T HE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1940 :. i THE MICHIGAN DAILY Washington Merry-Go-Round Grin And Bear It .. . By Lichty Edited and managed by students of the University of Michligan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Assolated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Suboriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.60; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVE.,ING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK N. Y. CHICAGO BOSTON - LO ANGELES -SAN FRANISCO Msber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Editorial Staff Managing Editor .............. Carl ,Petersen City Editor ................ Norman A. Schorr Associate Editors ...........Harry M. Kelsey, Karl Kessler, Albert P. Blau- stein, Morton C. Jampel, Su- zanne Potter. Business Staff Business Manager ............Jane E. Mowers Assistant Manager....... .Irving Guttman NIGHT EDITOR: KARL KESSLER Is Volunteering Really Voluntary?.. . T HERE'S a great deal of volunteering that isn't altogether voluntary. People who were around during the recruiting campaigns of the World War before the 1917 draft law was adopted may remember some cases like those of Bill and Dan. Both boys were just over 21, single, employed and reasonably patriotic. The town was covered with recruting posters. From them a grim- faced Uncle Sam pointed a sharp finger at each young passer-by and said, "I want you!" Four- minute speakers and an occasional glamorous figure from the front exhorted red-blooded men to join the colors. It became a bit uncomfort- able for young men whose girl friend might be wondering if their valor was all it should be. To outward appearances it might seem that Bill and Dan were free to volunteer. Yet Bill, though not everybody knew it, was the only support of his mother and was helping put a sister through school. Dan's parents were able to take care of themselves, but Dan was an ex- pert gardener and with all this talk of "Food will win the war" it was a little confusing. There were other young men in the town t whom war might be just an adventure. Any of them would be missed-certainly. But most of them would have like a word with someone who really knew whether they were the ones Uncle Sam needed for defense. From their question- naires and examiryation a draft board would know about Bill and Dan and the other boys and their responsibilities or lack of them. Is it always quite fair that, the fellow who is freest to go should later enjoy a certain superiority as a volunteer, or that the man whose loyalty to a home and little ones makes him most keenly conscious of the meaning of his country's se- curity should be put under emotional pressure to enlist? The ballyhoo of some kinds of a recruiting campaign, the hysterical pressure of a last- minute call for volunteers, can become a kind of a draft-a not very fair, discerning, or selec- tive draft. - Christian Science Monitor Rearmament And Relief Problems . .. THE REARMAMENT INDUSTRY will not create a vast multitude of new jobs. We know by now that there is little like- lihood that it will absorb more than two or three millions of our unemployed in the next year or two. That still leaves us with a considerable army of jobless to worry about. However, since we are prone to forget that appropiations are one thing and production an- other, we are inclined to lose sight of this all- important fact as Congress writes one 10-figure check after another. Also, there is a perfectly natural inclination to pare other exenditures, including those for relief, since we know that some day those bor- rowed billions for defense must be repaid. But to neglect relief in this crisis is to court serious trouble. Since 1929, millions of Amer- ican citizens have been living on a scale not too far from starvation. Some 6,000.000 young peo- ple have reached working age, and two-thirds of them are without jobs-without a chance to{ marry, to build homes and to buy the things urged on them by the billboards. More than 3,000,000 farmers and sharecroppers are losing their land and livelihood. Many of these people do not understand the economic facts of life. They join everything from the Townsend clubs to the Black Legion and the revived Klan. Any simple formula to end their ills appeals to them, and so they are the potential followers of some Fascist Messiah. Let us not forget one wise thing that Huey Long WASHINGTON-There was a double purpose behind that official spanking of John Cudahy, U. S. Ambassador to Nazi-occupied Belgium. One was to repudiate the millionaire Milwau- keean's extraordinary appeasement interview. The other was a pointed warning to Joseph P. Kennedy, U.S. Ambassador to Britain, not to indulge in such talk. It has been no secret to the State Department for some time that the wealthy Ambassador from Boston is distinctly appeasement-minded. On close terms with the ill-fated Chamber- lain government, Kennedy has evinced