Weather Scattered Showers; No Change In Temperature tL iga :Iat I Editorial Is Volunteering Really Vontary . . Of ficial Publication Of The Summer Session VOL. L. No. 45 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1940 PRICE FIVE CENTS Heavy Rains Bring Destructive Floods To Southern States Rivers Rise Following Coastal Hurricane To Inundate Large Area In Four States ASHEVILLE, N. C., Aug. 14.-(P)-Rampaging rivers wrought death and destruction today in four Southern states. Abnormally heavy rainfall in the wake of a hurricane that battered the South Carolina-Georgia coast Sunday sent the swift streams swirling out of their banks washing out highways and bridges, destroying lowland crops and causing millions of dollars damage to industrial plants along their banks, and driving hundreds of persons from their homes. At least 16 deaths were attributed to the floods. North Carolina counted two drownings and four deaths in landslides. Three drownings were reported near Galax, Va., three near Elizabethton, Tenn., and three near Augusta, Ga. A Negro woman near Augusta died of Draft Bill Amendment, WouldRaise Army Pay Basic Rate To Be Raised From $21 To $30 In Effort To Speed Up Enlistments a heart attack when she learned the flood waters were approaching her home. A 100-foot 'washout of Asheville's principal water main forced this tourists' mecca of 51,000 to use spar- ingly water from a single reservoir. Officials expressed confidence that the line could be repaired by tomor- row. North Wilkesboro, industrial moun- tain town of 4,000 about 125 miles northeast, apparently was the hard- est hit. Swept Over Streets The flooded Yadkin River, which rose to record heights, swept over streets and damaged 14 industrial plants. Two burned as the water rose about them. The town, isolated, was without water, light or telephone facilities. Property damage there was esti- mated at $2,000,000, and Mayor R. P. McNeill said for Wilkes County as a whole it probably would reach $10,- 000,000. He said 500 were homeless and 2,500 out of work. Police Chief John Walker expressed fear many had drowned before they could be warned of the rapidly rising waters. The city called on the Red Cross, meanwhile giving food and shelter to the needy. The water was fast receding :tonight. Landslides blocked highways all over the mountain area. Two persons were crushed to death in two slides near Boone. Picked Up Buildings Witnesses said the raging torrents in some places picked up buildings and tossed them about like match- boxes in a gutter. Hundreds of bridges were swept away. Galax, in the southwest corner of Virginia, was isolated last night, and about 700 were reported to have fled their homes. Water rose to the sec- ond story of many houses. The Watauga River engulfed a residential district of Elizabethton where 200 to 300 persons lived, forc- ing them to clamber to nearby hills, rooftops and tall trees for refuge. Deputy Mike Boatwright said, "from what I have seen and heard, I am' convinced that 15 or 20 persons were drowned." County Police, Sheriff's Officers To Meet Here Police. and sheriff's officers of Washtenaw, Lenawee and Monroe counties will meet at 1 p.m. tomor- row in the Ann Arbor city hall in a closed session to consider problems of national defense, Police Chief Nor- man E. Cook, announced yesterday. John S. Bugas, head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation bureau in Detroit, will preside over the meeting. Eight Winners. Of Scholarship Prizes Named Cash Awards Presented To Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors By University Eight University scholarship win- ners were announced here yesterday with four sophomores, two juniors and two seniors taking awardsrang- ing from $70 to $200. Winners listed are: Robert Thompson Duff, '43, of Rochester, Mich., the James B. Hunt scholarship; Mildred Jane Janusch, '43, of Detroit, the Charles J. Hunt scholarship; Eleanor Cartier, '43, of Pontiac, the Margaret Smith Hunt scholarship; and Alfred Herman Kutschinscki, '43, of Benton Harbor, the Margaret Smith Hunt scholar- ship. Mary Emma Vogel, '42, of Ann Ar- bor, John W. and Leona R. Louns- bury scholarship; Richard Steiner, '42, of Ann Arbor, Agnes C. Weaver scholarship; James H. Follette, '41, of Bay City, Agnes C. Weaver schol- arship, and Harold David Osterweil, '41, of Long Beach, N. Y., Eugene G. Fassett scholarship. Osterweil maintained a perfect all-A record for five consecutive semesters. Export Bank's Funds Boosted WASHINGTON, Aug. 14-(P)- The House Banking Committe ap- proved legislation today increasing the Export-Import Bank's lending authority by $500,000,000 after Rep. Wolcott (R-Mich) had assailed the measure as a "roundabout method of assisting the British Blockade of Germany." The administration has asked that the money be made available to as- sist Latin American nations in meet- ing their trade problems. Wolcott, ranking minority leader of the Committee proposed the hear- ings be continued to get testimony from State Department officials as to what "diplomatic repercussions might be expected" if the measure became law. He was voted down 14 to 6 after Jesse Jones, Federal Loan Administrator, told the Committee he was authorized to speak for Sec- retary Hull WASHINGTON, August 14.