PAGE TWO THE MTCHTGAN DAILY a__;a_,__ ________V_;1_____Vi___1"_YL__sIuIs Religious Parley (Continued from Page 1) Prof. A. D. Vetesk, of Jackson Junior College; James Stermer, field soci- ologist of the Michigan Child Guid- ance Institute; Rev. A. H. Longman of the First Christian Church of Jackson; and Prof. Lowell J. Carr, director of the Michigan Child Guid- ance Institute and member of the sociology department of the Univer- sity. Kenneth F. Herrold, assistant in re- ligious education, Prof. Edward Fitz- patrick, president of Mt. Mary Col- lege for Women, Rabbi Louis Bin- stock of Chicago wha has returned from Germany, Russia, and Poland, are the other speakers featured on the five-day program. Unique feature of the conference is the attendance by the professional religious leaders and clergy at 10 classes offered by the Summer Ses- sion. More than one hundred people will attend classes in religious counseling, mental hygiene, social psychology, educational psychology, guidance, philosophy, social control, Milton and American literature. International Center Holds Open House International Center will hold Open House for foreign students registered in Summer Session or re~sident in Ann Arbor from 8 to 11 p.m. Wednesday, Prof. J. Raleign Nelson, director of the Center an- nounced yesterday. All foreign students and their friends and other students interested in seeing the Center are urged to attend to meet the various advisors to foreign students, Professor Nel- son said. Professor and Mrs. Nelson will act as hosts for the evening, assisted by Prof: W. Carl Rufus of the Graduate School and Mrs. Rufus, Prof. Edwin Goddard of the Law School, Prof. Malcolm Soule of the Medical School and Mrs. Soule, Prof. Clifton O. Carey of the engineering college and Mrs. Carey, Prof. Arno Bader of the literary college and Mrs. Bader, Dean Byrl Bacher, advisor to foreign wo- men, and Miss Ethel McCormick, so- cial director of the League. l .4- 4' I1 By JUNE McKEEI The Michigan University of the Air makes its initial bow of the Sum- mer Session. through Detroit's sta- tion, WJR, at 1 p.m. today present- ing "When Von Arnstadt Laughed," a play written for radio by Ruth Landwehr, Grad. Produced under the author's direction, the script has characterizations by Glenn Maxwell, Grad., Roy Rector, '41, Ruth Watt, Grad, and Eve Strong, Grad., while Grace Wilson, Grad, supplies the piano accompaniment. The second half of the 30 minute program will feature "Greenfield Vil- lage," a skit written by Elaine Tuck- er, Grad, as the first of a program series on possible trips in the vicin- ity of Ann Arbor. Directed by Mar- gery Soenksen, Grad, Hannah John- ston, Grad, Lawrence Read, '42, Mir- iam Yinger, Grad, Jack Strait, '41, and Frederick Nelson, Grad, will handle the acting roles. Both this program and the preceding one will be announced by Richard Slade, '41. Participants for the broadcast were recruited from Professor Abbot's broadcasting class. Tomorrow, campus broadcasts are carried by Pontiac's station WCAR. Produced by students in Professor Kinsella's radio class, a quiz section highlights the first portion of the half-hour program, starting at 2:30 p.m. "Take Your Choice" it is called, Elaine Tucker is the production di- rector, Charles Hill, Grad, the in- terrogator, while Wentz Alspaugh, Grad, and Merril Bates, Grad, are end men, and Anita Newblatt, '41, Virginia Connell, Grad, Phil Milhous, Grad, Alfred Jones, Grad, Lois Luecht, '43, Elizabeth Myler, '42, Syl- via Wargelin, Grad, and Minden Maynard, Grad, all the contestants. Then a "Student Forum" will en- sue at 2:45 p.m. Those in the round- table discussion will be Glen Max- well, Grad, Carolyn Perkins, Grad, Elizabeth Hurst, Grad, Harry Dot- son, Grad, and Richard Burdick, Grad. American Art Exhibit Open At Rackham Arranged by the Graduate Study Program in American Culture and Institutions, an exhibition of Amer- ican painting is being shown this month in the mezzanhine galleries of the Rackham School. The galleries are open from 2 to 5 p.m. and from 7 to 10 p.m. daily except Sunday. The exhibition is retrospective