0 PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY I -U_- THE MICHIGAN DAILY Washington Merry-Go-Round Grin And Bear It... y Lichty Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann. Arbor, Michigan, as second 'class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, O4.50. REPRESENTEO FOR NAT10NAL ADV!R4S1NG BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 42O MAOisoN AvE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CNICAO. QOSTOSN LOS ,ANELE.S - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939.40 Editorial Staff Managing Editor ........:......Carl Petersen City Editor ............... Norman A. Schorr Associate Editors .......Harry M. Kelsey, Karl Kessler, David I Zeitlin, Suzanne Potter, Albert P. Baustein, Chester Bradley Business Staff Business Manager ............ Jane E. Mowers Assistant Manager .......... Irving Guttman NIGHT EDITOR: CHESTER BRADLEY AmericanOddity: The National Convention T O OTHER COUNTRY in the world, slave or free, has anything. remotely resembling an American major party's national convention.. Even the minor details of the on which is now going on in Philadelphia are folk- sy, reassuring and indicating that the Republic still stands. It is good to see John Daniel Miller Hamilton ini action again, good to see Mrs. Alice Roosevelt Longworth (of the Theodore, not the Franklin D. branch of the famous family), good to listen to the bands, look at the pretty girls, and cast an eye at celebrities. It is good to know that there were (when these lines were written) ten candidates for the nom- ination, plus several hundred dark horses who would be willing to break a deadlock if one oc-,' curred. It is good to know that there are about 900 seats for the press and 328 for the radio re- porters and commentators. These things do not take place under a bushel. It is good to know that even though there are politicians capable of going into a hot$e room and filling it with smoke, some one is sure .to find out about it and put it on the wire. It is like old times to learn that one or more candidates will not display full strength on the first ballot but will be nursed along.in hopes that a stampede will start. It is pleasant to hear that spokesmen for each of the ten candidates are already denouncing claims made by spokesmen for each of the other nine candidates as ridiculous. The ultimate voter has some share in deter- mining who is to be nominated. The best can- ddate who everlived ;would not be nominated if the conyention did not believe the ultimate voter could be made to care for him. It may be that a better system of nominating could be devised. It may be that the thing could be done by national primaries which would reduce the convention to the status of the Electoral Col- lege. But we should miss the conventions. They are rich with color. They bring out all the fool- ishness and all the wisdom that are politically available. And somehow, surprisingly, in either of them, or in both of them, we may this sum- mer sense the great bungling strength, slow to move, not quick t wrath, but in the end grind- ing like the mills of God-that is America. -The New York Times Mr. Dewey Gets Tough T HOMAS E. DEWEY does not like newspaper photographers. And the photographers are said to reciprocate, as Sen- ator Clark would say, in Scriptural measure, "pressed down and shaken together and run- ning .over." Mr. Dewey dislikes the photographers, it is reported, because they like to take his picture from what he considers an unfavorable angle. Why they do not warm up to him .is evident from the order he gave his bodyguard in Phila- delphia yesterday when the cameramen con- tinued snapping pictures longer than he thought necessary. "All right, start getting tough, Johnny," bark- ed the District Attorney to his bodyguard. This reminds us of the elegant language he is reported to have used at the close of the strenuous day he had with the press a year or so ,ago on the occasion of his well-publicized re- turn to :the old home town in Michigan. Going into the living room of his mother's home at Owosso about dusk, he is said to have tossed his hat on the table and said: "How'm I doin', mater?" The prime trouble with Mr. Dewey is evidently not his youth. It's his immaturity. -,St. Louis Post-Dispatch WASRINGTON Merry-Go-Round-Edit Wally PHILADELPHIA-There was something to that sensational story that Alf Landon con- ferred with Senator Burt Wheeler the day before the convention opened, but they didn't discuss the subject generally reported. According to the story, Alf propositioned the Montana Democrat about taking a place on the Republican ticket; and John L. Lewis, Wheeler booster, was said to be in on the pow-wow. Nothing like that occurred, and Lewis had nothing to do with it. Sunday afternoon, during a jaunt on the yacht of a newspaper publisher, Landon told about the hot conflict raging between isolationists and the pro-Ally bloc in his