greater concern privately over the possible political af- ter-effects of the war than repelling the Nazi- Fascist aggressors. He viewed the inclusion of British labor leaders in the Churchill cabinet with alarn. The Nazi air attacks seem to weigh heavily on Kennedy and of late he has talked consider- ably about returning to the United States and resigning. He also is displaying sharp disap- proval of the President's uncompromising anti- Axis policy as well as other Administration mat- ters. In inner State Department circles Kennedy is tied up directly with Cudahy's outburst. The press cables did not report the fact, but the State Department learned that Cudahy con- ferred with Kennedy before sounding off to the newsmen. Draft Dodgers Business is demanding-and getting-very generous tax concessions to produce the tanks, planes, guns and other weapons the country needs for its defense. In a number of cases, the government, in effect, will build plants which will belong to business. But although the conscription bill still is far from enactment, certain business advisers already are tipping off businessmen on how they can dodge serving their country in uniform. One of these outfits is thd Research Institute of America, Inc., with a Madison Ave., N. Y., ad- dress and a large clientele. In its August 3 "Busi- ness and Legislative Report," edited by Leo M. Cherne, the Institute gives these helpful sugges- tions on "How you can protect your key work- ers against conscription": 1. First make sure the business is essential. to war production. This can be done by con- verting a part of it to such activity. 2. Prepare to prove the necessity of the business, the importance of its key workers and the reasons why they can't be replaced. 3. Place the men desired to be kept out of the draft in key positions. Willkie Biographer Newsmen combing Elwood, Ind., for local color on its celebrated native son' have found Frank Willkie, uncle of the GOP standard bearer, to be the best source of information about him. Uncle Frank is a husky retired steel worker who looks a great deal like his nephew. He is a Catholic, former member of the Elwood City Council and a few years ago was an unsuccess- ful Democratic candidate for mayor. He ex- plains the one "'" spelling of his name by saying that it is spelled both ways in the family. According to Frank, the founder of the Willkie clan in the U.S. was William Josef Willeke, a German Catholic, who migrated to Northern Indiana near the middle of the last century. His sons, Herman Willkie and Paul Wilkie, also born in Germany, changed their names when they entered a Methodist College at Fort Wayne, Indiana. Herman, the Republican candidate's father, married a Methodist and changed to that faith. The father was a successful and highly respected lawyer and his mother, a very talented woman, was the first of her sex to be admitted to the Indiana bar. Although Wendell was born and reared in Elwood and the little town is in a high fever of excitement over his fame and the acceptance ceremony, a few months ago it was quite dif- ferent. Jim Carr, member of the Republican State Committee, laughingly tells the story that sev- eral weeks before the Philadelphia convention he got a hunch that Willkie might be nominated and went to the Elwood Chamber of Commerce with the suggestion that the town start boost- ing Willkie for President. "Wendell Willkie," lauguidly inquired the Chamber of Commerce functionary, "who's he?" Today, pictures of the home-town hero are on every lamppost and in every window. The cost of the ceremony will run around $50,000. Rt >at f llRS e f ' ., } 3,, /s : j w S : c t Lr e pt{ F, } F' 1 t , --77- Superior Fuel For Britain's Air Armadas L. ^-ri .Z "Now's the White he's under oathl" time to find out how much money he really has!- Parallelism: A World War I Writer's ViewsReprinted The Straight Dope By Himself (Guest columnists for today are two of the nu- merous gentlemen whose mothers love us because we don't let them spend the. whole night in the By ELBI GILENI We feel we must criticize Jimmy Green. It isn't that we think he's no good as a re- viewer of plays. Not that. But in his recent re- view of "Patience" he remarked that John Schwarzwalder did a swell job of singing, but his acting slipped occasionally. We saw the operetta. We beg to differ. Our point is this: Schwarzwalder did do a fine bit of singing, but he did no acting whatso- ever, slipping or otherwise. Johnny has left some two decades plus in his wake at this point, and has spent those two decades rehearsing for the part of Archibald Grosvenor in "Patience." You can hardly call a man's habitual manner acting. For "Patience" Johnny merely put on a costume and donned a wig (which fell into the footlights Saturday nightt). When Johnny (Himself) Schwarzwalder in- formed Patience in so many words that he was the acme of manhood, the last word in beauty personified, the "apostle of simplicity" and God himself, he