FkII)AY, JUNE 28, 1940
Washington Merry-Go-Round
Grin And Bear It0...
By Lichty
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
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National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Reesentative
Member, Associated Collegiatae Press, 1939-40
Editorial Staff
Managing Editor .............. Carl Petersen
City Editor...............Norman A. Schorr
Associate Editors .......Harry M. Kelsey, Karl
Kessler, David I. Zeitlin, Suzanne Potter,
Albert P. Blaustein, Chester Bradley
Business Staff
Business Manager .............Jane E. Mowers
Assistant Manager......;....Irving Guttman
Gov. Stassen' s
Keynote Speech .. .
GOV. STASSEN'S statesmanlike key-
note speech at Philadelphia did not
get the applause it deserved. Stassen spoke in
terms of patriotism, but the delegates were,
apparently, thinking mainly in terms of par-
Taking as his text Washington's words, "Let
us raise a standard to which the wise and honest
can repair," he urged his fellow Republicans
to stand above partisanship and strive for
national unity, as the "black shadow of des-
potism" creeps over the world. It is the duty
now of every citizen, he said, to support the
government "in every measure for the common
good." He urged no wild pledge to "keep out of
war," for he was well aware that the war is al-
ready all around us. Instead, he urged resolute
support of "basic policies," always with "the
earnest hope to keep this nation out of war"-
which is a very different thing. "Let us frank-
ly state to the people," he said, "that we can
neither fully anticipate" the "many overshadow-
ing problems of foreign policy" that crowd up-
on us, "nor can we tie our hands before meeting
them." And the delegates, drifting more and
more toward ostrich isolationism, apparently
did not like it.
On increased national defense-the necessity
for which is admitted even by the blindest iso-
lationists- Stassen was equally vigorous. There
was no quibbling over the exact extent of the
Monroe Doctrine. He favored "decisive steps"
to establish "hemisphere defense." He knew, and
was not afraid to say, that this would mean
setting up strong air and naval bases at out-
lying points. Our people have long been trained
to think of the Pacific in terms of such bases.
Many have not yet realized that the same sort
of advanced defense works may soon be needed
in the Atlantic.
However, it was only when Stassen began his
argument for a "change of leadership" in the
next four years that the delegates began to
applaud. That, of course, is why they are in
There are many issues on which the Roose-
velt administration may fairly be criticized-
its extravagance, its ill-advised and costly social
experiments, its lose financial methods, its eco-
nomic failures and its foolish baiting of busi-
ness. But Stassen chose to attack it mainly for
its lack of foresight in preparedness. It had
made threats it could not back up, he said; it
had sold arms to aggressors; and knowing the
dictators were arming, it had failed to speed up
our own armaments accordingly.
But is this a sound argument? Everyone
knows that the .President has tried repeatedly,
in the last few years, to arouse the nation to a
sense of the impending peril. We did not support
our threats; we did not lay arms embargoes on
aggressors; we did not speed up armaments, be-
cause public opinion, and, in particular, the pol-
iticians, could not see the peril, thought the
President was merely trying to scare us, and did
not respond. Indeed, Stassen refuted his own
thesis when he said, rightly, a few moments lat-
er; that "this nation has had the shifting foreign
policy of the politicians, unwilling to present
hard facts to the people."
Today, the hard facts are obvious to every-
one. Hitler controls the continent of Europe,
as Japan virtually controls Asia. Nothing stands
between us, and the rapacious military states
but the British Navy, and our own. Everyone
sees it now, and nearly everyone senses what it
means-everyone except, perhaps, the delegates
in Philadelphia, still bent, apparently, on put-
ting partisanship before 4atriotism.
- Chicago Daily News
WASHINGTON--To those who really know
Franklin Roosevelt, the appointment of Henry
L. Stimson as his Secretary of War will rank as
one of the most important events in his second
term. For the real fact is that Stimson and
Roosevelt have been political enemies since 1910
--exactly thirty years.
That was the fatal year which swept young
Roosevelt into the New York Sentate, and Mr.
Stimson into the political discard as aspiring
Governor of New York. The two men have been
mauling each other in the New York political
arena ever since.
Actually Roosevelt and Stimson are very much
alike. Both are New York country squires, born
to wealth and comfort. One has an extensive
estate on the Hudson, the other on Long Island,
and both would rather spend their time with
horses. dogs, trees and gardens than almost
anything else.
