TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1940 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE Mass Meeting Planned Today For Hostesses Gathering For All Women Interested In Working' On. Social Committee Graduate and undergraduate wo- men students or other interested An Arbor'residents who wish to work on the Summer Session social com- mittee cornected with the League are urged to come to a mass meet- ing at 5 p.m. today, Mary Ellen Wheeler, '41Ed, social chairman of the League, announced. Those doing summer work do not necessarily have to be stuents, Miss Wheeler explained. The. room for the meeting will be posted on the bulletin board in the League under social committee, and anyone not able to attend this meeting may call Miss Wheeler at 7930. Committee work will be hostess- ing for the Wednesday, Friday and Saturday dances and the various phases of the League Festival. A complete explanation of the hostess- ing system will be given at the meet- ing. Those working with Miss Wheeler on the various dances will be present so that those wishing to serve with them may sign up. They are Ruth Streelman, '40Ed, in charge of Wednesday afternoon tea dances; Jeanne Crump, '42, in charge of the Friday evening dances; and Betty Hoag, '41, heading the Saturday eve- ning dances. 4-Year-Olds Still Accepted B yPlay Grup Openings in the Ann Arbor Pre- school Play Group for a limited num- ber of children from four to five years old, have been announced re- cently by Mrs. C. R. Huntwork, secre- tary of the organization. The group is a cooperative pro- ject organized for the purpose of parent education, which is carried out through the daily play periods, and through evenings meetings for parents held at the League, which are devoted to study and lectures. The school, which includes 25 chil- dren from two to five years old, will be run each morning during the Summer Session at the Angell School playground. A regular nursery school director, Mrs. F. W. Ouradnik, is supervisor and the mothers of the children assist, thus cutting down the operation cost. The children receive medical in- spection by two physicians when they arrive, and during the day they have access to the playground equipment, modeling clay, books, bicycles, paints and crayons. Twice a week they study music, and a mid-morning lunch is the highlight of each day. Visitors who wish to attend the class are requested to make an ap- - pointment with Mrs. Ouradnik. The goup prefers mothers who will be able to assist in th work of the group, but at times special dispen- sation will be made for those who cannot, Mrs. Huntwork Slim Lines Cut Hips V . The sleek gored skirts so popu'- lar with the bathing suit manu- facturers this year, are equally popular with those women inclin- ing to the pudgy side, for cleverly cut, they do wonders toward re- ducing the hips. Daneing Lessons To Be Given Today Today in the main ballroom of the League will be given the second in a series of six beginners' dancing les- sons. Anyone connected with the Uni- versity who would like to take these lessons is welcome to come at 7:30 p.m., Virginia Osgood, '41, League president said. The fundamental steps in fox trot, waltz, and tango will be taught, and students may advance as quickly as they are able. League Council Names Seven Special Dances Southern Watermelon Cnt, Sadie Hawkins Party, 'Globe Trot' Planned A group of seven special dances will be included in the series of week- end dances at the League during the Summer Session, Mary Ellen Wheel- er, '41Ed, social chairman of the Summer Undergraduate Council, an- nounced yesterday. The regular tea dance given Wed- nesdays during Summer School, will take the form this week of a "Fourth of July Dance," and the Friday so- cial evening will be a "Quiz Pro- gram," Miss Wheeler said. July 6 there will be a regular Sat- urday night dance, but Friday, July 12, will be the date of the annual Watermelon Cut for all the southern students on campus. The group will gather at 8:30 p.m. in the garden of the League for the cut, and at $ p.m. will adjourn to the ballroom for a dance until midnight In retaliation a "Yankee Night" will be the feats :e of the dance Saturday, July 13. 'Globe Trot' To Be Held Friday, July 19, a "Globe Trot" will be the theme of the social eve- ning. A program by foreign students in the International House has been tentatively arranged for that night, Miss Wheeler stated. Saturday, July 20, and Friday, July 26, there will be no special events. Skits, songs and dances from the 1940 .Junior Girls Play will highlight the dance given Saturday, July 27, and a dance contest will be sponsored by the social committee at the Aug. 2 dance given Friday of that week. Plan 'Sadie Hawkins' Dance Regular weekend dances will be given Saturday, Aug. 3 and Friday, Aug. 9. The campus social season will oficially close the night of Sat- urday, Aug. 10, when a "Sadie Hawk- ins Dance," borrowed from the fam- ous comic strip "Li'l Abner," will cli- max the summer League program. This dance, when women students will have an opportunity to ask their own dates, has become a tradition on many campuses, but it will be the first time that such a feature will be tried here. The