SPORTS, MEN'S SECTION L 01kPignu 4:aatt SECTION TWO ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1940 Grid Hopes Depend On Sophs, Reserves I 1 don wirtchafter's DAILY DOUBLE Gridders Conscripted?.-. Let us tell you about a horrible dream we had the other night. It was so horrible, neighbors, that we still shiver and quake every once in awhile when it comes back to our mind. It's all rather vague now. After all, dreams are hard to remember, especially when they took place three or four nights back. But as we recall it, the whole thing centered around Michigan's football team for 1940. In our soundest sleep, we saw them practice. They looked like champions. They punted, passed and worked like world beaters. Fritz Crisler had a big smile on his face. For once in his life he was optimistic . . . and (this could happen only in a dream) he openly admitted the fact. Then came the nightmare neighbors. We saw Crisler and his men ready to board the planes for California where they will meet the Golden Bears. Thirty-five of them, strong, husky, ready, willing and able, were on hand . . . waiting eagerly for the word "contact" . . . As we recall it now, they even started stepping Into the gitantic transcontinental liners. The motors were started. Friends and relatives were waving goodbye. Everyone was happy and shouting . . . Then across the field came a man dressed in red, white and blue. He was shouting, too . but a different sort of shou. "Hold back a minute, Fritz," he yelled. "Sorry, fella, but we drew lots last eve. Harmon, Evashevski and Westfall must go with me to military training camp. They were drafted." Crisler was dumbfounded. All his- dreams and hopes crashed to the ground. We even remember seeing him rush to a phone to call Berkeley and find out how badly the Golden Bears were hit. On the other end of the wire x came a chuckle or two. "Too bad, Fritz old boy. Sure, they picked out three from our squad too. One was on the seventh team, one on the ninth, and the other fellow was our line coach. I guess we'll still be able to meet Michigan, even with our losses." Then we woke up, neighbor, and E v thanked the heavens above. Swimmers Expected To Retain Championships won Last Year But, seriously though, what effect can the pending conscrip- tion have upon the Wolverine grid chances? Is it really possible that Harmon, or Evashevski or Frutig or any of the rest would have to report for military train- ing? Can Michigan be hit hard- er by the draft than the other eight teams it must face during the coming campaign? Will the history of athletics in 1918 re- peat itself? Will schedules be Will coaches find a shortage of Jim Welsh, Distance Star, Will Return To Varsity; Beebe ToCaptain Squad By DON WIRTCHAFTER Michigan's powerful and mighty swimming empire will remain intact during the 1941 campaign, if the pre- dictions of Coach MattdMann, him- self, have anything to do about the matter. For, it seems, no team could be greater than the Wolverine outfit of 1940. It conquered the natatorial world and rolled up the most amaz- ing record in the history of competi- tive swimming. The nation's three outstanding championships, the Western Conference, National Col- legiate and the National AAU, all fell before the might of the Wolverines. But with a chuckle and a broad grin, the colorful Matt merely passes aside the old records. "We were good, sure," he points out, "but we'll be even tougher when 1941 rolls around. Optimism Is OK It's a hard job swallowing up a bold statement like that as the gos- pel-and yet once youexaminerthe facts, you can't help nodding approv- al over the coach's optomism. After all, Michigan did all of their conquering last year without the ser- vices of their great distance star, Jim Welsh, who was forced to with- draw from school after lobar pneu- monia struck him hard just before the major meets. This year, however, Welsh will be back to play a leading roll in the Wolverine activities. Mann loses only three men via the graduation route, Captain Hal Ben-i ham, a diver, Ed Hutchens, Big Ten 220-yard champion and John Haigh, a breaststroke performer. Capable Replacements But for each of these losses, the Wolverines are already well equipped with capable replacements. On black and white, the 1941 squad will bring together the greatest group of stars that ever competed on the same team. The medley relay trio, for example, gives promise of an unbeatable com- 'Only' 765 Pounds Of Equipment Goes West With Gridders By DANIEL LEVINE When the football team goes trav- eling, only the best is satisfactory. The air lines, therefore, will be used by the players when they go to the West coast for their game with the University of California. But the use 'of the airways