Weather Fair And Warmer IgC II iffr igau :43 xtl Editorial Conservation In Dark Times... Official Publication Of The Summer Session VOL. L. No. 40 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICMGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1940 PRICE FIVE CENTS Senate Passes NationalGuard Bill; Prepares For Draft Row Amendment Permits Men Supporting Dependents To ResignImmediately Measure Escapes Drastic Revision WASHINGTON, Aug. 8.-(I)-By the overwhelming vote of 71 to 7, the Senate today passed and sent to the House the Administration Bill em- powering the President to call out the National Guard and Army re- serves for a 12 month period of duty anywhere in the Western Hemisphere, American possessions or the Philip- pine Islands. First, however, the Chamber adopt- ed an amendment permitting any Guardsmen With wives or children dependent on their salaries or wages to resign. After passage of the Bill, the Sen- ate, still smarting under a week of turbulent and caustic debate, squared away for a possibly historic battle over the issue of civilian conscrip- tion, presented in a bill calling upon all men between 21 and 30, inclusive, to register for the nation's first peace-time military draft. Adams' Amendment Just before the Bill passed, it es- caped being drastically altered by the narrowest of margins. On a vote of 39 to 38, the Chamber rejected an amendment by Senator Adams (D- Colo.) limiting the service of the guard to continental United States, American possessions and the Philip- pine Islands. This would mean that the Presi- dent could not send Guardsmen to Latin America. The administration leaders, who have made no secret of their fear of German penetration in that area, were quick to fight the amendment. Senator Barkley (Dem- Ky) said it would be "folly" to serve notice on the world that all "ur pious resolutions" on "democracy and solidarity in the Western Hem- isphere are of no -more effect than if adopted by a quilting bee." Reservists On Tap Adams told the Senate that he 1 would be willing to give the Presi- dent complete freedom in time of war, but in peace-time he wanted Congress to retain power to. say whether troops should be dispatched to foreign lands. Besides authorizing mobilization of 227,000 National Guardsmen, the measure empowers the chief execu- tive to call out 116,000 reserve offi- cers, about 38,000 reserve enlisted men, 3,700 retired officers and 12,000 retired enlisted men. Army officials have said, however, that immediate plans call for mustering only a portion of these forces. Dispute Over Wording During the debate on the National Guard Bill, critics made much of certain words in it. They asserted Mr. Roosevelt and the War Department had said the Guard should be mobil- ized for,"training" but that the bill which the President sent to the Cap- itol called for "active military ser- vice." But Administration leaders were in command of the situation at all times, and beat back the Opposition's two principal attempts to modify the measure. One was the amend- ment by Senator Adams (D-Colo) limiting the Guardsmen's area of operation. Rumania Ready To Yield Land Premier To Deny Magyar Transylvanian Bid BUCHAREST, Rumania, Aug. 8.- (A)--Premier Ian Gigurtu told his countrymen tonight that Rumania must give up some territory to Bul- garia and Hungary on Adolf Hiter's orders, but warned that his govern- ment would refuse Hungary's full de- mand for most of Transylvania. Breaking the news to the Rumani- ans that their kingdom, already stripped of Bessarabia and Northern To Head N.Y. Yankees POSTMASTER-GEN. FARLEY James Farley Resigns U.S. Cabinet Post President Expresses 'Real Regret' At Resignation Of Retiring Lieutenant (By The Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Aug. 8.--(P)- President Roosevelt announced today that James A. Farley has submitted his resignation as postmaster gen- eral and expressed "real regret" at his retirement from the Cabinet. Farley's resignation, it was dis- closed, will be effective Aug. 31, about two weeks after he relinguishes his job as Democratic national chairman. Mr. Roosevelt dictated a letter to Farley in which he wished the Post- master General success in private business and praised his administra- tion of the Post Office Department. 'All of us in the Administration," the President wrote, "will miss you deeply; we count on seeing you often. I especially count on this after all of our years of close personal as- sociation. Our friendship will always continue." Among reports of Farley's future activities is one that he would head a syndicate in purchasing the New York Yankee baseball property. Duchess Wally Slighted; Gets Only 'Friendly Bow' HAMILTON, Bermuda, Aug. 8.