We sather Flood Of Finals Receding LY i41ftfr ia I3aiti Editorial Hitler's Weapon- Not So Secret!:. Official Publication Of The Summer Session VOL. L. No. 46 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY,/ AUGUST 16, 1940 PRICE FIVE CEIqTS Winners of Annual Summer Hopwood Prizes Announced GuardMobilization.Bill Is Passed by House Vote Measure to Authorize Mobilization Approved 342-33 Without Restriction to Limit Service to Continent Greatest Mass Air Attack Of War Hurled at Britain In DiveBomberBarrage * I * Ten Student Manuscripts In Fiction, Essay, Poetry And Drama Fields Cited Awards Totalling $500 are Allotted Ten students won the Hopwood prizes last night totaling $500 in the annual summer session contest to encourage neophyte writers. Twenty-three contestants had submitted manuscripts in the four fields-fiction, essay, poetry and drama. John Nerber, of Battle Creek, won the $75 first prize in the heavily con- tested fiction class. Ethel Howe Moorman, of Irvington, Ala., won the sceond prize of $50 and William Gram of Ann Arbor won $25 for third prize. In the essay division only one award was made. Helen E. Pfeifer of Tiffin, O., received $75. Eileen Wood of Dearborn won the first prize of $75 for her poetry man- uscript. Gram, of Jackson, Charles Miller and Nerber each received $25 in this division. John Philip Milhous of Fayette- ville, Tenn., won the -first prize of $75 in the drama field, and Charles Leavay of New York City took the second prize of $50. The awards were presented by Dean Krause in the presence of the Hopwood Committee. Judges for the contest were: FICTION:' Professor Carlton F. Wells, Dr. Baxter L. Hathaway and Miss Vivian C. Hopkins. ESSAY: Professor Mentor L. Wil- liams, Dorothy Richardson and Wil- fred B. Shaw. POETRY: Professors R. C. Hussey, N. E. Nelson, and C. D. Thorpe. DRAMA: Prof. W. R. Humphreys, Prof. H. T. Price and John Weimer The Hopwood Contest was created by the late Avery Hopwood, noted playwright, who established a fund to encourage young writers, especial- ly "the new, the different, and the radical." The annual winter contest awards $10,000 in prizes and has produced many noted authors, among them Mildred Walker, who has just pub- lished her fourth novel, "The Brew- er's Big Horses" after producing the best-seller "Dr. Norton's Wife" last year. World Events At a Glance Summaries of Domestic And ForeignBulletins (By The Associated Press) Battle For Britain Broadens: Thousands of planes fight as Ger- man bombers roar over London, ham- mer Cryodon airport, Thames docks, Vickers Armstrong armament plant, and concentrate on airdromes from northeast Scotland to southwest Wales with exposed Dover and Folk- stone as particular targets. British put plane losses at 144 German and 27 Britons; Germans say 98 British planes destroyed to 29 Nazis; contend British anti-air- craft faltering. Germans deny parachute landings but imminence of invasion swells by the minute; British say parachutes found yesterday in Midlands and Scotland were dropped by Germans as hoax. Likelihood that Britain is again raiding Italy seen in two Swiss air alarms. African Sideshow: British admit Italian capture of pass guarding Berbera, capital of. British, Somaliland, after four-day siege. Southeasters Storm Clouds: Greek cruiser Helle torpedoed and sunk by unidentified submarine in Aegean sea; Greeks fear rupture with Italy momentarily; communication between Greece and Rome cut off. Greek ships held in port. Talk: AVERY HOPWOOD founder Rehabilitation Is Begun In Flood-Stricken Areas ii ASHEVILLE, N. C., Aug. 15.-(R) -Swollen mountain streams receded today, leaving at least 25 dead, mil- lions of dollars damage to property, crops and highways in five states, while the oceanward sweep of the muddy flood waters menaced vast areas of flatlands. While the inhabitants of the{ mountain sections hit by the worst inundation in years began to strug- gle back to normal existence, there was a general evacuation of homes in low-lying sections along the lower reaches of the rampaging streams. Communication was still cut off or crippled in many of the mountain communities, but reports indicated at least 25 persons were drowned or killed in landslides. There were reports of other casualties but they could not be confirmed. Army Airmen Die in Crash Young Fliers In Flaming Death As Plane Spins RYE, N. Y., Aug. 15.