gives rise to difficulties. The team usually takes 2500 pounds of equipment in 14 trunks and that just is not done in an airplane. So it will be that nearly a ton of ordinary items will be left behind and a mere 765 pounds will be ship- ped. This, of course, does not include the 35 or so players who are to go. Here is what will be sent for each player; one leather helmet lined with leather and rubber, weighing one pound seven ounces, and costing about nine dollars. An all-wool jersey having a weight of 13 onces and a cost of $8.25; one (Continued on Page 9) DON WIRTCHAFTER MATT MANN shortened? Will games be cancelled? capable men? bination with world record possibil- ities. Leading off in the backstroke spot will probably be Francis Heydt, Conference titleholder and second only to Princeton's sensational Van- deWeghe in the Collegiates. If that1 were not enough, Matt also has Cap- tain Bill Beebe, Dick Reidl and soph- omore Ted Horlenko on hand to give Heydt a battle for the position. From Yearling kanks From the yearling ranks comes one of the greatest breaststrokers in the world to churn the second lap of the relay trio, Ann Arbor's Jim Skinner, (Continued on Page 10) Tennis Hopes Depend Upon Tobin, Porter Six Veterans, Stille, Dober, Brewer, Palmer, Kohl, Crammon, Will Return The Wolverine hopes for a success- ful tennis season next spring depend upon the success of the knee oper- ation of Jim Tobin and the eligibil- ity of Jim Porter. With these two men ready to play the team will be good, perhaps even good enough to win the championship. Tobin, captain of the netmen, suf- fered a knee injury some months ago which kept him off the squad. He un- derwent an operation at the close of last semester but its results are as yet unknown. Six of this year's letter men are expected to return, juniors Wayne Stille of Chicago and Tom Crammon of Red Bank, N. J., and seniors Harry Kohl of Dayton, Ohio, Bob Brewer of Owosso, Bud Dober of Bridgeport, Conn. and Jim Palmer. Lew Hammett, a junior in the fall, is also expected to return. He is con- sidered on e of the best tennis play- es to come to the University for sev- eral years and would have played on the 1939 squad had he not been inelgible. Themost outstanding member of the freshman team last spring was Roy Bradley of Detroit who should also havea good chance for a var- sity berth. Track Squad To Be Strong Next Season Thinclads Won First Place In Big Ten Competition Last Year Under Doherty New Sophomores Termed Promising. By MYRON DANN Signs all point to a repeat of Mich- igan's brilliant performance in track during the coming season. Last season, with Coach Ken Do- herty at the helm for the first time Michigan captured first place honors in the Big Ten in both indoor and outdoor competition. When it comes to the home stretch of the track season, experts are pre- dicting that it will be a bitter battle between the Wolverines' experienced and smartly coached team and the men from Indiana, where not a single member of the squad has graduated. Michigan on the other hand lost heavily through last year's com- mencement ceremonies. Greatest loss to the team was that of Capt. Ralph Schwarzkopf, the foremost distance runner in the University's history, whose place appears unfillable at the present time. Lost Through Graduation In addition to Schwarzkopf such stars as quarter-milers Phil Balyeat and Jim Rae; half milers Dye Ho- gan and Jonny Jester; two-miler Brad Heyl; dashman Carl and Fred Culver; and Conference champions Al Smith and,Stan Kelly will be miss- ing from the Wolverine squad this year. To offset these heavy losses Coach Doherty has one of the best balanced teams in history to choose from. Coach Stackhouse's yearlings possess strength in every event and are especially strong in the hurdles and middle distances. Piel, Thomas In Dash In the dash Michigan has sopho- mores Bud Piel and Al Thomas re- turning. Piel ran 6.2 for the 60 yard dash before illness forced him to re- sign from the squad. Next year should find him ready as well as Thomas who has been suffering from leg in- juries. Freshman Bob Ufer, Chuck Donahey and Norman Elson will greatly strengthen the Varsity in the sprints. Ufer, who has lowered all freshman marks, should be a sure point getter in all of the dashes. He was also anchor man on a frosh team of sprinters that set a new record in the 880-yard relay. Middle Distance Runners The middle distances will have Michigan's greatest strength. War- ren Breidenbach and Jack Leutritz are both back, as well as Bob Bar- nard, the surprising little ex-hurd- ler. Hugh Dalzell, Fred Nassar and Buck Dawson are capable 440-men. Ufer is perhaps the best prospect, next to Breidenbach, that has ap- peared on the Michigan scene. The