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July 07, 1940 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1940-07-07

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Fair and Continued Warm


M 4F r4iau


The Navy
Of France

Official Publication Of The Summer Session


Unrest Grows"
In Mexico As
Election Day
Rioting Begins
Newsboy Shot, Four Others
Hurt In Mexico City;
Government Officials
Expect No Revolution
Entire Army Kept
On Hand For Duty
MEXICO CITY, July 6. -(i)-
Mexico's angry Presidential cam-
paign ended tonight in an atmos-
phere of growing tenseness, scat-
tered bloodshed and fear of major
disorders in tomorrow's election.
Late in the day, one newsboy was
shot *and killed and four other per-
sons were wounded in front of the
union headquarters here of the
workers of the marine department.
They had shouted "Viva Alama-
zan!" thus demonstrating in behalf
of the anti-administration candidate
for president, General Juan Andreu
The group of boys had stoned the
building, which displayed photo-.
graphs of Manuel Avila Camacho,
the administration candidate. Police
arrested one man in the union head-
quarters and rescued :other occu-
pants from a'mob of boys.
Substantially the entire army of
52,000 was kept to barracks and
police were on the alert.
It was openly predicted that there
would be many "minor incidents,"
but government officials said again
that there would be no revolution.
General Alamazan and President
Lazaro Cardenas, who is backing
General Manuel Avila Camacho as
his successor, exchanged recrimina-
tions in newspaper statements.
Alamazan called upon Cardenas to
fulfill his "duty to respect and make
respected the popular will as he.
spontaneously and frequently offered}
to do," and referred especially to a
presidential statement that the cam-
paign "renews the traditional strife
between the democratic and the
anti-democratic forces."
This statement, Alamazan's fol-
lowers protested, implied that' Ala-
mazan was an anti-democrat, where-
as, they said, his whole campaign
has been an attack on totalitarian
Bomb Scare

Conference On Religion
Opens Here Tomorrow

Prof. William
Of Chicago
Is Conclave

W. Sweet

Prof. William W. Sweet of the
Divinity School of the University of
Chicago will keynote the theme of
"Religion and National Development"
at the sixth Anual Conference on Re-
ligion which convenes here tomor-
row for a week of conferences, round-
tables' and luncheons.
The author of three volumes
on religious development, Professor
Sweet has lectured widely on the re-
lation of religion to nationalism and
democracy. He will discuss the
"American Religious Scene," "Re-
ligion and the March Westward,"
"The Source of Our Religious Lib-
erty." and "Revivalism as a Factor
in Religion." Tuesday through Fri-
day at 3 p.m. in the W. K. Kellogg
Institute Auditorium.
Morgan Discusses India
Kenneth Morgan, director of .the
Student Religious Association, will
officially open the conference with
his description of "Religion in India."
He will treat the subject of the effect
of Hinduism on nationalism and
complex culture and draw illustra-
tions from his studies in Indian mon-
asteries a few years ago.
Prof. Leroy Waterman of the ori-
ental languages department will open
the series of afternoon lectures at
3 p.m. with his analysis of "Religion
in National Development." As ar-
ranged by Dr. Edward W. Blakeman,
counselor in religious education,
other lectures will be given by D4.
Esson M. Gale, author of "Basics of
Chinese Culture,". who spent 15 years
as adviser to the Chinese Government
and later was lecturer in oriental

languages and literature at the Uni-
versity of California.
Third lecture in the series of lun-
cheons will be given by Rev. O. D.
Foster, student religious leader and
investigator, who has recently re-
turned from Mexico. Dr. Leonard
A. Parr of the First Congregational
Church will introduce him Thursday
to speak on "Religion and Old Mex-
Forum Series Opens
At 4:15 p.m. the first in the series
of forums will open with the showing
of "A Delinquent Is Born." Parti-
cipants in the panel are: Rev. J. C.
Koehler of the First' Baptist Church
of Jackson; Rev. W. J. Shepherd;
Mr. Arnold Turk, probationer offic-
er of Jackson; Rev. Robert H. White-
ly, director of religious education;
(Continued on Page 2)