Both, although wealthy, believe in taxing
themselves to the bone, and both, for that rea-
son, are considered traitors to their class. Stim-
son probably would go just as far as Roosevelt
in redistribution of wealth, and has given a-
way much of his fortune.
But despite these similarities, there has been
no great love lost between the two men. Until
recently, Stimson always considered Roosevelt
a poor imitation of his cousin Teddy--charming
but without stamina-and has not hesitated to
say so. Naturally, this came back to Roosevelt,
and being human, he didn't like it..
Pioneer For Peace
However, the reason Roosevelt rose above
personalities to bring a critic into his Cabinet
was that Stimson represents those who were
trying to build a new system of peace out of
the ashes of the old war.
Stimson believes there is something basically
good in peoples--all peoples--if only it has a
chance to develop. And he struggled to give that
development a chance. Even Germany secured
powerful aid from Stimson, for he, better than
most men, saw the enroaching menace of Hit-
Stimson's world was an era of the Kellogg
Pact, of arbitration treaties, each new peace
step being placed on stronger, firmer ground.
And he worked unceasingly to build up the
edifice. To him, the peace of the world-was like
the peace of a community, something which had
to be nurtured gradually from the law of the
jungle to the police laws of a city.
Stimson had worshiped at the feet of Elihu
Root, who negotiated the first arbitration treat-
ies. He had studied Andrew Carnegie's pio-
neering with the Court of International Justice
at the Hague, and had paid tribute to William
Jennings Bryan for his doctrine of non-recogn-
ition of territory taken by force--a doctrine
which Stimson continued.
Set Back A Century
And out of all this was being evolved a new
respect for treaties, for international pledges,
a new faith in the word of nations. It built to-
ward a "Good Neighbor" policy. It was far from
perfect, but it was a start. And the destruction
of this start probably is the most serious blow
Hitler has struck at civilization.
Roosevelt feels this keenly; so does Stimson.
They fear that international morality has been
replaced by the law of the jungle, that the demo-
cratic evolution of peace machinery has been
set back a century.
During the past year or so, Stimson has been
a 100 per cent rooter for Roosevelt's foreign
policy. Their views on this dovetail perfectly.
Like Roosevelt, Stimson is an ardent believer
in peaceful democracy; and like Roosevelt, he
is an ardent militarist when it comes to fight-
ing for it. That was why he became a Republi-
can Secretary of War in a Democratic Cabinet.
Stimson was sworn in as Hoover's Secretary
of State. Just as the Kellogg Pact was being
signed. Just one day after the ratification cere-
mony was held in the White House, Russia
threatened war on China.
Stimson immediately jumped in to apply the
new anti-war pact, and finally succeeded in pull-
ing the two nations apart.
Kellogg Pact Guarded
Next boiled up the Chaco War between Bo-
livia and Paraguay, and again Stimson made the
Kellogg Pact a vital, powerful instrument for
Then came the Japanese invasion of Man-
churia, and again Stimson put the Kellogg Pact
to work. He knew that the efficacy of the pact
rested upon the weight of public opinion, and
that the first time it was violated the dream
of a warless world had vanished.
So Stimson threw everything he had into the
breach. Public opinion was mobilized. An Amer-
ican observer sat on the League Council. For
all intents and purposes the United States was
a member. Stimson even got out of a sick-bed
to go to Geneva himself.
Those were dark days in Stimson's Villa Bes-
inge on Lake Geneva. His room looked out on
an old garden sheltered by high trees, in which
roosted flocks of birds. And sometimes when he
could not sleep and work dragged on endlessly,
Stimson stood at his window looking out upon
the trees and the moon and the shadows they
cast upon the garden, and remembered the
World War days when he was a colonel of ar-
tillery in France.
Out among the poplars he saw again that line
of men from the fields, the factories, the sea,
going forward, and the line of women, wounded
men, exhausted men, going back. A panorama
of his life lay before him then, the latter years
having been given to rebuilding equity and un-
derstanding among the peoples of the world.
And he had failed.
Stimson's bst Try
Stimson saw the world coasting toward the
abyss. and every inch of the way he tried to
stop it.
He is an old man now, and this will be his
last try. It may be the last try also for the
United States. Stimson belongs to an age which
may have been dying. And it may be that the
American people also have been living in an
age that is dying--an age of free worship, free
thinking, freedom to go and come, an age which
struggled toward the fulfillment of the goal to
love thy neighbor as thyself.
