~PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, AUGUST 4, 1940 I-- 3 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Assolated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subcriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED VOA NATIONAL AOVEN,,ING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publshrs Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. cHIcAGO ' 13 TON * LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Editorial Staff Managing Editor..............Carl Petersen City Editor ...............Norman A. Schorr Associate Editors...........Harry M. Kelsey, Karl Kessler, Albert P. Blau- stein, Morton C. Jampel, Su- zanne Potter. Business Staff Business Manager ............ Jane E. Mowers Assistant Manager .......... Irving Guttman NIGHT EDITOR: HARRY M. KELSEY Embargo On Gasoline ... ATE LAST YEAR the American Gov- ernment imposed a "moral embargo" on aviation gasoline. Now the embargo passes out of the sphere of morality and becomes very real. Japan protests through her Admiralty spokesman and- insists that it is aimed at her, though by its terms it applies to all the world. Great Britain accepts the ban and concedes that we must carry out our program of national de- ense at all costs. The reason for this-difference of opinion is purely technological. The Japanese have never played any conspicuous part in refin- ing petroleum; the British, on the other hand, have erected refineries with American aid and by this time must be ready to produce the high- test gasoline that they need. Lindbergh flew across the Atlantic in a plane driven by gasoline of a quality which would now be considered inferior by commercial and mili- tary pilots. His "Spirit of St. Louis," was a small, low-powered machine. Pursuit planes today are driven at speeds of 350 miles an hour and more. Both types are equipped with high- compression, high-powered engines in which an explosive mixture may be ignited prematurely so that "knocking" results. Without the right gas- oline the fast aircraft of today would hardly be built. Upon that fuel depends not only speed but lifting power and manoeuving ability. Since the Germans are deficient in what we would call a good aviation gasQline, they probably rely on "leading"-that is, the addition of tetraethyl lead to regulate gasoline. In practice our embargo strikes hard at Japan. Though it is not likely that her bombings of Chinese towns will cease, she will have to buy what gasoline she can in the world market and improve it as best she can with tetraethyl lead. Russia cannot help her. For lack of technical ckill the chemists of Baku are not equal to the task of producing aviation gasoline from refinery gases. It so happens that we lead the world in the art of polymerization, by which technical term the chemist means the construction of mole- cules of the right kind. Through chemical skill we are able in effect to impose sanctions of the kind tht baffled the League of Nations. -The New York Times Jobs And The Draft... ONE FEATURE of the Burke-Wadsworth com- pulsory military training bill which should commend itself to those in the age group which will be called for service if the bill passes is the rigid provision guaranteeing reemployment to men taken from thei1t jobs for training. As this section of the bill now stands, refusal of re-employment to a draftee at the end of his period of service will be stigmatized as an un- fair labor practice. The national labor, relations board will be employed to force an employer to rehire a conscript. One of the most tragic things in the program to increase national security by compulsory mili- tary training is that the introduction of any measure such as the Burke-Wadsworth- bill, however much it may increase national security, cannot but increase also the personal insecurity so keenly felt by many young persons. Assurance has been given by army officials that no men with dependents will be called, and it seems certain that men in so-called key positions in business and industry will be put into the deferred classification. For many young men without dependents and not in key posi- tions, however, conscription is likely to prove something of a personal tragedy. Anything which can be done to mitigate the Calendar For Seventh Week Sunday, August 4 7:15 p.m. Concert on the Charles Baird Carillon. 8:00 p.m. Vesper Service. Music under the direction of Father W. J. Finn, New York. (Hill Auditorium.) Monday, August 5 4:05 p.m. Lecture. "Child Growth and the Curriculum," William A. Brownell, Pro- fessor of Educational Psychology, Duke University. (University High School Audi- torium.) 