THE MICHIG~AN DlAILY FRIDAY, JULY 26, -140 v t- i i i d A1 1 ..1 i i -\.y .6- 1 y i "'i .4 -/ __..s _, ,.. _e THE MICHIGAN DAILY rcov7ciaM ........ . . --7rvuW;-----.. Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Assoiated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not othierwise credited ' in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subcriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERIsSING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Represenlotive 490 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON ' LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Editorial Staff Managing Editor..... . Carl Petersen City Editor...............Norman A. Schorr Associate Editors ...........Harry M. Kelsey, Karl Kessler, Albert P. Blau- stein, Morton C. Jampel, Su- zanne Potter. Bmsiness Staff Business Manager............. Jane E. Mowers Assistant Manager...........Irving Guttman NIGHT EDITOR: MORTON CARL JAMPEL The Straight Dope By Himself (Today's guest columnist is none other than tent in the rear of the auditorium, and Cagey Kay, the editorialist. Cagey promises to do you're set until the janitor sweeps you out Sreally decent column for us sometime but in the meantime we hope you like this effort. We know with the rest of the bookworms who have the cagey one does. Incidentally-the cagey one been diligently scribbling meaningless notes. is The Daily's culture series reporter.) This, however, does not exhaust the extent of NOW SELF PITY is indeed a sorry thing, and Cagey Kay's Public Super Survey No. 238. For we have repeatedly been told that one those turban-singeing hours of the day when should never, oh never admit one's failings, but Mr. Rackham's over-stuffed structure of neo- we shall go against all these traditional warn- Grecian, pseudo-utilitarian architecture is re- ings. We will frankly admit that we don't have served for cobwebs and janitors, we recommend a d . . . thing to say. Also, we really feel sorry the money dispensary over on State Street. In for ourselves. Here we sit in the sweltering its vaulted lobby, midst the happy clink of heat of this shady (but where, oh where is the change you wish you had and the snap of bills shade?) hamlet, while our boisterous, but like- so sweet, you'll find an atmosphere conditioned able Mr. Himself is out a courtin' in the north- enough to make a mentholated cigarette ad look land. We can visualize him now, tip-toeing like Mr. Dante's inferno. through the tulips with his little lassie in tow But there is a catch, my friends, which we (on second thought, we suspect that Mr. Him- sadly pass on to you. Our sedate money changers self would be the submissive half of the cooing just ain't got none of that Southern hospitality. two-some.) Only yesterday, we were violently expelled. We For the benefits of our sweltering colleagues don't know why these servants of plutocracy in this, our dear Athens of the west, we have should pick on us, especially after the struggle this day completed a practical and timely sur- we had in dragging a cot and water-cooler vey. No, we haven't found out that 90% of the through the door. students prefer wootsi tootsi flakies, but we have For a final alternative haven of refuge, we personally tested and o.k.'d every safe refuge refer you to that tavern (we said tavern, not from Vulcan's earthly torment to be found dive) known as the censored down on the corner within a radius of 20 miles. of censored and censored across from the cen- To the Rackham Auditorium we give five sored. Here, fanned by the skirts of buxom wait- bells and award it our second-hand tray of ice- resses, sipping the amber brew, one can find cubes. For solid comfort, it can't be beat this trew relaxation. side of Mr. Byrd's retreat on the under side of (POSTSCRIPT: It seems that our colleagues, this war-stricken globe. For pure relaxation, or better call them bosses, on the business staff here's the formula: Check through the world- are a little jealous of our selling powers. They shaking columns of The Daily, skip by its mo- just won't let us mention the name of any place mentous editorials written exclusively for The of business in these editorial columns. We sus- Daily and the New York Times, and hunt up pect our little plugs will bring such a rush of its daily prevue of the Culture Study Program. business to above-mentioned joint that they would have no need of further advertising. The Now for the props: For pure enjoyment, sissies: just because they can't get money into you will need a blanket, some cough drops circulation, they don't dare let us take a crack and a tall glass of mint julep. Pitch your at it.) Washington Merry-Go-Round Grin And Bear It R I Kf'77 w -.y4, s- - By Lichty DAILY OFFICIALI BULLETIN All notices for the Daily Official Bulletin are to be sent to the Office if the Summer Session before 3:30 P.M. of the day preceding its pub- lication except on Saturday, when the notices should be submitted be- fore 11:30 A.M. Visual Education Demonstration: Today at 11 a.m. in the Architecture Auditorium a film made of school activities for the purpose of inter- preting the school to the community will be shown by William Poppink. Mr. J. L. Meachum will demonstrate the use