Certainly it will be dead unless, like Stimson
and Rossevelt, we are willing to sacrifice for
'' -
. 4
"We've rented the loveliest apartment, dear, but they won't take
children . . . so you'll have to increase our allowance if we're to live
The Strnight Dope
By Himself;
Training Citizens
For U. S. Army
Defense is everybody's job.
The United States, gratefully, is
not at war, but the flames of war
swirl close enough to make every citi-
zen anxious for his Nation's safety.
Future security, it seems agreed by
isolationists and co-operationists
alike, demands that the United States
strengthen its own defenses with
utmost speed.
Whatever the changes wrought by
mechanization, manpower is still and,
always will be the backbone of na-
tional defense. The need now, more
than ever, is for trained manpower.
The United States ought to begin
at once to organize its resources of
manpower for effective military use
in event of need.
In various forms, and from nu-
merous sources, proposals for univer-
sal compulsory military training have
been put forward. These deserve
careful, prompt and discerning con-
To be practical, a system should
call up men only as fast as they can
be trained, but it should be able
to call them that fast.
Background Needed
If the United States had a back-
ground of universal military train-
ing there would be available several
million trained reserves. The neces-
sity now is to prepare such a body
of citizen reserves as rapidly as pos-
Simply to call up all youths of 20
as the start of such a system would
be arbitrary and unfair. The tran-
sition should be made by drawing
together as fairly as possible a
cross-section of all military age
In order to be presented for an
emergency, the United States, thru
Congress, ought to adopt now a com-
pulsory universal service act along
the general lines of that proposed by
the Military Training Camps Asso-
ciation in conjunction with the War
This plan proposes first to register
all men from 18 to 65 years of age.
Subsequently, groups for training
would be drawn from among the
registrants between 21 and 45. Men
above or below these limits and yet
within the registration ages would
be available for home guard duty.
Presumably nearly 30,000,000 men
would be registered within the 21
to 45 age zone, and probably about
7,000,000 of these would prove eligible
for call in the first class. Obviously,
only a small fraction of this number
could be taken with present training
facilities, though the groups could be
rapidly enlarged.
Many Would Volunteer
Many, however, would be glad to
volunteer for such service. While
the registration is being made it
would be useful to ask each regis-
trant, in effect, "Are you willing to
be called immediately for a short
training course?"
This would probably yield a class
of several hundred thousand who
could be moved promptly into camps
for a period of one to six months,
similar in plan to the present Civil-
ian Military Training Camps, an out-
growth of the Plattsburg idea. This
could be done while the draft ma-
chinery, with its exemption .boards
and drawing of numbers for order
of call, was being set up. It would
represent probably the fairest way
of filling the first training quotas
and the most desirable transition
from a volunteer to a universal sys-
We knew all along that 1940 was going to be
a tough year for Republicans, but we did think
that the Democrats would let them alone for
the few days necessary to nominate a candi-
date and construct a platform. We had, and
have, no doubt that Mr. Roosevelt and cohorts
will demolish both in due season, but for these
remaining pleasant days in June we hoped the
last of the conservatives, aside from those in
Washtenaw county, could have a measure of
the quiet peace which should come to every
group in its declining years. It was not to be so.
To begin with, by nominating for cabinet pos-
itions and announcing their acceptance by a
former Republican vice-presidential candidate
and secretary of state, Mr. Roosevelt seems to
have shot about six horses out from under the
chariot of party unity. Even the boys at Phil-
adelphia admit it was nice timing. But worse
was to come.
Some enterprising soul thought that it was
time the Union League Club and allied organ-
izations took a back seat to those grass roots
we keep hearing about. So they decided to open
the convention with that soul-stirring "Ballad
for Americans" which we don't much care for
but which everybody else does. Troubles began to
multiply. The greatest of all American singers
was so intimately associated with the solo role
in the "Ballad" that singing it without him is
similar to doing a performance of "Julius Cae-
sar" without Mark Antony. We the in-
imitable Paul Robeson, negro singer extra-
leadership of her great World War leader, Gen-
eral Smuts. Even then the anti-war party did
not give up its struggle. General Hertzog tried
again in January, with a resolution urging a
separate peace; but again he was defeated, this
time by 81 to 59 votes.
vimeda ainst such a stormy background,
ordinary and artist superb. Mr. Robeson pro-
bably feels no more cordial towards the Re-
publicans than they subsequently proved to
feel about him. But a job is a job these parlous
times and Mr. Robeson, who has sung for worse
crowds, could doubtless have been prevailed up-
on to send forth a few golden tones for the
prope equivalent in negotiable bonds or re-
deemable currency.
