Weather' Jr 4igan :4Iatll I Fair Today; Slightly Warmer Tomorrow Editorial Defene Economics: An Analysis .. 1 Official Publication Of The Summer Session VOL. L No. 9 Z-33 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1940 PRICE FIVE CENTS Henry Stimson Gets Approval Of U.S. Senate Military Group Naval Committee Quizzes Col. Frank Knox; FDR Bars Defense Exports Maxwell Appointed To'Head Program WASHINTON, July 2.-(A')-The Senate Military Committee approved the nomination of Henry L. Stim- son, Republican, as Secretary of War today, after two hours of question- ing which produced statements that the nominee opposed sending troops beyond American borders unless the protection of this country should make such action necessary. At the same time, the Senate Naval Committee fired question after question at Col. Frank Knotx, Repub- lican nominee for secretary of the Navy; received a staunch denial that hie ever 'had urged giving military support to the Allies, and deferred action on the nomination until to- morrow. Both Knox, the Republican Party's 1936 Vice-Presidential nominee, and timson, Seretary of State in the Hoover cabinet, told the comrittees that no anti-third term. pledge by resient Roosevelt 1was involved in the negotiations leading to their ap- pointments., Dsowned By GOP The two were named to the cabinet on June 18, in a move which pro- duced breathless surprise both in political Washington and in Phila- delphia, where the Republican plat- frm. drafters "were then meeting. The Republican National Committee promptly read the two out of the party. While partly readily praising the abilities oL the two, ..and..generally taking the position that their ap- pointment strengthened the cabinet, Republicans for the most part want- ed to know more about what was in- volved, and so today's hearings were ordered. The Stimson appointment was ap- proved 14 to 3, and Administration factions within the Naval Committee are of the opinion that when the Knox nomination comes to a vote tomorrow not more than five votes will be cast against confirmation. Exports Limited In addition to the committee hear- ings, the day also produced action by President Roosevelt to clamp rigid restrictions upon the exportation of a long list of industrial, manufactur- ing and chemical products which are considered of vital importance to the national defense program. The items included may be exported only with special permission. The President appointed Lieut.-Col. Russell L. Max- well of the Army to administer the program. Other defense developments: The Navy announced the negotia- tion of contracts for Diesel engines for 22 submarines, totalling $17,634,- 521. President Roosevelt signed a bill authorizing the Commissioner of Patents to keep secret all patents related to national defense. The army announced that .tem porary housing units would be con- structed to shelter the thousands of additional troops to be recruited. It was learned that 16 labor lead- ers, representing the AFL, the CIO, and the Railway Brotherhoods had been called to act as an advisory committee on labor policy under the national defense program. Uion Pledges Aid To ASU Petitions To Be Circulated; Rev. Knox To Talk Promise of support by the Michi- gan State, County, and Municipal Workers of America, CIO, was given the American Student Union in its campaign to secure the reinstatement of expelled students at its meeting yesterday afternoon at the Union. Lawrence Blythe, union official, SydnorDiscusses South; Dr. Malone Opens Series Duke Professor Indicates Several Contributions Of Southern History By HARRY M. KELSEY The rise of a school of social and cultural history that is unrelated to political; boundaries, the back- ground of present southern regional- ism and a nationalistic movement that was silenced by a single war are three important contributions of southern history to general knowl- edge, Prof. Charles S. Sydnor of Duke University concluded last night in his lecture on "The Old South as a Laboratory for Cultural Analysis," presented in conjunction with the Graduate Study Program in Ameri- can Culture and Institutions. Professor Sydnor indicated the de- velopment of a literature of Southern history as an example of the first contention, saying that many of the problems that have been met by those who study the South must be faced by cultural historians gener- ally. It is at least possible, he pro- posed, that some of the solutions and techniques that have been evolved in this field may prove useful in the study of other cultures. He pointed out as examples, attempts made to describe, analyze and discover what is essential in the civilization of the Old South and the attempts that have been made to explain why such a civilization came into existence. The culture of the Old South, Profes- sor Sydnor noted, was young, and its entire history is well documented and therefore susceptible to close study. Of more than academic importance, Professor Sydnor asserted, is the background of present southern re- gionalism, of which the history of the Old South tells the story. Our continued well-being as a nation, he (Continued on Page 4), Harvard Lecturer Speaks On History Of American Cultural Achievements By KARL KESSLER The geography of American achievement: a study in the regional location of birthplaces of famous Americans and an evaluation of the