Weather Fair Today;, Partly Cloudy Tomorrow igq 3k6 Ar Editorial Two-Ocean Navy: What It Involves... Official Publication Of The Summer Session VOL. L. No. 14 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1940 PRICE FIVE CENTS USHA Warns Government Of Quartering Inadequacies Claims Housing Shortages Imperil Defense Work; Tank Bids Are Opened At Rock Island, Illinois Roosevelt To Ask Taxes Tomorrow WASHINGTON, July 9.--(PD)- A warning that the defense program was in danger of "bogging down" be- cause of a shortage of housing ac- commodations for industrial work- ers was issued by a government agency today, while the War De- partment prepared to place orders for 629 light tanks. The United States Housing Author-' ity made public a report by the Na- tional Executive Committee of Hous- ing Authorities saying that with pre- paredness effort just getting under way "we are already in a situation as desparate as we were during the the world war, when disastrous de-i lays occured because war industries couldn't get and hold workers for whom no housing was available." Tank Bids Opened3 Bids. for the new tanks were open-1 ed yesterday at Rock Island, Ill., but the War Department said the contract would not be awarded until later this week. When the 629 are finished' .the Army's mechanized forces will have a total of approximately 1,700 light and medium tanks. In many industrial cities, the hous- ing report said, "Migration has al- ready set in on a large scale, and warkers brought in for jobs in de- fense industries are being forced to' leave because they cannot find places to live." New Appropriations Proposed Defense developments elsewhere in the Capital included: 1. The National Defense advisory Commission proposed that Congress appropriate $25,000,000 to the Ten- nessee Valley Authority for electric power to speed production of alum- inum for airplane production. 2. The Senate Military Committee postponed hearing testimony by Army experts, on the Burke-Wadsworth - Compulsory Military Training Bill until after the Senate acted on the confirmation of Col. Frank Knox and Henry L. Stimson to be Secretar- ies of Navy and War. 'Asked about this bill at his press conference, Presi- dent Roosevelt said the whole ques- tion was being mulled over. 3. Rear Admiral Chester W. Nim- itz said in a letter read in the House that no navy vessels had been sold to any belligerent nation. 4. Mr. Roosevelt said he would send to Congress tomorrow a message re- questing a $5,000,000,000 supplemen- tary defense program. Prof. Reichart To Treat Life Of Hanptmann Personal aspects of the life of Ger- hart Hauptmann, 78-year-old Ger- man author of "The Weavers," and many other works, will be discussed by Prof. Walter A. Reichart of the German department at the meeting of the Deutscher Verein at 8 p.m. tomorrow in Deutsches Haus, 1315 Hill. Professor Reichart, a personal friend of Hauptmann's, visited the famed author in 1928 to gather ma- terial for his dissertation, b:Haupt-1 mann's Relation to the State."* Since that time he has visited Hauptmann often at his home in Germany, and in Italy.{ In 1937, Professor Reichart col-i laborated with Felix Voigt, of Bres- lau, Germany, in writing "Haupt- mann und Shakespeare," published by the University of Breslau. He is co-editor of the Gerhard Haupt- mann Jahrbuch, and has contributed numerous articles on the author to scholarly journals in this country. i Department Of Speech To Hold Graduate Parley' Fitzpatrick Discusses Catholicism In Religious Conference Lecture & , Dr. Gale Reviews Church In China; Prof. Sweet Considers U.S. Religion "A cult which develops a culture" was the description of the part Cath- olicsm has played in modern civiliz- ation, given by Dr. Edward Fitzpat- rick, president of Mt. Mary College for "Women in his speech at yester- day's forumn of the Sixth Annual Conference on Religion, attended by students and faculty of the Summer Session and prefessional religious leaders and clergy of the Mid-West. "A supreme literature, the begin- nings of modern science, the creation of great philosophy" were asscribed by Dr. Fitzpatrick to the Catholic church in American development.. Its opposition to the totalitarian states, its broad social basis, its em- phasis on the individual' and justice were justifications for its existence as a potent force in modern civiliz- ation as it has been in the past. The origin of the University in the Cath- olepistemiad in 1817 under the lead- ership of Father Gabriel Richard was