-)-Two young Army fliers were burned to death in the flaming wreckage of their plane today when it went into a spin at low altitude and crashed in swampy Disbrow Park. The dead were Lieut. Henry Clay- ton Thompson, 25, of Muskegon Heights, Mich., and Private E. E. Spencer, 24, of Wellsboro, Pa., me- chanic. Thompson was graduated from Kelly Field, Texas, 16 months ago and married Betty Mae Crane, member of a Broadway twin dance team, only two months ago. Observers said the plane, a two- seater single engine training craft, was flying near another Army plane when suddenly it went into a spin at an altitude of about 600 feet. Nevertheless, they said, he at- tempted a shallow dive and was try- ing to come out of it when the un- dercarriage caught on a tree top and the plane was flipped over into a wood and burst into flames. Swinton to Leave For Philippines Prof. Roy S. Swinton of the en- gineering mechanics department will leave today to join the faculty of the University of the Philippines in Ma- nilla, P.., for a year. Professor Swinton, who served on the Far Eastern institution's staff from 1911 to 1913, is to advise the University on installation of a new mechanics and hydraulics laboratory. He is on sabbatical leave. Inspection of a number of labora- tories at far western colleges will occupy Professor Swinton until Sept. 7, when he will sail from Seattle. The University of the Philippines has 8,000 students including 1,100 engineers. Anti-Aircraft Regiment Added to National Guard By RICHARD L. TURNER WASHINGTON, Aug. 15-(AP)- The House passed the National Guard Mobilization Bill by a whop- ping 342 to 33 vote today, after crushing an effort to restrict the service of militiamen and reserve officers to the Continental United States and its Possessions ond Ter- ritories. The measure went back to the Sen- ate for action on minor amendments. It found that chamber busily debat- ing the peace-time Conscription Law and discussing a report that Great Britain had offered to the United States in return for for much-need- ed destroyers. As it stood, appoved by both bran- ches, the National Guard Bill would exempt men with dependents, but other militiamen and reserves would be subject at the call of the Presi- dent to a year's compulsory ser- vice anywhere in the western hem- isphere, the American Possessions or the Philippine Islands. The changes made in the measure by the House were of such an unim- portant nature that leaders predic- ted either ready approval of them by the Senate, or quick action in con- ference to bring Senate and House Bills into agreement. In either case they expected the Bill to be in the President's hands in a few days. With his signature, the Adminis- Chrysler .Gets Tank Contract of U.S. Army Motors Firm to Construct $20,000,000 Arsenal For War Department WASHINGTON, Aug. 15-')-The Army took steps today toward grand scale production of tanks by giving the Chrysler Corporation a contract to build a $20,000,000 "tank arsenal" at Detroit and turn out an initial $33,000,000 order. Designed for ready expansion, the plant is expected to start mass pro- duction in 13 months. Delivery dates on the $33,000,000 order were not an- nounced. This order, military circles heard, was for approximately 1,000 "med- ium" tanks of 25 or more tons, a weapon which figures prominently in the War Department's prepara- tions to arm a force of 2,000,000 men. British representatives have been reported negotiating for more than 4,000 tanks of the same genral type, but there was no word whether Brit- ish needs figured in the contract. Announcing completion "in a min- imum" time of negotiations which started two months ago, the War De- partment said the new plant would have about 800,000 feet of floor space. It is to be built on a 113-acre site in the Detroit area which is arleady under option. Between 4,000 and 5,000 men, it was estimated, will be employed in filling the army's initial order. The contract, a formal announce- ment said, "is one of the largest or- ders to date for a critical item of ar- my equipment in the national de- fense program." tration will be in a position to start the first phase of its general program for getting an army, eventually to number 1,200,000, into uniform and under training. The sceond phase, as outlined by War Department of- ficials, is Selective Compulsory Mili- tary Training, such as is contemplat- ed in the legislation now before the Senate. The day's debate on that measure produced an appeal from Senator Downey (D-Calif) that an amend- ment be added to provide jobs build- ing a network of super-highways for the conscripts after the completion of their year of compulsory train- ing in the army. Greek Orders Forbid Vessels To Leave Port Officials Fear Fatal Snap In Tension with Italy After Cruiser Sinking ATHENS, Greece, Aug. 15-(P)-A mysterious submarine sent the 2,115 ton Greek cruiser Helle to the bottom of the Aegean Sea today within half a mile of a Greek Island quay and tonight the Government, wary of a fatal snap in the tension with Italy, forbade all1Greek ships to leave port. Official sources indicated, without saying so openly, that they believed the attack was an effort to force Greece into some kind of retaliatory act. The ships-in-port order reflected the Greek official desire to counter any repetition of the incident. An unstated number of civilians injured on the quay at Tinos Island when two of the submarine's torped- oes exploded against it were among 40,000 religius pilgrims who had gone to pray beside the island's health- giving waters. Naval protection was promised for the return of the pilgrims return to the mainland, since many were crip- pled or infirm. Telephonic communication to It- aly was cut off after the Helle was sunk and a strict censorship impos- ed on all calls abroad. Premier John Metaxas, already making preparations regarded by foreign obserers here as designed to set up Greek defenses against a pos- sible Italian attack from Italian Al- bania, summoned his military and naval chiefs into urgent conference. Drunk? O.K., But Stay Within the Park Ground LANSING, Aug. 15.