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June 27, 1940 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1940-06-27

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Little Change in Temperature.


I i 43 U


The National Convention .. .
American Oddity,

Official Publication Of The Summer Session




Reported On Way
ToAfrican Refuge

British Isles Combat New
German Aerial Attacks;
Scotland Is Bombed
Britain's Downfall
PredictedBy DNB
(By The Associated Press) -
LONDON, June 27 (Thursday).-
(A)-Britons were cheered today by
reports from Gibraltar that powerful
units of the French fleet-perhaps
the greater part of it-have steamed
to North African ports for a "fight'
to the finish" despite the Petain
Government's armistice.
They received the news as they
fought off another of the German
pre-dawn raids fast becoming a
nightly circumstance of British life.'
The raids, from Southeastern Eng-
land to Northern Scotlan, were the
sixth in nine days. Bombs were
dropped in Northeastern Scotland.
Warships Leave Strait
From Gibraltar it was reliably re-
ported that French warships and
fighting planes of the West Medi-
terranean command left the Strait
to a rendezvous in Casablanca Har-
bor, on the Atlantic coast of French
There General Auguste Nogues,
French North African commander,
has declared: "We'll fight it out"
despite the Bordeaux Government's
To Support Nogues
Commanders of the French war-
ships were reported -to have assured
General Nogues they would back up
his pledge to fight.
"(It was believed by observers that
the greater part of the French fleet
has been stationed in the Western
Mediterranean, near Gibraltar.)
At Gibraltar unconfirmed reports
also were heard that General Nogues
had ordered immediate arrest of
Edouard Daladier, former Premier
of France who went to Casablanca
to confer with the General.
Guarded official accounts of an
audacious British raid on German-
held positions along the Continental
coastline were taken in some quar-
ters as suggesting the start of a cam-
paign of harassment to prevent the
Nazis from using certain coast bases
for invasion of England.
Britain To Be Bombed
BERLIN, June 26.-(IP)-Destruc-
tion of the British Empire was pre-
* dicted anew tonight by the German
press but first, said DNB, official
news agency, will come a "thousand-
fold" counter-blow for nightly Bri.-
tish air raids on Germany.
The agency acknowledged that the
British on the night of June 20
alone dropped 371 bombs on German
soil, killing 16 persons and woundii1
41, but contended that British bomb-
sighting reflected "general nervous-
ness in Britain."
While Germany gathered strength
for the effort at a final smash
against the British it was disclosed
that Adolf Hitler, sight-seeing in
fallen Paris, had visited the tomb
of Napoleon, whose own idea once
was to crush the British.
Airports Bombed
As territorial provisions of the
German-French armistice set the
stage for a new phase of the war
against Britain, the high command
announced that "several airports
and airplane factories" in Central
England were bombed in the night.
Attacks on such Central England
towns as Bellingham identified as a
munitions making center, have
shown that the "small island, with
its concentrated industrial centers,
is easily reachable by German Stu-
kas (dive bombers) and bonbers,"
observed the commentary Dienst Aus
The high command also announced
further British raids on Northern
and Western Germany, but contend-

ed that no military targets were hit.
500 Educators Meet
For Lectures, Tea
More than 500 graduate and under-

'The Critic'
To Continue
Run_ Today
William B. Sheridan's 18th century
farce, "The Critic," will continue its
four day run at 8:30 p.m. today in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre under
the direction of Prof. William P. Hal-
stead of the speech department.
The comedy, according to Profes-
sor Halstead, is particular'ly interest-
ing because it combines 18th century
dialogue in the main plot with 16th
century dialogue used in "the play
within the play."
Starred in "The Critic" are James
Moll as Mr. Puff, the empressario;
June Madison as Timburina, the
heroine of "the play within the play,"
and Roy Rector, star of last year's
Union Opera, as Wiskerandos, the
Spanish hero.
League's Council
Increased By Six
Social Chairmen
Present members of the League
Summer Council held a meeting last
Monday in which Virginia Osgood,
'41, president, announced six new
appointments to the regular Council
Those who are to take new posi-.
tionsare Rosebud Scott, 142, in
charge of beginners' dancing classes,
Margaret Hubbard, in charge of in-
termediate dancing classes on Tes-
day and Wednesday, Jeanne Crunp,
'42, in charge of Friday night dances,
and Betty Hoag, '41, will head Sat-
urday night dances. Jane O'Brien,
'lEd, is to be in charge of square
and country dancing classes on
Monday, Dee Skinner, '40SM, bridge
lessons on Thursday, and. Ruth
Streelman, Wednesday afternoon tea
Already serving on the Summer
Council with Miss Osgood are Agnes
Landers, '41, judiciary chairman,
Mary Ellen Wheeler, '41, social
chairman, Marion Conde, '41, secre-
tary, andBarbara DeFries, '42, pub-
licity chairman.
Initial Excursion
To Be Held Today,
The first in a series of 10 Sum-
mer Session excursions, consisting
of a tour of the campus, will be held
from 2 to 4:45 p.m, today. The party
will leave from Angell Hall lobby
facing on State St. at 2 p.m.
Designed to acquaint those new to
the University with some of the more
interesting features of the campus,
the tour will include visits to the
Law Quadrangle, the Michigan Un-
ion, recreation center for men, and
the dormitories.
Dr. Randolph Adams, director of
the William L. Clements Library,
will explain the character and funct-
ions of this repository of source
material n American history to the
group when it visits the library. Rep-
resentative books, maps and manu-
scripts will be displayed in the lobby.
Another visit will be made to the
General Library where members of
the staff will conduct the party and
explain how it functions as an aid
to the students.

