rAGE FMUD THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1940 TIE MICHIGAN DAILY 6.75 Per Cent Of Nation Support Active Aid To Allies, Poll Shows GTE N ~ ear~vem-.-.Z' .d Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republicationi of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, 64.00; by mal, $4.50. REPRESENTED POR NATIONAL ADVER,9SING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADsoN AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHCAGO ' osoR 'Los ANGELES - SNFRANcIScO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939.40 Editorial Staff Managing Editor .............. Carl Petersen City Editor ...............Norman A. Schorr Associate Editors .......Harry M. Kelsey, Karl Kessler, David I. Zeitlin, Suzanne Potter, Albert P. Blaustein, Chester Bradley Business Staff Business Manager .............Jane E. Mowers Assistant Manager .......... Irving Guttman NIGHT EDITOR: KARL KESSLER Preparedness And Peace The Republican platform carpenters in Phil- adelphia have missed an opportunity. They have failed fully to meet the challenge of Blitzkrieg changes. If they see what kind of a world Amer- ica now lives in, or what it must face unless Britian stands, they have not warned the people. In the plank on national defense-which is the much-struggled-over core of the platform- they have taken 6upposedly "safe" political ground instead of offering the leadership America sore- ly needs. But at least they have left the door ajar for a nominee who can step out and with the aid of events awaken the Nation to its true position. There were reports that isolationists were trying to write a plank which would pledge the Re- publican Party never to permit the United States to go to. war under any circumstances. This in face of Governor Stassen's wise advice to "frank- 'ly state to the people that we can neither fully anticipate these problems nor can we tie our hands before meeting them." Such frankness has not been achieved, and there is still danger that the temptation to play politics with peace will produce a campaign in which the Republi- cans will duplicate the Wilson campaign of 1916-with no more assurance that the Nation can keep out of war., The declaration that the party is "firmly op- posed to involving this Nation in foreign war" is unimpeachable as an expression of the hopes of Americans. But it is no quarantee. The effort to stake out a prior claim as the "peace party" goes even further i nthe statement: The Republican party stands for Amer- icanism, preparedness and peace. We ac- cordingly fasten upon the New Deal full re- sponsibility for our unpreparedness and for the consequent danger of involvement in war. When the Democrats meet in Chicago they can put that same statement into their plat- form-merely reversing the names of the party. And they might marshal strong evidence to show that they are for "Americanism, prepared- ness and peace." They could bring up some Re- publican votes in Congess which would fasten a considerable proportion of blame for unpre- paredness on that party. Actually there is e- nough blame for all of us. The fact is that no one quite believed the Nazi war machine could roll so fast and far. Some warned of dangers but none of us quite realized what the world would be like. Do we now? If so, we shall lay aside all partisan attempts to fasten the blame for unpreparedness' and unite in preparing. If so, we shall drop this peace-party versus war-party playing with na- tional safety. We shall wake up to precieve that this was the kind of thing that ruined France. There is room for a calm and informed debate on whether President Roosevelt has risked war too much in his efforts to aid the Allies. There is room for a necessary discussion of whether America can and should defend only the geo- gaphical boundries of the Western Hemisphere. But, if we judge the temper of the American people rightly, there is no room for petty par- tisanship in the coming campaign. Fortunately the Republicans in an otherwise splendid platform have not completely tied the hands of their candidate on the vital question of foeign policy. And the people's response to events will shape that policy beyond any power of platform makers, Christian Science Monitor The New York Times On Daily Worker Bombing The attacks maderecently at the buildings oc- cupied by the German consulate and the Com- "munist Daily Worker were vicious, cowardly and the sort of act that thoroughly disgusts a NEW YORK-More than 67 per cent of the American people now favor active aid to the Allies, as compared with only 26.1 per cent last winter, Fortune magazine reveals in its July Issue, which contains a special supplement on the results of a Survey of Public Opinion con- ducted since the blitzkrieg swept into France, but before Marshal Petain asked for peace. Other findings in the Survey are: 1.-Of the 67.5 per cent favoring aid to the Allies, 40.6 per cent want to stay out of war; the remaining 26.9 per cent want to go to war on the Allies' side now or later. 2.