- ()-Two of the highest placed ma- trons of official Bermuda society, in welcoming the Windsors to Britain-' in-the-Western Hemisphere today, curtsied to the Duke but not to his American-born twice-divorced Duch- ess. As pace-setters of the colonial so- cial set, they apparently established the punctilio that will preva: the bended knee for his Royal Highness, a friendly bow to the Commoner Duchess. Pres.Ruthven To Give Talk At Breakfast Michigan's fourth annual Summer Session breakfast honoring ad- vanced-degree winners will be held at 9 a.m. Sunday in the Union Ball- room with President Alexander G. Ruthven as principal speaker. The breakfast, which is open to all graduates, their families and mem- bers of the faculty, is given in order to enable students to meet President Ruthven. Tickets may be purchased at the Summer Session office. Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, director of the Summer Session, will preside over the Breakfast at which talks will be presented by Dr. William P. Lemon, of the First Presbyterian Church, Dean Clarence S. Yoakum of the Graduate School, and President Ruthven. The affair is directed by Ethel VL McCormick, social director of the League, while members of the Grad- uate Board and their wives and the members of the Dean's Conference and their wives will serve as guests of honor. A number of students receiving advanced degrees will not be present as they are taking work at various University camps or are writing their theses at home, Dr. Hopkins ex- plained. Mrs. Dickinson Passes Away At Her Home Governor's Wife, 75, Dies With Husband Nearby; Funeral To Be Saturday CHARLOTTE, Mich., Aug. 8.-UP) -Governor Luren D. Dickinson, 81, met with fortitude today the death of his wife, Zora Della Dickinson. Mrs. Dickinson, 75 years old, died at their modest farm home a few miles outside the city at 5:10 a.m. without regaining consciousness. She had been in a coma since Monday, suffering from high blood pressure and a heart ailment. The Governor and Mrs. Dickin- son's nurse were at the bedside when the end came. Dickinson, who had said earlier he believed he had reconciled him- self that "my wife is slowly slipping away from me," appeared stunned, at first, when death actually came after his night-long vigil at her side. "This is a shock, a great shock, although had expected it," he de- clared. His face was drawn and his eyes bright with weariness, but he main- tained stern self control. The body was placed in their little frame farm house tonight, to remain at home until 1 p.m. Saturday. British Repulse Mighty Invasion In Day-Long Combat; London Asks India For War Aid Amery Gives Colony Chance For Liberty At Close Of Conflict Nationals' Party Remains Silent LONDON,. Aug. 8. -(p)- Britain appealed to India today to give her vast latent strength in the Empire's fight for life against Axis forces striking both in West and East, and held out to the 350,000000 subject peoples of that fabulously wealthy possession the prospect of indepen- dence after the war. In a statement announced simul- taneously in the House of Commons by L. S. Amery, the British Secretary of State for India, and in that far- off land by the Indian viceroy, the Marquess of Linlithgow, the Govern- ment proposed a "free and eqdal partnership" for India in the British Commonwealth of Nations for the future. But in the meantime, it was said, the Government trusts "that for the period of the war . . . all parties, communities and interests (in India) will combine and cooperate in mak- ing a notable Indian contribution to the world cause which is at stake." All this came while the British Isles were awaiting the long-threat- ened German invasion from across the English Channel and while the African troops of Italy ~were march- ing in British Somaliland, threaten- ing Egypt and driving for the Indian Ocean along Britain's lifeline of Em- pire. This new gesture for Indian solid- arity in behalf of the Empire was heard with cautiontand reserve by Nationalist leaders in India, but drew favorable comment from the Inde- pendent and Liberal party heads. Anti-War Drive Is Inaugurated By Local Groun Ann Arbor Committee' Begins Campaign Here For Peace Mobilization The Ann Arbor Committee to De- fend America by Keeping out of War is inaugurating its campaign today to raise a delegation