THE MICHIGAN DAITA: THURSDAY, JULY 4 MICHIGAN DAILY Washington Merry-Go-Round Grin And Bear It By Lichty ._.. ...w . I. -.1 r, 7 ,Aq IIYN f M DF M- - - - Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. -" Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or' not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, s iecond class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; 'y mail, $4.50. 1 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL. ADVERSISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Pablishers Representative 420 MA sO AVIE ANEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO ' fioR -Los ANGELES-;°SAN FRAXCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Editorial Staff Managing Editor..............Carl Petersen City-Editor ......Norman A. Schorr Associate Editors .... Harry M. Kelsey, Karl Kessler, David I. Zeitlin, Suzanne Potter, Albert, P. Blaustein, Chester Bradley. Business Staff Business Manager............Jane E. Mowers Assistant Manager .......... Irving Guttman NIGHT EDITOR: A. P. BLAUSTEIN Canada's Defense And Ours .. A SERIES OF DAILY News dispatches from Canada, describing the thor- oughly justified alarm of our northern neighbors as they contemplate a possible collapse of British resistance, have a lesson for this country. Most Canadians, like some Americans, hae always admitted the 'fundainental fact of this continent's relation to British sea power in the Atlantic. Yet their present state of feeling is a sudden if not somewhat panicky sentiment, in which there are mingled both shock and in- credibility. It has always been obvious to Cana- dian leaders that, if" the bulwark of British might were removed, the threat of their nation's security would be immediate and transcendent. Yet it is still surprisingly hard for the alert Canadian with his empire ties of loyalty and tradition, to give full emotional assent to the objective possibility., The attitude is excellently summed up in a natio'al address that the minister of justice, Ernest La Pointe, gave only this week: "Who would have thought last autumn, when England and France were preparing themselves with us for a war of attrition behind the Maginot Line, that the aspect of the war would be changed so brusquely? Who would have thought that; nine days after the entry into the war of Italy, Canada, a country of America, would be compelled to mobilize her men and her resources to insure the defense of her own territory. . "But all that . . . is now of only relative im- portance. At this hour we are faced with a more brutal reality.. .Until now we have always relied on the British fleet for the protection of our soil and our freedom... Behind this mobile bulwark we have grown and come of age. ..I side with those who believe in ultimate victory... But, meanwhile, Britian needs her fleet for the defense of her island home. That means' that until the British Navy is free to act we must insure our own protection. ...° And it means, plainly, that if Britian should succumb, Canada must continue indefinitly to "insure her own protection." It is this grim possibility that has turned all Canadian eyes southward. Canadians realize, far more acutely than must United States citi- zens, that "insuring our own protection" on this continent, let alone in this hemisphere, is a stu- pendous task, and one for which our prepar- ations must now start almost from scratch. They knew that, because their own war effort has from the beginning been tail to the British kite, and based on the disastrously mistaken assumption of a long war of blockade and attrition, Canada's preparations of this unexpected war are as chao- tic and embryonic, nearly, as the preparedness of the United States. They. understand above all that, because of their small-scale industry; and other limitations natural to a country of 12,000,000 population, the defense efforts that have, by harsh necessity, been disrupted from their British connections, must forthwith and completely be joined to those of the United States. Presumably our leaders at Washington are cognizant of this situation, and are moving to meet it. Mr. Roosevelt has repeatly given as- surances that we would unhesitatingly join Canada in resisting aggression. But the public, on both sides of the border would appreciate a more substantial inkling of definite plans and preparations for any eventuality. There is much discussion of increased co-operation, including possible defensive alliances, but what evidence Is there that practical and swift measures are being adopted? Meanwhile, Canada's prepara- tions suffer painfully from shortage of indus- trial resources and lack of mechanical equip- ment, and her financial position is strained as her dollar drops to 79 cents on American ex- change.. By DREW PEARSON and ROBERT S. ALLEN WASHINGTON: For Senator Bob Taft and his desperately battling floor managers, the inside story of those last hours of balloting at the GOP convention is a tragedy of unrealized "ifs". There were four crucial moments when one of these "ifs" might have changed the outcome of the dramatic tug-of-war. THE FIRST was during the 7 to 8:30 P.M. re- cess between