1940 PAGE F!!
Physics Series Conference On Religion
Will Be Given Meets Here July 7-14
This Summero
Sym posipm To Be Devoted
To Theoretical Studies;
Sgrber Headd Schedule
Michigan's 14th annual symposium
on Theoretical Physics which will be
devoted mainly to nuclear studies,
will be held from June 24 to August
16 during the 1940 Summer Session.
Lectures will be given in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre by Prof. Eugene
P. Wigner of Princeton University
and Prof. David M. Dennison and
Pi-of. George E. Uhlenbeck of the
University physics department. The
topics of these men are "Recent De-
velopments in the Theory of the
Atomic Nucleus," "Band Spectra,"
and "Theoretical Aspects of Cosmic
b3ays", respectively.,
Prof. Robert Serber of the Uni-
versity of Illinois will speak here on
"Recent Field Theories, Especially in
Connection with the Theory of the
Meson," from June 24 to July 7.
From July 1 to July 14 Prof. Wendall
H. Furry of Harvard University will
talk on "Special Topics of the The-
ory of Radiation and of the Theory
o Radioactivity."
Prof. Fritz W. London of Duke
University and Prof. Bruno Rossi of.
the University of Chicago will lec-
ture from July 7 to July 28 and from
July 28 to August 5, respectively.
Lecture Series To Treat
Social And Educationa
The Sixth Annual Conference on
Religion, highlighting the religious
activities on campus this summer,
will meet July 7-14 in the W. K.
Kellogg Institute Auditorium, under
the direction of Dr. Edward W.
Blakeman, Counselor in Religious
The conference is designed to of-
fer laymen in the Summer Session
a series of timely lectures and for-
ums on modern religion, and to open
to Michigan ministers and teachers
of religion 10 courses with the pu'-
pose of awakening interest in the
social, psychological and educational
principles of religion.
Sweet To Lecture
Included among the lecturers at
the conference is Prof. William W.
Sweet of the Divinity School at the
University of Chicago, who will open
his series of daily lectures with a
discussion of "The Church and the
State in the World." Professor Sweet,
author of a three-volume work on
the religious life of America, has
taught history at DePauw Univer-
sity, Northwestern University, Syra-
cuse University and Drew Theologi-
cal Seminary.
In addition to the lectures by
Engine Group
Will Convene
Plan To Discuss Internal
Combustion Engines
An eight-week lecture and labora-
tory period dealing with the funda-
mental principles of both theory and
practice of the internal combustion
engine will comprise the 1940 Sum-
mer Session Internal Combustion En-
gine Institute.
It will consist of a number of
lectures of members of the faculty
and of various industrial engineers
frcm the Chrysler Corporation, Gen-
eral Motors Corporation, Standard
Oil Co., Aluminum Co. of America
and a number of airplane companies.
Special talks will also be given by
Prof. J. H. Keenan of the Massach-
usetts Institute of Technology and
Prof. S. Timoshenko of Stanford
The faculty of the Institute in-
cludes Prof. Walter E. Lay, chair-
man, Prof. Edward T. Vincent, and
Prof. Henry L. Kohler of the me-
chanical engineering department;
Prof. Edward L. Eriksen, Prof. Jesse
Ormondroyd and Prof. John A. Van
den Broek of the engineering me-
chanics department, and Prof. Mil-
ton J. Thompson of the aeronautical
engineering department.
Phi Kappa Delta To Meet
Members. of the local and other
national chapters of Phi Delta Kap-
pa attending tne Summer Sessions
will meet for their first luncheon
meeting at 12:10 p.m. Tuesday in the
Union to hear Dr. Glenn F. Macomb-
er of the University of Oregon and
visiting member of the faculty speak
on the "Misconceptions About Pro-
gressive Education."
Joe Park, president of the na-
tional honorary education frater-
nity, urged all graduate and under-
graduate members to participate in
the weekly luncheon sessions fea-
turing faculty members of different
departments as speakers.
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Professor Sweet, there will be lec-
tures on -religion in China by Dr.
Essen M. Gale, formerly professor
of Oriental history at the University
of California, and for fifteen years
one of the advisers to the Chinese
government; on religion in Mexico
by the Reverend O. D. Foster, for
many years University Secretary for
the Council of Church Boards of
Education, recently returned from
extensive studies in Mexico; on the
contributions of Catholics to Amer-
ican culture and on the subject of
Christian education by Prof. Edward
Fitzgerald, president of Mount Mary
College in Milwaukee.
Other. lectures will be given by
Dr. Louis Binstock of Chicago, who
will speak on the contiribution of
the Jews to American culture and
on the education of Jewish children.
Dr. Binstock has traveled recently
through Russia, Poland and Ger-
Forums To Be Held
The conference will also sponsor
afternoon forums at which panels
of laymen and clergymen will dis-
cuss such varied topics as "The
Church in Delinquency Prevention,"
"Religion and Mental Health" and
"The Church in Community Life."
Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, director of
the Summer Session, has invited
visiting clergymen and religious ed--
ucators to audit ten morning classes,
including "American Literature of a
Recent Period," "The Philosophy of
Value," "Social Psychology," "Social
Control," "Principles of Guidance,"
"Religious Conseling," "Milton."
Another feature of the conference
will be daily luncheons to be held
at the Union. Kenneth W. Morgan,
director of the Student Religious As-
sociation, will speak on "Religion in
India." Morgan spent considerable
time in a theological ashram in In-
dia. Dr. Gale will discuss religion
in China at other luncheons.
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For the BEST FOOD in
MOST Interesting Surroundings
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i Clinic
Offers All1 Sneezers
Relief Treatments
Hay fever sufferers, asthma vic-
tims and all other kinds of sneezers
were urged to obtain complete sen-
sitization studies immediately at the
University Health Service, by Dr.
Buenaventura Jimenez, head of the
Sensitization Clinic.
Pollens of grasses are already in
the air, Dr. Jimenez pointed out,
and although the count is somewhat
lower than former years at present,
he still recommended that anyone
who is sneezing should present him-
self for treatment.
"Sensitization tests are advisable,"
Dr. Jimenez said, "for those who have
at any time displayed any of the
following symptoms: sneezing, dis-
charge in the nose, asthma, erticaria
(hives), eczema, gastro-intestinal up-
sets, headaches, migraine, frequent
colds and food poisoning."
Appointments may be had by call-
ing the University Health Service,
Men's Rooms Available
In University Dormitories
Rooming accommodations are still
available for men in Allen-Rumsey,
Adams, Williams and Fletcher Hall,
the four men dormitories open for
the summer, although many students
have already been housed, the Dean
of Students announced.
Graduate and undergraduate men
may obtain single or double rooms
at Summer Session rates. Meals will
be served in Allen-Rumsey, Adams
and Williams Houses.
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