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August 10, 1940 - Image 14

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Michigan Daily, 1940-08-10

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W.A.A.. Offers
Many Activities
To Al Women
Association Plans Large
Project And Traditional
Senior Lantern Night
Many Sports Given
Sports activities cover a wide range
on the calendar which is arranged
and promoted by the Women's Ath-
letic Association, and added to this
program are two of the main social
events of the academic year.
In the spring of each year a large
project is sponsored, and most of the
profits earned by the organization
go into the ever-increasing swimming
pool fund. Until four years ago a
Penny Carnival was held in Barbour
Gymnasium, but since then a huge
carnival-the Michigras-or a swing
concert has replaced this event. Last
spring Jan Savitt was the swing
master at the concert.
Each year in the last few days of
May, Lantern Night is held. This
is a traditional ceremony honoring
the senior women. The seniors wear
caps. and gowns and carry lighted
lanterns, are led by the band and
-are escorted by underclassmen in
their march from the Library to Pal-
mer Field. Last spring Pi Beta Phi
won the all-campus women's sing
which annually follows the march.
The all-participation cup which is
presented to the organization having
the greatest number of participations
at the end of the year, was won this
year by Alpha Delta Pi,
Health Check Needed
At the beginning of each season,
house or sports managers turn in
team lists to the Health Service for
medical approval for participation
in sports. Participants in the Wo-
men's Athletic Association and intra-
mural tournaments are expected to
understand that the function of the
medical examination is to protect the
student, Dr. Margaret Bell explained.
In intramural competition a stu-
dent usually plays with her resident
unit which is probably a dormitory
or -a sorority house.
Margaret VanEss won the archery
tournament in both fall and spring
competition last year. Other winners\
are as follows: fencing, Nancy Gos-
sard; golf, Donelda Schaible; riding,
Joan Geiger; rifle, Cecily Forrest;
swimming, Mosher' Hall; tennis
(mixed doubles) Jeanne Johnlon and
Robert Van Nordstrand; bowling,
(team tournament) Kappa Delta and
tindividual) Marian Weiss; basket-
ball, Alpha Delta Pi; ping-pong, Jud-
ith Schaafsma; softball, Delta Gam-
ma; olley ball, Martha Cook.
,Through the division of the out-
%oors sports club, the Hobby House,
which is a handicraft club, an in-
novation of last year, will carry on a
more highly organized program, Miss
Hartwig said.
Clubs Ready For Fall
Dates for the organization next
fall of many of the clubs have already
been set. Archery will hold a club
organization meeting on Oct. 3, and
fencers will hold a tea and exhibition
Oct. 10 in Barbour Gymnasium.
Weekly meetings will be held on
Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. in Barbour
Starting Oct. 3, practice periods
will be provided for those interested
in field hockey, and inter-club and
invitational matches will be held
until Thanksgiving. There will be
Crop and Saddle rides weekly.
The interhouse swimming meet will
take place Oct. 22. Entries are due
in the tennis tournament not later
than Oct. 5. Students are urged to

watch the D.O.B. for further notices
on the time and place that these
clubs will meet. Dates for the organ-
ization in the dancing, golf, outdoor
sports clubs and the volleyball tour-
nament have not been set' as yet.
Seasons on the WAA calendar are
much the same -as those planned in
the physical education department.
A season constitutes at least 12 par-
ticipations-in one or a combination
of not more than three sports, after
which time credit is received in the
WAA and one League point is earned.
After two seasons of participation, a
student is awarded a yellow and blue
scarf bearing an "M" insignia. This
is the only individual award given
by the WAA.
Tournaments, both open and closed,
are sponsored by the WAA clubs, in
(Continued on Page 16)

