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June 29, 1940 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1940-06-29

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214e EDITOR b Jot/rn-IW
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Grin And Bear It...

By LichtyI

..--117 , -
M {4
edited and managed by students of the University of,
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
Ul versity year and -umnmer Nepsion.-
Member of ti 4s.eaeed Press
The Associated Press is exclusvel entitled tio the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
It or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights Tr fepublicatio of all otheri atterb herein 'also
ntered at the Post Office at nn Arbor, Michigan, as
lecoid Olass mail matter.
Yubscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
4.00; i'y mal, $4.50. .
NatdonaI Advertising Service, inc.
Coil ee Ptdrisbers Represetative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press 1939-4
Editorial Staff
Managing Editor,...........Carl Petersen
City Editor...............Norman A. Scborr
Associate Edit~ors.......Harry M. Kelsey, Karl
Kessler, David I. Zeitlin, Suzanne Potter,
Albert P. Blaustein, Chester Bradley
Business Staff
Business Manager.............Jane E. Mowers
Assistant Manager .......... Irving Guttman
Our Enemies
Within The Nation...
T HIS IS A TIME of crisis for lovers of
liberty in the United States as else-
where. In such a period we may expect to see
many attempts to preserve liberty which will
clash head on.
At the moment, for example, steps are being
taken to remove from WPA rolls all members
of Communist and Nazi organizations. This step
is authorized by the new Relief Appropriations
Act, expressive of a wholly natural and com-
mendable desire to prevent public funds from
supporting the membership of dangerous groups.
It is opposed by the American Civil Liberties
Union, which badly understates the case when
it calls these groups merely "unpopular move-
.,Another piece of legislation, the Oppressive
Labor Practices Act-passed by the Senate and
now pending before the House of Representat-
ives--would deny even private employment to
members of the German-American Bund or the
Communist Party.
It is understandable that American legislators
at this time should seek to do everything poss-
ible to prevent development of the "fifth col-
umn" menace in the United States. Yet it would
seem that, if the groups aimed at in relief and
employment legistation are so dangerous as to
justify the measures adopted or proposed, then
these groups themselves should be outlawed.
While they are permitted to remain as legal or-
nizations legislation which seeks to weaken
them by penalizing individuals who adhere to
them is at best devious.
Especially does the thought of banning people
from private employment 'because of political
affiliations offend traditional American con-
cepts of liberty, smacking indeed of measures a-
dopted by European one-party states to oust
Jews and liberals from economic life. Neverthe-
less, the military successes of totalitarianism in
Europe have been so aided by "fifth columns"
that all free nations must guard against these
with all means at their command. If in the Unit-
ed States the national emergency is such as to
justify the barring of individuals from employ-
ment on political grounds, it is such as to de-
man ab roader and more direct approach to
the problem of enemies within the nation.
-Christian Science Monitor
Newest 4nti-War Vote
Fortune's latest poll shows 67.5 per cent of the
vters favor active American aid to the Allies, as
compared with 26.1 per cent last winter, before
Hitler's total war burst upon France and Britian.
Actually entering the war, however, is approved
by only 26.9 per cent of this group; 7.7 per cent
unconditionally and 19.2 per cent if the Allies
seem likely to lose.

A casual look at these figures may convey the
impression that 26.9 per ' cent of the persons
polled favor going to war. Actually, it means
26.9 per cent of 67.5 per cent, or 18.16 per cent
of the entire poll. In other words, advocates of
war number less than one-fifth of those polled.
The pro-war group shown by Fortune is lar-
ger than in surveys made earlier. The latest
Gallup poll on this subject, released four weeks
agog showed approximately 93 per cent of the
voters answering NO to the question, "Do you
think the United States should declare war on
Germany and send our army and navy abroad
to fight?" Obviously, the horrifying events in
Europe and the efforts of the war hawks have
now changed some people's minds. But the over-
whelming majority, as the newest poll shows, is
keeping its head.
The Fortune and Gallup poll results are re-
spectfully submitted to Washington for serious
-St. Louis Post Dispatch
Tulips As Tokens

This column is open at all times to expres-
sions of opinion from students and faculty.
The views expressed in't are not to be con-
strued to be those of the staff of the Summer
Session Daily or of the University.
(Editor's Note: Early last week seven University stu-
dents reported to friends in Ann Arbor that they had
received letters from the University announcing that
they had been refused readmittance next fall.
(These letters, signed by President Ruthven, tersely
stated that "It is the decision of the authorities of
the University of Michigan that you cannot be read-
mitted to the University."
(Members of the American Student Union here who
had 'received the information, early this week organ-
ized a protest. Citing the case of Hugo Reichard, Grad.,
vice-president of the A.S.U., tne Student Union pointed
out that he and others concerned in the motion, had
been active in anti-war activities. "We believe," the
A.S.U. announced in a handbill, "that the real fifth
columnists-those who undermine our democratic
rights-are determined to silence all opposition to
war. we will not be intimidated or silenced. we will
continue to defend peace and democracy."
(n a statement from his summer home at Frank-
fort, President uthven announced that .This (action)
is simply routine procedure. Every year we are forced
to ask certain students not to return to school be-
cause we do not consider them good citizens.")
xpulsfons #Approved
To The Editor: -
It is regrettable that the recent expulsion of
several students by the University has occasion-
ed so much unfavorable publicity. But the
crowning indignity was the distribution of circu-
lars by the American Student Union, charging
the University with conducting a "fifth column"
purge on the campus. The members of the A.S.U.
apparently have never learned respect for either
their superiors or their government. Their mud-
slinging tactics, their "loud" demeanor, their
rabble-rousing, their brash insolence toward
both University and Governmental officials are
doinright disgusting, and are an insult to de-
cent citizens. This latest action only serves to
convince us even more strongly that authorities
have been much too lenient in dealing with this
organization. The "verbal spanking" which Pres-
ident Roosevelt was forced to give A.S.U. repre-
sentatives not so long ago should have put them
in their place, but it obviouasly wasn't enough.
It is high time that more drastic methods were
The A.S.U. circular, titled "Peace Communique
No. 1", would have been amusing under different
circumstances, for it clearly "doesn't hold water".
To quote the Communique--"We believe that the
real fifth columnists---those (the 'Fascists')
who undermine our democratic rights--are de-
termined to silence all opposition to war." This
reference to a "determination to silence opposit-
ion" is obviously directed toward the Univer-
stiy's expulsions. Are we to believe, then, that
the University of Michigan is a "Fascist" instru-
ment, that the University is undermining our
democratic rights, that the University is trying
to lead us into war? This is not only a pretty
far-fetched idea--it comes under the ugly head-
ing of libel.
Secondly, the Communique states that "We
will continue to defend peace and democracy".
The A.S.U. is admittedly Communistic in its
ideals. Is an organization such as this qualified
to speak in terms of democracy? And are we to
follow A.S.U. methods in pursuing the proposed
defense? If so, what a fine example their efforts
have been so far.
Using Hugo Reichard, one of the dismissed
students, as an example, the A.S.U. pointed to
his "activities" on campus and to his high schol-
arship as evidence that his expulsion was unjust.
Just what were Rechard's activities on cam-
pus? He was Vice-President of the A..S.U., Vice-
President of the Student Senate and a chairman
for the Spring Parley. I need go no further than
pointing out that the Student Senate is con-
trolled by the A.S.U., that the Spring Parley
was controlled by the Student Senate, and that
the A.S.U., of which Riechard is an officer, is
the only organization agitating for his reinstate-
ment. Riechard's so-called activities are all in
the A.S.U. tie-up.
As to Riechard's scholarship, no one disputes
his excellent scholastic record. But this is no
proof that his dismissal is unjust. To quote di-
rectly from the University's official publication:
"Satisfactory showing in scholarship is
not of itself sufficient to guarantee admis-
sion. . Attendance at the University of ichi-

gan is a privilege, not a right. In order to
safeguard its ideals of scholarship, character,
and personality, the University reserves* the
right, and the student concedes to the Uni-
versity the right, to require the withdrawal
of any student at any time, for any reason
deemed sufficient to it."
The University of Michigan is a cultural in-

stitution, and scholarship is only one manifest-
ation of culture. The character and personality
of the student is equally important. The Uni-
verstiy, as a cultural institution, is right in ex-
pecting its represntatives to conduct themselves
in gentlemanly fashion. The actions of A.S.U.
members have, on more than one occasion, been
anything but gentlemanly. Moreover, the Uni-
versity, in safeguarding the development of other
students, is absolutely justified in demanding
the removal of disturbing elements. The A.S.U.
has been a consistent trouble-mater, and its in-
fluence on other members of the student body is
not a healthy one.
Moreover, the A.S.U. members, as representat-
ives of the University, have given Michigan a
bad name on other campuses. A friend of mine,
who goes to another college, stated in all serious-
ness that ,'Michigan is one of the most radical
colleges in the country." This is not true, but it
is the prevalent impression. The "progressive"
tendencies of the A.S.U. and similar organiza-
tions do not represent the majority of students
at Michigan. The Student Senate, which suppos-
edly represents the Student body, is controlled
by the A.S.U., and it is mainly from this that the
impression has arisen. But it is a common fact
that it is in no way representative. The majority
of Michigan students have never been active be-
cause they have nothing to agitate about. It is
the A.S.U. that has made all of the noise. But
I feel confident that, from now on, the student
body will act as a whole. And it is student senti-
ment, more than anything else, which will event-
ually force the A.S.U. off campus.
Until lately, the University has been very in-
dulgent toward the radical factions, for, in
their "progressive" actions these organizations
have violated their duty to the University as an
instrument of the state. In a University publi-
cation sent out to prospective University stud-
ents, the statement appears that "e'ducation in
a state University will cost many times the a-
mount which you will pay in tuition fees. You
should pay back by good citizenship". The aver-
age yearly cost of each regular session student
ina State University is $691.81. The yearly tui-
tion for out-of-state students is $200. Who
makes up the difference--who pays the addition-
al $491.81? The State of Michigan does, and any
attempt to undermine the authority and govern-
ment of the State or University is insolent and
ungrateful, and should not be tolerated. Every
student at Michigan owes a tremendous obliga-
President Ruthven made the University's pol-
icy quite clear when he said: "Michigan wel-
comes only students who are convinced that
democracy is the ideal form of government."
Despite this fair warning, the radical elements
have persisted in their activities. The present
situation is the result. The University has, as
Ruthven warned, "dealt firmly." It has also
been completely justified.
However, the University has not extended
its control far enough-for the A.S.U. has in-
truded upon the townspeople andnbusinesses of
Ann Arbor and managed to alienate them com-
pletely. Variouslocal businessmen have been
embarrassed and disturbed by the A.S.U. A local
restaurant is facing a court trial, resulting from
an A.S.U. plot involving the civil liberties law.
Another businessman, a druggist, was inex-
cusably insulted during the distribution of cir-
culars. Since the A.S.U. could not distribute its
literature on campus, it moved over to his cor-
ner. He requested them to leave, but they flatly
refused. They are injuring his business and
creating ill-will, yet, when he asked for the
name of the particular member who was passing
out circulars, she refused to give it to him.
The University has stated from time to time
that it assumes responsibility for the students
while they are on campus. Can the University
afford to let such a situation exist? Can it al-
low a few disturbing students to interfere with
the township?
We all realize that it would be a difficult thing
to extend the University's control over these
students. But there is one thing that could
easily be done. The names of all members of
radical organizations should be publicly listed,
to insure the protection of both the University
and the citizens of Ann Arbor. If, as they claim,
the members of the A.S.U. are proud of their
organization and sincere in their beliefs, they
should readily comply with such a progr' n.
We cannot deal with the organization unless we

can identify its individual members.
The A.S.U. has disgraced the University, their
fellow students, and their country. They have
insulted their superiors and interfered with lo-
cal interests. I, for one, heartily endorse Pres-
ident Ruthven's action. Let us hope that the
University will continue its present policy.
- Bill Gram, '42

& C'ago Ti mrs,/sc
VI-S. PatOff.AH U.at .
"Gee whiz, mon-girls, too?-And you pr omised I cauld have a
stag party for my birthday."
".'-T9 T"- ---'9 --..

What Is The Navy
Doing Annd Why?
With almost clock-like regularity,
the Japanese for years have timed
their moves of aggression on the
Asiatic mainland for moments when
the other Powers are occupied with.
immediate problems of their own.
The present European struggle offers
a bountiful opportunity, and Japan
is moving, with characteristic suav-
ity, to take advantage of it.
Warships are being sent to Indo-
China, but merely it is explained, to
check up on suspected smuggling
of arms into China. Military oper-
ations are proceeding around Hong-
kong, just to mop up Chinese guer-
rillas, Tokyo says. Nevertheless, the
British are blowing up bridges lead-
ing to the Crown Colony. but they
also minimize the gravity of the sit-
uation by saying that there is no
cause for alarm.
Simultaneous with these develop-
ments is the sudden departure of
the American fleet from Hawaiian
waters for a secret destination. Are
the ships headed for the Panama
Canal, as some of its personnel hint-
ed on departure? Are they headed
for adventure in the Atlantic? Or are
they actually steaming toward Asia,
in an effo't to head off the seem-
ingly imminent series of Japanese
grabs? Washington evades questions
about the fleet's destination. But,
Secreary Hull, twice within recent
weeks, has warned Japan to keep
hands off the Dutch East Indies, and
has made the tacit threat that Jap-
anese intervention there "would be
prejudicial to the cause of stability,
peace and security in the entire
Pacific region."
Considering Japan's growing con-
fidence, and the present helpless-
ness of both Britian and France, it
seems likely that an American fleet
demonstration will no longer suffice
to stay the Mikado's aggresive steps.
The so-called "Asiatic Monroe-Doc-
trine," long discussed by Japanese
statesmen, is apparently soon to be
proclaimed. The parallel with our
own Monroe Doctrine is, of course,
fantastic. This country's policy is
designed only to keep foreign aggres-
sors out of our hemisphere. Its Ori-
ental namesake is no more than a
license for Japan to plunder all
Eastern Asia.
The United States has in the paci-
fic certain key points in its American
defense. It also has an obligation to
the Phillippines. However, partic-
ularly in "view of the threat from
Europe, it would be stupid strategy
for this country to jeopardize its
safety for the sake of attempting
to rescue such remote points as the
Dutch Indies or French Indo-China.
Meanwhile, the country wants to
know why the navy is moving and
-St. Louis Post Dispatch
any urging from outside sources.
Second (we refuse to say secondly
whatever else may be said of us.
There is a limit to bad grammar)
the Browns at the date of writing
were in fourth place above those self-
same Yankees. Literally, we swooned.
Our senses reeled when that news
came over the ticker. Life had turned
its face from us and kicked us in
the pants with a backhand.
But the Indians (ah the Indians)
were the final straws that broke the
camels back and forced us to strong
drink. (Unobtainable over the coun-
ter in Washtenaw county). Nothing
in this life has so amazed us as that
little set-to on the shores of Lake
Erie, henceforth to be known as Lake
Eerie, when all the imprtant Indian
players complained to the ownrs
that their manager, one Ozzie Vitt,
mistreated them so terribly they
hardly knew how they got to first

All notices for the Daily Official
Bulletin are to be sent to the Office
of the Summer Session before 3:30
P.M. of the day preceding its pub-
lication except on Saturday when
the notices should be submitted be-
fore 11:30 A.M.
Doctoral Examination: Robert Roy
White, Chemical Engineering; Thesis:
"The Phase Equilibria of Complex
Hydocarbon Systems at High Tem-
perature and Pressure." Saturday,
June 29, 9:00 a.m., 3201 E. Eng.
Chairman, G. G. Brown.
By action of the Executive Board
the chairman may invite members of
the faculties and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examina-
tion and he may grant permission
to those to attend who for sufficient
reason might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Graduate Record Club will meet
from 3-5 p.m. today in the Men's
Lounge of the Rackham Build-
ing. The program consists of
classical musical and will include
Tchaikovsky's Fourth Symphony and
Beethoven's Eighth Symphony. Fu-
ture programs will depend on the
loan of records from students and
others who may be interested. All
interested are cordially invited, and
if sufficient interest isnshown these
programs will be continued through
the summer session.f
Season ticket sale for the seven
plays to be presented by the Michi-
gan Repertory Players of the De-
partment of Speech will close to-
day. Lydia Mendelssohn box office
is open 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
The last performance of "The
Critic," Richard Brinsley Sheridan's
rehearsal, farce, will be given at 8:30
p.m. tonight in the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre. Single admissions are
75c, 50c and 35c . A few seats are
still available.
Dr. Leonard A. Parr of the First
Congregational Church is giving a
new series of Book Lectures through
the Summer Session for the benefit
of Summer school students visitors
and the local public. 'These lectures
are given in the assembly room of
the church and are free to all. Re-
cent books in Fiction, Travel, Poetry,
Biography, etc will be presented each
week. Upton Sinclair's new novel
"World's End" will be among the
new books discussed next Monday.
Lutheran Students: Pastor Henry
0. Yoder will conduct early worship
service at 8:30 a.m. and/regular wor-
ship service at 10:30 a.m. this Sun-
day in Trinity Lutheran Church on
E. Williams St. at S. Fifth Ave. Pas-
tor E. C. Stellhorn will conduct regu-
lar worship services at 10:30 a.m.
this Sunday in Zion Lutheran Church
on the corner of E. Washington St.
and S. Fifth Ave.
There will be a meeting of the
Lutheran .Student Ajssociation for
Lutheran students and their friends
at 6:00 Sunday evening in Zion Luth-
eran Parish Hall, 309 E. Washington
St. A twenty-five cent lunch will
be served, and Prof. Paul Kauper of
the Law School will speak on "Chris-
tianity and Totalitarianism."
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-
day Saints: Sunday School and dis-
cussion group, 9:30 a.m., Michigan
League Chapel.
Wesley Foundation: Student class
in the Wesley Foundation Assembly
Room Sunday morning at 8:30 o'clock
on the theme "The Bible and Litera-

Worship at 10:40 o'clock. The Rec.
[homas Pryor, pastor of the First
vethodist Church of Royal Oak,
Mich. will preach on "A Candle in
the Dark."
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 S. Division St. Sunday services
at 10:30. Subject, "Christian Sci-
ence." Sunday School at 11:45.
First Bapist Church, 512 E. Huron,
C. H. Loucks, Minister. 10:30. Unit-
ed Service of Worship and Study.
Sermon topic, "Jesus the Judge."
Kindergarten and Primary De-
partments of the Church School will
meet during the Service. Other De-
partments of the Church will meet
for study at 11:30 fora forty min-
ute period.
University Class will be led by the
pastor and will consider, "Prophets
from the Prophets."
6:15. Roger Williams Guild (Bap-
tist Student Group) will meet in the
Guild House, 503 E. Huron. Prof.
Harlan C. Koch of the Department
of Education will lead a discussion on
"Religion in the Mental Hygiene of
Sunday, June 30, 1940. 10:45 a.m.
"The Critics of God" will be the sub-
ject of the sermon by Dr. W. P. Lem-
5:30 p.m. Sunday evening Vespers
led by the minister, Dr. W. P. Lem-
on on "What the Other Half Be-
lieve." This Sunday evening his sub-
ject will be "Does the Protestant
Have a Protest?" A cost supper at
5:30, meeting at 6:30 o'clock.
First Congregational Church. Min-
ister, Rev. Leonard A. Parr. Public
worship at 10:45 a.m. Dr. Parr will
preach on "God's Poems." John H.
Secrist will sing "How Lovely Is the
Hand of God" and the choir will sing
Tschaikowsky's "The Lord Prayer."
St. Andrew's Episcopal Chirob.
Sunday: 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion;
11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Ser-
mon by the Rev. Henry Lewis; 5:00
p.m. Student Picnic at Y.M.CIA. Caip
Birkett on Big Silver Lake. Mr.
Kenneth Morgan, Director of the Stu-
dent Religious Association, will be the
discussion leader. Cars will leave
Harris Mall (Corner State and Hur-
on) at 5 o'clock.
Graduate Outing Club will hold its
first meeting of the summer session
on Sunday, June 30, at 2:30 p.m. in
the rear of the Rackham Building.
An outdoor program is planned, in-
cluding swimming, hiking, softball,
followed by supper- outdoors and +a
social hour. Those having cars ae
urged to bring them, an allowance
being given for transportation fur-
nished. All graduate students, facul-
ty and alumni are welcome.
Michigan Christian Fellowsb,ip, #.;
evangelical Christian student group,
meets each Sunday afternoon in the
Fireside Room, Lane Hall. Summer
session students are extended a
hearty invitation to attend these de-
votional meetings each week. This
week the time will be 4:30.
The Michigan Wolverine will hold
its first Sunday Social Hour of the
summer from 6:00-10:30 Sunday eve-
ning, June 30. From 6:00-7:00
Tschaikowsky's Fifth Symphony will
be played. This program will be
followed by a selection of current
popular recordings from 7:00-10:30.
All summer students are cordially in-
vited. There will be a door charge
of fifteen cents.
Representatives of all Undergrad-
uate houses are called for a compul-
sory meeting with the summer Judi-
ciary Council on Monday afternoon
at 4:15 at the Michigan League.

There will be a special class for
students who wish definite instrue-
tion in calling and directing square
and country dances, at 9:00 p.m.
Monday evenings, under the direction
of Mr. Lovett. All those wishing to
join this class must register in the
Social Director's Office in the Michi-
gan League. There is no charge.
The Mathematics Department Tea
for graduate students in mathematics
and visitors in the Department (and
their wives or husbands), will be
given by the staff of the Department
and their wives in the garden of the
Michigan League, on Tuesday, July
2, from4 to 6 p.m.
The following series of chemical
lectures are to be given on Wednes-
days at 4;15 in the Amphitheatre of
the Rackham Building: ,
July 3. Professor H. B. Lewis,
"Chemistry of the Vitamines.",
July 10. Professor G. G. Brown,
"The Industrial and Legal Signifi-
cance of the Critical Temperature."
July 17. Professor L. O. Brockway,
"Stereochemistry of the Heavy Met-
f July 24. Professor K. Fajans, "The
Type of Chemical Bonds in the Com-
pounds of Heavy Metals."
July 31. Professor R. H. Gillette,
"Recent Views on the Nature of the
Covalent Bond."
August 7. Professor W. F. Bach-
mann, "The Steroids."
The Director of the International
Center extends an invitation to all


The Straight Dope
By Himself

Yes sir, we knew that 1940 was going to be a
real toughie. We suspected that wars and ru-
mours of wars would be as common as adultery
and we were sure the results would be no more
edifying. Concerning the intentions of Adolph
and Benito we were fully informed and the only
respect in which we have been surprised has
been by their easy success. We thought that
since we're so smart the British and French
could not be so stupid as they seem to have been.
We suspected foul play in the well known class

And the futilities of the stupid bigwigs who run
amatuer track, golf, and tennis would surely not
fail us. We could count on them to come through
with something terrible and 10, they have obliged
But the cardinal principle in our thesis of
sanity was baseball. Surely, we thought, surely
baseball will continue as it always has. Beyond
the shadow of a doubt, we said to ourselves, the
national league will lose the All-Star game, will
lose the world series to the Yankees in four

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