program was arranged by Miss Wheeler, and approved by the Summer League Council of 12 un- dergraduate members. Of MEN andMICE... What a weekend, all we can say is what a weekend! W have decided, after careful study, that everyone in A.,A. believes in the old theory that all play and no work is swell and that right here is the place to play in. Things started off with a bang Friday night with the Reception, which was a huge success. We saw Penny Shaw, Marty Piersol, and Dee Skinner ill docked up in summer formals going into the Rackham Building to do their bit to introduce guests and make them feel at home. Mary Ellen Wheeler was there, leoking lovely in a white formal made in Grecian style. Weddings And Engagements Occupy Universitys_Interest Yr * N '& * bibing too. And. way music, etc., were Eilee She was acting charming and efficient in her post of Social Chairman, never revealing the fact that at ten o'clock she was going to have to tear for the Lydia Mendelssohn to get ready for her entrance in "The Critic" at ten past ten . . . ah! these quick change artists! After the Reception the crowd migrated to the League and Union and, of course, the local h\taverns. As we took a quick peek into the Union Ballroom we caught a glimpse of Marion Conde and Harold Spoden enjoying the music of .Red Ritz. In the League lobby we saw Allan Korn- feld holding hands with Dorothy "Dixie" Walker. South of Division we saw Pooh Griffin and Bill Gram (who was responsible for that two-column spread on the edit page Friday) making merry. Marty Graham and Roy Neff were down im- out at the Dearborn Country Club, dancing to soft ne Oberling and Bob Frye. Jean McConkey Marries John Hafer Saturday In Ann Arbor Church Numerous weddings and engage- ments of interest to University and Ann Arbor groups took place over the week-end. Florence Jean McConkey, daugh- ter of Prof. and Mrs. McConkey, married John Stuart Hafer of Sara- nac Lake, NY., son of Mrs. Frank K. Hafer, at 7:30 p.m. Saturday in the First Presbyterian Church. The bride was attended by several University classmates: Margaret For- sythe, Mrs. Carl Kossack, Mary Red- den and Mrs. Harlan Jarvis with Margaret Rouse, of Ann Arbor. Mr. Hafer is a graduate of Syra- cuse University and principal of the high school at Saranac Lake. He is a member of Phi Gamma Delta fra- ternity and of Tau Theta Upsilon, Alpha Delta Sigma and Sigma Iota Epsilon societies. Received University Degree Mrs Hafer received a degree from the University college of architec- ture and has been art supervisor at Greenville. She served as the first president of the Ann Arbor Independ- ents and belongs to Phi Kappa Phi, Mortar Board, Senior Society, Alpha Lambda Delta and other societies, including two in architecture. Alfreda Louise Walker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred G. Walker, and Clifford Herman Greve, of Lan- sing, son of Mr., and Mrs. J. Her- man Greve, were married at 4 p.m. Sunday in the Bethlehem Evangeli- cal Church. Rev: Theodore R. Schmale read the service. Is Sorority President Mrs. Greve is a graduate of Hamil- ton Business College and president -f the Ann Arbor chapter of Lambda Chi Omega, national business sor- ority Mr. Greve received his bache- lor's degree from the University in 1936 and his masters degree in pub- lic health in 1937. He is a member of Alpha Kappa Delta and Kappa Phi Sigma honor societies. The engagement of two former University students, Mary Frances- ka Brown of Bloomington, Ill., and Lt. Col. William Albertus Sheets was announced last Sunday. They will be married on Aug. 10. Miss Brown was a member of Crop and Saddle When in the University. Lt.-Col. Sheets received his degree from Dennison University and is a member of Sigma Chi fraternity. Helen G. Walker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis W Walker of Flint, became the bride of Douglas K. Reading, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carlos A. Reading, at 8:30 p.m. Saturday in the First Presbyterian church at Flint. Both are University gradu- ates. Mrs. Reading attended the Nation- al College of Education at Evans- ton, Ill., and taught in the University Elementary school and in Flint and Grosse Pointe. Mr. Reading has de- grees from the literary and law schools and practices with his father in the offices of Reading & Reading Two University graduates of re- cent years, Barbara Pinney Horton, of Birmingham, and Joseph Irwin Robinson, of Buffalo, N.Y., were married Saturday afternoon in St. James Church at Birmingham. Local Shops Carry Informal Outfits For Sportswomen Fashions have again come to the aid of the sportswoman Many ath- letic women have a difficult time finding clothes that will look re- spectable in town and also be suit- able and comfortable for the beach and sports wear. Now, however, al- most every problem is taken care of by designers. In many of the local shops one can find playsuits which have addi- tional skirts. These completely change a playsuit into a dress and can be found in a variety of styles. Some come with a separate play- dress which goes over a brief play- suit, others have pinafore skirts, and some feature plain, tailored, button- up-the-front skirts. Efficiency ....? Before we get too involved with "who went where with what and why" we'd like to clear up a little matter with a certain Mr. Robert L. Williams, the assistant registrar. We always thought the University was pretty effi- cient . ., . well, quite efficient, but said Mr. Williams has taken away our faith. You see, we've been here two years now and had (past tense) a sort of egotistical idea that we were pretty well known. We felt that when peo ple passed us on the street they immediately said, "did you see that girl, Well, SHE'S on the DAILY!" and other such complimentary remarks .... but no more. here's our open letter to Mr. W.: Dear Mr. Williams: On June 26 we received three little blanks and a letter pertaining to the fact that we had completed sixty-three hours and were eligible to concentrate. At the end of the letter there is a clause which reads, "....should there be any other questions concerning your ACADEMIC record do not hesitate to inquire in the Registrar's office for an explana- tion." But, Mr. Williams, our question is not about academic matters! All our blanks and our letters were addressed in meticulous trying to "MR," and WE are a young lady! What shall we do? - Bewildered Those Southern Men! Now that we have dispensed with Mr. W.. back to the gay sassiety life. Caroline Holt was over from Birmingham for the Art Cinema production - We can't tell you who she was with cause he's a DAILY man and it's against the rules, but his initials are H. K. and he used to write under the by-line "elbigileni." Saturday night the merry making went on and another social evening at the League was a big success. We noticed a pre- / r 1 ALL-CAMPUS WOMEN'S TOURNAMENTS Sponsored by the Women's Physical Education Department Check in the squares below those tournaments you wish to enter. ponderance of those tall, blond, and good lookin' those captivating. drawls and smiles . . . so- if what says "yo-all" there's the place to meet him, that is, if you can't wait 'til the famous "Southern watermelon cut" that comes off in the middle of July. Speaking of meeting people, Mosher Hall had a tea last Thursday just so that Southern men there with your weakness is a guy -o Spotless WHIE A. ( ( ( ( (c ) ) ) ) Archery......Columbia Round Badminton Golf ......Women's Open Singles Tennis......Women's Singles Tennis. . .Mixed Doubles (partner's name .............. ) Mail or bring entries to Barbour Gymnasium not later than Satur- day, July 6. Tournament lists will be posted in the Women's Athletic Building (Badminton in Barbour Gymnasium) by Monday, July 8. Name .................... Address ................ Phone ....... its residents, new and old, could get ac- quainted with each other. We think it was a swell idea (we got free tea out of it). Milling around were Charlotte Kinney, Ruth Willets, Bea Selvin and Liz Draper. Helen Bock, Rita Marshall and Mildred Bock were listening to records. All in all it was very successful and we think the other dorms should all try it. Even though A. A. has been like winter all'week some hardy souls'have ventured forth into the wind, rain and sleet to get their daily exercise. We can't understand such fortitude but to prove it we saw, Ruth Gram and Jean Coller heading for the tennis courts clad in shorts! Doris Kimball and Hone Hartwig were playing too. And to top it off, Suzanne Ellis went in swimming. Just to give you something to do when you're not studying (? we've worked up a Tizzie Lish recipe for you. Take a cab driver, a cab, a large collie dog, eight bottles of coke, two jumbo bottles of beer, and seven pas- sengers; mix well and see what you get. If you don't believe it we'll refer you to the parties concerned. Look on the white side. Whether it's clothes for under the sun or under the moon you want, White is your color! Join the great White Wave . . . from cotton pique and swiss to spun rayon and jersey, at our budget blessing prices. From '85.95 to *I6.95 Sizes 9-17, 12-44 f~ 4.9 . I t'r ''6' - F ~.5AU ia'" %:00 T 11 o-Is ""'\EOur New (' ', BELLE-SHARMEER Stockings with Individual Stretch \"' ' 0 Get ready for active Summer day with these wonderful new Belle-Shar Ineer! Their Strain-Ease section is th best "run-resister" made and the smart s". z z est looking. What's more, Strain-Ea. never stretches too much or too litt for you. That's because, like every she / {inch of your Beile-Sharimeer stocking it's individually sized for you in bot width and length. Here exclusively,o jar ,O t . a:" 1 iJ f 'fR Sft OUR ENTIRE sTOCK OF 0 REGULAR $5 SmaItfhingi11 Touches ®00 FROSTY WHITE GLOVES and BAGs perk up your appear- ance. White bags at $2.95, gloves at $1.00 a. ys !r- he "t (se le 5e, th of $365- Think of it! SAVINGS NOW when you need them most! CLASSICS! "BUMP TOES!" Stretch- ables. All heels! Tuesday Specials Pastel, washable bags $2.95 values at $1.49. Pastel doeskin gloves. $1.95 values at $1.49 Dresses Your Foot Size Has a Number Your Leg Size Has a Name $N 1 course. .35 5ni One Group Cottons, Spun rayon, Crepes. Sizes 10-44. $5.00 One Group Crepes, prints, sheers. Sizes 10-17, 12-44. $10.00 t I. ,, ,n PBLACK 'n WHITE! r snzr BREkV . . . for SM41/s I 1 I ;... '4pfp : - . . . hI Lit ] V 11 11 f i ii a .v 1 1 11 11