PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1940 PAGE TWO SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1940 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer session. Member of the Associated Press The Assolated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. I Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. bubcrptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00; bV mail, $4.50. R5PRESENTED FOR NATIONAL AOV~ft.SING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YOR, N. Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON * LOs ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Editorial Staff Managng Editor ...............Carl Petersen City Editor.. ............. Norman A. Schorr Associate Editors...........Harry M. Kelsey, Karl Kessler, Albert P. Blau- stein, Morton C. Jampel, Su- zanne Potter. Business Staff, tusiness Manager.............Jane E. Mowers Assistant Manager .......... Irving Guttman NIGHT EDITOR: A. P. BLAUSTEIN Argentina And 'Manana' .. . IjT WAS SURPRISING to find the delegate from Argentina, which so prides itself upon being a model of Occidental enterprise and initiative, plunging headlong, at the Havana conference of American republics, into a proverbial pitfall of Latin-American phil- osophy. "Manana," said Delegate Leopoldo Melo. We shall deal with our problems-manana. We shall meet our challenges-mnanana. "Every day has its cares. No human intelligence can predict the reality of tomorrow." This is characteristic enough of what most Northerners regard as that South American Way. Nevertheless, it would be unfair, in the circum- stances, to explain Melo's attitude merely in terms of traditional Latin-American lassitude. For how does this attitude differ from those presented to the world, before Munich, by Brit- ain and France; and after Munich, by Holland and Belgium? It may be argued that, having observed the consequences of indolence, Argen- tineans must now recognize to what an extent procrastination is the thief of national honor and human liberty. But this is to indict not only the Argentine delegate but considerable numbers of our own citizens, including some persons of substance. Objective historians, if any are left, will say of Hitler that he achieved such dominance as he did achieve, not because of a superior war machine or an unscrupulous diplomacy, but rather because the world of his opponents seemed to succumb, all at once, to this dreadful malady of manana. While the free nations deferred, and waited, and hoped, Hitler acted. They waited for something to happen. He made it happen. It may be true, as the delegate declared, that no gnan can read the future. But men can influence and shape the future. Men can make the fut'ure happen. They have done so, many times. Na- tions, and pre-eminently our own, have won to greatness repeatedly in this way. And unless we are sheepishly to surrender what thus has already been won for this nation and this hem- isphere, we shall have to revert to this method that we once knew so well how to employ. And so will Argentina. -Chicago Daily News The Straight Dope By Himself EDITOR'S NOTE: We are pleased to announce where. The sad fact only remains that it does that our Guest Columnist for today is David B. not exist. Michigan, I feel should know how Itkin, Guest Director of the Michigan Repertory Players, Head of the Drama School of De Paul Uni- ftua it is in this respect. versity and a director of the Goodman Theatre of Chicago. Mr. Itkin brings a long and varied experi- ANOTHER FACT which seems worthy of note ence in the theatre to this column, gained by play- to me in regard to theory and practice of ing in the principal cities of Europe and America speech and the theatre at the University of as a member of the noted Moscow Art Theatre. Michigan is the absence of any attempt at arti- T IS A GREAT HAPPINESS to me to be able ficiality in diction and speech. All too often those to take this opportunity to say what I have interested in the theatre feel it incumbent upon come to learn and to feel about the Repertory them to cultivate some sort of an affected dic- Players and their sponsor, the Speech Depart- tion, some approach to a "cultured" accent, ment of the University of Michigan. First, let some hint of a native speech which has been me state my gratitude to all those who aided me disregarded or thrown away. in my work there and especially to the members The natural speech of the individual, the of the directing acting, and technical staffs of speech of the region from which he comes the Players. Seldom indeed have contacts been the clarity which is native in almost all folk so mutually pleasant. idioms constitute the best possible equip- The most important matter I should like to nent the actor can bring to the theatre. discuss is the unique combination, so it seems, All too often, however, schools and univer- to me at