cited as an example of this trend in the nation's early struggles. China Has Many Missions Dr. Essen M. Gale, advsor to the Chinese government for more than 15 years, pointed out that the coun- try has been a more formidable front for missions than any other culture group from the earliest contacts of the 13th century down to the present crisis in the Far East. Now missions must reconcile American political social ideals and Japanese idealogies in order to contine t be an effective force for good will and charity. The question of whether Christainity will abdicate its leadership is the most vital question facing religion in China, he emphasized. Dr. William Sweet of the Divinity School of the University of Chicago opened his series of four speeches before the conference with his anal- ysis of the "American religious Scene at the Opening of the National Period" by picturing the divirsity of religious groups which has developed into the most complex patterns in Christendom. Religious Apathy In Colonies The Colonial period was'folldwed by a time of striking religious apathy, Dr. Sweet noted, although various dominations extended their organ- izations throughout the American continents and severed their relations with churches abroad. Telling of the Mexico Buries Dead, Awaits Vote Results MEXICO CITY, July 9.-(AP)-Fu- neral corteges moved through this capital's streets today. where guns blazed in Sunday's presidential elec- tion, and Mexicans tensely awaited further troubles Thursday, when the vote will be tabulated. The Government began mobilizing military and police forces in an ef- fort to forestall more clashes as sup- porters of both General Manuel Avila Camacho, Administration candidate, and his independent opponent, Gen- eral Juan Andreu Almazan, claimed "overwhelming victory." At least 44 persons were killed and 286 wounded during the polling, and provincial press dispatches indicated an additional 50 casualties in the last 24 hours. DR. EDWARD FITZPATRICK relative strength of the faiths ex- isting in America's early history, Dr. Sweet noted the fact that colonies which had official sanction were not as frequently the home of religious refugees as were those which had so- called free churches. The third day of the conferenece will feature another talk by both Dr. Sweet, Dr. Gale and Dr. Fitzpatrick. Dr. Sweet will continue his addresses on his central theme, "Church and State in the World". Dr. Gale will speak on China's Religious Outlook at noon today at the luncheon session in the Union. Dr. .Fitzpatrick will speak again at 5:15 p.m. in the W. K. Kellogg Institute Auditorium on "Principles of Christian Religion". Wesley, Malone Continue Culture Lectures Today Visiting Men Will Speak To Group On Educators In Rackhain Hall "today Prof. Edgar B. Wesley of the Uni- versity of Minnesota and Dr. Dumas Malone, director of the Harvard Uni- versity Press will deliver lectures to- day in the Graduate Study Program in Americ6n Culture and Insitutions. Dr. Malone will speak at 4:15 p.m. on "Evangelists andStatesman of Education." Professor Wesley will talk at 8:15 p.m. on "Education as a Responsibility of the State". Both lectures will be held in the Rackham School auditorium and will be open to the public. Educated at Baldwin-Wallace Col- lege, where he took his A.B. degree, Yale and the University of Wiscon- sin, Professor Wesley took his A.M. and Ph. D. degrees at Washington University. From 1917 to 1922 he taught history and English at the Jackson Academy in St. Louis, Mo., and from 1923 to 1930 he was head of the social science department of the University City, &9[o., high school. Professor Wesley was an instructor of .history in the Washington Univer- stiy extension department and sum- mer school from 1924 to 1930. In 1931 he went to the University of Minnesota, where he is now professor of education. He was visiting profes- sor at Harvard during the summer of 1935. O'Neill's Play To Open Run Here Tonight Repertory Players To Give 'Beyond The Horizon' At Mendelssohn Theatre David Itkin Directs Psychological Play The Michigan Repertory Players' third production of the summer sea- son, Eugene O'Neill's "Beyond the Horizon", will open its four-day run at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. A Broadway success and Pulitzer Prize winner in 1923, the play deals with the careers of two men Andrew and Robert Mayo, each of whom pur- sues the course of life meant for the other and lives an unhappy life. Starred in the drama are Arthur