helped in attacks on Brit- ish Gibraltar. Possibly such engagements will sicken Frenchmen as much as the engagements Between British and French warships saddened the British Government and people. Surely the French are logical enough to ap- preciate the inevitability of the British naval action, since this was necessary to preserve Britain's superiority over its-and France's- enemies in the one department in which Britain is overwhelmingly superior. Surely the French have had-in company.- with the British-suf- ficient experience with the promises of the Axis dictators to evaluate accurately their promises not to use the French Navy against Britain. For the moment it is only to be expected that relations between France and Britain will be clouded by these strange and tragic events. Those relations may be further clouded by the actions and interibretations of a French "gov- ernment" which seems ready to collaborate with iorces that were the enemies of its country yes- terday; and are today, and will be tomorrow. What the people in France will hear of these events we cannot know. Perhaps under the new order there, which emerges ironically as part of the "new order" in Europe, they will hear 'as much of the truth as the peoples in dictator- ships are permitted to hear. What will French people elsewhere, and friends of France every- where, feel, Whatever the misunderstandings between military staffs, whatever recommendations as to the conduct of this or that part of the mili- tary campaign, the war is still being fought for the same cause for which battle was accepted by the free peoples of Britain and France. The cause remains what the French and the British peoples believed it tQ be at the outset. Britain still fight on that side. This is the fact that the unhappy occurrences at sea and now in the air only serve to emphasize. Where does France fight; With the bombers over Gibraltar, the bombers whose shadows have darkened the best of Europe, even Paris? It cannot be. Only those leaders whom the feebleness of French defenses must have al- ready discredited in most French eyes, only the same men who with equanimity could risk the use of France's Navy by France's foe against France's friend can now willingly risk France's future in a "reprisal" against the inevitable. - Christian Science Monitor Air Jalopies ForSale... THETIME IS NOT YET when it may be a commonplace of experience to trade in the family airplane as part payment for a new one, but is perhaps foreshadowed in present merchandising of used planes. Plane construc- tion improves models; earlier models are out- moded, but still serviceable; some of them have been privately used, and are taken, as with the automobile, in part payment for the next. An investigator finds that there is now an equal sale of about 2,000 used planes. The buyer of the used plane is said to be usually a person of moderate means, which, of course, would ap- ply as a generalization to the buyers of used cars. The beginning traffic in a -recent invention reverts interestingly to the earliest method of trade. The customer does not necessarily make his down payment in cash; the seller exercises his judgment in what may be called a "swap." A dealer in one State, for example, accepts e The Straight Dope By Himself (As your regular columnist gives his all to the only way to live was to have LIBERTY and Thespis-he's doin' Eugene O'Neill proud by since Hitmusso did not let the people have caterwauling in Beyond The Horizon-J. P. LIBERTY he would rid the land of him. So he Andriola once again takes on the heavy task bought a high-powered rifle and hired a room of giving you The Straight Dope,) overlooking a big square where Hitmusso was HOE FOLLOWING 1940 Fable shows us how going to make a speech. From the window of THJ OLOIG190Fbl hwsu o the room he would shoot him and thus bring apt is Willie of Avon's aphorism: We are LIET ohe olm d such stuff as dreams are made on. If the char- acters bear any resemblance to persons living But alas. Hitmusso had many spies and one or dead it is purely not accidental-it is a de- of them found out about the scheme. This spy liberate machination on the part of your col- arrested Equalibertfrat and took him to a con- umnist. centration camp where the prisoners were made Anyway, onice upon a time there was a cruel to go crazy very slowly before being murdered. and shrewd dictator named Hitmusso. He made Hitmusso heard about Equalibertfrat and many long speeches telling the poor people he asked that he be brought before him. "So you're was their best friend. He told them they were the foolish young man who wanted to shoot me," God's chosen people and that all other peoples said Hitmusso. "Why did you want to do that?" were no good. He also told them that all other And Equalibertfrat replied, "Because you are a peoples, including the rich peoples of the land, tyrant and I wanted to kill you so the people were always plotting to destroy them. So he could have LIBERTY!" said that the poor people should protect them- ITMUSSO was astonished. He had never selves by building the biggest and best army, heard anyone speak to him that way. Peo- navy and air force in the whole world. ple