from Ann Ar- bor for the, Emergency Peace Mobil- ization in Chicago, August 31 to Sep- tember 2, Ed Burrows, student chair- man, announced last night. The mobilization, which is spon- sored by leaders of church, civil, la- bor, farm, and student groups throughout the country, Burrows said, will discuss methods of fulfill- ing its program of "defending Amer- ica, keeping America demnocratic, and keeping America out of war." The campaign of the Committee on campus includes setting up ta- bles in Angell Hall and the Library, where information about the EPM and petitions in support of its pro- gram will be available. Representatives of youth groups, members of trade unions, ministers, other residents of Ann Arbor and a delegation from Ypsilanti will hold an organizational meeting for the Washtenaw County branch of the nationwide Committee to Defend America by Keeping Out of War, at which J. Henry Fied, prominent De- troit lawyer, will speak. The meeting will be held in Room 214, First Methodist Church, corner State and Huron streets. Labor War Charged To Ford By NLRB WASHINGTON, Atjg. 8.--(Y)-The Labor Board charged today that the Ford Motor Company at Dallas, Tex., ha m nrari nrn a 4uta1. na'.~ n oinc. The Jackel Plays For Higher Stakes Q *r an e an Se I R AQ CAPUZZO SUEZ CANAL EGYPTIAN LIBYAt SUDAN ABABA ... OM. =ITAL. E AST 4 AFRICA BELG KENYA0 CONGO MiLEs e A half million legionnaires of Mussolini's Roman Empire started to move in Africa, playing for the highest stakes they have sought since ancient Rome ruled the world. Italian authorities said their Libyan troops had advanced into Egypt, striking toward the Suez Canal while from Ethiopian bases columns thrust into British Somaliland and Kenya (black arrows). A drive from Italian East Africa into Anglo-Egyptian Sudan was anticipated from the British, who realize the importance of Egypt to II Duce's dream of an empire. U.S., Disturbed By Japanese Asiatic Policy, Turns To Russia Waves Of Bombers Hurtle At England; 53 Reported Down Britain 'Shield Not Yet Broken (By The Associated Press) LONDON, Aug. 8.-A mighty aerial invasion launched by uncounted hundreds of German planes was beat- en back over the English Channel today in 14 hours of intermittent battle and at least 53 of the raiding Nazi craft were reported shot down. More than 100 trained Nazi pilots, observers and air gunners were de- clared to have gone down to flaming death in the British counter-fire. The Germans appeared in numbers unprecedented for this war, attacking over and over again all day long in forces of 80 each, and losing thous- ands upon thousands of bombs. British fighter planes, meeting the greatestassault ever made on these islands, threw up for the mainland a shield which was not broken. Planes Over Wales Tonight, as the Air Ministry stil was assembling the record of this gigantic engagement, German planes were reported again over the south- east coast, and also over Wales and two towns in the southwest of Eng- land. In the last three of the day's main attacks - attacks concentrated on shipping in the Channel-the Ger- mans loosed 150 dive bombers and fighters at one convoy. Of thententative total of raiders shot down, 19 were dive bombers and 34 fighters. Each wave of bombers was screened by fighter planes-many of them the new Heinkels, Germany's counter- weapon to the British Spitfires and Hurricanes. Heavy Losses It was the heaviest one-day loss ever claimed against the Nazis in the war for Britain's skies. The pre- vious high was on July 12, when the British announced the destruction of 26 German raiders. But in this day-long series of thun- derous, running and almost endless engagements along the southeast coast, the British suffered too, as- knowledging that 16 fighter pilots were missing, that "several ships" in the Channel had received "consider- able damage" and that "a number of survivors and injured" had been landed. (The Germans claimed 34 British planes were destroyed and 12 ships totaling 55,000 tons were sunk. They acknowledged the loss of only three Nazi planes.) U.S. Campaigns Against Utility ' Slush Funds' Aerial Diplomat Sumner Welles Talks With Ouamansky On Far Eastern Issues By J. C. STARK WASHINGTON, Aug. 8.