2 Proves

Figures Show
Total Enrollment Reaches
5,601; 3,436 Are Men;
3,379 Are Graduates
Latest enrollment figures issued by
the registrar's office indicate a total
registration up through Friday of
5,601 students, a gain of 56 over last
year's total at this time and seven
above the 1939 final total.
The figures are not yet complete.
The final enrollment will probably be
greater by 50 or more.
According to the registrar's office,
1,837 undergraduates have enrolled
in the literary college, the engineer-
ing and pharmacy schools, and the
schools of architecture, education,
music and forestry and conservation.
In the professional schools, medicine,
law and business administration, 393,
have registered. The graduate school
registration totals 3,379.
Of the 5.601 enrolled, 3,436 are
men and 2,165 are women. Women
outnumber men in only one school,
that of education, where the figures
are 38 men and 227 women.
Final enrollment figures for last
year's Summer Session reached
5,594. The greatest number of stu-
dents ever to attend the University's'
Summer Session was 5,771, the total
reached in 1938.

O'Neill Play
To Be Season's
Michigan Players Present
'Beyond The Horizon'
Opening Wed., July 10
Eugene O'Neill's "Beyond the Hor-
izon" will be preesnted by the Mich-
igan Repertory. Players as the third
offering of the summer season onf
Wednesday, July 10, at the LydiaI
Mendelssohn Theatre. Other per-
formances will be given Thursday,
Friday and Saturday nights.
The play will be directed by David
Itkin, Guest Director of the Players
this summer. Mr. Itkin was former-
ly a member of the Moscow Art The-
atre and many other noted groups.
He was a friend of the noted Kon-
stantine Stanislavsky, whose theories
of the so-called "natural" drama
have changed the theatre all over
the world. At present Mr. Itkin is
head of the Drama School at DePaul
University and a director of th
Goodman Theatre of Chicago. He is
especially well known for his ability
to handle psychological drama in
terms of utter simplicity.
The plot of the play, which won
the 1923 Pulitzer Prize, is concerned
with the maladjustment to life of
two brothers. Neither of them is
able to adjust himself to an en-
vironment wholly unsuited to his

Band Presents
First Weekly
Concert Today
Program Features Music
Of Gould, Saint-Saens,
And Rimsky-Korsakoff
Baud Boasts Full
Woodwind Section
The University Summer Session
Band will open its series of weekly
summer concerts under the direction{
of Prof. William D. Revelli at 4:15
p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
An organization of 128 musicians,
the summer Concert Band is made
up largely of music directors, super-;
visors of music and instructors in
music from various' high schools and
colleges throughout the country.
Complete in its symphonic instru-
mentation, the Summer Session Band1
is one of the few 7concert bands in;
the country which boasts a full com-1
plement of woodwinds.
Scores Available
All recently published musical1
scores are made available to the
band, and through this service, the'
directors and conductors are intro-
duced to the latest selections which
can be adapted to band work.
A secondary function of the band
is as a laboratory course to provide
the musicians experience and in-
struction in the latest procedures and
rehearsal techniques in band work.
Especial emphasis is given to work1
in tone production, interpretation,
balance and intonation. '
Special Auditions
Eligibility to play in the band is
determined through special auditions
given at the beginning of the Sum-9
mer Session.
The program to be presented by
the Band follows:
Procession of the Nobles........
..... Rimsky-Korsakoff
Horizon Overture . . ..........Buys
Jeanie with the Light Brown
Hair ..............Foster-Calliet
King Orry Rhapsody ........ Wood
El Caballero ... ..... . Olivadoti
Symphony No. 1 in E-flat
(Finale) ............Saint-Saens
Ave Maria ............ . . Schubert
Campus °on Parade........Meretta
Russian Sailors' Dance, from the
Ballet, "The Red Poppy" .. Gliere
Pageantry of the Gridiron .. Bennett,
A.Y.C. Rebels
To Launch New
GroupIn State
'Pro-American' Bloc Plans
Nation-Wide Movement
To Oust Communists
(By The Associated Press)
LAKE GENEVA, Wis., July 6-A
group of young "pro-Americans" at
odds with the Americap Youth Con-t
gress decided today to launch a one-
state organization of its own as a
start toward a national youth move-
Michigan was selected as the
starting point, since a large majority
of the "pro-Americans," backed by
Gene Tunney, former heavyweiglt
champion, live in Michigan.
Members of the group talked brief-
ly with Tunney today, and then the