were always very polite in his presence and Now these people were very poor but by hear- some would actually shake in their boots. His ing that they were God's chosen people they first impulse was to summon his bodyguards felt rich and strong so they voted for more and ask them to kill Equalibertfrat right away. taxes to provide money for the biggest and best Then the crafty Hitmusso thought of a trick fighting force in the whole world. Anyhow whereby he might win this brave but foolish those who did not vote this way, disappeared- young man to his side. He had two guns in his very quietly-pouf! just like a puff of smoke drawer, one with bullets and the other loaded they were gone. with blanks. He thought that if he gave him Then Hitmusso would go to the rich people one of the guns and told him to go ahead and who were left and tell them he was their best shoot, that Equalibertfrat would feel very much friend. He said all other peoples including the ashamed and instead of shooting would beg for- poor people of the land were plotting to destroy giveness and serve as one of his best spies. Any- the rich. So in order to protect the rich people, how, if the trick failed and Equalibertfrat fired Hitmusso asked for much of their gold and sil- the gun, it would not do any harm because he ver to build an army which would guard their would have the one with the blank cartridges. wealth. Many of the rich gave great quantifes So he said with much feeling, "I'll tell you what of gold and silver but those who did not, dis- I'll do; if you really believe I'm a tyrant and you appeared-very quietly-pouf! just like a puff think the people want this stupid thing you call, of smoke they were gone. LIBERTY, I'm ready to die for my people." He paused with dramatic effect, then he added, OW, in this land there was a young man who "No sacrifice is too great for Hitmusso! Here, was neither rich nor poor and his name take this gun and shoot me!" was Equalibertfrat. He was a peculiar young Equalibertfrat wa o amazed he did t kno man because he read many books and had many Es sonot ow ideas. This was very strange in a land where what to do or what to say and Hitmusso said, it was against the law to read books or to have "Well, this is your chance, why don't you shoot ideas., me? In the books, he read of a faraway place, Then Equalibertfrat, getting over his aston- farther than he or his father or his grand- ishment and realizing there must be some trick father put together had ever travelled in their to it, said, "How do I know the gun is loaded?" whole lifetimes. This place was called Amerland. "Open the bullet chamber and see for your- In Amerland the people made the laws and self," said Hitmusso. Equalibertfrat opened the they read all the books they wanted and they bullet chamber and saw the cartridges. For a had trillions and trillions of ideas. Some of moment he forgot his original purpose and felt these ideas were good and some were not so very much ashamed of himself for wanting to good but the laws said it was all right for the kill such a brave, unselfish man. Then quickly people to have ideas and express them. Some- he remembered all the lies Hitmusso had told, times, certain persons who were very much like and he remembered how people disappeared- Hitmusso rose up in Amerland and tried to pouf; just like smoke. And he remembered the stop the people from having ideas or expressing concentration camps and the people who were them. But the people always managed to han- killed in the wars that Hitmusso was always dIe such persons pretty well and they still had waging with other peoples. But mostly he re- the right to make the laws, read books, have membered about Amerland with its freedom of ideas, and voice them. They called this right: ideas and their expression: that wonderful LIBERTY! thing called: LIBERTY! So he pulled the trig- One day, Equalibertfrat finally decided that ger six times and Hitmusso fell dead. Grin And Bear It,. By Lichty The Arts, School of Music, and School of Education: Students who received marks of I or X at the close of their last semester or summer session of attendance will receive a grade of E in the course unless this work is made up by July 24th. Stu- dents wishing an extension of time beyond this date in order to make up the work should file a petition addressed to the appropriate official in their school with Room 4 U. H. where it will be transmitted. The petition must carry the written ap- proval of the instructor concerned. Deutsches Haas. Reservations may still be made for meals at the Deutsches Haus, luncheon 35 cents; dinner 45 cents. Please make reserv- ations at the German Office, 204 UH or with Dr. Otto G. Graf, 300 SW. Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Except under extraordinary circumstances, courses dropped after the THIRD week, Sat- urday, July 13th, will be recorded with a grade of E. E. A. Walter School of Education Students (Un- dergraduate): Courses dropped after Saturday, July 13, will be recorded with the grade of E except under extraordinary circumstances. No course is considered officially dropped unless it has been reported in the office of the Registrar, Room 4, Uni- versity Hall. Exhibition of American Painting presented by the graduate study pro- gram in American Culture and Insti- tutions is being held in the Rackham Building through July 31, daily ex- cept Sunday, 2-5 p.m. and 7-10 p.m. The University Bureau of Appoint- Sments and Occupational Information has received notice of the following Civil .Service examinations. Last date for filing application is noted: Chief Engineering Draftsman (aero- nautical), $2,600, Aug. 5, 1940. Principal Engineering Draftsman (Aeronautical), $2,300, Aug. 5, 1940. Senior Engineering Draftsman (Aeronautical), $2,000, Aug. 5, 1940. Engineering Draftsman (Aeronau- tical), $1,800, Aug. 5, 1940. Assistant Engineering Draftsman (Aeronautical), $1,620, Aug. 5, 1940. Senior Artistic Lithographer, $2,000, Aug. 5, 1940. (Continued on Page 4) "Our garden's been a great success, so far--we got a dozen carrots, four tomatoes, a turnip and $250 insurance for Henry's sunstroke!" DAILY OFFICIAL B U LLETINI ,h Britain Looks At Petain (From a Paris correspondent in the Manchester, Eng., Guardian) THERE SEEMS TO BE a considerable amount of misconception in this country on the real nature of the Petain Government. To treat it, as some papers here have done, as a "Right- wing Fascist Government" is misleading. It cer- tainly represents various pro-Fascist tenden- cies, and the anti-British spirit (which has been artificially stimulated in France by recent events), but it also represents a point of view peculiar to France of recent years. This is a kind of fatalism, a belief that France is an old country which cannot well stand up to the more dynamic dictator Powers and that the sooner she adapts herself to the conditions that are going to govern Europe "for the next few hundred years" the better it will be. In the view of some of the men around Mar- shal Petain it is better to keep the French peo- ple alive, even through a long period of eclipse, than to run the risk of their extermination. Some Frenchmen who have always underrated the ruthlessness of Nazi methods have often remarked "France is not a country that can be destroyed, even if England can." The "decrepit France" idea of Marshal Petain goes, paradoxically enough, hand in hand with the "renewal through eclipse" ideas held in certain other quarters, particularly among men of the neo-Socialist school, like M. Deat and M. Margnet, the Mayor of Bordeaux. M. Deat took the coming defeat of France for granted for a good long time. After the break- through on the Meuse I heard him remark in the Chamber lobbies, "Better to make peace on the Somme than on the Seine; on the Seine than on the Loire; on the Loire than on the Garonne," and the old pro-Munich people now use as their favorite argument, "If we acted as we did, it was in order to save you this-which we fore- saw." Defeatsm OCn The Left As I often pointed out in the past, Munich defeatism was by no means a monopoly of the Right. There were very strong defeatist cur- rents among all the parties, not least among the Radicals, with their Bonnets and their Chau- temps, and the Socialists, with their Feuriers and their Paul Faures. All these Pacifist Left- wing elements are represented in the Petain that she must fight out her own salvation, no matter through how many years of suffering and agony, is deep-rooted in the French mind. One of the most pathetic sights on board the ship on which I sailed from Bordeaux was the fearful internal conflict that went on in the minds of many of the French refugees on board while the ship was still anchored off the French coast. The outcome of this conflict-which man- ifested itself in some painful family scenes- was that a large number of French passengers decided to disembark and to return to Bordeaux, whatever the dangers awaiting them there. Such is that attachment of the French to their native soil, this determination to "stay togeth- er" in France regardless of the calamities through which she was passing. This feeling of loyalty to the native soil, even defiled by the invader and betrayed by a clique of politicians, is typical of the French charac- ter, and it explains in a large measure why so few political leaders, except some of those in immediate danger of being murdered, have gone abroad. The French people, though they have fled from Paris to Tours and Bordeaux, do not seem, on the whole, to have made any desperate attempt to go any farther. They are staying in France, for better or worse, prepar-, ing, perhaps, for passive resistance against the invader. The Italian armistice terms are, on the face of it, milder than was expected; they do not provide for the occupation of large French areas in Europe. They are, no doubt, intended as a sop to the pro-Italians in the Petain Govern- ment, who will no doubt see in them a vague promise of Franco-Italian cooperation directed both against England and ultimately against Germany. An idle illusion-but still an effective illusion and a pernicious one. The stay-at-home tendency in the French character partly accounts for the fact that there are few prominent French refugees in London. The report of the arrival of several notable men is not confirmed. M. Herriot is