Faculty Plans
In Dedication
Special Education School
To Be Opened In Ypsi;
Edmondson Will Preside
Firestone To Speak
At Entertainment
Members of the University faculty
will participate in the dedication of
the new Horace H. Rackham School,
of Special Education at Ypsilanti
today and tomorrow as that city is'
christened the center of this spe-
cialized type of education through-+
out Michigan and the Mid-West.
Dean James B. Edmondson of the,
School of Education will preside at
the luncheon meeting tomorrow of
the conference of leading educators
and physicians in special education,
sponsored in Ypsilanti by the Uni-
Dr. F. A. Firestone of the physics
department, noted as the person
who can speak with two voices at
once, will provide the entertainment
for the dedication banquet at 6:30
p.m. today.
"The Relation of the Orolarynol-,
ogist to the School" will be discussed
at the first group of section meeting
of the meeting by Dr. Brown Farrer
of the University Hospital. Dr. Clif-
ford Woody of the School of Educa-
tion will head a second group discus-
sion speaking on "Essentials of Rem-
edial Reading."
In tomorrow afternoon's confer-
ences, Dr. Max Peet of the Univer-
sity Hospital will analyze "Recent
Advances in Our Knowledge of In-
fantile Paralysis." Dr. Fritz Redl of
the School of Education will also
speak to a special group on "How
Much Problematic Behavior Is Nor-
Education Club
Elects Leaders
Three Chairmen Selected
At First Meeting
L. L. Chrysler, Grad., of Barbour-
ville, Ky., was elected publicity chair-
man of the Men's Education Club
at its organization meeting yesterday
and Benjamin Klager, Grad., of Bay
City, program chairman; and James
G. Morgan, Grad., of Mansfield, Pa.,
Recreation chairman.
More than 150 members of the
club heard Prof. Dwight Dumond
of the history department emphati-
cally point out that democracy can
be saved if easy life is forsaken and
real sacrifice is made. The salya-
tion of the democratic process will
insure the solution of economic se-
curity, the speaker stressed.
The graduate and undergraduate
members of the club will hold their
next meeting Tuesday, July 2 to
hear a member of the Republican
Convention discuss the current meet-
ing. Its members are also divided
into baseball teams.
Toronto Dealers
To Boycott Ford
TORONTO, June 26.-()-The
Toronto Retail Fuel Dealers' Asso-
ciation decided tonight not to han-
dle Ford Coke because of Henry
Ford's refusal to make airplane en-
gines for the United Kingdom in his

United States plants.
A resolution, which described the
automobile manufacturer's attitude
as "Anti-British," said "We refuse
to handle Ford Coke or purchase
other Ford products."
There are about 200 dealers in the

Work Hours
In U.S.S.R.
Labor Conditions Change
Decreed By Trade Unions
Due To Armament Race;
Five-Day Week
Held Unfeasible
MOSCOW, June 26.--(P)--Stalinist
Russia told her workers today they
will have to work longer hours per
day and more days per week and that
they will wind up in prison if they
quit their jobs without permission.
Reason: "We need more metal,
coal, oil; more airplanes, tanks,
The new era was announced in a
message to workers by the All-Union
Central Council , of Trade-Unions,
which explained that war-inspired
production speed-ups in capitalist
countries have made it necessary to
junk the 5-day, 35-hour week and
step up to the 6-day, 48-hour shift.
Even with this drastic increase, the
message insisted, the Soviet working
day still will be the shortest in the
world, for in other countries "the
thumb-screw of capitalist exploitation
has been tightened to the limit."
Though such "universal militariza-
tion of their economy," the message
continues, the "imperialist states have
tremendously increased their' produc-
tion of all armaments."
Hence drastic measures are neces-
sary to step up Soviet arms produc-
tion, too, for the frenzy of war pro-
duction in the capitalist world has
increased the danger of war for