half-mile finds Johnny Kautz and Howie Egert back for another year of competition. In his first season on the varsity, Kautz has shown tremendous drive, and should be astough as they make them next season. And, coming up from the (Continued on Page10) Harmon, vashevski Form All-Star Backfield Coach Crisler Has Imposing Victory Record Westf all, The more we look over the situation, the more we realize how difficult is it to properly and effectively analyze these questions at this point. After all, as Senator Vandenberg pointed out to us, the bill "has not yet been reported from the Senate Military Affairs Committee and apparently is being subject- ed to constant amendment." Furthermore, the Senator emphatically stated that if he hao anything to do about the draft, it will never be passed. "I am opposed to peacetime conscription," were his words. "I have fought the pending bill andwill .continue to do so from start to finish." We also talked with some of the army officials about the situation. They seemed to feel that Michigan has' nothing to worry about this year, at least as far as football is concerned. One of them showed us that if the bill were not passed during the next three or four weeks, the first draft probably would not come until after the grid season was long finished. "Even if it did come in October, he told us, only about 400,000 men would be called, which means maybe one in 25 . . . or one in 50 between the ages of 18 and 22. They did feel, however, that college students would probably have ' to go just as quickly as anyone else. "This is a democracy," a khaki out- fitted officer reminded us, "and I could just hear those poor people yell- ing if kids were exempted just because they could afford to pay for a college education." "But don't worry about your football team this year," he concluded. "So few will be called by then, and there will be so many strings to pull that when it's all through Harmon will still be passing for Michigan. That much, I'll guarantee you." Wolverines Need Every Man .. . One thing is certain at this point. Michigan needs all of its vital men on the gridiron. Just as last year, we have none to spare. If ineligibility, injury or the draft hits the Wolverines, things will be dangerous. It seenis to us that Crisler can put a powerful team on the field, but when it comes to .replacements, especially at some of the, backfield posts, once again that's a different story. Upon last report, ineligibilty will be no problem this year. At least we can be thankful for thatr Injuries naturally are things that you can't speculate on before the season gets under way. And as far as the draft is concerned; Uncle Sam tells us not to lose sleep over the matter. Therefore, at present the situation does not appear too dangerous. It seems that Michigan has the nucleus for a strong eleven during 1940 . . . but nobody even got rich betting on nucleus, or at least they never told us about it. Harmon and Evashevski are back for a last crack in the backfield. That alone ought to mean something. Husky Bob Westfall, the sizzling, plunging fullback, has a year of seasoniig behind him now and will be second to none in the Conference at that spot. Paul Kromer, the second half of the famous Touchdown Twins of 1938, hung up his cleats last May after a knee injury had hampered his playing for over a year. That leaves an opening in the backfield. Many observers have told us not to count Kromer out as yet. He definitely signed out of the picture after giving spring training a try, but we've been warned that when things get going again, Paul may try a comeback. 'FRITZ' CRISLER Herbert O. "Fritz" Crisler, Michi- gan's head football coach and assist- ant athletic director, has had a long imposing record managing basket- ball, football and baseball teams since he began as a coach. in 1922. In that year, after receiving his B.S. degree from the University of Chicago, he became assistant foot- ball, baseball and basketball mentor there, taking the job of head base- ball coach in 1925. He held that post for five years producing many suc- cessful teams rafter which he went to the University of Minnesota as athletic director and football coach. He remained there for only two years, transferring to Princeton in 1932. As Tiger head, in the short space of six years, he built two championship squads, two that end- ed their season with only one loss and one that ended up with only two de- feats Last year was his first at Michi- gan and Coach Crisler lived up to expectations by producing a ,team that won ball games. It was not a championship eleven but it was a' fighting good squad that, but for two upsets, might have won the Big Ten title. Caoers Need More Height, SameFight Rae, Pink Are