in nature and aims to present a picture of the development from the early portraits of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries and from the beginnings of landscape painting by the artists of the Hudson River school toward the middle of the nineteenth and early twentieth cen- turies including works by Homer Sargent and Whistler to the varied production of contemporary painters. Early works include such names as Benjamin West, Gilbert Stuart and John Trumbull. Several examples of folk art af- ford interesting contrasts to works by more highly trained artists. The gallery of contemporary painting presents both oil and water colors, including works by Marin, Benton, Burchfield, Kuniyoshi and others, and attempts to give a cross section of the artists of today who are fig- uring prominently in the news of the art world and whose works are sought for exhibition throughout the country. The paintings have been borrowed from a number of sources, such as museums, educationl institutions, are dealers and private collectors. The Detroit Institute of Arts has lent from its collections. Modern works' from the collection of the Hackley Art Gallery at Muskegon and the Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts have been drawn upon. The Ann Arbor Art Assocation has loaned three oils, Cranbrook School has loaned a West painting and several paintings from the University collection are being shown. WJR 1 J WXYZ CKLW '750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1240 KC- NBC Blue 1030 KC - Mutual Sunday Afternoon 12:00 Mother's Ablum Music for Moderns Children's Theatre Old Country Mail 12:15 Musical "1111Musicale 12:30 March of Games Garden Hour " wildlife 12:45 1 Silver Strings Sunday Serenade Light Messenger 1:00 U. of M. Serenade Trails of Song Frank Gagen I 1:15~~11. 1:30 News Round Table Salon Silhouettes Lutheran Hour ] 1 :45 Buddy Clark " 2:00 Columbia Symp. NBC Feature Vincente Gomez Herb wood Orcn ] 2:15 " Foreign Policy " 2:30 " Studio Feature Nat'l Music Camp Piano1 2:45 St. Louis at Detroit 11 Feature 3:00 Lone Journey . Sunday Vespers Elder Morton 3:15 -1. 3:30 Inv. to Learning " Music News 3:45 "1" 11 Melodies 4:00 to be announced " Bobby Byrnes Choren of the Air 4:15 11 4:30 Sweet Rhythm r Voice of Hawaii T. Reynolds Orch 4:45" Baseball Scores British News 5:00 Fun in Print Catholic Hiur Gray Gordon1 5:15 " " News Front endezvous 5:30 Gene Autry String Trio Cavalcade of Hits World Today 5:45 A Heap 'o Livin' Canadian News Sunday Evening1 6:00 L. K. Smith Europe's Situation News Serenade 6:15 "' 6:30 Ellery Queen Fitch Band Wagon Magnolia Blossoms Goards' Band 6:45 ~ 7:00 Workshop NBC Feature Message of Israel Dr. ceHaan 7:15 ~ 7:30 Johnny Presents One Man's Family Jay Franklin 7:45 News Al Donahue Serenade 8:00 Ford Hour Merry-Go-Rount Walter Winchell Revival 8:15 " Parker Family 8:30 " American Album Irene Rich 8:45 ' 'Bill Stern 9:00 Take or Leave It Hour of Charm Good Wi1 Court Short Wave 9:15 , Carry On 9:30 Public Affairs News " Symphonic hour 9:45 " Behind Headlines 10:00 Pianist Mischa Kottler News Ace Canadian News 10:15 Al Kavelin Dance Music Johnny Messner Britain Speaks 10:30 Benny Goodman Baron Elliott Dance Music 10:45 "1 " 11 McFarland Twins 11:00 News News Music You Want Reporter 11:15 Henry Busse Sunday Serenade " Tommy Tucker 11:30 News Vera Richardson Keller Orch. 11:45 Bob Millar " Matty MAineck 12:00 Letter F'm Home News and Music Sign Off Jack Teagarden Monday Afternoon 12:00 Goldbergs The Old Dean News Ace Happy Gang 12:15 Life Beautiful Julia Blake Between Bookends1 12:30 R'gt to Happ'n's Bradcast Riddle of Life News: Interlude 12:45 Road of Life Man on the Street Fan on the Street Carters 1:00 Dr. Malone Light of the World Reading Adventure Livestock 1:15 Joyce Jordan Grimm's Daughter " Songs 1:30 Fletcher Wiley Valiant Lady U.S. Navy Band Garden Club 1:45 My Son and I Hymns " Songs 2:00 Society Girl Mary Marlin Divorce Orphans Quiet Sanctuary 2:15 News Ma Perkins Honeymoon Hill" 2:30 Linda's Love Pepper Young John's Other Wife Turf: Dance 2:45 Editor's D'ghter Vic and Sade Just Plain