PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, AL GUST 11, 1940 IN THE WORLD OF BOOKS. Hopwood Winner's Fourth Book Is Story Of Michigan In The Nineties Mildred Walker Presents 'Brewers Big Horses' THE BREWER'S BIG HORSES, by Mildred Walker. 441 pp. Harcourt, Brace, New York. $2.50. By MORTON CARL JAMPEL When Mildred Walker's third novel "Doctor Norton's Wife" became a best seller last year, the University's Hop- wood Committee rightfully sat back and beamed with pride.. Miss Walker won her first literary fame in 1934 when "Fireweed", her Hopwood win- ner, was published. This week Miss Walker triumphed again with her fourth novel "The Brewer's Big Horses"-a powerful story of America's decadent mauve decade. Miss Walker proves herself a top- notch writer, and while this novel too will undoubtly be a best-seller, she shows that she has much to learn. Her best virtue is as a writer, a dealer in words, a master of effects, a handler of plot. She is still the University student, who amazed with the power of words, concentrates entirely on style before she goes on to look at the larger aspect of writing. Masterful Writing But she is no longer a mere student of rhetoric. Mildren Walker has be- come a master of the written word. The opening chapters in which the world is seen through the eyes of a child, demonstrate genuine compet- ency. The passage where the Brew- er's Big Horses make their first en- trance into the story, proud in regal trappings and drawing a fine new dray, with the solid magnificance of the German beer it carries, is one of the most vivid depictions we have seen anywhere. Only one we can re- call begins to rival it for sheer abil- ity-the description of the truck and the diner in the opening chapters of "Grapes of Wrath." But not only is Miss Walker an accomplished writer; she begins to prove herself an author too. Her social criticism in "The Brewer's Big Horses" is well done, well oriented to the rest of the book. But it is more that the writing is so vivid, so lucid, so real, rather than the per- tinence or importance of the critic- ism that makes it good. "The Brewer's Big Horses" is a fine picture of life in a Michigan town at the turn of the century. The society, the customs, themores, the bigotry, the vices, the prejudices, the surge of developing America is all there. Theauthor's presentation is obviously a subjective one, and sub- jective presentation includes critic- ism. But her criticism is of too little value to a turbulent American so- ciety today. He novel that could be a motivating story of America today, yes, even as strong as Steinbeck's young classic, become only a good story of a piece of America that used to be. The picture she has drawn be- comes a mere background, and the novel becomes a story of one char- acter who is not an important per- son, as interesting and human as she might be. Story Of An Individualist The story of Sara Bolster, head- strong individualist who flys in the face of the narrow folkways of her society, to marry a foreigner (in the day when "foreigner" was said with a pained expression) to run a brew-, ery (in the day when young women withered away discreetly in the homes of their mothers, when their marri- ages abort)-all this makes fine reading. But a forward-looking reader is annoyed by mentally comparing the story, the entire novel, to what the author could do if she forgot the personally pleasant, if she looked at America today, and forgot the Ameri- ca of yesterday. It is a complimentary comment to be able to say that Mildred Walker displays the versatility and ability necessary to make such adjustment. Instead of being a writer hopeless- ly off in the wrong direction, she is a young writer who is still learning, still making gigantic progress and rapidly taking her place among the country's most promising authors. Needs Boldness The vividness with which she draws characters, the ease with which she embodies the spirit of a whole town in a chapter, the subtlety with which she reveals feeling and emotion are evidence of ability. Mildred Walker needs only to lose the slight tinge of effiminate timidty with which she looks at the world, and she will quick- ly leave the "goods" and take her place among the "greats". She tries Author Shows Artificiality Of The Mauve Decade hard to be bold, to be strong, to be vi- rile in her approach to life. But through it all comes the hint of an author inherently of a gentle nature. The story itself is the story of Sara Bolster, darling of a Main Street "Four Hundred" who crosses the tracks to marry a young German doctor, and finds herself running a brewery to support her children, her in-laws and her own, family which clings to it prides and preju- dices but not its money. One flaw stands out in the plot. Although Sara becomes a shrewd business woman, worldly and wise, and old in years she remains somehow the naive youngster who was first awed by the Brewers Big Horses. After twenty years she has failed to orient her- self to life, she still mourns (in at titude) the death of her husband that will leave you upset for chapters -but not for twenty years. New Books They Wanted War-By Otto D. Tolischus, New York, Reynal and Hitchcock. $3.