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August 04, 1940 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1940-08-04

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Partly Cloudy;
Scattered Shpwers Probable




On Gasoline...


Official Publication Of The Summer Session


Crisis Is Seen
Over Seizure
Of Japanese;
Want Release
Unconfirmed Report Says
Japanese Ships Bound
For England Rerouted
No Reason Given
For British Action
LONDON, Aug. 3.-(P)-A diplo-
matic crisis over Britain's sudden
detention of the London representa-
tives of two of Japan's most powerful
farilies-a seizure that almost para-
lleled the recent arrest of Britons
in Japan-appeared to be developing
And unconfirmed report that all
Japanese ships sailing for Great
Britain had been ordered to make
for Lisbon, Portugal; was circulated
by Exchange Telegraph, British news
The agency attributed the report
to the Berlin wireless. The Japanese
earlier had expressed objections to
the British blockade of Europe which
now extends from the Arctic to North
Britain's arrest of the Japanese
brought a swift reaction.
Protests To Halifax
The Japanese ambassador, Namoru
Shigemitsu, went to the very top-
to Foreign Minister Lord Halifax
himself-to make a "strong protest"
and in a 20-minute interview with
the Viscount he was reported to have
made an outright demandthat the
internees, Saturu Makihara and
Shunsukei Tanabe, be released forth-
Makihara and Tanabe, agents of
the fabulously wealthy Mitsubishi
and Mitsui families-members of a
small group of such families which
controls nearly all Japanese industry
and finance-were arrested quietly
during the night and other reports
inddated that 'arests of -other Ja-
panese were going forward all over
the British Empire.
othing was said officially by the
British but unofficially it was de-
clared that the arrests were made
on the grounds of national "security"
under the act regulating aliens in
Spy Syndicate Reported
At the same time, sections of the
London press carried reports of the
ferreting-out of a widespread spy
syndicate in the Empire, especially
in Canada, Australia and Burma.
All this provided a set of circum-
stances almost identical under which
the Japanese had made arrests of
British subjects-arrests which were
declared in Tokyo to have been made
because of the existence of a spy
ring in Japan-but authoritative
British sources insisted impassively
that nevertheless London's action was
not at all a reprisal.
If there were strong similarities
between the two incidents, it was
said it was just a "pure coinci-
Intense Aerial Attack
Of Britain Hinted
BERLIN, Aug. 3.--(P)-A German
general of aviation talked threaten-
ingly today on an invasion of Eng-
land, not across the tossing channel
but with great aerial armadas strik-
ing simultaneously in an enveloping
and paralyzing movement from the

The pounding of the British Isles
by German bombers week after week
represents nothing more than "mere
pin pricks" set against what is to
come said General Karl Schweick-
"Our possible positions of takeoff
from bases in Scandinavia, from the
North Sea coast and from the coasts
of France," he added, "guarantee
the envelopment of England from
many sides, with simultaneous ar-
rival of our aircraft at every ob-
jective with the heaviest possible
bomb loads."
The 'general, writing in the pub-
lication Schlesiche Zeitung, asserted
Germany had much the better of it
in the air, citing England's "greater
vulnerability" and the fact that her
endangered area was compressed
more closely, compared to German
industrial plants spread over a broad
For many days, German strategy
apparently has been centered not


Conference On Speech
Opens Here Tomorrow
Educators, Speech Students, Faculty To Participate
In Round Table Discussions, Demonstrations

Chorus Gives
Final Vespers
Service Today
Director Of Paulist Choir
To Be Guest Conductor
Of Program At 8 P.M.
Classical Works