certainly not there, and from what one knows of him it is doubtful whether he intends to leave France, where he probably proposes to end his days in peaceful retirement. Nor has M. Reynaud arrived. He was last seen at Bordeaux on Mon- day. Whether M. Paul-Boncour and M. Delbos have arrived is not known. In authoritative French All notices for the Daily Official Bulletin are to be sent to the Office of the Summer Session before 3:30 P.M. of the day preceding its pub- lication except on Saturday when the notices should be submitted be- fore 11:30 A.M. Professor W. Sweet of the Divinity School, University of Chicago, will oresent on Friday at 3:00 "Revival- ism as a Factor in Religion." Physical Education for Women. Modern dance classes meeting on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. will meet in the Women's Athletic Building starting Friday, July 12th. Chem. and Met. Engineering 12. Professor George Granger Brown will speak on "Patent Litigation" at the weekly Seminar, Friday, July 12, at 4 p.m. in Room 3201. "The Education of Jewish Chil- dren" is the title of the lecture to be given at 5:15 p.m. by Dr. Louis Bin- stock, in connection with the Sixth Annual Conference on Religion in the W.K. Kellogg Auditorium, today. A lecture, "The Phoneme," by Prof. Leonard Bloomfield, will be given Friday, July 12, in the Rackham Buil- ding Amphitheater, 7:30 p.m. This is in connection with the Linguistic Institute. Watermelon Cut: Students and faculty from the following states are included in the invitation to the watermelon cut to be held at 7:30 Fridaymnight in the League Garden: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Cali- fornia, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mary- land, Mississippi, Missouri, New Mex- ico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and West Virginia. So far as we know, these are the Southern States, with the exception of California, represented by stu- dents on the campus. Students and faculty from any state which we have unknowingly omitted are also invited. There is no admission charge. Angell Hall Observatory Evenings. If the sky is clear, the moon will be shown through the telescopes of the Students Observatory on the fifth floor of Angell Hall, from 8:15 to 10 p.m., on the evenings of Friday, July 12th, and Saturday, July 13th. These public evenings are restricted to stu- dents in the Summer Session. "Beyond the Horizon" by Eugene O'Neill, distinguished American play- wright, will be presented Friday and Saturday nights in the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. This is the third production this summer of the Mich- igan Repertory Players of the De- partment of Speech. Prices, 75c, 50c, and 35c. Box office open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. "Aircraft Engine Fuel Feeds" by Mr. F. C. Mock, Bendix Aviation Cor- poration and "High Octane Fuels" by Mr. W. G. Lovell, General Motors Research, are the lectures to be given in connection with the Internal Com- bustion Engine Institute, in the Am- phitheater, Rackham Building, July 13, at 9 a.m. Graduate Record Program will be held on Saturday, July 13 in the on Sunday, July 14, at 2:30 p.m.' in the rear of the Rackham Building for an outing to Cavanaugh Lake County Park. Swimming, softball, and hiking. Supper outdoors around a campfire, followed by a social hour. Dave Davidson and Gerald Hart will be in charge of arrangements. All graduate students, faculty and alum- ni are invited. The Michigan Wolverine will hold its regulai Sunday Evening Social Hour Sunday, July 14, from 6 to 10:30 p.m. Classical music will be featured from 6 to 7, followed by popular music until 10:30. Light sup- pers will be served. There will be a door charge of $.15. American Federation of Teachers: Mr. George Guernsey, editor of the American Teacher, will speak after supper in the Russian Tea Room of the Michigan League on Monday, July 15. There will be a discussion following Mr. Guernsey's talk. All members of the Federation from all locals are urged to attend; all others interested are cordially invited. Sup- per will begin at 6 p.m. Carry a tray down the cafeteria and bring your selections across the corridor to the Russian Tea Room. Notice to prospective teachers of modern foreign languages in the see- ondary schools of the State of New York. The State Education Depart- ment at Albany will hold qualifying examinations in French, German, Spanish, and Italian on August 3, 1940, which may be taken in Ann Arbor by candidates enrolled in the Summer Session. Those interested should register at once in the office of tieher the Department of Romance Languages or the Department of Ger- man. A circular describing the na- ture and purpose of these examina- tions is posted on the bulletin board of the Department of Romance Languages. College of Literature, Science, and 4 1 I 1 t F T r: ; r( 1 a a' a ( """"" er ection ?. modern eoolztan --M YouI your{ will like the tempting thirst-quenching flavor of favorite brand of Beer and Wine better from- T H E BEER VAULT 303 N. Fifth Ave. IDEAL TEMPERATURE CONTROL Ideal Service in Your Car DIAL 8200 FOR DELIVERY SHOWS DAILY at 2-4-7-9 P.M. A .WM LffA TM;.1 =lIEuU ."