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July 02, 1940 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1940-07-02

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Clear With High Winds


Official Publication Of The Summer Session


And Peace. .



Nazi Air Forces
Capture English
Channel Islands

Jones Indicates Errors
In Study Of Literature

Germany Sends Planes
To Rumanians; Hungary


Investigation Of American Literary History
Broadest Sense Has Only Scarcely Begun

Planes Bombard England;
12 Nazi Raiders Downed
In Battle Over France

Faculty Meets
Q f T IF A dJ-(1I TdA A,-

Landing 0
Admitted By
(By The Associatec
LONDON, July 1-
raiders roared' high c
coastal barbed wire1
England and heavily
tight little isle in the
tonight for the second
than 24 hours.
At least nine person
and a score injured it
east Scottish commun
explosive bomb demol
sTwo raiders were s
blow-for-blow battle
which followed exte
bombings.in Germany
struction of a dozen Na
Counter Rai

d Press)
-German air
aver the new,
bombed this
late twilight
1 time in less
is were killed
n one north-
iity. A high
ished several
hot down in
of the air,
nsive British
and the de-
zi planes over

The spectacular aerial counter
punches came as Britain learned
that at least part-an unknown
part-of the French fleet has been
saved for her by a doughty Gallic
admiral, and, posted a "keep out"
sign for all the world on French man-
dated territory in the Near East.
Vice Admiral Muselier, World War
hero in the defense of Ypres and
later a collaborator of France's great
Premier Georges Clemenceau in the
old tiger's efforts to extirpate for-
ever the German menace to France,
was named to command "all free
French naval forces." General Char-
les De Gaulle, head of the French
National Committee to Continue the
War, made ;the announcement here.
England Fortified
De Gaulle said there were "already
several ships and air groups under
his command," but their number and
-location were not disclosed.
While the British told all comers
that occupation of the French man-
dates Syria and Lebanon would not
be allowed, sweating British Tom-
mies completed a ring of barbed wire
entanglements around the British
shore. There is a sentry on every
beach and every pier head, alert for
the Nazi invasion which England is
sure will come.
Germany iombards
England In Raid
(By The Associated Press)
BERLIN, July 1. - Germany
claimed her first foothold on British
soil tonight, occupying the Channel
islands of Guernsey and Jersey in a
surprise stroke by the air force.
The two pastoral islands in the
English Channel, famed for their fine
breeds of cattle, lie like stepping
stones between the French coast-
now also in German hands-and Bri-
tain, The islands are closer to
France than Britain,
The high command gave little more
than the bare announcement that
they had been occupied, Guernsey on
Sunday and Jersey today.
But its credit of a "coup de main"
(surprise action) of the German Air
force hinted that troops had been
landed on both islands by airplanes.
(London admitted "enemy land-
ings have been made" on the islands
and added that all communications
to them were suspended. Western
Union said this included also the
islands of Alderney and Sark.
Islands Undfended
(Presumably, the Channel islands
were deemed indefensible by the Bri-
tish command. They previously had
been declared demilitarized and most
of their herds were shipped to Eng-
(The group's total area is about 75
square miles. The French-speaking
inhabitants number about 150,000.)
An earlier German communique
reported a British cruiser of the Orion
class torpedoed south of the French
port of Brest and creditied one sub-
marine with sinking 23,000 tons of
enemy merchant shipping, including
two steamers "torpedoed from a
strongly protected convoy."
(The Orion is a 7,215-ton warship
with a normal complement of 550.

