SUNDAY, JULY 29, 1940
Sadie Hawkins
Dance Attracts
400 Students
Patterso iAnd Todd Win
Costume Prizes; Group
Presents Square Dance
Four hundred strong, Daisy Maes
and Little Abners stormed the League
Ballroom last night to establish a
Sadie Hawkins traditional affair here
on the Michigan campus.
This dance, whose premier was so
enthusiastically greeted, was the
first of its kind to be presented on
the Michigan campus and marked
the only affair to which the women
invited the men. The dance enjoyed
such a splendid turn-out that it has
already been dubbed a tradition and
will appear annually in the future.
A committee of four students
closely and carefully scrutinized the
participants in an attempt to pick
but the two most appropriately and
most cleverly dressed. The result of
the judging took the form of Mildred
Patterson and Thomas Todd, who
accordingly were awarded first prizes
for the best costumes.
Informality reigned throughout
the dance as energetic couples ac-
curately portrayed the various char-
acters of the Little Abner comic strip
and never appeared to miss the
chairs which usually line the floor.
An exhibition square dance was
put on by Mr. and Mrs. Parker,
Cathleen Clifford, Sherman Moist,
Eva Goldman, Ivan Hall, John Clif-
ford and Jeanne Crump. Immediate-
ly following this willing dancers tried
hands at the intriguing dance while
the steps were called by Ivan Parker.
During intermission, Happy Low,
University student, accompanied a
group of singers on the banjo.
D ickinson Asks
For A 'Clean'
'40 Campaig
LANSING, July 27.-(P)--Governor
Dickinson , campaigning for another
term as Governor, challenged politi-
cal aspirants in Michigan today to
"join in the attempt to make this
the cleanest of all of the Republican
campaigns in the party's history."
He invited the help of newspapers,
churches and others to make the
1940 campaign "clean."
Dickinson said he askd no quar-
ter for himself, and, his weekly "ser-
mon" to constituents continued, he
invited opponents to take issue with
any of his official actions.
The Governor, for many years a
Sunday School teacher and a leader
in affairs of the Methodist Church,
"I do not want any activities in
my behalf carried out on Sundays."
Pointing to reports of a . record
number of candidates in the political
field this year, Dickinson demanded:
"Cannot this campaign be raised
to a higher degree morally than oth-
ers have been in the past?
"Will we soon see the old tactics
of dirt-throwing, besmirching family
life, charges of inefficiency, inex-
perience and ridiculing insinuations
and false state'inents?
Usual dance Class
Slim Line Prophecied
One of the first autumn pro-
phesies of the fashion world to
break into print recently was the
"side-saddle" silhouette, an off-
shoot of the new movement for
slim lines. The heavy crepe of
this new fall dress is swirled to
one side, where it is caught up in
a series of graceful folds just be-
low the hipline.
Wool Pinafore
Is Seen As New
With the August out-put of fall
fashions in women's magazines, comes
many a preview of what will consti-
tute the styles of the autumn and
winter, 1940-41.
Welcome news to the young fry
of high school and college age is the
fact that the favored pinafore, high-
light of the summer, will continue in
a newer, more sophiticated role in
winter fabrics. A sleek black vel-
veteen number with a simple blouse
of black rayon faille looks as though
it might turn into a popular "date
dress" on American campuses.
For less formal wear, a tiny-waist-
ed adaptation of red wool over a
dead plain black jersey blouse, with
push-up sleeves and a round neck-
line, is shown. A style that is made
for the very young and slim, it will
in all probability be abandoned by
the majority of women for the less
difficult straight line skirt being
pushed by stylists at the present
News in shoes has been setting the
conservative on their ears ever since
the advent of the "wedgie," and the
fall brings more to startle. A new
plastic, called Vinylite, is being made
into footwear that combines all the
best features of light weight, the old
"two-way stretch," and besides that,
can be cleaned with a damp cloth.
