THURSDAY, JUNK: 27, 1940
July 6 Named
Entry Deadline
For Tourneys
Annual Women's Contests
To Begin July 8; Sports
Include Tennis, Archery
All entries in the campus-wide wo-
men's tournaments to begin July 8
rust be left at Barbour Gymnasium
not later than Saturday, July 6, Dr.
Margaret Bell announced yesterday.
These tournaments are open to
all women, whether or not they are
registered in a course given by the
athletic department. There is a
tradition behind the tournaments,
since they are an annual event of
long standing. 50 students entered
in all the tournaments last year, and
the number is expected to show con-
siderable increase this summer, Dr.
Bell said.
Competition Stiff
Competition has been exceptional-
ly stiff in past years, and all persons
who have acquired a degree of skill
are urged to enter. Tournaments
for novices in all activities will be
held in the regular physical educa-
tion classes.
Tournaments listed include arch-
ery, badminton, golf and tennis (wo-
men's singles and mixed doubles).
Archery will be played in a Colum-
bia Round, which, for the uniniti-
ated, is composed of three rounds
shot at distances of 50, 40 and 30
yards respectively.
Badi#qnton Tournament
Those above the rank of novice
may enter the badminton tourna-
ment. There will be a novice tourna-
ment later for those in the badmin-
ton classes. .
Golfers will play the first nine
holes on the University golf course
m competing for top honors in their
tournament. Details m the tennis
tournament will be posted July 8,
along with the lists of players. Tour-
nament lists will be posted in the
Wprnen's Athletic Building by Mon-
May, July 8, except for the badmin-
tpn sphedule, which will be ptft up
In harbour Gymnasium.
Pre-SchooQl Nursery
Is Iljigurated Here
A cooperative nursery school for
pre-sc o I children, directed by Mrs.
F. W. Ouradrick, is being conducted
from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. from Mon-
dlay to Friday each week at the An-
gell School. The children meet out-
aside if the weather is fair and in
the kintergarten during rainy wea-
All of the sections for children
under four years of age are filled,
.t ws announced yesterday, but va-
cancies are still open in the group
for children between four and one-
half and five years old. People who
are interested are asked to call Mrs.
sArthur Smithies at 8449 as soon as
Maxwel An erson's
Pultizer rtze Winning Comedy
Sponsored by the Women's Physical Education Department
Check in the squares below those tournaments you wish to enter.
Archery...... Columbia Round
) Golf......Women's Open Singles
) Tennis......Women's Singles
) Tennis... . Mixed Doubles (partner's name ...>........... )
Mail or bring entries to Barbour Gymnasium not later than Satur-
day, July 6.
Tournament lists will be posted in the Women's Athletic Building
(Badmlinton in Barbour Gymnasium) by Monday, July 8.
Name .................... Address ................ Phone.......
Art Cniiie iSeason TQ FclturX
A'bildhood Of Maxim Crorky'
Membership in the Art Cinema
League will give the Summer Session
student the opportunity to see an
outstanding Russian film concern-
ing a famous Russian artist in "The
Childhood of Maxim Gorky," to be
shown at 8:15 p.m. Sunday, July 28.
This film will be the third of the
Art Cinema's four program series.
Preceeding it will be four American
documentary films, "The River",
"The City," "The Plough That Broke
the Plains" and "New Schools for
Old", to be presented at 8:15 p.m.
Sunday in the amphitheatre of the
Rackham School and the French
film "Grand Illusion" scheduled for
Sunday, July 14. The fourth pro-
gram, on Sunday, Aug. 11, will fea-
ture the German movie "Kamerad-
A limiteq number of memberships
are still available at the Union, the
League and Wahr's book store, where
they may be. obtained at $1 each.
A membership admits one to each of
the four programs. No tickets for
individual programs will be sold.
In "The Childhood of Maxim Gor-
ky", young Gorky is played by Al-
yosha Lyarsky, a Moscow school-
boy selected after a long search by
director Mark Donskoi. Lyarsky was
chosen not only because of his re-
semblance to pictures of Gorky at
that age, but also because of his
possession of the genius' serious at-
tentiveness and .sensitivity. Donskoi
filmed the scenes of Gorky and his
chums by explaining the problem to
them and shooting the sequence im-
mediately and only once, so as to re-
cord the spontaneity of the moment
Second Dancing
Class, Tea Dance
Attract Students
This week's scope of League ac-
tivities was extended yesterday as
two more social events took place
in the main ballroom.
;Between 3:30 and 5:30 p.m. over
2,50 students danced to the music
of Earl Stevens and his orchestra.
