Mostly Cloudy, Occasional Rain
AW rig9an
:4E ait
For Conservation
Of War Materials? ..
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
Egyptians Ready
To Face Italians
Human, BloomfieldSays
Chicago Linguist Closes Lecture Series With Talk
On 'The Function Of Language'
Senators Open Debate
Conscription Bill;
At Britain's
Cairo Press Warns Duce
Of Dangers As Forces
Are Hurriedly Trained
Ita:ians Outnumber
British Ten To One
CAIRO, Egypt, Aug. 9-()-Egypt,
a neutral thus far in the developing
desert war of the Near East, pre-
pared tonight to join forces with
the outnumbered British at,the mo-
ment that Italy's African armies
make their expected attack upon this
ancient land.
The nation's press chorused this
warning to Premier Mussolini's ar-
"The desert is a terrible enemy! It
ii the tomb of those who traverse
it!" An Italian invasion, the news-
paper added, would end as did the
first Napoleon's costly retreat on the
plains of Russia.
Abdel Rahman Azzam Bey, com-
mandant of Egypt's territorial army,
declared in a speech that "any ag-
gressive action against, Egypt will
cost the invader very dear," 'and dis-
closed that 200,000 men were being
hurriedly trained.
Tied By Defense Alliance
Egypt is tied to Britain by a purely
defensive alliance which does not
require her to fight alongside the
British. However, Egypt has given
Britain supply and communication
aids, had broken off diplomatic rela-
tions with both Germany and Italy
and has warned Italy that she would
fight if she is invaded or her cities
are bombed.
The newspaper Balagh remarked
that while the Italian forces were
estimated to be ten times superior
to the British in numbers, their fight-
ing ability as iot uipressive.
As to rumors that there are as
many as 120,000 German troops
among the Italians in Libya, the pa-
per said these forces were "technical
and official" and "more symbolic
than effective."
An overwhelming victory in the
biggest air battle yet fought in the
Near East was claimed by the British
asrthey calmlynwatched the maneu-
vers of Italian troops in British
Somaliland, adopting the attitude of
"wait and see."
Engagement Fought Yesterday
This arsenal engagement was
fought yesterday - military news
travels slowly in these hot wastes,-
over Italian Libya and 15 Italian
planes were declared by the British
to have been shot down in flaipes.
(The Italian version was that five
British planes and two Italian planes
were shot down and that the Italian
fighters were outnumbered 27 to 16.)
The British asserted that their
own formation was outnumbered two
to one, but that nevertheless only
two British aircraft were lost.
Far to the southeast, in British
Somaliland, the Italians-who alrea-
dy had occupied Zeila, Hargeisa and
Oadweina--called a brief halt in
their drive toward the important port
of Berbera and then moved on again.
A British communique announcing
that the Italians were advancing told
also of new Italian air raids at Ge-
beit in the Sudan, where it was said
"a few civilians" were slightly in-
jured; and in the western desert on
the British Egyptian base at Mersa
Rapp Queried
On Case Delay
Asked Why Frank Scholl
Had NotBeen Tried
When Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp
was asked by the Attorney General's
Department yesterday to explain why
Frank B. Scholl, convicted swindler.
has not been tried on other charges
of fraud, he said' that the trial would
be begun at the "earliest oppor-
Deputy Attorney General Willard
McIntyre asked Rapp when Schol
would be tried" for swindling Alfred
S. Haab, Dexter farmer. He said it
would be "best for all concerned" if
22 Contestants Enter
Summer Hopwoodsj
Thirty-four manuscripts, 14 in the1
fiction division, seven essays, eight1
in the poetry group and five drama,,
have been submitted in the 1940 Sum-
mer Session Hopwood contest by 22j
The 'number is six higher than
last year's figure although the same
number of contestants entered papers
at that time. In 1939 there were 11
stories in the fiction group, 10 es-7
says, seven poems and no dramas.-
Announcement ,of the award win-
ners will be made at 5 p.m. Tuesday1
by Prof. Roy W. Cowden of the Eng-
lish department. The judges will al-
so be mentioned at that time.
