Wyeather Cloudy, Continued Warm Jr iIt fr igan ~Iaiti Editorial Education Can Save Democracy . Official Publication Of The Summer Session VOL. L. No. 43 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MCHIGAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1940 PRICE FIVE CENTS Hurricane Toll Mounts To 27 And Property Damage Grows St. Helena Is Hardest Hit With 25 Dead; Beaufort Waterfront Is Smashed Historic Charleston ReportedFlooded Bulletin ATLANTA, Aug. 12.-()-The known death toll in Sunday's hurricane along the Georgia and South Carolina coast rose to 35 tonight as rescue crews penetrat- ed further into the stricken areas. Property damage was in the millions of dollars. (By the Associated Press) ATLANTA, Aug. 12.-Hurricane- swept coasts of South Carolina and Georgia counted at least 27 dead to- night and damage in the hundreds of thousands of dollars as work crews concentrated on restoring communi- cations crippled by the worst storm to strike the area in recent years. While authorities attempted to penetrate isolated towns, the Red Cross reported from Washington that it had received word from a Coast Guard radio truck near Beaufort, S. C., that 25 were known to have been killed on St. Helena Island. Wind Blows' 68 Miles An Hour Two persons died in Savannah, where the wind reached a velocity of 68 miles an hour. Earlier reports of six drowning at Folly Beach near Charleston, S. C., and 10 deaths in Beaufort County were not confirmed. St. Helena Island is off the coast from Beaufort. The message telling of the 25 deaths there wastsent by Mrs. A. M. Neighbors, assistant Red Cross field director at Parris Island, Marine.Corps base which also was hard hit. Many Small Boats Sunk Many small boats were sunk during the hurricane, which yesterday blew in from the Atlantic Ocean just above Brunswick, Ga., and struck all along the coast until it blew itself out in the vicinity of Charleston. The wa- terfront of the resort city of Beau- fort was smashed. Historic Charles- ton was pounded by wind and water, a large portion of the city being flooded. Savannah reported numer- ous buildings uproofed and hundreds of windows smashed. Siegel Gets His Chance; Meets Comiskey Aug. 26 DETROIT, Aug. 12.--(P)-Don Sie- gel, who won All-Conference honors as a University of Michigan tackle before turning to the ring, received his big chance today-a match with Pat Comiskey, nationally-known Pat- terson, N. J., heavyweight. Promoter Nick Londes said the fight would take place Aug. 26. No site has been selected. Seigel has won all his 11 fights by knockouts since he turned from the amateurs to the bread and butter battling. However, his list of victims is unimpressive, being topped by such battle-scarred veterans as Spike Franks. Comiskey, on the other hand, has won 17 out of 21 fights by knockouts and only last December defeated Steve Dudas, no spring chicken but a fighter who has met all of the top- flight fistic names. Linguists End Summer Series Harrington Presents Final Lecture Today With a lecture by Dr. J. P. Harring- ton, senior ethnologist of the Bureau of American Ethnology of the Smith- sonian Institution, the Linguistic In- stitutetoday concludeste epublic programs of what its members are considering perhaps its most success- ful season. The talk by Dr. Harrington will serve as the discussion topic for the regular luncheon conference, to be held at 12:10 p.m. at the Michigan Union. Dr. Harrington, whose years of field work with American Indian tribes from coast to coast have fa- 400 Her thvenAt Fourth Annual Summer Breakfast (Complete Text of Dr. Rutliven's talk will be found on p. 2) More than 400 graduate students filled the Union ballroom Sunday morninghat the fourth Summer Mas- ter's Breakfast to receive their mas- ter's degrees and hear President Ruthven urge the college graduate to be brave although "he may expect shortly to be at the dreadful business of murdering his brothers to pro- mote liberty, equality and fraternity if not actually to save his own life." "Education remains the only hope of mankind for peace, freedom, jus- tice and security," President Ruthven asserted. He called for courage des- pite the fact that "these are times to try men's souls." President Ruthven then confer- red the degrees which had been re- commended for the graduate stu- dents by their several faculties. The 400 graduates who attended came from the Graduate School, the School of Business Administration, the School of Education, and the Law School. Dr. William P. Lemon of the First Presbyterian Church gave the invo- cation at the breakfast, at which Dr. Louis A. Hopkins presided. Dean Clarence Yoakum gave a short- talk, following President Ruthven's ad dress. Members of the Executive Board of the Graduate School and their PRESIDENT RUTHVEN wives, members of the Deans Con- ference, and faculty men and their wives attended the breakfast. The gathering was seated at round tables of eight, and their summer clothing and floral decorations made a resplendent early morning scene. The annual breakfasts are held primarily for students attending the University for summer work only, but are open to all graduates, their fami- lies and members of the faculty. Nazis Claim Aerial Control Over Channel Declare They Will Drive Steadily Inland Until Even London Is Unsafe Hail New Reports Of Ruin To Coast (By The Associated Press) BERLIN, Aug. 12.