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July 11, 1940 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1940-07-11

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Warmer; Showers Probable




France's Autopsy
Or Ours? .,,


Official Publication O f The Summer Session


Roosevelt Asks
Additional Tax
For Defense
President Demands Levies
To Ready United States
For 'Total Defense'
New Bid Totals
WASHINGTON, July 10.-(P)~
President Roosevelt, declaring that
the country must prepare for "total
defense," asked Congress for $4,848,-
171,957 additional for the army and
navy today and proclaimed this two-
fold policy:
"We will not send our men to take
part in European wars.
"But, we will rpel aggression
against the United States or the
Western Hemisphere."
The huge outlay, which would
bring the session's appropriations
and contract authorizations for the
armed forces to $10,16,078,270, is
designed to give the nation a start
on its "two-ocean" navy, a combined
army-navy air force -of about 36,000
planes and modern weapons and
equipment for a land force of
2,000,000 men.
Two-Ocean Navy
A measure authorizing the "two-
ocean" navy was approved by the
Senate late today without a single
dissenting vote. This measure,
which passed the House some time
ago, carries no funds but permits
the Navy to lay its plans in antici-
pation of later appropriations.
Senator Connally (Dem-Tex), dur-
ing debate on the bill, said a two-
ocean navy was needed "so that if
we want to make faces at Europe
we can, or if we want to tell the Japs
where to get off, we can do it."
The measure, authorizing a seven-
year building program to add 200
warships to the fleet, now goes back
to the House for' action on Senate
In a special message warning of
"grave danger to democratic insti-
tutions," Mr. Roosevelt told Con-
gress that "this nation through
sacrifice and work and unity pro-
poses to remain free."
Isolationist Victory
The pledge that no men would be
sent to European wars brought im-
mediate, approving response from
some di those legislators who have
expressed fear 'that the nation was
heading toward war.
"It's a great victory for the des-
pised, so-called isolationists," ex-
claimed Senator Johnson (Dem-
Colo). "On this important day the
non-interventionists welcome the
President into our ranks."
Senator Wheeler (Dem-Mont), ex-
pressed "delight" and said the Pres-
ident's statement meant there would
be a strong "non-intervention" plank
in the platform to be adopted at the
Democratic national convention next
Suspicion Expressed
On the other hand, some legis-
lators, including Senator Frazier
(Rep-N D), expressed suspicion that
the program was "for a foreign war,
rather than national defense."
The general tenor of the comment
indicated, however, that the program
would sweep through Congress with
little difficulty.
Manufacturers who are being
called on to produce war materials
were told that, in making income tax

returns, they would amortize over a
five-year period any facilities added
to their plants in order to carry out
the defense program.
70 Percent Expansion
Meanwhile, the Senate started
work, on a House-approved measure
authorizing a 70 percent expansion
in the fleet'an Chairman Walsh
(Dem-Mass) of the Senate Naval
Committee urged approval.
"When do you hope to complete
this program?" asked Senator Van-
denberg (Rep-Mich). Walsh replied
that it could not be done before
"Then," Vandenberg said, "up to
1946 itnwouldn't be a bad idea to
maintain a reasonable diplomatic at-
titude in the Far East."
"I agree with the Senator," Walsh
The Massachusetts Senator said
the bill would authorize the eventual
expenditure of $4,010,000,000 for new
ships and $600,000,000 for new air-

Oberlin Head, Ernest H. Wilkins,
To Speak Today On Education
Round Table Discussion Hill Be Held At 8:15 P.M.
On 'Religion And Education In American Life'