Frank Simon
Will Conduct
Band Concert

Conscription Bill
Battle May Lead
To Compromise


An annual Summer Session event,
the three-day Speech Conference will
convene here tomorrow for educators
and' others engaged in speech work
as well as students and faculty to
participate in roundtable discussions
and demonstrations and to hear
members of the speech department
present the newest trends and tech-
niques in the broad fields of debat-
ing, dramatics, oral interpretation,
radio, and speech science.
Under the direction of Prof. G. E.
Densmore of the department the ses-
sion will open with a conference on
"Problems in the Teaching of
Speech" at 2 p.m. tomorrow in Room
4203 Angell Hall following registra-
tion of out-of-town members of the
conference. Prof. Kenneth G. Hance
will lead the discussion of "Problems
in the Directing of Forensics" in
4003 Angell Hall from 3 to 5 'p.m.
High point in tomorrow's program
is the demonstration debate on the
national high school question, "Re-
solved, that the powers of the fed-
eral government should be increased"
at 8 p.m. in the Legture Hall of the
Rackham Building by members of
Summer Session classes in the teach-
ing of speech and the teaching and
coaching of debate.
With Mr. Arthur Secord of the de-
partment and manager of the Mich-
igan High School Forensic Associa-
tion as chairman, the affirmative
will be composed of Charles Hamp-
ton, Robert Turner and Valentine.
Williams. Edson Attleson, Florence
Efty and Alfred K. Jones will com-
prise the negative team. All mem-
bers of the two teams are coaches
in various high schools and colleges
in Michigan, Indiana and Illinois.
Miss Efty's team of Grand Rapids
Central High School won the state
championship debate staged here in
Hill Auditorium last May.
Tuesday's demonstration classes in
Three Groups
To .Participate
In Final Show
The Michigan Repertory Players,
the School of Music and the Univer-
sity Symphony Orchestra will join
forces at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday is the
Lydia Mendelssohn to present the
last production of the Summer Ses-
sion drama season, "Patience" by
Gilbert and Sullivan.
Under the direction of Prof. Valen-
tine B. Windt of the speech depart-
ment and Prof. Claribel Baird of
the speech department at the Okla-
homa College for Women, the oper-
etta will also be presented Thursday,
Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tues-
day nights.
Leading roles in the production
will be played by Wilberta Horn as
Patience; George Cox as Reginald
Bunthorne; John Schwarzwalder as
Archibald 'Grosvenor, and Nancy
Bowman as The Lady Jane.
In supporting roles are Ernest
Challendar as Colonel Calverly; Don-
ald Gage as the Duke of Dunstable;
Helen Miller as The Lady Angela;
Maurice Gerow as Major Murga-
troyd; Margaret Welliver as The
Lady Ella; Ethel Winnai as The Lady
Saphir, and William Kinzer as Bun-
thorne's solicitor.

reading and dramatics, the study of
speech disorders, and the structure
and function of the voice and speech
will be conducted respectively by
Prof. Louis Eich at 9 a.m., Dr. Harold
Westlake at 10 a.m. and Dr. Froe-
schels at 11 a.m. in the W. K. Kel-
logg Institute Auditorium of the New
Dental Building.
In the afternoon Prof. Waldo AbL
bot and his assistants in radio will
present a demonstration over station
WCAR at 2 p.m. and conduct the
conference on "Organizing and Pro-
ducing Radio Programs at 3 p.m.
Prof. H. H. Bloomer will lead the
consideration of Problems in Speech
Correction from 3 to 5 p.m. at the
Speech Clinic in the Institute for
Human Adjustment.
Under the direction of Professors
Eich and R. D. T. Hollister students
in choral reading and interpretation
will present a program of selections
of individual and group readings at,
S p.m. in the W. K. Kellogg Institute,
With demonstration classes in
(Continued on Page 5)
Biology Camp
Plans Visitors
Douglas Lake Station Plans
Educational Exhibitions
Of Scientific Problems
The University Biological Station
on Douglas Lake near Cheboygan
will be open to the public for its
thirteenth annual Visitors Day from
2 p.m. to 5 p.m. today.
Educational exhibits illustrating
the works of the various classes and
scientific investigations by students
and 'faculty members will be on d-
play. Members of the faculty will
be on hand to discussany problems
brought to them by visitors.
Ample parking space will be pro-
vided at the Station and roads lead-
ing to the camp from Cheboygan,
Topinabee, Brutus and Pellston will
be posted. Visitors from Ann Arbor
will reach the Station through To-
Established in 1909, the Biological
Station has held an eight weeks'
session every summer since. It was
founded with two principle objec-
tives in mind, to investigate biologi-
cal problems and to bring students
and teachers into direct contact with
living animals' and plants in their
natural surroundings.{
The area in which the Station is
located is well suited to its purpose.
Lakes of all sizes, bog lakes, bogs,
brooks and rivers as well as large
tract sof unoccupied wild lands in-
cluding pine and jackpine plains,
hardwood forests, fir, spruce and
cedar swamps, sand dunes along the
shores of the greatlakes and farm
lands furnish an extraordinary va-
riety of conditions for the study of
animals and plants.
The staff of experts from the Uni-
versity here and other colleges and
universities all over the country is
headed by Prof. Alfred H. Stockard
of the zoology department as direc-
tor of the Station. This summer 116
students are enrolled, of whom 93
are graduate students, 75 are men
and 41 women.