Flood Victims
Will Be Aided
By Red Cross
Thousands Are Homeless
In Wake Of Torrential'
South Louisiana Rains
CROWLEY, La., Aug. 9.-(/P)-
Red Cross, state and federal agencies
hurriedly mobilied their forces to-1
day to administer emergency aid to
10,000 refugees driven from their
homes in southwest Louisiana by two
days of torrential rain which natives
said surpassed the landmark flood
of 1927.
Answering urgent, .appeals from
Mayor 'Matt Buatt of Crowley, in the
center of the flood, Governor Sam
Jones at Baton Rouge swung into
action to marshall state, federal and
relief agencies to send in supply
boats and administer available aid.
Jones estimated there were 10,000
persons homeless and in need of im-
mediate supplies, declaring that most
of them were "cut off from the out-
side world."I
He appealed for food, clothing,
bedding, medicine and boats to send
into the disaster area, particularly
to Crowley where the brunt of the
floods centered following the Gulf
of Mexico hurricane which swept
along the Louisiana coast into Texas
two days ago.
The mobiliation of relief forces got
into full swing as an abatement came
today in the 18 and 19 inch rains and'
the winds which whipped up abnorm-I
ally high coastal tides died down.-
Business was paralyzed, highway
traffic was flooded out, with trans-1
portation limited to boats or main
line railroads.
Student Editor
Defends Riht
Criticized By Legion Post
For Opposing Bill
ATHENS, O., Aug. 9.-(AP)-A stu-
dent editor insisted today there was;
nothing "communistic" about voicing
editorial opposition to the compul-
sory military training bill pending
in Congress.
To criticism hurlednat the Ohio
University Post, student paper, by
the local American Legion post and
the Athens Messenger, editor Robert
L. Wertman, Lakewood senior, re-
"If it is communistic to oppose the
conscription bill, then some of our
greatest Americans are communists.
The Post believes that the young citi-
ens who are going to be affected have
a democratic right to express their
The K. T. Crossen post of the
American Legion demanded that Mr.
Herman G. James, president of the
state-supported university, ban un-
American elements.
Panzarella And Dalgren
"Language makes us human be-t
ings," succinctly declared Prof, Leon-c
ard Bloomfield of the University oft
Chicago last evening in his discussioni
of "The Function of Langage," thec
fifth and last of his series of popu-a
lar lectures in language presentedt
this summer under the auspices oft
the Linguistic Institute.I
"When an animal sees desirable
food," explained Professor Bloom-
field, "there is the -immediate reac-c
tion1 of motion of the feet toward ther
food. The same may be true likewiset
of a human being. But the human
being, unlike the animal, may havei
a quite different reaction to the stim-i
ulus, for his reaction may be speech,c
which in turn may affect anothers
person has a stimulus and thus even-
tually produce the act of securing theG
Speech Serves As Link1
"That is," Professor Bloomfielde
continued, "speech is a link betweenf
the original stimulus and the final
reaction; it may ,of course, be a veryr
complicated link involving not twoI
persons but many persons and pro-I
longed and frequent discussion. Thist
relayed intermediate speech is really
what makes up society, with the orig-a
inal stimulus and final reaction as
the biologically important parts of
the series. The function of language,
then, is like that of the nervous sys-
tem in a multicellular organism."
That to the linguist language is
essentially physical in character was
a contention stressed by Professor
Bloomfield, who remarked that al-
though the psychologist must con-
cern himself with what goes on with-
in the individual who is producing
or hearing language, nevertheless the
linguist can view language only as
a verbial report of what is going on
and not as a neurological report.
Writing Not Language
Even gesture and writing, which
are sometimes called forms of lang-
uage, are to the linguist only physi-
cal factors from language and used
as substitutes for language. "Writ-
ing," said Professor Bloomfield, "is
a device to store up speech re-
sponses, but writing itself is not lang-
uage." 9
Two particular interests are found,;
Thomas Plansr
Speaking Tour
Candidate For Presidency
Will StumpMichigan
LANSING, Aug. 9.-(MP)-Normant
Thomas, Socialist candidate for
President, will stump Michigan to-
He is to deliver the keynote speecht
to the Socialist Party's state nomin-
ation convention here in the morn-t
ing, and address a mass meeting at
night, sandwiching in an appearancer
in the afternoon at the Tri-County
Farmers Union Picnic at Clinton]
Lake in Macomb County.
