THE MICHIGAN DAILY MONDAY, JUNE 24,9 40 'HE MICHIGAN DAILY President Ruthven' s Graduation "Message To The Class Of 1940 Grin And Bear It By Lichty ii:;4" 'I ri -ww 1H(1,...W... Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan unier the authority of the Board in control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during 'the university year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mall matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, 04.00; 'y mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVEl,,S1NG BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YiORK. N. Y. CHICAGO -fOSTON -Los ANGELES -^SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Editorial Staff Managing Editor .............. Carl Petersen City Editor ................ Norman A. Schorr Associate Editors.......Harry M. Kelsey, Karl Kessler, David I. Zeitlin, Suzanne Potter, Albert P. Blaustein, Chester Bradley Business Staff Business Manager ............ Jane E. Mowers Assistant Manager...........Irving Guttman NIGHT EDITOR : CARL PETERSEN The Oeld Order Changeth.. 0 T HERE WAS A DAY we all can re- member when going to "Summer School" was a prospect looked forward to with anything but enthusiasm. The idea of spending long, lazy summer days in the classroom be- came a torture to the mind; the instructors were ogres whose chief joy in life was to thwart our natural impulse to get out in the open and enjoy the sports that summer offered. And the curriculum was one which would dismay the most ardent scholar. We went to school regretfully; we went home rejicing that an- other spell of imprisonment was over. But the old order changeth, and makes way' for summer school, University 'of Michigan style. Here the forty-seventh annual Summer Session extends a welcoming hand to students and faculty, offering them the facilities of the University to carry on their studies, supple- mented by guest instructors from colleges and universities all over the country. Special insti- tutes and programs invite the attention of each student and embrace every conceivable field of interest. These broad programs, adminis- tered by the best men in each field, have in the past embraced Far Eastern Studies, Renaissance Studies, Latin-American Studies. This year, as the eyes of the world turn toward America as the last great stronghold of freedom, democracy and peace, the Summer Session offers a study program of American Culture and Institutions. Having as its aim the interpretation, definition and appraisal of fundamental elements in American culture and institutions and analysis of the forces which have shaped the course of American life to the present day, the pro- gram will embrace work in English, Economics, geography, History, Philosophy, Political Sci- ence and Sociology. A lecture series, open to the public, and supplemented for students in the program by round-table discussions and conferences, promises to make this one of the highlights of educational activities in this coun- tr'y. THE LINGUISTIC INSTITUTE held under the joint auspices of the University and the Linguistic Society of America, the sixth annual Conference on Religion which will offer laymen in the Summer Session a series of lectures and forums on religion in our time, the Deutsches Haus (German Language Center) and the Foyer Francais (French Language Center) which will provide students of these languages an oppor- tunity to develop their facility in conversation, combine to make this one of the most profitable of the Summer Session's 47 years. But when considering the activities of the Summer Session mention must be made of the many camps which carry on specialized activity in the field during the summer. Camps for foresters, biologists, engineers, geologists are located in Northern Michigan, Wyoming and Colorado. In addition to these activities, the Summer Session includes programs offered in normal colleges throughout the State. THE WORK of students here will be carried on against a background of pleasurable ac- tivities, made available through the'ideal vaca- tionland setting of Ann Arbor, the work of the Michigan Repertory Players, the League and the Art Cinema League. The 47th annual Summer Session will prove a valuable educational and recreational period for all students. The Summer Session Daily.. HE SUMMER SESSION.DAILYwill appear regularly every day of the wrele with the excetion of Monday. MY MESSAGE today is a twofold one. One part is addressed to your sucessors; the other is specifically for you. To those young people who are planning t' enter or return to the University next year I issue this warning: Michigan welcomes only students who are convinced that democracy is the ideal form of government for a civilized people. She will not be confused by sophistries built around meaningful but ill-defined phrases, such as "freedom of the press" and "freedom of speech," but will deal