-()- Taking its first specific action in the present conscription debate, the Sen- ate today adopted an amendment to the draft bill raising the basic Army pay from $21 to $30 a month. Critics of conscription repeatedly have urged such an increase, arguing it would speed up enlistments and help provide manpower for the Army by the volunteer method, with no need for conscription. However, ad- ministration forces also had endorsed the idea, so that the Senate's deci- sion was not considered a test on the bill itself. Offered 'by Senator Lee (Dem- Okla), a supporter of conscription, the amendment provides that volun- tary recruits and draftees in the Ar- my and marine corps shall be paid $21 a month during their first four months of training and then, if their rating is satisfactory, their base pay shall be increased to $30. Increases also would be granted to some other classes of enlisted men, and the cost was estimated at $70,000,000 this fis- cal year. In today's debate Senator Clark (Dem-Mo) arose to brand as "out- rageous" a statement from the Army that the original time schedule for calling draftees had to be revised because of the time consumed in the Congressional debate on conscrip- tion. Contract Delays In Army Order SeenAdjusted Early Completion Of Four New Navy Destroyers Announced By Sec. Knox WASHINGTON, Aug. 14 - (IP) - Difficulties which have delayed the signing of contracts for '4,200 Army warplanes were reported virtually surmounted today, while in another field of national defense-the Navy -Secretary Knox announced that four new destroyers were being com- pleted ahead of schedule. Knox also revealed plans to in- crease several-fold the present facil- ities for primary training of naval fliers. Besides creating new naval re- serve aviation bases at New Orleans, Dallas and Atlanta, Knox said, facil- ities will be expanded at 13 existing reserve bases. Each of the bases will have a cap- acity of 100 fledgling fliers, he said, compared with the present average of 15 to 20. Earlier in the day, William S, Knudson, defense commissioner, had submitted a memorandum to Con- gress saying that an army of 2,000,- 000 could be put in the field fully equipped by October 1, 1943. Red-faced and indignant, Clark shouted: "Everybody has known all the time that somebody was going to have to come forth with some excuse for not putting this conscription plan into operation at once. "Anyone who knows anything about it knows that nothing this ad- ministration has done would indicate that they were going to be inept enough to have thousands of mothers going down to the station to kiss their boys good-bye a few weeks be- fore the election." Before theHouse Military Com- mittee, Secretary of the Navy Knox vigorously urged enactment of con- scription legislation. He said that if England is defeated the United States, lacking a two-ocean navy, will need a huge and well-trained land force. British Vessels Bombard Axis Troops At Aden Warships Try To Stem Concerted Italian Drive Toward Port Of Berbera CAIRO, Egypt, Aug. 14-(R)-Brit- ish warships have turned their guns on the coast of their own protector- ate of Somaliland to hold up Ital- ians advancing there against the key port of Berbera, British bastion on the south shore of the -Gulf of Aden. Armored columns and troop con- centrations were scattered by Sal- voes from light naval units offshore, British military headquarters re- ported, and the Italian offensive was declared to have been stopped well beforeiBulhar, which is about 40 miles west of Berbera. A dispatch to Il Giornale d' Itagia, an authoritative Fascist organ in Rome, reported the British fleet at Aden, the Arabian port across the Gulf from Berbera, had left there, adding to the already "intense move- ment" in the Gulf. This news suggested an intensifi- cation of British action against the Italians, whose drive against Ber- bera is to attempt to break 'British Empire communications through the Red Sea, coincident with an expected general assault on Egypt and the Suez Canal. British ground forces reported other successes in the defense of Berbera, declaring that Italian forces had been thrown back at Jur- gurgan Pass, 35 miles south-south- east of Berbera. They also said they had defeated Fascist. columns in sev- eral skirmishes both in Italian Libya and in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. In the Libyan engagement, it was declared that British troops had penetrated 35 miles into that Ital- ian area, British Planes Raid Industrial Areas In Italy Squadrons Of Long-Range RAF Bombers Cross Alps At Swiss Border Rome Press Hurls Censure At Attack ROME, Aug. 14.-(/P)-Squadrons of long-range British bombers thun- dered over the Alps and down on the Great industrial cities of northern Italy early today, killing 22 persons, injuring more than fifty and stir- ring the rage of Fascists at what they called "A barbarious cowardly attack." The Italians said the British bombers crossed neutral Switzerland and scattered explosives and propa- ganda leaflets at random in the res- idential districts of Milan, Turin, Tortona and Allesandria. The leaf- lets told Italians to wake up to their use as vassals "by your hereditary enemy, Germany," to "make Hitler stronger." No Military Damage Authorities insisted there was no military damage (but British ac- counts said the Caproni factory in Milan and the Fiat plant in Turin, two of Italy's principal works, were "smashed" and set afire; that the blaze from the Caproni plant could be seen for miles.) The heaviest attack was at Milan,, where a dozen