This new material can be used in
a variety of ways: on a pair of black
suede pumps it is used in a thin,
transparent form, that makes part of
the shoe look like the stocking.
Weddngs u
cos, and .-
The Michigan League Chapel was
the scene of a wedding at 3:30 p.m.
yesterday, uniting in marriage two
former students of the University
Anita Beatrice Carvalho and Leonard
D'Odge Verdier, Jr.
Miss Carvalho's parents are Mr.
and Mrs. Leslie R. N. Carvalho of
Toledo, O., and Mr. Verdier is the
on of Judge and Mrs. Leonard
D'Odge Verdier of Grand Rapids.
Betty Rose Blaird, of Oxford, O.,
was the maid of honor, and the
bridesmaids were Babette Baker, of
Toledo, Margaret Hoxie, of Grand
Rapids, Marcia Mier, of Grosse
Pointe, and two sisters of the bride-
'room, Virginia and Anne Verdier.
of Grand Rapids.
Among the ushers were Arend Vyn.
of Grand .Rapids, Walter I. Lillie, of
Grand Haven, who were both stu-
dents of the University, and frter-
nity brothers of Mr. Verdier. Jack
Smith, of Lapeer, John Verdier, the
bridegroom's brother, and Lawrence
Verdier, of Detorit, a cousin, were
also attendants in the bridal party.
The best man was Edward M. Wat-
son '40L, of Alton, Ill, a classmate
of Mr. Verdier.
Bride Was Hopwood Winner
The bride was president of her
class when she was a freshman on
campus, and also received a Hop-
wood Award that year. Mr. Verdier
is a graduate of the law school, where
he was on the staff of the Law Re-
view and was a member of Coiff.
He belonged to Sigma Phi fraternity.
A Schiaparelli gown of white em-
broidered organdy was chosen by
the bride. A square neckline andi
puffed sleeves distinguished the fit-
ted bodice, and the full skirt, ending
in a train, employed the apron tunic,
which tied in a large bow in back.
Her flowers were white roses and
Identical Frocks Worn
The maids wore identical frocks
of blue embroidered batiste and or-
gandy, with little shirred coronets
on their heads. The flowers were
pouch purses of pink. The maids of
honor was similarly gowned, with a
pink dress and blue flowers.
A reception followed the ceremony.
After a trip to Northern Michigan
the couple will live in Grand Rapids
A wedding on the West Coast of
interest to Ann Arbor and University
circles took place at Coronado, Calif.,
last Friday. Elizabeth Howe, grand-
daughter of Dean-Emeritus Morti-
mer E. Cooley, of Ann Arbor, was
married at that time to Lieut. Char-
les J. Quilter, of Binghamton, N. Y.,
of the United States Marine Corps.
Visiting Grandfather
Mrs. Quilter is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Burton A. Howe, of
Greenwich, Conn., and has been vis-
iting her grandfather here. Among
the atendants were Mrs. Freeman
Q. Williams, matron of honor, and
Isabelle Davis, maid of honor, both
of whom are from Coronado. The
bridesmaids were Mrs. Charles N.
Endweiss and Mrs. Gregory Boying-
Lieut. John W. Stage assisted
Lieut. Quilter as best man, and ush-
ering were Lieut. Edward J. John-
ston, of Fort Wayne, Ind.; Lieut.
Williams, of Macon, Ga.; Lieut. Rob-
ert W. Clark, of Boston, Mass.; Lieut.
Boyington, or Seattle, Wash.; and
Lieut. Endweiss, of Hackensack, N.
J. 'the couple will live in Coronado.
Brings Lift To Hot Days
Crisp white sharkskin is one of
the best answers to the eternal
question of what to wear during
the hot "dog days" of middle and
late summer. Nothing can quite
compare to that immaculate, well-
groomed look produced by a fresh-
ly laundered white dress that is
topped by a big pompadour-re-
vealing hat.
--Three hundred underprivileged
boys have traded crowded city streets
for the University of Michigan's Fresh
Air Camp here-and they like it.
