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August 01, 1940 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1940-08-01

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Fair, Slightly Warmer Today;
Scattered Showers Friday


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Vs. Labor News ..

Official Publication Of The Summer Session


German Invasion
To Be Postponed;
Air Raids Planned
Concentrated Dive-Bomb Attack Termed
Next Phase In Pre-Invasion Action
BERLIN, Aug. 1 (Thursday).-The concentrated dive-bombing attack
on Dover last Monday was pictured by German sources today as starting
the next phase of pre-invasion action against England-systematic de-
struction of her vital ports one at a time.
These sources said Britain's trade and supply lanes, and the port facili-
ties through which she brings in food and war supplies are the weak line
in her tight-drawn defense chain.
Observation planes which since have studied the havoc wrought by the
Stukas at Dover reported to Berlin that at least three ships were sunk in
the harbor, harbor facilities were wrecked and the port definitely was out
of commission.
. X,3+,,.

Language Research Conference
Will Meet Here Friday, Saturday
Meeting To View Research In Non-English European
Languages Spoken In The United States

Military observers declared the
preliminary raids, which Marshal
Hermann Wilhelm Goering termed
"exploratory flights," have been com-
pleted, and the real Stuka blasting
of ports has begun.
The impression was given that for
the time being-at least during this
port-smashing phase-there would
be no actual attempt at invasion.
Already, drawing upon her power-
ful air reserves in an effort to tight-
en a blockade on England, Germany'
has claimed a heavy"toll in sunken
Figures relesed st night listed
1,270,000 tons of lritish shipping
sunk since June 25-a weekly aver-'
age of 250,000 tons.
Emphasizes Tactics
Authorized German spokesmen em-'
phasized these Nazi tactics were to
sap England's strength through de-
struction of her vast merchant ma-
rine. Nazi newsreels showed the sup-
posed effectiveness of bomb and tor-
pedo blasts on British shipping.
Spokesmen side-stepped comment
on the statement of Virginio Gayda,
Fascist editorial spokesman in Rome,
that a. direct attack on England is
not to be expected immediately, but
questioned the meaning of the word
So the impression grew that long
lays and nights of air bombing would
be made upon Britain before Adolf
Hitler gives the word for any troop
(Ronald H. Cross, British Minister
of Shipping, confirmed that some of
the normally busiest harbors were
virtually closed now, but said Brit-
ain was prepared for "sudden changes
in our port arrangements.")
Driven Westward
Nazi spokesmen contended much
British shipping has been driven from
the Channel to western ports which
they said lacked facilities adequately
to sustain England. Raids in West-
ern England have been intensified.
(Reports from Switzerland said
German-trained Italian parachute
troops and heavy German forces
were stationed on the west coast of
the continent facing England.)
In citing immense British shipping
losses, Nazi spokesmen said the fig-
ures should still any suspicions
abroad that Germany was fighting
the war "half-heartedly."
Moreover, they asserted Britain
had lost 370 planes since June 25 or
an average of 74 a week.
Two Planes Shot Down
Two British planes were shot down
yesterday in raids over Germany in
which the pilots were accused of at-
tacking the open university city of
Nazi newsreels showed German,
troops busy in the French "peace
forest" of Compeigne blowing up
monuments and buildings ordered
destroyed by Hitler.
For some time Germany has been
preoccupied in trying to settle Bal-
kan unrest, particularly Hungarian
and Bulgarian territorial claims on
Rumania. The latter has signified
her willingness to negotiate with the
two countries.
Axis Troops Reported
Along Continent Coast
(By the Associated Press)
BERN, Switzerland, July 31.-Ger-
man and Italian troops were reported
concentrating tonight along 800
miles of the continental coast, but
still the most authoritative word
heard was that the time had not
yet come for the great spring across
the Channel against England.