firmly, without fear or favor, with subversive or so-called "fifth column" activities. "True freedom consists with the observance of law," and unlawful acts cannot be justified by differences in ideologies. Honest discussion is a valuable method of education, but is to be clearly distinguished from propaganda. The University of Michigan is an institution of the people, and its staff must continue to insist that Americans who prefer to live under other forms of government are in spirit unfriendly aliens who have no right to the benefits pro- vided by our schools. Now, may I speak directly to you. Only Earnest Souls F I WERE a king or, to be more modern, 4 dictator, I would issue an edict that none but earnest souls be permitted to address stu- dents on these and similar occasions. I would make sure that speakers under consideration appreciated their responsibilities and questioned their fitness for the task. I would favor those who could be counted on to feel, as they faced their audience, that they might have done well to have stayed at home, and, as they finished, that their listeners probably shared their feel- ing. If you will accept these opinions as criteria to govern the choice of speaker, I assure you I am not out of place on this platform. The prayer in my heart as I came here today was recorded by an Egyptian scribe two thousand years before Christ: "Would I had phrases that are not known, utterances that are strange, a new lan- guage that hath not been used, free from repe- tition, not an utterance which hath grown stale, which men of old have spoken." While my prayer has not been answered, of some things I am confident. To indulge in platitudes, to pretend to a knowledge of econ- omies, political science, or sociology only pos- sessed by specialists, or to assume the role of prophet, age, or seer would not be appropriate, for I trust that you have been trained to detect sham, to analyze propaganda, and to prick the bubble of conceit. To fail to be frank with you, to argue for the status quo, or to attempt, by rattling the dry bones of human failure, to frighten you into accepting generalizations of doubtful validity would hazard your resentment as an affront to the intellectual honesty which your instructors have assisted you to acquire. There remains for me, however, one theme which can never become outmoded, and which may appropriately be discussed by an educator who has faith in the ability of the human race ultimately to raise itself above a barbarism in which men act in ignorance and on impulse to a civilization in which they act on knowledge and principle. I refer to the responsibility of the trained individual in a communal group. Specifically, I propose today to speak of one of the factors which tend to destroy the natural assets of youth and to vitiate the advantages of education-the mental and spiritual degen- eration which often comes with age. We Live Democratically WE in the Unitdd States have chosen to live in a democracy. Admittedly, our efforts have to this time produced only a blundering, inefficient, and otherwise obviously imperfect organization. The important consideration, however, is that we still desire and struggle to govern ourselves in ways which will preserve maximum freedom of thought, initiative, and action consistent with happy and peaceful com- munal living: to achieve, in the words of Thomas Mann, "that form of government and of so- ciety which is inspired above every other with the feeling and consciousness of the dignity of man." We have also understood that education is an essential activity of democracy. Although we have not always fully appreciated the im- portance of training the individual for the re- sponsibilities of citizenship, we have held to the concept that self-government demands for its competent expression wide distribution of all available knowledge and the ability to use it. But, if for so much we may accept credit, we can, no longer be content with the slowness of our progress and the blind optimism which has assumed that we are sufficiently rich, power- ful, and isolated to be able safely to dawdle along toward Utopia. Recent events have shocked us into the real- ization that an apparent general incapacity of historic democratic institutions to deal effec- tively with problems in a period of rapid change challenges, the very existence of representative government. Unless all signs fail, a world-wide outbreak of an ancient struggle is impending-- a conflict between two ideologies-individual freedom and regimentation. If this is true, it scarcely needs to be argued that the safety of democracy in America requires not only an immediate tightening of its defenses, but, more importantly, a vigorous offensive, involving an improvement of practices. The schools ar(d other social agencies must reject the concept of social and moral neutrality and both teach and exemplify the principles