The campers are selected by social
agencies throughout the southeastern
portion of the state. Ranging in age
from 9 to 15 years, they spend four
weeks at Patterson Lake. Nature
study, fishing, sports, craftsmanship,
reading, campfires and games keep
them occupied.
The Fresh Air Camp serves at
once as a training ground for Uni-
versity graduate students doing ad-
vanced work in counselling ,educa-
tion, public health and sociology, and
..s a place of adjustnient for youth.
For four of the eight weeks the
camp is in session, the graduate stu-
dents live with their charges, advise
them on personal problems and teach
them the ways of right social living.
Then, in the other month, they at-
tend classes where individual prob-
lems can be discussed. The result,
University administrators declare, is
a training course which makes the
graduate student proficient in his
field and possessed of a backlog of
practical knowledge.
While the campers enjoy the activi-
ties, counsellors make a complete,
individual diagnosis of each boy's
problems. This is turned over to the
home social agencies so that there
will be no interruption in handling
the case.
Funds to maintain the Fresh Air
Camp are donated. Aside from many
individual gifts, two annual tag days
in Ann Arbor, the small amounts the
boys and their parents can afford to
pay, funds provided by home social
organizations and money raised
through entertainments provide sup-
Today the University Fresh Air
Camp owns 180 acres of land with 25
buildings. Included is a commodious
central club house with provisions
for wood and metal working, general
offices, space for indoor games in
case of bad weather and a large
porch overlooking the lake.
That is a far cry from 20 years ago
when it was founded. Then the
Fresh Air Camp consisted only of a
handful of tents and a few scanty
acres outside Port Huron. Citizens
of that city, appreciating the spirit
in which the camp was founded,
transported the boys out to the camp.
All in all, 130 campers broke away
from the demoralizing atmosphere of
street gangs and hectic city life for
a vacation that first summer.
Later, the camp moved to Living-
ston County and, finally, the Patter-
son Lake campsite was donated.
Founders of the organization were
Lewis C. Reimann, who starred at
tackle on the Wolverine football
team in? 1916, and Thomas S. Evans
Both eventuilly severed their con-
nection and this year Prof. Ferdinand
Menefee, University engineering pro-
fessor and long-time chairman of the
camp board, is acting as director.
Use S- A10
550 _ ,.
University's Fresh Air Camp At Patterson Lake
Provides Summer Haven For Underprivileged
Ann Arbor
Here Is
Ann Arbor's auto owners were
worried yesterday when they learned
that police control of parking will
be even more effective than it hasI
been. A new three-wheeled motor-
cycle, called a "servicar" has been
ordered by the police department to{
replace the cycle and sidecar that is
now doing the wheel-marking and
ticket-giving. One man instead of
two will run the new cycle, and will
be able to get around faster to keep
tabs on overtime parkers.
* * *
A fast-moving, petty Raffles yes-
terday clipped $40 in goods from
three automobiles, according to police
reports. One car-owner included in
a list of articles stolen "Eight bottles
of beer, 80 cents." The car-breaker
also got away with a jacket, fountain
pen, fishing outfit, bathing suit, a
water color set, and a pound of sugar.
* *, *
. With the nation's patriots offering
their services for the army, navy, air
service, and. even the new "blood
bank," musicians refuse to be left out
of the picture. University band con-
ductor William D. Revelli announced
yesterday that today's bandsmen are
not only the best ever produced, but
will come-a-running should the need
arise to supply musical morale in
the way of military bands.
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at a low price.
607 hoover Phone 5594
Free pickups and deliveries
Price List
(All articles washed and ironed)
Shirts ............... . ..... .14
Shorts ..................... .04
Pajama Suits .............. .10
Socks, pair..03
Bath Towels ............... .03
All Work Guaranteed
Also special prices on Coeds'
laundries. All bundles done sep-
arately. No markings. Silks,
wools are our specialty.
TYPING--L, M. Heywood, 414 May-
nard St., Phone 5689.
TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or
2-1416. 34
Call mornings or evenings. Bar-
bara Grill. 1830 Hill. Call 5718
VIOLA STEIN-Experienced typist
and notary public; mimeograph-
ing. 706 Oakland, phone 6327.
MICROSCOPE, 1000 diameter with
stage. Also 8 milimeter Filmo, with
regular and telephoto lenses and
case. Extremely reasonable. Phone
FOR SALE-Pair of Selmer (Paris)
Clarinets, Silver plated keys, ex-
cellent condition.
ONE Manhattan Cornet, gold lac-
quer, new instrument. Call 8238.
WANTED - Two furnished apart-
ments and bath. Have year old
baby. Phone 6683 between 6:30-
Whisk one of these
lotion ized pads over
your underarms, and
perspiration as well
as odor appear to
vanish for one.. two
three.. four.. five
days, depending
upon how "perspire-y you naturally
are! Wonderfully convenient!
On State
At Head Of North U.
End-of-Month Sale of
Sunnier Fashions..
Enough values for a lifetime crammed into three days.
Every department offers the dream of summer mer-
chandise at drastic "clear-away" prices.
WANTED-Passenger to Stillwater.
Oklahoma, leaving July 29. Call
Miss Barnes, phone 2-4401.
WANTED-Passengers to Boston and
vicinity. Leaving August 2 or 3.
Call 5013 weekdays 8-12 or write
Box 3-Daily.
SPECIAL -Regular $6.00 Eugene
Super Permanent, Now $3.00. Col-
lege Beauty Shop. Phone 22813
Open Evenings.
Sizes 9-17,
12-46, 161/2-261/2.
Square dancing will be held as usual
from-7:30 to 9 p.m. tomorrow in the
League Ballroom, and the Henry
Ford square dance orchestra will
During the hour and "a half, square
dancing is both taught and called,
and waltzes are also played. No one
'will be admitted on the floor after
7:45 p.m., and those attending must
present a cashier's receipt to prove
University connection. Only one re-
ceipt per couple is necessary, but
those attending alone must each have
one. There is no charge for the
Groups of WHITE, PASTEL and
JERSEYS. (Former values 7.95 toF
Now 5.00 7.00 12.95
Groups of NAVY, BLACK and LIGHT-
PRINTS. t One-piece JACKET and
REDINGOTE types. (Were from 14.95
to 29.75)
Now 10.00 12.95 16.95
Groups of COTTON DRESSES Sizes
9-17, 12-44.
EXTRA-SPECIAL group at only 2.00
All Sofie Wagner COTTONS, except-
ing seersuckers, sizes 1 2-42, at 8.95
ZIhrej eCO.I
flor' Summer eft ...
To play in the sun and lose that "lily-
whiteness." Take advantage of the
weather, in most appropriate, most
comfortable togs, NOW ON SALE.
Sl ack
and wash drey
.. ' '
P~t {Ily
es~t Only)
'or delivery)
E N7 'L'S~ -
(By Reque
BLOUSES-Odds and ends (were 1.95
to 3.95)- now_49c- 1.00 - 2.00
SUMMER COATS - Odds and ends,
of sharkskin, corduroy, and taffeta.
(were to 10.95) - now 2.00
HOSIERY - Broken sizes. (were 79c
to 1.25) now 49c, 89c, 1.00
Pastel Fabric GLOVES
1.00 value now at 49c
COSTUME JEWELRY, Odds and ends.
1 .00 value . now 39c
to 5.95) now 2.95 and 3.95
OVERALLS .......1.00
.S ! S S
,gfhs,, S ;t
r) /' { rsao.F .
i ? t '
Playsitits ...
formerly 5.95 - NOW
formerly 3.95 - NOW
CASH and CARRY ord
(No charge f
Jerseys ..
formerly 10.95 and
11 .95
OW 7.95
SKIRTS -- pastel washables, flannels,
and tweeds (were 1.95 to 3.95) ,
Now 1/2 price
mm an