United States
Moves To Buy
War Material
WASHINGTON, June 26.-(0P-
The United States began bargaining
with British and Dutch interests for
huge. quantities of rubber from the
Orient for defense purposes today
and simultaneously sent more pur-
chasing power and another man-o'a
war to South America.
Shortly after President Roosevelt
had signed' a bill authorizing the
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
to finance the acquisition of strate-
gic war materials, Jesse H. Jones
announced that he was negotiating
with the International Rubber reg-
ulating committee, which controls
virtually all rubber production and
sale throughout the world.
The increased purchasing power
provided South America was in the
form of a $20,000,000 loan by the
Export-Import Bank to the Govern-
ment and Central Bank of Argen-
tina. This sum was made available
to finance the purchase of industrial,
construction and transportation ma-
terials and equipment in the United
Granting on the loan, next to the
largest ever made by the bank to a
South American country, was an-
nounced as press dispatches reported
that Nazi agents were trying to ar-
range huge barter deals in Argen-
tina and Uruguay.
A fourth United States warship
was dispatched to South America,
meantime, on what was officially
announced as a "friendly visit."
Lewis Compton, Acting Secretary
of the Navy, announced that the
10,000-ton light cruiser Phoenix had
been ordered to proceed from its
station in the Pacific to Valparaiso,
Chile, the first stop on a tour of
South American ports. The cruisers
Wichita and Quincy and the destroy-
er O'Brien are already in South
American waters. The Quincy is at
Montevideo, Uruguay, where wide-
spread Nazi activities have been un-
der investigation by a Congressional
100 Grads Enroll
In Culture Course
More than 100 advanced graduate
students have enrolled in the Grad-

Republican Party Adopts
Platform Pledging Peace,
Free PrivateEnterprise
Taft, Dewey Nominated Amendment Prohibiting
Third Term Advocated
; i:.:> :<};<:::>F ::; .,:w ath. ".:By GOP In Philadelphia
Ten Nominations
Will Be Presented
* DELPHIA, June 26.-(P--The Re-
publican National Convention adopt-
ed a platform pledging peace, pre-
."r paredness and qualified help to
. peoples fighting for liberty, to-
night and, without pausing, plunged
'' at once into the spectacular and
tumultuous business of receiving
nominations for the Presidency.
The declaration of principles,
guide-post of the campaign to come,
offered a blistering attack on the
New Deal, a proposal that the Con-
stitution be amended to prohibit a
third term for any President and
-{.>a pledge to attack une ployment
and depression by encouraging free
ROBERT A TAFT THOMAS E. DEWEY private enterprise.
The platform was adopted in rec-
ord time.
'Marckwardt MichiganStar Then, Nominations Begin
in Thendisregarding the dinner
GiveFoe hour, the nominations began, with
To Talk Conquers hoe Permanent Chairman Joseph W.
Martin announcing that he hoped
oil Lilliguistics By 2 Up Tally they might be completed tonight.
The roll of the states was called,
revealing that ten names would be
Will Discuss Distribution Emery Takes First Round presented: Thomas E. Dewey, Frank
Of Types Of Mid-West Match As Black Leidy E nGannett, Senator Robert A. Taft,
ey Wendell Wilkie, Senator Arthur H.
Vocabulary, Pronuncing Lose In Vermont Play Vandenberg, Gov. Arthur H. James
________of Pennsylvania, Senator H. Styles
Regional distribution of varieties Jack Emery, the very short golfer Bridges, Hanford MacNider of Iowa,
of Middle Western vocabulary and who hits the very long ball, is a Gov. Harlan J. Bushfieidf f South
pronunciation will be the topic of linksman without allies today. Dakota and Senator Charles L. Mc-
Prof. Albert H. Marckwardt of the Thesawed-off Michigan senior Nary of Oregon.
English department, opening the TeswdofMcia ew Dewey men had scored a ouip of
first discussion of the Linguistic In- was stripped of his teammates at sorts by prevailing uponthe Alabama
stitute's annual series of luncheon Manchester, Vt., yesterday in the delegation-first in the roll call-
conferences. at noon today in the very first round of match play for to yield for the nomination of their
Union. the National Collegiate golf cham- man. The Alabama delegates divided
The luncheon conferences, accord- pionship. 7 to 6 on the request.
ing to Prof. C. C. Fries, director of Defeat came to both John Leidy and
the Institute, are open not only to Bill Black, who with Emery were Platform Summarized
members of the Institute but also the only Wolverines to survive the
to any persons interested in the dis- qualifying tests of' Monday and PHILADELPHIA, June 26.-(')-
cussion subject. They will be held Tuesday. Emery, however,- stout of The following are highlights of the
each Thursday at 12:15 p.m. at the heart and with a super share of Republican platform as prepared by
Union, with the discussion generally talent of the tees, moved into the the National Convention's Resolu-
beginning at 1 p.m. Persons not able second round after disposing of John- tions Committee:
to attend the luncheon are, said Dr. ny Kellar, Holy Cross football cap- The Republican Party stands
Fries, invited to be present at the tain-elect. Emery whipped the Cru- for Americanism, preparedness and
discussion. sader by a two up margin. peace. No foreign war. An Army
In speaking to the topic, "The Sur- The Wolverine started out in a and Navy so strong that no unfriend-
vey of Filk Speech in the Great Lakes wobbly fashion, losing the first two ly power can successfully attack
Area," Professor Marckwardt is ex- holes. He took the third, halved the America or its essential outposts.
pected to relate some of the ,results fourth, added the fifth, sixth, and National defense is vital to our'
already revealed by the investigation seventh, halved the eighth, and then existence as a nation of free people.
which a Rackham Fund research picked up another measure of secur- A free economy is necessary' in war
grant has made possible for the past ity with a victory on the ninth. Em- as in peace. People of the United
two years. The survey, a wide-meshed ery had a 39 for the outgoing nine; States feel and express a sympathe-
study of the speech of older persons Kellar had a shaky 82. tic interest in all oppressed peopl's
in communities selected for their The Michigan shorty, three up at everywhere who are struggling to
importance in population move- the beginning of the incoming nine, establish or maintain their homes
ments, is to cover Michigan,' Ohio, won the tenth and eleventh holes, and their liberties. Upon this foun-
Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wiscon- lost the twelfth and thirteenth, dation we pledge ourselves to carry
sin, and Western Ontario. Only Ken- halved the fourteenth, and lost both out the following:
tucky and Ontario remain to be stu- the fifteenth and sixteenth. Just 1. Idle men, idle capital, and idle
died. (Continued on Page 4) farms will be put to work to create
new wealth and profits insuring sta-
ble government and greater purchas-
H h Schools Cannot Flly Equip ing power among all our people.
2. Local control of unemployment
relief with federal grants on the basis
College Student, cClusky Says of greatest need, thus wiping out
waste and politics and placing a

