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August 01, 1940 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1940-08-01

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RSDAY, AUGUST, 1, 1946


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Dance Contest
Official Group
Is Announced
Contestants To Be Judged
By Three Instructors
At FridayNight Event
Officials to be present at the regu-
lar Friday dance, which will feature
two dancing contests, at the League
ballroom have been announced by
the Summer League Council.
The list will. include Peggy Whit-
ker, Cathleen Clifford, Eve Lucas,
June McKee, Marilyn Vogel, Jose-
phine Clancy, Dorothy Hemingway
and Eleanor Howard. These hotesses
will be glad to find partners for all
those attending the dance alone to be
held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
During the evening, two contests
will be conducted, one for jitterbugs
and one for smooth dancers, and
anyone attending the dance may en-
ter. Prizes will be awarded to win-
ners of each. There will also be an
exhibition dance presented for the
entertainment of those attending.
Those who have been chosen to
Jude the contests are Betty Hewett
and Bill Collins, both from the Roy
Hoyer Dance Studio, and Elva Pas-
coe, who has been an instructor at
the League and the Arthur Murray
classes held at the Wolverine.

Terry Cloth Looks Smart
To slip into after a swim or to
wear around home after your bath,
this white terry robe is equally


. All notices for the Daily Official
Bulletin are to be sent to the Office
of the Summer Session before 3:30
P. M. of the day preceding its pub-
lication except on Saturday, when
the notices should be submitted be-
fore 11:30 A. M.
Lingistic nstitute Luncheon Con-
ference at 12:10 p.m. today. The
round-table discussion will include
points of view in semantics. Open to
members of the Linguistic Institute.
The Lecture to have been given byI
Dr. Mabel E. Rugen, Thursday at 4:05
today in University High School
Auditorium has been cancelled due
to Dr. Rugen's unavoidable absence
from the city. For those taking the
Education Course B195ds for credit,
the conference period originally
scheduled for Frilday at 4:05 will be
held Thusday at that hour instead.
"The Function of American Polit-
ical Parties" is the title of a lecture
by Charless E. Merriam, University
of Chicago, to be held at 4:15 today
in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
Wesley Foundation. Group leaving
the Wesley Foundation at 5 p.m. to-
day for a swimming party and pic-
nic at Whitmore Lake. Please phone

6881 before noon
Cost of swimming
fifty cents.

for reservations.
and food will be

A round-table discussion of Politi-
ical Institutions in a Changing World
will be held at 7:30 p.m. today in the
Amphitheatre of the Rackham Build-
ing. Chairman is Henry M. Bates,
Dean Emeritus of the Law School,
University of Michigan. Also partici-
pating will be Professors Charles E.
Merriam, Lawrence Preuss, Arthur
W. Bromage, John P. Dawson, Du-
mas Malone, and James Pollock.
Deutscher Verein: Members of the
Deutscher Verein, residents of the
Deutsches Haus, and all those inter-
ested are cordially invited to attend
a demonstration lecture by Profes-
sor Percival Price, University caril-
loneur at 8 o'clock on the eighth floor
of the carillon tower tonight, Au-
gust 1.
Piano Recital. Miss Mildred An-
drews, pianist, of Norman, Oklahoma,
will give a recital in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the
Master of Music degree, this evening,
August 1, at 8:15 p.m., in the School
of Music Auditorium. The public is
invited to attend.
Piano Recital, Mrs. Evelyn-Mae

Seventh Annual Field Course
To Be Held In Thirteen Cities

Thirteen Michigan cities through-
out the state have been selected as
centers for the Seventh Annual Field
Course in secondary education offer-
ed by the School of Education for
teachers and educators who wish to
continue their graduate work, Dean
James B. =Edmondson announced.
In cooperation with the University
Extension Service the course is di-
vided into three units:
In the first unit on the appraisal
of secondary education, Professors
G. E. Carrothers, Raleigh Schorling,
Edgar Johnston and Dr. Claude Eg-
gertsen of the education school will
lead the discussions on the similari-
ties and differences between modern
and traditional methods of evalu-
ation of instruction, the legitimate
use of standardized tests and the new
criteria established by the North
Central Association.
Professors ,Willard Olson, Orlando

W. Stephensen, Francis D. Curtis,
Clifford Woody and Irving Anderson
will lecture on the methods of estab-
lishing and maintaining good study
habits and the conclusions of recent
investigations of the problem which
will make up the second unit.
Informal discussion of recent
trends in education and recent pub-
lications will be featured in the third
group by Professors James B. Ed-
mondson, Mabel Rugen, Calvin O.
Davis, Stuart A. Courtis and Mr.
John M. Trytten, principal of the
University High School.
All graduate students enrolling in
the course will receive credit al-
though it may be elected without
credit. Beginning October 29 and ex-
tending through May 13 the pro-
gram will be organized on the basis
of the number of students enrolling
before October 1.

