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August 10, 1940 - Image 12

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Michigan Daily, 1940-08-10

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Sports Outfits
Are Taboo Now
Shetland, Tweed Jackets
With Dark Slacks Make
For A Smart Neatness
"If I can't wear slacks and dirty
white shoes and- crew clips in col-
lege, where else can I?" college men
have always asked. And the answer
has been "no place else." That's
why the slack-sport jacket combina-
tion has thumbed its nose at the rest
of the sartorial world and held its
throne securely on every college cam-
It all started a long time ago when
a daring young man had an odd pair
of pants and an odd (in more ways
than one) jacket. He had the don't-
give-a-darn attitude enough to wear
aforementioned otfit in public.
Practical college men, who have
never been known to have an excess
of money, saw quickly that here was
a way of making four outfits from
two, at no added cost.
Definite Trends
But shrewd tailors and Michigan
men have changed the throw-togeth-
er slacks and jacket combination in-
to a field of dress that has developed
definite principles and trends of its
own. In fact, the development was
so great that the only thing new about
slacks and jackets for this fall is
that there won't be, there just can't
be, anything new. Everything new
has been done.
We can, however, note what has
become passe, and that will remain
from that very varied field as smart
dress for this year. The first thing
to cross from your wardrobe list is
the idea of still throwing together
odd pants and jackets. Slacks and
sportscoats, yes. But pants and
jackets, no. Of course, if you have
trousers from a grey flannel or a
covert cloth suit that you want to
sneak under a snazzy sport coat, why
nobody has to know they are not
slacks. But forget about wearing
the trousers of that blue evening suit
with a camel hair coat.
Loud Plaid Out
Second "cross out" item is the loud
-plaid and checked jacket that herald-
ed the arrival of sport coats, but
which also heralded its own demise
several years ago.
Third thing to forget is the idea of
paying forty or fifty dollars, for a
sport jacket. If you have the money
and want to part with it, why go to
it, comrade. But thanks to Ameri-
can mass production and the huge
college clothing market, it is no
longer necessary to shell out fifty
dollars to buy a genuine camel hair
jacket. In fact it is no longer neces-
sary to pay for a genuine camel hair
jacket. The industry has- succeeded
in producing so many varieties of
really fine imitations and substitutes
for the genuine camel hair, that you
certainly gain nothing sartorially (or
financially) by going to the expense
of buying the real thing. Prices
for these "ersatz" jackets begin so
low it is really silly to talk about it.
Other Combinations
Other topnotch afternoon jackets
will be thick tweeds and shetlands,
which came into style circles two
years ago, and for some unknown
reason failed to achieve their due
fame. These jackets are the one
and only type that may be as heavy
in cloth and as loud in style and color
as you care to have them. This ob-
server has seen heavy-cloth tweeds
in unbelievably loud ptterns, that
made an outfit consisting of dark
slacks, white shirt and dark tie look
exceptionally smart. Note that for
fall wear.

The usual run of three-button.
saddle-back coats will return in every
cloth and every color, but please, oh
please, if only for our personal peace
of mind, steer clear of those pastel-
colored affairs that some malicious
manufacturer perpetrated on un-
suspecting haberdasheries. We know
Michigan men are too sartorially
shrewd to go in for such clothing but
the sheer brilliance of these insipid
garments have been known to hyp-
notize students into buying them.
Slacks Situation
The slacks situation is not very
different from sports jackets. Tweeds,
covert, gabardine, and flannel are
the byword, but a word of advice.
The keynote these days to smart
afternoon sportsdwear is no longer
loudness. The days of the blazer
went out with near beer. A smart
neatness is the thing this year. And
in a sportwear ensemble, slacks more
than any other item of dress can turn
the trick. Let your jackets blaze:
let tIem *be light and loud or both.
But whether your jacket is green or
yellow or grey, keep your slacks dark
in color and pressed at the knees.
Not even for early fall do we sanction
light trousers. Natural covert is the
lightest we will accept and genuine
covert is not really very light in color.
Chief reason for this dogma is the
extremely effective contrast 'dark
slacks will afford your outfit. Height-
en this effect with light, preferably
white, shirt and dark tie.



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