THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDA7 MICHIGAN DAILY' I 27hy EDITrs se oU 1 Daily Readers Answer Mr. Morrissey's Letter: Grin And Bear It .. . C .- __ -_ By Lichty A;' edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Stuident Publications. Pu hd ey morning except Monday during the tniversity year and Summer Session. Me6ber of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All gits of republication of all other matters herein also wmerved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, j4.00; 'y mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL. ADVESING Y National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO ' BOSTON * LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Editorial Staff Managing Editor .............. Carl Petersen City Editor ...............Norman A. Schorr Associate Editors....... Harry M. Kelsey, Karl Kessler, David I. Zeitlin, Suzanne Potter, Albert P. Blaustein, Chester Bradley Business Staff usiness Manager ............ Jane E. Mowers Assistant Manager..........Irving Guttman NIGHT EDITOR: KARL KESSLER Evaluating Bi'tains Att " RITAIN'S SEIZURE of the French Navy, part of it by force, will be re- arded with mixed feelings. It is deplorable that France and Britain, which so recently had so. 'much in common, should now quarrel violently. No American. can possibly enjoy the spectacle. But at the same time, it is heartening, even on this side of the Atlantic, to see that Britain, last of the embattled democracies of Europe, is not afraid to act, and act energetically. For France, in the circumstances, was in the wrong. It had a signed agreement with Britain not make a separate peace. This agreement it broke. It had given, apparently, a supplementai'y pledge that, before it accepted an armistice, it would turn over its fleet to Britain. This also it broke. To win better terms from Hitler, it form- ed a pro-Fascist government. What precipitated the conflict with Britain was an order of the fleet from this Hitler-controlled or Hitler-fear- ing government to return to French ports, where. it would fall under Hitler's control. Many Frenchmen resent France's betrayal of its late ally. Not a few have given themselves to the British cause. Some French warships went over to -the British. Those which did not were taken, or pursued, or attacked. THE CRIES of baffled rage and fury that straightway arose from Berlin and Rome are a clear indication of how hard was the blow to the Axis, which had undoubtly counted on unsing the French fleet against the British, or, at least, not having that fleet in hostile hands. To save its, B4tain had done all it could. It had sent an expeditionary force and placed it under French command, thereby mak- ing it subject to French errors. It had used a strong portion of its air force in the battle of France. And when France, by its own mistakes, was broken, Britain offered to join empires with France and continue the struggle from the Brit- ish Isles, the dominions and the French and British colonies. It even offered to release France from its pledge not to make separate peace; if France would turn over the fleet. France or rather not France but a craven government formed in France's name, refused. In self-de- fense, deserted and alone, what other course had Britain save to act? Y THIS ACTION, Britain has greatly streng- thened its position in the minds and hearts of Americans. There was widespread fear that the rot of indecision and division, that disease of democracy, had eaten asdeeply into the Brit- Ish as it was proved to have spread into the French. Of what use, then, to continue to aid, in our own interest, by all means short of war, a cause that was already virtually lost? The evacuation of 350,000 men from Dunkirk, car-. ried out jointly by the French and British nav- les, was a brilliant exploit, but it was negative." .When, if ever, would it wrest the intiative, if only for a time, from Hitler? Now Britain has given the answer. Under the very guns of the Italians, as well as of the French themselves, it has taken the French fleet. And, by so doing, it has help- ed not only its own defenses, but ours.. For the thing we have most to fear is a Hit- ler victory, in which he would gain control both of the French and British fleets. To arm, in a Nazi-dominated world, we need time. Every day that Britain can keep up the fight is a day gain- ed for us. And every ship that the British keep from Hitler is a ship less for possible use by Hitler. against us. So we can thank the British Navy, in our .thoughts, for its courageous resolu- dion in a delicate and difficult situation. And we can take heart. Hitler has not yet won the war. Britain is still undefeated. -Chicago Daily Newsy To The Editor: We both read the "Praise for Germany" in your July 6th issue. Though we are only guests of this country we felt indomitable desire to answer Mr. Morrissey's challenge. We hope that the "true-born" American youth will realize the gravity