Bill WCTU 3:00 Lone Journey Club Matinee Backstage Wife News 3:15 Mrs. Page StelIa Dallas Melody: Turf 3:30 Woman 'o C'rage " Lorenzo Jones Jamboree 3:45 Alice Blair News Widder Brown 4:00 Kathleen Norris Studio Features Girl Alone " 4:15 Golden Store " Malcolm Claire 4:30 Miss Julia " Irene Wicker Miss Trent 4:45 'Scatter' Baines Tropical Moods Tea Dance 5:00 News Recordings Show World News: Melody 5:15 Hollywood " To Be Announced Turf 5:30 News Dance Music Day In Review Scores: Hollywood 5:45 World Today Lowell Thomas Bud Shaver Blue Songs Monday Evening 6:00 News Sport Review Air Youths Rolling Home 6:15 Inside of Sports C. C. Badner The Factfinder 6:30 Blondie Bill Elliott The Lone Ranger Dukedale Grocery 6:45 Sports Parade " Dominion Day 7:00 Know Music? James Melton Record Review Play Broadcast 7:1511°,°1 7:30 Smoking Time Voice of Firestone Merry Go Round News 7:45 News 1."1State Dept. 8:00 Radio Theatre Dr. I. Q. Green Hornet Troops Abroad 8:15 "' '~ 8:30 NBC Feature Paul Martin Goldman Band 8:451''1'' 9:00 Guy Lombardo Contented Hour Harry Heilmann Happy Jim 9:15 11" Silhouettes Who Knows? 9:30 News Burns and Allen Reading News: Rhythm 9:45 Melody Marvels "" Rhythm 10:00 Amos 'n Andy Fred Waring Ray Gram Swing Canadian News 10:15 Lanny Ross NBC Dance Music News Ace Interlude 10:30 Peaceful Valley " Baron Elliott Music Room 10:45 11 "11 1 11:00 News News Music You Want Reporter 11:15 Dance Orchestra Dance Music " Harry James 11:30 News Eastwood Orch. " Blue Barron 11:45 Henry King "1Erskine Hawkins 12:00 Leighton Noble Westwood Orch. " Jack McLean British Bombing Felt Sharply In Ruhr RADIO SPOTLIGHT Education School Offers Program Three lectures to be given by vis- iting and regular members of the School of Education faculty are the highlights of the week's program of- fered by the school for Summer Ses- sion students interested in education. "Trends in the Status of the Class- room Teacher" will be the topic of Dr. Richard T. Foster's address at 4 p.m. tomorrow in the University High School Auditorium. Dr. Foster is outstanding in the field of educa- tion for his direction of the Research Division of the National Education Association and his work on revision of the elementary school curriculum. Dr. F. G. Macomber of the Uni- versity of Oregon will deliver the sec- ond lecture on the subject, "Shall We Have a Core Curriculum," pre- senting his views on progressive edu- cation on Tuesday. Dr. Margaret Bell, professor of hy- giene and physical education of the University will discuss "The Pro- gram of Education Endorsed by the American Association of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation"' on Wednesday SUNDAY, JULY 7, 1940 CCC To Study Problems Of Unemployed Youth Workshop on current studies of the educational problems of unem- ployed youth will open here tomor- row for 35 educational advisors in Civilian Conservation Corps camps as Dean James B. Edmonson ad- dresses the group on "What Is Ahead for Education." Planned for camps in the Sixth Army Corps Area, the program will be directed by Russell A. Bean of the central staff, assisted by Prof. Thom- as Diamond of the vocational educa- tion department of the education school. Complete SUNDAY DINNER at Thy Subw~ay Choice STEAKS & CHOPS Popular prices from 40c up. Dinner served 12 noon to 8 P.M. NoRTF UNIVERSITY af Thayer opp. Hill Auditorium V11vvcuiaua F- ------ - MEE N soI ethEng ne \\1 Po yr prt. aea pca Xo ve urpi\bus"No /~'~ SPECIAL PURCHR.SE Mni,-Sumnyer Dresses , Treat yourself 3 to something ne7i' Now! , 'C % .See what wonders it will do In! ~j for your spirits. Make a special trip to MIMI's (only a block from campus, yuko)and ~' " ~ look over our prize "buys." No tend of colors, styles, sizes and , / '~. materials. V$2.95, $3.95 and up ' HOSIERY SWEATERS LINGERIE 34 mART _ { :#.. 345 MAYNARD STREET Parley Valuable As An Exercise In Democracy, Blakeman States Amazing New Vanishing Deodorant Cream! 