Will Be Featured
Rev. William J. Finn, director of
the Paulist Choir of New York City
will act as guest conductor for the
third and final program in the series
of Summer Session Vesper services
given by the Summer Session Chor-
us of mixed voices at 8 p.m. today
in Hill Auditorium.
Outstanding in the field of choral
presentation of early Italian poly-
phonic masterpieces, Father Finn will
combine these and classical works
in the selection for today's program.
The all-musical event arranged un-
der the auspices of the Committees
on Religious Education and the Uni-
versity Musical Society is an annual
feature of each Summer Session.
More than 4,000 students and fac-
ulty and their friends have already
witnessed and participated in the
first two programs given July 7 and
21, its sponsors announced.
Today's program includes:
Prelude-Fantasia and Fugue
in C Minor ..............Bach
Invocation Motet
Polyphonic Motets :.......Palestrina
When Shall My Sorrowing
Sigh Cease .............Tallis
Salve Regina..........Waddington
Ave Maria................Franck
Gloria in Excelsis Deo ... Palestrina
Organ Interlude
Our Master Hath a Garden .. Clokey
Requiem ........Bantoch
How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling
Place.......... ...Brahms
Hosanna in Excelsis (B Minor
Mass) *..~ . .Bach
PostludeTroisieme Choral Andriesse
Choral ............. Andriessen
Tennis Tourney
Won By Lewis
Ann Arbor Boy Is State
Ann Arbor's fair-haired, 16-year
old Roger Lewis, smashed his way
to the state novice championship
yesterday afternoon by defeating
Merle Gulick of Dowagiac in the
finals of the two-day meet here.
Mildred Demmink, of Grand Rap-
ids, outplayed Kalamazoo's Christine
Van Loo to win the women's title in
the tourney that brought 32 entries
from eight cities, survivors of an
original field of 3,000 novices.
Wiry little Lewis, former boys
champ of Indiana, and doubles cham-
pion for Michigan class B high school
competition, turned in a hard-hit-
ting game against lanky Gulick who
showed smooth form and a steady
He took the first set 6-4, and then
seemed to crack under Gulick's easy
returns to drop the second set 6-3.
He returned for the third set, pro-
tected from a strong sun by an over-
cast sky, and got his powerful Ameri-
can twist serve under control to
trounce Gulick 6-1, for set, match
and title.
Both youngsters played a near-
professional brand of ball. Gulick
(Continued on Page 5)

Summer Session Group
To Play At 4:15 P.M.;
Soloist To Be Featured.
Program Of Eight
Numbers Planned
The University Summer Session
Band under the baton of Frank Si-
mon as guest conductor will present
its third public concert at 4:15 pm.
today in Hill Auditorium.
The program of eight numbersI
will open with a band interpretation1
of Peter Cornelius' historic overture
to The Barber of Bagdad.
Two Spanish dances, Malaguena
and Andalucia, from the Suite Es-
pagnole by the contemporary Span-
ish composer, Ernesto Lecuona, will
be presented by the band as typical
selections from the works of that
Mr. Simon will conduct his own
composition, Miss Blue Bonnet, as the-
third number of the afternoon per-
formance. Dedicated to his pupil,
Miss Jennings McLean of Cladwell,
Tex., the cornet solo will 4e per-°
formed by Leonard Meretta of Len-
oir, N. C.
To Present Lehar Piece
Turning to waltz time, the Sum-
mer Session Band will next present
Gold and Silver by the Hungarian
composer, Franz Lehar. Famed for
his waltzes and light operas, Lehar's
best known composition is the pop-
ular Merry Widow light opera, first
performed at the Theater-an-den-
wien in 1905.-
Fifth on the program will be the;
Moorish Suite The Courts of Gra-
nada by Ruberto Chapi, the Spanish
theatrical composer. The presenta-
tion is given in four parts: 1) Intro-
duction and March to the Tourna-
ment, 2)Meditation, 3) Serenata and
4) Finale. Arranged for band by G.
Pintado, the composition was later
revised by S. K. Wright.
And The Donkey Serenade
Rudolph Friml's descriptive melo-
dy, The Donkey Serenade from The
Firefly will be the sixth number of
the program.
Donald Marrs of the University
Band will be the featured sloist in
the euphonium solo, La Coquette by
Herman Bellstedt.
Concluding number in the after-
noon band concert will be The Great
Gate at Kiev from Picture at an Ex-
hibition by the Russian composer,
Modeste Moussorgsky. The move-
ments of this suite describe in music
a series of ten pictures painted by
Victor Hartman, a friend of Mous-
sorksky. The excerpt performed de-
scribes the great gate of the Boyara
at Kiev.
Gardens Dedicated
To GoV.Fitzgerald
3.--()-Michigan dedicated its me-
morial to the late Gov. Frank D.
Fitzgerald today in ceremonies on
this romantic island where the state
chief executives have found relaxa-
tion from the stress of office.
A garden plot especially favored
by Governor Fitzgerald was dedi-
dated as the Fitzgerald memorial
gardens. In the garden, hard by
Michigan's "Governor's Cottage," a
bronze plate was unveiled.