subcommittee on the controversial foreign affairs plank. He ex- pressed the personal opinion that the plank should lean definitely toward isolation. Then someone recalled that Senator Wheeler had just threatened to bolt the Democratic Party if it took a warlike stand, and suggested that it might be fruitful to get his opinion on what the GOP plank should contain. Landon thought this an excellent idea, and on the way back to Philadelphia telephoned Wheeler in Washington. They had a general talk about a foreign affairs plank, but nothing was said about the possibility of the Montanan jumping the traces to the Republicans. The whole purpose of the talk was a little missionary work in the hope of producing results later. Note-Those questions Landon asked John L. Lewis before the resolutions committee, opening the way for him to blast Roosevelt, were ar- ranged in advance. Landon had sent them to the CIO leader two days before with a note asking if he would care to answer them. Lewis' reply was an emphatic "Yes." Willkie And J. L. Lewis Some time ago Wendell Willkie and John L. Lewis had a secret dinner together in New York,. and strange as it seems, found themselves in agreement on almost everything. The chief point they disagree on was Franklin Roosevelt, Lewis damning him so bitterly that Willkie finally came to his ;defense. At first the two men sat around each defend- ing his own interests. Lewis attacked the Mor- gans for running the utilities. Willkie told how he had had J. P. Morgan partners on his board of directors for years and never heard a peep from them. Lewis rejoined with a story of how when he was _ settling anthracite coal strikes, he would negotiate for weeks until he thought the thing was all settled, and then the coal operators always would have to consult Jackson Reynolds of the First National Bank of New York. "Sure," shot back Willkie, "but that was an- thracite, a dead industry." Later, Willkie and Lewis warmed up to each other and began to discuss means of reducing unemployment through cooperation between government and industry. Willkie even agreed on a rather radical program of government loans to small business such as under the Mead bill. Morgans, Delighted However, on the subject of Roosevelt, John L. Lewis got so vituperative that Willkie finally defended the President's record, saying it was' not as black as Lewis painted it. After dinner, Lewis took aside Morris Ernst, the host, and said that the ideas for economic improvement they had discussed should not be wasted. Willkie; overhearing him, proposed that they get together to see if they could work out an economic program which would get the coop- eration of both labor and capital. To this end, Morris Ernst later went to see Russell Leffingwell, a J. P. Morgan partner; and related what had happened. Leffingwell w'as enthusiastic over more labor-business coopera- tion. "This is a golden opportunity," he said. "This is something Roosevelt can't do, because people are too sore at him. And the Repubflicans can't do it, because they aren't going to change a thing. But a few mixed dinners like this can do it. You ought to have some more parties like this." However, war issues became intensified short- ly afterward, and domestic issues were forgotten in the melee. Merry-Go-Round Willkie foes certainly played for all it was worth the fact that the day the convention opened, Thomas W. Lamont, principal J. P. Morgan stockholder, and Frank Altschul, of Latard Freres, secretly conferred with influen- tial delegates in behalf of Willkie . . . . Senator Bob Taft is unfailingly patient and accommo- dating to photographers and they think he is a swell guy, but he makes no secret of his re- lief when they finally depart . . . . Tall, aloof Mrs. Russell Davenport, wife of the former For- tune editor who discovered Willkie as a presi- dential white hope, is called "The Duchess" by her friends . . . . Tall, blond Governor Harold Stassen scored with the ladies in the audience. The young Minnesotan made a striking picture under the glare of the floodlights delivering his keynote speech .... Quipped Jimmy Shay, crack former Washington correspondent, to Leo Casey, ex-GOP publicity director now doing the same job for the New York Fair, "If Hitler and Roosevelt would only lay off for a few days, this convention would have a chance at the head- French Fascists WASHINGTON--Inside diplomatic cables from what is left of France report that the real forces in the Bordeaux Government are ex- Premier Pierre Laval and his close friend Bou- din, governor of the Bank of Indo-China. Laval is now one of the leading pro-Fascists in France and one of the most vigorous critics of Britain. In fact, the entire cabinet inclines toward the Fascist point of view, beginning with Marshal Petain, who was once picked as ambas- sador to Fascist Spain because of his sympathies. M. Chiappe, who now governs Paris, was for- merly chief of police, with