Weather Fair Today and Tomorrow Jr 431U 4:3att Eiditorial Will Coughlin Get The Air? .. Official Publication Of The Summer Session VOL. L. No. 38 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1940 PRICE FiVE CENTS British Denial' OI U. S. Move To Ship Food Is Anticipated U.S. Ambassador Cudahy Predicts Belgian Famine Unless Supply Shipments Break English Blockade London Ridicules Envoy'sAllegations (By the Associated Press) LONDON, Aug. 6.-Great Britain, it was indicated tonight, probably will refuse an implicit plea by the United States Ambassador to Bel- gium that the blockading British Navy permit shipment of food from America to avert starvation in Bel- gium and elsewhere in Europe. An informed British source said that it was "unlikely that Britain will allow any food into German- occupied Europe." The envoy, John Cudahy, had de- clared that conditions "close to fam- ine" would prevail in Belgium by mid - September unless American shipments get through. Indirectly he used the phrase, "a howling hell," to picture the possible situation in Belgium and elsewhere in Europe when the winter comes. British Comment Within a few hours after Cudahy's prediction, this British comment dis- counting it was forthcoming: "It is not at all certain that Eur- ope will be in such a bad way over food as Mr. Cudahy thinks. Belgium and the other occupied countries will have to make up their shortages from Germany. If the Germans are prepared to share fairly there prob- ably won't be any famine i Europe this winter." This source added hat the official British attitude toward relaxation of the European blockade was not like- ly to be defined untl a test case arose-that is, when a food ship en- counters the blockade, which extends from Africa to the Arctic. Deal With Germany At the same time, Cudahy left some of his interviewers with the im- pression that he would propose that Washington prepare to deal econom- ically and politically with Germany as the dominant power on the con- tinent. This point was left vague. Cudahy said that he would present the food situation when he returns to the United States next week and "further present the reality of dealing with force as the only power." USSR Absorbs Estonia; Signs U.S.Trade Pact Baltic Nation Becomes 16th Soviet Union Republic, Under Stalinist Regime MOSCOW, Aug. 6. -(LP)- Russia took Estonia into the Soviet Union tonight, completing absorption of the three tiny Baltic states, and about the same time signed a one-year trade agreement with the United States. The United States and Soviet Rus- sia today extended their trade agree- ment for another year, with the Mos- cow government reserving the right to suspend purchases at any time American defense restrictions made exporting too difficult. The text of the agreement showed that Soviet Russia agreed to pur- chase at least $40,000,000 worth of goods in this country during the next yeaar-the same amount' as in the treaty which expired today. Sitting in the great white-walled council chamber of the Kremlin, the Supreme Soviet accepted an Esto- nian petition to enter the USSR as the 16th republic. Latvia and Lithu- ania already had - been accepted. This action swelled Russia's popu- lation to 193,000,000, of whom 10,- 000,000 came in from Rumania, Lithuania,. Latvia and Estonia. Earlier in the day, Tass, the offi- cial Soviet News Agency, had de- nounced as the act of a "murderer" Marching Drill Outmoded Now, Mitchell States I-M Sports Head Opposes Elimination Of Sports For War Training Reversion to the outmoded march-! ing formation basis of American phy- Eical education, was termed "out of tune with the new blitzkrieging type of warfare and disastrous for the pre- paredness program," Tuesday by Prof. Elmer D. Mitchell, director of the University intramural sports pro- gram. Replying to demands that military drill be substituted in the schools for athletic training, Prof. Mitchell pointed out that the "new individ- ualistic military order, demands athletic abilities not developed by a marching calisthenic program." He cited the German parachutists, Fin- nish and Russian sleighers as sym- bols of the new type of warfare, recently "recognized by France in her adoption of a national sports program." "Marching and tactics," he added, "can easily be picked up by strong young men, who have been condi- tioned by a well-rounded athletic program." He urged an immediate mass con- scription of leisure time in the form of services and resources, to build 'alert minds and healthy bodies."' "Every citizen must be prepared to contribute some form of commun- ity service to strengthen America from within," Professor Mitchell de- clared. Italian Troops Invade Egypt Through Lybia Il Duce's Ambitious Dream Approaches Reality As British Force Retreats LONDON, Aug. 6.