The final lecture of the week in
the Graduate Study Program in
American Culture and Institutions
will be given at 4.15 p.m. today in
'the Rackham School Auditorium by
President Ernest H. Wilkins of Ober-
lin College on "The Social Respon-
sivility of Education."
Concluding the week's program
will be a round table discussion on
"Religion and Education in Ameri-
can Life" conducted by Prof. Lewis
G. Vander Velde of the history de-
-partment at 8:15 p.m. today in the
amphitheatre of the Rackham
The afternoon lecture will be open
to the public, but the round table
discussion is only open to students
enrolled in the Program and mem-
bers of the faculty.
Degrees Listed
President Wilkins took his A.B.,
A.M. and Litt.D. degrees from Am-
herst, his Ph.D. from Harvard and
received LL.D.'s from the University
of Chicago, Western Reserve Univer-
'sity and Beloit.
From 1900 to 1904 he was instruc-
tor of romance languages at Am-
herst, and from 1906 to 1912 held
the same position at Harvard. In
1912 he went to the University of
Chicago where, in 1923, he became
dean of the College of Arts, Litera-
ture and Science. He became Pres-
ident of Oberlin College in 1927.
Wrote On Dante
Author of "A Platform for Life,"
President Wilkins has also written
"Dante-Poet and Apostle," "The
Trees of the Genealogia Deorum,"
"The Changing College," "Above
Pompeii," "The College and Socie-
ty," and "Living In Crisis," and is
the translator of Papini's "Four and
Twenty Minds."
President Wilkins is a member
and past president of the Associa-
tion of American Colleges, a fellow
of the American Academy of Arts
To Hold Party
Watermelon Cut Features
Annual Event At League;
Dance Also To Be Given
This week-end the dances at the
League will honor students from both
North and South on Friday and Sat-
urday, and on Friday there will also
be the traditional Watermelon Cut
for Southern students.
The Watermelor Cut has become
an annual affair given by the Sum-
mer Session for the many students
who come here from the South, ex-
plained Mary Ellen Wheeler, '41Ed,
social chairman of the , Summer
League Council. It will be from 7:30
to 9 p.m. in the League gardens.
Students from Alabama, Arizona,
Arkansas, California, Delaware, Flor-
ida, Georgia, Kansas. Kentucky, Lou-
isiana, Mississippi, Montana, Mary-
land, New Mexico, North Carolina,
Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennes-
see, Texas, Virginia and West Vir-
ginia will be special guests for the
"Cut." Members of the League
Summer Council will hostess.
Following the Watermelon Cut
will be a dance in the League Ball-
room,' and Earl Stevens and his or-
chestra will play special Southern
pieces. Students from both the
North and South are urged to come
to the dance which willrbe priced at
35c a person.' The Watermelon Cut
will be free of charge.'
Saturday night will be especially
for Northern students, with music
played in their honor, but as on the
(continued on Page 3)

Monteith's Papers
Are Received Here'
Early letters, sermons, and papers
of the Rev. John Monteith, first
president of the University of Mich-
igan, which have been deposited with
the Michigan Historical Collections
of the University, are expected to
form the nucleus of an extensive
collection of the books and writings
of Rev. Monteith.
Aside from his work with the Uni-
versity, Rev. Monteith was one of

and Sciences and a member of the
Modern Language Association of
America, the American Association
of University Professors, N.E.A., the
Medieval Academy of America and
the Dante Society.
Dr. Froesehels
.Gives Lecture'
On Linguistics
Viennese Professor Speaks
On Steps. In Developing
Of SpeechIn Children
Finding the origin of human
speech in the vocalic noises pro-
duced during the first motions of
chewing, Dr. Emil Froeschels, for-
mer director of the speech clinic of
the University of Vienna and pres-
ent visiting staff member of the
speech clinic of the Rackham Insti-
tute for Human Adjustment, last
night outlined to members of the
Linguistic Institute the primary
steps in the development of speech
in children.
Preparation for speech is found,
however, acording to Dr. Froeschels,
in the specialization of breathing
that accompanies the first cries of
the infant. In order to cry, Dr. Froe-
schels pointed out, a baby must mod-
ify its ordinary breathing by inhal-
ing more quickly and then exhaling
slowly enough to provide for the pro-
duction of sound. This use of the
breath is exactly the same as that
in ordinary speech.
The next stage, said the speaker,
is that of babbling. Now the child
produces syllables, with both. con-
sonants and vowels. These syllables
resemble the articulate syllables of
ordinary adult speech as well as
those of the speech of certain prim-
itive peoples, particularly the smack-
ing noises such as are used as speech
sounds in certain African languages.
In this stage, Dr. Froeschels as-
serted, the significant fact is that
the babbling, or syllable repetition, is
(Continued on Page 4)