Biology Camp
Plans Exhibit
At open House
An exhibit showing the organisms
causing swimmer's itch, schistosome
dermatitis, and the methods for com-
batting the organism will be among
those displayed during Visitors Day.
at the University Biological Station
on Douglas Lake from 2 p.m. to 5
p.m. Sunday.
This exhibit, of immediate interest
to residents and visitors of the nor-
thern lakes region, will be supervis-
ed by Dr. Donald B. McMullen, who*i
is directing the control work on
swimmer's itch for the State Stream
Control Commission. It will be only
one of the many exhibits illustrating
classroom work and scientific inves-
Of the annual Visitor's Day, Direc-
tor Alfred H. Stockard writes," On
this day we make a concerted effort
to acquaint visitors with the work be-
ing done at the Station. This is a
service which the people of Michigan
have the right to expect, but which
we can best provide if all come at
the one time when we have demon-
strations and guides for that pur-
The Biological Station is located
on the southeast shore of Douglas
Lake in Cheboygan County, on the
Cheboygan-Petoskey road thirteen
miles southwest of Cheboygan.
Summer Band
Plans Concert
Frank Simons Will Direct
Musicians Here Sunday
The University Summer Session
Band, under the direction of Frank
Simon as guest Conductor, will pre-
sent the third in a series of summer
concerts at 4:15 p.m. Sunday in Hill
Composed of 128 instruments, the
Summer Session Band personnel is
built up of band directors and con-
ductors from all parts of the country.
It is one of the few concert bands
which boasts a full complment of
woodwinds, and is complete in its
symphonic instrumentation.
For the directors and musicians
who have registered in the Summer
Session Band, the work here serves
a two-fold purpose. All recently pub-
lished musical scores adaptable to
concert band interpretation, are
made available to the band and
through rehearsal sessions and the
weekly concerts, the musicians and
directors have an opportunity to be-
come acquainted with the latest
A secondary function of the band
is the experience and instruction
given in the latest procedures and
rehearsal techniques of band work.
Especial emphasis is given to work
in tone production, interpretation,
balance and intonation.
German Club To Witness
Carillon Demonstration
Prof. Percival Price, University
Carillonneur, will give a talk on how
to play a carillon at 8 p.m. Thursday
on the eighth floor of the Baird Me-
morial Tower under the auspices of
Deutscher Verein.

Heralding a period of closer co-
operation among scholars interested
in cetarin aspects of Ameircan cul-
ture, the first Confeernce on Research
in the Non-English European Lan-
guages Spoken in America will be
held in Ann Arbor Friday .and Satur-
day, Aug. 2 and 3, under the sponsor-
ship of American Council of Learned
Societies and with the local support
of the Linguistic Institute.
Prof. Hans. Kurath of Brown Uni-
versity, who as director of the con-
ference arirved in Ann Arborhlast
week tocomplete arrangements here,
has enlisted the participation of a
number of noted scholars. They will
present a series of papers in five ses-
sions during the two-day program.
These sessions are open to all persons
interested, Professor Kurath an-
The Friday meetings will be held
in the Rackham Amphitheatre be-
ginning at 2 p.m. The first session,
dealing with the German language
in this country, will last until 4 p.m.
Appearing on this program will be
the following: Prof. Hans Kurath,
"The Dialect of the Pennsylvania
'Dutch';" Prof. Alfred Senn, Univer-
sity of Pennsylvania, "Problems in the
Study of Swiss Dialects in America;"
Prof. R-M. S. Heffner, University of
Wisconsin, "German Settlements in
At 4 p.m. the Scandinavian section
will meet, with Prof. Einar Haugen
of the University of Wisconsin dis-
cussing "Norwegian Dialects in the
Middle West." At 9 p.m. the Slavic
section will meet, with Dr. George
Merriam Talk
Will Conclude
Culture Series
Talk TodayWill Survey
Function Of American
Political Party System
Concluding the five week series
of lectures in the Graduate Study
Program in American Culture and
Institutions, Prof. Charles E. Mer-
riam of the Universty of Chicago
will speak at 4 :15 p.m. today on
"The Function of American Political
The lecture wil be held in the
Rackham School auditorium and will
be open to the public.
Students enrolled in the'Program
and members of the University fac-
ulty will meet for the final round
table discussion at 7:30 p.m. in the
Rackham School amphitheatre. The
subject will be "Political Institutions
in a Changing World" and the dis-
cussion will be led by Dean Emeritus
Henry M. Bates of the law school.
Professor Merriam, a graduate of
Lenox College in 1893, took an A.B.
degree from the University of Iowa
in 1895, an A.M. and a Ph. D. de-
gree from Columbia University in
1897 and 1900 respectively, and in
(Continued on Page 4)