-(Tuesday)- Claiming virtual control of the air over the bomb-splattered English Channel, German sources predicted today that successive raids would stab steadily inland until "not even Lon- don" would be safe from bomb-des- truction. Hailing reports of tremendous ruin to Britain's coast defenses and naval bases in three days of stepped-up aerial. blitzkrieg, the German press said the battlefleet Britain counted on to hold off direct assault might already have been forced to clear out of channel bases. The Germans claimed 213 British planes wrecked in the three days of fighting, last Thursday, Sunday and yesterday-includiig those smashed by bombs dropped'on airdromes. Sunday and yesterday, the Ger- mans reported, 164 were shot out of the air, 71 yesterday and 93 Sunday, to German losses of 46, 19 yesterday and 27 Sunday. The great British naval base at Portsmouth, where huge fires were reported, the airport at Manston, de- clared to have been destroyed, and the port of Margate on the Thames estuary, gateway to London, bore the brunt of the assaults along the south- ern coast of England. Still other Nazi ,quadrons scream- ed down on barrage balloon-protect- ed British convoys in the accentuated campaign to destrby Britain's ship- ping and harbor facilities and demor- alize her people. German Club Holds Last Banquet Today The Deutscher Verein will con- clude its summer activities with a banquet at 6:30 p.m. today in Deut- sches Haus, 1315 Hill St., at which Prof. Henry W. Nordmeyer, head of the German department, will de- liver the principal address. Other speakers on the special pro- gram arranged for the evening by Liese Price, secretary-treasurer of the Verein, are Prof. J. W. Eaton of the German department and Mrs. Ruth Wendt, social director of the Haus. Dramatic skits and dancing will write "finis" to the series of activi- ties, which included excursions to Saline Valley Farms and lectures by faculty members which the Verein sponsored during the summer. Germans Rain Tons Of Bombs On Britain's Great Naval Bases SCOTLAND ABERDEEN c.Nor t h "p4,,ROSYTii GREENOCK LE H 60p EDINBUR H A BROUGHTONj '1,f BLYTH EWCAS SUNDERI AND BELFAST O MDLSRUH MDDLE SBROUlk s £4? -q HULL 14 ~tRf~hq "..:..LE RIMSBY MANCHESTER HOLYHEA BEAUMA IS' ';E N G "L" D BIRMINGHAM PEMR E LONDON Q - BRSTOLQ." sm o N SOUTHAMPTON As PLYEY T- fCO WHAVEN EV RTPORTL AND 9 ngish ChannelA 4 CH ROURC LE HAVRE MIL'SF R A N C E Shaded circles on this Associated Press map showing districts in which major British industries are located are the areas reported most frequently bombed by Nazi fliers. English sources admit damage and casualties have been inflicted in Northwest England, (1), the Midlands, (2), Bristol Channel, (3), and the Strait of Dover, (4). In the wholesale German aerial assault on Great Britain, the British claim that at least 60 German planes were lost while Britain lost but 16. By The Associated Press LONDON, Aug. 13. (Tuesday)--Adolf Hitler's long-threatened aerial blitzkrieg on Britain burst into a full-throated roar of destruction today as Nazi warplanes struck at every corner of England. They thus carried into the third consecutive day a ferocious assault which began with flights of 400 or moare planes, leaped to 500 or more yes- terday, and reached undisclosed numbers this morning. There were indications that the onsalugnt may now be backed by cannon fire from the continent and possibly aided by Italian airmen. The pattern of attack remained unvaried, as it has since extensive aids first be u 18 but the egan une __ . - Italy Thunders Against Greece Charges Balkan Nation Is AidingBritain (By The Associated Press) ROME, Aug. 12.-(A)-Italy, al- ready warring with Britain for su- premacy in the Mediterranean and North Africa, threatened a new crisis in the Balkans today with a sharp propaganda campaign against Greece, neutral friend of Britain. A press attack against Greece, charging her with aiding -the British and conspiring to foment trouble on the border with Italian annexed Al- bania, shared press headlines with reports of a developing battle for Ber- bera, capital and chief port of British Somaliland, on the Gulf of Aden. The Italian High Command com- mnuique said fascist forces driving across British Somaliland had "made contact with" the main British forces in front of Berbera, but failed to say whether fighting actually was in pro- gress. (A British communique issued at Cairo said "in Somaliland no oper- ations are reported and the enemy made no advance.") Reports of the beheading of an obscure Albanian nationalist, Haut Hoggia, by Greek "bandits" opened the campaign against Greece. France To Try Her 'Traitors' Neutrals Declare Laval Is Slated To Go (By The Associated Press) VICHY, France, Aug. 12.