Is Judiciary Head

One Year Gym Michigan
Is Necessary-
For Graduation


Is Women's


Betty Stout To Head Committee
Of Freshman Student Advisors


*I * *
D scplinary
(Continued from Page 13)
the house president to call a meeting
of the students in her house once
each month, unless otherwise speci-
fied in house constitution, and other
house meetings as needed. She shall
preside at all these meetings and
shall be responsible for the enforc-
ing of rules.
General House Rules
Signing Out: Any student expect-
ing to be out of the house after 7:30
p.m. in the evening must register her
engagement on leaving and sign in
when she returns. Registering an
engagement makes it possible to locate
a student in case of emergency calls.
Telephoning: No local telephone
calls may be received nor sent after
11 p.m. No outgoing long distance
calls can be made after 11 p.m. with-
out special arrangement with the
house president or the house head.
In case of emergency incoming long
distance calls may be completed after
11 p.m. -
Overnight Guests: Resident may
not have overnight guests during
the week. Exception to this rule is
by special permission from the house
head. No overnight guests are per-
mitted during the examination peri-
Closing Hours: Closng hours on
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday will be 10:30 p.m. and
guests must leave the house at
that time. Ou Sunday the houses
will not close until 11 p.m.
and on Friday 1:30 p.m. and all
guests will be -expected to leave at
the specified times. Saturday eve-
nings, houses will not close until 12:30
a.m.; however dates will leave at
11:30 p.m. Friday night dances must
close at 1 a.m. and Saturday night
dances at midnight.
-' Overnight Permissions
Weekend: Any girl expecting to
be out of her house Friday, Saturday
or Sunday night must notify the
head of the house personally, leave
address in advance and sign it when
she returns.
Mid-week: Any 'girl wishing to be
out of her house overnight during
the week must register her plan in
the Office of the Dean of Women be-
fore 4:30 p.m. of that day and she
must leave her address at her house
and sign in upon return.
Late Return from Out of Town: To
secure this type of late permission
for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday nights, a girl
must obtain permission from the
Dean's Office. - On Saturday and
Sunday evenings she may receive per-
mission from the House Head who
may not give it later than 1:30 a.m.
at any time. Such permission must
be referred to the Office of the Dean
of Women.
Half Hour To Return Home
Campus: Girls who attend the fol-
lowing events must be in the house
one-half hour after their termina-
tion: parties that are late dances by
permission of the Committee on Stu-
dent Affairs, Choral Union Concerts
and May Festival Concerts, Oratori-
cal Association Lectures, their own
class functions, athletic events, Play
Production, special lectures, and
functions in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Upperclass Women: They must ar-
range in advance with the house
head when attending late campus
functions not listed above.
Freshman Women: They must ob-
tain permission from the Office of
the Dean of Women for these and
all late campus functions not listed
(Continued on Page 16)

Program Usually Finished
In Freshman Year Or
First Year On Campus
All women students with less than
two years college experience are re-
quired to fulfill the physical educa-
tion requirements which have been
recommended by the department,
and which can usually be finished
in one year.
Great variety in activities is of-
fered to incoming students. Courses
selected by students are based up-
on their previous activity in physi-
cal education in high school or junior
Those who haven't had sufficient
experience with team sports should
plan to take at least one season of
some kind of team sport. If they are
lacking knowledge or experience in
rythmatic (dancing) activity, includ-
ing social dancing, they should plan
to take at least one season of some
type of dancing. Students who dem-
onstrate a poor posture should in-
clude a least one season of body me-
chanics in their physical education
Unless they sport an exceptionally
good high school record in physical
education, all students must show
that they have at least minimum skill
and knowledge in two individual
sports: in one winter and one sum-
mer sport. Individual sports include
games such as tennis, swimming and
archery. All upperclassmen are wel-
come in theclasses even though they
have finished their requirements,
Miss Dorothy Beise, of the physical
education department, stressed.
Each semester's work is divided in-
to two quarters, the outdoor season
lasting from September to Thanks-
giving in the fall and from Spring
Vacation to June. The indoor season
extends from Thanksgiving to Feb-
Eight main classes are included in
the fall and spring programs when
most of the instruction is given out-
doors. Beginning and advanced ar-
chers have an adequate range per-
mitting shooting at 30, 40 and 50
Out by the Stadium lies the 18-hole
University Golf course, where stu-
dents in these classes practice. Ele-
mentary, intermediate and advanced
golfers are welcomed.
The beginners' class in riding is
for those who know nothing what-
ever about the sport and the inter-
mediate class is planned for reach-
ing the perfection of riding funda-
mentals and gives the opportunity
for learning how to care for a horse,
besides teaching something about
Fo team sports are offered for
students who have had little or no
training in these games. They are
volleyball, speedball, hockey and soft-
The course which is offered in
camp craft includes firebuilding,
camp cooking, hiking, overnight
(Continued on Page 16)

(Continued from Page 13)
new students. This party will be
limited to certain specified fresh-
man groups.
Friday: Students will take the sec-
ond Scholastic Aptitude Test at the
time and place mentioned above. Reg-
istration and classifications will be
carried on in Waterman Gymnasium
and advisers will see to it that their
groupsasuccessfully completenthe
registration. Again in the evening,
Dean Lloyd will meet the rest of the
freshman groups at another recep-
tion, dance-mixer and parcel party
in the League at 8 p.m.
Additional Events
Wednesday, Oct. 2, at 5 p.m. Dean
Lloyd will present a lecture for all
freshman students in the Lydia Men-
Jelssohn Theatre. After students have
become more accustomed to the rou-
Lines of campus life, opportunities
will be offered to make new friends.
Soon after Orientation Week, your
advisor will notify you as to when
you are to attend the freshman teas