shifting centers of culture was dis- cussed yesterday by Dr. Dumas Ma- lone, director of the Harvard Uni- versity Press, at the second general lecture of the Graduate Study Course in American Culture and Institutions. Working chiefly with statistics compiled from the Dictionary of American Bibliographies, of which he was editor, Dr. Malone attempted to answer the question: "Where have the great Americans come from?" by means of a regional classification of famous iten listed in the Diction- ary. Contrary to the common notion, most notably, expressed by Henry Cabot Lodge in 1890, that American culture is almost exclusively cen- tered in the New England states, Dr. Malone pointed out, regional statis- tics present a nearly uniform picture of culturally productive environ- ments. Though New England still retains the top rank, the margin of difference is but slight. In an' evaluation of the various sections of the country in terms of, their contributions in men of excel- lence, Prof. Stephen S. Visher of In- diana University derived the follow- ing order: New England first, fol- lowed by the middle Atlantic, the east north central, Pacific Coast, west north central, mountain and south Atlantic states, with the south central states last. Another generalization derived from these regional statistics is the (Continued on Page 3) 'Star Wagon' To Open Run Here Tonight New York's Great Hit Will Play Four Days At Lydia__Mendelssohn Sbowing to Start At 8:30_.m. Sharp Maxwell Anderson's 1937-38 Broad- way success, "The Star Wagon," will open its four-day run at 8:30 p.m. today under the direction of Prof. Valentine B. Windt of the speech department. The drama, which is the second in the Michigan Repertory Players' Summer Session season, deals with the contrast between the leisurely pace of small-town life in the 1900's and the mad recklessness of the world today. Cohen, Wyckoff Assist Assisting Professor Windt in the production are Evelyn Cohen, cos- tumier, and Alexander Wyckoff, art director. Among those starring in the drama are Norman Oxhandler as ,Stephen Minch, a young inventor; Truman Smith as Hanus Wicks; Mary Pray as Martha Minch, Stephen's wife; and Richard Hadley as Charles Duf- fy, 'Minch's chief rival. George Shapiro will play Park; Neil Smith will portray Ripple; Mar- garet Schiller will act as Angela; Roy Rector will handle the role of Apfel. Claribel Baird Cast Others in the play include Peter Antonelli and- Vincent Jukes as the first and second thugs; Ray Peder-J sen as Misty; Evelyn Smith as Hallie Arlington; Jackson Lord as Mr. Ar- lington; Claribel Baird as Mrs. Rut- ledge; Angus Moore as Paul Reiger; Adeline Gittlen as Christabel; Doro- thy Hadley as Della; and Donald Gage as Oglethorpe, Commenting onthe ".Star -Wagon" yesterday Professor Windt remarked that the play should be "particularly interesting to Ann Arbor theatre goers as it represents onekof the, best of Anderson's lyric works and very cleverly works in comparison between life now and thirty years ago.", I Lockett Addresses Anti-Semitic Riots Sweep Rumania As King Carol Appeals To Axis or Aid 1 Soviet -Created Balkan Crisis Deemed Block To Axis Powers By KIRKE L. SIMPSON (Associated Press Staff Writer) Soviet Russia has created an in- tensifying crisis in the Balkans that could profoundly influence the course of the war between England and German-Italian Axis Allies. It may already have tended to delay the Nazi "knockout" blow at Britain. Whether for that reason or not, another week-end-Germany's fa- vored time for launching a "blitz- krieg"-has gone by unmarked with any war incident of importance. A virtual stale-mate exists both in the West and in the Mediter- ranean theater where official war bulletins reflect no major action by Italy. Unquestionably, Russia's "blitz- krieg" in Rumania, fashioned on the Nazi model, has precipitated a situa- tion in the Balkans that could flame into "a little world war" at any mo- ment. Nor can it be doubted that it has already diverted the attention of Britain's .Axis foes, for the mo- ment at least, and diminished their hopes of bringing the war in the West to a quick conclusion. The best proof of that is to be, JOSEPH STALIN found in the strict official silence in Berlin and Rome over the Balkan muddle, despite the fact that Rus- sia's move, if not inspired by Lon-' don-Moscow back-stage di'ckering, was welcomed by Britain, Culture Study, Group To Hear Malone, Dale Program Continues Friday With Cultural Trends Lecture By Dr. Dodge Dr. Dumas Malone, Director of the Harvard University Press, will speak at 4:15 p.m. today in connection with the Graduate Study Program in American Culture and Institutions on "Tides jn Sectional Achievement" and Prof. Edward E. Dale of the University of Oklahoma will talk at 8:15 p.m. today on "The Conflict and Fusion of Cultural Groups in the Interior Plains." Both lectures will be held in the Rackham School Auditorium and will be open to the public. Dr. Malone, editor of the monu- mental "Dictionary of American Bi- ography," spoke yesterday on' "The Geography of American Achieve- ment." He is the author of a num- ber of volumes aAtd has taught at Yale, Harvard and the University of Virginia. Professor Dale, who has spent all but a few of his years in the Indian Territory and is a noted authority on the history and culture of that section of the country, was educat- ed