-Sentiment in favor of extending cred- it to the Allies has risen to 35.2 per cent from 23.8 per cent in December, but is still far short of a majority. 3.-But a majority believes that if Bri- tain and France run out of cash we should supply it by buying some of their territory on this side of the ocean. 4.-The number of people who think Ger- many will win the war has increased five- fold during the last nine months. Here is how opinion was divided on the ques- tion: "Which of these comes closest to express- ing what you think the U.S. should do now?" Enter the war at once on the side of Allies .................... 7.7% Help the Allies and go to war only if the Allies seem sure to lose ... 19.2% Help the Allies but never enter the war.......................40.6% Take no sides....................26.0% Help Germany .................... 0.2% Don't know............6.3% "Thus only about a quarter of the nation re- mains where fully two-thirds of the nation was last winter: 'take no sides'," Fortune points out. "Against these are now a slightly larger number favoring war, now or later if necessary-an in- crease of 10 per cent. In the middle position stand 40.6 per cent who favor helping the Allies without going to war. These, of course, include the 8.9 per cent who thought the same last win- ter, plus, presumably, a large percentage of the old 'take no sides but sell cash-and-carry' vote revealed last winter." And here are the replies to the question: "What" do you think the U.S. should do about selling supplies to the nations at war?", Sell only to the Allies, and on credit if necessary ..........35.2 % Sell only to the Allies, and only for cash....................23.7% Sell to either side for credit ..........0.6% Sell to either side for cash .. ... 16.7% Sell nothing to any warring nation .. 15.1% Don't know ........................ 8.7% "Thus pro-Ally though the nation is as a whole, the people who favored extending credits to the Allies were still a minority of 35.2 per cent," Fortune points out. "But this figure rep- resents a considerable increase over that shown in the December Survey, when only 11.5 per cent favored repeal of the Johnson Act, plus 12.3 per cent who would approve its repeal 'only if it looks as if the Allies were losing.' No doubt the figure has been increasing faster during re- cent weeks." The Fortune Survey also asked: "If England and France run out of cash and want to buy December Survey Yes ..................44.6% No ... ................ 39.2% Don't know ............ 16.2% Present Survey 61.4% 22.0% 16.6% more supplies here, should we provide them with the cash by buying some of their territory on this side of the ocean?" The replies were: "This proposal, already favorably regarded last winter, seems to have become a really popular solution," Fortune observes. "By class and occupation and part of the country there are clean majorities in every group, and the dissenting votes rise no higher than 29.7 per cent, by geography in the Middle West, and 32 per cent, by occupation, among white-collar workers." On the question: "Regardless of what you hope, which side do you think will win the war in Europe, as it looks now?" the answers were: Germany .......................... 40.1% The Allies ........................ 30.3% Neither ........................... 1.7% Don't know...................... 27.9% "The 'don't. know' vote remains about the same as it was nine months ago," Fortune states, "but the pessimists, then a handful, have since increased fivefold, and surely events since the first of June have immensely swelled their numbers." Then on the question: "Do you believe that Germany has already started to organize a 'Fifth Column' in this country?" the replies were: Yes .............................. 71.0% No ................................ 6.8% Don't know ...................... 22.2% "Nowhere in the country, and among no classes are there as many- as 10 per cent who disbelieve that a Fifth Column is being estab- lished here, although 35 per cent in the Middle South answered 'don't know'," Fortune reports. "The prevalence of this opinion is startling, and perhaps wholesome." The Fortune Survey also sampled public opin- ion on the question: "Which one of these comes closest to what you think the government should do about Communist sympathizers? Nazi sym- pathizers?" The answers: The Russian .Rdvance ... The rapid moves of the Red Army within the last few weeks, first to occupy the three Baltic republics of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, and now to carve up the northeastern provinces of Rumania and take mili- tary bases on the mouth of the Dan-. ube and at the large Rumanian port of Constanza, indicate that the man in the Kremlin is impatient and is demanding his share of the spoils even before the war is over. It is an advance along the old Russian line of march toward the Dardanelles and the Mediterranean, a march which Austria-Hungary always op- posed and now greater Germany and Italy must eye with suspicion The seizure of Bessarabia had been expected, but the inclusion of Buco- vina, which was never a part of Czarist Russia, puts in doubt the fate of the