former champ left by automobile
for Chicago, to fly from there to
New York.
The Youth Congress itself pro-
ceeded with routine business and
discussion o fits constitution and
by-laws, after voting a policy of
support for national defense and.
non-intervention in foreign wars.
A lengthy debate preceeding adop-
tion last night of the defense reso-
lution by a vote of 384 to 19 pro-
vided the liveliest session of the an-
nual meeting which began Wednes-
day. For congress delegates it
dwarfed the "revolt movement of a
group of about 65 young "pro-Amer-
icans" who had the personal backing
of Gene Tunney, former heavyweight
The defense resolution of the Con-
gress said in part:
"We declare our readiness to con-
tribute, to the maximum, our ener-
gies, our services, and if need be,

Choral Music
Opens Vesper
Series Today
Dr. Hopkins Will Present
Address Of Welcome
On Musical Program
Chorus Is Directed
By William Breach
Special program of music by the
Summer Session Chorus and an ad-
dress of welcome to be delivered by
Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, director of the
Summer Session, has been arranged
for the traditional Convocation and
Vesper Service of the Summer Ses-
sion at 8 p.m. today in Hill Audi-
All faculty and students are invit-
ed to attend the program arranged
by the University Musical Society
and Committee on Religious Educa-
The chorus under the direction of
William Breach, visiting member of
the music school faculty, will sing
songs of contemporary American
composers. Included on the program,
are, "Ave Maria," arranged by Saar,
"Voix Celestes," "Beat, Beat Drums"
by Stoessel, and "Song of Faith" by
Carpenter, a short cantata for mixed
chorus, narrator, brasses and per-
cussion instruments.
Outstanding on the program is
Mulet's toccata "Thou Art the Rock,"
to be sung by Ruth Van Deursen, so-
prano; Nellie Rosalind Boswell, mez-
zo-soprano; Charles McNeil, violin-
ist; and Prof. Hardin Van Deursen
of the School of Music, narrator.
Rev. Chester A. Loucka of the First
Baptist Church will be presiding min-
ister offering the prayer and scrip-
Preuss, Speaks
Tomorrow On
Defense Policy
To Deliver Second Lecture
In Summer Session's
Series On War Crisis
Prof. Lawrence Preuss of the po-
litical science department will de-
liver the second lecture in the Sum-
mer Session Series on American Pol-
icy in the World Crisis at 4:15 p.m.
tomorrow in the Rackham Lecture
Hall when he will discuss "The Mon-
roe Doctrine and Hemisphere De-
A graduate of the University
where he received his B.A., M.A. and
Ph.D., Professor Preuss has writtda
widely in the field of international
law. In 1936 he was the winner of
the local Henry Russel award.
The first in the series of lectures
was given last week by Prof. Howard
M. Ehrmann of the history depart-
mnent on "The European Backgrounds
of the Present War."' Talks in this
series will be delivered each Monday
by members of the faculty and by
visiting lecturers.
The faculty committee directing
the series comprises Prof. A. E. R.
Boak of the history department, Prof.
Arthur W. Bromage of the political
science department, Prof. John Daw-
son of the Law School and Prof.
Charles F. Remer of the economics