-On Hitler's regime. Enough To Live On-By Margaret Culkin Banning, New York, Harper & , Bros., $2.-Modern life. Let Him Die-By E. H. Clements, New York, E.. P. Dutton, $2.- Mystery story. The American Presidency By Harold J. Laski, New York Har- per, $2.50.-An interpretive stu- dy. Tale of Three Cities-By D. L. Murray, New York, Knopf, $3. -A novel of Europe today; his- torical. The Fair Adventure--By Elizabeth Janet Gray, New York, Viking Press, $2.-A poor girl against the world. Oriental Assembly-By T. E. Law- rence, New York, E. P. Dutton, $3.-A new collection of a writ- ing of Lawrence of Arabia. Amazing Story of Repeal-By Fletcher Dobyn, Chicago, Wil- lett, Clark, $3.-Propaganda ex- pose. Architecture Through the Ages- By Talbot Hamlin, New York, G. P. Putnam, $6.-Illustrated story of art and life. By FRANCES BROWN CHASE It is a severe challenge to one's reading intelligence to fail to prop- erly interpret Professor Adler's re- cent book, "How To Read A Book" for between national-blue, gold em- bellished pages are over four hun- dred pages of script regularly inter- spersed with instructions how to do this very thing. We are told that to apply these rules to the "One Hundred Best Books" constitute all the education one would need in a life time. No reservations are made should we live to be a Methuselah and, barring sub- normalities, we need admit no dis- crimination of intellects. Fortunately Mr. Adler in his book, "How To Read a Book," has with intentional and effective repetition set down rules for the reading of "any" book. "How To Read a Book" not only states in informally concrete mes- sages the technique which the title implies but also acquaints us with much of Professor Adler's spiritual and pedagogical philosophy. It fur- ther reveals in a very expository manner many of the conditions seemingly existing under sponsor- ship of educators. We fail to see the Historical ovl epicts Michigan Whe1NeiW Youn Ou When .Detroit Was Young Outpost At 1-3-5-7-9 P.M. 39c All Day Now Playing! V Professor Adler Tells How To Read A Book ... And Selects The Books, Too WOLVES AGAINST THE MOON, by Julia Cooley Altrocchi. 572 pp. MacMillan Company, New York, $2.75. FOR the past several years a new and rebellious trend in American letters has come under keen obser- vation of literary critics. Despite the the supposed dominance of natural- istic realism, a constant stream of historical novels, slightly romanti- cized, has found its way into the hands of the reading public. This trend has grown slowly but strongly in the last year. It is the sort of thing that hints at the significant, but gives no real clue as to what that significance may be. It is evident however, that authors are beginning to feel the impression- ism of Dos Passos, Hemingway, and Anderson is not for the American people; was just a literary fad. With this in mind, it is interesting to look at a newrhistorical novel: Julia Cooley Altrocchi's "Wolves Against the Moon", which is a story of the wilderness society of the fur traders in Michigan when Detroit was a young outpost of 400 people, and Checagou (Chicago) was a new fort. Reality From Records Mrs. Altrocchi does an admirable job of forcing from her own experi- ences in the Upper Peninsula, and evidence obtained in obscure lib- raries and dusty archhives, a ren- ascence of the whole society that pre- ceded the era of the farmer, the mer- chant, the Indian reservation and later the railroad. Mrs. Altrocchi writes qf the real American frontier, when a fur trad- er might be the only white man for a thousand miles, with an under- standing of the wilderness, the In- dian, and the French Canadian, that gives "Wolves Against the Moon" a good deal of that rustic splendor that won Hudson's "Green Mansions" its place in literature. Primarily the book is another his- torical novel, the story of Joseph Bailly, trader prince of what came to be the Northwest Territory. But what makes "Wolves Against the Moon" one of the more important arrivals on the literary horizon is the fact that through its romanticism runs the strong results of an age of realism. It may sound like an ammachronism to talk of social criticism in a novel we have just explained as a his- torical romance. But Mrs. Altrocchi not only adapts the social criticism of our impres- sionistic writers to her romaniticized novel, but she injects it as well with a realism of her own. The Indian society in which Joseph Bailly thrusts himself in his hunger for adventure and life in the unre- pressed wilderness, is keenly drawn. The glorious splendor of the forestal civilization is a pretty thing to read about. Upper Peninsula winters tend to become winter wonderlands; spring is a bursting of nature into pastoral splendor. The chapter in which Joseph's half-breed wife Marie is forced "enceinte" to walk five hund- red miles becomes a monument to the women's courage, instead of a pic- ture of the torture it must have been. In such ways does the author revert to the true romantic novel. Romantic Realism But she does not hesitate to show the ugly side of this primeval ex- istence. Her powerful depiction of an Indian massacre in which an Ameri- can scout is beset by half a dozen war-mad chiefs is one that will leave the