the second and third ballots. Taft's managers frantically tried to get hold of Joe Pew, Pennsylvania boss, who privately had voic- ed determined opposition to Willkie. A swing of even part of the large Keystone delegation to Taft on the next ballot would have had tre- mendous psychological effect on the teetering convention. This was the crucial interval when all the leaders'were furiously engaged in behind-the- scenes parleys. But Pew was nowhere to be found. Finally a telephone call revealed that he was at home--taking a bath and having a bite to eat, with the servants under strict oders not to dis- turb him. The second heart-breaker came during the third ballot, on which Taft made a gain of only nine as against 88 for Willkie. Senator Arthur Vandenburg telephoned the tense Taft head- quarters and declared he was ready to do any- thing to help his Senate colleague. Taft leaders were jubliant, expecting the Michigan vote to come to them on the next count. But when Michigan did bolt Vandeburg, it did so on the sixth ballot and went to Willkie, to give his roaring stampede the push it' needed to send him to the top. Candidate Hoover Herbert Hoover was the third disappointment for the Taftities. He too had expressed opposition to Willkie and preference for Taft. But when the Ohian went to him and asked for his back- ing, Hoover replied, in effect. "I will if I can't get anywhere myself." Surrounded by a group of intimates, the ex- President believed that the convention would deadlock and give him an excellent chance to emerge as a dark horse. Taft managers tried to convince him the convention would not dead- lock, and that if he was going to exert his in- fluence it must come in the early balloting. Hoover refused to budge, claiming a bloc of 24 certain votes in the California delegation. The Taft men denied this offering to poll the dele- gates to prove they were for Taft. But Hoover stuck to his ambition--another "if" went up the flue for Taft. Too-Late Dewey The biggest Taft disappointment was Tom Dewey's dalliance. Had he thrown his weight to Taft on thethirdballot, as he was frantically urged to do, Dewey might have changed the tide. But, still hpoing against hope that somehow his crumbling lines would hold, he delayed, and then it was too late. He no longer had anything to deliver. However, when the young New Yorker did fin- ally make up his mind, he went the limit in try- ing to stop Willkie. After the third ballot a direct tie-up was established between Taft and Dewey. An open telephone line was set up between them and two Taft lieutenants, Dan Hanna, publisher of The Cleveland News and grandson of the late Mark Hanna, and Tom Bowers, Taft's brother-in-law, went to the Dewey headquarters to act as liaison. After Dewey dropped 65 votes on the fourth ballot, he decided to dash to the convention floor and make a personal plea to his supporters to swing to Taft, Dewey had his hat on and was rushing for the elevator when the fifth ballot got under way and the dramatic plan was tor- pedoed. He then telephoned Hoover and in blunt lang-' uage urged him to declare for Taft. "If this man (Willkie) is going to be stopped," Dewey barked, "we've got to forget our personal ambitions and unite against him. There is going to be no dead- lock. It's now or never." Dewey also sent three messages to the Wis- consin delegation, which he had won in a prim- ary fight with Vandenburg, to swing to Taft. But for some mysterious reason Secretary of State Fred Zimmerman, who headed the delegation, refused to be "released". On one occasion he brusquely shoved aside a Dewey messenger. Later, Zimmerman plumped the delegation for Will- kie. Vice-Presidency A leading consideration in the behind-the- scenes councils that led to the choice of Senator McNary for Willkie's running mate was some very revealing arithmetic. Studying the ballot returns, the leaders found that the eleven Far Western states, with 130 delegates had given Willkie, right up to moment of the stampede on the last ballot, only 58 votes. Starting with 17 from this bloc, he had been able to boost the vote to 36 on the fifth ballot. Party chiefs did not miss the political signif- icance of these figures, and decided that Mc- Nary, Oregonian, public power advocate, cham- pion of the farmer, had to be on the ticket. Willkie Stopped The "stop Willkie" movement proved unavail- ing at the convention, but there was one occasion when the dynamic candidate was halted. A Phil- adelphia traffic cop did the trick. Walking to his hotel during an afternoon rush hour, Willkie, deeply engrossed in thought, was suddenly jerked up by a shout: "Hey, you! Don't you see that light? It ain't green, is it-" The man who 36 hours later was to be the GOP standard bearer looked at the light and smiling said, "No, it's not. Sorry." t " 4 x .