-(IP)- France, swiftly reorganizing civilian life in her shiriveled territory, await- ed tonight the opening of court ac- tions to punish leaders who took her into the disastrous war with Ger- many. Public Prosecutor Cassagnau will present a compliant and demand se- cret investigations and hearings to- morrow when the supreme "war guilt" tribunal-whose judgement will be final-meets at Riom. Names of those to be called were not announced. A few hours after the tribunal convenes, Chief of State Marshall Philippe Petain will address the na- tion in a radio broadcast set for 7:30 p.m. (2:30 p.m., EST.) Grumblings of ferment within the new French state, however, have reached the outside. Reports in Swit- zerlandrbefore the French Govern- ment broke off telephone communi- cation said Vice Premier Pierre Laval, designated by Petain as his political heir, was among a group of officials slated for disgard. (Laval is said to have lost favor especially with army leaders.) Norris Holds Conscription Will Lead To 'Dictatorship' Veteran Nebraskan Says Compulsory Service Is Violation Of Democracy Wheeler Declares Stimson Is 'Unfit' WASHINGTON, Aug. 12.-(P)-A prediction by Senator Norris (Ind.- Neb.) that peace-time conscription would result in "dictatorship" brought Senator Burke (Dem.-Neb.) to his feet today to declare that on the con- trary, it was "the only democratic way to provide an adequate national defense." "It recognizes the obligation of all to serve, and to adequately train for that service," said Burke, a co-author of the pending bill. "Rich and poor, all classes, races and creeds are treated with exact and equal justice. Instead of being contrary to the prin- ciples of American liberty and free- dom, this proposal is implicit with the spirit of true Americanism." Burke Is Contradicted In exact contradiction of Burke's assertions, Norris had previously told the Senate with characteristic fervor that "compulsory military training in time of peace cannot prevail in a democratic form of government with- out leading that government into the realm of dictatorship." He pre- dicted a huge standing army, militar- ism extending into the years, and women eventually working in the fields to support the men in uniform, as consequences of the passage of the bill. Otherwise, the Senate's second day of debate on the subject produced a charge by Senator Wheeler (Dem.- Mont.) that Henry L. Stmson is "un- fit" to serve as Secretary of War, an assertion by Senator Vandenberg (Rep.-Mich.) that voluntary enlist- ments should be given a further trail before resorting to conscription, and a statement by Senator Clark (Dem.- Mo.) that the army favors the bill because it would mean swift promo- tions for the present officer personneL Works On Debt Relief In the House, meanwhile, the mili- tary Committee was at work on legis- lation designed to provide debt re- lief for those compelled to enter the service, including National Guards- men and reserves. It would provide a moratorium on taxes and on insur- ance premiums involving eviction of the families of those inducted into service. Chairman May (Dem.-Ky.) said the Committee probably would pre- sent these proposals as separate legis- lation rather than incorporate them in the National Guard mobiliaztion bill which today was unanimously ap- proved by the committee. His purpose, he said, was to hurry that measure through to the House and "then go into a discussion of the moratorium principles." At the same time, the Ways and Means Committee hearing witnesses on the proposed excess profits tax received a plea for exemption from air carriers, rare metal mining and investment companies. 1DR Completes Defense Inspection;d Hoover Says Wilikie Will Be Elected President Declares Arms Program Progress Is ApproachingFull Speed NEW LONDON, Conn., Aug. 12- (P)-President Roosevelt, collecting first hand information on the trans- lation of billions of dollars into re- vitalized fighting equipment, comple- ted tonight his checkup of prepar- edness progress in the nation's in- dustrial Northeast. Just before leaving by train for Washington, the President told news- men that while the progress of the ten billion dollar program was not yet up to 100 per cent, it was getting there fast. .He ended his three-day swing through New England with inspec- tion of the submarine base here and the nearby Grotori submarine-build- ing plant of the Electric Boat Com- pany. A submarine a month, he said as he returned from Groton, was the ob- jective toward which the plant was striving, added that the company had plans for building twice as many undersea fighters as ever before. Mr. Roosevelt said that during the day he had talked to Gov. William H. Vanderbilt of Rhode Island and Governor Raymond E. Baldwin of A Critical Eye Republican Nominee Gets Gen. Johnson's Views On Defense Problems COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., Aug. 12.