of this insult too and will give a fitting answer. We were puzzled by the question: is it true that American youth can be measled by German proaganda to such an extent? We sim- ply cannot imagine that anybody, brought up in the atmosphere of great American liberty, could ever write a letter like that. But let us assume that he is an American. In this case we do not want to discuss about any- body's personal belief, that is, thanks to the American democratic way of freedom of thought and feeling, still strictly individual matter. We just want to point out some of the passages which we found at least mistaken. First: "The Versailles Treaty was also an outraging insult to a great nation." Frankly, we admire that the terms of the Entente were not harsher. After four years of pouring death, four years of misery, four years of such hell in Nor- thern France that on many parts of the battle- fields the soil was literally bombed away, and that according to statisticians at least one bomb exploded on every square yard of those battle- fields, after all that the aggressor, the perfect- ly defeated aggressor had to take some terms. But the victorious Entente did not humiliate the completely defeated Germans by marching into Berlin, nor did they commit things what the Germans did in defeated Poland. Second: about the "fine institutions". We ad- mit the fine insitutions of the totalitarian count- ries. But do not forget that the most of those fine institutions were created under the fruitful patronage of the former democratic govern- ments. Third: tlge aim of the British Commonwealth is "to reserve one-fourth of the earth for the de- velopment of Anglo-Saxon culture alone." I have to point out that if Britain will be defeated, the reserves of India, China, Malaya and the East Indies will be lost not only to the British but also to all the white race. On the other hand we both had the opportunity so far to enjoy theN benefits of both the Lantino-German and Anglo- Saxon cultures. Drawing a relatively objective conclusion of the comparison between the two, we can state that the Anglo-Saxon culture is worthy of being the dominating tendency of at least one-fourth of the World. Fourth: "The British have invented the myth of their own superiority to all other peoples." If there is one nation which has a superiority complexit is certainly the German. Fifth: "Who but a fanatic Anglo-Saxon jingo will dare assert that great constitution is of more value than a great symphony." All we have to say is: If Mr. Morrissey prefers a Brahms- symphony (as a matter of fact we both are great music-lovers) before the Consitution, the per- haps greatest Christian and Human institution since the New Testament, we may have a slight suggestion: Try, dear Mr. Morrissey, to write an insult, like that against the ruling system in Germany. Then you would have the opportunity to enjoy the "great achievement" of the present German civilization: the concentration camp. Perhaps you may even get a special permission, on account of your merits in German propa- ganda abroad, to take a few symphonic records with you, though we doubt it. --Two foreigners that feel more American than some "true-born"-s. To The Editor: As an example of muddled thinking and super- ficial knowledge, Mr. James Morrissey's com- munication in thiscolumn would be difficult to equal. Granting the writer's sympathy with the German cause, one finds it difficult to follow the reasoning that apparently assumes a Ger- man victory to be 'beneficial ,to the world in general. Mr. Morrissey does not like the Ver- sailles Treaty, and he infers that it contained the principle that injustice can be excused by its vigorous enforcement. The Treaty, says the writer, was harsh economically and an outrage- ous insult to a great nation. But he fails to fol- low his argument to Czechoslovakia; Poland, Denmark, Belgium, and Holland. But perhaps they haven't been-to say the least- insulted. Is the subjugation-unless 'protection' should be used-of these countries justifiable retribution for the 'insult' to Germany in 1919? Mr. Morrissey's talk of "justice in international relations" is difficult to reconcile with the treatment of these nations. By further arguement we are informed that the British Commonwealth of Nations has de- liberately imprisoned the other great and pro- gressive cultures in their inadequate home- lands." Perhaps the writer would explain how a culture is imprisoned, in what way "adequate" is to be measured, and whatever the dissemin- ation of culture necessitates and justifies force. Apparently Britain's "overbearing arrogance,, must be crushed by warfare-"a necessary con- dition for equitable cooperation of all nations in maintaining a just peace." It needs a stretch of the imagination and ethical standards to realize that a German victory would result in a just peace. What sort of cooperation would come. out of it? How many nations would cooperate? Great Britain has no charity and so there can