O ~JUt aeIU I "tzLy
At The League
More than two hundred faculty
and students will gather at 12:15
p.m. today in the League Ballroom
for the first of the two Faculty-
Student luncheons which have been
an annual feature of the Summer
Session for the past 10 years.
Graduate and undergraduate stu-
dents will be seated in small groups
with members of the faculty and
special guests so that members of
the department may become better
acquainted, Prof. G. E. Densmore of
the department explained. The pro-
gram will consist of the introduc-
tion of the guests, members of the,
regular and visiting staffs and the
announcement of special depart-
mental features.
The guests invited are Dean Ed-
ward H. Krause of the literary col-
lege, Dean Clarence S. Yoakum of
the Graduate School, Dr. Louis A.
Hopkins, director of the Summer
Session, Assistant Dean Lloyd Wood-
burne of the literary college, As-
sistant Dean Peter Okkelberg of the
Graduate School, Professor-Emeritus
Thomas C. Trueblood of the speech
department, and Dr. Professor-Em-
eritus Clarence E. Meader of the
general linguistics.
German Club
To Hear Wendt
China Will Be Talk Topic
At The Deutsches Hans
Ruth Wendt, social director of the
Deutsches Haus, will give a talk in
German illustrated with lantern
slides on "The Foreigner in China"
at 8 p.m. today in the Haus at 1315
Hill St.
All members of the German Club
and students studying German are
invited to attend.
Mrs. Wendt, who is a well known
linquist and world traveler, will dis-
cuss in her address her travels, her
varied experiences, her impressions
of the political situation and her in-
terpretation of the growing national-
ism in China.
_ A resident of Hankow from 1936 to
1938, Mrs. Wendt was present when it
became the Chinese Nationalist capi-
tal and when it came under the con-
trol of Japan. In her travels to
Hong Kong she witnessed a number
of air bombings which she will de-
scribe and took many photographs
which will be shown.

The study of American literary
history not merely in its political,
economic and sociological aspects
but also in view of the relation of
the forms of art to the development
of sensibility in that portion of so-
ciety which responds in a given
epoch to literary appeals has scarce-
ly begun, Prof. Howard M. Jones of
Harvard University indicated last
night in the opening lecture of the
five-week series of the Graduate Stu-
dy Program in American Culture and
To assume that the 'aesthete and
craftsman' stands outside something
called main currents of, thought is
even more disastrous than assuming
that only social, economic or political
thought is thinking, he stated. Style,
he pointed out, is a way of looking
at material; structure is "a way of
Two Graduate
Study Lectures.
Are Scheduled
Dr. Malone, Prof. Sydnor
To Speak On American
Culture And Institutions
Two lectures will be given today in
connection with the Graduate Study
Program in American Culture and
At 4:15 p.m. Dr. Dumas Malone,
Director of the Harvard University
Press, will speak on "The Geography
of American Achievement." At 8:15
p.m. Prof. Charles S. Sydnor of Duke
University will lecture, his topic be-
ing "The Old South as a Laboratory
for Cultural Analysis."
Both lectures will relate to the
main theme of the week, "Regional
Varieties of Cultural Development."
They will be given in the auditorium
of the Rackham School and will be
open to the public.
Dr. Malone, historian, editor and
publisher, will approach his subject
from the biographical point of view.
A Bachelor of Arts from Emory Col-
lege, Dr. Malone took his B D., A.M.
and Ph.D. degrees from Yale and his
LL.D. from Northwestern Universi-
ty. Since he has received the degree
of Litt.D. from Emory University,
the University of Rochester and Dart-
An instructor of history at Yale
from 1919 to 1923, Dr. Malone was
associate professor of history at the
University of Virginia from 1923 to
1926 and professor of history there
until 1929. He taught at Harvard
during the Summer Session of 1926
and wasIvisiting professor of Ameri-
can history at Yale during the sec-
ond term of 1926 to 1927.
In 1929, Dr. Malone became associ-
(Continued on Pane 7)