-(')-The At- torney General staff took note today that a drunken motorist may drive his car through parks and picnic grounds to his heart's content, with- out fear of punishment under the drunk driving law-although police still would have the right to arrest him on simple disorderly charges. Michael J. Anuta, Menominee prosecutor, complained that he has discovered the drunk driving law, providing severe punishment for of- fenders, applies only to driving on a public highway. Italians Drive British Force From Position DR. HOPKINS . . . lauds series . * Session Program Termed Success Dr. Louis A.' Hopkins in his final message to the 5,000 students en- rolled at the University's Summer Session described the 1940 program as the most significant and worth- while program in -the history of the University. Dr. Hopkins reported an increase of more than 500 Michigan students in this summer's enrollment over over that of last year, while the total mark rose by 100. He termed the American Culture and Policy lecture series, which brought more than 40 noted speakers to the Michigan campus, as the most outstanding program ever scheduled by a university in the United States. Dr. Hopkins reported as signifi- cant the five per cent increase of instate students. More Than 1,000 Nazi Planes Strike at Airport and Industries CROYDON, Aug. 15.-(')-German dive bombers struck tonight in the populous Croydon District of Southern London, bombing the sprawling air- drome there and dropping tons of explosives on nearby industrial and resi- dential areas. It was the deepest thrust in a mighty aerial offensive of a thousand or more Nazi raiders which beat at Britain from Scotland to the Southern English coast in the greatest such attack in history. And while ambulances still raced to the famous airfield, air raid sirens screamed all over London. At the time of this warning, however, no plane was sighted over the central section of the city. Raids went on tonight over a wide area of the Southeast, where during $4he day no less than 1,000 German English Defending In Somaliland From Mountain Troops Retreat Pass Swiss Report Raid Alarms Unidentified Planes Seen Over AlpineTerritory BERN, Switzerland, Aug. 16. (Fri- day) -(M-Unidentified foreign air- planes were heard late last night and early today over Bern and Basel and siren alarms sent residents running to shelter for the second time in three nights. In the earlier passage of foreign planes last Tuesday night and Wed- nesday morning about 30 aircraft sped over the Jura mountains and into Italy. (That was the night British planes rained bombs on industrial cities of Northeastern Italy and brought de- mands from Germany that Switzer- land fire on such planes to safeguard her neutrality. The Swiss High Com- mand yesterday ordered anti-air- craft batteries to fire on foreign aerial trespassers.) CAIRO, Egypt, Aug. 15-()-Brit- ish defenders of torrid Somaliland have been driven by the Italiansc from their positions in a mountain pass defending Berbera, the capitalt and chief port, the British acknow- ledged tonight. Official reports said two Italian divisions (perhaps 25,000 men) bul- warked by planes, artillery and mechanized units, had wrenched Ju- gargan Pass from "a small British holding force." The pass is about 35 miles suoth ofx Berbera ,and the Italians advanced from Hargeisa. Berbera and the British SomaliC coast constitute the southern flank of the Gulf of Aden, an integral link in Britain's Empire lifeline. The It- alians are trying to snap that life- line throughout East Africa, from Suez South. Italian losses in the Jugargan; fighting were severe, the British de- clared, and the battle is continuing at the new British positions.; British warships yesterday turnedj their guns on the coast of Somali- land to hold Italians advancing there1 against the key port of Berbera. Ar- mored columns and troop concen- trations were scattered by salvos from light naval units, but the Ital- ians returned to drive back the de-1 fending British land forces. British ground forces also report- ed other successes yesterday, declar- ing that Italian forces had been thrown back from Jurgurgan Pass, but here again the Italians returned with reinforcements to push back the British defenders. Camp Custer Gets WPA Aid Improvement Program Scheduled for Sept. 15 LANSING, Aug. 15.