persons were killed and 44 injured by 30 explosive and, incendiary bombs. The surprise attacks on the larg- er cities, first since early in the war brought home to the inhabitants, their danger even from Britain, which most of them had considered harmlessly far away. Controversy Stimulated Italian newspapers kept the new controversy with Greece over "op- pression" of Albanian minorities at fever heat. Il Popolo di Roma even hinted that Italy might claim the Greek island of Corfu and the whole ad- riatic coast as a sequel to the hatchet slaying of Daut Hoggia, Albanian "patriot," allegedly committed by two Greeks. The Berlin BERLIN, Aug. 14-(RP)-Germany's mighty air force carried a tempest of fire and metal across the channel into England's exposed southern flank for the fourth successive day of big aerial assault today and re- turning bombers desribed masses of floating wreckage of planes and bal- loons shot down off Dover-a possi- ble sign of conditions ripe for in- vasion. Biggest battles of the day were re- ported off this southeastern "hot" BERLIN, Aug. 14.--(A)-Br1- tish reports of finding German parachutes in the midlands and in Scotland were termed tonight by German sources "a mid-sum- mer night's dream." "The English mind," said an official spokesman, "is full of fantasy." corner nearest the continent, where Germans said British fighters per- sisted in making futile attempts to stop the torrent sof German bombers, dive bombers and battle planes and lost 42 of their hurricanes and spit- fires to the Germans' ten. This brought Britain's total of destroyed planes, according to Ger- man bookkeeping, to 405 for the five days beginning last Thursday. This was at a cost of 93 German planes, the Germans reckoned. Twenty-two of the British losses today, Germans said, were in the southeast corner over Kent. Prelude To Sea Invasion As if these body blows were a prelude to a land and sea invasion, the government today ordered a ban on public dancing, as it did during the Polish campaign and the offen- sive in Western Europe. Recently dancing has been permitted two nightsa week. Despite the desperate British op- position, the Germans said, their bombers shrieked down on their ob- jectives, hitting airports and wharves with mine-like explosives which left towering fires in their wake. Approximately a score of Britain's vaunted barrage of balloons were sent flaming into the sea and to the ground in a tangle of twisted cables, the Germans declared, while small boats were engaged off shore in at- tempts to rescue luckless British pi- lots whose mounts were sent in streaking flame from the sky. Early Morning Start German bombers started their work in the early hours of the morn- ing from numerous bases in Ger- many, the Netherlands and Belgium, taking advantage of thick clouds over the Channel, to slip over the British coastline for raids far inland. (British dispatches said the long- est and severest raid of the war on the important industrial midlands was carried out.) But apparently the clouds hid swarms of British planes too, judg- ing by subsequent German accounts of ensuing battles. LONDON, Aug. 14.-(P)-Britain's vital coastal cities -Southanmpton, Dover, Hastings were pounded anew and thunderously today by Nazi air raiders while German ves- sels moved stealthily about the Eng- lish Channel in apparent prepara- tions for an attempt to transport an invading army to these islands. The Government put the whole country on the watch against Ger- man parachutists, after 11 German airmen were reported captured in the Midlands. The German warplanes struck in serried waves, dropping bombs over the southeast and southern coasts, in the southwest, the Midlands and even in Wales. But the Channel ports again were hardest hit. Tonight, the Air Ministry an- nounced that in a day of attack and counter-attack in the skies 15 German planes had gone down in flames and four British craft craft had been lost. Barrage Balloons Hit At Dover, the Nazis blasted away at British barrage balloons, set up to protect the coast; at Southamp- ton they poured down high-explosive bombs, at least one of which dam- aged a standing train; at Hastings several fatalities were reported. The government's action against the menace of the parachutists-a ghostly form of attack which work- ed so well in Belgium and Holland, in France and Poland,-was taken about the same time that 17 aban- doned German parachutists were found in villages of the industrial midlands-an area where sabatoge would gravely hurt. Other such discoveries had been reported earlier from two areas in England and one in Scotland. The Royal Air Force, desperately fighting of the German attacks here at home, likewise reported new and damaging blows at aircraft factories in four Axis cities-at Dessau and Bernburg in Germany; at Turin and Milan in Italy-and the bombard- ment of German munitions plants at Lunen and Grevenbroich. Airdromes Are Bombed, Struck by British bombers too, were objectives in Germany's indus- trial Ruhr and 14 airdromes in Ger- man and German-held territory. The hundreds of Nazi drive bomb- ers and fighters-300 of them in one thunderous flight that swept over the southeast coast alone-did not attack alone. German naval un- its, believed by British observers to be acting in a general effort to sweep the North Sea and English Channel clear of the British mine belt and thus pare the way for a sea- borne invasion, prowled