-(/P)-Former President Herbert Hoover assured Republican Nominee WendellbL. Willkie today that he would be elected President of the United States. The assurance from Mr. Hoover came shortly after Willkie said good- by to Elliott Roosevelt. The President's second son, who wished Willkie "good luck" yester- day, stopped here as he and his wife were on their way to a fishing trip in Wyoming. While Elliott was packing bags in his car this morning, Willkie strode out and said good-bye. After a talk with Elliott, Willkie had dinner last night with Mr. Hoov- er and Gen. Hugh Johnson, former NRA administrator and a supporter of the Republican nominee. Willkie said Mr. Hoover had assured him that his support was growing and had predicted that he would be elect- ed. He said he had "very pleasant" conversations with the Former Presi- dent both last night and at break- fast this morning. "T invited General Johnson here" 32 Alumni Visit Camp Filibert Roth (Special To The Daily) Camp Filibert Roth, Aug. 10-The most important feature of the sixth week at Camp Filibert Roth was the meeting of the Michigan Alumni of the Upper Peninsula at Camp. Thir- ty-two alumni were present. Among those from the University of Michi- gan staff were Dean Yokum of the Graduate School, Dean S. T. Dana of the Forestry School, L. A. Hopkins, Director of Summer Camps and Re- gent Herbert. After lunch a business meeting was held. Lectures Given Two Forest Service lectures and one first aid lecture were given dur- ing the week. Walter Early, wild- life officer attached to the Super- visor's office at Ironwood, described the duties of a wildlife office and Mr. Udd, Forest Engineer of the same office described his duties on the Ot- tawa National Forest. Discussions followed each lecture. V. C. Flowes, Camp Doctor, gave his second first aid lecture. He stres- sed minor and major cuts, and the methods of caring for them. The assistants of Camp Filibert Roth presented a combined musical and skit program at the last Sun- day evening "Campfire". In addition to their program, several songs were sung by the entire group. Dorm I Wins In the inter-dorm softball con- tests, Dorm I emerged as victors over the Michigan Union in a hard fought battle by a score of 15-14. After a weak start by the Michigan Union in which Dorm I 'scored 10 runs in the first inning, they came back to almost overtake the victors but were never in the lead. The cheering sec- tions of both Dorms played a large scope was tremendous. From northeast, northwest, south- east, southwest-from every direc- tion-came reports of exploding bombs. Reports of damage were con- fined to civilian structures as the Nazi novelty "scream" bombs hur- tled down. British fighters, anti-aircraft gun- ners and searchlight crews teamed up to make the sky a deadly jungle for the invaders, The raids this morning and last night followed up those of the waves of swastika-flaunting bombers which dropped tons of explosives Monday on Britain's great naval bases at Portsmouth, Southampton and Do- ver. Seventy or more German planes continued to hammer against the English coastline between Dover and Portsmouth until late last night after the British asserted their defense forces had sent at least 39 to destruc- tion in the Monday conflict. Nine British planes were missing. Patience', Gilbert And Sullivan's One-Set Operetta, Closes Today By A. P. BLAUSTEIN "Patience", which will conclude its six-day run at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, is one of the few Gilbert and Sullivan oper- ettas in which only one scene is used. All of the play's scenery is painted in gold and blue in an endeavor to enhance the mood of the libretto and all of the various sets are so con- structed as to give the audience the impression of a streamlined aesthe- ticism. The entire action is supposedly laid on the grounds of the Castle Bunthorne. On stage right is the Castle itself which, although of no actual period, is designed to appear in harmony with the 1880 principles of aesthetics. Notable in the back center of the, stage are a number of blue trees with a folliage of copper that give the impression of gold. ander Wykoff, art director, who was assisted by Robert Mellencamp, Grad. Cast in the leading roles of the operetta are Schwarzwalder, Wilbur- ta Horn in the title role, George Cox as Reginald Bunthorne, William Kinzer as Mr. Bunthorne's solicitor, Nancy Bowman as The Lady Jane, Maurice Gerow as Major Murgatoyd, Helen Miller as The Lady Angela, Ethel Winnia as The Lady Saphir, Margaret Welliver as The Lady Ella,; Donald Gage as Lieut. The Duke of Dunstable and Ernest Challender as Colonel Calverly. Under the auspices of the speech department, "Patience" is being giv- en in conjunction with the School of Music and the University Orchestra. Prof. Valentine B. Windt of the speech department is in charge of the production assisted by Prof. Clari- bel Baird and Prof. Mary Pray; dance This study of President Roosevelt was made as he cast an appraising eye on new destroyers under con- . struction at the Boston Navy Yard. The President later told newsmen "we are really getting into our stride" on the $10,000,000 defense program. and gave him an opportunity to see