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August 13, 1940 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1940-08-13

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Griffin To Study
L.S.U. Collection
Of Indian Work
Archaeological Expert Will
Study Pottery Remains
To Find Cultural Identity
A study of a collection of Indian
pottery will be made by James Grif-
fin, Assistant Curator in the Museum
of Anthropology, from Aug. 17 to
Sept. 16 at Louisiana State Univer-
The work of the Museum of An-
thropology deals with archeological
remains of the Indians in Eastern
United States which extends from
the Rockies east and north of the
Gulf of Mexico. Mr. Griffin special-
izes in the study of pottery remains,
the most important single factor used
to identify the culture of any pre-
historic people.
Archeologists are comparing the
pottery of different localities in order
to trace pre-historic migrations, the
location of the major cultural centers
and the distribution of their cultural
traits. The ultimate aim is to compile
a complete history of Indians of
Eastern United States.
Last spring Mr. Griffin spent two
months' in Eastern Arkansas and
Western Mississippi making a survey
of the remains from 50 sites. Har-
vard, Louisiana State University, and
Michigan collaborated with the Na-
tional Park Service on the trip.
The collection of pottery that was
gathered is at Louisiana State Uni-
versity and it is that collection which
Mr. Griffin will study this summer.
McCoy Benched
In A'sShakeup
Benny McCoy, the Philadelphia Ath-
letic's $65,000 second baseman, was
benched indefinitely today in an in-
field shakeup which Connie Mack
hopes will lift the A's from the Ameri-
can League celler.
Mack replaced the 22-year-old in-
fielder from Grandville, Mich., with
Larry Davis, a rookie graduated from
Duke University in 1939.
Seven months ago, McCoy was so
promising that the Athletic's 77-year-
old president and manager paid him;
$45,000 for his signature on a two-
year contract-salary $10,000 an-

Indians Defeat Tigers
To Take League Lead


CLEVELAND, Aug. 12.-(A)-The
supposedly weak-batting Cleveland
Indians blasted 12 hits, including
three home runs, today to beat the
Detroit Tigers, 8 to 5, and break their
first-place deadlock.
Bob Feller pitched his 20th vic-
tory as he limited the heavy-hitting
Bengals to seven safe blows before
23,720 persons. Hal Newhouser, the
Detroit starter, was routed in the first
inning and charged with the defeat.
Feller, the first hurler in the Ma-
jors to reach the 20-game mark,
fanned seven Tigers and was in seri-
ous trouble in only one inning-the
seventh, when he walked three men
in a row. Barney McCosky doubled
in two runs and another Bengal
scored on an infield out. Feller ended
the inning by fanning Rudy York.
Trosky Hits 21st
Hal Trosky poled his 21st homer
in the first inning with one runner
on and Beau Bell followed with his
third circuit smash of the year. In
the fifth Roy Weatherly drove his
fifth round-tripped over the right
field wall with Ben Chapman on
first from a single.
Clay Smith was called in after
Cleveland's three-run outburst in the
first inning and he gave up eight
hits and five runs. Tom Seats and
Freddy Hutchinson finished for the
Ken Keltner's single and Ray
Mack's double plated the fourth run
for Cleveland in the fourth. Weather-
ly's homer in the next inning was
followed by another tally on Lou
Boudreau's single and Bell's double.
The Redskins wound up run-making
in the sixth on Ben Chapman's sin-
gle, his theft of second and Bou-
dreau's single.
Detroit scored one in the second on
a single by York and Pinky Higgins'
double and another in the sixth on
Hank Greenberg's double and a sin-
gle by Higgins.
Chapman Paces
Chapman paced the Cleveland at-
tack with three singles.
Feller, who has lost six games, ran
his strikeout total for the year to
197. It was Newhouser's ninth de-
feat against eight triumphs.
The crowd was one of the largest
week-day gatherings here in recent
years. All reserved seats were sold
two hours before game time and the
scattered vacant seats were in the
bleachers and upper stands.
The fact the battle was fought to-
day in the old ball park, rather than


in the stadium, apparently worked
to the advantage of the Indians since
all three homers were driven over
the right field wall, not too distant.
The Tiger power hitters, on the oth-
er hand, bat from the right side of
the plate.
Under ordinary circumstances, five
runs off Feller would be enough to
win, but not today. Newhouser, re-
cently troubled by a sore arm. had
little to offer, and Smith's fast one
was going right down the Indians'
An example of the latter was seen
in the fifth. The Indians scored all
three runs with none out, and the
bases were loaded when Smith
changed tactics. He began using
curves and slow balls, with the re-
sult that Mack popped out and both
Hemsley and Feller whiffed.
In The Majors

Cleveland .........65 44
Detroit ...........64 45
Boston ...........58 49
Chicago .......... 53 50
New York .........53 51
Washington .......47 59
St. Louis .........46 64
Philadelphia ......40 64