arranging light and shade for emo-
tive appeal which rises above a re-
pertorial effect." Style and struc-
ture together, according to Professor
Jones, are forms of thought as sig-
nificant for cultural analysis as more
conventional intellectual trends.
Professor Jones enumerated five
points as specific present needs in
American literary history: to employ
general terms which a higher degree
of precision, to establish more ac-
curately a series of significant uni-
tary ideas and symbols appearing in
literature and to study the history
of these concepts, to make a series
of careful studies of the culture of
particular regions and cities in lim-
ited but significant areas of time,
to study maturely the development
of American sensibility, and to de-
velop mature and independent schol-
On the fourth point, Professor
Jones was careful to point out that
he did not mean the "mechanical
assembling of the arts in parallel
columns which too often passes for
the 'cultural background' of an age,
but rather an examination of the
responses which have been evoked
by artistic pattern and aesthetic ap-
"We need," he asserted, "to ask
the right questions, we need the
courage to break through conven-
(Continued on Page 7)
Excess Profits
Levy Is Urged
SBy Roosevelt
Congress Asked To Pass
Steeply Graduated Tax
To Prevent Profiteering
WASHINGTON, July 1.-(AP)-De-
claring that no one should be en-
riched by the national rearmament
effort, President Roosevelt asked
Congress today to pass a "steeply
graduated" excess profits tax.
The levy, he said, should be ap-
plied to all individuals and corpora-
tions "without discrimination."
"We are engaged in a great na-
tional effort to build up our national
defenses to meet any and every po-
tential attack," he said. "We are
asking even our humblest citizens
to contribute their mite. It is our
duty to see that the burden is equi-
tably distributed according to ability
to pay so that a few do not gain
from the sacrifices of the many."
,The message was immediately
turned over to the House Ways and
Means and Senate Finance commit-
tees, now engaged in a cooperative
effort to prepare such .a law.
Chairman Doughton (Dem-N.C.)
of the House group said the message
"guarantees team work" between the
White House and Congress.
Mr.Roosevelt made no suggestion
on rates and offered no estimate of
how much money might be raised.
Rep. Rayburn of Texas, House Dem-
ocratic leader, said, however, that the
proposed levy would be along the
lines of World War period excess
profits taxes.
One of these laws-there were sev-
eral between 1917 and 1921-levied
8 per cent on an individual's earn-
ings above $6,000 provided heehad
no invested capital. For corpora-
tions, partnerships andtindividuals
with invested capital, the formula
was more complicated,
Comedian Tur pin,
HoW vcoo d's Oldest
Comic, Dies At 71

Placed On
Lack Of Equipment An
Seen, Cause Of Fre

cit lefteatI

v I

SAN SEBASTIAN, Spain, July 1.
-(P)-France went to war against
Germany last September without
adequate equipment, without ade-
quate manpower and-it can now
be said frankly-without adequate
Result: Utter defeat in a month-
long blitzkrieg, casualties estimated
at 1,500,000 killed, wounded or miss-
ing; a stunned nation only now be-
ginning to realize what happened, a
Tour Will Visit'
Mills, Furnaces
of Ford Plant
Third Summer Excursion
Is Scheduled To Leave
Here Tomorrow Noon
The third University excursion of
the Summer Session, a trip to the
Ford Plant in River Rouge, will be
conducted from 12:45 to 5:30 p.m.
tomorrow. The party will leave from
in front of Angell Hall.
River Rouge, which i5 located a
few miles west of Detroit, is the cen-
ter of the Ford Motor Company's en-
terprises. On an area of about 1,000
acres are located blast furnaces, open
hearth furnaces, foundry, steel mill,
rolling mill, motor assembly plant,
body plant, glass plant, final assem-
bly line and numerous other units.
The University party will spend
two.jiours there inspecting the motor
assembly plant, final assembly line,
open hearth furnaces and the roll-
ing mill.
The student will thus be given the
opportunity to observe typical phases
of Ford technique such as extreme
specialization of labor; continuous
conveyor-belt system and efficiency
in the standardized processing of
Students wishing to follow the bus
on which the party will leave in
private cars are invited to do so.
Rackham Memorial Center
Is Dedicated In Motor City
DETROIT, July 1.-QP)-Grotnd
for the $1,00,000 Horace H. .Rack-
ham Memorial Building, which will
be used as a center for professional,
scentific and educational activities
was broken today with officials of
the University, the Rackham Fund
and the Rackham Engineering Foun-
dation present for ceremonies.
The structure will be completed in
the fall of 1941. It will house the
Detroit Engineering Society and the
University Extension Service.