-(/P)-Italy's of- fensive to wrest Egypt and Northeast Africa from Great Britain has begun with the invasion of Egypt and Brit- ish Somaliland by the legionnaires of Mussolini's Roman Empire, playing for the highest stakes they have sought since Ancient Rome ruled the world. Both British and Italian official reports said tonight that Mussolini's men, 250,000 strong along the Libyan frontier in Africa, are on the march. In Rome, Italian authorities an- nounced their Libyan troops had ad- vanced into Egypt and put to flight British forces on the border. A British communique from Cairo said the Italians -began the invasion of British Somaliland August 4. Three columns drove into that little British possession adjoining Ethiopia. Egypt, ancient pawn of conquerors, is the keystone of the Italian plan. Possession of that cotton-rich land would give Italy a complete semi- circle of holdings stretching from Tripoli to the middle of Africa's east coast, a stranglehold on the Suez Canal, and an open road to India and all that cast sub-continent offers to a conquering army. Closer home, British authorities said that information reaching them indicated Germany's preparations for the expected blitzkrieg on England are not yet complete, although they are well advanced. German Society To Picnic Again Deutscher Verein Outing To Be Held Tomorrow Because of the outstanding success of the last picnic and by-popular re- quest the Deutscher Verein will spon- sor another such excursion to the Saline Valley Farms from 5:30 p.m. until about 9 p.m. tomorrow, Dr. Otto Graf announced. All members of the Verein and students and faculty members in- terested are invited to attend. Reser- vations should be made by tomorrow morning in the German department office, Room 204, University Hall. Players 'Final Offering, 'Patience,'Opens Today University Symphony Orchestra And Music School Combine To Present Gilbert-Sullivan Operetta Arms Makers Promised Preferential Treatment Under the direction of Profs. Val- entine B. Wndt, Mary Pray and Claribel Baird, the Michigan Rep- ertor Players' production of Gilbert and Sullivan's "Patience" will open a six-day run at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The operetta revolves about the characters of Patience, played by Wilburta Horn, who is loved by Regi- nald Bunthorne, played by George Cox, and who in turn loves Archi- bald Grosvenor, played_ by John Schwarzwalder. To complicate mat- ters there are 20 love-sick maidens who try to attract the attention of Bunthorne and 20 dragoons who love these maidens. In the end Patience weds Grosvenor, the 20 dragoons run off with the 20 maidens and Bun- thorne is left with only a lily to con- sole him. Twenty-Six Musicians A group of 26 musicians of the University Symphony Orchestra will provide the music for the production under the baton of Charles McNeill. The complete personnel of the Or- chestra is as follows: Violins; Cor- nelius Gail, John Shenaut, Ross Wil- liams, Clara Florence, Carolyn Fries and Doris Hammil; viola: E. D. Rushworth; trombone: William Hen- line; cello: Sigvald Thompson, Doro- thy and Hazel Stone; percussion: Ray Opland and John Ginther. Rapturous Maidens Bass: William Lichtenwanger and Stanley Rontal; flute: Harold Mut- ter and Donald Williamson; oboe: John Gajec; clarinet: Frederick Ebbs and Harry Geiger; bassoon: Edward Ostroski; french horn: Joseph White and William Schaefer, and rumpet: Richard Baker, Arthur Gorman and Walter Kinney. The chorus of rapturous maidens comprises Alice Blodgett, Betty Brinkman, Betty Ann Chaufty, Jane Elliott, Alice Ellenberger, Marjorie Refugees Flee Coastal Storm Low-Lying Gulf Areas Hit By Extensive Floods NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 6.-(P)- Storm refugees by the hundreds fled Louisiana's low-lying Gulf Coast to- day before a tropical disturbance edging westward toward Texas after causing extensive floods and disrupt- ing communications from Mobile, Ala., to Western Louisiana. The death of one man from fright was the. only casualty reported, but it was feared there might be addi- tional loss of life in isolated coastal settlements swept by high tides that accompanied the gale and tropical downpour. The Weather Bureau this after- noon put the center of the storm, the first of the Gulf hurricane season, on or near the Louisiana coast just southeast of Morgan City, apparently moving west northwestward. Storm warnings were extended to Houston, Tex. Gravit, Bety Harwood, Doris Hess, Ruth Kent, Helen Miller, Elizabeth Myler, Priscilla Myler, Carolyn Per- kins, Ruth Ryder, Kathryn Sarich, Dorothy Shapland, Harriet Stout, Ruth Watt, Margaret Welliver and Ethel Winnai. Grad Students To Be Honored .At Breakfast Advanced Degree Winners To Meet Pres. Ruthven At Annual Fete Sunday Students receiving degrees at the close of the Summer Session, will be honored at a breakfast at 9 a.m. Sunday at the Michigan Union, Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, director, announ- ced yesterday. The breakfast is held to give sum- mer students an opportunity to meet President Ruthven before they con- clude their work at Michigan, Dr. Hopkins said. Graduates intending to come to the breakfast may get tickets for friends and members of their families. Mem- bers of the faculty may also pur- chase tickets. Beginning at 9 a.m., the invocation will be given by Dr. William P. Lemon, of the First Presbyterian Church. Following him short talks will be given by Dean Moakum of the Grad- uate School, and President Ruthven. Dr. Hopkins will preside. Between five to six hundred are expected