Girls acting as hostesses for the tea
dance were Jane O'Brien, '4lEd,
Doris McGlone, '41, Hazel Jensen,
41, Ida Mae Stitt, '41, Pat Stearns,
'43A, Dorothy Walker, Penny Shaw,
and Jean Moehlman.
At 7:30 the dancing continued, this
time in the form of an intermediate
dancing class of about 190 people.
The class was the first in a series
of six to be directed by Miss Ethel
McCormick, social advisor of the
League, assisted by Elva Pascoe and
1arbara Maclntyre.
Extcat=rs To Form club
First meeting of the Women's Ed-
ucation Club for graduates and un-
dergraduate women engaged in edu-
cation has been postponed until 7:15
p.m. next Monday in the Henderson
Room of the League, Miss Cleo Murt-
land of the School of Education,
advisor to the organization, an-
MCCusky To Talk Today
Dr. F. Dean McClusky, director of
Scarborough School, will give the
second in the series of education lec-
tures, "The Teaching of Human Re-
lations in Secondary Schools," at
4:05 p.m. today in the University
High School Auditorigmn.
There's ONE
Billiards - PocketI
SEVEN - Table Tei
tw A 0 itA
rather than a false emotion develop-
ed by much rehearsal.
In the role of Gorky's sympathetic
grandomther is People's Artist V.O.
Massalitinova, who spent ten years
in the preparation of her part. Long
before production was started on the
film but when cinema people were
considering a Gorky biography she
had the ambition to do the part and
at one time Gorky himself told her
that she could well play it.
M.K. Troyanovsky plays the part
of Gorky's grandfather, a petty tyr-
ant who nevertheless possessed rare
flashes of warm human feeling.
Other well-known Russian actors
have the remaining roles.
"The Childhood of Maxim Gorky"
was based on Gorky's biography "My
Childhood", English sub-titles are
included in the film.
Foreign Student
Increase 1NToted
B y Prof. Nelson
Foreign students attending the
Summer Session have been affected
in various ways by the European
conflict, Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, di-
rector of the International Center,
reported in an interview yesterday.
There has been a marked increase
of advanced students from Latin
American countries who normally go
to Europe, Professor Nelson cited.
Many of these students coming from
the Pan-American republics and
Canada are Rockefeller Fellows en-
gaged in graduate work, he pointed
With the conflict spreading and
intensifying in the Mediterranean
after Italy's entrance into the war,
Near Eastern students have been
able to maintain only irregular com-
munication with their families and
friends at home, Professor Nelson
stated. The number of Turkish stu-
dents has been augmented by the
withdrawal by their government of
all Turkish students enrolled in Eu-
ropean universities at the outbreak
of the hostilities last September.
Approximately 700 were sent to the
United Staites and about 20 to the
University during the past year, he
Students from Syria, Palestine and
Iraq have also increased in numbers
here, Professor Nelson emphasized,
because of the extension of the ex-
change student plan at the American
University of Beirut.
Miss Crowe Heads
Japanese Warships Land At Haiphong:
0 /
'' " .I 'ISLANDS
S.. :
.. -
r THAILAND.., - . e
RANGOON . .: :.
- - . -
'.4 ---4.
- - p
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- :"OAI N "E AO
SINGAPORE -', 0 500
Japan sent an undisclosed number of warships to the French Indo-
China port of Haiphong amid reports she might attempt to declare a
"protectorate" over the Far East territories of conquered France and
Holland. This Associated Press map shows the distances from Haiphong
to ,Japan, the Phillippines, Saigon and Singapore. French Indo-China
is. theprinciple port of entry for American made products into China.
.Construction Of Plane Motors
Awaits U.S. Appoa,'--Ford
The 8th annual Linguistic Institute
of the Linguistic Society of America
is offering five interesting fields of
study in language to students dur-
ing the 1940 Summer Session.
Devoted to the advancement of
the scientific study of language in
all its aspects, the society itself was
founded in 1924. During its history
it has sought to promote its aim by
bringing students of language to-
gether at its annual meetings and
by publishing the fruits of linguistic
The various fields of study which
will receive special emphasis during
the 1940 session include the renewal
and extension of the work in record-
ing and analyzing a living language
IAnn Arbor
Eighth Linguistic Institute Offers
Five Fields Of Study To Students
Here Is Today's
In Summar,
In contrast to rising tax rates of
the federal government, Ann Arbor's
summer property tax rate will be the
lowest since 1921, City Assessor Her-
bert W. Crippen announced yester-
The 1940 tax rate of $8.67 per
$1,000 valuation will be 43 cents
lower than the rate of $9.10 last year.