of self-government. the task of improving our efforts to govern ourselves. The Young Person's Difficulty AS YOUNG PEOPLE it will not be hard for you to understand the responsibility of in- dividuals to strive honestly and effectively to apply the ethical concepts, values, and outlooks of democracy to their lives and institutions. Your difficulty will be that as your hair changes color and you are forced to become better acquainted with your dentist, you will tend to become too myopic to see far beyond your own interests. I venture the opinion that, despite all the trials with which they are afflicted, the schools are doing increasingly well the work of inculcating in their students self-confidence, love of free- dom, belief in the right of free discussion and criticism, respect for fair-mindedness and hon- esty, and devotion to the common good. The main obstacle to their greater service has been, and bids fair to continue to be, lack of support of adults who have abandoned their youthful convictions and refuse to be bothered about the state of the nation, except to complain about it, or to reenize their obligations to society, except to obey such laws as they cannot evade. In short, our failure to improve our attempts at self-government is an important part attribut- able to our lack of success in carrying over the valuable attributes of youth and the benefits of education beyond Commencement Day-with a consequent unlovely narrowing of the mind and a depressing spiritual backsliding. Youth is normally characterized by flexibility of mind, enthusiasm, curiosity, frankness and courage. These traits, often misi'terpreted as symptoms of a dangerous radicalism in times of fear and hysteria, good schools and wise teachers value and cherish, for they are the hope of the world. They are indications of spiritual health and intellectual vigor. But, unfortunately, in our civilization, when a man seriously takes up the business of making a liv- ing, he is inclined to become timid, conservative, selfish, mentally lazy, narrow-minded, and opin- ionated, just as he is prone to develop adipose tissue and hardening of the arteries. He often becomes more individualistic and less socially minded. He is discovered in attempts to jus- tify his failure to be true to the ideals of his youth by appeals to practicability and the edu- cational value of experience. He ignores what he has been taught that, in resorting to this type of rationalization, he is merely salving his conscience and conditioning himself to things as they are. Young Minds Must Change THERE IS LITTLE HOPE for the democratic order unless young minds refuse to undergo deterioration. Education is little more than preparation for a trade if its social values are to be lost in large part shortly after graduation. If injustice, prejudice, bigotry, and selfishness are inevitably to prevail in adult life, some form of totalitarianism is probably called for in com- munal living and at any rate is good enough for us. If we are to have and to deserve the freedom which it is the aim of democracy to provide, then we must somehow retain the faith, zeal, and flexibility of trained young minds. Fortunately, while we cannot turn back the hands of the clock or halt our march to the grave, we can, barring accident and disease, and indeed in spite of these, preserve and in- crease our power of intellect and grow in wisdom throughout our lives. Study, observation, and experience, together with serious thinking and discussion, may be counted upon to keep the mind active, the ideals untarnished, and faith in man's destiny sufficiently lively to demand the works without which it is dead. Most im- portant of all, these factors will produce a skilled social unit-the individual who can live happily both with his fellows and himself. A great tragedy of mankind is the persistence. of' the age-old delusion that social progress can be ensured by organization and force, that en- during peace, justice, and security can be had by formula. Sound social advancement is a product of peace, and peace is inspired by tranquil minds. Petrarch tells us that "five great enemies of peace inhabit with us, namely, avarice, ambition, envy, anger, and pride. If those enemies were to be banished, we should infallibly enjoy perpetual peace." These traits, the causes of conflict, indicate undisciplinedi minds, uninformed minds, stultified minds$ minds willing to sacrifice principles for the ease of complacency. Continued training and self- discipline can banish them and give to the in- dividual that inner peace which makes him a dependable unit of an evolving civilization in which to an ever-increasing extent tastes are cultivated, "manners refined, views broadened, and natures spiritualized." Members of the Class of 1940, in behalf of your instructors, as you leave these halls, I deliver an admonition, voice a wish, and promise you a reward. Democracy