'PAGE FOUR~ 'I CI MICHIGAN DAILY 'SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1940 THEi ®+IMTC R ..T i V11.LlN DA'L- 1LY . SAURDAY, AUGUST 10. 1940 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Assoiated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Pubcriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVEfSING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADIsoN AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON * LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Editorial Staff Managing Editor..............Carl Petersen City Editor... ..... Norman A. Schorr Associate Editors........... Harry M. Kelsey, Karl Kessler, Albert P. Blau- stein, Morton C. Jampel, Su- zanne Potter. Business Staff Business Manager ............ Jane E. Mowers 4ssistant Manager...........Irving Guttman NIGHT EDITORS: KELSEY-KESSLER For Conservation Of War Materials? ACTION OF President Roosevelt in li- censing or banning the export of certain essential war materials, such as scrap metals and aviation gasoline, needs to be studied in the light of the Congressional Act under which the President has moved. The May Act, which authorizes such restric- tions on the export, was aimed solely at the con- servation of reserves required for the operation of American military and naval forces. It was not intended as a means of curbing or punishing aggressor nations on other continents by with- holding materials which they require for war purposes, although such an effect might result if the Act were administered- with this as a sec- ondary object. The recent moves of Mr. Roose- velt then become understandable as their pri- mary object is seen to be conservation of national resources, rather than belated sanctions against aggressor nations. 'ANALYSIS of rulings issued thus far under the May Act shows this to be so. While it was an- nounced that scrap iron hereafter can be export- ed only by' permission of the Government, cus- toms regulations issued under the President's proclamation indicate that only "Number One heavy melting scrap"-is thus restricted. This is the choicest grade of scrap metal, consisting of small but heavy pieces free from attachments and ready for the blast furnace. It constitutes but 20 per cent of American scrap iron exports. Other grades, therefore, may be exported as us- ual, either to aggressor or other nations. Among large importers of other grades are Italy, Spain, and Japan. THE ACT also has been applied to petroleum products, in such a way as tp conserve in this hemisphere all American-made aviation gas- oline. While seemingly drastic, this step actually is but an extension of the moral embargo already in force on certain warring nations. Germany, Italy, Russia, and Japan have not been able to import any aviation gasoline from the United States since last year, owing to the moral block- ade. Now, the President's refusal to license any exports of hightest gasoline outside this hemis- phere chiefly affects Great Britain, which with the help of France, constituted the principal im- porters of aviation fuel from the United States in the first half of 1940. When viewed then as conservation of materials vital to the national defense, the President's ini- tial rulings on control appear to be steps in the right direction. As efforts to curb military ag- gressors, however, they stop :-lr short of meas- ures which some believe Congress should author- ize -Christian Science Monitor ,Julius Streicher Fils From Grace e. . HERE ARE all kinds of Nazis, just as there are all kinds of Republicans and all kinds of Democrats. Some Germans joined the party in protest of Versailles; some because of their belief in Geopolitik and Ireben- sraum; other for economic advantage, still others because life was safer that way. Many of these, even if they have set a discreet guard over their tongues, believe that racism is a transparent rationalization for sheer sadism. The conduct of the swastika-wearing bully boys toward the Jews has made them shudder and cringe. At great hazard, many have extended surreptitious aid to their ostracized neighbors. But not the least suspicion of this kind of treason ever attached itself to the name of Julius Streicher. Racketeer and grafter that he was, the one thing that dominated his black and crooked mind was an immeasurable hate for t'he .TxTs-ohafo materhod jn,1uy hbhoc, rPl The Straight Dope By Himself T O CONTINUE our optimism of yesterday' we government assuming, directly or indirectly, a want to go into a few more general reasons large number of private debts. The debts that for this hope in the midst of a world which has industry owes its workers in pensions, that returned to medievalism in its belief that only in society owes farmers in benefits and many an- heaven can help be seen. The only real differ- other angle could be cited. This is a shifting ence between this century and the twelfth century of private debt into the open and is beneficial in their mental outlook is that the twelfth century rather than otherwise. The debt, in toto, has really believed in the hope to be found in heaven not materially increased. whereas our less vigorous day has little sincerity Secondly, any source of atomic energy, like in even that remote hope. This attitude, as we the now practical U-235 is going to throw our pointed out before, is unfounded.w Not only will science revolutionize