be no lasting peace, says Mr. Morrissey. Pre- sumably Germany is about to endow the world with both! One wonders how many peoples in To The Editor: Last Saturday a Mr. Morrissey took issue in this column with that "Pro-British lecturer", Professor Ehrmann. Mr. Morrissey insisted that the British have tried to impose their cultures on the world at the expense of the equally ex- cellent cultures of Germany, Italy, and Japan; and that therefore, it will be a fine thing for the world when Germany finally imposes her culture on Britain. To quote him, "Germany is about to humble English pride, to show England that she too can be defeated. This will be an everf greater service to the world than the disruption of the British Empire. For as long as the British hold other nations in contempt, there cannot exsist in the world any real charity, and without char- ity there can be no lasting peace." Undoubtly the world needs more charity and its by-product, peace. The question is, will it get more charity and peace from Hitler than from England? Before we underwrite Hitler's new order of things, we must be sure of this. If it will, then by all means, let's encourage Hitler, now. But, Hitler's proof of superior peace and charity hasn't been too convincing, so let's not be too hasty about subscribing to his new order on that basis. History makes it clear that all major powers have had major faults and virtues. Germany's special virtues seem to be efficiency and organ- ization. There can be little doubt that she, more than any other nation, has perfected the tech- niques of full utilization of modern industrial society. The British have less of this virtue of effici- ency than the Germans. But it is evident that, on the other hand, they have more of the virtue of tolerance.... they are more inclined to admit that there are other ways of doing things than the specifically English way. Else why didn't they stop Germany from rearming? Why did they let Australia and Canada stray so far frm direct crown rule? They had the military power, at the time, to impose their will on these nations. As with the Germans and British, so it is with all nations; all have characteristic virtues and faults. (We Americans aren't exactly angels..or devils., ourselves.) These differences must be viewed rationally, just as they are among friends, if world peace is to result. As Deems Taylor put it, "If only perfection had a right to exsist, where would you be" But how are we to judge between all these claims and counter-claims? Must we decide definitely between the various faults and virtues of each nation, as they affect us? Since we are already a part of world society, we must. History points out that successful governments, as well as works of art, have been achieved only by de- ciding what is good for the aggregate, encour- aging that, and repressing what is bad. Ethical judgements can't be escaped, whether in person; al, society, family, or international relations. This country has made the initial ethical de- cision that, whatever form of government comes, anarchy, democracy, or dictatorship, it wishes to retain its own national sovereignity. But this sovereignity seems likely to be challenged by a group of foreign powers, and immediately we are faced with the task of taking steps which will insure this sovereignity. Our military experts tell us that, to do this, we must build more naval and air bases, boost armament production, train men, do all in our power to keep the British fleet from falling into German hands, and do it quickly. But we aren't doing it! In Washington, committees table vital defense projects: in Detroit, Mr. Ford refuses to let his industrial resources be used as his government wants them to be used; and in Ann Arbor, students continue to try frantically to avoid important ethical decisions about Ger- many and Britain. Are we waiting for someone to make these decisions for us? If so, the Bund is expert at this job. .let's call them in. If not, let's look the facts in the face, and make our decisions accordingly. Next, let's put these ethical decisions into prac- tice; let's think, talk, vote, act, and write about them. Let's recognize cynicism about retaining our national sovereignity, and hesitancy about taking quick steps to defend that sovereignity, as a childish incapacity to make necessary eth- ical decisions. -Bruce G. Ellison What Americans Can Do Intensely though our people are moved by the appaling events in Europe, there is one thing America cannot do. It cannot stop the war. It cannot turn the tide of battle, even if it chose to make the attempt. This is a rich and ener- getic country, but it has not devoted itself to preparing for war. As many expert witnesses testify, our armaments are utterly inadequate for any military venture abroad. But there is one thing America can do. It can help relieve the sufferings brought by Europe's cruel war. It can give generously to the American Red Cross, whose task it is to shelter the