Monday's Results:
Cleveland 8, Detroit 5
Chicago at St. Louis (Night)
Only Games Scheduled
Tuesday's Games:
Detroit at Cleveland
Chicago at St. Louis
Washington at Phila. (Night)
Boston at New York (2)

Cincinnati ........66 36
Brooklyn ........62 42
New York......... 53 46
Pittsburgh........52 49
Chicago..........54 54
St. Louis ...49 52
Boston........... 39 63
Philadelphia. 33 66
Tuesday's Games:
St. Louis at Chicago
New York at Boston
Philadelphia at Brooklyn
Cincinnati at Pittsburgh
Monday's Results:
Cincinnati 2, Pittsburgh 4
St. Louis at Chicago (Rain)
Only Games Scheduled


C A N A D A O P E N S A N E W F L Y I N G S C H OO L-First of 16 such schools to be established, coast to coast, is this new
pilot training school of the Royal Canadian air force at Uplands airport, Ottawa. Above was ceremony at school's dedication.

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WANTED-Ride to New York City or
vicinity Aug. 14-17. Call 9421 after
5:00 p.m. Will share expenses.
PASSENGERS-Share expenses to
N. Y. (will be less than $3 per).
Call Jampel-4054 or 2-3241.
COLORED STUDENT would like to
drive party south in general direc-
tion of Florida. Experienced driver.
Phone 2-2482.
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at a low price.
607 Hoover Phone 5594
Free pickups and deliveries
Price List
(All articles washed and ironed)
Shirts................ .. . .. .14
Undershirts................ .04
Shorts.................... .04
Pajama Suits .............. .10
Socks, pair...................03
Handkerchiefs.............. .02
Bath Towels ............... .03
All Work Guaranteed
Also special prices on Coeds'
laundries. All bundles done sep-
arately. No markings. Silks,
wools are our specialty.
LOT ON Vinewood Boulevard. Im-
provements in. Cash. Phone 8544.
422 E. Washington.

TYPING-L. M. Heywood, 414 May-
nard St., Phone 5689.
TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen.
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or
2-1416. 34
VIOLA STEIN-Experienced typist
and notary public;hmimeograph-
ing. 706 Oakland, phone 6327.
9710. Mrs. Helen B. Allen.
MODERN, attractively furnished
apartment - air-conditioned; all-
electric; garage; 4 rooms; tile bath;
$50. Call 2-1414 or 2-3764.
ROOMS including apartment for
graduate women or young couple.
Constant hot water. 426 E. Wash-
ington. Inquire at 422 E. Washing-
ton. Mrs. Lewis.
AVAILABLE for five faculty or grad-
uate men-five spacious rooms,
private bath, in beautiful Ives
Woods home, on bus service. Calla
9710. Mrs. Helen B. Allen.

Probable Pitchers
National League
New York at Boston-Lohrman (9-7)
vs. Tobin (1-0).
Philadelphia at Brooklyn-Pearson
(2-9) vs. Davis (4-9).
Cincinnati at Pittsburgh-Thomp-
son (11-7) vs. Sewell (10-2).
St. Louis at Chicago-Shoun (7-7) vs.
French (11-9).
American League
Boston at New York (2)-Bagby
(8-12) and Dickman (7-4) vs.
Ruffing (10-8) and Russo (8-5).
Washington at Philadelphia (Night,)
-Leonard (12-10) vs. Ross (5-5),
or Babich (8-10).
Detroit at Cleveland-Gorsica (7-5)
vs. Harder (7-8).
Chicago at St. Louis-Smith (8-8)
vs. Kennedy (9-11).
Piano Duo Plays Today
Miss Katherine Ziff of Johnstown,
Pennsylvania, and William Schott-
staedt of Fresno, California, students
in the School of Music Summer Ses-
sion, will present a program of two-
piano music at 8:15 p.m. today in
Room 305, School of Music Building.

W A R P OS T-Intent on
job is Former Judge Robert P.
Patterson (above), a native of
Glens Falls, N. Y., who's new
assistant secretary of war. He
succeeded Louis Johnson.

T H E F E A R I N M E N 'S H E A R T S-Out of his own experiences during the bombardment
of Belgium during the last world war, Georges Schreiber drew inspiration for the terror of these
seamen's faces when a bomb splashes near their ship, as is the case in current sea warfare. The paint-
ing, done in Hollywood-with Bob Perry, Constantine Romanoff, John Qualen and Thomas Mitchell
posing, is to be shown at Associated American Artists Galleries, N. Y. It and other paintings will go on
tour in principal cities of this country.

.Take advantage of Mich-
' igan's low freight rates.
a Buy your new Chevrolet
in Ann Arbor. All makes


AQUa Velva
Helps ELECTRIC razors
to shave cleaner, quicker
Dash on LECTRIC SHAVE Aqua Velva
before shaving with your electric ra-
zor. Let it dry a moment. Then notice
how easily your razor glides over


of reconditioned Used



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