t Speaks
The New

Going into its second week of lec-
tures and round table discussions,
the Graduate Study Program in
American Culture and Institutions
will present the first of this week's
lecturers at 8:15 p.m tomorrow, when
Prof. William W. Sweet of the Uni-
versity of Chicago will speak on
"Church and State in the New
The talk will be given in the lec-
ture hall of the Rackham School
and will be open to the public.
Professor Sweet, who now holds a
chair in the history of American
Christianity at the University of Chi-
cago, was educated at Ohio Wesleyan
University, Drew and Crozer Theo-
logical Seminaries, the University of
Pennsylvania and Cornell. He took'
an A.B. from Ohio Wesleyan, a B.D.
from Drew and a Th.M. from Crozer,
an A.M. and a Ph.D. from Pennsyl-
vania and a D.D. from Cornell. In
1935 Ohio Wesleyan presented him
wit a Litt.D. degree.
Ordained into the Methodist Epis-
copal ministry in 1906, Professor
Sweet was pastor at Willow Grove,
Pa., from 1906 to 1908 and at Lang-
horne, Pa,, from 1908 to 1911.
was a member of the faculty of the
history department at Ohio Wesley-
an from 1911 until 1913 when he
went to DePauw University as pro-
fessor of history until 1927. From
1926 to 1927 he was Dean of the
College of Liberal Arts at DePauw,
and in 1927 he joined the faculty of
The author of many books, Profes-
sor Sweet has also contributed to the
Encyclopaedia Britannica and the
Dictionary of American Biography.
He is a member of the American
Historical Association, the Mississip-
pi Valley Historical Association, the
Wisconsin Historical Association, the
American Society of Church History
and Phi Beta Kappa.

Madame President?

Join To Consider Course
Of Action Should Navy
Move Against Island

Mrs. Anna Milburn (above),
widow of Seattle, Wash., has been
nominated for president by the
National Greenback Party's coun-
cil, meeting in Indianapolis.
Culture Series
Begins Second
Week's Work

And State

America Watches
British Blockade
About Martinique

Full Information
Lacking,_Hull Says
WASHINGTON, July 6.-)-(-The
possibility of joint Pan-American
action with regard to the reported
British blockade of Martinique arose
At a press conference, Secretary
Hull said that this and other Amer-
ican governments carefully were
studying reports that British war-
ships had hemmed in the French
Caribbean island to prevent the de-
parture of a French aircraft carrier.
He added that they now lacked in-
formation on which to base any gen-
eral policy.
Machinery set up by' Pan-Ameri-
can conferences at Buenos Aires in
1936 and at Lima in 1938 provides
for hemisphere consultation in the
event of world peace disruption or
of any threat to American nations.
In addition, a declaration of Amer-
ican nations at Panama last Septem-
ber outlined a 300-mile neutrality
belt, which embraces Martinique.
Hull, saying he expected to attend
the conference of foreign officers of
21 American countries at Havana
July 20, indicated today it would
cover the whole field of Western
Hemisphere problems, including pos-
sible establishing of United States
air bases in South America.
He declared he could not say now
whether this government might call
to the attention of Great Britain
and France the reported blockade
of Martinique. ,He -said, too, that a
question of whether the United
States was ready to seize British and
French islands in this hemisphere if
Germany sought to take them was
a bridge to be crossed when we came
to it.
French spokesmen said they had
no information regarding any block-
ade of Martinique, and British em-
bassy authorities expressed the view
that reports of such a maneuver in-
volved "a great deal of imagination."
On Capitol Hill, senators generally
applauded Hull's declaration yester-
day reaffirming the Monroe Doc-
trine. Hull's statement was made in
response to a note from Germany
that the Administration's interpret-
ation of the Doctrine was "unten-
British Hammer
French, Italian Seapower
LONDON, July 6.-(P)-British
warplanes hammered a double blow
at Italian 'and French seapower to-
day in far-ranging attacks.
At home, Britain enrolled another
300,000 men in her constantly ex-
panding armed manpower, poised
now for invasion.
"Successful action" by naval and
Royal Air Force planes against Ital-
ian warships in Tobruk, Libya, was
announced by the admiralty.
It said other units of the fleet
air arm also had raided an airdrome
at Catania, Sicily, leaving hangars
and workshops in flaming ruins.
Naval mop-up planes made sure
that the damaged French battleship
Dunkerque was out of the war for
They revisited Oran, Algiers, where
the British attack on the French
fleet Wednesday crippled the Dun-
kerque and forced her aground, and
scored six bomb hits on the 26,500-
ton dreadnaught.
"It was considered essential," the
Admiralty explained, "that the ship
should be in no condition to take
part in the war in case she should
fall under enemy control . .."
The planes attacked without warn-
ing because the French commander
had declared his ships hors de com-
bat and said they were to be aban-
doned, a communique disclosed.