Policy Speech
Will Be Given
By Spaulin
Brig. Gen. Oliver L. Spaulding of
the United States Army will deliver
the sixth lecture of the American
Policy Series at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow
in the Rackham Lecture Hall on
"The Military Situation of the Uni-
ted States."
General Spaulding took his AB
at the University in 1895, his LLB in
1896. He also fiolds -an AM from
Harvard, received in 1932, and an
LLD from the University, received
in 1938.
A graduate of the Army War Col-
le'e, of the Artillery School and of
the Command and General Staff Col,
ege, General Spaulding became a
second lieutenant in 1898. Serving
on the general staff corps of the
Army he received the Distinguished
Service Medal.
He was made a colonel in 1917,
and became brigidier-general in 1918.
Previous lectures in this series,
sponsored by the Summer Session,
and entitled, "American Policy in the
World Crisis," have been delivered
by Prof. Howard M. Ehrmann, of
the history department, Prof. Law-t
rence Preuss of the political science
department, Dr. Melchior Palyi,
noted German economist, Dr. Wil-
liam S. Culbertson, chairman of the
United States Tariff Commission,
and Prof. Charles L. Jamison of thei
business administration school. i
Japan Protests
New Aviation
Gas Embargo
Less Facilities Available
For Refining Own Fuel
Is Discrimination Claim
WASHINGTON, Aug. 3.-(P)-Ja-
pan protested formally today against
the embargo which makes it impos-
sible for her to purchase aviation
gasoline in this country.
Kensuke Horinouchi, the Japanese
ambassador, handed a note of pro-
test to Sumner Welles, Under Secre-
tary of State, on instructions from
his government.
The Japanese envoy would not dis-
close the contests of the message to
reporters afterward, except to say
that it dealt with a commercial mat-
From reliable sources it was
learned, however, that the note pro-
tested against the aviation gasoline
embargo on the ground that it was
discriminatory against Japan.
One basis that may have been cited
for this claim of discrimination, it
was said, was that the embargo would
effect the Japanese much more than
the British because Japan had less
facilities for refining its own avia-
tion fuel

Administration Drive For
Senate Votes Is Begun;
Much Opposition Seen
Maloney Is Drafting
Middle Ground Bill
WASHINGTON, Aug. 3.-(M)-An
Administration drive to. line up the
Senate votes needed to pass the
Burke-Wadsworth compulsory mili-
tary service bill was begun today,
but so much opposition was mani-
fested that some supporters predic-
ted a compromise would be neces-
Although Senator Burke (Dem-
Neb), one of the co-authors of the
bill, predicted that less than 20 oppo-
sition votes would be cast, Senator
Lee (Dem-Okla), an advocate of
compulsory service, said an informal
survey indicated it would be neces-
sary to seek some middle ground in
order to get the measure through the
House, as well as the Senate.
Burke said it was his understand-
ing that Senator Byrnes (Dem-SC)
would be the unofficial leader of Ad-
ministration forces. In the past, he
said, Byrnes has had extraordinary
success in winning approval of con-
troversial measures.
In connection, with the talks of
compromise, Senator Maloney (Dem-
Conn) disclosed he was drafting a
proposal which he said he felt both
opponents and proponents of the
conscription bill could accept.
The Burke-Wadsworth bill, sche-
duled' for final approval Monday by
the Senate Military Affairs Commit-
tee, provides, in general, that 12,000,-
000 male citizens between 21 and 30
years, inclusive, should be registered
for possible military service. From
these registrants local boards would
select 400,000 who would be called to
Maloney said his substitute would
propose that the registration be car-
ried out as provided in the Burke-
Wadsworth bill, but that conscription
be delayed for several months, pos-
sible until January 1.
In the meantime, voluntary en-
listments for one year's training
would be attempted, with the basic
Army pay scale being raised from
$21 to $30 a month.
If there were insufficient volun-
teers to meet the Army's require-
ments by the specified date, con-
scription would go into effect auto-
matically. .However, only enough
conscripts would be summoned to
make up the difference between the
number who had volunteered and
the quota which previously had been
fixed by the Army.
Negroes Want Their Part
Of Defense Program
3.-(AP)-Southern Negro leaders to-
day called for racial opportunity "in
proportion to population" to train
for defense skills and combat servie.
. Dr. Benjamin F. Hubert of Sa-
vannah, Ga., chairman of the state
central planning commission, de-
clared before the body that Negroes
should be "more thoroughly coor-
dinated" into the defense program.
Such coordination would materi-
ally assist in raising the economic
level of approximately 14 million Ne-
groes in the natipn, he said.
Hubert asserted the commission
proposed to seek military training
for all Negro high schools and land
grant colleges and to enlarge facilh-
ties of vocational training in metal
work, mechanics and carpentry,
The commission outlined a pro-
posal that Negroes be allowed to
serve in all phases of combat ser-
vice, such as Army, Navy and Air
I Corps, as well as "behind the lines
in labor battalions."