to be given by President and Mrs.
Ruthven and the all-freshman tea
Freshman Student Advisers
This year's central committee for
Freshman Orientation will be under
the chairmanship of Betty Stout,
assisted by Margaret Cornelius, '41,
Ann Davis Wills, '41, Virginia Apple-
ton, '42, and Margaret Sanford, '42.
The lits of additional advisers con-
tinues with Ann Vedder, '41, Betty
Hall, '41, Mary Trelfa, '42, Betty
Whitely, '42. Betty Altman, '42, Lila
Foster, '41, Betty Ann AChaufty, '41,
Lonna Parker, '41, Mildred Curtis,
'42, Betty Jane Barnett, '43, Betty
Zunk, '42, Ann Crowley, '41, Sue
Bentley, '42, Alice France, '41, Vir-
ginia Brererton, '41, Norma Gins-
burg, '41, Elizabeth Clark, '41, Janet
Brace, '42, Agnes Crow, '42, Ora
Graft, '41, Margaret Dodge, '42, and
Frances Herdrick, '41.
List Is Continued
Other girls included on this list.are
Eleanor Donahue, '42, Jean Hub-
bard, '42, Barbara Fisher, '41, Lee
Keller, '41, Ruth Fitzpatrick, '41, Sar-
afae Lazarus, '41, Mary DeMong,
'42, Clara Louise Fulde, '41, Jean
Maxted, '41, Mary Gage, '42, Mary
V. Mitchell, '42, Margaret Ida Gard-
ner, '42, Marjorie Polumbaum, '42,
Alice Haas, '42, Gertrude Frey, '41.
Margaret Hubbard, '41, Mildred Rad-
ford, '42, Louise Keatley, '42, Mary
Martha Taylor, '42, Patricia MacFar-
land, '42, Grace Miller, '42,, Virginia
Van Wagoner, '41, Betty Krall, '43,
Jean Noyes, '42, Ruth Kreinson, '41,
Dorothy Sampson, '41, and Elaine
Wood, '41.
Freshman advisers for this year are
concluded with Margo Thom, '42,
Dottie Brooks, '42, Nancy Gould, '42,
and Donelda Schaible, '42.
wead The Daily Ciassifieds!

Graduatin' Seniors.' Will Be Qffered

By way of extending opportunities
offered entering students for having
their health thoroughly checked, Dr.
Margaret Bell has announced that
this year, as with previous years, up-
perclassmen will be given the bene-
fit of a physical recheck before grad-
Usually the entering medical ex-
amination is not repeated yearly for
students who have a high health
rating because the original one is
very thorough, Dr. Bell explained.
However every student known to have
a physical defect or intercurrent ill-
ness is rechecked before participating
in an activity.
Duplicate records of a student's
health status are kept at Barbour
Gymnasium in order that the phys-
ical education staff may have ready
access to all necessary information
concerning the students under their
Should Perfect Hobby
Dr. Bell believes that everyone
should acquire and perfect some
hobby to enjoy in leisure time. The
one-year requirement program has
been planned to give students a
chance to develop some skill, to give
them a start which will interest them
and encourage them to continue
practice in their playtime.
Co-recreation is being promoted
by the Women's Athletic Association
in ,cooperation with the physical edu-
cation department with mixed danc-
nig classes, mixed tournament play
and competition in other activities.
Upperclassmen are encouraged to
continue their physical education, as
a great majority have done in the
past, with elections after they have
finished the requirements.
WAA Clubs Popular
WAA clubs offer those who are
more skilled in the different sports
a chance for intraclub competition.
Any student may practice her sport
when she pleases and with whom
she pleases. The physical education
staff will give as much odd-time in-
struction as they are permitted. The
staff is composed of 10 members,
highly specialized in their respec-
tive sports.
Equipment may be rented at the
Women's Athletic Building for a sea-
son's time. This arrangement has
been made especially for beginners in
a sport to lessen the possibility of
them buying the wrong makes and
styles of equipment. Besides the per-

ty For Physical Recheck
courts', ping-pong tables, indoor and
outdoor archery and golf ranges,
abowling alleys, rifle ranges, lounges
and locker rooms. At Barbour Gym-
nasium there is space for fencing,
indoor badminton courts, basketball
courts and a dancing studio. The
one thing needed to make the list
complete is a women's swimming pool,
and the fund organized for its con-
struction is increasing each eyar.

Why Oerst ff Your Trunk?
* Buy your ROOM ACCESSORIES here, where
prices are small and variety large. Compare notes with
your room-mate and then buy your needs together.
HANDKERCHIEFS in gay fall colors .. . 25c V
o <;;;o ::0; o;<


ennial roller skates, all winter sports
equipment may be obtained here.
Facilities are provided for all
sports. The majority of the sports
tournaments are centered around the
Women's Athletic Building where
there are sixteen tennis courts, three
hockey fields, two outdoor badminton



'Doctor Dentons'
For Mid-Winter


Fashions for sleeping and lounging
in the dormitory and sorority houses
is a phase of campus fashion often
neglected, but one none-the-less im-
portant to the college woman.
For deep winter, when any room
resembles the North Pole, warm,
childish "Doctor Dentons," complete
with feet and a snug hood are much
in vogue. Simple cottons or wash-
able silks are ideal for pajamas dur-
ing the rest of the year, and an at-
tractive housecoat should be includ-
ed, as well as a warm man-tailored
flannel robe.

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