4:15 p.m. Lecture. "The Military Situation of the United States," Brig. Gen. Oliver L. Spaulding (Rackham Lecture Hall.) Tuesday, August 6 4:05 p.m. Lecture. "The Democratic Foundation of American Public Schools," Claude Eggertsen, Instructor in the History of Education. 8:30 p.m. Concert. Faculty of the School Music. Hans Pick, violincello; Joseph Brinkman, pianist; Hardin A. Van Deursen, bairtone; John L. Kollen, Pianist; Ernest Krenek, piano accompanist. (Hill Auditorium.) Wednesday, August 7 4:05 p.m. Lecture. "Public Education in Mexico," Aruthur B. Moehlman, Professor of School Administration and Supervision. (University High School Auditorium.) 7:30 p.m. Linguistic Institute Lecture. "Field Work at the Linguistic Institute," Pro- fessor Carl F. Voegelin and Miss Della Brunsteter. (Auditorium, W. K. Kellogg Building.) 8:30 p.m. "Patience." by Gilbert and Sullivan. (Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.) Thursday, August 8 12:10 p.m. Linguistic Institute Luncheon Conference. "American Indian Place Names." Dr. J. P. Harrington, Senior Ethnologist of the Bureau of American Ethnology, Smithsonian Institution. (Michigan Union.) 4:05 p.m. Lecture. "What the Public Expects of its Schools," Clifford Woody, Professor of Education, (University High School Auditorium.) 7:15 p.m. Concert on the Charles Baird Carillon. 8:30 p.m. "Patience." by Gilbert and Sullivan. (Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.) Friday, August 9 7:30 p.m. Linguistic Institute Lecture. "The Function of Language." Professor Leon- ard Bloomfield. (Ampitheatre, Rackham Building.) 8:30 p.m. Patience." by Gilbert and Sullivan. (Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.) 9:00 p.m. Social Evening. (Michigan League Ballroom.) Come with or without a partner. Saturday, August 10 9:00 a.m. Internal Combustion Engine Institute Lectures: "Engine Heat Transfer" by Mr. R. N. Janeway, Chrysler Corporation and "Valve Gears" by Mr. V. M. Young, Wilcox-Rich Corporation. (Amphitheater, Rackham Building.) 8:30 p.m. "Patience." by Gilbert and Sullivan. (Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.) 9:00 p.m. Social Evening (Michigan League Ballroom.) Come with or without a partner. Sunday, August 11 7:15 p.m. Concert on the Charles Baird Carillon. 8:30 p.m. The Art Cinema League. A German film. Pre-Hitler. Th'e Straight Dope By Himself 1 VIeDALYIASINGTON MERRY ROTND I- By DREW PEARSON and ROBERT ALLEN WASHINGTON-The British have done an excellent job of rooting out Fifth Column elements and prevent- ing a repetition of what happened in Norway and the Lowlands. But how hard this is to do was indicated by an uncensored report just receiv- ed here that as early as July 1 Ger- man parachute troops were being landed. Four were nabbed that day in north Wales. They were not ordinary soldiers. Attired as hikers, they poke perfect English, carried genuin Eng- lish registration cards, which could have come only from British sources, and apparently had specific instruc- tions whom to contact. One of the spies, before being ap- prehended, telephoned a man who later was discovered to be a Fifth Columnist. The purpose of the para- chutist was to get in touch with in- dividuals in England who would fur- nish them with information and help to undermine resistance against in- vasion. It was also learned from the cap- ture of these men that Fifth Colum- nist fishermen in the region were servicing a Nazi submarine. Military Training The Army is up against a much tougher task than most people rea- lize in getting ready for compulsory military training or for the special call of the National Guard. The main problem is housing such a large number of men. To do this takes time. It takes time to construct barracks, to put in sewerage, to bring in water sppplies. As much as possi- ble of this work must be done be- fore bad weather sets in. This is why the War Department is so impatient over the delay in Congress. If the legislation finally passes, then the Army can begin let- ting contracts. But until then not' one order can be placed for barracks or anything else. All the plans are ready on paper, and the Army has scarcely overlook- ed a detail in these advance prepar- ations. But that is as far as it can go. Another handicap is the fact that the National Guard this month is conducting its most important ma- neuvers in history. And if Congress grants Roosevelt's request to permit' him to call