least, of academic distinction and a very .ities try to substitute for this naturalness living theatre at the University of Michigan. The something which may sound cultured to University of Michigan is, of course, known all them but which an audience knows from over the United States as one of the ten or the very first syllable to be nothing but twelve most prominent universities in academic artificiality. distinction. This is as it should be. The idea of a university lacking academic values is an an- The above paragraph is not to be taken as omolism. denying the merit of the excellent work done! And yet, all too often I have noticed in the at Michigan in pronunciation, speech correction, colleges and universities I have visited that etc. It is, none the less, a tribute to the natural- ness of the speech of almost everyone with whom while a c vI came in contact in my relationship with the training in dramatic art, when such exists, theatre at Ann Arbor. lacks in effectiveness. The cause for this Lest it be thought that I am concerning condition is the fact that the theatre is not myself wholly with the good things I found at academic. Let me say it again. The theatre Michigan let me voice here a criticism. It is a is not academic. The theatre is alive. It is M smal te uoeheess italifor alliof an organism with an existence of its own. small matter, but none the less vital for all of As such it is stifled when academic bonds that. The Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre is a most are su closely pressed around it. For this beautiful edifice. The comfort of the seats, the reason, as well as for some others the the- spaciousness of its appointments, the richness of tresonvellasorsme oththhntryhve its decor, all compare favorably with any theatre atres in the universities of this country have of its type in the country. But all this comfort all too often failed to fulfill their true mis- o t yei h onr.Btalti ofr on*as "'se"vator " f m erincultre as- and all this elegance apparently have been con- sion as conservators of American culture and ceived with only the audience in mind. The as innovators of the new drama of our te actors and technical crews are left out of con- Fortunately, this is not true at Michigan. The sideration. They are wholly without comfortable theatre at Michigan, as exemplified by the plays dressing rooms, without adequate furnishings, whose performances I witnessed and by the without so much;as a single sofa upon which to rest. This is a serious defect. The comfort of rehearsals which I attended is very much alive: the audience should, of course, be considered, It has an enviable vitality which when combined but the comfort of the actors and technicians with the undoubted talents of its directorial and should not be forgotten. They, not the audience, technical staffs produces plays which are almost really constitute the theatre in its active sense. unique in the annals of the American university Sometime I should like to see this situation theatres. Part of this vitality is undoubtedly changed. due to the fine enthusiasm of young people who And so goodby, I hope it is only for a time, take part in the plays, but a large part is also to the University of Michigan and its Repertory due to the lack of interference with the theatre Players. I have stated my thanks to the Players by those in charge of the academic side of the and their director, but I should also like to university. There is, in fact, no real reason why thank the Michigan audiences for their cordial this happy combination of academic distinction reception of the productions with which I was and theatrical vitality should not exist every- connected. Goodby and good luck. Washington Merry-Go-Round Grin And Bear It ... By Lichty ~ E'A -- - - 7rA ' 3 l 0) 1940, Chicago Times, Inc.i Re' U. . Pat Oft All Rt. s , "Now Chief Big Bear and Chief Running Deer keep a sharp loookout and let papa know when you see any bill collectors approaching!" Hitler Busy In Balkans. . 0 A u C( n ti tc DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I Interpretive: Meddlesome Mr. Welles .. . S UMNER WELLES, acting Secretary of State, committed a piece of pre- sumptuous meddling when he issued his blast denouncing the "deliberate annihilation" of the three Baltic republics. Russia may be guilty of international brigandage in this action. But why must the acting head of the State Depart- ment, by publicly prodding the Soviet dictator- ship, take the United States into a complex foreign quarrel in which it has no business? It is not to justify the Russian grab to point out that this Js part of a historical process which the United States cannot stop, even by throwing all its resources into Europe's fiery furnace. The Baltic republics were carved from Czarist Russia by the peace treaties to serve as buffer states against the Bolsheviks. Their relative helpless- ness