at Central State Teachers Col- lege at Edmond, Okla., the Univers- ity of Oklahoma, where he took his A.B. degree, and Harvard Universi- ty, where he received his A.M. and Ph.D. degrees., A cowboy and ranchman until 1901, Professor Dale then began teaching in country schools, and from 1906 to 1913 he was superintendent of schools in various Oklahoma communities. In 1914 he became instructor in his- tory at the University of Oklahoma and in 1924 was elevated to the rank of professor and placed at toe head of the . history department there, which position he now holds. In 1925, Professor Dale served as collaborator in historical research for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and from 1926 to 1927 he was a mem- ber of the Indian Survey Commission (Continued on Page 4) Dr. Dilley Will Address Education Group Today Dr. M. Evelyn Dilley of the School Imm irtion Officials Given Special Powers In Cases Of Emergency Zubrick Is Authorized To Waive Restrictions DETROIT, July 2.-(P)-Michi- gan's border problems from the wes- tern tip of the Upper Peninsula to the southeastern corner of the Low- er Peninsula piled up today for im- migration officials but the tension was relaxed with the issuance of em- ency powers. John L. Zurbrick, director of immi- gration and naturalization for an area that includes Michigan's and part of Ohio's coastline that faces Canada, was authorized to waive re- strictions of new border regulations in cases of emergency. The authorization enables Zur- brick to use his discretion to allow Canadians to enter the United States without passports and to assure Cana- dians residing here that they may return after emergency visits to Can- ada. Linguistics Today At Meet Union Because of the holiday Thursday the regular luncheon conference of the Linguistic Institute has been ad- vanced to today, the director, Prof. Charles C. Fries ,announced today. It will be held at 12:10 p.m. at the Michigan Union. The discussion at today's luncheon will be led byr Dr. Charles Hockett, who will speak on the topic "A Lin- guistic Approach to Style." Luncheon arrangements are so made, according to Professor Fries, that persons unable to be present, for the luncheon can attend the subsequent discussion, Ford's Factory In River Rouge Is Next Trip Excursion Group To Leave From Angell Hall Steps At 12:45 P.M. Today A trip to the Ford Plant in River Rouge will comprise the third Uni- versity excursion of the Summer Ses- sion to be held from 12:45 to 5:30 p.m. today. The party will leave from the Angell Hall steps. Among the Points of interest to be visited are the motor assembly plant, the final assembly line, the open hearth furnaces, and the rolling mill all of which are characteristic of the various machines at the factory. Another excursion will be conduct- ed to the Cranbrook Foundation at Bloomfield Hills from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday. Reservations must be made before 5 p.m. Friday in Room 1213 Angell Hall. Round trip bus tickets are $1.25. There the University party will visit the Cranbrook School for Boys, the Kingswood School for Girls, and' the Brookside School for boys and girls up to the seventh grade. For those students who miss to-a day's tour another excursion to the Ford Plant will be conducted next Wednesday. Reservations musty be made before 5 p.m. Tuesday in Room 1213 Angell Hall. The sixth excursion will be held July 12, 13, 14, and 15 when a party led by Prof. Irving D. Scott of the geology department will visit Niagara Falls and vicinity. Professor Scott will offer explanations of the geolog- ic features to be observed. Romains' Hero To Be Discussed ByMile. Rosselet Mlle. Jeanne Rosselet, social di- rector of the Foyer Francais, will address the Cercle Francais at its second meeting of the summer sea- son at 8 p.m. today on "A Hero of Jules Romains." Mlle. Rosselet, who is professor of French at Goucher College, Balti- more, has made a special study of Jules Romains' famous novel "Les Hommes de Bonne Volonte." In her Lewis Names Burton Wheeler To Beat Willkie Democrats Must Present Progressive Platform, Montana Senator States ST. LOUIS, July 2.-(P)-Senator Burton K. Wheeler (Dem-Mont) made a dramatic appearance before the Townsend National Convention late today, shortly after John L. Lewis had told the delegates Wheeler was the only Democrat who could defeat the Republican Presidential nominee, Wendell Willkie. With the bushy-browed CIO leader sitting on the speaker's platform-he had waited 40 minutes for Wheeler's arrival-the Senator made a vigor- ous plea for a "strong, liberal" peace movement, outside the two major parties if necessary. He declared he would not support any candidate who was not pledged to keep this country out of war. "The Republicans have not only failed to go down the line against war but they have nominated a can- didate who has said our first line of defense is in Europe," Wheeler said. "I tdo not subscribe to that. Our first line of defense is preserving de- mocracy, seeing that the aged are protected, seeing that the 10,000,000 unemployed get work, and seeing that civil librties are preserved." Unless the Democratic Party adopts a "progressive" platform and nominates a Presidential candidate pledged to peace, the Senator said there would be "no difference" be- tween it and the Republican Party. "Then," he continued, "there