to attend the meeting, with the members of the Graduate Board and their wives, and the members of the Dean's Conference and their wives as guests of~.honor.. Many of the persons entitled to attend the Breakfast will not be able to attend as they are taking work at the various University camps' about the country and others are writing their thesis at their residen- ces, Dr. Hopkins explained. This will be the 4th annual break- fast and is being directed by Miss Ethel M. McCormick, social director of the League. By House Tax Leaders Secretary Hull Congratulates PershingI Secretary of State Cordell Hull (left) was on hand to congratulate Gen. John J. Pershing, leader of America's World War Expeditionary Force, on his radio address from Washington in which he advocated sale of at least 50 American destroyers to Great Britain. "If the de- troyers help save the British fleet," Pershing said, "they may save us from the hunger and hardship of another war." Design Of Straits Bridge Span Is Unprecedented, Says Cissel _____ o Socialist Party Denied Lansing Parade Permit LANSING, Aug. 6.-(1P)-Norman Thomas, Socialist presidential candi- date, is scheduled to address the party's state convention here Satur- day. The party has been denied per- mission to hold a parade in connec- tion with the meeting. Members of the city council said a permit for a parade was refused because of heavy traffic expected Saturday. Charles Walters, of Detroit, state secretary of the party, sai4 Thomas would address the convention at 11 a.m. and would go to Clifford Lake, near Stanton, to talk at a Farmer's Union picnic at 2:30 p.m., returning here for a public address at 8 p.m. Former State Consultant On Bridge Construction Sees Critical Problems By KARL KESSLER The "slimmest" suspension span in the history of bridge construction engineering will form the most criti- cal link in the proposed Mackinac Straits Bridge now before Congress, according to Prof. James B. Cissel' of the civil engineering department. Professor Cissel was secretary and consulting engineer for the Mackinac Straits Bridge Authority of Michi- gan from May, 1934, to September, 1938. He was instrumental in much of the preliminary investigation lead- ing to the present proposal. Standard bridge building practice, Professor Cissel revealed, specifies a ratio of length to width of one to 35 to assure rigidity. This prerequisite rigidity, he pointed out, insures against a "swaying" effect under the passage of a large load over the span and prevents distortion of the bridge by high winds. First major deviation from this rule, he stated, was in the construc- tion of the Golden Gate bridge at San Francisco. Engineering statistics have revealed that the Golden Gate span sways as much as 121/2 feet out of line in a high wind. The only other bridge which exceeds the standard ration is the Tacoma Narrows bridge. Specifications for the proposed Straits bridge, however, Professor Cissel indicated, call for a ration of one to 92, almost double that used in the San Francisco span. It was chiefly by virtue of this Dramatics, Speech Defects, Radio Feature Speech Conference Here igh length-width ratio, Professor I Cissel believes, that the reduction in estimated cost from 35 to 26 million f ollars was made possible. The first proposal for a bridge r linking the upper and lower penin- sulas, Professor Cissel recalled, was promoted in 1920 by Charles Evandt Fowler, who had previously promotedE the Ambassador Bridge at Detroit. The Fowler proposal called for a long1 series of bridges utilizing the natural 1 stepping stones provided by Macki- I naw, Bois Blanc and other islands in the Straits. In 1934 Governor Comstock recom- mended that the highway department study the proposal, and Professor Cissel was given a post as consulting engineer to the investigating commit- tee. The committee rejected the' longer route as unfeasible, but found three alternative shorter paths. Linguist Series Will Conclude HereFriday, Voegelin, Miss Brunsteter To Describe Research Among Indians Tonight Two lectures and the usual Thurs- day luncheon conference will feature the final week's program of the Lin- guistic Institute, according to an an- nouncement by Prof. C. C. Fries, director. At 7:30 p.m. today, in the audi- torium of the W. K. Kellogg Build- ing, Prof. Charles F. Voegelin and Miss Della Brunsteter will describe the field work in American Indian languages that has been carried on- during the Summer Session here. Two Ojibway Indians, invited to Ann Arbor to serve as informants, have been used as sources for immediate objective study of their language. Professor Voegelin will summarize the results of this study. Related to the field investigation of Indian speech will be the discus- sion to be presented at the luncheon conference Thursday at 12:10 p.m. at the Michigan Union. At that tirne Dr. J. P. Harrington, senior ethnol- ogist of the Bureau of American Eth- onscription And National Guard Bills At Standstill; Sec. Hull Endorses Draft, FBI Presses Quest For 5th Columnists (By The Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Aug. 6.