left them ready prey for a conquest-mad Nazi state. Russia, realizing that day of reckon- ing with its present ally is coming, now fortifies its own position by seizing these strategically important territories. Europe's system of collective security has col- lapsed; the small nations it once, protected are falling one by one into their rapacious neighbor's maws. Mr. Welles cannot reinstate that system WASHSINGTON-Now that the job of nom- inating presidential candidates is over, the Na- tion's Capital is settling back to the main prob- lem before it-that of national defense. Both branches of the service are in the hands of two brand new cabinet officers, both Repub- licans, and both keeping politics strictly out of the Army and Navy. In the case of the former, Henry L. Stimson has a far more difficult prob- lem on his hands than when he served as Sec- retary of War in the Taft Administration. He is up against the fact that for exactly twenty years-ever since the World War-the United States Army has been as moribund and antiquated as the Indian forts which it still maintains on the Western prairies. Here is example No. 1 of what Secretary Stim- son is up against. If a foreign power wanted to subdue the United States, its most logical strategic move would be to establish a line through Detroit or Cleveland south to the Ohio River. This would cut the industrial East off from the agricultural West. It would sever almost every rail line run- ning between New York and Philadelphia to the Middle West. It would stop iron ore shipments from the lake regions. It would starve out New York. .Yet although army officers admit this is a strategic area they will have to defend, the over- whelming mass of U. S. troops today is located in the South and West in the wide open spaces which they may never have to defend. Big City Fighting , Hitler has won the present war largely by mil- itary operations inside densely populated areas. His troops have been trained to operate in Oslo, Rotterdam and Antwerp. Fighting in city streets is far different from fighting on the plains of Oklahoma, yet there are almost no troops in or around the big cities of the Atlantic seaboard. As a matter of fact the location of the U. S. Army today is based not upon tactics of strat- egy, but upon the climate. "But the weather!" moans the average army officer when you start talking to him about transferring to a new post in the East. If the high command of the U.S. Army were awake and interested in something more than paper defense, it would hold regular maneuvers in the most densely populated industrial areas of the United States, and would station a large part of its men regularly east of the Mississip- pi River and north of the Ohio. sissippi and Louisiana. Seventy thousand men maneuvered in this area for five months with results that were sadly disappointing to Wash- ington observers. Most important effect of the maneuvers was that troops deteriorated. The enlisted men were in worse shape at the end than at the start. Their commanding officers did not keep them busy, did not know how to handle them in sham battle. For instance, Major General Walter C. Short, commanding the Sixth Division in Louisiana, sent his men in to defend a front 30,000 yards wide. All a division is supposed to defend is a front 4,000 yards wide, and in the Argonne dur- ing the World Mar, nine divisions were con- centrated on a line 37,000 yards wide, with many supporting divisions behind. After the Louisiana maneuvers were over, Major General Herbert J. Brees, commanding the Eighth Corps Area, remarked that the only people to be complimented during the entire maneuvers were the enlisted men and the lieutenants. Housekeeping Troops Example No. 3 is the army village. This is one of the most iniquitous systems in the Army, and most officers agree that it should be abolished. Yet the army village remains, year after year. The army village is a remnant of the old block- house of Indian war days, usually situated in the interior, far from the scene of any possible attack from Europe or the Pacific. They are a handicap because a modern army, in order to be effective, must operate and maneuver in large masses, not a few thousand men at a time. The army village breaks up the army into small parts, and also requires that about 40 per cent of the enlisted men be kept busy mowing lawns, keeping books, doing stenography, oper- ating a motion picture show or running a com- pany canteen. Thus the troops degenerate into a bunch of housekeepers, not fighters. Upside-Down Personnel System Much of the Army's weakness derives from Example No. 4, which is the complete inertia engendered by the promotion system. An army officer knows that if he is reasonably sober he will be promoted' automatically, according to age, no matter what else he may do. He merely has to wait for officers ahead of him to die off. Example 'of army