-(1P)-An $801,- 478 improvement program at Camp Custer today received state approval which Abner E. Lamed, State WPA Administrator, said cleared the way for federal action to permit work to start by Sept. 15 at the latest. The administrator said the project, which will cost the federal WPA $385,286 and the War Department $416,211, is to "facilitate making Camp Custer a regular army post for a mechanized division." Lamed said that he expected the Federal WPA office to give the go- ahead in approximately two weeks. . The project plans call for improve- ments to present facilities at Camp Custer, the construction of kitch- ens, mess halls, latrines and bath facilities, ammuntion storage, ware- house and service units, 380 tent floors, the installation of sewers, water mains, telephone and under- ground electric lines, the construc- tion of rifle ranges, and target pits, a 2,800-foot railroad siding, a gaso- planes had crossed the coast in one narrow section. At least three of the 20. to 30 Stukas which attacked Croydon were reported shot down and the remain- der were driven off by howling Brit- ish fighter planes. Debris was scattered over the air- port for hundreds of yards and in- cendiary bombs started a series of fires. A perfume factory was smashed. A row of houses was hit by a bomb that just missed a gas works. One witness said at least ten bombs were aimed at the airdrome! one apparently hit a hangar on the out- skirts of the field. A high explosive bomb fell near the wall of a public shelter in which four small boys had been 'playing hide and seek. They were not seri- ously hurt. Hours after the raid, men still dug in the factory debris for the bodies of laborers. And ambulances still sped to the area. The Stukas struck after a three-' mile glide downward and, said a witness, were over the airdrome it- self "only a minute or two" before "they went off like hell" with British ships in pursuit. In air fighting over England, ex- clusive of Croydon, the British claimed to have shot down at least 91 of the raiders. There were casualties in Croydon streets; none knew just how many; the airport is situated in a comfort- able residential suburb of normally 200,000 people just about eight miles from Charing Cross. It was the most spectacular in all the numberless great engagements over these islands. But from the Associated Press Building, which is near the Thames about a mile east of Charing Cross, no raiders could be seen over the center of London. The young British pilots were (See BOMBARDMENT, Page 3) Germans Report Result Of Raids over England BERLIN, Aug. 15.-(P)-In the German version of the great aerial bombardment of Croyden airport. and industrial districts, 36 British planes were first listed destroyed as aginst four Nazi raiders, but later revisions listed 98 and 29 respective- ly. German fliers reported that they had shot down five barrage bal- loons and put out of commission eight planes on the ground. The raiders scattered their bombs amid the sprawling buildings of the Vickers Armstrong Amament Works at Hepburn Wells; at Sheerness, Chathan and Rochester, locations of navy yards and arsenals; at the big eastern port of Newcastle-on-Tyne; and at the southeast "Bridgeheads" of Dover and Folkestone, the Agen- cy said. The airplane plants of Bristol were threatened, and Wales, to the south- west, got its share said D N B. Airports were a particular object of attack, those at Hawkings and at Lympne in the southeast shore area were scenes of a particularly bitter battle with the British defenders. Twenty German Planes Bomb English Town A SOUTHWEST TOWN IN ENG- LAND, Aug. 15.-WP)--Twenty Ger- man planes were shot down in one fight over this city tonight when Uprising Stirs House of Commons; Revolt Against Churchill Is Quelled (By The Associated Press) LONDON, Aug. 15.-For the first time in Winston Churchill's authori- tarian war-time regime, angry name- calling swept Commons today, with the Prime Minister trading oral punches with short-tempered mem- bers. Despite its bitter tenor, informed politicians said the quarrel had not dimmed Churchill's popular luster appreciably.: It was cut short by a speaker's ruling after one member, the independent Austin Hopkinson, had called the Prime Minister, by indirection, a "liar." In his brief statement Churchill asserted the danger of invasion had wide apprehension because Lord Swinton was selected chairman of the committee to *cope with fifth columnists. (Lord Swinton was air secretary from 1935 to early 1938, when he was ousted amidst bitter criticism of his failure to rearm the nation ade- quately.) Said Hopkinson: "We cannot un- derstand why there is so much mys- tery about this . . ." Angrily, the Prime Minister re- plied: "If Hopkinson had paid half the attention to the full and very respectable statement I just have made as he did when he was accus- tomed to obstruct my efforts to get 'I'