Must Improve A DEMOCRACY cannot be static. When it ceases to improve, it begins to break down. Its improvement is possibly only as its citizens become increasingly worthy to govern them- selves. Thus, you are to remember that a good citizen is one whose mind is always in the making. Our hope for' you is our hope for the demo- cratic order, that you will always be of. the group of men "who never seem to grow olf. Always active in thought, always ready to adopt new ideas, they are never chargeable with fogyism. Satisfied, yet ever dissatisfied, settled, vet ever.unsettled. they always niov th eet "We had to give him an honorary degree in science-he's financing six halfbacks in the engineering schools!'" Calendar Of The W~eek Monday 7:45 P.M. Square and Country Dancing. Benjamin B. Lovett, Edison Institute, Dearborn. (Michigan League Ballroom.) Free. Tuesday 7:30 P.M. Beginners' Class in Social Dancing. (Michigan League Ballroom.) 8:00 P.M. Duplicate Bridge. (Michigan League.) Anyone wishing to to play is invited. Come with or without partners. Wednesday 3:30-5:30 P.M. Dancing. (Michigan League Ballroom.) Free of charge. Come with or without partners. 7:30 P.M. Intermediate Dancing Class. (Michigan League Ballroom.) 8:30 P.M. "The Critic" by Richard Brinsley Sheridan. (Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre.) Thursday 2:00 P.M. Excursion No. 1-Tour of Campus. Inspection of General Library, Clements Library of Early American History, Cook Legal Research Library and other buildings of the Law Quadrangle, Michigan Union, Burton Memorial Tower, Aeronautical Laboratory, Naval Tank and other points of interest. Explanatory talks will be given by those in charge. Trip ends at 4:45 P.M. There is no charge for this excursion. 7:15 P.M. Concert on the Charles Baird Carillon. 8:00 P.M. Bridge Lessons. (Michigan League.) 8:30 P.M. "The Critic." (Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.) Friday 8:30 P.M. "The Critic." (Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.) General Re- ception of the Faculty to the Students of the Summer Session. (Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies.) 9:00 P.M. Social Evening. (Michigan League Ballroom.) Free of, charge. Come with or without partners. Saturday 8:00 A.M. Excursion No. 2-A Day in Detroit. Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit Public Library, tour of Belle Isle, Fisher Building, inspection of Radio Broadcasting Station WJR,# and. Detroit Zoo- logical Park. Round trip by bus. Reservations in Summer Session office, Angell Hall. Trip ends at 5:30 P.M., Ann Arbor. 8:30 P.M. "The Critic." (Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.) 9:00 P.M. Social Evening. (Michigan League Ballroom. Come with or without partners. The Straight DopNe By Himself I 1- \~a DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN All notices for the Daily Official Bulletin are to be sent to the Office of the Summer Session before 3:30 P.M. of the day preceding its pub- lication except on Saturday when the notices should be submitted be- fore 11:30 A.M. College of Literature, Science, and The Arts, School of Music, and School of Education: Students who received marks of I or X at the close of their last semester or summer session of attendance will receive a grade of E in the course unless this Work is made up by July 24th. Stu- dents wishing an extension of time beyond this date in order to make up the work should file a petition addressed to the appropriate official in their school with Room 4 U. H. where it will be transmitted. Summer Session Orchestra: Open to all who can qualify. No fee. Re- hearsals daily except Saturday. 2:30 to 4:00 P.M. Lane Hall. Waterman (Men's) Gymnasium on the Campus: The building will be open during the Summer Session for exercise and shower baths. Locker fee-50c; towel fee-50c; towel fee is refunded on return of last towel. Secure tickets at cashier's office, south wing, University Hall, Camps. Gymnasium closing hours: Main floor-5:30 p.m.; Building-6:00 p.m. Phi Delta Kappa will hold the first of its weekly Summer Session lunch- eons on Tuesday, June 25, at 12:10 in the Michigan Union. Dr. Ma- comber, Professor of Education and Director of the University High School at the University of Oregon, will speak on the subject, "Miscon- ceptions About Progressive Educa- tion." Important aspects of Phi Delta Kappa's plans for its summer pro- gram will be announced at the luncheon. Summer Session Chorus: Open to all University students. Tuesdays;7 to 8 P.M. School of Music A di- torium. German House Tuesday night, June 25, there will be a meeting of the summer German Club at the German House 1315 Hill Street. A summer program of activities will be annouriced. All students of Ger- man and all those interested in Ger- man including faculty members are cordially invited to attend this meet- ing. Cercle Francais: An organization