Weather Partly Cloudy Sunday; Showers Monday LI L A6igun 743a. il Editorial No Passports Needed . Official Publication Of The Summer Session VOL. L. No. 30 !L-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JULY 28, 1940 PRICE FIVE CENTS I Havana Delegates Design Program For Hemisphere Rockwell, Marckwardt And Kurath Address Linguists At Final Session Colgate Professor Attacks The Division Of Language As 'Correct' And 'Incorrect'; Middlewestern And Atlantic Dialect Differences Are Described Anti-Conscription Faction Is Joined By Senator Taft Adoption Expected Before Pan-American Parley Adjourns On Tuesday Reich Gives Orders To Carve Rumania (By the Associated Press) A defensive and economic program described as designed to shock rude- ly any aggressive-minded foreign power with western hemisphere as- pirations was all but signed and sealed at the Pan-American confer- ence in Havana last (Saturday) night. This, the Urtited States' main ob- jetive, was virtually a declaration that tite 20 other American repub- lics would support this country's en- orcement o fthe Monroe Doctrine. The program awaits formal adop- tion before adjournment Tuesday, but committee approval already obtained was said to insure its success. The three main points call for cre- ation of machinery under which any European possessions in this hemi- sphere might be taken under protec- tive administration; establishing of an economic framework to take care of export burdens and guard against unfair trade terms by foregin coun- tries, and close American consulta- tion to prevent "fifth column" activi- ties or the abuse of privileges by for- eign diplomatic agents. Out of the flurry o conferences in 'Germany and Italy, the German press intimated that Adolf Hitler had told Balkan diplomats he expected them to settle their own differences, with the important qualification that he favored the claims of both Bul- garia and Hungary, the latter with some modification. Hurry Up Warning Given Rumania By Germany BUDAPEST, Hungary, July 27.-- (R)-Germany has told Rumania to decide by direct negotiation with Hungary and Bulgaria how much land to cede to those two countries and to hurry up about it, an offi- cial source disclosed tonight. Adolf Hitler, in conversations with the Rumanian government leaders at Obsesalzburg is said to have in- sisted that the negotiations start quickly so that Southeastern Europe can rest quietly during the expected Nazi 4ssault on England. The derpands that must be met, Germany is understood to have stated, are those of Hungary for at least part of Transylvania and of Bulgaria for at least some of Do- bruja, territories which Rumania nw possesses. The size of the territories to be ceded must be fixed up between the three countries, however. Moreover, Hitler is having expressed a desire that Ru- mania, Hungary and Bulgaria adopt close relations, perhaps even military accords. Excurstouists To Take Trip To Put-In-Bay Put-In-Bay Island in Lake Erie will be the destination of the fina: Summer Session excursion of the season, to be held Wednesday. Reservations should be made in the Summer Session office, Room 1213 Angell Hall, by 5 p.m. Tuesday The group will leave Ann Arbo n special buses at 7:15 a.m. an will pull away from the dock at th foot of First Street in Detroit atc a.m. The party will return to Am Arbor at about 9:30 p.m. Excursionists will have three hour on the Island, during which tim( they will see the four caves, th shore line and the glacially stra tiated rocks and the 352 foot Perry' Monument, commemorating the na. val victory of Commodore Perry or Lake Erie in 1813. Cross-Country Bus Stolei Policy Lecture Will Be Given By Jamtson How the Republican and Demo- cratic platforms look to a business- man will be discussed by Prof. Char- les L. Jamison of the business ad- ministration school in the fifth lec- ture of the American Policy series at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Rack- ham Lecture Hall. Professor Jamison, who has en- titled his lecture "A Businessman looks at the Republican and Demo- cratic platforms in terms of the pres- ent world crisis," will discuss pri- marily the economic rather than the political aspects of the platforms. During the first World War, Pro- fessor Jamison was assistant chief of the estimates and apportionments division of the office of the director of finance of the United States Army. He also engaged actively in business enterprise rbefore entering academic life. J Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, director