> _ tea, f , 80 helaaTunes. The P'FU" J RrCE . . P f.r , .AllZRtS Res '.. "I kept blowing fuse after fuse when I first came here to cook, but now I'zn taking an electrical engineering course at night school!" DAILY OF FIC IAL B ULLET IN DRAMA By JAMES E. GREEN The late Avery Hopwood, who wrote many popular plays and made much money from them, set up a fund to encourage young writers. By the terms of his will the money is awarded anntially to writers at this University with spe- cial encouragement td be given to the new and the experimental. One of the crying needs of the American theatre at the present time is an equally liberal angel to encourage Maxwell An- derson to leave the new and the experimental alone. In "The Star Wagon" Anderson writes many scenes of reasonably good sentimental comedy pnd assembles a fine collection of relia- ble stock situations but when he is unable to resist the temptation to find deeper significance in his sentimental comedy he becomes confusing and inept. In the realm of the two dimensional Anderson has written much bad poetry, in three dimensions he .has written a couple of near- first rate plays and some isolated good scenes, in four dimensions he does nothing that a com- bination of the early H. G. Wells and Mary Roberts Rinehart couldn't do ,far better. As long as he remained on the safe ground of the sentimental he wrung many a tear and muffled sob from last evening's sympathetic audience but seven Rosacrucians and four sci- ence-fiction fans walked out in the middle of the second act. What was saved from last night's sacrificial offering to the American Culture Institute was saved by several good performances by the members of the Repertory Players. Norman Ox- handler as Stephen Minch, the inventor, gave the best performance of his career. He man- aged the shifts from age to youth and return with precision and understanding. The return of Truman Smith and Claribel Baird to the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre was a successful one and Mary Pray, after she got over the im- pression that she was playing Chekhov. gave a good performance, too. rS. S ; All notices for the Daily Official Bulletin are to be sent to the Office of the Summer Session before 3:30 P.M. of the day preceding its pub- lication except on Saturday when the notices should be submitted be- fore 11:30 A.M. The Intramural Sports Building will be closed all day, July 4th. Bridge Lessons. The bridge lesson scheduled for July 4 has been post- poned until next Thursday, July 11. All bridge lessons will begin at 7:30, instead of at 8:00 as originally sched- uled. Ethel A. McCormick The Michigan Wolverine will hold an "Independence Whirl" from 8:00- 11:00 p.m. July 4th. All summer students are cordially invited. There will be a door charge of fifteen cents. "The Star Wagon" by Maxwell Anderson, distinguished American playwright, will be given on Thurs- day, Friday and Saturday nights- at 8:30 p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. N'o one will be seated during the opening scene. This is the second production of the Michi- gan Repertory Players of the De- partment of Speech. Tickets are available at the box-office (Phone 6300); prices are 75c, 50c and 35c. Liebniz Study Group: Students in- terested in reading together "The Monadology" of Liebniz are invited to meet at Lane Hall Fri., July 5, at two o'clock. This is a continuation of the group which has been reading Berkeley and Pascal during the past year. The English Department will give a tea for students in English in the Assembly Hall on the third floor of the Rackham Building, from 4:30 to 6, on Friday, July 5. Classes in English speech are being organized this week for foreign stu- dents who are in the Summer Ses- sion or who are remaining in Ann Arbor for the summer. All such stu- dents who feel the need for help in their conversational English or in their reading vocabularies are invit- ed to meet Friday, July 5, at 7 o'clock. These classes are, of course, non-credit classes; they are free to all who can plan to attend regularly. There will be a lecture and demon- stration, "The Acoustic Analysis of Speech Sounds," by Professor Milton Cowan. It will be given Friday, July 5, at 7:30 p.m. in the Rackham Build- ing Amphitheatre. The Negro Students at the Smith League House No. 2, 1102 East Ann St., are having a reception on Fri- day, July 5, from 9 to 10:30 p.m., followed by dancing until 1:00 a.m. All students and their friends are invited. Graduate Record Program will be held in the Men's Lounge of the Rackham Building on Saturday, July 6 from 3 to 5 p.m. An interesting program has been arranged. Robert Nieset will be in charge. All inter- ested are invited. Graduate Outing Club will meet on Sunday, July 7, at 2:30 p.m. in the rear of the Rackham Building for a trip, a short distance from Ann Arbor, affording swimming, softball, of Greek and Latin are cordially in- vited to attend an informal recep- tion to be given by the departments on. Tuesday, July 9, at 8:00 p.m. in the Garden of the Michigan League, or in the Ethel Fountain Hussey Room in case of rain. The Michigan Dames will hold a bridge party at the Michigan League on Wednesday, July 10th. at 2 o'clock for the wives of the summer school students. There will be a charge of 10c to cover expenses and prizes. Deutsches Haus. Reservations may still be made for meals at the Deutsches Haus, luncheon 35 cents; dinner 45 cents. Please make reserv- ations at the German Office, 204 UH or with