L. Trager of Yale University present-
ing his paper, "The Slavic-speaking
Groups of the United States."
Both sessions Saturday are sched-
uled for the auditorium of the W. K.
Kellogg Building. The Spanish sec-
titon will meet there at 9 a.m. Prof.
Hayward Keniston of the University
of Chicago, chairman-elect of the
department of moderr languages at
the University of Michigan, will offer
a "Review of Research in American
Spanish." He will be followed by
Prof. Navarro Tomas of Columbia
University, who will discuss "The
Linguistic Atlas of Spain and the
Spanish of the Americas."
At 11 a.m. the French section will
meet to conclude the conference. The
two speakers are as follows: Prof.
W. Von Wartburg, University of
Chicago, "To What Extent is an
Atlas of Louisiana French Possible
and Desirable;" Prof. E. F. Haden,
McMaster University, Toronto, "The
French-speaking Areas of Vanada:
'Acadians' and 'Canadians'."
Eugene A. Nida
Views Studies
On Languages
Application Of Descriptive
Techniques To English
Outlined In Talk Here
Applying the same descriptive
technique which the modern linguis-
tic scientist uses in making an ob-
jective study of an unrecorded lang-
uage like that of a Mexican Indian
tribe, Eugene A. Nida, faculty mem-
ber of the Summer Institute of Lin-
guistics at Siloam Springs, Ark., last
evening outlined to members of the
Linguistic Institute the results of
such an approach to the English
Since the traditional analysis of
English has been conditioned by the
known analysis of other European
languages, and principally by that of
Latin, linguists for some time have
attempted to approach English in
such a way that it may be described
without the distortion and falsifi-
cation that result from making it
fit into the patterns of other lang-
The method employed by Mr. Nida,
who is himself an experienced re-
searcher with Indian languages, is
to apply to English three of the four
factors postulated by Professor Leon-
ard Bloomfield, noted linguist who
has been offering a series of lectures
in Ann Arbor this summer. One
factor, that of phonetic change, Nida
ignored because it is not distinctive
in most English speech. The other
factors are word-order, modulation,
and selection of forms. These three
factors produce the patterns of Eng-
lish, said Nida, patterns which when
thus seen purely objectively, are
found to be relatively simple.

Train Wreck
Death Count
Reaches 38
Gasoline Propelled Motor
Coach Strikes Freight;
Explodes In Flames
Four Passengers
Survive Accident
(By the Associated Press)
AKRON, O. July 31.-A head-on'
collision on the Pennsylvania rail-
road carried 38 persons to flaming
death tonight.
A gasoline-propelled railroad mo-
tor coach, shuttling from Hudson, .,
to Akron, crashed into a double-
engined freight train of 73 cars. The
motor coach, pushed back 200syards
along the track, burst into flames.
Coroner R. E. Amos said there ap-
parently were only four survivors in
the coach-two of thema seriously
burned. Most of the victims were
burned to death, he added. The
clothes were burned off many of
Amos said his information indi-
cated the death toll might reach 42.
The last of the bodies was taken
from the flame-seared wreckage at
9:15 p.m., three hours and 15 min-
utes after the collision.
One Survivor Listed
One survivor was Tod Wonn, 24,
of Akron. He was brought to a hos-
pital here with leg and arm injuries.
The gasoline car had made con-'
nections at Hudson with Pennsyl-
vania passenger trains from Cleve-
land and Pittsburgh. The freight
was northbound from Columbus, O.
The collision took place in fair
wea.ther at the front street crossing
near the Pennsylvania's Silver Lake
None of the trainmen on the
freight evidently was hurt. There
were believed to be eight railroad
employes on the coach, only one of
whom survived.
The lead locomotive telescoped in-
to about half the length of the coach.
Fuel tanks burst and flames envel-
oped the wreckage.
The state highway patrol broad-
cast a general alarm for ambulances,
and vehicles were rushed from
Akron, Barberton, Kent, Ravenna
and Cuyahoga Falls. The Cuyahoga
Falls fire department sped all avail-
able apparatus to the scene.
Fail To Take Siding
L. M. Wolcott, trainmaster for the
line's Cleveland division, said 'the
coach apparently failed to take a
siding to permit the train, north-
bound from Columbus, to pass. He
said the locomotive was not derailed
or damaged extensively.
Wolcott said the coach conductor,
Harry Shaffer, leaped to safety, but
that he believed two other crew mem-
bers were killed. They were Engine-
man T. L. Murtough and baggage-
man Charles J. Bilderback, both of
Orrville. The accident occurred at
about 6 p.m., Wolcott said.
It was the second big railroad
wreck in the United States in the
last four months. The Lake Shore
Limited, Chicago-bound on the New
York Central, jumped its tracks at
Gulf Curve, Little Falls, N. Y., April
17, killing 31 persons.