was letting Gilbert and Sullivan speak for Himself. But that's Johnny, and we love him. For our amusement, we'd like to work out a scheme which Johnny would really have to work to master. For consistency, we'll stick to the characters Patience and Archibald, but we'll make Gilbert and Sullivan turn over in their respective graves while doing so. It would run something like this: Archibald: Do you not remember me, Pa- tience, your old childhood friend? Patience: Why, it's Archibald! And you reallyl haven't changed a bit. Same old homely face, same awkward manner, same uninteresting con- versation. Arch: You are right, Patience, but I carry the same old °love for you with me. Pat: And I love you, too, Archibald, for I have at last discovered what love really is. It is true unselfishness. Arch: Aye, truly, Patience. And surely the most unselfish thing you could ever do twould be to love me (we can hear John gagging over that now). For who would love a forlorn, ugly creature like myself? (Tough, John, we know, but remember, it's just a play.) A puny weak- ling with features like a buzzard? (Now, John-1 ny, there's a line that'll take real acting.) Pat: Yes, Archibald, that's what makes it all so grand. Love is grand, life is grand, alles ist gross (this in combination imitation of Lily Pons and John Charles Thomas, sung to the far corners of the earth without aid of microphone or radio; in othe words, the reason why they open the doors of the Lydia Mendelssohn the- atre when Patience begins to sing.) Arch: But, Patience, I cannot truly love you. For it would be selfish for me to love you, you who thousands adore. Pat: True, dear Archibald, I shall love you, but you may not love me. gutter. we hope you can endure their columns. Besides, we don't expect to come back here very soon again. By CAGEY KAY There is hardly one among us, we believe, who has not occasionally, if not oftener, speculated on the personality behind the voice of a radio announcer. For our part, it is one of our favor- ite idle pastimes to paint mental pictures of those vocal personalities of the airwaves. Personally, we've always pictured these an- nouncers as chinless, baby-faced specimens of effeminate masculinity, wreathed in innocent smiles and audaciously daubed with cheap, but potent perfumes. All of which but brings us to the subject of this column: Mr. John Schwarzwalder, known to his reading public (all three of them) as Him- self, the author of The Straight Dope-usually shortened to The Dope by his more intimate friends. Before delving into an expose of His High- ness, The Dope, we had better explain our posi- tion. We have known The Dope for some time now, and we must confess that we are quite fond of him-not because he is faultless, for he's not, nor in spite of his faults, but rather because of them, for they keep him from being an ordinary young man, and we do NOT like ordinary young men. Johnny has been quite active in campus the- atre work for some time, and though we hate to say so, he gave one of the best performances of the summer in the current production, "Pa- tience." To his friends who know the role, this was no surprise--you see, Johnny has been re- hearsing the part for a long time. As Archibald, The All Right, he is cast in the role of an ego- tistic artist who, next to himself, loves women best. Those who have seen "Patience" know John- ny-a bit exaggerated, but Johnny nevertheless. He writes well, acts well, sings magnificently, talks smoothly-and knows it. Physically, he's not tall, not too handsome, but -dark. For a more vivid description, we refer you to any of his many feminine admirers at the League. Suffice to say that he's no anemic weakling, and we sincerely hope he won't take the author of this column into some secluded alley following publication. We must say one thing more for Johnny-he simply doesn't mince words. He'd call Herr Hit- ler a pompous paperhanger to his face-and chances are he would get away with it. In the line of personal tastes, he likes dry wines and Cesar Franck-that we can under- stand and appreciate-but he has no full appre- ciation of Wagner beer-and on that issue we are willing to draw swords. Our opinion of The Dope was neatly summed up by one of our fellow slaves in the Publications Building who said: "John, you're a damned ego- tist, but we love you." Let The Witnegses Speak The House Military Affairs Committee has reopened hearings on the Burke-Wadsworth (Editor's Note: The parallelism in American thought and policy between 1917 and today has repeatedly beentem- phasized in connection with the present crises. To give its readers a concrete example of this parallelism, The Daily reprints an article appearing in its is- sue of June 1, 1917. We hope history can teach a lesson.) By STUART H. PERRY Over and over again these ques- tions have been asked: Why should we not remain strictly neutral in the European war? How can we jus- tify ourselves in helping the allies defeat