will be a tremendous demand for a strong, liberal peace party which will give the people a chance to vote on war or peace." Wheeler, in an interview this morning had announced his name would be presented to the Demo- cratic National Convention, regard- less of whether President Roosevelt sought a third term. He did not mention his. candidacy directly in his brief speech. Miss Wendt Talks At German House Miss Ruth Wendt, social director of Deutscher Verein, gave an infor- Full War Strength Rushed From Seized Provinces To Menaced Borders Capital Blacked Out As CrisisHeightens BULLETIN BELGRADE, Yugoslavia, July 3 (Wednesday)-(P)-King Car- ol of Rumania was reported in diplomatic circles here tonight to have told members of his cabinet he was planning to ab- dicate because of the develop- ments of the last few days, but they were said to have persuaded him to remain on the throne. BUCHAREST, July 3 (Wednes- day). -(AP)- Anti-Semitic ' rioting, with Jews shot down and beaten, swept into a bloody wave overnight throughout Old Rumania-harassed from within, short of two provinces, and the threat of Balkan war jeo- pardizing two more. Street fighting broke out less than 24 hours after King Carol turned about from British alliancesand ap pealed to the Axis powers fer help to save his kingdom. The capital was blacked out for the first time, Ambulances sped to scenes of rioting. And from Soviet- seized Bessarabia and Bucovina the General Staff rushed Ruman a's full war strength to the frontiers of menaced Transylvania and Dobruja, facing Hungary 'and Bulgaria. Disorders At Galati Some new disorders were reported at Galati despite the vigilance of heavy military patrols on duty since- riots last Sunday. Near the Prut River Jewish refu- gee women and children were said to have been dragged from trains and beaten. There were reports that some were hurled beneath the wheels of moving trains or shot in their train seats in the dariness as the trains sped through tuninels. In Bucharest, ambulances were called to several riots. The worst fighting was at Polytechnic High School where several were injured critically. .The internal disturbances came at a tense hour when Rumania's ar- mies were massed on her borders, where scattered fighting already has been reported and a major conflict is feared over the claims of her neighbors to Rumanian territory. Hungarian Demand Hungary demands the vast, rich lands ofTransylvania, and Bulgaria wants, Southern Dobrua. (Dispatches from ofia said two Rumanian warplanes flew over the Bulgarian Danube port of Ruse and were fired on by ground batteries.) Communists in Russian-occupied Bessarabia held protest meetings be- cause Soviet authorities appointed three members of King Carol's new- ly-formed Rumanian Party of the nation to retain their posts in the new Soviet terrtory. The men were named Governor of Bessarabia, Pre- fect of Chisinau and Mayor of Chis- inau. Carol set up the party, with him- self as its head, June 21, and com- manded the whole nation to fall in step with the new totalitarian politi- cal system based on the Nazi pat- tern. Fern To Speak On Adjustment Texas Professor To Talk At 4:05 P.M. Today "The School's Responsibility for .Occupational Adjustment," the fifth in the series of lectures sponsored by the education school will be given at 4:05 p.m. today by Dr. George H. Fern in the University High School Auditorium. As assistant state superintendent of public instruction and state di- ,,rp ,. r f vn.Afirn 1 rlir ~~in r. ,r St. Johns Classical Program Called Travesty By Beaumont By ROSEBUD SCOTT Curriculum of the 100 best books or the Hutchins plan in operation at St. Johns College was called a travesty on classical culture based on highly debatable, fallacious and fantastic premises by Dr. Henry Beaumont, professor of psychology, at the University of Kentucky in his lecture, "Shall Education Re- turn to St. Thomas," yesterday. Out of confused educational ob- jectives, Dr. Beaumont pointed out the Hutchins plan has evolved as an escapist method of avoiding the problems that confront modern ed- ucation and a substitution of me- dieval mysticism and scholasticism. The reactionary trends of the plan were condemned by Dr. Beaumont because it rests on invalid assump- tions. The arbitrary division of students into those who are book-minded and those who are hand-minded was condemned as over-simplification of individual differencem since, Dr. Beaumont described as dating back to St. Thomas Aquinas, without the practical application and utility of abstract evaluation was the lecturer's reason for outlawing the system rec- ommended for curriculum adjust- ment in public secondary schools. The theory that learning may be transferred from one field of study to another no matter how dissimilar they might be was also denounced by the psychologist as untrue. The glorification of one branch of learn- ing, famous books in the Hutchins experiment, Dr. Beaumont cited, was opposed to scientific knowledge of the learning process. Education for a few chosen on elusive, undefinable criteria does not fulfill the purpose of education in a democracy although such a type of education has a right to exist for sons of the rich who "can speculate philosophically and financially" on the thoughts of great men of the past, Dr. Beaumont emphasized. This system of education does not fit any-