i .
Japan Rejects
British Protest
On Spy Action
Official Spokesman Suma
Warns Arrest Of British
'Spies' Will Be Continued
(By the Associated Press)
TOKYO, July 31.-Foreign Office
Spokesman Yakichiro Suma said to-
night Japanwould reject British pro-
tests over her arrest of more than a
dozen British citizens accused of spy-
ing and indicated the arrests would
"It would be entirely unreasonable
for Britain to make any sort of pro-
test in connection with the arrests,"
he said. "All persons attempting to
spy into military secrets will be dealt
with relentlessly."
Suma 'did not disclose the number
arrested, but said the authorities had
"sufficient evidence" against those
(British Foreign Secretary Lord
alifax said yesterday strong protests
already had been delivered to the
Japanese both in Tokyo and Lon-
don. Four prominent British business
men who had been picked up now
were released, it was reported.
(Britain has demanded th'e release
of all her nationals and Lord Halifax
denied the Japanese charges that a
British "espionage network" exists in
(Shanghai reports said the Japan-
ese anti-espionage drive spread to
North China today, with British and
Chinese officers of the Salvation
Army at Peiping and Tientsin being
asked to appear before Japanese
Gendarmerie to explain their activ-
ities. None were arrested as far as
could be learned, it was said.)
* **
Sabotage Seens
As Possibility
Camden Fire Investigation
To Probe Causes Today
CAMDEN, N. J., July 31.-',)-An
inquiry that will reveal the "possibil-
ity" of sabotage was outlined tonight
while firemen searched Camden's
$2,000,000-fire ruins for the bodies
of seven missing persons.
Mary W. Kobus, municipal safety
commissioner, said she had heard

Immediate Need
For Conscription
Cited By Stimson
New Secretary Of War Predicts Collapse
Of British Defenses Within 30 Days
WASHINGTON, July 31.-(')-Bluntly warning, that Great Britain
may be prostrate in 30 days, and the United States menaced simultaneously
from two directions, Secretary of War Stimson urged immediate military
conscription today, while a Senate committee worked out a compromise
peace-time draft bill for submission to the Senate.
At the same time the House, in a drowsy, sparsely-attended, three-hour
session, passed what may be history's biggest appropriation bill-nearly
five billion dollars for warships, warplanes, guns and an almost endless list
of preparedness items.
The day also brought what many considered a significant development
in the imposition of an embargo-ordered by President Roosevelt-forbid-
ding shipment of aviation gasoline to

non-American nations, except for
use of American interests abroad.
As it stood tonight, after the re-
visions of the Senate Military Com-
mittee, the draft bill would require
all men 21 to 30 years old, inclusive,
to register (instead of 18 to 64 as
originally proposed.) These men
would be liable to compulsory service.
In addition, one-year voluntary en-
listments would be made available to
all men 18 to 64, inclusive.
The measure also contained rigid
provisions safeguarding the jobs of
those called up for service, permit-
ting the National Labor Relations
Board to take court action, if neces-
sary, to force an employer to rehire
a conscript at the end of his period
of duty.
Final Approval Planned
The committee planned to give the
measure its final approval tomorrow
and prospects were that it would go
before the Senate next week, there
to run the gauntlet of a determined
opposition. Meanwhile, it was plan-
ned that the Senate should take up
legislation recently requested by
President Roosevelt empowering him
to call out the National Guard for a
12-month period of training.
Stimson, the 72-year-old Republi-
can whom President Roosevelt called
to duty as his Secretary of War, was
emphatic both in urging compulsory
military service, and in detailing
what he considered the dangers
which this country faces today.
"A prudent trustee," he told the
House Military Committee, "must
take into consideration that in an-
other 30 days Great Britain may be
conquered and her fleet come under
enemy control. Across the Pacific
there is a powerful Japan in sym-
pathy with Italy and Germany.
"We've got to very radically revise
our prejudices about our first line
of defense.
Would Be 'Super' Fleet
"A German victory over England
would give her a fleet outranking
that of the United States and a ship-
building capacity six times that of
this country."
As for conscription, Stimson said:
"If there is ever a lesson we've
learned, it is that the only way to
meet a war situation is by a compul-
sory system of raising our own ar-
He asked the members of the com-
mittee to "consider whether we are
not confronted with a far greater
peril today than we were in June,
The action of the Senate Military
Committee followed receipt of com-
munications from Stimson saying the
War Department "urgently recom-
mends" passage of the bill and that
it had the approval of the Budget
Bureau. The latter stated: "You are
advised that the general objectives
of the proposed legislation are in ac-
cord with the program of the Pres-
The gasoline embargo was an-
nounced by Stephen T. Early, the
President's secretary.