Wolverine To Hold
Open House Today

To Be A Dud
NEW YORK, July 6.--()-Crowds
at New York's World's Fair got their
second bomb scare in a week today.
But this time, instead of a deadly
explosive similar to the one which
took two lives Thursday and injured
seven, it proved to be only a package
containing-women's silk stockings,
and a handkerchief.
The package was discovered in the
British Pavilion-the same structure
in which the death-dealing bomb
was found two days ago.
It was rushed from the Pavilion
into the little-used area where the
earlier explosion occurred.
Members of the police bomb squad
hastened the package into a lava-
tory and there examined it with a
portable X-ray machine, which dis-
closed no bomb-like structure.
Other sources said it was about
the size of a cigar box, wrapped in
brown paper and bore a note saying:
"Please deliver to address inside
when opened. Danke shoen (German
for. 'thank you.')
Receipts Needed
At Square Dance
Unusually Large Turnout
Forces Regulation
Student registration receipts will
now have to be presented as identi-
fication at the square and country
dances given at the League on Mon-
Unusually large . attendance has
also forced the effect of another

I -

Parley Valuable As An Exercise
In Democracy, Blakeman States

140 Youths Enjoy Paradise
At UniversityFresh Air Camp

Free discussion is one of the basic
principles of the growing democracy,
likewise of higher education; there-
fore the Summer Parley is an enter-
prise of great merit, Dr. Edward W.
Blakeman, faculty Parley adviser and
religious counsellor of education, as-
serted in an interview yesterday.
Originating as the brain child of
religious groups, the Parleys contin-
ued on through the years to serve
an ever-broadening and deepening
spiritual purpose, he added. Con-
ceived in the "delur era of two cars
and banish poverty," the initial meet-
ings were devoted solely to discus-
sion on religious beliefs and philoso-
phical theory, Dr. Blakeman remi-
nisced. Recent Parleys have, he

Providing an out-of-doors paradise
for more than 140 under-privileged
and maladjusted youths of south-
eastern Michigan and offering first-
hand sociological and education train-
ing for 35 graduate student counsel-
ors, the University Fresh Air Camp's
20th season is well, under way on its
180-acre location on Patterson Lake.
Claiming as its prime function
that of diagnosis rather than treat-
ment, the camp presents a full pro-
gram of swimming, baseball, basket-
ball, craftsmansip, nature study and

lege, Springfield, O., and work in
sociology is directed by Dr. Stuart
Lottier, of the Detroit Recorder's
Funds for the camp are obtained
by private contribution and yearly.
support is liven the project by stu-
dents, faculty and townspeople of the
Michigan campus, contributing in
the periodic Tag Days.
Democracy is the key-note of the
camp. As far as is possible, the boys
themselves decide what they will do
for the specific activity periods, it
was explained by Personnel Director
Wallace (Wally to the boys) Watt.

I 1

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