Only Two Regulars To Graduate; Seven Letter-Men Back By GEORGE SALLADE The showing of Michigan's basket- ball team next year depends on find- ing capable replacements for Jim Rae and Charley Pink and more height to succeed Michigan's "mighty midgets." j Rae and Pink are the only regulars Coacl* Benny Oosterb an lost as a result of graduation. Nevertheless, these two represent the greatest play- ers a coach could ask for. Rae was a center for three years and last season made the All-Conference team, while Pink, an outstanding guard, made the all-conference sec- ond team in his senior year. However, on the credit side of the ledger, is the fact that seven letter- men are returning. They are seniors Capt. Herb Brogan, Mike Sofiak, George Ruehle, Joe Glasser and juniors Jim Grissen, Bob Fitzgerald and George Cartmill. Ample reserves are also present in the persons of Don Holman, Norm Call, Bill Herr- Call Is Leading Candidate For Kromer's Halfback Slot; Guards Are Strong Ingalls MayfReplae Kodros At Center By A. P. BLAUSTEIN Upon the promising shoulders of Michigan's new sophomore gridders and last year's reserves lies the bur- den of making the 1940 Wolverine squad either 'a real Big Ten threat or merely an average college football team. Despite the return of the Univer- sity's famed backfield trio of Captain Forest Evashevski, quarterback; Tom Harmon, All-American halfback, and Bob Westfall, line-plunging junior fullback, the squad's outlook is clouded by the toll of graduation, the loss of halfback Paul Kromer from a knee injury and the prospect of one of the most difficult schedules in recent years. In addition to the gap caused by the loss of Kromer, Coach Herbert 0. "Fritz" Crisler will have his most difficult tasks in finding replace- ments for Archie Kodros, last year's captain and center; Bill Smith and Joe Savilla, tackles, and Fred Olds, guard. Norm Call, a junior from Elyria, Ohio, will proba- bly take over Kro- mer's halfback slot although he . will have able competition from David Nelson, a Detroit junior, and sophomores Cliff Wise, of his;, Jackson, Harold Lockard, of Can- ton, Ohio, and Robert Kresja, of Shaker Heights, Norm Call Ohio. Last year Call was Harmon's understudy at right half. Michigan's other three backs are among the greatest in its long foot- ball history. In Captain "One Man Gang" Evashevski, of Detroit, the Wolverines have a signal caller of high calibre, one of the hardest blockers in the Big Ten and an out- standing man for backing up the line-, The only two setbacks the team suffered last year were when "Evie" was injured. Harmon, who has been nick-named "the Hoosier Hammer," comes from Gary, Ind., and was a unanimous choice for 1939 All-American honors. A triple-threat back, he led the Western Conference in scoring last season; he is expected to handle more kicking duties this fall than he has before. A product of Ann Arbor 4igh - wolverine 's 1939-4OAthletic Record Reveals Successful Year In Sports Michigan athletes punted and passed, plunged and prayed, skated and scuttled, pinged and ponged backstroked and breastroked, struck and spared, sliced and stymied, bat- tled and battered during the school year and, after all, what more could you ask for. All in all, the Wolverines had their share of the triumphs, and just to keep i up the interest, sprinkled a loss here and there in the program. In diary form, the Michigan sports year looks4. something like this: Oct. 7: The Michigan football team opened its schedule by treating 68,618 fa~e t a st.hifricimv iv m -m_ football, 27-7, but the game played second fiddle to the personal ap- pearance of Miss America who sat in a box with the hoi ploi and snubbed the jealous Alpha Phis who were bewildered by such amazing beauty. Oct. 30: One reporter suggested that maybe Harmon is as good as Grange. Nov. 1: The experts felt that may- be Harmon was better than Grange. Nov. 2: The nation was convinced that maybe for once the experts were right. Nov. 3: The entire world joined in the opinion that Harmon, etc. t { L t 4 1 J S p f f J School, Westf all made good in 1939 in his first the big time. He's a stocky built fullback who hits f the line viciously and can usually '.be counted upon for yardage. Reserve full- backs Crisler has ready for the --___ coming season are Bob Westfall Robert Zimmer- man, a junior from Chicago; William Windle, Val- paraiso, Ind., sophomore, and Earl Miller, a sophomore from Lansing. At quarterback, to spell Evashev- ski, are sophomores George Ceithaml of Chicago and Elmer Madar of De- (Continued on Page 8) Harmon, De Correvont On Same Gridiron!! One of the featured attractions of the coming football season will be the meeting ofn Michigan's Tom "Hammer" Harmon and Northwest- .: , .