stunned leadership grimly groping
toward the future.
This is the picture. of France as I
saw it, broken under the wheels
of total war.
Two months ago the French army
still was considered the most effi-
cient military machine in the world.
But on June 12, when France took
the tragic decision to sue for peace,
Marshal Weygand is reported to have
told the French Cabinet that the
army had ammunition enough to last
only three more days; that the ad-
vancing Germans were "slaughtering
men who no longer have the means
to defend themselves."
The cabinet members wept. But
only now is the country at large be-
ginning to realize the magnitude of
the catastrophe.
Veteran Marshal Henri Petain
and other leaders admit now there
were three principal reasons for the
1. Lack of equipment.
2. Lack of man-power.
3. Lack of determination.
Marshal Petain described this lack
of determination as due to the fact
that, while in 1914 Frenchmen ral-
lied enthusiastically to the colors,
they failed to respond enthusias-
tically to the call of 1940 "because
they did not understand the reasons
for the war."
Also dampening the enthusiasm of
Frenchmen was the feeling that they
were bearing the brunt of the war,
with 48-year-old men in the front
line at a time whenBritain hadrnot
yet mobilized her 28-year-olds.
Dempsey Wins
KO In Second
Ex-Champion Overcomes
Wrestler With Ease
(By The Associated Press)
ATLANTA, Ga.-Jack Dempsey,
the old "Manassa Mauler," hit the
comeback trail tonight before some
12,000 excited customers by knocking
out Charles Luttrell, a wrestler, in
one minute and thirty-four seconds
of the second round of a scheduled
six-round bout. The 45-year-old
former heavyweight champion had
little difficulty with his inept op-
ponent. Luttrell showed little either
offensively or defensively.
Most ringside observers felt that
Dempsey's fire and vigor of former
days was sadly lacking, but the gray-
ing ex-champion, who had been chal-
lenged to this fight by the wrestler
after a mix-up in a wrestling bout
Dempsey was refereeing, showed that
the power that used to lie in his
fists and arms was still there on oc-

Budapest Expected
To Dispatch Troops
BUCHAREST, July 2 (Tuesday)-
(I)-A large fleet of German bomb-
ing planes arrived last night at the
Brasov Military Airport, strengthen-
ing belief in diplomatic quarters that
the Reich is backing Rumania in its
stand to prevent Russia from making
further advances.
The planes' arrival at the airport
in tlae center of Rumania, at a cor-
ner of old Transylvania, also rein-
forced the belief that Germany feels
assured of success in its attempt to
MOSCOW, July 2 (Tuesday)
.-(A')-Soviet troops have estab-
lished themselves all along the
new frontiers with Rumania,
Tass, official Russian news agen-
cy reported early today. It said
the Red Army men had "accom-
plished their task" along the en-
tire length of the Prut and
Danube river frontiers.

,War Footing
Fleet Of Bombing Planes
d Spirit Arrives At Bucharest;
' Anti-Soviet Stand Seen

bring a peaceful settlement of Hun-
garian and Bulgarian territorial
claims on Rumania.
Hungary claims Transylvania,
whilenBulgaria wants the return of
Southern Dobruja.
The possibility was seen that these
two nations would cooperate in halt-
ing the Russian advance and in com-
batting the spread of Communist
influences in Soufheastern Europe.
The number of bombers reaching
Brasov was not disclosed.
Military observers said they were
planes which had been purchased
by Rumania; but delivery at this
time was held to be highly signifi-
The government, however, redou-
bled its defense preparations in Do-
bruja and Transylvania in fear of
imminent Hungarian and Bulgarian
attacks if German pacification ef-
forts should fail.
Incidents on the Hungarian and
Bulgarian borders were held in some
official circles to be forms of pres-
sure intended to force Rumania to
accept less attractive terms in me-
A confidential Rumanian diplo-
matic report issued Monday night
said that apparently concerted Hun-
garian and Bulgarian attacks against
Rumanian frontier posts occurred
simultaneously Sunday night and
Monday morning.
Without locating the scenes of at-
(Continued on Page 7)
Hlungary Protests
Border Incidents
BUDAPEST, July 1. -{ P)- Hun-
gary was on a war footing tonight
and the dispatch of troops into Tran-
sylvania-which Hungary lost to Ru-
mania in 1918-was expected momen-
Excitement was whipped to fever
pitch when the government, protest-
ing to Bucharest against "incidents"
on the Hungarian-Rumanian fron-
tier, warned Rumania of "unpleas-
ant consequences" and called up more
Officialdom-reemphasized the "mis-
sion" of thousand-year-old Hungary
as an outpost against the East, and
let it be known that Rumania-
which has just surrendered part of
its territory to the Red Army-ap-
peared to be "on the threshold of
Responsible quarters said Germany
and Italy still were striving to main-
tain peace in Southeastern Europe,
but the feeling was widespread that
military action was imminent.
General mobilization was believed
near after an "incident" on the
frontier, in which three civilians were
reported killed.
The foreign office admitted Hun-
gary is "preparing for all eventuali-
Official reports alleged Rumanian
troops had penetrated Hungarian ter-