home- less, nurse the sick and wounded, feed the hungry, care for the widows and orphans. We cannot embark upon a crusade of force, but we can accomplish a crusade of healing and mercy. The St. Louis area to date is far below its quota in the national campaign for a $20,000,00 war relief fund. The grave need is realized by all, but why are persons able to give still restraining their generosity? -St. Louis Post-Dispatch gangsters; and Europe showed its gratitude to of 1-n eifa'in ofrr. irlln nrl ic inif, m 'cnc ' eg. U. 8. Pat.,Off.. Anl na. "Henry, look through that suitcase with the towels-Mildred wants to know the name of the hotel we stayed at in Ann Arbor." The Straight ope. By Himself Our case against the mechanical age continues with this cdlumn. Number one on the docket is a little item from Middletown, Conn. It1 seems that the town decided thatr it needed a new wireless outfit for its police cars. One of those two-way radio control 'businesses that towns outside New England have had long enough to be used to. Well, the citi- zens put out their money and the system was installed. After the usual amount of preliminary difficulty the policemen learned how they were supposed to manipulate the dials' and the day for testing the new service arrived. Now thedbiggest moving picture house in Middletown had long had a steadynclientele of old ladies who loved to attend the movies on a quiet afternoon. What was their surprise, not to use a stronger word, when Clark Gable remarked to Vivien Leigh "Two drunks are fighting at the corner of Oak and Main." Equal- ly astonishing was the demure Miss Leigh's reply "I'll be there in a min- ute if I can get this damned motor started. Something's the matter with the carburetor." But perhaps more surprised were the policemen who, having attended to the little fracas at Oak and Main, were cruising along aimlessly with their faulty carburetor. "Attention" they were bidden. They attended. "Officers Murphy and Eggleston-I have never loved anyone else and never will again. It's you I want." Convinced that something was wrong the officers reported and re- ceived an audience just as the irate theatre manager left. The news con- cluded with the, to us, sinister re- mark that "an expert came down from Boston and fixed, it." Score one for the machine, zero for man- kind. But from the Antipodes comes more cheerful news. We suppose it is all pro-British propaganda but we are informed through what are ge- nially called the public prints that among those who volunteered to fight for king and country is Sergt.7 Leath Park, now in training at Mel- bourne. Sergeant Park, it appears,t is the answer to the eighty-ton tank. Lifting a motor car is a casual feat to him. Holding up the rear end of a truck is of no real. consequence either. His favorite pastime, we are given to understand, is chewing six-penny bits which, we are more or less re-1 liably informed, approximate the size1 of "a quarter and are 'made of silver and copper alloy. When these fail he gets some diversion from mouth- ing huge quantities of barbed wire. Here is evidently one man whom the Steel Age cannot conquer. It bodes ill for Hitler when Sergt. Park swings into action. Score one for human-1 kind. From Omaha comes proof that the' American Way is still going strong. A new variety of the speed-up has. been perfected which brings happi- ness even to the employes. One, Mr. J. L. Thurmond, the manager of a laundry, noticed that at their lunch hour his workers invariably listened to swing records~ and went through various gyrations all too familiar to our faithful readers. He gained, therefrom, an inspiration. Now in the laundry more than two hundred records are played eve- ry week and production has stepped up fifteen percent. Peace brothers,' it's truly wonderful. Whether this achievement should be credited to man or the machine is hard to say. Personally we give all credit to the machine. It seems that an identical system was used some time ago in the galleys of the Romans but there it was not only drum beats but the crack of the whip that got the energy out of the boys. There is no men- tion of a whip ii Omaha. Progress, brothers. Behold the dawn of a new day. DAILY OFICIL All notices for the Daily Official 3ulletin are to be sent to the Office f the Summer .Session before 3:30 .M. of the day preceding its pub- cation except on Saturday when he notices should be submitted be- ore 11:30 A.M. Phi Delta Kappa will hold its veekly luncheon today at 12:10 in the Michigan Union. Professor James K. Pollock will speak briefly and answer questions on the Euro- pean situation. Biological Chemistry Lectures: Dr. E udolph Schoenheitner of the De- artment of Biochemistry of Colum- ia University, will deliver a series Af lectures on July 8, 9, 10 and 11 at 2:00 p.m. in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. Dr. Schoen- feimer's lectures will have as their general title "The Use of Isotopes in the Study of Metabolism." All in, terested