Germany? These are fair questions, and those who asked were not necessarily pro- German, anti-British or un-Ameri- can. These questions will be answered in a series of articles of which this is the first. They will aim to make clear the reasons why neutrality was neither safe, fair nor prudent, and why it was not only right, but also a duty and a necessity that we lend our aid to the defeat of Germany and the success of the allies.. Three Reasons Outlined One nation joins another against a third power for some one or more of these three reasons: 1) The two allies may have a com- mon interest to protect; or 2) They may be confronted by a common danger; or 3) One of the two allies may be threatened by some special danger of its own and therefore may be willing to ally itself with a friendly power for mutual advantage. All three of the above reasons exist in the United States today. First we will take up the subject of the interests that we have in com- monnwith the allies, but which we do not share with Germany. These are four in number. Common Interest In Democracy 1) The first, and in the long run by far the greatest of these is the common interest that we have with France and England in the principle of democratic government. (This is in 1917) England was the "mother of parliaments," the first nation to establish successfully a true govern- ment of the people. As England discovered and created free representative government, and planted it in the new regions of the world, so Fance rediscovered human liberty and gave it to the oppressed people of the old world. It is to England that North America, Africa and Australia owe their liberties; but it is to France that continental Eu- rope owes such liberties as it pos- sesses, and it is to France as much as to England that South America owes its republicanism. Europe Owes Much To France By a mighty effort which will al- ways shine as one of the most glor- ious events in human history, France shook off despotism. On all sides thrones tottered, Italy, Spain, Nor- way and Sweden, Belgium and Hol- land, Greece and the Balkan states all owe their constitutional govern- ments, and some of them their exis- tence, to France. Russia is the latest and greatest to imitate her. France taught Europe that despots can be gotten rid of and that a nation can be great and powerful as a republic. Prussia and Austria, on the other hand, stand for the old order-des- potic rule by divine right. They hate France, England and the United States because all three of them are living examples of successful and victorious republicanism. Hold Interest Of Independence 2) The second interest that we homl in cnmmon with German 'n..n her greatest writers and reflected in all her actions, is to bring the world under German hegemony. Free Access To World Market 3) The third interest that unites us with the allies is the principle of free access to the world's markets. We believe that American, French, German, Japanese or Dutch mer- chants should have a free and fair field in selling their goods or in- vesting their capital in the undevel- oped regions of the earth-that they should compete freely and get as much as their skill and ability can win. The German idea, on the con- trary, i sto make commercil con- quest through political conquest; or, in other words, to use the political influence of a dominant Germany to stimulate German trade and smother foreign competition in weak or un- developed lands. Monroe Doctrine Enters As Factor 4) The first three interests are common to America and to all of the allies. The fourth common interest concerns only the United States and England.These two nations control all North America. Territorially, England is as much an American power as the United States. Our Monroe Doctrine was announced at England's suggestion, and on the whole it has been strongly supported by England-a support which was not in the slightest degree affected by two or three small quarrels that we have had with England over boundaries and other minor matters. For a hundred years the British navy has been ready to help us prevent Russia, Germany or any other power from getting a foothold on this side of the water; and during all that time we were ready to resist any sim- ilar effort to conquer British terri- tory in or near North America. Our common interests with the allies, therefore, are few but very clear and vitally important. They are not reasons of sentiment, but reasons of business, of security,of self preservation. InterpietVe (Continued from Page 1) the numerical peak strength has not. There is every reason why the Nazi High Command should throw its whole available bomber strength in- to the attack it it is actually either a dramatic curtain raiser for invas- ion, or an effort to shatter British morale. Some undisclosed factor seems to be limiting the numerical scope of the attack, massive as it is. A possible explanation is the nec- essity of retaining a substantial