Unfortunately for Mr. Robeson's exchequer
and the Republican's artistic aspirations it
developed at the last moment that Mr. Robeson
is so disgusted with American education of the
negro that his son studies abroad and, even
worse, that on numerous occasions he has
stated his belief that the economic status of
this country needs a thorough overhauling.
More, he has actually expressed his admiration
for the spirit of experimentation which he felt
animated the Russian government until very
recently in deed.
This, of-course, is cause to deport the artist in
the eyes of the grand old party (of which more
anon) and the song was sung, we understand
without the benefit of Mr. Robeson. Yet even
more embarressment was to follow. Sherman
Minton, another of those pesky Hoosier Senat-
ors, got up just the day before the famous ballad
was to be sung and announced in stentorian
tones that the "Ballad for Americans" was com-
posed and first sung by an artist in the pay of the
hated WPA which the Republicans affect to
despise so strongly. In fact it was the Republi-
cans, with dissident Democrats, who finally kill-
ed that section of the WPA which provided jobs
for artist and musicians.
By that time it was too late to change and,
we understand, the Republicans opened their
convention with the performance of the well
known WPA work "The Ballad for Americans"
by a wholly orthodox chorus and soloist. But
the hecklers were not done. Only a day or so
ago some research lexicographers at the Uni-
versity of Chicago (research-wonderful. foot-
All notices for the Daily Official
Bulletin are to be sent to the Office
of the Summer- Session before 3:30t
P.M. of the day preceding its pub-
lication except on Saturday when
the notices should be submitted be-
fore 11:30A.M.
Mail for. Students, Faculty, and
temporary residents at the Univer-
sity: All students and new members
of the faculty should call at the U.S.
Post Office and make out pink card,
"Order to Change Addreses," Form
22, if they have not already done so.
This applies also to temporary resi-
dents in Ann Arbor who may be doing
reference or research work on the
Unidentifiable mail is held in Room
1 University Hall. If you are expect-
ing mail which you have not received,
please call at Room 1, University
Hall, and make inquiry.1
A meeting will be held for all those
who wish to register with the Bureau
of Appointments for either a teach-
ing, business or professional posi-
tion. This meeting will be held at
7:00 to 7:45 p.m. Monday evening,
July 1, in the Lecture Hall of the
Rackham Building. This applies both1
to seniors and graduate students
and is for NEW registrants only.
Only one registration will be held
during the summer and everyone is
urged to be present at this meeting.
Everyone who has previously been
registered with the Bureau of Ap-
pointments and who wishes to be con-
sidered for a position should come
in immediately to leave his present
address and summer elections.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Civil Service examinations. Last date
for filing application is noted:
Assistant Museum Aide (Assistant
Docent), Salary: $1,800, July 8.
Junior Museum Aide, Salary:
$1,620, July 8.
Assistant Curator (Registrar), Sal-
ary: $2,600, July 8.
Senior Museum Aide (Research As-
sistant), Salary: $2,300, July 8.
Senior Museum Aide (Principal
Docent), Salary: $2,300, July 8.
Junior Astronomer, Salary: $2,000,
July 8.
Junior Airway Traffic Controller,
Salary: $2,000, July 9.
Naval Architect, Salary: $3,800,
June 30.
Associate Naval Architect, Salary:
$3,200, June 30.
Assistant Naval Architect, Salary:
$2,600, June 30.
Marine Engineer, Salary: $3,800,
June 30.
Associate Marine Engineer, Sal-
ary: $3,200, June 30.
Assistant Marine Engineer, Salary:
$2,600, June 30.
Assistant Translator (French, Ger-
man,Italian, Spanish), Salary: $2,-
000, July 9.
Junior Engineer, Salary: $2,000.
Principal Construction Cost Audi-
tor, Salary: $3,800, July 15.
Construction Cost Auditor, Salary:
$3,200, July 15.
Junior Construction Cost Auditor,
Salary: $2,600, July 15.
Director of Libraries (Principal Li-
brarian), Salary: $5,600, July 16.