English waters. In one engagement in the North Sea, two British destroyers were reported to have broken up a Ger- man flotilla of six trawlers and one speedboat to the bottom while the others fled under a smoke screen. Germans Continue Intensified Aerial Raids Over Britain Coastal Cities Are Targets Of Nazi Attacks; Parachutists Found In Industrial Area Version: I The London Version: Greece's Premier Calls Conferences ATHENS, Greece, Aug. 14-(R)- Premier General John Metaxas to- night called his army chief of staff into conference at Italy increased the tempo of her press campaign against Greece. Greece, stragetically situated in the Mediterranean, was reporter on- ly yesterday to have rejected a de- mand of the Axis powers that she abrogate her treaty of friendship with Great Britain. Metaxas called in General Papa- gos, his chief of staff, after a long conference with Italian Minister Razzi. Ambassador Cudahy Is Vindicated By Roosevelt And State Department Hitler's Aerial Siege Is Termed, Inevitable Prelude To Invasion By KIRKE L. SIMPSON (Associated Press Staff Writer) If the four-day German air at- tack on England's channel coast does not prove to be a tremendous prelude to an attempted invasion it Britons will not only be astonish- ple, including the English. Britons wil Inot only be astonish- ed; they will be imbued with new confidence of ultimate victory. If Hitler turns back now, if he shifts to a strategy of starvation blockade instead of invasion, people in Eng- land and around the world will say he has suffered a significant if not fatal defeat.j That is the risk he has taken in! ions of England. Emporer Claudius came that way nearly 1900 years ago to defeat the Britons at Brent- wood, between London and Colches- ter. That Roman "blitzkreig" includ- er transportation of elephants, cam- els, and African troups across the Channel, according to the history books. William the Conauorer came the same way from Normandy to take England by storm in what is styled the Battle of Hastings, fought more than a thousand years later. Phillip II of Spain tried it again 500 years later to see his dreams of world mas- tery wrecked with the invincible ar- mada off the coast of Devon. Napol- eon looked longinalv across those By J. C. STARK WASHINGTON, August 14.-(iP)- Ambassador John Cudahy gained vindication from both President Roosevelt and the State Department tonight in a controversy over an un- authorized press interview he gave in London concerning conditions in Belgium. After a long talk with the Pres- ident, Cudahy, Ambassador to Bel- gium, said he had been authorized to say "that I received no rebuke and none was intended." Later he spent an hour with Sum- ner Welles, acting secretary of state, who had previously asserted that the envoy violated "standing instruc- tions" of the State Department. After this meeting, Cudahy left the talking to Welles except to say the discussion had been very satisfactory and he had made a full report on conditions in Belgium.. Welles then announced that no rebuke had been administered, that Cudahy would take a vacation and that the incident was closed so far as the State Department was con- statement" of his remarks, he was quoted as saying Belgium faced a' condition "close to the famine" by mid-September unless food supplies reached there from the United States. Cudahy said he planned to go to New York in a day or two for dis- cussions with Americans having in- terests in Belgium, and then would go to his home in Milwaukee to start a vacation. He asserted there was "no question of my resigning" from the diplomatic service. Cudahy, Ambassador to Belgium until foreign diplomatic missions were ordered out of there last month by Germany, drew sharp criticism in the British press for an interview in London in which he asserted that Belgium faced near-famine condi- tions by mid-September unless it received American food supplies. This was widely interpreted as a hint that American food should be allowed through the British blockade. In commenting on the German oc- cupation, he also was quoted as say- ing he thought German soldiers be- All forms of transportation, from the hitch hiker's pleading thumb to the luxurious salons of transcon- tinental airlines will carry thousands of students and professors to all corners of the country following the close of summer school tomorrow. Many exam weary studens, ac- cording to Tom Draper, Grad., the Union's one-man travel expert, will take belated vacations next month, with the two world's fairs and north woods hideaways leading in order of preference. In sharp contrast, according to Draper, are the modes of transpor- tation chosen by the summer ses- sion vagabonds, as compared to those taken by winter session stu- All Varieties Of Transportation Help Mass Exodus Of Students lead in determining where, how and when. Increasing in popularity are air tours and pullman travel, with the automobile trips still the most convenient for those having cars at their disposal this summer. Also in increasing demand are "vacation as you return home" tours. Most popular of these are the Great Lake cruises to Chicago or Buffalo, depending upon the travel- er's ultimate destination. Culminating many a summer or spring romance are the tours to traditional Niagra Falls or to se- cluded portions of the north woods for honeymoons which have been deferred until the close of the school session. A I