last remaining portion of ter- ritory inhabited by Ukrainian popu- lations, the Carpatho-Ukraine, now a part of Hungary. If the Soviet Union is to have a strong western frontier, it is logical that Stalin would try to reach the line of the Carpa- thian Mountains and include this region within the Soviet Union. How much farther Germany and Italy are prepared to see the Russians advance toward the heart of the Balkan peninsula without resistance is now the vital question. All three great powers, Italy, Germany and Soviet Russia, have claims to the remaining small countries, Yugo- slavia, Bulgaria and Greece, as well as the Dardanelles. Thus far they appear to have agreed that as its share of the spoils Russia should have Bessarabia and other portions of Ri- mania, as well as bases along the Black Sea coast. However, now that Stalin has taken what was probably all that was allotted to him the ques- tion arises what Germany and Italy will do if he tries to continue his march south. The Bulgarian frontier is only a scant eighty miles south of Con- stanza, where Russia will have a sea base, according to reports. Between the two points lies the southern cor- ner of Dobruja, a region which has a large Bulgarian population and which Bulgaria has always hoped to get back some day. Bulgaria may now turn to Soviet Russia for help to recover this lost territory, perhaps in return for bases farther down the coast, in Bulgarian territory, or it may fall under German or Italian spheres of influence, asking its old ally, Germany,to grant its demands. Yugoslavia has adopted a much friendlier attitude toward Russia in recent weeks, signing a trade agree- ment and exchanging envoys for the first time since the Soviet revolution, indicating a further advance of Rus- sian influence. On the other hand, Hungary, a close ally of Germany and Italy, has claims on Rumania which are even more far reaching than those of Bulgaria, and there are indications that the Hungarians are impatient to get back large areas now deep in the center of Rumanian territory. Thus the implications of the Soviet move are not only that Stalin is deeply worried and wishes to strengthen his position as rapidly as possible, grabbing bases and land while Germany is still occupied in western Europe, but also that the pre- carious balance of power in the Bal- kans has been overthrown. If this proves true, then the brief era of security which the small nations of southeastern Europe enjoyed is at an end. -N.Y. Herald-Tribune Right To Publish Legal LANSING, July 1.-(P)-Willard McIntyre, deputy attorney general, held today that the Secretary of State has authority to index and make public the names of persons who signed petitions to qualify the Communist Party for a place on the November ballot. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Communist Nothing, or no more than it is now doing ...........3.4% Keep track of them so that they could be round- ed up if necessary ........16.6% Keep track of them ,and also prevent them from agitating and organizing . .32.9% Deport them or put them in jail ...................37.8% Don't know ...............9.3% (Continued from Page 2) Nazi 2.7% 13.1% 28.2% 46.1% 9.9% Tues., July 2, at 4:05 in the Univer- sity High School Auditorium on "Should Education Go Back to St. Thomas?" Intramural Baseball Practice Games: Tuesday, July 2, 4:15, South Ferry Field. Tigers (Russ Waters, Mgr.) vs Wol- verines(A. Michelson, Mgr.) Faculty (Karl Litzenberg, Mgr.) vs Blitzers (Ivan Parker, Mgr.) Trojans (E. Lancaster, Mgr.) vs Ten Old Men (H. Dunn, Mgr.) Eskimos(A. Campbell, Mgr.) vs Psi Upsilon(Geo. Bisbee, Mgr.) Wesley Foundation. A group will be leaving the Recreation Room of the Wesley Foundation headquarters (S. State and E. Huron Sts.) at 4:30 p.m. for a picnic at the Island. Please call 6881 before noon for reserva- tions. There will be a small charge for supper. There will be a mass meeting today at 5:00 in the League for all people interested in working on any of the League committees. There will be opportunities to act as hostesses for Friday, Saturday apd Wednesday dances as well as help on arrange- ments for the annual Festival. The room number will be posted on the bulletin board under social commit- tee. Anyone who cannot attend this meeting is urged to call Mary Ellen Wheeler, 7930. Fellowship of Reconciliation: The regular meeting will be 7:00 o'clock tonight at Lane Hall. A series of meetings on "Pacifism and Conscien- tious Objection to War" has been scheduled for July. Tonight the dis- cussion will be on "The Significance of Conscientious Objection." Business Education Rally: A Get- Acquainted meeting for students in Commercial Education will be Ifeld in West Conference Room, Rackham Building, on Tuesday ~Evening, July 2, at 7:15. There will be a short pro- gram and refreshments. J.M. Trytten Duplicate bridge will begin at 7:30 instead of 8:00 tonight. Deutscher Verein: Mrs. Ruth Wen- dt will give a talk on her experiences in China with lantern. slides. All members of the Club, students of German all those interested are cord- ially invited to