weakness No. 5 is the starv- ation method of getting recruits. The men who All notices for the Daily Official Bulletin are to be sent to the Office of the Summer Session before 3:30 P.M. of the day preceding its pub- lication except on Saturday, when the notices should be submitted be- fore 11:30 A.M. Internal Combustion Engine In-; stitute Lectures: "General Motors; Diesel Engine" Mr. F. G. Shoemaker, General Motors Diesel Division; and "Diesel Engine Combustion" Mr. C. S. Moore, National Advisory Com- mittee for Aeronautics, to be given at 9:00 a.m. in the Amphitheater of the Rackham Building, today Graduate Record Program will be held today, July 27 in the Men's Lounge of the Rackham Building from 3 to 5 p.m. The program will consist of : Citronen Waltz by Jo- hann Straus, Italian Symphony by Mendelsohn, Fifth Piano Concerto (Emperor) by Beethoven and Panis Angelicus by Franck. Richard V. Lee will be in charge. All are invited to attend. Pi Lambda Theta: Formal initia- tion and reception will be held today, July 27, at 7:30 pm. in the West Conference Room of the Rack- ham Building. "What a Life" by Clifford Gold- smith will be given at 8:30 p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. This is the fifth production of the Michigan Repertory Players of the Department of Speech. Tickets are available at the box-office (phone 6300): prices are 75c, 50c and 35c. Graduate Outing Club will meet Sunday, July 28 at 2:30 p.m. in the rear of the Rackham Building for an outing in the vicinity of Ann Ar- bor. Swimming, softball and hiking. Supper outdoors. All those having cars are asked to kindly bring them. All graduate students, faculty and alumni are invited. First Presbyterian Church. 10:45 a.m. "Living Creatively" will be the subject of the sermon by Dr. W. P. Lemon. 5:30 p.m. Vesper Services-Holy Communion and Reception of New Members. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 409 So. Division St., Sunday service at 10:30, Subject: "Truth." Sunday School at 11:45. Lutheran Students: Rev Yoder conducts early services at 8:30 a.m. every Sunday in Trinity Lutheran Church, and Rev. Stellhorn conducts regular services at 10:30 a.m. every Sunday in Zion Lutheran Church. There will be a meeting of the Lu- theran Student Association for Lu- theran Students and their friends this Sunday evening for supper and social hour. Supper will be served at 6 p.m., and afterward Sherman Haslett will discuss Christianity and science. St. Andrews Episcopal Church- Sunday: 8 a.m. Holy Communion; 11 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon by the Rev. Henry Lewis; 11 a.m. Kindergarten; 5 p.m. Student Picnic at the home of the Rev, and Mrs. F. W. Leech, 1505 Ottawa Drive. Prof. Glenn McGeogh will speak on "Sym- phonies". Cars will leave Harris Hall at 5 p.m. Michigan Christian Fellowship. You are invited to enjoy an hour of de- votion and inspiration with this evan- gelical Christian Student group at1 4:30 Sunday afternoon in the Fire-x side room of Lane Hall, Eugene Nida,1 president of the organization for the fall term, who is on the campus toI speak at the Linguistic Institute, will{ speak at the meeting.- Ann Arbor Friends (Quakers). No meeting at 5 p.m. this Sunday, be- cause of the annual summer picnic.1 (Leaving Lane Hall at 9:30 a.m.) Wesley Foundation. Student Class at 9:30 a.m. in the Wesley Founda- tion Assembly Room. Theme: The' Bible and Literature. Leader: Mild- red Sweet. Wesleyan Guild Meeting{ at 5:30 p.m. in the Wesley Founda- tion Room. Refreshments and fel- lowship followed by discussion groups based on several current religious books. First Methodist Church. Morning Worship Service a r10:40ha.m. Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach on "After Death and Before." Organ recital at 8 p.m. Scenes from "As You Like It"; The class in the Oral Interpretation of Shakespeare will give a public re- view of scenes from Shakespeare's "As You like It" Monday, July 29, at 7 p.m., Room 302, Mason Hall. Anyone interested is cordially invited to attend. Public Health Students. There will be a General Assembly of all Students in the Division of Hygiene and Pub- lic Health on Monday, July 29 at 4 p.m. in the Amphitheater of the Hor- ace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies. Dr. Sundwall will preside at the* assembly. The topic for dis- cussion will be "Trends in Profession- al Public Health Education." All graduate and undergraduate stu- dents in Public Health are request- ed to attend. John Sundwall, M.D. Director. The Men's and Women's Educa- tion Clubs will hold their annual, jointly-sponsored mixer in the Wo- men'syAthletic Building at 7:30 p.m., Monday, July 29. There will be a variety program of games, commun- ity singing, and old-time and social dancing; refreshments will be served. An admission fee of 15c will be col- lected at the door. Wives, husbands, and friends are also invited to