the planet whole theory of values into a cocked hat any- with its new energy sources within a few years in way. It is going to create so much wealth that such a manner that a combination of Hitler, Huey wealth itself is going to be useless. Long and Andrew Mellon would be unavailing to Besides the whole theory of money and destroy human happiness, not only will the pres- debt is going into radical change. We have ent war (for the reasons exposited yesterday) all ven a default of debt to our govern- ruin Hitler and the venal English ruling class ment unthinkable in the nineteenth century alike, not only will conscription in this country and most of us have already forgotten it. be defeated, but it will all be done decisively We have all seen Germany and Italy con- within the next twenty years. Time enough ducting modern warfare without enough fol all of us to see it. Time enough to enjoy actual money to buy Ann Arbor. The sys- it. Reason enough to combat those among ten is due for an overhauling and it is not us who refuse to live for the morrow, who re- going to be the old inflation either. We are fuse to bring children into an unfriendly world, no monetary expert but the handwriting who will not undertake their due responsibili- is on the wall. You can read it yourself. ties. Neither our children nor ourselves are go- Since we have stated our reasons for this ing to be greatly bothered by a national debt. faith of ours (and it is a faith held as sincere- ly as the .communists or the - Catholics hold FINALLY, when people blame the Roosevelt theirs) we will go on to a consideration of other administration for its load of debt the apt facts and . forces which make men pessimistic answer is close. At least we get something for and we will try to show again how mistaken they what we give the federal government. The best are in holding such an attitude. navy in the world, pensions, farm aid, an army,, and numerous other things are all paid for out First on the list for pessimists in this of our national taxes. But even now fifty per- country is the always urgent matter of fi- cent of our taxes go to local governments for nances. The public and private debt is-con- which we get less than nothing Not only do sidered to have a chance of ever paying off whichdweigetestnonothi. otynlytd those debts and taxation is supposedly due wadiupliatsssets twnshiptcountyciy to become an intolerable burden for alldof d var sessments aswell bu , tis us. These facts simply do not hold water. we get such situations as Detroit has recently us. The ste a siplydo notmold water. revealed where the officials paid from* city They constitute a political argument which taxes are now under indictment for protecting has been taken seriously. It does not de- the rackets they were sworn to destroy. serve such consideration. If the professional reformers would start at TO BEGIN WITH it is doubtful if our total home on their debt outcries the country might of public and private debt is any greater really save a little money and untold human than it was some twenty years ago. Public values as well. But they won't. It's too easy debt has increased by'the simple method of the to slam Roosevelt instead. Washington Merry-Go-Round Washington-Inside details gradually leaking out regarding the Havana Conference show that even more credit is due Cordell Hull. Unquestion- ably, "The Old Man", as he is called by the younger men of the State Department, did a magnificent job. His patience, tolerance and tact won out over many difficult problems, one of them being a last minute proposal by the Colombian delegate, Luis Lopez de Mess, regarding Western Hemisphere "mandates" over British, French and Dutch pos- sessions in the Americas. Just as it looked as if the sub-committee had about agreed on the administration of these poli- cies, Senor Lopez, who once studied at the Uni- versity of Paris, delivered a long speech, quoting liberally from his Paris professors and proposing a new means of dealing with Allied possessions in the Anericas. Other delegates objected to his plan, but he re- mained obdurate. Time passed, no progress was possible, and finally Secretary Hull adjourned the meeting until 10 p. m. That night the delegates were guests of the Foreign Minister of Cuba. Secretary Hull wore white tie and tails. But he left the dinner early after doffing his evening dress, and turned up promptly at 10. P. M. for the subcommittee meet- ing. But aside from the interpretor, he was the only delegate there. So he sat down to wait. About 10:20 P. M. the Ecuadorean delegate arrived, ob- viously in high spirits after the dinner. He join- ed Mr. Hull who still solemnly waited. Then at 10:30 came the Argentine and Brazilian dele- gates; then the Dominican and the Panaman. Still the Colombian delegate, for whom the meet- ing was called, did not appear. Finally, just before 11 P. M. he arrived. Secre- tary Hull still waited patiently. No sooner did Senor Lopez put his head in the door than he said: "On behalf of my government I withdraw the proposal which I made today." Cordell Hull had won out - just by waiting. South American Poland Biggest undercover crisis in the conference took place at a private session of the subcommit- tee on Western Hemisphere possessions. Argen- tina was opposing the U. S. plan to take over the British and French Islands, if it looked as if they might fall into Nazi hands. This brought forth a long and impassioned plea from Mr. Hull for American unity. He point- ed out that a new system of pillage and murder effective tools in the campaign of terror against the Jew. Now comes word from Berlin, in denial of a rumor of Streicher's death, that he has been de- prived of his post as Gauleiter, or super-governor, of Franconia, scene of the great Nuremberg party rallies. Ever since that night in June, 1934, the Night of the Long Knives, the world has known that Hitler was ready to strike down without com- punction even his oldest associates. Streicher enjoyed six years of grace, perhaps because the PlihiIrar c.