of the Summer Session, said of the ap- proaching lecture: "Since the Re- publican Party has chosen a busi- nessman as its candidate for tile presidency, it will be especially in- teresting to hear }what a businessman thinks of the opposing platforms." Malone To Talk To Study Group Culture Program Students To Meet Tomorrow, Students enrolled for credit in the Graduate Study Program in Amer- ican Culture and Institutions will meet at 8:15. p.m. tomorrow in the auditorium of the Rackham School with Dr. Dumas Malone, director of the Harvard University Press. Dr. Malone will address the group on governmental and political topics, laying a background for the lectures of the week. Following this, he will lead an informal discussion on sub- jects arising from the Program's work. Prof. Jesse S. Reeves' lecture on "The Origin and Development of American Political Thought," origin- ally scheduled by the Program for this time, has been cancelled Singer To Present Recital Tomorrow George Cox, baritone, of Jackson, will present the first Music School Recital at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow in the School of Music Auditorium. Mr. Cox will be accompanied by' Grace Wilson. The following pro- gram will be given. "Eveing Hymn," Purcell; "The Pretty Creature," Storace; "Turn Ye To Me (Old Scotch Air)," Arr. by Lawson; "Rendil sereno al ciglio, Handel; "Che fiero costume," Le- grenzi. "Marie," Franz; "Die Stadt, Trunk; "Gesang Weylas,"~ Wolf; "Fus- sreise," Wolf. Monologue of Gerard, "Nemico della patria," from "Andrea Che- nier," Giordano. "In Summertime on Bredon," Peel; "By a Lonely Forest Pathway," Grif- fes; "O Thou Billowy Harvest Field,' n Rachmaninoff; "Don Juan Serenade,' ' Tschaikowsky. By HAROLD B. ALLEN 1 Asserting that the linguistic schol- ar cannot afford to ignore ,problems of teaching language, Prof. Leo L. Rockwell, director of the division of languages at Colgate University, yes- terday laid before members of the Linguistic Society of America a sug- gestion for the adoption of specific nomenclature, that would remove present ambiguities of terminology. The suggestion was made in one of the 12 papers offered during Satur- day's concluding sessions of the third annual summer meeting of the society. On the generally accepted lin- guistic assumption that language correctness is to be found in the na- tural speech of a community at a given time, Professor Rockwell de- clared unacceptable the traditional dualism of "correct" and "incorrect" language. In its place teachers might better differentiate, he said, among "levels of usage," which he outlined as four in number. Three 'Levels' Found Three "levels" are found in the standard written and spokentlanguage according to Professor Rockwell. If the differences are based entirely upon social distinctions, as is prefer- able, then the first level is that of formal English, which is generally abstract, rhetorical, and literary. The second level is that of informal Eng- lish, which is less conventional and more flexible. The third level is that of the familiar language of the hasty letter or of intimate relaxed speech. The fourth level is that, of sub-standard English, found in the letters and conversation of relatively, unschooled people. All four levels, Professor Rockwell continued, are found in both speech and writing, a fact often overlooked in the teaching of English. Recog- nition of these differences in use according to social situation, it was claimed, would -make teaching simp- ler and more effective than is true when language is labeled "correct" or "incorrect" or when ambiguous terms like "vulgar" and "colloquial" are used to classify words and lan- guage uses. At the afternoon program Prof. Albert H. Marckwardt of the Uni- versity explained how examination of the field records of the Great Lakes survey of folk speech reveals a curious situation with respect to the pronunciation of certain words with the "a" spelling, namely, "swalow, swamp, want, war, warmed, wash, washing ,wasp, watch water and Washington." Ohioans Round Vowels The survey shows that residents of Michigan, Indiana are more in- clined to keep the vowel unrounded, that is, to pronounce "water" as "wahter" rather than "wawter." Ohioans, on the contrary, are inclined to have a rounded vowel in these words. In general, it was learned, the rounded vowels, where they do occur, appear most consistently before "r", as in "war," and before the voice- less fricatives as in wasp" and I-M All-Star's