-An au- horitative Congressional spokesman ssured the makers of guns, planes nd other items needed in the de- ense program that they would re- eive preferential tax treatment to- lay and urged them to push on with he rearmament program without de- ay. Jere Cooper, Tennessee Democrat, chairman of the House Tax Sub- ommittee, made the statement to iewsmen while William S. Knudsen, ational defense commissioner, sat t Cooper's elbow. Cooper represented he chairmen of the Senate and Iouse committees which draft tax egislation as confident that both roups would approve a plan under dhich Government contractors might leduct from their taxable incomes he entire cost of expanding their dants for national defense. Cooper said he spoke with author- ty from Chairman Robert L. Dough- on, North Carolina Democrat, of the louse Ways and Means Committee nd Chairman Pat Harrison, Miss- ssippi Democrat, of the Senate Fi- ance Committee. His statement vas approved by Rep. Allen T. Tread- vay of Massachusetts, ranking Re- ublican on the Ways and Means .ommittee. Secretary Morganthau acted today o facilitate financing of new fac- ories. He ruled that in calculating >rofits of armament manufacturers under the 7 per cent profit limitation Af the Vinson-Trammell Act, manu- facturers could deduct from profits any interest they pay on borrowed money in connection with national lefense construction. Meanwhile, the House Tax Sub- Committee late today approved an emergency excess profits tax on cor- porations, to be based either on ac- tual profits or invested capital and to have an estimated yield of $300,- 000,000 to $500,000,000 annually. Defense Measures At Standstill WASHINGTON, Aug. 6-(P)-Con- gressional tempers cracked today un- der the strain of the great conscrip tion controversy, while that bill, and legislation empowering the President to muster the National Guard into active service, remained at a stand- still. The Senate heard a personal ex- change between Senator Holt (Dem- W.Va) and Senator Minton (Dem- Ind) in which such epithets as"liar," "rat," and "slacker" were common- places. A House hearing on the draft bill ended, meanwhile, in a charge by Rep. Faddis (Dem-Pa) that opposi- tion arose from "fifth columnists" and Nazi agents. When Faddis went on to say that Republicans were play- ing politics with the issue and "lead- ing us down the same path that France followed-to its death," mem- bers of that party arose to enter swift and emphatic denials. FBI Presses Quest For 'Fifth Columnists' WASHINGTON, Aug. 6.-(P)- Pressing its investigation of "fifth column" suspects, the Federal Bu- reau of Investigation put all its field offices on a 24-hour schedule today, while the House passed a bill per- mitting wire tapping by the FBI in investigations of sabotage, treason and espionage. The Interstate Commission on Crime, meanwhile, called for an in- vestigation of what it termed the "Nazi-Fascists' use of attaches of legations and consulates for subver- sive propaganda and other fifth col- umn activities in the United States." The Commission, reporting to the Conference of State Officials on Fed- eral and State Cooperation, called Conferences on dramatics, speech disorders, radio, and speech correc- tion were the order of the day for the second series of sessions of the annual Speech Conference convening here yesterday for visiting speech ex- perts, students and faculty. Prof. Louis M. Eich opened the second conference with reports of early and modern plays given stu- dents on problems and studies in reading and dramatics. Directions for staging "Caste" by Thomas Rob- inson, "Rip Van Winkle," "The Great Divine," and "Pygmalion" were given as the plays first produced. Dr. Emil Froeschels led the discus- sion and demonstration of speech disorders, while Dr. Harold West- lake of the Speech Clinic out- lined the process of vowel formation and showed slides of X-rays of vocal structures important in the correc- tion of speech disorders. Prof. Waldo Abbot directed a dem- dents of Professor Eich in choral reading presented fourteen selections which served to demonstrate the comparatively new field of speech and its special techniques. Prof. R. D. T. Hollister of the speech de- partment staged notable scenes of Shakespeare by numerous individual readings. Concluding its three-day meet to- day, the conference will be high- lighted by the annual informal speech luncheons which will feature the presentation of candidates for masters' degrees in speech and the original surprise satire of students of dramatics on their work and the faculty at 12:15 p.m. in the League Ballroom. Tickets for the luncheon may still be obtained this morning in the office of speech, Prof. G. E. Densmore, director of the conference announced. The morning conference includes "Fundamentals of Speech," led by PrfccrTXnlli~c .t Qa+0n. _m i t t r a T s I Peace Chapter To Meet Today Group Will Pick Delegates For Anti-War Rally The local chapter of the Commit- tee to Defend America by Keeping Out of War will meet at 4 p.m. today at the First Methodist Church to organize sending a University dele- gation to the Emergency Peace Mob- ilization, to be held Aug. 31 to Sept. 2, in Chicago, Edwin Burrows, Grad., announced last night. The national committee, which has