are cordially invited. Wives of students and internes are invited to attend a tea given in their honor today, July 9th from 3:30 to 5:30 in the garden of the Michigan League. All wives of sun- mer school students are urged to come and get acquainted. Men's Education Club baseball series will continue at South Ferry Field at 4:00 p.m. today. Shall We Have a Core Curriculum," will be the title of the lecture to be given by F. G. Macomber, Professor of Education, University of Oregon, at 4:05 p.m. today in University High School Auditorium. The Graduate Commercial Club will hold its annual picnic to'day, July 9, at Newport Beach, Portage Lake. Cars will leave the University High School at five o'clock. Tickets may be secured at the High School Office. Why People Do Not Get Jobs When There Are Jobs will be discussed at the Rackham Building promptly 'at 7:00, Tuesday evening, July 9. Dem- onstrations of the causes of the fail- ure in making application will be given. The program must be over by 8:00,p.m. T. Luther Purdom, Director Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information. Duplicate Bridge will begin at 1:30 tonight at the Michigan League, and every Tuesday hereafter, instead of at 8:00 as originally announced. All students in the Departments of Greek and Latin are cordially in- vited to attend an informal recep- tion to be given by the departments today, July 9, at 8:00 p.m. in the Garden of the Michigan .League, or in the Ethel Fountain Hussey Room in case of rain. Solar Motion Pictures. Some very. remarkable recent films of solar prominences in motion and other solar phenomena will be shown in the Natural .cience Auditorium at 8:15 p.m. today, July 9th. These films have been takew Hduring the past year at the McMath-Hul- bert observatory of the University of Michigan, located at Lake Angelus, Mich. While of particular interest to those electing courses in Astron- omy, all Summer Session students are invited to aend. Faculty Concert. The first faculty concert in the Summer Session series will be given this evening, July 9, at 8:30 p.m., in Hill Auditorium. The following faculty members will participate: Professors Maud Okkel- berg, pianist, and Arthur Hackett, tenor, soloists; and a quartet com- posed of Wassily Besekirsky, violin- ist; Hanns Pick, violoncellist; An- thony J. Whitmire, violist; and Josue eph Brinkman, pianist. Men's Education Club, July 10: Professor Roy W. Sellers will speak on The Survival of Democracy, and Professor A. D. Moore will demon- strate the art of jugglery. The Michigan Dames will hold a bridge party at the Michigan League on Wednesday, July 10th. at 2 o'clock for the wives of the summer school students. There will be a charge of 10c to cover expenses and prizes. Seminar in Pure Mathematics (Math. 301) will meet Wednesday at 3 o'clock in 3201 A.H. Proposed top- ics: Fixed point theorems, and er- godic theorem. Speech Students: There will be an assembly of all graduate Speech stu- dents in the Lydia Mendelssohn The- atre Wednesday, July 10, at 4 p.m. Chemistry Lecture: The second in the series of chemistry lectures will be given by Professor G. G. Brown on Wednesday, July 10 at 4:15 p.m. in the Amphitheatre of the Rack- (Continued on Page 3) one of the chief bones of contention mama, "- TRAE ROUN'D TRADE MARK WASHINGTON-More alert minds in the Roosevelt Administration have been doing some very careful think- ing' about what is going to happen to American trade in the future. The picture is far from optimistic. He: are some of the things they have concluded: After this war is over it is almost inevitable that the world will be di- vided into four great trading areas. They will be: 1. Japan and China, comprising about 450,000,000 people and falling under the totalitarian domination of Japan, 2. Germany, which will exercise life and death rule over about 400,- 000,000 people, including all the na- tions of Europe. 3. Russia, which will govern the trade of about 200,000,000 people. 4. The United States, Canada and South America-if we can still keep the latter under the Monroe Doc- trine. There will represent about 350,000,000 people. Tn +he first three o fthes eecnomic ize China, also will pay slave wages, and will do the same. U.S. Alternatives Therefore the United States, in order to continue any kind of export trade whatsoever, will have to do one of four things: 1. Reduce wages to a level approx- imating the starvation standards paid in Germany. 2. Reduce profits, or eliminate them altogether, if German prices are to be met. 3. Subsidize industry an* virtually take it over, as under the Nazi, Fas-' cist, and Soviet systems.. 4. Create a foreign trade monop- oly. This is what the Russians have done for more than a decade, and what .the Nazis have been doing, moi-e recently. All exports abroad are sold through the ;government and imports are purchased the same way. It is this last system which New Deal advisers consider least objec- tionable of the four, and upon which