Team Downs Wikel's, 9 To 1 P. Krause Pitfhes Five-Hit Game For Winners At Wines FieldYesterday Behind the five-hit pitching of no-hit, no-run Philip Krause of the league leading American League Reds, the Intramural All-Star team batted out eight safeties to beat a strong Wikel Drug team, 9 to 1, at Wines Field last night. Krause, who was pitching his fourth complete game in a single week, led the attack himself with a scorching double that drove in two runs in the sixth and a long base hit which, accompanied by a Wikel team error, netted the All-Stars an- other run. Six errors, five of which resulted in runs, spoiled the day for pitcher Howard Wikel, who made things worse by walking eight of the men he faced. Krause walked four and struck out eight while Wikel forced five All-Stars to go down swinging. The Intramural Squad started their scoring in the very first in- ning when, after Mickey Evans had struck out, Bill Anderson hit a ring- ing single, was sacrificed to second by Bob Mott and driven home by another long single from Don Far- num. Two tallies were made in the fourth when the All-Stars bunched a base on balls and two more singles for one run and Krause made his fluke homer. Wikel errors gave their opponents two more runs in the fifth and two in the sixth as the All-Stars, taking advantage of every opportunity, made six ruins in those two frames on only three hits. The lone Wikel score came in the fourth. Herb Brogan beat out a bunt, went to second when Bill Davies was walked, went to third on a sacrifice out by Wikel and home when Strat Brown made his first hit of the day. Added Support Given Willkie "wash." Further investigation, Pro fessor Marckwardt indicated, would probably reveal some relationship between the Middle Western distri- bution of these sounds and that in the South and in New England. The lack of rounding in Indiana, for in- stance, was citesi as a possible re- flection of a similar tendency in the southern Piedmont areas of Carolina, since much of Indiana speech is southern in origin. Suggestive of the more complete results that can be obtained from the Middle Western speech survy when more material isgathered, the paper presented by Prof. Hans Kur- ath of Brown University drew from field records already made in New England and the South Atlantic states in order to show the distribu- tion of the names of two common farm objecj3, clabbered milk and cottage cheese. Other Names Known The first is also known, said Pro- fessor Kurath, as lobbered or lop- pered milk, thick milk, clabber, and sour milk. The second likewise has other names, such as sour milk cheese, Dutch cheese, pot cheese, smear case, curds, and clabber cheese. Distribution of these terms along the Atlantic coast, it is now known, follows the earliest population movements, the earliest terms being used along the seaboard and the (Continued o Page 2) Dr. Rabinowitz To Leave Post At HillelHere Director Since 1938 Plans To Begin Organization Of Brooklyn Foundation Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz, director of the local Hillel Foundation, will leave for New York Wednesday where he will organize a new Foun- dation at Brooklyn College. His suc- cessor will be announced by the B'Nai B'rith Hillel Council August 10. A director at the Michigan Foun- dation since 1938, Dr. Rabinowitz was one of the founders of the Ann Arbor Jewish Committee which brings refugees to this country from Europe. He is also a member of the Committee on Rcial and Religious Minorities, an organization composed of members of the faculty and cer- tain selected townspeople. During his term as director Hillel received a new constitution, an hon- ors course in Jewish studies, an af- filiate membership plan of organiza- tion, a vocational guidance program and a large library and music col- lection. Born in Brooklyn, Dr. Rbinowitz attended high school in Kansas City and later studied at the University of California where he received his A. B. in 1929. He received his Ph.D. in Semitics at Yale in 1932. Between 1932 and 1933 he taught in various St. Louis high schools and then served a year as a counselor to Jewish students at Yale. The follow- ing two years were spent as a re- search fellow of the American Coun- cil of Learned Societies Some Queries And Answers On Draft Bill Why And If You Should Be Registered Under Conscription Act1 (By the Associated Press) WASHINGTON, July 27.-In case you have been worrying about Uncle1 Sam drafting you, here are answerst to some of your questions, based ona the bill as approved by the Senate] Military Committee:1 Q-What is the purpose of the legislation? A-The Senate bill is titled "to Protect the Integrity and Institutions of the United States through a Sys- stem of Selective. Compulsory Mili- tary Training and Service." Q-Why is it needed? A--War Department spokesmen say the present "voluntary'system of enlistment will not provide enough manpower quick enough to handle the increased national defense ma- chinery already voted by Congress. Opponents of the bill deny or ques- tion this. Q-Who would have to register? A-Probably men between 18 and{ 63 years, inclusive. Q-Who could order registration and training? A-The President would decide the age groups who would be required to register and the numbers of men who would be trained. Q-What age groups would be called first? A-The bill provides that men from 21 to 30, inclusive, would sup- ply the first conscripts, with later groups coming from men from 21 to 44 inclusive. Q-How many men would be trained? A-Army officials said they would call between 300,000 and 400,000 conscripts Oct. 1 from the 21-30 age group. On next April 1 another 400,000 conscripts would be drafted from the 21-45 group. Next Octo- ber, as the2first group completed a year's training, a third group of 600,- 000 would be called. This program would be speeded up in case of an emergency. Q-How would the conscripts be selected? A-Local selection boards, similar to those used under the World War Draft law, would classify men. Compulsory Training Bill Expected To Go Before Upper House Wednesday Senate Committee To Vote Tuesday WASHINGTON, July 27.-(R)- Senator Taft of Ohio joined oppo- nents of peacetime compulsory mili- tary training today as Congress ap- proached a showdown fight on the issue. The Ohio Senator, and recent as- pirant for the Republican Presiden- tial nomination said he favored try- ing a "voluntary system" before sup- porting the first peacetime conscrip- tion move in this country's history. Senate consideration of the com- pulsory training bill is expected to begin Wednesday. Chairman Shep- pard (Dem-Tex) said the Senate Military Committee would vote for- mally on its completed bill Tuesday forenoon and predicted few if any opposing votes. Taft indicated that he, would work with Senators Vandenberg (Rep- Mich), Wheeler (Dem-Mont), Norris (Ind-Neb), and numerous other Sen- ators who have publicly criticized the committee-drafted measure. Some Senators suggested a volun- tary training program with one year enlistments instead of the present three-year term for the Army and National Guard, might be offered as a substitute. Vandenberg predicted that under such a system 1,000,000 American youths would volunteer within three months, and a "great 150-year-old tradition intimately related to indi- vidually liberties" would be main- tained. "When the American. people are put on a conscript basis, what is left to separate us from a complete to- talitarian war basis?" Vandenberg asked. The training bill, as revised by the military committee, authorizes the President to order registration of all men 18 to 63 years old inclusive. Galsworthy's Play, 'Escape', Will Be Given d Swain Takes Arlington Race Son Of Ladysman Wins In Annual Futurity CHICAGO,~ July 27.-tPo)--Swain, a grey road son of the famous Ladys- man, duplicated the achievement of his sire today by galloping to a five- length victory in the $48,565 Arling- ton Futurity before a crowd of 30,000. Ladysmanrwon the first running of the Futurity in 1932. Getting away last in a field of 12, Swain circled the entire field and shot outs of fifth place in the stretch to collar Valdina Groom and Whirlaway. The winner sprinted the six fur- longs over a muddy track in 1:13 4/5, with jockey Johnny Adams on his back. Swain is owned by Cleveland Put- nam of Lake Forest, Ill., a 30-year- old racing enthusiast. He bought Ladysman six years ago for $50,000 in an attempt to win the Santa Ani- ta Handicap and purchased Swain as a yearling for $5,000 because of his desire to own a Ladysman colt. The heavily-played favorite, At- tention, went to the post a 5 to 2 choice, but finished sixth, while Swing And Sway, hope of Mrs. Payne Whitney of New York and another choice in the betting, wound up last. Fancy Becomes Fact To Popular Song Fan OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla., July 7. -(jP)-A nervous National Guard rookie was undergoing a federal in- spection test. "Who's President of the United States?" snapped the inspecting of- ficer. The rookie stammered, then he gulped: "Franklin D. Roosevelt Jones." t F . r Art Cinema League To Show 'Childhood Of Maxim Gorky' Seymour And Proskauer Join Republicans COLORADO SPRINGS. Colo., July 27.