avowed Fascist ten- dencies. Confidential dispatches report that both Marshal Petain and General Weygand have been on the verge of collapse. Weygand, who is 76 years old, was unable to stand up under the terrific physical strain of the French retreat. Marshal Petain, who is 84, has been what the* French call "gaga" for some years, but stood the strain perhaps better than Weygand. Nei- ther, however, has any real voice in the cabinet, which is dominated by Laval. He is the famous Premier who visited Washington in 1931 to dis-. cuss war debts with Hoover. Undoubtedly the weakness of te French cab- inet is a reason for the flood of messages pour- ing in from Frenchmen all over the world re- fusing to recognize the Bordeaux Government. In Search Of Harmony To those immersed in daily war events, an item to the effect that the New York World's Fair is going ahead with its plans to pick a na- tional champion barbershop quartet next month may come as a reminder that men still sing merry songs, despite adversity. Song is every man's right. There ought to be more of the old-time "community sings." The most heart- warming singing we have heard in recent months came, not from a highly-trained college glee club and chorus, but from a group of unem- ployed men who have banded together to lick their problem. More "barbershop" quartets- on the back porch, around the piano, or at the community center-might help many to main- tain a balance of harmony during this chal- lenging summer. Pf b f y mooF x~k i>,~1 "Another trophy to clean!-Don't you ever consider my feelings when you win a tournament?" THEATRE, By JAMES E. GREEN Those who viewed "The Critic" for the second time last night, when it opened the summer Repertory Sea- son, can appreciate my desire to submerge any criticism of the show in an appreciation of its many vir- tues. Last winter's performance was good, last night's was better. As farce its pace was much better, as satire it was sharper and more effec- tive. Though all this may be wasted on those who saw the play for the first time last night, the perform- ance itself was not. There is no literary genre to which it isas difficult to apply the word "universal" as that of satire. But for the modern audience Sheridan's satire is fully as biting as for his eighteenth century audience. This is hardly due to the immortality of the heroic drama against which he directed his attack, but rather to the moguls of Hollywood who have seen fit to revive all of the absurdi- ties and "heroic" passions which were the stock-in-trade of those play- wrights of that degenerate era of the theatre. "The Critic" along with Villiers' "The Rehearsal" and Fielding's "Tom Thumb" helped in bringing about the fortunate demise of the heroic drama and if they can help to do the same to its twentieth century offspring every revival will be a blow struck in a worthy cause. If the foibles of mankind have any justification at all such justification lies in the providing of the necessary pre-conditions for the genius of a Swift, a Byron, or a Voltaire. The heroic drama andrindirectly the exi cesses of Hollywood get their fullest justification in. Sheridan and Field- ing. Sheridan, however, offers in "The Critic" something more than satire. "The Critic" as it was written and as it was played last night is supreme farce. In the persons of Dangle, Puff and Sneer, Sheridan has assembled three caricatures who may lack the depth of a Falstaff but who have more than a nodding acquaintance with the spirit of comedy. Sneer and Puff were played again by Hugh Norton and James Moll respectively and Nor- ton's handkerchief was, if anything, more eloquent, Moll's creatie agonies more heartrending than before. To John Weimer as Dangle must go most of the credit however for the im- provement in the production. Mr. Weimer's previous connections with Play Production and the Repertory Theatre have been largely in the role of critic, official and unofficial. His performance in "The Critic should still for some time the eternal chal- lenge to critics "I suppose you think you can do better. Huh?" Mr. Wei- mer did. Huh! John Jensen as Sir Fretful Plagiary repeated his ener- getic and pleasing performance of last winter. It is really no aspersion on the per- formers in the play within the play to say that their chief work consists in doing all the things that in any other play they would be roundly cursed for doing. All restraint goes out the window and the more "ham" the better. But their parts .do re- quire a considerable skill in timing in order to get the maximum out of their lines. In this respect we can also note an advance over the former production. The pageant which closes the play seemed entirely extraneous before; this time it hascare before; this time it has a certain cli- mactic effect even though the climax be one of madness. I should like to repeat the remark that I made in the review of the earlier performance: that the cast