Student Heads
For Summer
Parley Naed
World Ever ts To Be Aired
At Second Annual Meet
Jnly 19 And 20 In Union
Four War Views
Will BeExpressed
Panel section student advisors for
the second annual Summer Parley on
July 19 and 20: in the Union were
announced yesterday by Helen Cor-
man, '41, general chairman.
Serving in the elections panel head-
ed by Phillip Westbrook, '43L, are
Albert P. Blaustein, '42, Tom Downes,
'40L, Anabell Ijill, '41SM, Norman
A. Schorr, '40 and Charles Henrick
'42 with Rosebud Scott, 42, Carlton
Treadwell, Grad. and Richard Geth-
man, Grad., Robert Rosa, Grad., will
comprising the education comittee.
Chairman of the Civil liberties
panel, Joseph Fauman, Grad. will be
assisted by J. Schwarzwalder, Grad.,
Rudy Potochnik, '40, and' George
Mutnick, '43L, while Miss Corman,
Allen Kornfield, '42, Dave Stocking,
Grad., and Dorothy Saanken, '42,
will serve as student advisors of the
panel on religion chaired by Daniel
Suits, '40.
The Parley, one of the three stu-
dent-faculty conclaves sponsored by
the Student Senate each year to dis-
cuss current events, will deal with
the general subject of war and its
effect upon the national elections,
education, civil liberties and religion.
Four points of view on the war will
be presented by members of the fac-
ulty at the opening session Friday,
July 19. One will support limited in-
tervention, another non-intervention,
a third complete participation and
the last absoulte pacifism.
Instead of holding a regular clos-
ing session Saturday night as has
been done in the past panels will be
held early in the evening and the
groups will meet together for a final
Morethan 40 members of the fac-
ulty, headed by Dr. Edward W. Blake-
man, director of religious education,
have also been invited to attend the
Prof. Ieichart
To Talk Today
Deutscher Verein To Hear
Lecture On Hauptmann
Prof. Walter Reichart of the Ger-
man department will discuss personal
aspects of the life of Gerhart Hnupt-
mann at a meeting of the Deutscher
Verein at 8 p.m. today in Deutches
Haus, 1315 Hill St.
The author of "Hauptmann's Re-
lation to the State", Professor Rei-
chart visited the famed author in
1928 to gain material for this dis-
sertation and has since visited him
at his home in Germany and Italy.
In 1937, he collaberated with Felix
Voigh of Breslau, Germany in writ-
ing, "Hauptmann and Shakespeare",
published by the University of Bres7


For Nazi Invasion Today
As RAF Battles Bombers

Changing Relations In Far East
PlagueMissionaries, Gale Says

Growing Power Of Japan
In Orient Constitutes
Threat ToChristianity
In the face of opposition or lack
of sympathy American missionaries
must adopt a statesmanlike attitude
in the crucial changing relations of
the Far East if they are to maintain
their traditions of heroism, persis-
tence and achievement, Dr. Essen
Gale, advisor to the Chinese govern-
ment for the past 30 years, told mem-
bers of the Sixth Annual Religious
Conference yesterday assembled for
their third day of meetings.
The challenge of the Far East to
Christianity is unequalled by the op-
Choral Union's
1940 Program
Is Announced
Soloist Marian Anderson,
New York Philharmonic
Are Season's Highlights
Featuring such musical attractions
as Marian Anderson, the Don Cos-
sak Chorus and the New York Phil-
harmonic Symphony, the program of
the 62nd season of the Choral Union
Concert Series, has been announced
by Charles A. Sink, President of the
University Musical Society.
The 10 concerts presented through-
out the school year will be climaxed
by the annual May Festival, which
will begin on May 7, 1941, and con-
sist of six concerts with the Phil-
adelphia Orchestra conducted by
Eugene Ormandy, and the Univer-
sity Choral Union under the direc-
tion of Thor Johnson.
Thg complete program is: Marian
Andel-son, contralto, October 23; Ru-
dolph Serkin, pianist, November 7;
Don Cossak Chorus, Serge Jaroff,
conductor, November 18;,New York
Philharmonic-Symphony, John Bar-
birolli, conductor, November 24, 3:00
p.m. (Broadcast over CBS); Richard
Bonelli, baritone, December 3; Bos-
ton Symphony Orchestra, Serge
Koussevitsky, conductor, December
11; Vladimir Horowitz, pianist, Jan-
uary 15, 1941; Minneapo6lc Sympho-
ny Orchestra. Dimitri Mitropoulos,
conductor, January 28, 1941; Buda-
pest String Quartet, February 20,
1941; Georges Enesco, violinist,
March 4, 1941; May Festival of 1941,
six concerts; the Philadelphia Or-
chestra, Eugene Ormandy, conduc-
tor; Choral Union, Thor Johnson,
conductor; and soloists, May 7, 8, 9,
and 10, 1941.