-(P)-The United States, disturbed by Japan's new "Greater East Asia" policy, ap- peared tonight to be seeking friend- lier relations with Soviet Russia. After two unusually long confer- ences with the Soviet Ambassador, Constantine Ouamansky, within a week, acting Secretary of State Sum- ner Welles said today they had dis- cussed many questions involving re- lations between the two countries. The discussions, he said, had pro- ceeded in a friendly and constructive spirit on both sides with a view to adjusting any differences as equit- ably as possibly. Declines Comment At the same time, Welles declined to comment in any way on Japanese press reports that the American gov- ernment had asked Japan to define more clearly its attitude regarding French Indo-China. The maritime commission's action yesterday in authorizing two Amer- ican-owned tankers to take cargoes of' motor gasoline to Russia was linked in some quarters with the government's apparent effort to smooth out trade and other difficul- ties with Moscow. The commission denied applica- tions for two other vessels to take steel and oil to Japan. Welles, when asked for comment on this, recalled that he told the press about ten days ago that he understood charters would be granted for American ships to go to ports where there was no danger involved. He added that Vladivostok was a port where no danger of hostilities existed at present while belligerent activities did exist along the Chinese coast. In other ways, a definite turn was indicated in United States and Soviet relations since Welles two weeks ago condemned the Russian acquisition of the three small Baltic countries- Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Trade Pact Renewed For one thing, the annual trade treaty with the Soviet government was renewed this week, although with a reservation that Moscow could not guarantee to fulfill its estimated pur- chases if American export restric- tions under the national defense pro- gram proved too severe. Corresponding with the apparent efforts to eliminate friction with Soviet Russia was increasing concern over Japan's intentions under the new Konoye government in Japan. Apart from the suspicion that Ja- pan aimed at complete domination of French Indo-China and possibly the Netherlands East Indies was the question of whether the Philippine Islands came within the scope of Japan's "Greater East Asia" program. University's Forensics Pioneer, Prof. Trueblood, To Talk Today Prof. Cowan Uses Oscillograph To Solve Linguistic Problems By HAROLD B. ALLEN With a demonstration using the cathode-ray oscillograph, Prof. J. Milton Cowan of the State University of Iowa suggested before the Lin- guistic Institute luncheon conference yesterday the practical application of the instrumental approach in help- ing to solve some of the problems of linguistics. In a conversation, said Professor Cowan, there is a disturbance of the physical medium which exists be- tween speaker and hearer. This dis- turbance possesses a variety of char- acteristics. all of which are known could not exist without all four of these attributes. But the linguist, he continued, seeks a method by which the most objective measurement of phenomena can be obtained so he goes to the physicist, who enables him to translate these attributes into the measureable characteristics of pitch, intensity, overtones or har- monics, and time. That each of these basic attributes of speech can be measured objective- ly was shown by the, means of the cathode-ray oscillograph, members of the audience were called on to sound certain vowels before the microphone, WASHINGTON, Aug. 8.--OP)-The Federal Government today launched a drive against alleged use of political slush funds by public utilities cor- porations. The Justice Department announced; that grand jury investigations would be made of charges that such funds were used by utilities firms at St. Louis, Springfield, Ill., and Des Moines. Similar inquiries may be made in other districts, officials said. The companies to be investigated were listed as Union Electric Co. of Missouri, Illinois-Iowa Power Co. and Missouri Power & Light Co., all sub- sidiaries in the huge North American Co. holding system. The Securities Commission an- nounced at the same time that it had deferred for thie present a pro- posed public investigation of the North American Co. and Union Elec- tric pending the grand jury inquiry. The Justice Department said the grand juries would investigate "in- formation that Union Electric Co. of Missouri and certain associated com- * . . As dean of the nation's progress in public speaking, Professor-Emeri- tus Thomas Clark Trueblood, of the speech department, will lecture on fessor Trueblood has been the found- er of Sigma Delta Rho, national hon- orary society, recognizing achieve- ment in debating which now has 71