Charles Walters, of Detroit, Social-
ist state secretary, said the party
has assured Lansing police it will
abide by a decision that Saturday
traffic is too congested in this city
to permit a parade.,
Walters said a boom was under
way to nominate Seth Whitmore,]
Lansing newspaper writer and state
softball commissioner, as the party's1
candidate for Governor. ,Whitmore,
labor and real estate editor for the
Lansing State Journal, said he would
accept the nomination if he were
unopposed, but probably would with-
draw in favor of some other candi-
date if he had a rival.
German Film
To Be Shown
By Art Cinema
Based on the aftermath of the
last war, "Kameradschaft", a pre-
Hitler German film, will be the final
offering of the Art Cinema League's
four film series, to be shown at 8:30
p.m. tomorrow in the Rackham
School auditorium.
The film concerns a mine disaster
Tax Action Requested
the speaker added, in the special use
of language in scientific nomencla-
ture and description. This use is of
interest to scientists in general be-
cause this- construction of what is
actually super-language enables.them
to report objectively their observa-
tion - "and without observation,"
Professor Bloomfield commented,
"there would be no science." A second
interest is that for linguists, who are
concerned with the degree of exact-
ness to be found in the super-lang-
uage of science.
"This super-language," he said, "is
itself only an approximation of what
is described, for language never tells
everything about an object; but it is
a systematic approximation, as when
we express the law of gravitation in
an education in physics. Ordinary
speech on the contrary is only hap-
hardly approximate, as when we
exclaim, 'Whiz! That's falling pretty
In addition to the lecture Mr. Ken-
neth Pike of the Summer Institute of
Linguistics in Arlansas presented
phonograph records and sound films
to show the development of esopha-
geal speech in persons who have
suffered the loss of the larynx by
surgical operation.
Britain Recalls
Troops Posted
In North China
Shanghai Garrison Listed
In Order To Evacuate;
U.S. Marines To Stay
(By The Associated Press)
Britain, fighting a lone battle
against Germany and'Italy in Eu-
rope and Africa, announced yester-
day the withdrawal of her troops in
Shanghai and North China which
Japan had requested.
A Japanese spokesman said Japan
was "very pleased," and expected
other belligerent powers to do the
same. In Washington, Sumner Welles,
acting secretary of state, said U.S.
Marines stationed in China would
remain there.
Withdrawal of the British will
leave a Japanese admiral, Moriji
Takeda, the commanding officer of
Shanghai defense forces as the rank-
ing officer.
Only Naval Units Left
Britain, under Japanese pressure,
already had closed the Burma Road
to China, vital for war supplies to
China's Generalissimo, Chiang Kai-
Shek, in his fight against Japan.
Japan also obtained closure of routes
through French Indo-China.
Departure of the British "for ser-
vice elsewhere" will leave 10,000 Brit-
ish subjects and investments esti-
mated at £200,000,000 (approximately
$800,000,000) to be guarded only by
British naval units. British troops
first landed in Shanghai about 100
years ago.
American forces in China number
about 1,650, French 2,040, and Italian
Meanwhile Britain claimed an
overwhelming victory in the biggest
air battle yet fought in the Near
East's developing desert fighting.
RAF fliers shot down 15 Italian
planes Thursday over Italian Libya
next to Egypt and lost two planes
despite being outnumbered two to
one, the British said.
The Italian version was that they
lost only two, the British five.
Battle Of Communiques
News of this action followed Thurs-
day's great aerial battle over the
English Channel in which the Brit-
ish claimed to have shot down 60
Nazi planes out of 400 sent against
them. Britain acknowledged the loss
of 16 British planes, then later an-
nounced three of the pilots had
landed safely.
Moreover, the British declared
three more Nazi planes were shot
down in scattered fighting yester-
day (Friday).
In a battle of communiques the
German High Command asserted the
British losses were 40, their own only
10. Meanwhile over 70,000 tons of
shipping were sunk, the Germans
Defense Leaders Attend
Congressional Hearing
On Taxation Problems
Want Uncertainty
To Be Eliminated
WASHINGTON,'Aug. 9.-(IP)-Na-
tional defense leaders, in a swift pro-
cession today, urged immediate ac-
tion by Congress to remove tax and
profits "uncertainities" which they
said were hampering military pre-
All appeared at a Congressional
tax hearing and Secretary of War
Stimson, giving an example, said
that although Congress appropriated
$400,000,000 for a batch of 4,000
Army planes in June, the Army had'
been able to sign contracts for only
33 of them.