Changing National States:
Ehrmann Gives War Background,
Opening American Policy Series

Europe's war of 1940 is a direct con-
sequence of the recent emergence of
a strong national state in Central
Europe which broke the old European
balance of power and infused into
continental affairs a new political
dynamic-Adolf Hitler, Prof. How-
ard M. Ehrmann of the history de-
partment told more than 800 students
and townspeople yesterday in the
first lecture of the Summer Session
series on "American Policy in the
War Crisis."
Speaking on "The European Back-
ground of the Present War" Profes-
sor Ehrmann said the old "German
Question" can most conveniently
label the complex of forces that gave
rise to the present war. Historically,
he said, Germany has been weakened
by its division into a number of
small, conflicting states. Under the
Holy Roman Empire, it was strong
only through the "Hausmacht," or
personal influence of the Emperor;
in the sixteenth century it was torn

sor Ehrmann declared, that Hitler
had succeeded where Bismarck had
failed in that he (Hitler) brought
Austria in to the German Reich. But
it must be borne in mind, Professor
Ehrmann said, that Bismarck re-
garded Austria as a great nation in
its own right, and the boundaries
then were regarded with satisfaction,
The rise of pan-Germanist senti-
ments after 1871 saw a change in
attitude toward the German boun-
daries and Germans looked hungrily
toward the minority populations of
Austria, Hungary, France and Hol-
land. In the succeeding years, Ger-
many became the greatest industrial
state in Europe, developed a colonial
empire and her international trade.
But her nationalistic tendencies were
kept in bounds 'because Great Bri-
tain, France, Austria, Russia and
Italy were interested in maintaining
a balance of power. Also, Germany
found an outlet for her new national
enthusiasm in the development of
her colonies. At the same time her
nower as a national state was seri-

Anderson Play To Open Here:
'Star Wagon' Cast Will Display
Unique Wardrobe Tomorrow

Turpin, the funny little

guy with the

crossed eyes who always maintained
he could do a "108" better than any-
body else, died today.
He was 71 years old, although kind-
ly biographers through the years al-
ways made him six years younger.
A "108" is a somersault from a
standing still start. Ben made such
somersaults, and himself, famous
because he didn't come out of them
on his feet as others did. He always

The Michigan Repertory Players,
under the direction of Prof. Valen-
tine B. Windt of the speech depart-
ment, will present their second pro-
duction of the current drama season,
"The Star Wagon," at 8:30 p.m. to-
morrow in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Additional performances of Max-
well Anderson's 1937-38 Broadway
success will be given Thursday, Fri-
day and Saturday nights.
Covering a period of more than
30 years, "The Star Wagon" deals
with the contrast between the lei-
surely pace of small-town life in the
1900's and the mad recklessness in
the world today.
Assisting Professor Windt in the
production are art director, Alexan-
der Wyckoff. and costumier, Evelyn

as Hallie Arlington, and Claribela
Baird as Mrs. Rutledge.
Among the costume' features of
Maxwell Anderson's "The Star Wa-
gon" are 12 pairs of high-buttoned
and high-laced shoes like those worn
in 1903.
The shoes were borrowed by Evelyn
Cohen, costumier of the Repertory
Players, from Prof. George Lothar of
the drama school at the University
of West Virginia. One of them has
15 separate button hooks and an-
other more than 20 holes for laces.
According to , latest reports from
Miss Cohen the members of the cast
are having trouble with this type
of footwear because the heels are
higher than those built on shoes
for the women of 1940.
A pair of bloomers worn by Mary

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