+l hna i n fnr himrn n-.hnnc hPPhnaryCP had arisen in Europe, setting the world back 800 years. Whether the Americans liked it or not he said, they had to cope with it. They could not merely say they expected to remnain nuetral. Poland and Norway, Mr. Hull continued, had said they wanted to remain neutral. So also had Holland and Belgium. And because they had tried to be neutral, they were dragged down one by one. If they had stuck together, he said, these countries would have been in a far different posi- tion today. So, he concluded, this is what the Western Hemisphere faces, and the countries of the Americas can either stand together and survive, or stand separately and fall. It was a most eloquent plea, and made a pro- found impression. But immediately after he had finished, the Argentine delegate arose and said: "But my country does not want to be the Po- land of South America." Note - Most important victory for Mr. Hull was the flat permission of the United States to intervene to take over French and British is- lands, if necessary. This does not require coI- sultation with other countries, nor does the Act ,of Havana require ratification by different Con- gresses. The most vital part reads: "Should the need for emergency action be so urgent that ac- tion by the Committee cannot be awaited, any of the American Republics, shall have the right to act in the manner which its own defense or that of the continent requires." Who Is The Man? Curiosity continues regarding whom the Presi- dent was talking about in his Chicago speech when he said everyone had been cooperating in the National Defense Program except one man. 'The White House has now let it be known that this was not meant to be Henry Ford, who had just turned down a big order for British motors. However, no other word has leaked out as to whom the President was referring. So newsmen expect to ask him when he returns from Hyde Park. Roosevelt's Jap Beetles Japanese beetles have invaded the White House gardens this year in greater numbers than ever before. This is in spite of the vigilant efforts of gardener William Reeves, who has done every- thing to get rid of them except put salt on their tails. The invasion is now over, and he has a chance to appraise the results. Ten days ago, he found as many as 25 or 30 beetles on a single rose. Now they have disappeared, to wait for another sea- son. The best repellent, Reeves finds, is arsenic of lead. "Mix it pretty strong," he says, " with a good white color. There's no danger of burning, and the whiteness helps keep the beetles away. They don't like white objects. You can even take flour and spread it on a plant and the beetles will stay away." The arsenic of lead, and also a commercial preparation called "Papellent" have been spray- Interpretive: Nazi's Control Over Channel Seen Doubtful By KIRKE L. SIMPSON (Associated Press Staff Writer) Britain has met and endured the shock of the greatest massed air at- tack in history-an attack directed against her exposed sea lifelines. Moreover, she had promptly hit back at her Nazi foe. Claims of victory from both sides make it difficult to gauge the mili- tary significance of the furious air fighting over the English Channel, but there are several factors about the fight worthy of note. Its locale in the Channel, and presumably in the narrower waters of that Channel that offer Germany the best bridge- head for an invasion, refutes one recent and repeated German boast. The British are still using those waters for sea-supply purposes. It was a Channel convoy of cargo ships at which the Nazi attack was aimed. Only a few days before the fight took place Berlin had contended the British virtually had abandoned the Channel, due to Nazi raids on con- voyed shipping there. German prop- agandists devised a flight of neutral pressmen along the continental shores of the Channel in German warplanes to back up that statement. They challenged their guests to de- tect any British shipping activities, merchant or naval. The important fact for Britain is that she still is using the Channel for her own supply and distributing purposes, however gravely her sea mastery may be challenged there. The way for Nazi invasion of England by Channel bridge-heads is far from cleared, and a favorable high tide' period for such an invasion is pass- ing. Judged by all such considerations,1 the German air assault would seemj to be an acceleration of siege war- fare rather than a forerunner of im- mediate invasion. It was not so; construed by British authorities, perhaps; but they have other rea- sons for broadcasting warnings to1 Britons to stay where they are under increasing air attack, or even inva- sion, and not attempt to fled. Terrible