179 Ann Arborites Are Listed
In Latest Edition Of Who's Who

Sports And Studies Are Found

or /i

To Mix Well In Fraternity Life

The University City of ,Ann Arbor
rates second only to Detroit in the
state in the number of entries in
the 1940-41 edition of Who's Who in
America, recently published.
Yet, Ann Arbor has an edge on
Detroit. Her 179 listings represent
slightly more than six tenths of one
per cent, of her population, while
Detroit's 280 listings include only
less than two hundredths of one per
cent of that city's people.
The University itself, of course,
provides the' reason for this differ-
ence in proportion. Approximately
90 per cent of Ann Arbor's repre-
sentation in Who's Who is University

sion; Prof. Edwin B. Mains of the
Botany department.
Dr. Max M. Peet of the medical
school; Prof. Ralph A. Sawyer of the
physics department; Dr. Nathan Si-
nai of the medical school; Dean E.
Blythe Stason of the law school;
Prof. George E. Uhlenbeck of the
physics department; and Dr. Ray-
mond W. Waggoner of the medical
Four names have been dropped
from the list since the last issue be-
cause of death. These are Prof.
Henry C. Anderson, former Dean
of the College of Engineering; Dr.
D. Murray Cowie, formerly of the
medical school; Prof. Max S. Hand-
man, formerly of the economics de-

Newsmen Shown
That Hamburg
Is Undamaged
HAMBURG, Germany, Aug. 3.- )
-A small group of German, Italian
and American journalists rode into
Hamburg today on the hard benches
of a military transport plane, but
in a swift two and one-half hour trip
through the. city saw canoeists pad-
dling .on shady canals and business
in full swing.
The trip was arranged hurriedly
by the propaganda ministry in re-
sponse to British reports quoted by
the German press as saying this im-

Fraternities active athletically are
also outstanding scholastically: thus
concludes Frank K. Myres in pre-
liminary work recently completed
here toward a masters thesis.
Using as the basis of his data the
record of the 41 active fraternities
on the Michigan Campus, Mr. Myres
found a scholarship-athletic parti-
cipation correlation index of .824, on
the scale of 1.000 for complete cor-
relation and .500 for random dis-
tribution. The lowest correlation
found was .76, the highest .83.
The scholastic records were based
on the average point grade of the in-
dividual fraternity group and the
total number of intramural points

sports for a period of five years, and
experienced a corresponding decline
in scholastic achievement. Actively
participating again the following
year, the group immediately climbed
again in its scholastic rating.
"It cannot be stated that the on
factor causes the other to exist," he
further concludes, "but rather it
shows a definite association betweer
the energetic personality and th
more active type of recreation in the
desirability of wholesome achievement
of the group or individual . . . par-
ticipation in physical activities brings
about better health due 'to regular
habits of sleep, diet and moderate
living, and the individual is more
ref reshed mentally and physically.'


Etaoin Shrdlu To You
From Us, Mr. Anning
This si by yaw ofa gitf to Porf.
Norman Anning fo tthe mathe-
mmmatics deportment.
For yeers Proffesor Anning haas
red The Daily with one mind in ob-
ject- lokatecal errers. his notes
half bean recieved by practically

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