No Tax Considerations
This situation Stimson and other
witnesses attributed primarily to lack
of special tax consideration for con-
cerns expanding their plants for de-
fense and to a general uncertainty
over what kind of a profits levy would.
be enacted.
Stimson, 72-year-old Republican
war chief, echoed the sentiments of
Secretary of the Treasury Morgen-
thau who preceded him and of Lewis
Compton, assistant Navy Secretary,
and William S. Knudsen, defense
commissioner, who came after.
Discussed By Committee
Most of the discussion, at the joint
session of the House ways and means
and Senate finance committees cent-
ered around the plea that business
men wanted to know'how they would
be taxed and wanted also to be as-
sured of tax credits for the cost of
plant expansions for defense. Stim-
son said a concern which built new
facilities for defense was taking an
abnormal risk because the facilities
might turn out to be useless in case
of "a sudden cessation of the emer-
There was little discussion of the
specific proposal, prepared by the
House tax subcommittee, for an ex-
cess profits and related legislation.
Profits Tax Approved
This proposal would levy a 25 to 40
per cent tax on excess profits, begin-
ning with 1940, would permit a de-
duction from earnings over a five-
year period of the entire cost of
plants expanded for defense and
would suspend the Vinson-Trammell
Act's limitation of 7 to 8 per cent on
the profits from warships and mili-
tary aircraft.
Morgenthau declared that it was
"desirable" to enact a profits tax
which would provide additional rev-
enue "without restricting the produc-
tive activity necessary for defense."
Knudsen endorsed the principle of
the excess profits tax but would not
express a view on the current pro-
posal. Compton expressed a desire
that an excess profits levy accom-
pany the suspension of the Vinson-
Trammell Act.
Nazi Bombing
Raids Continue
Varied Styles
Worn B yCast
In Last Show?
Costumes For Patience'
Go From Medieval
To Milk Maid
Although the Gilbert and Sullivan
>peretta "Patience," is supposed to
take place in 1880, the costumes
which are being used by the cast are
f a number of periods in style.
The costumes of the chorus of
Rapturous Maidens, for example,
represent the idea of costumiers
Evelyn Cohen and Emma Hirsh as to
the 19th century conception of what
nedieval costumes were like. The
outfits worn by the chorus of dragoon
are based on authentic English uni-
form models.
Poet's costumes, worn by both John
Schwarzwalder as Archibald Gros-
venor and George' Cox as Reginald
Bunthorne, were created according
o the specifications of W. S. Gilbert,
author of the libretto. These cos-
tumes were described by both Oscar
Wilde and Algernon Swinburne as
ideal men's clothes.
The 1880 costume worn by John
Schwarzwalder is based on another
model found by Miss Cohen while
Patience wears a stylized milk maid's
costume. The 1880 styles of the other
women in the operetta are intended
as humorous exaggerations of cos-
tumes of the day.
"Patience," which opened, Wednes-
day, will continue its six-day run at
8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre.
U.S. Diplomat's
Statements Hit
By Washington
Ambassador Cudahy Seen
Ready To Resign Post
With State Department
(By The Associated Press)
'Censured and called home for re-
marks he made about conditions in
German occupied Belgium Ambassa-
dor John Cudahy was expected by
his friend tonight to resign from the
diplomatic service.
The State Department, in a public
statement, declared the remarks were
made in "violation of standing in-
struction" and disclosed that Pres-
ident Roosevelt had "requested" the
diplomat to return for "consultation."
The Daily Mail today quoted Cud-
ahy as saying "I do not retract one
word from what I said" in the inter-
view which resulted in his censure
by the U. S. State Departnient.
The Mail said Cudahy declared
"undue publicity has been given to
my speech of the other day." He was
criticized for his remarks on condi-
tions in Nazi-held Belgium.
"I have done my job and I return
to the United States with reports of
great efforts being made by Great
Britain that should inspire my coun-
trymen," Cudahy told the Mail.
Cudahy, Ambassador to Belgium
until foreign diplomatic missions were
odered out of there last month by
Germany, drew sharp criticism in
the British press for an interview in
London in which he asserted that
Belgium faced near-famine condi-
tions by mid-September unless it
received American food supplies.