larger share of the relief dollar in
By ROSEBUD SCOTT time or with voluntary work, this the hands of the man on relief. No
Preparatory schools or high schools fact is also reported. Grades indi- one to go cold and hungry in
cannot be blamed for not fully equip- cating quality of work are only sup- America.
ping a student for the widely diverse, plementary and of less importance Security For Aged
changing complexities which every than the report that the work is 3. Increased security for the aged
college and university presents to an completed. Two weeks of grace is and a real chance and a real job
entering freshman and upperclass- given at the end of every year for a for those in early life who have been
man, Dr. F. Dean McClusky, direc- student to finish whatever unit is forgotten.
tor of Scarborough School and mem- incomplete, Dr. McClusky stressed, 4. Sound collective bargaining.
ber of the Summer Session faculty, so that every student has absolutely Teamwork between employer and
commented in an interview yester- finished and learned the work as- employe and protection of the rights
day. signed. of labor.
Since it is virtually impossible to In addition to academic work, extra 5. Fairness to all agricultural pro-
anticipate all of the collegiate prob- units of art, music, and athletics are ducers. American markets for toe
lems in lower secondary schools, pre- required. These courses for the 250 American farmer, with provision for
paratory school must do more than students of the school are only re- soil conservation, reclamation and
make an attempt to provide the re- garded as satisfactory which is usual- sound rural credit.
quired academic training. To edu- ly the equivalent of class attendance. 6. A tariff policy, scientifically de-
cate as well as prepare for college If a preparatory program is to be vised, which will protect American
is the motto upon which the cur- judged by its results in a college, labor, industry and agriculture.
riculum of Scarborough School is this type of secondary training which 7. Sound money with control of
based, Dr. McClusky pointed out in tries to provide a broad cultural and the currency vested in Congress, as
surveying his elementary and second- practical background fulfills its pur- provided in the Constitution.
t nos-_ Dr. Mc'~lusiky emphasized. Re- 8. Conservation of the public cred-


German House To Hold Reception;
Gravit Talks To French Circle

The Deutsches Haus, center for
students of the German language,
will hold its first open house of the
Summer Session from 8-10 p.m. to-
The reception, an annual function
given by the Summer Session facul-
ty and Mrs. Ruth Wendt, social di-
rector of the Deutsches Haus, is de-

An attendance record was set at
the first meeting of Le Cercle Fran-
cais at the Foyer Francais as under-
graduate and graduate students from
all departments gathered to hear Dr.
Francis Gravit of the romance lan-
guages department give a lecture on
French music hall stars illustrated by

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