of the pageant should DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN All notices for the Daily Official Bulletin are to be sent to the Officet of the Summer Session before 3:30 P.M. of the day preceding its pub- lication except on Saturday when the notices should be submitted be- fore 11:30 A.M. Mail for Students, Faculty, and temporary residents at the Univer- sity: All students and new members of the faculty should call at the U.S. Post Office and make out pink card, "Order to Change Addreses," Form 22, if they have ot already done so. This applies also to temporary resi- dents in Ann Arbor who may be doing reference or research work on the Campus. Unidentifiable mail is held in Room 1 University Hall. If you are expect- ing mail which you have not received, please call at Room 1, University Hall, and make inquiry. Anthropology 183 (Recording and analysis of a living language), which is listed as meeting MW, will hence- forth meet WF at the same hour. Spanish 2, not originally announced' for the Summer Session, will be given. TuWThF at 8 and 1, 305 R.L. Assist- ant Professor Mercado, 4 hours cred- it. A meeting will be held for all those who wish to register with the Bureau of Appointments for either a teach- ing, businessnor professional posi- tion. This meeting will be held at 7:00 to 7:45 p.m. Monday evening, July 1, in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham Building. This applies both to seniors and graduate students and is for NEW registrants only. Only one registration will be held during the summer and everyone is urged to be present at this meeting. Everyone who has previously been registered with the Bureau of Ap- pointments and who wishes to be con- sidered for a position should come in immediately to leave his present address and summer elections. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational "Information has received notice of the following Civil Service examinations. Last date for filing application is noted: Assistant Museum Aide (Assistant Docent), Salary: $1800, July 8. JunioryMuseum Aide, Salary: $1,620, July 8. Assistant Curator (Registrar), Sal- ary: $2,600, July 8. Senior Museum Aide (Research As- sistant), Salary: $2,300, July 8. Senior Museum Aide (Principal Docent), Salary: $2,300, July 8. Junior Astronomer, Salary: $2,000, July 8. Junior Airway Traffic Controller, Salary: $2,000, July 9. Naval Architect, Salary: $3,800, June 30. Associate Naval Architect, Salary: $3,200, June 30. Assistant Naval Architect, Salary: $2,600, June 30. Marine Engineer, Salary: $3,800, June 30. Associate Marine Engineer, Sal- ary: $3,200, June 30. Assistant Marine Engineer, Salary: $2,600, June 30. Assistant Translator (French, Ger- man, Italian, Spanish), Salary: $2,- 000, July 9. Junior Engineer, Salary: $2,000. Principal Construction Cost Audi- tor, Salary: $3,800, July 15. Construction Cost Auditor, Salary: $3,200, July 15. Junior Construction Cost Auditor, THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1944 Salary: $2,00 July 15. Director of Libraries (Principal Li- rarian), Salary: $5,600, July 16. Assistant Director of Libraries (Li- >rarian), Salary: $3,800, July 16. Furniture Designer, Salary: $3,800, uly 15. Advanced Apprentice Engraver, salary: $3.85 a Day (5-Day week), July 16. STATE OF MICHIGAN: Institution Orchard Farmer B, Sal- ry Range: $105-125, July 12. Attendant Nurse C2, Salary Range: 75-100, July 12. Fisheries Laboratory Preparator I, Salary Range: $150-190, July 12. Worker Analyst I, Salary XRgnge: $150-190, July 12. Complete announcements on file at the University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information Season ticket sale for the seven plays to be presented by the Michi- gan Repertory Players of the De- partrhent of Speech will close on Saturday. Lydia Mendelssohn bo office is open 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. "The Critic," Richard Brinsley Sheridan's satire on actors and play- wrights, will be presented at 8:30 p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- tre tonight, tomorrow night, and Saturday night by the Michigan Re- portory Players of the Department of Speech. Single admissions are 75c, 50c and 35c . The box office is open from 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. (Phone 6300). Linguistic Institute luncheon con- ference, today, 12:15 p.m., Michigan Union. Prof. Albert H. Marckwardt will discuss "The Survey of Folk Speech in the Great Lakes Area." Both the luncheon and the follow- ing discussion are open to all per- sons interested. A Tour of the Campus will be held today, June 27, at 2:00 P.M. Anyone enrolled in the University may attend. The party meets in the '.oby of Angell Hall, facing on State street. There is no charge for this excursion. The trip ends at 4:45 PM. There will be a dedication of the Horace H. Rackham School of Spe- cial Education, Michigan State Nor- mal College in Ypsilanti at 3:30 to- day. Pi