The assessed valuation of the city,
quoted at $39,200,120, is an increase
of $589,475 over last year. The in-
crease is largely the result of build-
ing expansion about the city.
* * *
Rev. G. Warren Peek, pastor of
the St. Thomas Catholic Church,
has been appointed dean of the Ann
Arbor territory of the Detroit arch-
He will succeed the late Rev.
Thomas R. Carey to the deanship of
a territory including Washtenaw,
Monroe and Lenawee counties and
five parishes in Wayne County.
Max Aupperle, violinist, was
awarded two season tickets to the
Choral Union concerts for. outstand-
ing work on the Ann Arbor 4civic
Others presented with awards by
Prof. David Mattern of the School
of Music were Mrs. Pauline Crocker,
violinist, Jane - Rollman, violinist,
and Priscilla Stockwell, flutist. Each
received a set of symphonic records.
(By The Associated Press)
DETROIT, June 26.-Henry Ford
said today that his plans have not
been altered in any way by the deci-
sion of the National Defense Com-
mission to discontinue negotiations
with his company for the mass pro-
duction of Rolls-Royce aviatian en-
"In other words," he said in an
interview, "the preliminary work we
have done to be prepared to swing
into volume output of the motors for
the United States Government, when
and if it desires them, will go on
without interruption. We will be
ready to go any time the United
States Government says the word."
Commission Announces
The Defense Commission an-
nounced in Washington last night
that Ford's refusal to manufacture
the engines for the British Govern-
ment had forced cancellation of plans
to have the Ford Company make the
power plants.
"To undertake to make aviation
engines or any other form of war
munitions for any foreign govern-
ment," Ford said today, "would be a
step toward getting this country into
war. I want to keep this country
out of war.
]Planes Only For Defense
"When I offered four weeks ago
to make airplanes on a volume pro-
duction basis I distinctly said I would
do so for the United States Govern-
ment for defensive purposes only.
You will recall that I said at that
time that great care would have to
be taken to see that a gigantic'de-
fensive armament did not become an
'offensive' one; I said also that great
pressure would be brought to force
us into war.
Pursuit Planes Needed
"I was advised that our greatest
defensive need was for pursuit air-
planes and I became convinced that
we could provide these in huge num-
bers any foreign nation with bellig-
erent designs would think twice be-
fore attempting any attack upon
this country."
Ford indicated that the discus-
sions during the last four weeks re-
garding his proposal to put airplane
manufacture on a volume basis had
been confined solely to the idea of
making engines rather than the com-
pleted plane.
Miss Van Tuyle
Marries Doctor
Marian Elizabeth Van Tuyle,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Van Tuyle, was married Thursday,
June 20, to Dr. Douglas Gordon
Campbell of Berkeley, Calif. The
ceremony took place at Tahoe, Calif.
Mrs. Campbell is a Michigan alum-
na, and her interpretive dancing is
well-known across the country on
the professional stage. She is a mem-
ber of Alpha Omicron Pi sorority.
Dr. Campbell received his degrees
at the University of Toronto.
The couple will live in Oakland,
Calif., where both Dr. and Mrs.
Campbell will be teaching at the
summer session of Mills College.
BLT of the
2 Li UluIsie...
(one for going one for cong
to work... homel
Happy Wonderful
Husband 'ife
$20 Per Week!
Two classes in swimming offered
during the Summer Session will be
headed by Barbara Crowe, of the
physical education department for
women. One of the classes will be
a casual, free swimming period, su-
pervised by Joan Bevington, Miss
Crowe's assistant. This class will
meet at 11 a.m. Tuesdays and Thurs-
days at the Michigan Union swim-
ming pool.
There is also a class for beginning
and intermediate swimmers. Stu-
dents may register for these classes
at the Barbour Gymnasium between
8 and 12 a.m. or from 1:30 to 4:30
A physical re-check examination is
required for participation in any
sport, not only as a precaution but
also as an entree for finding physical
disorders of any sort.
place you:have fun
The Greeks had a word, we are sure,
For a belt that's as handsome as this is.. .
Such styling - such verve - such contour
Flattering to each Miss or Mrs.
Americans have an expression
When they wish to convey fashion's peak.
It's "By Schaffer" - and gives the impression
Of belts that are brilliantly chic.
as seen in Vogue
Gala holidays joyous vacation
dayst Keyed to Americas summer,
r spirit is Flowerama . . . rampant
lowers * for festivity "."glorious
Tit'L Show YOU Mow to Do It
Pl tzeur Prize-Winning Play
. . t ;
Silliards - Snooker
nis Tables - Seven
If {2 - - N " -- -
ALL FRESH AND NEW.. . big flatterin~g brims
.. i