attend. The talk will be given at 8 o'clock, Tuesday night, 1315 Hill Street. Linguistic Institute luncheon con- ference, Wed., 12:15 p.m., at the Michigan Union. Dr. Charles Hockett will discuss "The Linguistic Approach Summer SessionExcursion No. 3 to the Ford River Rouge Plant will leave Wed., July 3, at 12:45 from in front of Angell Hall. The excursion ends in Ann Arbor at 5:30 p.m. Tickets, which may be purchased at 1213 Angell Hall, are $1.25. All Episcopal Students and their friends are cordially invited to tea at Harriss Hall (corner of State and Huron) Wednesday afternoon from four to six. Chemistry Lecture: The first in the series of chemistry lectures will be given by Prof. Howard B. Lewis on Wed., July 3, at 4:15 p.m. in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham bldg. Subject: Chemistry of the Vitamins. Pi Lambda Theta Lecture: Dr. M. Evelyfi Dilley, Foreign Language Consultant in the Curriculum Work- shop in the School of Education, will speak on "Pi Lambda Theta and Cit- izenship," Wed., July 3, at 7:30, in "With more than 70 per cent suspecting the presence of a Fifth Column in this country, and more than 70 per cent favoring actually curbing, locking up, or deporting Communist and Nazi sympathizers, the nation is plainly on the alert against danger from within," For- tune declares. "It had perhaps 'better also be on the alert to preserve its civil liberties against zealots to whom a Fifth Columnist may mean anyone who disagrees with them." the University Elementary School Library. The lecture is open to the public. Cercle Francais: The second meet- ing of the Cercle will be held Wed- nesday at 8 o'clock at the Foyer Francais, 1414 Washtenaw. Mlle. Jeanne Rosselet, Directrice of the Foyer will give a talk entitled "Un Heros de Jules Romains Louis Bas- tide." Group singing. Rrefreshments. Students who arc interested may still join the Cercle. Liebniz Stuy Group: Students in- terested in reading together "The Monadology" of Liebniz are invited to meet at Lane Hall Fri., July 5, at two o'clock. This is a continuation of the group which has been reading Berkeley and Pascal during the past year. The Negro Students at the Smith League House No. 2, 1102 East Ann St., are having a reception on Fri- day, July 5, from 9 to 10:30 p.m., followed by dancing until 1:00 a.m. All students and their friends are invited. Wives of students and internes are invited to attend a tea given in their honor on Tuesday. July 9th from 3:30 to 5:30 in the garden of the Michigan League. All wives of sum- mer school students are' urged to come and get acquainted. The Michigan Dames will hold a bridge party at the Michigan League on Wednesday, July 10th. at 2 o'clock for the wives of the summer school students. There will be a charge of 10c to cover expenses and prizes. School of Education, Changes of Elections (Undergraduates): No course may be elected for creditafter Sat., July 6; no' course may be dropped without penalty after Sat., July 13. Any changes of elections of students enroleld in this school must be reported at the Registrar's office, 4 University Hall. Membership in a class does not cease nor begin until all changes have been thus officially registered. Arrangements made with instructors are not official changes. L.S. and A Juniors now eligible for concentration who have not received concentration forms and a blueprint through the mail should call for these at or in Room 4 University Hall. The' te concentration slip should be signed by the adviser and returned to Room 4 as soon as poss- ible. Students are not signed in a field until this form has been return- ed to the Registrar's Office. Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: No course may be elected for credit after the end of the second week. Saturday, July 6th, is therefore the last date on which new elections may be approved. The willingness of an individual instruct- or to admit a student later will not affect the operation of this rule. The use of the eye in seeing what is said is of special advantage to those with poor hearing. A course in speech-reading is available at the University Speech Clinic, 1007 E. Huron St. The class is open to those who wish to develop the speech- reading ability for practical use in case of any deficiency in hearing. It is also a laboratory for the benefit of teachers and students in the field of Speech Science, especially in con- nection with certain courses outlined in the University bulletins. Telephone or call or write for consultation ap- pointment. Aeronautical Engineering Stud- ents: The attention of seniors is call- ed to the announcement of the U.S. Civil Service Commission regarding an examination for Junior Engineers. Full details are posted on the Aero- nautical Engineering Bulletin Board, and a limited number of application blanks are available in Room B-47 East Engineering Building. Foyer Francais: Places are still available at the French table. Prices for single meals are as follows: Din- ner, 55c; lunch, 35c. Lunch and din- ner by the week, $5.60. Arrange- ments may be made by calling Miss McMullan, Telephone 2-2547. Public Health Nursing Certificate candidates for August 1940 should make application at the office of the School of Education, 1437 U.E.S. Re-enrollment: Everyone who has previously been registered with the Bureau of Appointments and who wishes to be considered for a position should come in immediately to leave his present address and summer elections. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information The, Straight Dope- By Himself (The author of this column is resting for to- day. He has what the medical fraternity would call, "columnosis" and J.P. Andriola is pinch- hitting for him. He and he alone (J.P.) is re- sponsiblbe for what appears below. All com- plaints, bric-a-brac, and ripe tomatoes should be tossed into his lap - or at his head, as the case may be.) We see by the papers (Mich. Daily, June 28) that Ed Dalton has been elected president of the American Association of Social Work Stu- dent. Last semester, Dalton was overwhelming- ly elected first vice-president of the U. of M. Student Social Work Club by a large number of the 138 students attending the University's Institute of Public and Social Administration (Curriculum in Social Work). Shortly after elections, the president of the Club became ill and Ed became acting president. Besides doing a splendid job in this capacity, he received the admiration and respect of his fellow students. Also, information about him filtered to other schools of social work throughout the country so that when the AASWS met at the National Conference of Social Work in Grand Rapids recently, some of the delegates elready knew about Dalton's work. Not only was he nominat- ed for the national presidency but he was unan- imously voted in as the best man for the job. His election as president of the AASWS was no idle or benevolent gesture on the part of the other delegates to Dalton who was the only Negro delegate present. These students were a mature group of men and women, many of whom had sacrificed time and money and travelled thousands of miles to attend the Con- ference, They are not the kind who are given over to sentimental gestures or to superficial acts of riendliness toward Negros or any other min- ority group. As a matter of fact they were a pretty hard-headed bunch who recognized a good man when they saw him and elected him as president regardless ofw hether his skin was black or white o yellow. It is interesting to note that this is the first time in the history of the Univesity that a Negro has been acting president of a predominately white student organization. But that this same Negro received the presidency of a national organization composed almost entirely of white mocracy we want so much to prevail and about which we are so belligerent bec ause it does not exsist in Italy, Germany, and elsewhere, is to become a true American Democracy-THEN THE THINKING AND BEHAVIOR THAT PRO- VIDES EQUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR ALL OUR PEOPLE MUST ALSO PREVAIL. And speaking of prevailing, reminds us that sidelife-thank goodness-also has its less serious side. How many of you, for example, haven't heard the one about a cat having nine lives, raise your right hands! Fine, we're glad to see all hands down. And how many of you believe that the nine lives business is a lot of hokum. elevate right upper limbs. Ha! once more hands are down 100%. Well, if anyone had asked us the same question a week ago our responses- would have been the same, but now we aren't so sure re: question 2 and here's why: An occupational therapist at Eloise Hospital (that immense institution fo the mentally ill, midway between Ann Arbor and Detroit on Route 112) who is a close friend of the family, reports that one of the women's wards has the cutest kitten for a mascot. The other day, said kitten dissappeared and both patients and ward perrsonnel searched high and low for the pussey but no soap. The next day, over in the laundry department, our missing pussey, very limp and apparently very dead, dropped out of a huge laundry bag. One of the men put it on the window sill and planned to dispose of it when he went off duty. It so happened that it wasn't raining just at that moment and the sun shone on kitty. Pres- ently, kitty got up and began wandering a- round on wobbly legs, much like a landlubber who, after drinking ten too many, tries to walk the deck of a fishing boat in a hurricane. (I made up the simile all by myself). A half hour later and kitty was back in the ward as spry as ever, much to the joy of the patients and the perrsonnel. And now the denouement: Why we're not too sure the story about cats having nine lives is all hokum, scientific eveidence to the contrary notwithstanding. The laundry bags at Eloise are huge blobs that weigh a ton apiece-well, al- most a ton. They are dropped down a chute and strike the basement with a terrific force. Then they are heaved into trucks by burly truckmen Grin And Bear It .. . By Lichty e. r', _. 1 e _. - y r era' , + , ' ' y y m 1 , ^ . s*r; : rs. q _ -/{ - ; _ t 4} A_ R " ! - !Ff sli>+ i Y ti yr r - sz t . I , r f k . " _