position of pagan Rome, Dr. Gale de-
clared. The possibility of Japan's
becoming the center of an aggre-
gation of satellite states stabilized
by her sea power is an eventuality
which should not be overlooked in
planning for future missionary work,
he emphasized.
The expanding Western frontier
was the testing ground for the de-
nominations of the Christian Church,
Dr. William Sweet of the Divinity
School of the University of Chicago
said in his lecture on "Religion and
the Westward Movement" yesterday
afternoon in the W. K. Kellogg In-
stitute Auditorium.
Dr. Edward Fitzpatrick, president
of Mt. Mary College for Women in
Milwaukee, listed the "Principles of
Christianity" in his second lecture
before the conference. Drawing the
analogy between religion and edu-
cation he called Christianity a sys-
tem of pedagogy whose final exam-
ination was belief for salvation. With
the New Testament for the curricul-
lum, it teaches its students to mea-
sure to the fullness of the stature of'
Christ, he emphasized.
The third forum, "Religion and
Mental Hygiene," was conducted 'by
Dr. Leonard E. Himler of the Univer-
sity Hospital, Dr William P. Lemon
of the First Presbyterian Church
and Rev. C. H. Loucks of the First
Baptist Church.
Today's program will include Dr.
O. D. Foster's speech on "Religion
in Old Mexico" at noon at the Union,
Dr. Sweet's third talk on "The
Source of Our Religious Liberty"
and the forum led by Rabbi Louis
Bistock, who has recently reutrned
from Russia, Gemany and Poland,
at 5:15 p.m. in the W. K. Kellog r
Institute Auditorium on "The Jews
in American Culture."
Niagara Falls
To Be Subject
Of Talk Today
Prof. I. Scott Will Jiscuss
Geological Formations;
Tour Starts Tomorrow
Geological formations in the vicin-
ity of Niagara Falls will be the sub-
ject of a lecture by Prof. Irving D.
Scott of the geology department at
4:15 p.m. today in the Natural Sci-
ence Auditorium.
Professor Scott's lecture is being
given in conjunction with the sixth
Summer Session excursion, a trip to
Niagara Falls, to be held tomorrow
through Monday, which he will ac-
company as geological specialist.
Tickets for the Niagara Falls trip
may be obtained from 1 p.m. to 4
p.m. today from the agent, who will
be in the Summer Session office,
Room 1213 Angell Hall. Those who
intend to take the trip but have not
yet made their reservations are urged,
to do so before noon today in the
Summer Session office.
IThe group going to Niagara Falls,
conducted by Prof., Ruel V. Church-
ill, will leave from in front of Angell
Hall in special busses at 3:30 p.m.
Friday. The party will return to Ann
Arbor at 10 a.m. Monday. The trip
to the Falls will be made by lake
steamer from Detroit to Buffalo.
Mrs. Churchill will accompany the
excursionists as chaperon.
Shortly after noon yesterday, two
bus loads of excursionists left Ann
Arbor bound for the Ford River
Rouge plant at Dearborn, the fifth
tour of the season. The group in-
spected the open hearth furnaces,
the rolling mills, the rubber and tire
factory and the main assembly line.