This was widely interpreted as a
hint that American food should be
allowed through the British blockade
In commenting on the German oc,
cupation, he also was quoted as say-
ing he thought German soldiers be-
have possibly "better than United
States soldiers would have done"
Senator Sheppard Claims
Democracy Imperilled,
Bill A 'Tragic Necessity'
Japanese Threat
Cited By Holman
WASHINGTON, Aug. 9.-(P)-The
Senate's debate on peace-time con-
scription began today with Senator
Sheppard (Dem-Tex) declaring de-
mocracy is imperiled everywhere and
Senator Wheeler ,(Dem-Mont) scorn-
fully asserting that those who fear
a Nazi invasion should summon cour-
age to seek an immediate declara-
tion of war on Germany.
A momentary stir was created
when Senator Holman (Rep-Ore),
seeking to show that Japan, not Ger-
many, is "the number one threat to
our peace," said he had learned from
"authoritative military sources" of
the "imminent peril of the invasion
of Alaska from the Pacific and the
endangering of the entire Pacific
slope." Later he added, however,
that so far as he knew "no one is
mobilizing their forces now."
Work On Tax Plans
Meanwhile, the House ways and
means committee was at work on
tax plans, including a proposal that
manufacturers who must expand
their plants to fill defense orders
be permitted to deduct the cost from
their taxable earnings over a period
of five years.
Secretary Stimson testified that as
tax law now stands such manufac-
turers face an abnormal risk because
enlargements undertaken at the gov-
ernment's request may be useless af-
ter a few years.
Another defense development was
a disclosure that the Navy would
strengthen its garrison at Guantan-
amo Bay, Cuba, by sending 2,900 ma-
rines there from Quantico, Va., next
month. Guantanamo Bay is an im-
portant' base for warships guarding
the eastern approaches to the Pan-
ama Canal.
The Senate debate began with an
exposition of the pending bill-under
which all men between 21 and 30,
inclusive, would be subject to selec-
tive military training. Senator Shep-
pard, chairman of the military af-
fairs committee, said developments
abroad had made conscription a "tra-
gic necessity" for America. A larger
army was needed at once, he said,
to protect American interests in the
Western Hemisphere. And he warned
that any successful attack on the
Panama Canal would make the
American Navy "helpless."
Spoke Of Emergency
As-he spoke of what he considered
the emergency in which the country
finds itself today, Senator Danaher
(Rep-Conn) interrupted to ask:
"What evidence did the committee
have before it as to the nature of
this emergency?"
"We didn't have any," Sheppard
replied. "I already knew what it was.
It is an emergency for democracy
throughout, the world."
Senator Lucas (Dem-Ill) asked
Danaher why, if he believed no emer-
gency existed, he had voted for all
the billions that had been appro-
priated for national dfense. The
young Connecticut Senator replied
that he did so because the Adminis-
tration had not properly attended to
the nation's defenses in the past.
Lucas spoke of thendanger of attack
from abroad, and then Wheeler
joined the discussion.
FDR Answers McNary
On National Guard Service
HYDE PARK, N. Y., Aug. 9.-4()-
President Roosevelt, who plans to
leave tonight for an inspection tour
of vital New England coastal defense
units, said today the chances were
100 to 1 against the National Guard
serving outside the limits of the Uni-
ted States or its possessions in peace-'
Mr. Roosevelt made the observa-
tion after a reporter remarked that
Senator Monary (Rep.-Ore.) Repub-
lican vice-presidential candidate, had
voted for an amendment to the train-
Killed, Several Hurt
In EnglishTown
LONDON, Aug. 10 (Saturday)--
(P)-German bombers dropped their
deadly explosives on southeast,
northeast and northwest England
early today and were heard over
Scotland and Wales in wide-ranging
Two men were killed and several
persons were injured in one raid
on a northwest England town. Sev-
eral houses were damaged.
Throughout the embattled areas,
anti-aircraft batteries pumped proj-
ectiles into the sky.
In the northeast, there was a suc-
cession of loud explosives as the
raiders rumbled over several cities.
Tremendous explosions were heard
Boy, Did He Get Told!
Now He'll Volunteer