at- tend. Voice Recital. George Cox, baritone of Jackson, will give a recital in par- tial fulfillment of the requirements of the Bachelor of Music degree, Monday evening, July 29, at 8:15 p. in., in the School of Music Auditor- ium. Miss Grace Wilson of Detroit, will be at the piano. The public is invited to attend without admission charge. A trip to Put-in-Bay, Lake Erie, will be the last Summer Session Ex- cursion to be held on Wednesday, July 31. Chartered buses leave for Detroit at 7:15 a.m. from in front of Angell Hall and will go to the steam- er which leaves at 9 a.m. The steam- er returns to Detroit at 8 p.m. where the buses meet the party and arrive in Ann Arbor at about 9:30 p.m. Ex- By KIRKE L. SIMPSON WASHINGTON, July 26.-(EA- Another week-end, the sixth of the nfolding battle of Britain, finds Adolf Hitler seemingly more con- 3erned with suppressing feuds among aeighbors at his Balkan back-door han with pressing his front-door ttack on England to a showdown. Berlin dispatches picture Hitler as bout to take additional Balkan tatesmen to his private mountain op, where they may observe the new European world of Hitlerian design, and learn the function they are ex- pected to serve in it. If Hitler goes through that week- end program, Britishers cas relax a trifle. If they could be certain that Hitler intended to spend the week- end "stabilizing" Southeastern Eu- rope against alleged British intrigue, they could be reasonably sure that the "great assault" on England would be withheld further. It has been Hitler's wont to take the field him- self whenever he ordered his armies to make a major attack. English Battle Dangerous The week-end conferences suggest, at least, that Hitler is intent on in- suring tranquility at his rear before committing himself finally to a bat- tle with England-a battle from which he could not withdraw, once it was started, without dangerous loss of prestige. There is something for Italian at- tention in these Nazi-Balkan con- ferences. Far back down the ages, at a time to which Hitler's Axis mate, Mussolini, so often refers in stirring his people to dreams of empire, all roads led to Rome. In the new Eu- rope which Mussolini is pledged to help Hitler establish at considerable risk to Italy, all roads obviously lead to Munich, or the Hitler mountain- top retreat nearby, Berchtesgaden. Rome may be a stop for Hitler's visi- tors coming or going, but it is only a way station. New Type Referee It is interesting to note that press despatches from Berlin have given the following interpretation of what is in store for Balkan conferees: "Uneasy Southeastern Europe ap- parently was in for a little mediation of the authoritarian German kind. The Balkan nations are getting a new type of referee for their old quarrels." And again: "Balkan diplomats will be told what plans Hitler has for the future of their countries." The word "conference" does not seem quite appropriate. It means a coming together to discuss. Some other word, meaning a coming to- gether to receive orders from on high, would more aptly describe what is happening in Nazi-Balkan contacts. Berlin censors have raised no ob- jections, so far as is known, to inter- pretations which picture Balkan rep- resentatives as coming hat in hand to be told just where they are to get off in a Hitlerized Europe. By con- trast Nazi officials show themselves greatly concerned over circulation of reports that Germany is fostering an internal dismemberment move in beaten France. Physical Education are sponsoring a picnic supper for undergraduate and graduate students in phycical educa- tion, their wives and families on Wednesday, July 31. This supper will be held at the Women's Athletic Building at 6 p.m. Tickets priced at-twenty-five cents may be secured before Tuesday noon, July 30 from Office 15, Barbour Gym- nasium; Office 4200-C University High School; or from Miss Barbara Jones, Mr. Harve Oliphant, or Mr. Don Farnum. Pi Lambda Theta Annual Honors Day and formal reception will be held at 7:30, Wednesday, July 31, in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building. All Pi Lambda Thetans are urged to attend. Some appointments for dental at- tention at the Health Service are un- filled for the remainder of the Sum- mer Session. Students desiring these are advised to report during the forenoon at an early date. Colleges of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and Architecture; Schools of Education, Forestry, and Music: Summer session students wishing a transcript of this summer's work only should file a request in Room 4, U. H., several days before leaving Ann Arbor. Failure to file this re- quest before the end of the session will result in a needless delay of several days. Examination Schedule for Six- Week Courses in Education: Time of Regular Time of Class Meetings- Examinations 8 a.m. Fri., 4-6 p.m. 9 a.m. Sat., 7-9 a.m. 10 a.m. Sat., 1-3 p.m.