Klein and John Schwarzwalder as Robert and Arthur and Mary Jordan as Ruth Atkins, Robert's wife. She leads a very unhappy life after mar- rying the 'wrong one'. Madison Cast Among others in the cast are Ev- erett S. Courtright and June Madi- son as Mr. and Mrs. Mayo, parents of the two brothers; Henry Patter- son as Mrs. Mayo's brother, Captain Dick, who takes Andrew to sea; Eliza- beth Greene as Mrs. Atkins, Ruth's mother; William Kinzer as Ben, a farm hand; and Tom Battin as Dr. Fawcett. Directing "Beyond the Horizon" is David D. Itkin head of the Drama School at DePaul University and a director of the Goodman Thearte .in Chicago. A former member of the Moscow Art Thearte, Mr. Itkin has done a great deal of work with Kon- stantine Stanislavsky, whose theories of the so-called "natural" drama have changed the theatre all over the world. Drama Of Simplicity Mr. Itkin is most noted for his ability to handle psychological drama in terms of utter simplicity. Next week, from July 17 through July 20, the Players will present El- mer Rice's "Two on an Island" which will be followed by last year's Broad- way hit "What a Life" by Clifford Goldsmith. The last two productions of the 12th annual Summer Session season are "Escape" by John Gals- worthy and "Patience"by Gilbert and Sullivan. Martin To Head GOP Campaign House Minority Leader Named By Willkie WASHINGTON, July 9.-((P))- Wendell L. Willkie today entrusted the direction of his Republican Presi- dential campaign to a 55-year-old New England Bachelor-Rep. Joseph W. Martin, Jr., of Massachusetts- and then went winging away by special plane for a "long sleep" in the Colorado mountains. Martin, House minortil leader and North Attleboro, Mass., publisher, was chosen as the new campaign chair- man of the Republican National Committee and campaign manager by the unanimous vote of a national Committee subcommittee on Willkie's personal recommendation. John D. M. Hamilton, present chairman, who managed the 1936 presidential drive for Alf M. Landon, a fellow Kansan, was named execut- ive director of the national com- mittee. He will assist Martin and re- tain his $25;000 salary and travel expense allowance. Fox Discusses Religious Reform; Ministers In Dictionary. Listed President Of Union College Tells Of New England's TheologicalDeveloping By HARRY M. KELSEY The nineteenth century pattern of village thought in America had been firmly established by 1830 and the new philosophy had come to be dur- the preceeding 15 years, President Dixon Ryan Fox of Union College, stated last night in his speech for the Graduate Study Program in American Culture and Institutions. Abandoning . his announced sub- ject, "Religion and Humanitarian- ism", for the topic of "The Protest- ant Counter-Reformation in Ameri- ca," President Fox told of the fight of the orthodox leaders in New Eng- land to regain ground lost at the turn of the 19th century to the lib- eral sects. American Orthodoxy The most important single insti- tution in the development of Ameri- can orthodoxy for fifty years, Presi- dent Fox asserted, was the establish- ment in 1808 of the academy at Andover, which spurred the develop- ment of the theological seminary, thus leading to a better understand- ing among the clergy of that study. Two years later, President Fox maintained, the first general organ- ization of Congregationalism came about in the American Board of Com- missioners for Foreign Missions, marking the beginning of an at- tempt at world evangelization from America. Later, he said, the prosecu- tion of missions became the church's most popular appeal. Bible Society Noted Another movement of the Coun- ter-Reformation was that of the Bi- ble societies, President Fox pointed out. In 1816 the American Bible So- ciety was formed in New York which, tQ this day, sends Bibles to all quart- ers of the earth. Reform movements, from war against Sabbath-breaking to swear- ing, and especially the temperance movement, were taken . up by the clergymen, President Fox told. Full- time agents of the American Tem- perance Society, formed in 1826, co- operating with churches everywhere, helped make this movement a na- tional crusade, he stated. Grand Rapids Municipal Pipeline Opening Delayed GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., July 9.