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July 07, 1940 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1940-07-07

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In an unprecedented action, the British fleet attacked units of the French navy to prevent its falling
into German hands. This Associated Press map shows where action occurred at Oran (1) in North Africa
and Casablana. French ships stationed at Alexandria to help guard the Suez Canal (2) were ordered by
the Peta n go&ernmfnt to fight their way toward Fre nch Tunisia. Anchor symbols indicate French naval
bases. Other developments included the r eported sink ink of the French liner Champlain by a mine near La-
Rochelle (3) and installation of a pro-German cabinet in Rumania (4).

Prof. Lawrence Preuss (above)
of the political science department
will lecture on "The Monroe Doc-
trine and Hemispheric Defense" in
the second of the Summer Session
Series of lectures on "American
Policy in the World Crisis, at 4:15
p.m. tomorrow in the Rackham
Lecture Hall.

Col. Frank Knox, Chicago publisher and Republican vice-presidential nominee in 1936, found himself
between two staunch Democrats when he appeared b efore the Senate Naval Affairs Committee regarding
his nomination by 'President Roosevelt to be Secretary of the Navy. With Knox (center) are Sen. David 1.
Walsh (left), chairman of the committee, and Sen. Scott Lucas.

Two poi emen were killed by a bomb disguised as a portable radio
set bekind t.e Pol'sh pavil'on at the New York World's Fair and sev-
eral were wounded in the midst of thousands'f"panic-stricken Inde-
pendence Day visitors. This picture, made inside the fair grounds,
shows onf of the dead, a detective from the bomb squad, covered with
a sheet. Another detective is being lifted into an ambulance.

After rumors of a separation, Lana Turner, young screen star,
and Artie Shaw, swing band leader, got together for photographs in
Hollywood. Shaw repeated his denials of the separation, but, even as
they stood on the same platform, Miss Turner tearfully admitted that
it was true.

The heavy tramp of German military boots echoed in train sheds of Quebec as soldiers, airmen, para-
chutists and naval prisoners, captured in the Europe an war, were marched aboard waiting trains for trans-
portation to prison camps. Prison camps are being set up in the interior of Canada.

Mrs. Florence Phillips, 18, and
her brothers, George Sanders
(above), 16, and Joseph Sanders,
22, were accused at Shoshone,
Idaho, of slaying their father,
Charles Sanders, 48, by leaving
him bound in the desert.

Wendell Willkie (center), Republican candidate for President, is shown in New York with William Allen
White (left), veteran Kansas editor and writer who called to offer his support, and Gov. Harold E. Stassen
(right), Willkie's floor manager at the Philadelphia convention.

Great Britain, striking suddenly and decisively, destroyed, seized or put out of action virtually all im-
portant units of the French navy in a series of stroke s unprecedented in naval history. It was reported that
the French battleship Dunkerque (above) was involvt d in the action off Algeria and was severely damaged
but escaped.


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