-(P)-Wendell L. Willkie made public today messages of support from President Charles Seymour of Yale University and Joseph M. Proskauer, former New York State supreme court justice. At a press conference the Republi- can presidential nominee reiterated he was gratified at the type of per- sons pledging him support. "There isn't a Mayor Hague nor a Mayor Kelly nor a Crump in the list," he said. ,Seymourtelegraphed he had been "A Democrat since Woodrow Wilson" and added, "I look forward to voting for you in November in the convic- tion that you and the policies you have expressed will assure protection against foreign danger, the develop- Alfred White Captures Annual Local Soap Box Derby Crown By A. P. BLAUSTEIN and DEXTER GREEN A crowd of more than 5,000 braved a one and a half hour rainstorm yes- terday to watch Alfred White, 15, of 906 Packard St., roll down Broadway Hill in 34.6 seconds to win the fifth annual Ann Arbor Soap Box Derby. White, who has entered all of the city Derbys to date, was presented with the M. E. Coyle Trophy, sym- bolic of his victory, by Coach Her- bert O. "Fritz" Crisler of the football team. Other prizes he will receive include a gold medal, a gold wrist watch and a trip to Akron, Ohio, where he will compete with the win- ners of 119 other cities for the title of Derby King of the United States. After the contest White won an ex- hihitinn asp r.ainst Willie Stohrer. and Fingerle Lumber companies. Warren Martin, 12, of 223 S. Ann Arbor St., in Saline, who was elim- inated in the Class B finals, and Jimmy McLeod, of 715 Miner St., who was defeated in the Class A finals, will receive silver medals and radios donated by the Ann Arbor News. Sports equipment, scout knives and hatchets, skates and cameras will be given to most of the other contestants in addition to free passes to the Michigan Theatre and all the ice cream they can eat., Timers at the Derby were Prof. A. E. R. Boak of the history depart- ment, Dr. R. B. Howell of the Uni- versity Hospital, and Prof. Arthur Van Duren of the German Depart- ment, while Prof. Philip Diamond of the (~'xprman Department served as Directing the Michigan' Repertory Players' production of John als- worthy's "Escape," which opens at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Lydia Mlendelssohn Theatre, is Whitford Kane, noted Broadway actor. Mr. Kane, who will be assisted by Prof. Valentine B. Windt, of the speech department, will also portray the role of the parson in the drama. Norman Oxhandler, who has been seen this season as Stephen Minch, in "The Star Wagon," and as the artist in "Two on\ an Island," will play Matt Denant, an escaped con- vict, whose attempts to elude pur- suit form the main plot of the play. Others in the cast, in order of their appearance, are Mary Ellen Wheeler as the girl' of the town; Vincent Jukes as the plain clothes man; Henry Patterson and Robert Link as the two policemen; James Moll as the fellow convict; George Shapiro and Alfred Wilkinson as the two warders, and Osna Palmer as the shingled lady. Carrie Trombley as the maid; Ar- thur Klein as the old gentleman; June Madison, Neil Smith, Elizabeth Green and Ray Pedersen as the four trippers; Everett Courtright as the man in plus fours; Dorothy Hadley as his wife; Richard Hadley as the village constable, and Angus Moore and Roy Rector as labourers, also take part in the production. The list concludes with Truman Smith as the farmer; Jeanne Court- right as the little girl; Richard Heger as the little boy; Mary Jordan and Evelyn Smith as the two. maiden ladies; George Batka as the bell- ringer, and Ollierae Bilby, June Mc- Kee, Margaret Wiseman and Edith Woodard as people in the park and hue and cry. Twin Sons Born To Prof. Third of the Art Cinema league's summer series of four programs, a Russian film, "The Childhood of Maxim Gorky," will be presented at 8:30 p.m. today in the auditorium of the Rackham School. In "The Childhood of Maxim Gor- ky," young Gorky is played by Alyo- tion developed by much rehearsal. In the role of Gorky's sympathetic grandmother is People's Artist V. O. Massalitinova, who spent ten years in the preparation of her part. Long before production was started on the film but when cinema people were considering a Gorky biography she had the ambition to do the part and