Dr. Otto G. Graf, 300 SW. Mail for Students, Faculty, and temporary residents at the Universi- ty: All students and new members of the faculty should call at the U.S Post Office and make out pink card, "Order to Change Address," Form 22, if they have not already done so. This applies also to temporary resi- dents in Ann Arbor who may be doing reference or research work on the campus. Unidentifiable mail is being held in Room 1, University Hall, for the following addressees: Applegate, Vernon C. Albert, Samuel Beltramini, Carolyn Brennan, Helen Caif, C. M. Chenery, Winthrop Cruickshank, William M. Devaul, Ruth Downing, Phoebe Elliott, Robert Pillion, Stanley H. Foster, Warren P. l Fuqua, Ivan Gosnell, Hanlan H. Greenwood, J. A. Jacobs, Arthur T. Jonas, John F. Keenan, Esther M. Keenan, Joseph H. Knobloch, Emanuel LaPlante, C. Lnderoth, Hans MacNevin, Dr. M. T. Main, Dr. Sidney G. Meyers, Hayes J. Miller, Howard Morgan, Gleny Nelson, Oland Grant Ogden, JohnP. Papenguth, Dick Parkinson, W. C. Pierce, Martha C. Ray, Charlotte Rhea, Ellen Schaubert, Byrl F. Slattery, Tom Smith, James G. (Continued on Page 4) the direction of Professor William Breach will present a program of songs by modern American compos- ers. Biological Chemistry Lectures: Dr. Rudolph Schoenheimer of the De- partment of Biochemistry of Colum- bia University, will deliver a series of lectures on .July 8, 9, 10 and 11 at 2:00 p.m. in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. Dr. Schoen- heimner's lectures will have as their general title "The Use of Isotopes in the Study of Metabolism." All in- terested are cordially invited. Wives of students and internes are invited to attend a tea given in their honor on Tuesday, July 9th from 3:30 to 5:30 in the garden of the Michigan League. All wives of sum- mer school students are urged to come and get acquainted. All students in the Departments -x DEPARTMENT OF SPEECH -- UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MICHIGAN REPERTORY PLAYERS Presenf "THE STAR WAGON" By MAXWELL ANDERSON A Comedy of a "Second Chance" at Love TONIGHT, FRIDAY andtSATURDAY Curtain at 8:30 P.M. No one seated during first scene. Prices: 75c, 50c, 35c Box Office Phone: 6300 LYDIA MENDELSSOHN THEATRE I. -'i The Straight Dope Bly Himself We want to introduce you today to one of the Summer-Session's most interesting personalities. We refer to Mr. David Itkin, Guest Director of the Repertory Players who has been in our midst for about two weeks preparing to open "Beyond the Horizon" next week. Mr. Itkin is a somewhat portly gentleman who walks as though the earth were his private possession. There is but little arrogance in his possessiveness, merely a vast pride. Of his per- sonal attributes other than that magnificent walk it should most certainly be noted that he has the most important looking head of hair ever seen in the state of Michigan. The hair is. black and it stands perpendicular to the axis of the skull. It extends, at a rough guess, about a foot and a half straight upand at least nine inches all the way around. If we were a barber and /saw Mr. Itkin approaching we would run for our life. Even if, he only wanted a shave we would depart in haste. How the man manages to pre- sent that burnished-appearing face is beyond us. We think he burns the beard off with a blow torch. We sneaked into a rehearsal where Mr. Itkin was directing his three principals the other night and we pity those poor, poor actors. He was demonstrating the right and wrong ways of choking a woman to our friend Art Klein. The demonstration was taking place on the hapless later. "Yes, it sure was," Miss Jordan agreed, rubbing her neck reminiscently. Mr. Itkin was trained in the famous Moscow Art Theatre by the great Stanislavsky and he accepts nothing but the best from his actors. If they don't get it the first time he has them do it again. And again. And again. "And a million times more," says Mr. Itkin. If even that doesn't work he talks it over with them at length and they start again. It all looks very exhausting indeed. The play itself, which opens Wednesday, looks in good shape already. "It ought to be" moaned John Schwarzwalder, "considering that we have rehearsed an average of eight hours a day since we were cast. Not that we didn't need it," he added hastily. After a heavy sigh Mr. Schwarz- walder said "Ah theatre, ah art, ah the Reper- tory Players, ah the living drama of Eugene O'Neill, ah - (censored)." The lords of creation know that writing a column for the Summer Daily for a pestiferous editor and the edification of a staff of critical ignorami (not ignoramuses) is no cinch, but it beats acting for a pastime. All we have to do is dodge the administration, the editorial staff, the proofreaders, the irascible city editor and his crew of unamiable stooger and the men in the basement. Not to mention the stares of indignant readers, if any. '1= ,, r , ! ., r °\ '"' S f ! .rte ' LET'S MAKE THIS A REAL BANG-UP FOURTH oq - 5 CELEBRATE THE .FOURTI-I the right way with a dinner selected from the many famous dishes on the Allenel menu. Our fine foods, wines, and beer will do much to make the Fourth a real holiday. 11