Prof. Dawson Speaks On Liberty;
Need For Dynamic Society Cited

The fate of liberty depends for
many decades ahead on the military
contest which is now going on in
Europe and which may very soon be
transferred to the western hemis-
phere, Prof. John P. Dawson of the
law school said in his lecture last
night on "Individual Liberty as an
Objective in Government" presented
for the Graduate Study Program in
American Cuture and Institutions.
Our constitutional safeguards
could quickly be rendered meaning-
less if the ethical standards they ex-
press were rejected by the dominant
opinion in our society, he stated. The
constructive effort to produce the
conditions of a larger freedom, to re-
lease human potentialities for im-
mensely greater human achieve-
ments, may have diverted into a
stupendous military effort, lasting
many years and by no means assur-

of freedom were first given specific
content and effective protection.
If England goes we, with the Brit-
ish dominions, will stand alone, Pro-
fessor Dawson asserted, and if that
happens, our courage and our faith
will receive their severest test.
The concept of freedom, for which
many men have fought and died, is
still worth fighting for, Professor
Dawson claimed. Tolerance of the
views of others, a feeling for the
worth and dignity of the individual
human being, the sense of our com-
mon humanity should generate a
deep emotion and a passionate con-
viction, he maintained; the issues
could never be more clearly defined
for us.
The whole view of human nature
and society which has slowly evolved
in the 18th and 19th centuries is
now violently rejected abroad, the
lecturer observed. A small group of
,"1+11cc ad ara'nhirnc.im lnrc

Only a positive and dynamic soci-
ety will bring about future achieve-
ments, Dr. Dumas Malone, director
of the Harvard University Press told
the American Culture Institute class
in his last address of the summer
He pointed to the Maginot Line
as the French symbol of the static
and the fixed, which led to her down-
fall, as contrasted with the Panzers
and Blitzkriegs, Germany's symbol
of changing fluid ideas, which gave
that country success.
"But," he added, "we can not ex-
pect any great products from Ger-
many because of the supression of
freedom of thought."
"Movement is a sign of life," Dr.
Malone said. "When movement stops
social ideas stop. Of course we can
have peace then, but it will be the
peace of death."

(Picture on Page 4)
such reports and declared "they will
be given serious consideration."
Officials of the R. M. Hollingshead
Paint Company Plant-working on a
paint order for the Army and NavS
in addition to its vast paint and wax
business-were skeptical, however,
that yesterday's series of explosions
and fire were anything other than
Some phases of the disaster still
were obscured, but these facts stood
Two known dead-a plant em-
ploye and a fireman.
Four women and three men, all
paint company workers, missing.
Conference On Languages
Will Meet Here On Friday


British Seek Nazi
Raider Off Brazil
(By the Associated Press)
BUENOS AIRES, July 31.-()-
British warcraft ranged angrily off
the Brazilian coast tonight in, hot
pursuit of a German merchant
raider already reported damaged by
the British merchant cruiser Alcan-
tara in a brief sea battle which re-
turned war action to. the Western
'Official information was sparse,
but wordfrom naval circles here and
in Montevideo and Rio de Janeiro
agreed that the engagement occurred

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