750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1240 KC- NBC Blue 1030 KC - Mutual
Thursday Afternoon
12:00 The Goldbergs The Old Dean News Ace Follow The Leader
12:15 Life Beautiful Your Treat Between Bookends To Be Announced
12:30 Rgt. to Happin's Bradcast Sense & Sentiment News Ace
12:45 Road Of Life Man on the Street Fan on the StreeiW Serenade
1:00 Dr. Malone Light of the World It Looks from Here Livestock Report
1:15 Joyce Jordan Grimm's Daughter Traveling Cook Larry Bradford
1:30 Fletcher Wiley Valiant Lady Marine Band Emancipation Day
1:45 My Son And I Hymns " Melody Time
2:00 Society Girl Mary Marlin Orphans of Divorce Concert Orchestra
2:15 News Ma Perkins Honeymoon Hill Women Worldwide
2:30 Linda's Ist Love Pepper Young John's Other Wife' Thrf Club
2:45 Editor's D'ghter Vic and Sade Just Plain Bill Tiny Hill Orch.
3:00 W'man 'o C'rage New York at Det. Backstage Wife News Ace
3:15 Mrs. Page " Stella Dallas Interlude
3:30 Melody Matinee " Lorenzo Jones Jamboree
3:45 Alice Blair " Widder Brown"
4:00 Kathleen Norris" Girl Alone
4:15 Beyond Valleys Malcolm Claire"
4:30 Meet Miss Julia " Irene Wicker Miss Trent
4:45 "Scatter" Baines " Tropical Moods Tea Danre Tunes
5:00 News-Musical Recordings Show World News; Melody
5:15 " Dance Music To Be Announced The Turf Club
5:30 News-Review Recordings Day In Review Baseball Scores
5:45 Radio News Reel Lowell Thomas Bud Shaver Organ Melodies
Thursday Evening
1 r

Durmeyer Fillion, pianist, of Wor-
cester, Massachusetts, will give a re-
cital in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements of the Master of Music
degree, Friday evening, August 2, at
8:15 p.m., in the School of Music
Auditorium. The public is invited to
"Escape", by John Galsworthy, is
playing tonight, in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre, at 8:30. Galswor-
thy's play is the sixth to be produced
this summer by the Michigan Reper-
tory Players'. Tickets are on sale at
the box office.
The English Department will give
its second tea on Friday, August 2,
from 4:30 to 6 p.m. in the Assembly
Room, 3rd floor of the Rackham
Building. All graduate students in
English are cordially invited to at-
Vibration Problems Symposium,
under the direction of Professor S.
Timoshenko, will be held on Friday,
August 2, at 7 p.m. in Room 311 West
Engineering Bpilding. Professor L. S.
Jacobsen of Stanford University will
lecture on "Vibration of Building
Models Subjected to Earthquakes".
All interested are cordially invited
to attend.
Graduate Record Program will be
held on Saturday, Aug. 3 from 3 to
5 p.m. in the Men's Lounge of the
Rackham Building. The program
consists of: Prelude and Fugue in F
minor by Bach; El Salon Mexico by
Aaron Copland; En Saga by Sibelius;
The Rites of Spring by Strawinsky;
Siegfried Idyll by Wagner and Sym-
phony in F Minor by Vaughan-Wl-
l. Dr. Charles Hockett will be in
charge. All are invited to attend.
Graduate Outing Club will meet
on Sunday, August 4 at 2:30 p.m. in
the rear of the Rackham Building
for an outing to Silver Lake. Swim-
ming, softball and outdoor supper
with a weenie roast. There is an ur-
gent need for cars. All graduate stu-
dents, faculty and alumni welcome.
Speech Students: Students enrol-
led in Speech courses and all others
interested are invited to attend the
Speech Conference to be held by the
Department of Speech as follows:
Monday, August 5. 9 a.m. to 12-
Registration. (Office of Department
of Speech, 3211 Angell Hall.)
2 to 3:30 p.m.-Conference on "Prob-
lems in the Teaching of Speech."
(4203 Angell Hall.)
3:30 to 5 p.m.-Conference on
"Problems in the Directing of For-
ensics." (4003 Angell Hall.)
8 p.m.-Demonstration Debate on
the National High School Question.
(Lecture Hall, Horace H. Rackham
School of Graduate Studies.)
Tuesday, August 6, 9 to 10 a.m.-
Demonstration Class in "Studies in
Reading and Dramatics." (Auditor-
ium of the W. K. Kellogg Institute.)
10 to 11 a.m.-Demonstration Class
in "The Study of Speech Disorders."
(Auditorium of the W. K. Kellogg
11 a.m. to 12-Demonstration Class
in Structure and Function of Voice
and Speech." (Auditorium of the W.
K. Kellogg Institute.)
2 to 3 p.m.-Demonstration in Ra-
dio-including a broadcast over Sta-
tion WCAR. (Morris Hall Studio.)
3 to 4 p.m.-Conference on "Or-
ganizing and Producing Radio Pro-
grams." (Morris Hall Studio.)
3 to 5 p.m.-Conference on "Prob-
lems in Speech Correction." (Speech
Clinic in the Institute for Human
8 p.m.-Program of Individual and