- (P)-Opening of the valves of the new Grand Rapids Municipal Pipe- line carrying water from Lake Mich- igan occasioned a 24-hour delay to- day. Failure of a representative of the Company which installed the pipe- line pumps to arrive here caused the postponement. Instead, the valves will be opened tomorrow. Only Statesmen, Writers, Outrank Men Of Church, Dr. Dumas Malone Says Clergymen are outranked only by. statesmen and writers in their num- ber of listings in the Dictionary of American Biography, Dr. Dumas Ma- lone, director of the Harvard Univer- sity Press and editor of the Diction- ary, told students and guests of the Graduate Study Program in Ameri- can Culture and Institutions yester- day,. Through a process of elimination based upon the amount of space given each clergyman in the Dic- tionary, Dr. Malone presented a list- of 25, who, on this basis, could be considered as America's "Clerical Role of Honor." In this group, Dr. Malone pointed out, the Cqngregational Unitarian sects predominate, with the Anglican Episcopal and Presbyterian following in order. Catholics come about in the middle, and Evangelists and Lutherans lag behind in proportion to their numbers, he indicated. Geographically, he said, New Eng- land rates highest, claiming 12 of the 25. Of the others, 10 were born. abroad, two came from Maryland, and one from Virginia. From these figures Dr. Malone concluded that New England estab- lished religious independence first of all parts of the United States, and that other churches were longer in breaking away from the European influence, suffering a delay in the development of a native clergy. The fact that there is no repre- sentative on the list from west of the Appalachians, Dr. Malone at- tributed simply to chronology, say- ing that by the time the West began to produce a native clergy the great age of clerical leadership in America had passed. Foreign Center Holds Reception Open House Will Be Held. 8 to 11 P.M. Today International Center will hold Open House for foreign students registered in the Summer Session or resident in Ann Arbor from 8 to 11 p.m. to- day, Prof. J. Raleigh Watson, direc- tor of the Center announced. All foreign students and their friends are invited to attend the in- formal reception and view the facili- ties of the organization which is the fourth largest in the United States. Students and faculty will be received by advisers to foreign students of the various schools and colleges of the University. Professor and Mrs. Nelson will be hosts. Dictator Petain Is Granted Unrestricted. Authority To Write Constitution Japanese Display Anti-U.S. Posters (By the Associated Press) The Mediterranean battle-royal for which the world has been watch- ing was in progress today (Wednes- day) between British and Italian naval forces. Each side contended its fleet was chasing the other. The British said their Mediter- ranean fleet was chasing a heavy Fascist squadron which withdrew behind a smoke screen yesterday af- ternoon (Tuesday) after one Italian battleship had suffered a hit at long range. A correspondent for Stefani, offi- cial Italian news agency, reported the Fascist forces were pursuing the British, who fled southward in the Central Mediterranean after a bat- tle that lasted from 2:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesday. Stefani Report The Stefani report, as received in London, added that on Monday Ital- ian planes had sunk a British criiser and damaged a British battleship and aircraft carrier in a battle far- ther east, near the island of Crete. No word was received direct fron the Italian Government on either .engagement, and the Stefani report did not mention damage to the British ships in the fight that began Tuesday. It said the Italian Air Force was bombing the British, how- ever. The British Admiralty, which made the first announcement of the Tuesday encounter, did not mention Italian resistance and did not tell of any fighting on Monday. Another chapter in the odyssey of Britain's abdicated King-Emperor, the Duke of Windsor, was written in London last night. King George VI appointed his brother, now a refugee in Portugal, Governor and Com- mander-In-Chief of the Bahama Is- lands. Anti-American aqAd Bills Distributed In Shanghai SHANGHAI, July 9.-(P)-Hand- bill's carrying the slogan "down with America" were posted in Shanghai's streets today and a Japanese war- ship emphasized Tokyo's attitude toward England by seizing a British ship in Shanghai's harbor. These manifestations of Japanese discontent with United States and British policies in the Far East coin- cided with a Japanese protest against "mistreatment" of Japanese gen- darmes arrested by U.S. marines July 7 and Tokyo's rejection of the British refusal to close the Burma supply route to China. French Parliament Signs Death Warrant VICHY, France, July 9.