out the Guard for a year's training, it will be necessary to send the men back to their homes to, ar- range their private affairs, then send them back into the field. This doubles the cost of transpor- tation. If Congress acted earlier it might have been avoided. Who's Kidding Whom? Genial, barren - beaned Senator. Burke, anti - New Deal Nebraska Democrat is an enthusiastic jester, but the big question among his col- leagues is: Just who is Burke kidding regarding his plan to stage public hearings on the third term issue. Burke2has set the hearings for August 12. The excuse to hear argu- ments on his constitutional amend- mend to limit presidential terms to one six-year period. But the private records of the Senate Judiciary Com- mittee, of which Burke is a member, disclose that he has no authority to hold such proceedings. Here is the inside story of his mysterious move: It was way back in January, 1939, that Burke introduced the proposal. A few days later he was made chair- man of a sub-committee to consider an anti-third term bill and report on it to the full committee. The sub-committee made a report in July, 1939-just one year ago- recommending that the measure be sent to the Senate without recom- mendation; that is, the sub-commit- tee ducked taking any stand. In keeping with long practice in cases like this, the full committee there- upon shelved the bill and forgot all about it. As far as this Congress is concern- ed, the bill is as dead as a dried mac- kerel. There isn't the remotest chance of its being considered. Burke knows this, just as he knows that his sub-committee no longer has any jurisdiction over the bill. It re- linquished jurisdiction when it re- ported to the full committee more than a year ago. Adding a dash of piquancy is the fact that Burke him- self is just as mucl4 a lame duck as his bill, having been defeated for re- nomination several months ago. All of which adds up to the fol- lowing: A lame duck Senator pro- poses to use a dead bi over which he no longer has any jurisdiction to stage a series of hearings at public expense to boost a political candi- date. Meanwhile Democratic Senators are betting that the trick won't come off. Burke isn't that good. Argentine Isolation The difficulties with Argentina which arose in Havana may come up again, so it might be well to look at some of the things that have hap- pened backstage in Pan-American diplomacy. Strange as it may seem, the great majority of the Argentine people are strong rooters for the U.S.A., This change in public sentiment has taken place chiefly since the New Deal, and because of Roosevelt's Good Neigh- bor Policy. It is no exaggeration to say that Roosevelt's liberal reforms are watched with the closest interest in Argentina, and' that he is more popular than most Argentine lead- ers. This is true of about 75 per cent of the people. The remaining 25 per cent, which includes the ruling aris- tocracy and the big ranch owners, are vigorously anti-Roosevelt. One notable exception, however, is Presi- dent Ortiz, who before the Havana Conference opened, was stricken with diabetes, and is not expected to re- cover. For the time being he has now resigned. Argentine foreign policy, there- fore, is dictated solely by Foreign Minister Jose Cantillo, anbold school, pip-squeak diplomat, trained in Eur- ope, who vigorously dislikes the Uni- ted States. Behind are some of the big Buenos Aires banks which favor direct dealing with Hitler. When the Argentine delegation left for Havana, it carried definite instructions to oppose the United States and follow an isolationist pol- icy. But during the conference, that isolationism was modified. The man responsible for the modification was Dr. Leopoldo Melo, chief Argentine delegate. He took it on his own shoulders partially to ignore instructions from Foreign Minister Cantillo and adapt a much more cooperative policy. He could not throw Argentine isolation overboard entirely, but he ent much further than his instructions per- mitted. In doing this he had behind him the Argentine people, .though not Foreign Minister Cantillo. Note-Dr. Melo belongs to the Radical Party, which is more liberal than the government in power. Des- pite this, it might be wise to keep an eye orn, him. He may be slated for bigger things, I --- - W M-W-ft DAILY OFFICIAL (Continued from Page 2) stitute Lecture to be given by Mr. F. M. Young on August 9 at 7:30 p.m. has been cancelled. All freshmen and sophomores in the College of Literature, Science and the Arts who are attending the Sum- mer Session and who have not had their elections for the fall Semester approved, are urged to consult with me before the close of the Summer Session. Appointments can be made calling at the Office of the Academic Counselors, Room 108, Mason Hall, or by calling Extension 613. Arthur VanDuren Chairman, Academic Counselors. Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- tificate for August 1940, to be recom- mended by the School of Education, are requested to call at the office of the School of Education, 1439 U.E.S, on August 6, or 7 to take the Teacher Oath which is a requirement for the certificate. The final +examination schedule as published in the complete an- nouncement is incorrect. Below is the correct schedule. Hour of Recitation 8 9 10 11 Time of Thurs. Fri. Thurs. Fri. Examination 8-10 8-10 2-4 2-4 Hour of All other Recitation 1 2 3 hours Time of Thurs. Thurs. Fri. Fri. Examination 4-6 10-12 10-12 4-6 Speech Students: Students enrol- led in Speech courses and all others interested are invited to attend the Speech Conference to be held by the Department of Speech as follows: Monday, August 5. 9 a.m. to 12- Registration. (Office of Department of Speech, 3211 Angell Hall.) 2 to 3:30 p.m.-Conference on "Prob- lems in the Teaching of Speech." (4203 Angell Hall.) 3:30 to 5 p.m.-Conference on "Problems in the Directing of For- ensics." (4003 Angell Hall.) 8 p.m.-Demonstration Debate on the National High School Question. (Lecture Hall, Horace . H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies.) Tuesday, August 6, 9 to 10 a.m.- Demonstration Class in "Studies in Reading and Dramatics." (Auditor- ium of the W. K. Kellogg Institute.) 10 to 11 a.m.-Demonstration Class in "The Study of Speech Disorders." (Auditorium of the W. K. Kellogg Institute.) 11 a.m. to 12-Demonstration Class in "Structure and Function of Voice and Speech." (Auditorium of the W. K. Kellogg Institute.) 2 to 3 p.m,.-Demonstration in Ra- dio-including a broadcast over Sta- tion WCAR. (Morris Hall Studio.) 3 to 4 p.m.-Conference on "Or- ganizing and, Producing Radio Pro- grams." (Morris Hall Studio.) 3 to 5 p.m.-Conference on "Prob- lems in Speech Correction." (Speech Clinic in the Institute for Human Adjustment.) 8 p.m.-Program of Individual and Choral Readings. (Auditorium of the W. K. Kellogg Institute.) Wednesday, August 7, 9 to 10 a.m. -Demonstration Class in "Funda- mentals of Speech." (Auditorium of the W. K. Kellogg Institute.) 10 to 11 a.m.-Demonstration Class in "Prinsiples and Methods of Dis- cussion." (Auditorium of the W. K. Kellogg Institute.) 11 a.m. to 12-Demonstration Class in "The Teaching of Speech." (Audi- torium of the W. K. Kellogg Insti- tute.) 12;15 p.m.-Speech Luncheon, six- ty-five cents. (Ballroom of the Michi- gan League.) 3 to 5 p.m.--Conference on "Prob- lems of Dramatic Production." (Ly- dia Mendelssohn Theatre.) 8:30 p.m.-Performance of "Pa- tience" (Gilbert and Sullivan) by the Michigan Repertory Players of the Department of Speech. (Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre.) The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received notice of the following Civil Service Examination. Last dates for filing.application is noted in each case: UNITED STATES CIVIL SERVICF Senior Engineer, salary $4,600, Au- gust 29, 1940. Civil Engineer, salary $3,800, Au- gust 29, 1940. Associate Civil Engineer, salary $3,200, August 29, 1940. Assistant Civil Engineer, salary $2,600, August 29, 1940. Senior Stenographer, salary $1,620, August 15, 1940. Junior Typist, salary $1,620, Au- gust 15, 1940. Junior Stenographer, salary $1,440, August 15, 1940. Senior Typist, salary $1,440; Au- gust 15, 1940. Complete announcement filed at the University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information FAR BE IT from our eager heart to continue our chastisements of our editorial colleagues. The fact none-the-less remains that the scenery which our friend the drama critic so fervently admired in the production of Galsworthy's "Es- cape" was not designed by Mr. Alexander Wy- ckoff as he supposed, but by the equally meritor- ious Mr. Robert Mellencamp also of the Rep- ertory Player's staff. We grant Mr. Green that this fact was not contained on his program, due to an oversight, but it has always been our belief that a good newspaperman checks his facts. As to whether or not Mr. Whitford Kane s playwrighting friends do right by him we do not claim to judge. Mr. Kane's friends Galsworthy and St. John Ervine have done very well for themselves for some