McLay Is Made Head
Of LightAssociation
,ffn~lt A T% 1A fn. . rf..g+hm .. 'tf, i

150 Planes In Dogfight
Over Channel As Nazis
Attempt To Penetrate
Isle's Coastal Defense
Attack Is Termed
'Prelude To Worst'
LONDON, July 11 (Thursday)-
(P)--Britain was warned ghat Nazi
invasion may be sprung today-per-
haps in the dawn-and speculated
anxiously as to whether this state-
ment from a war official was the
authorized first word that the zero
hour for England was near.
Members of Parliament studied
closely the "attack" warning in
which Sir Edward Grigg, Undersec-
retary of State for War, told Britons
last night:
"Tonight thousands of our soldiers
will be on the alert, waiting for an
attack which may come in several
places at dawn."
He spoke while the thunder of
bombs-' and the rattle of machine-
gun fire still signaled the greatest
air fight of the war over England-
an attack which Sir Edward said
might be only a prelude to the worst.
37 Raiders Shot Down
British battle planes and coastal
guns drove the Germans off late in
the day after shooting down or dis-
abling 37 of the raiders.
Some members of Parliament took
the Undersecretary's statement as
implying only the need for increased
watchfulness hour by hour along the
coastal no-man's-land where the
next blow is expected-soon.
Acknowledging the loss of two
British planes, the" Air Ministry re-
ported that in incessant dogfights
throughout the day 14 German
bombers and their guardian fighter
craft, sprung' at England from close-
range bases in France and the Low
Countries, were shot out of the sky.
Another 23 were reported "so severe-
ly damaged that they were unlikely
to reach home."
The raiders concentrated on'break-
ing down coast defenses and smash-
ing shipping out of the narrow
Straits of Dover.
Few Persons Killed
The British said "a few persons"
were killed by high explosives inland.
At times at least 150 planes bat-
tled simultaneously along the coast
-the Germans trying for hits on
ships and attempting to break
through British defenses for inland
Unlike raids of weeks ago when
the bombers came a few at a time
without fighter escort, today's raid-
ers brought whole flights of fast,
light, fighting planes to ward off the
British Spitfires and Hurricanes.
One squadron of nine big bombers
was guarded by 50 lighter warplanes.
The bombers were guarded within
to full circles of Messerschmitts.
British pilots called the fight "the
same old story-British air victory
against odds."
Irish Plans Abandoned
Some of the British fighter planes
literally dived through the ring of
NMesserschmitts to reach the bombers.
One British pilot was credited witi
roaring high over then ring of bomb-,
ers, then diving into the center and
bringing down one fighter and a
Some of the planes smashed to-
gether in mid-air and plunged in
locked wreckage to the earth or into
the sea.
Meanwhile the British Govern-
ment was reported to have aban-
doned practically all hope that an
agreement can be worked out be-
tween Eire and Northern Ireland
for defense of the island west of
Efforts to bring about such a pact
have continued for weeks, inspired

by fears that Ireland might be made
a stepping stone from which attack
on England might be directed from'
the west.
Britons viewed the day's intensive
bombing as a trial thrust from the
air at} newly strengthened'coastal
Rumania tonight announced her
withdrawal from the League of Na-

Told To Prepare

Wesley Analyzes American Schools,
Malone TracesEducationalMethods

Indicates System's
And Its Achieve


'"The outstanding characteristic of
education in America is the fact that
it is carried on by a democratic state.
Since American demcracy is dynamic,
changing and progressive, its schools
must be likewise," Prof. Edgar B.
Wesley of the University of Minne-
sota asserted last night in his lec-
ture "Education as a Responsibility
of the State", presented for the Grad-
uate Study Program in American
Culture and Institutions.
"While the schools of a democracy
must be democratic, the state is
merely the immediate agent, not the
sole arbiter," he stated. "Society, act-
ing through the state or through
some other agency, has the ultimate
power to influence or even control

steadily toward universality, Profes-
sor Wesley pointed out in telling of
the achievements of state controlled
education in this country. As other
instances he pointed to the respon-
sibility of the schools for the disap-
pearance of illiteracy, the raising of
the cultural level, the work of Ameri-
canizing foreigners, the installation
of a national consciousness and ser-
vice rendered by higher institutions
to its citizens in technical matters.
On the other side of the slate.
Professor Wesley indicated the un-
even quality of education through-
out the states, the failure to raise
the level of civic conduct, failure to
reduce crime or to modify material-
ly other social evils, the unsensitiv-
ity of the schools to new develop-
meits in scholarship and social
ideals and their slowness or failure
to develop a reasoned and genuine

Harvard University Press
Head Describes Change
From ClericalBeginning
The transitioi of American educa-
tion from clerical beginnings to its
present state institutionalized rami-
fications viewed through the bio-
graphies of famous educators was
outlined yesterday by Dr. Dumas Ma-
lone, director of the Harvard Uni-
versity Press, speaking to the Grad-
uate Study Course in American Cul-
ture and Institutions.
American education, Dr. Malone
pointed out, had its early beginnings
in the church; religion and educa-
tion were synonomous, and a high
degree of correlation can be traced
down through the history of both.
Slowly, however, the evangalist
gave way to the statesman in a na-
tionwide trend that heralded our pre-

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