Choral Readings. (Auditorium of the
W. K. Kellogg Institute.)
Wednesday, August 7, 9 to 10 a.m.
-Demonstration Class in "Funda-
mentals of SPeech." (Auditorium of
the W. K. Kellogg Institute.)
10 to 11 a.m.-Demonstration Class
in "Prinsiples and Methods of Dis-
cussion." (Auditorium of the W. K.
Kellogg Institute.)
. 11 a.m. to 12-Demonstration Class
in "The Teaching of Speech." (Audi-
torium of the W. K. Kellogg Insti-
12:15 p.m.-Speech Luncheon, six-
ty-five cents. (Ballroom of the Michi-
gan League.)
3 to 5 p.m.-Conference on "Prob-
lems of Dramatic Production." (Ly-
dia Mendelssohn Theatre.)
8:30 p.m.-Performance of "Pa-
tience" (Gilbert and Sullivan) by the
Michigan Repertory Players of the
Department of Speech. (Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.)
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Civil Service Examinations. Last date
for filing application is noted in each
Michigan Civil Service
Social Worker, salary range, $105
to $125, August 21, 1940.
Attendant Nurse, salary range, $90
to $110, August 10, 1940.
Prison Guard, salary range, $115
to $135, August 9, 1940,
City Of Detroit Civil Service
Last date of examination is noted
in each case: Application must be
made one week prior to date of the
Electrical Repairman, August 12,
Electrical Worker (Traffic Con-
trol), August 12, 1940.
Construction Equipment Operator
(Gasoline), August 19, 1940.
Construction Equipment Operator
(General), August 19, 1940.
Complete announcement filed at
the University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information,
201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12
and 2-4.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
Examination Schedule for Six-
Week Courses in Education:
Time of Regular Time of
Class Meetings Examinations
8 a.m. Fri., 4-6 p.m.
9 a.m. Sat., 7-9 a.m.
10 a.m. Sat., 1-3 p.m.
11 a.m. Sat., 9-11 a.m.
1 p.m. Sat., 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
2 p.m. Fri., 2-4 p.m.
3 p.m. Sat., 3-5 p.m.
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate for August 1940, to be recom-
mended by the School of Education,
are requested to call at the office of
the School of Education, 1439 U.E.S.
on August 1, 2, 6, or 7 to take the
Teacher Oath which is a requirement
for the certificate.
Unidentifiable mail is being held

By . ,. The Two B's .. .
"Castle On The Hudson", a typi- Burgess Meredith who soon finds
cal, hard-boiled Sing Sing story, ar- himself the coroner's property. Our
rived at the Majestic Theatre Tues- hero is cordially invited to join the
day. break but most respectfully declines
John Garfield, the up and com- the invitation as the day was Satur-
ing young actor, plays the usual day and who was he to go against
tough-bitten gangster who shows a superstitution? His conduct must
sterling qualities of character just have impressed the warden for when
as he is about to die in the electric word arrived that his fiance was dy-
chair. Garfield, as Tommy Gordon, is ing, O'Brien grants him a day's pa-
sent up to Sing Sing on a robbery role. Of course that day happens to
and attempted murder charge. He be Saturday and Garfield gets in-
embarks on his prison career as an volved in a murder. For awhile there
egotistical young whelp who thinks we thought he would ignore his con-
that "the world is an oyster to crack science but honor gets the best of
with his sword." The warden, played him and the big bad boy meekly re-
by Pat O'Brien, soon knocks these turns to face the music. The ending
ideas out of his head by a solitary brings tears to us kind hearted souls
confinement cell after said gangster but we would have beeen disappointed
has proved himself unmanageable. if it hadn't. There's nothing like a
Sheridan As Faithful Girl Friend tragedy once in a while to break up
Meanwhile his fiance, Ann Sheri- the monotony of happy endings.
dan as Kay Manners, is doing her A "Crime Doesn't Pay" Story
level best to shorten his prison term We liked the show because tough
by high-pressuring Gordon's old guys always did fascinate us and we
gang. However, all attempts prove are always ready and willing to watch
fruitless and she winds up flat on her a good fist fight or tommy gun battle.
back nursing injured bones and in- It's the same old hackneyed plot, of
jured pride. "Crime doesn't pay" without any
There's always a guy in the crowd special new treatment but it was
who dreams himself capable of a good and anyway who desn't like a
Sing Sing prison break, but even the prison story?
toughest are disillusioned as was As far as we're concerned Pat O'-