Assistant Director of Libraries (Li-
brarian), Salary: $3,800, July 16.
Furniture Designer, Salary: $3,800,
July 15.
Advanced Apprentice 'Engraver,
Salary: $3.85 a Day (5-Day week),
Tid 16
nents and Occupational Information,
901 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12
nd 2-4.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
The University Bureau of Appoint-
nients and Occupational Information
as received notice of the following
Jnited States Civil Service examina-
ion. Last date for filing application
s noted:
Assistant Scientific Aid, salary
X,620, July 8.
Optional Subjects: Chemistry, Phy-
sics, Cotton textile technology, Yarn
nd fabric testing.
Complete announcement on file at
he University Bureau of Appoint-
nents and Occupational Information,
201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12
and 2-4.
University Bureau of Appointments
ind Occupational Information
The Director of the International
Center extends an invitation to all
foreign students, who are here from
ther colleges and universities for the
Summer Session, to use the facilities
of the International Center during
their stay in Ann Arbor. American
students who are interested in inter-
national affairs are also welcome at
all times to the Center.
The Center is a group of attractive
clubrooms in the south wing of the
Michigan Union, provided by the Uni-
versity for its foreign students- and
their friends. It affords an unusual
opportunity for acquaintance among
students from all over the world in
an atmosphere which is both infor-
mal and friendly. There are no
membership dues or obligations of
any sort.
Linguistic Institute Lecture, 7:30
p.m., this evening in Rackham Build-
ing Amphitheatre. Prof. E. H. Stur-
tevant of Yale University will discuss
"The Greek kappa'-perfects and
the laryngeal theory."
There will be a reception by the
General Faculty to Students of the
Summer Session in the Rackham
Building at 8:30 this evening.
University Men and Women: There
will be free dancing in the Union and
League Ballrooms following the Fac-
ulty Reception this evening.
This year admission to the dances
will be by ticket only. Tickets-which
will be good for either or both ball-
rooms-may be obtained at the end
of the receiving line in the Racham
School of Graduate Studies. The
receiving line forms at 8:30 p.m. and
we urge students to come early.
Season ticket sale for the seven
plays to be presented by the Michi-
gan Repertory Players of the De-
partment of Speech will close on
Saturday. Lydia Mendelssohn box
office is open 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
"The Critic,". Richard Brinsley
Sheridan's satire on actors and play-
wrights, will be presented at 8:30
p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
tre tonight, tomorrow night by the
Michigan Repertory Players of the
Department of Speech. Single ad-
missions are 75c, 50c and 35c. The
box office is open from 10 am to
8:30 p.m. (Phone 6300).
There will be a trip to Detroit on
Saturday, June 29. Reservations must
be made in Room 1213 Angell Ha1l
before 4:30 p.m., Friday, June 28.
The party meets at 8:00 a.m. in front
of Angell Hall, and returns to Ain
Arborbabout 5:30 p.m. Expenses to-
tal about $2, including round rip
bus fare and luncheon. Bulletins des-
cribing all of the summer excursions
may be obtained in Room 1213 Angell
Hall at any time.
Graduate Record Club will meet
from 3-5 p.m. on Saturday, June 29,
in the Men's Lounge of the Rack-
ham Building. The program consists
of classical musical and will include
Tchaikovsky's Fourth Symphony and
Beethoven's Eighth Symphony. Fu-
ture programs will depend on the
loan of records from students and
others who may be interested. All
interested are cordially invited, and
if sufficient interest is shown these
programs will be continued through
the summer session.
Graduate Outing Club will hold its
first meeting of the summer session
on Sunday, June 30, at 2:30 p.m. in
the rear of the Rackhan Building.
An outdoor program is planned, in-
cluding swimming, hiking, softball,
followed by supper outdoors and a
social hour. Those having cars are
urged to bring them, an allowance
being given for transportation fur-
nished. All graduate students, facul-
ty and alumni are welcome.
The make-up for the qualifying
examination for the M.A. in English
will be given on Tuesday, July 2, at,
7 p.m. in 2225 A.H. It will not be
given again this summer.
The following series of chemical
lectures are to be given on Wednes-
days at 4:15 in the Amphitheatre of
the Rackham Bilding:
July 3. Professor H. B. Lewis,
"Chemistry of the Vitamines.",
July 10. Professor G. G. Brown,
"The Industrial and Legal Signif i-
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