--(P)- Stricken France's Parliament signed the death warrant of the democratic Third Republic today by giving Pre- mier Marshal Henri Philippe Petain unrestricted powers to write a new totalitarian constitution. The vote of the Chamber of Depu- ties and Senate, born of defeat and desperation, gave the Petain Govern- ment authority to frame its own laws and constitution, then create its own national assembly to ratify them. The measure, voted with only four negative voices raised against it, de- clared the new constitution "must guarantee the rights of labor, family and country." The gendarmes were arrested after they appeared armed, in plain clothes, in the marine-guarded zone of the International Settlement. The Japanese commander of gendarmes demanded an apology for asserted mistreatment of his men,. In The Balkans Rumania and Hungary kept up their feverish military preparations British And Italian Fleets Battle In Mediterranean; Petain Given Free Hand Niagara Falls Trip Reservations Due Today In Dr. Hopkins' Office 136 High School Band Players Register For Three-Week Clinic Reservations for the Niagara Falls excursion, sixth of the Summer Ses- sion series, must be made before 5 p.m. today at the Summer Session office, Room 1213 Angell Hall. Tickets for the excursion will be on sale at that office the following day. Transportation by boat to and from Buffalo, by bus to and around the Falls and round trip bus fare to Detroit from Ann Arbor will total 317. The estimated total expense for the excursion, including meals eaten off the boat, one night at a Niagara Falls hotel and extras, is 21 dollars. The group will leave Ann Arbor from the front of Angell Hall at 3:30 p.m. Friday and return at 10 a.m. Monday. The boat will leave its dock at 5:30 p.m. Friday and reach Buf- falo at 8:30 a.m. Saturday, returning frnm fliiffn IAt ;- *q} n a Va Quea t, to take the Canadian route- to the Falls. Others will travel from Buf- falo on the New York side. Conducting the trip will be Prof. Ruel V. Churchill, director of Sum- mer Session excursions. Prof. Irving D. Scott of the geology department will accompany the group and ex- plain the geological features encoun- tered. Mrs. Churchill will be present as chaperon. Students Will Visit Ford Plant Today Leaving from in front of Angell Hall at 12:45 p.m. today, students participating in the fifth Summer Session excursion will visit the Ford River Rouge plant, to return about 5:30 p.m. Children's Speech Willlie Discussed By Dr. Froeschels Known throughout the world for his work in children's speech therapy, Dr. Emil Froeschels, former director of the speech clinic of the University of Vienna and present visiting staff member of the speech clinic of the Rackham Institute for Human Ad- justment, will open the week's Lin- guistic Institute program at 7:30 p.m. today with a lecture on "The Language Development of Children." Solo and full band rehearsal train- ing are being offered to 136 high school students, representing nine states, at the fifth annual High School Band Clinic now assembled in Ann Arbor. Sponsored by the School of Music and directed by Prof. William D. Rev- elli, the clinic faculty is headed by Erik W. Leidzen of New York City as associate conductor and 15 outstand- ing band instructors and conductors from all sections of the country. A three week session of intensive instruction in all phases of band work, the clinic program includes en- semble, sectional and full band re- hearsals daily, interspersed with rec- reation and entertainment. First concert of the session will be presented by the clinic band at 4:15 p.m. Sunday in Hill Auditorium. Un- Texas, New York and Massachusetts. Outstanding instrument groups at the concert according to Professor Revelli are French horn, oboe, cornet and clarinet sections. Leading in numbers are clarinets and cornets with 33 and 26 respectively. Other members of the Clinic fac- ulty are: Clifford P. Lillya of Mar- shall High, Chicago; Arthur Schuw- chow of Aberdeen, South Dakota; Charles E. Gilbert and Joseph White of the Curtis Institute, Philadelphia; Lee Christman of the Music School; Leonard Meretta of the Lenoir, South Carolina High School; Manuel Sold- ofsky of Adrian; E. Rollin Silfies of Battle Creek; Harold Mueller, Don- ald L. Marrs, Sidney Berg, Edward Ostroski and Richard Worthington of the Music School. The engagements of the band dur-