6:00 News
6:15 Inside of Sports
6:30 Musical
6:45 Eddy Howard
7:00 Ask-It-Basket
7:30 Seems Strange
7:45 News
8:00 Major Bowes
8:45 "
9:00 Glenn Miller
9:15 Public Affairs
9:30 Vox Pop
10:00 Amos 'n Andy
10:15 Lanny Ross
10:30 Xavier Cugat
11:00 Jack King
11:15 Barnett Orch.
11:30 Herbeck Orch.
11:45 "
12:00 Henderson Orch.

Sport Review
C. C. Bradner.
Studio Orchestra
Sports Parade
Good News of 1940
Aldrich Family
Kraft Music Hall
Rudy Vallee
Bob Crosby
Fred Waring
Russell Barnes
Dance Music
Dance Music
Eastwood Orch.
Westwood Orch.

Easy Aces
Mr. Keen-Tracer
Escorts & Betty
Jack Joy Orch.
Gus Haenschen
Gabriel Heatter
Benny Kyte Orch.
Secret Agent
Harry Heilmann
Music Silhouettes
Yukon Challenge
The Old Traveler
News Ace
Ray Kinney Orch.
Tommy Dorsey
Music You Want
To Be Announced
Dancing Party

Rollin' Home
Wireless Pioneer
Val Clare-News
Piano Recital
Boss Meets Worker
Turner Orchestra
Organ and Vocal
Gould's Orchestra
Echoes of Heaven
News Ace
Canadian News
Britain Speaks
Police Field Day
Club Reporter
Bob Chester Orch.
Williams' Orch.
Dance Orchestra




I e


-- .



Brien is tops. Garfield isn't spec-
tacular but he certainly lives up to
reputation of being one of the tough-
est little guys in the movies.Inci-
dently, "Castle On The Hudson" is
another well earned feather in his
cap. Anybody could have played Ann
Sheridan's part as it isn't particular-
ily important and is more or less
overshadowed by the gangsters.
Daily at 2-4-7-9 P.M.

Today marks the start of the SALE that all of our customers look
forward to ... a time when VALUES feign supreme ... a time
when you can get things you need without making extraordinary
demands upon your budget . . . A SALE so tremendous that we
want YOU to determine how great the savings are. We want
YOU to comlbare QUALITY, PRICE and SELECTION. Our stocks
must be cleared . . . Summer clothes and left-over Spring Suits,
Coats and Dresses.
Save 112 and MV ore
COTTON . . . Former values $7.95 to $12.95. Sizes 11-17, 12-44.
White and pastel crepes, sheers, prints, and bembergs ... former
values $7.95 to $22.50. Sizes 9-17, 12-46, 161-262.
CREPES and SHEERS in navy, black, brown, copen, green
and rose. All good for Fall wear ... former values $7.95 to $29.75.
Sizes 9-17, 12-46-161/2-26./2"
Evening dresses included. Sizes 12-20.
Odds and Ends in
Sizes 12-38 . . . former values $10.95 to $55.00 at % and Less.

Lots of Summer Ahead-
Final Clearance Prices
Don't let these next weeks of summer find you in worn-
looking clothes or short of enough action fashions. This
sale brings you your choice of every type of playwear
at drastic reductions!


Values to $7.95

SKIRTS at 49c and 98c
Summer skirts of sharkskin, PASTEL HANDBAGS
spun rayon - pastel wools,
darker wools. Former values In washable sac-de-pearl leath-
$1.95 to $5.95 ers, former values to $2.95
at %at $1.00
Odds and ends. Were $2.95 to Values to $5.95
$5.95, now $2.00 50c, $1.00, $2.00
OVERALLS & SLACKS Former values to $5.95
at $1.00 $2.95 and $3.95
Costume Jewelry ODDS AND ENDS 39,
Were $1.0

Were 3.95 and 4.50
Were 5.95 and 6.50
\A/n -7U 04UaQC,

...... 2.95
. .. .. . .4.95

,a: '{

tires _ . ,. ..?


! C#


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