force of fighter craft for protection against British counter raids, and al- so to guard Nazi operating bases in Norway, Denmark, Holland, Belgium and France. The number of bombers that can be used against England except in isolated surprise raids, de- pends on the fighter escort available to protect them from British attack ships. The National Guard Fortunately the bill to authorize the President of the United States to order the National Guard into service seems to be having smooth sailing, as compared to the draft bill, and is in prospect of being enacted quicklv. One significance of the If the individual British plane is superior to the German in perfor- mance, it is chiefly because of super- ior fuel and lubrication oil. Gasoline is rated according to its "octane number," which is a measure of an- ti-knock value. A powerful engine is a high compression engine, When explosive mixtures are highly co- pressed they detonate spontaneously and prematurely, whereupon we speak of 'koncking. Air speeds of 250, 300 and 400 miles an hour are important with a gasoline that can stand high compression. The "octane number" is based upon two pure materials, iso-octane and heptane, Iso-octane is rated at 100 because it does not knock in a standard en- gine; heptane. is rated at zero be- cause it knocks most readily. Reg- ular gasoline knocks about as much as 70 per cent iso-octane, so that its octane number is 70. Duplications Shown What all this means is shown by recent developments. In 1928 gaso- line of about 60 octane rating was generally used in military planes. As the octane numbers rose the engines gave off more power for each pound of weight. Thus a rise in the octane number from 60 to 87 meant 33 per cent more power and a further increased rise from 87 to 100, another increase in power of 30 percent. Translate this into prac- tical flying and we behold take-off distances reduced 20 perrcent and climbing speeds increased 40 per cent which in turn means that 1,200 pounds in gasoline can be dis- pensed with in large machines to carry an equivalent weight of bombs. The best aviation gasoline that Germany can produce is reported to be that obtained by causing hydro- gen to combine chemically with the gas obtained from coal and coal tar. This has a rating of 72 to 75. By adding a little tertraethyl lead, the number is raised to 87, Some of the German planes which have been shot down were supplied with gaso- line with an extra octane rating as low as 67. Our Army gasolines have a rating of well above 100. Must Be Lubricated Airplanes must be lubricated, and the lubricating oil required for gas- oline with an octane number of 100 must be much better than that re- quired for a gasoline of an 87 rating. On the average about eight gallons of lubricating oil are required for each flying hour. Germany is un- able to produce the volume of lubri- cating oils needed to keep in good condition engines that burn 100-oc- tane gasoline. The vast public that pays for ttie victory of Great Britain can extract much comfort from octane num- bers. We in particular have reason to rejoice at the performnance of the British pursuit planes and bombers. For it is performance which our pet- roleum chemists have made possible. Every British plane is driven and lubricated by fuel and lubricants made either in this country or in British refineries with American technical aid. -N. Y. Times. Relief To War- Ridden Europe There are probably few Americans who have not found themselves deeply troubled by the problem of relief for coutries under German oc- cupation. Their sympathies have been drawn in opposite directions. On the one hand, there is a natural humanitarian instinct to give re- lief, plus a conviction, in this case, that democracy in Europe may be lost forever if the people of such countries as Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands and, in the long run, France are permitted to go un-{ der. On the other hand, it is equal- ly clear that Britain alone is now fighting to reestablish the indepen- dence of these very countries, and that the blockade is one of the few strong weapons in Britain's hands. These countries will never again be free unless Germany is defeated, and the defeat of Germany depends in large measure on the success of the blockade. It is in these circumstances, posing an almost unbearable hard choice for all concerned, that Mr. Herbert Hoover has come forward with a re- lief plan. Before this plan is con- demned on the ground that it fails to appreciate the difficulty of the British position and promises to play into the German hands by weaken- ing the blockade, the character of the proposals made by Mr .Hoover ought to be clearly understood. It is true that he asks Britain to permit ships carrying food for relief to pass the blockade. But he asks that this be done only "so long as" cer- tain guarantees, which he specifies, are fulfilled. The most important of these guarantees aside from the pro- I