PAGE :SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JULY 29, 1940 JAGE SIX SUNDAY, JULY 28, 1940 P I c 'it Ul Ri r' Ni r p 'pl F J Four U.S. warships are shown in the harbor of Rio de Janeiro during a friendly call. Right to left: Cruisers Wichita, Quincy and Destroyers Walke (foreground) and Wainwright. Most visitors coming to Brazil pass through towered buildin g, home of Brazil Touring Club. Joking and in good humor, Secretary of Agriculture Henry A. Wallace and Postmaster General James A. Farley (left) are shown at the White House just before Wallace announced that he planned to resign or take a leave of absence without pay as soon as he begins active campaigning for the vice-presidency on the Democratic ticket.. Farley is also expected to quit the cabinet to take control of the New York Yankees. These four golfers weathered the third and fo';rt h round matches in the National Public Links Tourna- ment at Detroit and were paired in the 36-hole semi- finals. They are (left to right) Michael Dietz, De- troit; Robert Clark, St. Paul; Edward J. Furgol, Utica, N. Y.; and Roy Dolce, Denver. Clark defeated Dietz to take the title yesterday. This looks like a deliberate snub, by shirt-fronted penguins in Santa Catalina park. Pals in an instant were this baby chick and Nancy Ann Berry, 6, when the girl visited the International Baby Chick association con- vention in St. Louis. Her home is in Quincy, Ill.; the chick's is unde- termined. I To troubled Martinique, French West Indies island in the Carib- bean, goes V. Harwood Blocker (above) as U.S. Consul. He for- merly was at Mexico City. Fur-bearing an'mals are in for the supreme sacrifice, judging from the current emphasis on fur fashions. In this natural lynx worn by Olivia de Haviland, crepe sections at sides and under arms prevent bulkiness. Gen. Douglas MacArthur (above), .former chief-of-staff of the U.S. Army, now heads a military mis- sion to the Philippines and as a marshal in the Philippine army is active in strengthening that coun- thy's defense program. 1940's dizzy paces shames this type of steam engine, granted a U.S. patent in July, 1837, and now in the Washington office. The girl is Leonore Howe, of Fairfax, Va. .... ....... .: :. .:. n:w::"::::. s: .: ..... ..,..... v ":. :