little time now, and Mr. Kane is probably as popular an actor as ever had four jobs offered him at the same time. Further, Mr. Kane's appearances in plays by Galsworthy German Youth GERMAN boys and girls may dance on Wednesdays and Saturdays after 7 p.m. Der Fuehrer laid an interdict on all danc- ing when the Norwegian campaign began. Now he lifts it. Joy is supposed to reign, and the masses will be grateful, will they not? If they are, they're crazy, seems the obvious answer to an American, btit that brings up the whole problem of mass insanity. Since Edmund Burke got off that crack about the impossibility of indicting a whole people, most men have been cautious about calling a whole nation mad. But the researches of modern anthropology show plainly enough that whole tribes can go nuts and have done so frequently. The underworld probably has the phrase for it. It is "stir crazy," a common affliction among men cooped up in a long house for a long time. Is it not reasonable to expect this malady to be- come quite general in a nation living under a regime that approximates ever more closely the institutionalism of Joliet and Chester? To be perfectly frank about it, isn't the Machine Age even outside the efficiency-mad totalitarian states, a very severe tax upon the mental sta- bility of man? Another view of Der Fuehrer's policy with respect to dancing might be that it is just practical politics. To convert the everyday amusements of a people into privileges, either taxed or graciously granted from on high, is old stuff in statecraft-which, by the way, consists very largely of Tom Sawyer's technique of white- washing the fence. When we reflect that in America today the racket of selling folk what they already own, or have a right to own, is tremendously lucrative, we get another slant on Der Fuehrer and the dance. and Ervine have been among the most success- ful in his long and distinguished career. Are you listening, Mr. Green? Finally we think it was fine of Mr. Green to state boldly and unequivocally that Mr. Kane had considerable acting talent. That ought to make Mr. Kane feel just dandy. If he had any doubts about it they should be resolved by now. Hail and Farewell brother Green-your turn to annoy us comes next week, or would you like to do a guest column? * * * * WHILE WE ARE ON THE SUBJECT of the arts we should like to throw a few bouquets at the Music School's Sunday evening concerts. Unfortunately we have been unable to attend many but we did get to one where Thelma Lewis sang very well indeed and looked beautiful. That is indeed the rarest of achievements among singers. Also very much among those present was Ernst Krenek, pianist, composer, theorist, conductor, historian, musicologist and several other things. Mr. Krenek piayed a suite of his own and we liked it. We liked it for many reasons not the least of which was Mr. Krenek's execution. He sat down and played about eight measures of the wierdest sounding music these ears ever took in. Four fat school teachers in front of us went down into convulsions. Then Mr. Krenek played his music. It was without very definite attempt to establish anything but mood. Scale, harmony, and tradition were almost entirely forgotten. But the mood, the brilliant allegri, the passionately quiet adagio, came through. , We know Mr. Krenek has gone far beyond'this early work. We have admired "Jonny Spielt Auf" and other works for a long time. But the concern with what music has to say rather than with just how it is said is the best possible sign of a musician. Let the technicians turn into book- keepers. Mr. Arthur Poister of Oberlin, played on the same program. Simple and unassuming he proved his unusual sensitivity in his playing of Bach chorales, and an overwhelming technical mastery of the organ with one of the great fugues. His tour de force in pedalling out four voices simultaneously remains with us. We could have done without the trotting out of the vox humana of the Frieze organ on the last number. For two years we had not heard it and we were just as happy. A cheap sensation is still cheap even when a great artist pulls it off. Our only real regret in regard to the music this summer is that we have not heard more of it. What we have heard indicates we are missing a great deal. Hot Weather Stuff What with the Government's defense problems and revenue problems, it's open season on freak ideas in Washington. And the weather has been pretty hot lately. So the latest suggestion for get- Grin And Bear It ... By Lichty afi' ."- f - 4