Lambda Theta: Xi Chapter in- vites all Pi Lambda Thetans to a tea this afteronon, June 27, from 4:00 to 5:30 in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building. There will be a lecture - "The Teaching of Human relations in Secondary Schools." F. Dean Mc- Clusky, Director of the Scarborough School, Scarborough-on-Hudspn, New York, will speak.dThe lecture will be given at 4:05 today. Pi Lambda Thea Tea Today There will.be a business meeting and tea at 4:30 in the assembly room of the Rackham Building for members from all chapters. The Men's Education Club organi- zation of baseball teams will meet at 4:30 today at South Ferry Field. German House: The German de- partment is having a reception for students of German, residents of the House, and members of the German Club and those interested in speak- ing German, from 8-10 o'clock, this evening at the German House, 1315 Hill Street. University Men and Women: There will be free dancing in the Union and League Ballrooms following the Fac- ulty Reception on Friday, June 28. This year admission to the dances will be by ticket only. Tickets-which will be good for either or both ball- rooms-may be obtained at the end of the receiving line in the Racklham School of Graduate Studies. The receiving line forms at 8;30 p.m. and we urge students to come early. There will be a trip to Detroit on Saturday, June 29. Reservations must be made in Room 1213 Angell Hall before 4:30 p.m., Friday, June 28. The party meets .at 8:00 .a.m. in front of Angell Hall, and returns to .Ann Arbor about 5:30 p.m. Expenses to- tal about $2, including round trip bus fare and luncheon. Bulletins des- cribing all of the summer excursions may be obtained in Room 1213 Angell Hall at any time. Graduate Record Club will meet from 3-5 p.m. on Saturday, June 29, in the Men's Lounge of ,the Rack- ham Building. The program consists of classical musical and will include Tchaikovsky's Fourth Symphony and Beethoven's Eighth Symphony. Fu- ture programs will depend on the loan of records from students and others who may be interested. -All interested are cordially invited, .and if sufficient interest is shown these programs will be continued through the summer session. Graduate Outing Club will hold its first meeting of the summer session on Sunday, June 30, at 2:30 p.m. in the rear of the Rackham Building. An outdoor program is planned, in- eluding swimming. hiking. softball. The Straight Dope By Himself r1HE OTHER NIGHT we wandered over to a rehearsal of those valiant thespians, the Michigan Repertory Players at the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. The play was "The Critic," and the director was our good friend, Bill Hal- stead. After pulling numerous wires we were finally allowed to go in and we seated ourselves well to the rear of the auditorium where we hoped that nobody much would notice us. Heaving a long sigh, we sat back to await developments. Friends, we want to put it on record that we really got developments. Three gents came bus- tling down the aisle, so close that they brushed our sleeves, talking very excitedly about what Shakespeare meant and what Hamlet meant and since we were raised on such talk we put them down for a few professors who got off at the wrong bus stop and watched to see what would happen. The three went clear up to the stage and blandly seated themselves. JUST AS WE THOUGHT things had quieted down two brothers in the kind of costume you see only on pirates and ancestors appeared. One evidently had on tight shoes because he had a little difficulty handling his feet. Kept turning his toes like Charlie Chaplin only more elegant-like. He also was troubled with a cold simply out of his class. That loud-voiced actor yelled so fiercely that he like to have blown his beard off. We were glad at first that we were sitting under the balcony because we thought that would protect us when the roof fell, but after a while we thought the balcony would fall too. The things we go through with for the sake of the Michigan Daily-Wow! A couple of more actors came on and they all kneeled down in front of the footlights and shouted together. That was really the payoff. We haven't been anywhere near so moved since we can remember. FTER A WHILE Mr. Halstead came back andasked us how we liked the show. We said swell only what was it all about? Mr. Hal- stead laughed fit to die and told us that he didn't know, but wasn't it funny? We said yes, it sure was all right, all right. He also allowed that if he knew what it was all about he would let us know and with that we had to be satisfied. We don't know to this minute whether he was kidding us or not. He is that sort of a fellow. We haven't begun to tell you about the sad part of the show. About the poor young lady who went mad and the other poor young lady when went mad right along with her. Kind of a sympathy strike as near as we could make out. We haven't even told you about the man in the