lessons were learned by the British in Holland, Belgium and France as to what happens when a mass flight of refugees takes place. The grim warning in handbills cir- culated to millions of British homes that refugees would not only expose themselves to enemy machine gun- ning, but compel British soldiery to clear them off the roads, was born of experience in the battles of Flan- ders and France. Sitting still under bombing attack, huddled in air raid shelters which often are of dubious value - against direct hits, is a more terrible strain on human courage than meeting the threat in the open, weaponsein hand. No finer exhibition of the dogged courage for which Britons have been noted through all their history could be asked than that non-combatants now obey that sit-it-out command. The Rebirth Of A Song . . UNTIL RECENTLY,, most if not all London theatres played the "Mar- seillaise" at every performance, and the B.B.C. used the same stirring song to introduce its Sunday eve- ning news bulletin. The British peo- ple began to ask questions about the French national anthem and learned without surprise (does not most of their China come from Stafford- shire?) that Rouget de Lisle's cele- brated composition derives, not from the south of France, but frop1 Stras- bourg. It was while the French armies were assembling on the Rhine in April, 1792, to meet the forces of Austria, says a letter to The Times, of London, that de Lisle wrote his song, which was first printed under the title of "Chant de Guerre de I'Armee du Rhin." Not until a few weeks later did a party of volunteers from Marseilles marching on their way to Paris sing the song, and give to it name and fame. As Gulliver's Travels began as a political satire, and became an en- tertainment for children, the "Mar- seillaise" started as a Royalist hymn, and developed into the battle-song of the Republic. Today the Republic itself is undergoing strange and sad vicissitudes, from which it is the con- fident hope of all democrats that it will emerge as triumphantly as the "Marseillaise." - Christian Science Monitor One Step Too Far Over-stepping the bounds of demo- cratic freedom of action was Camil- lien Houde, mayor of Montreal, who was recently taken into custody and placed in an internment camp under the Canadian war measures act. Houde had urged the public to dis- regard compulsory national registra- tion Aug. 19-21. Grin And Bear It TT ---* DA LY OFFICIAL BULLETIN -i _. All notices for the Daily Official Bulletin are to be sent to the Office of the Summer Session before 3:30 P. M. of the day preceding its pub- lication except on Saturday, when the notices should be submitted be- fore 11:30 A. M. To the members of the Faculty: If you wish to attend the breakfast next Sunday morning, August 11, at 9 a.m., given for those students who expect to take master's degrees this summer, you may secure tickets at the office of the Summer Session at fifty-five cents each. Louis A. Hopkins Director of the Summer Session Internal Combustion Engine Insti- tute Lectures: "Engine Heat Trans- fer" by Mr. R. N. Janway, Chrysler Corporation and "Valve Gears" by Mr. V. M. Young, Wilcox-Rich Cor- poration, to be given at 9 a.m. in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Build- ing, today, August 10. Graduate Record Program will be held today, August 10, from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Men's Lounge of the Rackham Building. The program will consist of the Academic Festival Ov- erture by Brahms; Moussorgskyarr. Slokowski-Boris Gudounow, Sym- phonic Synthesis; and Piano Con- certo No. 1 in B Flat Minor by Tsch- aikowsky. Mr. J. W. Peters will be in charge. All are invited to attend. "Patience," by Gilbert and Sulli- van is being presented as the Grand Finale of the Twelfth Summer Ses- sion in conjunction with the School of Music and the University Sym- phony Orchestra. Performances will be given at 8:30 p.m. today, Monday and Tuesday, in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Single admissions are $1.00, $.75, $.50. Shakespeare Recordings, chiefly by Evans and Gielgud, will be played at the Michigan Wolverine, 209 S. State Street, Sunday morning, Au- gust 11, from 10 to 12. All interested are cordially invited. Graduate Outing Club will not meet again during the summer ses- sion. Regular Sunday meetings will resume on the first Sunday of the fall semester, Oct. 6, 1940. 0 Aug. 11. Discussion of Friends' work with Consientious Objectors. Meetings for worship at 5, discus- sions at 6, suppers at 7. In the Upper Room, Lane Hall. There will also be meetings at five on the remaining Sundays of the summer. First Church of Christ, Scientist, (Continued on Page 5) . ."." By Lichty -=c=--n-d-- - --~)- e Wise Collegjilns * THE SUBWAY has proven to be one of the most popular restaurants on the campus. Here in a cool, refreshing atmosphere you may dine and dance to your heart's desire. We invite you to join the crowd of wise collegians who daily visit The Subway. DANCING 2-5 - 8-11 P.M. JOHN ABRAHAM, Mgr. The Subway Under Miller's Drug North University, Opposite Hill Auditoritm Store WELCOME TO ANN ARBOR and to orstore Complete Line of TYPEWRITERS PORTAB LES Underwood - Remington - Royal - Corona NEW and USED SPECIAL RENTAL RATES for Students for month, semester, year. EXPERT REPAIR SERVICE on all makes of machines. Large selection of FOUNTAIN PENS - LEATHER