most lethargic reader aroused. Julia Cooley Altrocchi does not hesi- tate to finish that scene with a des- cription of how the Ottawa warriors cut the heart from the body of this scout before he had hardly reached the ground, and devour it in the typically childish superstition that it will transmit its courage to its con- sumers. Throughout the book the author saves her story from becoming another adventure story or another history by her willingness to write realistically. She is not a social critic of any small talents either. With complete compassion ,the author portrays (and makes the reader understand the position of the sensitive French-Ca- nadians who found themselves caught in the cross current of Eng- lish, American and Indian civiliza- tions. Their chauvinistic reluctance to fit themselves into a new world, one that (through the author's eyes) is inferior to the fine French mode of life, becomes readily understand- able. It is this mixture of the romantic (which is inherently artistic and pleasant with the realistic, which is vital to modern day America) that makes "Wolves Against the Moon" truly important. It indicates strongly that the new trend in literature will be a mitigated realism, or a victor- ious romanticism that will make con- cessions to defeated naturalism. The plot itself is somewhat ham- pered by the necessity of chronolog- ical orrer. The story opens with Bail- ly, a young and adventure-hungry fop in Quebec, proceeds to follow his trails and tribulations, and comes to a conclusion, not with his death, but with the death of the world he had known. Joseph Bailly, who in his farflung adventures and fur-trading dealings many times passed through the forest that was later to give way to the town of Ann Arbor, is a notable char- acter in actual Michigan history. But the author does fail to make him real. Occasionally the reader enjoys fleet- ing glimpses of real human beings, but not often enough. In one chap- ter Monsieur Bailly, hardy gentleman of the forest, who all his life wanted a son, discovers his young son lacks the strong nature of the pioneer, and instead has the hper-sensitivity of his mother. In a stirring closing passage, Mrs. Altrocchi takes the reader to the path where the once proud and mighty Indian chiefs are herded and driven westward by American soldiers to their new reservations. The In- dians, whom the reader has come to know well during the course of the novel, are symbols of the splendor of the wilderness society that the author undoubtly feels gave way to an inferior civilization. The Indians are a beaten people, they are dead in spirit and dying in body as the soldiers drive them west to confine them in their reservations (Mrs. Al- trocchi's word for "ghetto"). And it is not without a touch of genuine sorrow that the reader watches this glorious pageant of early America draw to its close. purpose of this betrayal to the lay-c man and to youth, under such a de- 1 ceptive title, suppositions that ourc schools are so radically failing. Wer understand the title was imposed byr the publishors who discarded the gentler one supplied by the author,c "How To Become Friends Witht Books and Be Influenced By Them".3 This title would have been even morei bewitching in its appeal to revolu- tionary consideration of what is go-' ing on within the classroom. Adler's Panaceas What is wrong with democracy, implies Mr. Adler, is that most of the people cannot read, have no teachers and no education. With this book now giving full directions on just "how to read," given, as we are, in; the appendix, a list of the "Great Books" "to read", and the long eulo- gy on the misbehaviors of students and teachers as to "why" people do "not read" we may assume our prob- lems solved. Educators can at last re- lax. Teachers may rest confident that the "open way" is also available to students and together they may nob- ly pursue Mr. Adler's plan for self improvement. Teachers can not hope to be much help until they have mastered the books anyway. (It may well be parenthetically stated here that Mr. Adler, often rated as a gen- ius, a Doctor of Philosophy, an as- sociate of highest universities, and a "young" man, admits that it is possi- ble for him to master at least ten of these books a year.) 'Dead Teachers' To get to the "meat" of the book more specifically we need, at least, to explain first that Mr. Adler re- fers to books as "dead teachers" in contrast to instructors with whom we come in personal contact as "live teachers". In that respect we are grateful to the author for so protect- ing the classroom professor from the former derogatory title at the same time aware that he has robbed the student of a traditional expressive appellative. But to label books as "dead teachers" jars us exceedingly. As a pschologist, surely Mr. Adler might have protected our sensitiv- ity. We are to read these "dead tea- chers" actively, cavort with corpses, as it were. He stresses the fact that too much of our reading is of a passive nature. Read "actively". Keep mentally alert. Reading must be a vital cultivation of the mind. Yet whether or not the 'author" is 'dead", the 'book' is a "dead thing". Repeatedly does Mr. Adler play with this harsh and "deadly" terminology and we are grieved. That which represents stored energy in the form of words is strangely labelled "dead"! Two Ways Of Reading There are two ways of reading a book according to Mr. Adler, one for entertainment and one for learning. Most people read books with the for- mer purpose in mind. It is much more pleasurable to be delighted than to be instructed. "How To Read a Book" concerns only the activity of "learning" through reading. It is a thesis devoted sincerely to the art of showing the reader an intellect- ual path to knowledges presented by masters in the form of their books. The purpose of a goodly portion of the book is to help the less com- petent make more effective contact with the best minds. It shows no royal road, but rather admits that the path is strewn With rocks, not roses. It is clearly an exposition of rules to be mastered if one would perfect himself in the art or skill necessary to read for the purpose of "learning". It is this part- of the book, the second part, beginning with chapter seven, with which we are most concerned. We have needed to reach this part of the book before we achieve the ability to properly diagnose Mr. Adler's instructions as to how we shall read a book Now we can say that we believe explicity in the professor's method. It is the way we have "learned" to read. "How To Read a Book", however, does not coincide with what we have learned as to the way to properly "write" a book. Read It Three Times Any book worth reading should be read "three" times. The "first" read- ing can be called "structural" or analytic. Here the reader proceeds from the whole to its parts. Mr, Ad- ler speaks of an X-ray eye type of reading. It is a reading for the pur- pose of discovering the skeleton, the structure, the form of the 'book. In this reading we are to note the cover, number of pages, parts, table of con- tents, index, and every other part of the contents of the book relating to mechanical details. Furthermore we are to search out all the outstand- ing points of each. The "second" reading can be called the "interpre- tative" or synthetic, proceeding from the parts to the whole. These parts take into consideration the terms, The Birtish, too, kept up their propositions, and syllogisms; thatis the authors ideas, assertions, and arguments. It is here that we are given the wise hint of the advantage of reading with a pencil in hand and checking the margins of the book with key words and phrases. Mr. Ad- ler rates this method even better than a notebook. The "third" method can be called the "critical" or evaluative reading. At this reading it is the job and privilege of the reader to judge the author and decide whether or not he agrees or disagrees with him. We are cautioned to keep free, alert, individual. We may attack, criticize and argue. We may win or lose. Our opponent, bear in mind, is dead. Three Divisions "How To Read a Book" is divided into three major divisions, "Part I" is called "The Activity of Reading." "Part II" is called briefly, "The Rules". "Part III" attempts bravely to solve that sweet mystery with which we are all concerned and is aptly labelled, "The Rest of a Read- er's Life". The book has all the struc- tural elements common to other books of information. In addition it geier- ously includes a page of biography of the author. Furthermore, as has been implied, at intervals within the covers of the book we find a com- plete analysis by the author of all that has been stated before. A com- position assignment of this book to review would go a long way toward creating a freshman's paradise and do much toward preserving the mar- gins of the Reader's Guide. While we are in full agreement with Mr. Adler's method of how one should read a book, in fact we know of no other way to actually "read" a book, we fail to grasp his recipe as a panacea for all reading failure. There is an intangibility concerned with reading which still exists in our mind even though we claim to have digested his pages by his method. Reading still incorporates an unde- finable something which has to do with brain cells, with heritage, with experiences, with character, mood, temperament, with health and scores of other qualities not wholly ambrac- ed by the author of this worthy book. IN TECHNICOLOR! with Walter Brennan - Fay Bainter "Kentucky's" great star Brenda Joyce - John Payne Charlie Ruggles - Marjorie Weaver - Hattie McDaniel Also Latest Issue THE MARCH OF TIME Presents "SPOILS OF CONQUEST" The Dutch East Indies er actio- n. nModern Coolin~g " r I I I - - - - - - - - ., -11 -0 e 6 1i=~ kO1 e Today! IMR. CHIPS' WIFE TskosIS IN LOVE WITH REBECCA'S HUSBAND! I I STUDENT AGENCY Scandalous? Yes, but delightful! Greer and her sisters have but one thought... "We want husbands!" Do they get 'em? GREER LAURENCE GARSON OLIVIER at their very besti rEIicIF 11111 ATTENTION, SUMMER STUDENTS! Take advantage of Mich- igan's low freight rates. Buy your new Chevrolet in Ann Arbor. All makes of reconditioned Used Cars. PETE ZAHNER "DUNC" McFAYDEN 1209-A SOUTH PHONE 9088 Quality Laundry and Dry Cleaning UNIVERSITY c SUMMER SPECIAL 49cr I I ii I, SLACK SUITS PLAIN DRESSES WOD I , kl" nm"mwmm1omm''' 14 i I I® .. I Wr~Dum~ I ~ m~~ - .II III