meeting will be held Wednesday, June 26th at 8 o'clock at the Foyer Francais, 1414 Washtenaw (near the corner of South University). An ex- ecutive committee will be selected. There will be a talk, group singing of French songs, refreshmehts. Stu- dents from all departments who are interested in French are cordially in- vited to join the Cercle Application should be made directly to Professor Jobin, Room 405, Romance Lan- guages Bldg. A Tour of the Campus will be held on- Thursday, June 27, at 2:00 P.M. Anyone enrolled in the University may attend. The party meets in the or by of Angell Hall, facing on State .treet. There is no charge for this excursion. The trip ends at 4:45 P.M. WE NOTED with some alarm the1 other day that no less than two1 million of our mothers are taking up arms to defend us from parachuteI troops whose arrival the embattledt parents seem to regard as imminent. We hear that officers of the Navalr Reserve are instructing the ladies in the proper use of firearms and inr strategical maneuvers designed to discomfit the enemy. The organiza- tion is called the National Legion of4 Mothers of America, and its nation- al president is no less a figure thant Kathleen Norris. The goal of the group is that all two million women shall own in their own names a rifle or other firearm. According to a regional director every state in the Union will soon have a women's rifle corps. W1e are in favor of defending the homeland at any cost; let that face be put on the record at the outset. B{t whether or not we can contem- prate the sight of our mothers and our friends' mothers owning and possessing in their own names deadly firearms which the United States government has trained them to use ;.s a point we think we shall have to consult dad on before we core to any definite decision.. Just at the moment our reaction is somewhat ,.oubtful, not to say scared. In the words of Patrick Henry "Against whom are these mighty armaments directed?" The possibility of mother do:Lg 'her bit by sitting out on a 7+ .. fl n{-,.a r~y f + m if n ~ .,o pleasant hillside potting off the Hit- ler boys is all very fmi, but what if moth r suddenly gets a'ngry' at Mrs. McGilicuddy down tie block? We fto Mrs. Ma Qdicuddy either, she c rce got us a whipping ;or run-' ning on her lawn, but we do not want her shot, Mother,, we have eve- ry reason to suspect, does. In fact we fear that civil strife of the sort that broke out in the Ladies Aid last year might well prove an inducement to the Hitler boys rather than the opposite. Surely the prospect of two million ladies shooting each other up indiscriminately is one to make, an interloper howl in hysterical glee. BESIDES, we fear that in no time there would be a Young Matron's Auxiliary and after that the Virgin's Training Society and while we have no vested interest in the Young Ma- trons we would hate to see any fur- ther developments along the line we charted above. We prefer to do our own training and we are definitely opposed to intrusting any training of our women to the United States Naval Reserve or indeed to -the Reg- ular Army itself. In addition to this the effect on the training unit itself ought to be considered. We remember when mother learned to drive. Father is a brave and able man but he failed miserably. Two gents from the agency gave the job up. Finally a Russian expatriate took it up and finished the job but he actually said that he preferred going through the ,,'vninfon1o , ir nv m r ,. ml,, ,mn,, Tony's Diplomacy Needed In Italy Tony, we admit, is a bit of a dic- tator. That is, when it comes to gardens. He knows why furrows have to run this way , and why flowers are best in that place. But Tony is a diplomat. He has a finer Italian hand for diplomacy than some people we know about. Note the "border inci- dent" of June 11, the day after Mus- solini had taken his trusting people into war. The border is defined by a hedge. The incident concerned flowers. The lady-next-door had given Tony's elp- poyer a generous number of plants. Then the L. N. D. offered more flow- ers to Tony also, for him to take home to his own garden on Cottage Street. Tony blandly accepted them. Later his employer found him plant- ing the flowers in a secluded spot on the employer's grounds. "But, Tony, they were intended for your own garden!" she protested. "Oh, me," he shrugged, "I got plenty of flowers. But if she don't need them, why I not take them for you? She won't see them way over here." "Diplomacy"-see Webster-Im- plies double dealing. In a way, we suppose, Tony is just another diplo- mat. But Il Duce might learn a thing or two from him. It is the dip- lomacy of Italy's Tonies rather than of its Duces that will preserve Italy's place in the sun of a world's affec- tion. - The Christian Science Monitor Threat To Democracy There has been no closer approach to European totalitarianism in the United States than the order just