500 Use to - Stop perspiration -Keep underarms dry - End underarm odor ftfeetive 2 to 4 days, depending upon the individual. TAsoo is fragrant, greaseless, stainless; quick and easy to apply. No waiting to dry. We rec- oninend TAsoo. Zhe £sarry On State At Head Of North U. (Continued from Page 1) countered in sponsoring the Parley, Dr. Blakeman stated, is how to awak- en the docile student who arrives at the University, sent by his parents, obeying family custom to get suffi- ciently interested in the world about him so that he will want to delve in- to and grapple with such issues as institutionalism and hardening about some of our major functions, educa- tion, religion and aesthetics. It is very gratifying, he commented to observe the gradual and spasmodic increase in attendance. Since 1933 the attendance has more than tripled from its original figure of 250. The founders of the Parley expect- ed it to perform a revolutionary serv- ice, Dr. Blakeman said, but since then they have been content to ac- cept the results of recommendations Capitol Population Grows WASHINGTON, July 6.-(1P)-The population of the nation's capital increased from 486,869 to 663,153 in the last decade, preliminary figures of the new census disclosed tonight. The gain of 36.6 per cent was the largest of any major city so far re- ported. made at these sessions which may have liberalized the curriculum, in- creased the confidence of the faculty in students and encouraged inter- departmental studies. Last winter, the Winter Parley, a younger brother of the Summer and traditional Spring Parley, was chris- tened. The cycle of parleys is now complete, Dr. Blakeman pointed out. Records of all previous parleys have been kept and are available for con- tinuations committees each year. This summer, the record, because it covers a decade of progress in faculty- student sessions, is to be written up as a report covering the most signifi- cant items from all of the 12 Parleys. Pollock To Speak To Phi Delta Kappa Prof. James K. Pollock of the polit- ical science department will speak at the third weekly luncheon meeting of Phi Delta Kappa, national honorary education fraternity, at 12:15 p.m., Tuesday in the Union. Noted as an international authori- ty on foreign and domestic politics, Professor Pollock will answer ques- tions of the educators on the current situation and problems created by the European conflict. Members of the local and other national chapters of the fraternity are urged to attend the weekly meet- ings featuring a prominent speaker for the duration of the Summer Ses- sion, Joe Park, president, announced. Shows Today at 1-3-5-7-9 P.M. NOW! .. _. r -.'. 1 er ctia vn. Modern COOHK2 By PRESTON GROVER R BERLIN, July 6.-(/P)--A 1,400- mile trip through the Ruhr and Rhine valleys discloses that Britain's nightly air raids are harassing the industrial population and taking a considerable toll of lives. The trip, for the foreign press in Berlin, was arranged by the propa- ganda and war ministries for the purpose of supplying evidence to support the repeated official asser- tion that the British are not bomb- ing military objectives. In the cities we visited we were able to see no evidence of actual damage to a military objective, and the German officers accompanying the party insisted "not a single one" had been hit. In several places bombs obviously had fallen in the vicinity of sub- stantial military objectives, however. lvl.m, . t ""w. NO WONDER THEY HOWLED ON CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY FOR RENT HOSPITAL or CAMPUS-2 and 3 olJ uoijocqo oN -MauluVJtdBwoo.1 small child. Phone 2-3430. MISCELLANEOUS -20 COLLEGE BEAUTY SHOP offers good work at low prices. Shampoo and wave, $.50; oil manicure, $.50; oil permanent, $1.95. Phone 2-2813. oI LAUNDERING-9 LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at a low price. LAUNDRY - Students' laundry. Shirts 12c. Phone 4863 for other prices. Cash and carry. Mrs. Rich- ards. SILVER LAUNDRY 607 Hoover Phone 5594 Free pickups and deliveries Price List All aortinlPC wu.,qhand aA4irnnwu3 STUDENT AGENCY Dry Cleaning& Laun dory 1209-A South University Phone 9C Suits and Plain Dresses Cleaned Cash 49c Carry 088 EE*2~ i~m IN -3IrE'E EwallU NUIWUWIf Ii 'I I ter&:~.. '' "XC:[R'iIiZ:::' I: