Partly a few, Weather cloudy to clouity; local light showers- tY 4fig tan Iaht Editorial Our Enemies Within The Nation .. Official Publication O f The Summer Session VOL. L No. 6 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1940 PRICE FIVE CENTS Wilikie Promises Aggressive Drive, Asks Cooperation 1,450Summer Students Are Guests AtReception 1 Hungary Sends Troops 0- To Rumanian Frontier; British Peace Is Hinted Record Total Necessitates .Four Receiving Dr. Louis A. Hopkins Greets Crowd Lines; Assures Republicans 'We Must Win, Cannot Fail' As Convention Closes McNary Nomnated For Vice-President CONVENTION HALL, Philadel- phia, June 28.-(P)-With not so much as a delegate's badge to his lapel-but with the Republican presi- dential nomination tucked securely in his pocket-Wendell L. Wilkie visited the party's national conven- tion in its closing hours today and took it by storm again.I The convention's smiling victor stood before this crowded hall, which had just seen Senator Charles L. Mc- Nary of Oregon nominated for the vice-presidency, and in a speech carrying the heavy emphasis on brev- ity,- pledged himself to the Republi- can cause. Last night he stampeded the great gathering-in a pandemonium of pro- Willkie uproar from the galleries- into nominating him as its presiden-. tial candidate. Today, his tousled hair covered with confetti, and even a bit sticking to his perspiring cheek, he faced the microphone and said simply: Democracy Facing Test "Democracy and our way of life is facing the most crucial test it has ever faced in all its long history.-. "As your nominee I expect to con- duct a crusading, aggressive, fight- ing campaign to bring unity to Amer- ica, to bring'the unity of labor and capital, agriculture and manufactur- er, farmer and worker, and all class- es to this great cause of the preser- vation of freedom --- "So, you Republicans, I call upon you to join me, help me. The cause is great. We must win. We cannot fail if we stand together in one united fight." The crowds which had cheered an absent hero for four days went wild at the opportunity to applaud their man standing before them. Every sentence of his speech drew its wall- bulging shout and, as last night he captured their votes, today he ap- peared to capture their loyalty and fighting devotion. McNary, the lean veteran Senator from Oregon, Republican floor lead- er whom nearly everyone about the Capitol calls "Charley" or "Mac" was Willkie's choice for the vice-presi- dential nomination. And that was enough for the crowd. Acception Doubtful From early morning, :n fact, the only uncertainty about the vice-presi- dential situation waswhether or not McNary would accept. As the con- vention assembled for an afternoon session which was nearly an hour late in beginning, the buzzing gossip dealt only with McNary's attitude. But word was soon received from Washington that McNary, like a "good soldier would accept," and that was that. Missouri complimented its only Re- publican member of Congress, Rep. Dewey Short, by placing him in nomi- nation, but it was a runaway race from the start, and scarcely one which Short -took seriously. The final figures were 890 for McNary, 108 for Short, and two for Senator Styles Bridges of New Hampshire. On Short's motion the nomination was made unanimous. Michigan Delegation Casts For McNary PHILADELPHIA, June 28.-e)- Michigan delegates concluded their business at the Republican national convention by casting a majority of their votes for Senator Charles L. McNary for the vice-presidential nomination and joining in the cheer- ing for Senator Arthur H. Vanden- berg of Michigan. The ovacion for Vandenberg, who had been championed by the Michi- gan group for nomination for the presidency, came when he appeared to second McNary's nomination. Vandenberg referred to McNary as an "nld nrevinu friend" and as "the McNary Says He'll Remain On Senate Job WASHINGTON, June 28.-P)- Senator Charles L. McNary, reluc- tantly accepting the Republican nomination for vice-president but proud of the honor, said today that he wanted to campaign by "staying on the job" in the Senate. The veteran Oregan Senator pleaded with convention leaders by telephone to see that he was not nominated, but when they insisted that the delegates wanted him on the ticket he agreed to accept. "I wish they'd impose the chore on somebody else but I'll be a gpod soldier and do the best I can," he told reporters who sought him out in his office to tell him of his top- heavy majority in the first conven- tion ballot. McNary disclosed that he had "never met" Wendell L. Wilkie, util- ity leader who will top the Repub- lican ticket. "I don't think I have ever seen him but he's an excellent candidate and the convention has prepared a very good platform," he said. "The ticket should be successful in No- vember. "Mr. Willkie is an unusual execu- tive, a high type business man, and ought to make an excellent admin- istrator." A native of Oregon and former law instructor, McNary is 66 years old. He is one of the most popular senators with his colleagues. He has served in the Senate since 1918 andhis present term does not expire until 1943 so that he would have to resign if elected vice-presi- dent, but could continue in the Sen- ate if defeated. Nelson Named To Supervise Arms Orders Five Billion May Be Asked Of Congress For New Rearmament Expansion WASHINGTON, June 28. -(AP)- In a move to eliminate delays and competition among agencies, Presi- dent Roosevelt today appointed Don- ald M. Nelson, 51-year-old mail or- der company executive, to supervise all defense purchasing. The Chief Executive announced this step at a press conference at which he also indicated that a huge new expansion of the rearmament effort was in prospect but mentioned no figures. In well-informed quarters it was reported, however, that as much as $5,000,000,000 more in appropriations and contract authority might be asked of Congress. Such an increase would raise defense spending for the new fiscal year, beginning July 1, to about the level of the $11,011,387,000 the United States spent in the first year after its entry into the World War. Other defense developments of the day included an order from the Navy for an immediate start on construc- tion of ten destroyers and nine sub- marines, estimated to cost $154,577,- 000, and the first action by Secre- tary, Morgenthau under the broad powers over shipping granted to him yesterday in a proclamation by Mr. Roosevelt, The treasury secretary set up an office of merchant ship movements, to be directed by Assistant Secretary Herbert Gaston, which will guard against sabotage by exercising closer control over movements of ships in harbors and the handling and load- ing of explosives and other danger- ous cargoes. Under regulations issued by Mor- genthau, port captains will direct how such cargoes are to be handled, By JEANNE CRUMP Over 1450 Summer Session faculty members and students attended the reception given in their honor yes- terday in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham Building. At last summer's reception there were around 1000 guests, and this year's increase necessitated four re- ceiving lines. Those receivingwere Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, Director of the Summer Session, and Mrs. Hop- kins, Dean and Mrs. James B. Ed- monson, Dean Byrl F. Bacher, Dean and Mrs. Edward H. Kraus, Dean and Mrs. Clarence F. Yoakum, Dr. Char- les A. Sink, president of the School of Music, and Mrs. Sink, Dr. and Mrs. Louis M. Eich, Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Jamison, Dr. and Mrs. Peter Okkelberg, and Dr. and Mrs. John Sundwall. Introducers took guests through the receiving line, at the end of which free tickets for the dances at the Union and League were given, and guests then went to the terrace for punch. Students of the Univer- sity acted as introducers, and those heading them were Virginia Osgood, '41, and Mary Ellen Wheeler, 'lEd. Along with these student commit- tee members, Miss Ethel McCormick, social director of the League, headed the reception committee and was assisted by Miss Barbara MacIntyre and Miss Beth O'Roke. Virginia Os- good, '41, was in charge of the host- esses at the League dance and Bar- Excursionists Will Examine DetroitToday Institute Of Arts, Belle Isle, Fisher Building And Zoo Included In Schedule Important institutions in down- town Detroit will be visited by Uni- versity students in the second ex- cursion of the Summer Session start- ing at 8 a.m. today. The party will leave from in front of Angell Hall in special motorbuses and will return to Ann Arbor about 5:30 p.m. Among the places which will be visited are the Detroit Institute of Arts, Belle Isle Park in the Detroit River, the new Fisher Building and the Detroit Zoological Park. At the Detroit Institute of Arts a staff member will give a brief talk in the lecture hall and then will serve as guide through the various collec- tions of modern and medieval' Euro- pean Art, late and early Roman and Greek Art, Asiatic Art, colonial, 19th century and contemporary American Art. After a trip through the business district the party will stop for lunch- eon at the Fisher Building Cafeteria. Students wishing to follow the bus in private cars are invited to do so. A tour of the Ford Plant in River Rouge will be conducted from 12:45 to 5:30 p.m. Wednesday to inspect the motor assembly line, the open hearth furnaces, the rolling mills and other points of interest at the factory. Reservations must be made in Room 1213 Angell Hall before 5 p.m. Monday. Round trip bus fare is $1.25. bara De Fries, '42 in charge of those at the Union. A mong the girls acting as official hostesses were Betty Brackett, Pat Stearns, Phia Karr, Joan Clement, Betty Lou Stearns, Ruth Stitt, Betty Dickens, Helen Gunther, Mary Ann Dreisen, Dorothy Cummings, Ida Mae Stitt, Sally Walsh, Ruth Annell, Hel- en Louise Taylor, Dorothy Haydel, Betty Dean, Mary Morton, Helen Ralston, Eve Goldman, Dorothy Ad- ams, Ginny Rosenthal, Elizabeth Maclntyre and Annabet Boorhein. Eight tbles of bridge made up the tournament for which Conway Mc- Gee served as director. I. W. Burr and G. E. Copple were awarded prizes for having the highest scores of the evening. Earl Stevens and his orchestra fur- nished music at the League and Herb Ritz and his band it the Union. Over 2,000 people were present at the dances. Cinema League Offers Tickets For Last Time Memberships Are On Sale At Wahr's Book Store, Union, League Today Tickets for the Art Cinema League's four summer programs will be on sale today for the last time at the League, the Union and Wahr's Bookstore. A limited number of memberships are still available at $1 each, en- titling one admission to each of the four movies. No tickets will be sold during the season for single per- formances. The first program will take place at 8:30 p.m. Sunday in the Rackham School Amphitheatre. Featuring the American documentary 'film, this show will include "The River," "The City," "The Plough That Broke the Plains," and "New Schools for Old." Two weeks later, Sunday, July 14, the Art Cinema League will present the French film, "Grand Illusion," which has achieved great success in this country since first shown last year. .It was chosen as the best film produced during 1939 in any country. Sunday, July 28, the Russian film "The Childhood of Maxim Gorky" will be shown and on Sunday, Aug. 11, "Kameradschaft," a German film, will be brought to Ann Arbor. Both of these films represent the best of their countries' productions. English sub-titles are included in each foreign film. Selected short subjects will also be shown. Tryouts Are Called By Civic Orchestra Tryouts for the Ann Arbor Civic Orchestra are being held at 7:40 p.m. Tuesdays in the Ann Arbor High School, according to William Cham- pion, director of the orchestra. Musically inclined students are welcome to come to the orchestra which is of the "little symphony" type of instrumentation. Under the administration of the Department of Recreation, the or- chestra is a city-wide music project. Neutral Source Predicts German Advance Will Wait For Verifications Bombing Raiders Strike At Wales LONDON, June 29. (Saturday)- (I)-- German planes renewed the bombardment of Britain last night and early today, but a neutral diplo- matic source declared, "a peace move is in the air," and predicted any at- tempted German invasion would await the outcome. The German air raiders struck at southeast and southwest England and at Wales early today after having killed 29 persons in bombing and machine-gunning England's channel islands last night soon after a Bri- tish announcement that those out- posts near the French coast were demilitarized. Heavy explosions were heard in southeast England, anti-aircraft guns and searchlights got busy in the southwest, and bombs were dropped in Wales apparently by a lone raid- er who made a hit-skip dash to that western region. 23 Reported Killed The home office said 23 persons were killed and 36 injured by the raids on Guernsey and- six were killed and several injured on Jer- sey. Property damage was heavy. Most civilians along with all mili- tary forces and equipment, were re- moved from the islands secretly last week, it was disclosed last night. The islanders, (nearly 150,000 ac- cording to latest census figures) car- ried only light luggage, abandoning their crops and farm animals and shops filled with valuable stocks, Watchers on the southeast coast of England reported last night the sound of heavy explosions across the channel on the Nazi-held French coast, along with vicious anti-air- craft fire, indicating that the Bri- tish were continuing to harry German base-builders there. Peace Possibilities As for the report of a peace move, the source, who has world-wide con- tacts, said it was believed that the British position rested on the re- sponse of French colonies and the French fleet to the efforts of French General Charles De Gaulle to have Frenchmen fight on for the Allied cause. De Gaulle was recognized by the British government tonight as "lead- er of all free Frenchmen." Nevertheless, the diplomatic cor- respondent oftheauthoritative Bri- tish press association wrote that it "should not be regarded that diplo- matic relations between Britain and the Petain government have been severed." The word "free," he said, was im- portant; adding that Britain still recognized Marshal Henri Philippe Petain as "the leader of Frenchmen who are in bondage to Hitler." Germany Answers - Rumours With Cannon ' BERLIN, June 28.--(P)-Iron talk from the mouth of -cannon is Ger- many's answer to the latest flurry of peace rumors The Wilhelmstrasse tonight was cold to the suggestion of possible peace overtures from London. Nazi spokesmen said the Reich hardly could take notice of unau- thorized peace soundings at a time when the British government itself is categorically denying peace ru- mors and demanding a war to the finish. "That is the war we are giving them," Nazi officials said. "The can- nons are speaking." The view was expressed that the peace rumors were started in Eng- land for the purpose of giving Prime Minister Churchill and other British leaders a chance to reject with ve- hemence any suggestion of peace. Daily Positions Available Students interested in gaining First On Program PROF. HOWARD M. JONES * * * Jones To Open Culture Course Lecture Series Former Faculty Member To Speak Here Monday On American Literature Opening a five-week series of lec- tures and round table discussions of the Graduate Study Program in American Culture and Institutes, Prof. Howard M. Jones of Harvard University will speak at 8:15 p.m. Monday in the Rackham School Au- ditorium on "American Literature as an Instrument for Cultural Anal- ysis." The first week's lectures and round table will be built around the theme of "Regional Varieties of Cultural Development." The week's program, Prof. Dwight L. Dumond of the Pro- gram's executive committee explain- ed yesterday, will in reality be an attempt to determine the relation- ship between geographical influences and cultural development. The lec- tures will be open to the public. Professor Jones, Professor Dumond predicted, will probably stress the early American period and'the liter- ature of the frontier. A native of Saginaw, Professor Jones was educated at the La Crosse, Wis., State Normal School, the Uni- versities of Wisconsin and Chicago and Harvard University: He began his career as professor at the Uni- versity of Texas, going from there to the University of North Carolina For six years, from 1930 to 1936, Professor Jones was (a member of the English department faculty in the literary college here. During that time he worked for such a pro- gram as is being offered this sum- mer. In 1936 he went to Harvard as professor of English, the position which he now holds. The author of two books of poetry, (Continued on Page 3) Engine Lecture Series To Open First Of Weekly Talks Is At 9 A.M. Today Problems connected with the in- ternal combustion engine will be dis- cussed at the opening session of the Internal Combustion Engine Insti- tute's special lecture series at 9 a.m. today in . the afiphitheatre of the Rackham Building. Prof. J. H. Keenan of the Mass- achusetts Institute of Technology, will speak on "Availability," to be followed by a discussion of thermo- dynamic charts and combustion problems by Dr. L. Withrow, re- search chnician of th Gnra Threaten To Keep On With Italian, German Support If Russians Don't Stop Moscow, Berlin Rupture Is Seen BULLETIN NEW YORK, June 28.-VP)'- Mackay Radio said tonight it re- ceived a message from the Amer- ican Export Liner Excalibur that its radio had intercepted messages reporting the torpedoing of an American vessel, the Edgehill, and the steamship Empire Toucan, which was unidentified. Lloyd's ship register lists nei- ther of the ships. The Excalibur sailed today for the United States from Naples and was somewhere in the Mediterranean when it re- ported to Mackay. These two terse messages were received from the Excalibur at Mackay's marine department here: "United States Steamship Edge- hill, 4927N, 1525W, torpedoed 2225 28th." "SS Empire Toucan, 4920N, 1352W, torpedoed 0315, 29th." Ship records, revised after changes occasioned by the war, listed the Empire Toucan as a 4,127-ton British freighter, nor- mally carrying a crew of 33. She formerly was the American Free- port Sulphur No. 5 and was\ built in 1920 at Kearny, N. J. Lists of ship movements showed that she left Galveston, Tex., April 17. Lloyd's 1940 register lists an American steamer "Oremar" whose name was changed from "Edge- hill" last year. The Oremar is listed as owned by the Calmar Steamship Cqrporation and was registered in the Port of New York. It is a 6,854-ton freighter, built in 1919 in Seattle, -Wash. When war began in 1939 she was being used along both Atlantic and Pa- cific coasts of the United States. Government officials in Wash- ington were without any immedi- ate information on the torpedoing of the steamer Edgehill. They noted, however, that the position given for the reported sinking was well within the combat zone from which American flag- ships are barred by United States neutrality law, ,except in instances where such trips are specifically authorized for the removal of American refugees. BUDAPEST, June 28.-(21.-Hrn- gary sent her troops marching clear to the Rumania frontier tonight and official quarters said they would con- tinue across the border with the full support of Germany and Italy if the Russian army of occupation keeps moving toward the Carpathian Moun- tains. Officials here admitted the con- tinuing Russian advance into old Ru- mania after occupying ceded Bess- arabia and northern Bocovina would change entirely Hungary's attitude heretofore of watchful waiting. They said Germany, although de- sirous of keeping Hungary out of war, would certainly give Hungary the go-ahead signal "with full axis support" if *the Russians failed to apply the brakes. The entire question of peace or war in southeastern Europe appeared to hang on how far Russia goes into Rumania. An open break between Moscow and Berlin seemed a growing possi- bility over the Rumanian issue. Hungarian troops were "ordered to advance" tonight, the official news agency said, -because of the compli- cated situation in Rumania. It was explained that this meant that Ciausseur troops had been sent up to the line a short distance from the Rumanian frontier. BUCHAREST, June 29. (Satur- day). - ()- Embattled Rumanian citizens fought Red Army troops for hours today in the border town of Cernauti as the Russian Army of Prof. Sturtevant Disputes Origin Of Greek Perfect Tense Form That the recently accepted laryn- geal theory provides the clue to the origin of the debated Greek perfect tense forms in -ka was theconten- tion last evening of Prof. Edgard H. Sturtevant, noted linguistic scholar of Yale University, who opened the Linguistic Institute's summer lecture series with his discussion of "The Greek 'kappa'-perfects and the lar- yngeal theory." This theory, outlined Professor Sturtevant, sets up a series of four laryngeal consonants in the recon- structed hypothetical Indo-Hittite language out of which' both Hittite and the various Indo-European lan- guages developed. These laryngeals, hn t - .- e. ttartm hlr nt ~lrl of t... Although the laryngeal theory has been applied to the solution of a number of phonological problems in the European languages, Professor Sturtevant is the first to find in it evidence that the peculiar Greek perfect tense forms in -ka, which scholars previously have considered as unique and have derived from three aorist tense forms in Greek, are really directly inherited from an ear- lier language. To the late Professor E. A. Sapir Dr. Sturtevant acknowledged his in- debtedness for the discovery that a -ka past tense form exists in the recently discovered Tocharian lan- ---- a Tcr -Iliaa " - a m ha _