of school made visual aids. Today, July 26, at 11 room 231 of Angell Hall, man Wilson of Wayne will demonstrate the use pictures in the teaching speaking. a. m. in Mr. Sher- University of motion of public "He won't stop until you ask the pilot to fly over some military objective'" The Fall In Wheat .. THE WHEAT MARKET'S action now as in the earlier stages of the Euro- pean war, illustrates strikingly the extent to which the movements of trade and prices have been upset by the extraordinary economic and political situation of the last year or more. Yes- terday the market for July delivery fell to the lowest price reached by it since Aug. 31, last year, one day before the European war began. How completely the market was then misjudged was shown by the fact that, by the 22nd of last April, wheat had risen from 68% cents a bushel to $1.11% ; only to fall, in the next three months, to 71/ cents. This alternation of ideas regarding wheat val- ues was the more striking in that the earlier rapid advance had in its favor not only the traditional influence of war on the wheat market but, as the war progressed, a short crop in Eu- rope. Such conditions resulted at the outbreak of that other war in export during the fiscal twelvemonth of 333,500,000 bushels-more than double that of any preceding twelvemonth and nearly three times as great as in the preceding year. Yet by the time wheat prices at Chicago had reached their highest last April, monthly wheat exports from this country were less than one-third what they were in 1939, when exports were already described as small. This was mostly caused, as everyone now recognizes, by the wholly unprecedented amount of wheat carried over as surplus from the last two crops in nearly every country of the world, particularly by our competitors in the export trade, notably Canada and Argentina. On the othe hand, the crop now growing in Europe, where the winter was severe and the spring be- lated, will fall far short of normal requirements. The season's military operations will make the matter very much worse. It is possible that the "world carry-over" may at the moment be even larger than a year ago. But what of the situa- tion a year from now? Taken along with the restrictions which arbitrary power will have im- posed on Continental Europe's trade, and with the capacity elsewhere for speeding up producT tion when required, an extraordinary world- position may develop. - New York Times Reserves For Defense . T HE RECENT ACTION of the Recon- struction Finance Corporation in arranging for American purchase of 150,000 tons of rubber and 75,00 tons of tin to be kept solely as a military reserve deserves commendation, as does also the action of the world tin and rubber regulatory committees in expanding the permissible export quotas practically to capacity. The program should be given full speed ahead. Of the 85,000 tons of rubber obtained last year by barter for cotton, only some 20,000 tons had been delivered at the beginning of June and less than 30,000 tons by the end of last month. The Government's purchases of tin under the Strategic and Critical Minerals Act of 1939 have so far been insignificant, partly through Con- gressional niggardliness, partly through such re- quirements as that the tin must come to the United States in American ships. t The accumulation of a satisfactory stockpile of these commodities and other strategic min- erals, should be hastened by all possible means The United States would need in a military emergency tungsten, chomite, manganese, and numerous other less known materials. The pro- .c - ;n.r.softE a mni A rLanvcC nP. _- WASHINGTON-The private White House plan is for a three-man command to take the plare of Jim Farley as campaign generalissimo. Head of the contemplated triumvirate will be Senator Jimmy Byrnes of South Carolina, who will hold the title of National Chairman. One of the ablest strategists in politics, Byrnes will be of tremendous help in placating ruffled regulars miffed by the third term and Wallace's selection. Because of the pressure of his congressional duties, Jimmy won't be able to devote all his time to running the campaign, So two other party chiefs will be brought in to assist him. One is Frank Walker, wealthy lawyer and chain movie theatre owner, who is an ace at money-raising but a washout in the hurly-burly of politics. Walker is one of the most likeable men in public affairs, but he dreads the lime- light. He has told Roosevelt; to whom he is devoted, that he will help in the campaign in any capacity, but he does not -want the chair- manship. So the plan is to use Walker where he can serve best,ubehind thescenes with some such title as Executive Director. The other man is handsome Ed Flynn, Bronx boss and former New York Secretary of State. Flynn will handle the big Eastern voting cen- ters, which he knows intimately. Also in the cards is a housecleaning of subor- dinate National Committee personnel. " Although re-elected for another term at Chi- cago, "Chip" Robert, secretary of the Committee, is slated to be replaced by an official more ac- ceptable to the new leaders. "Chip," popular and charming, doesn't stand very strong with the inner circle. In a similar category is Charley Michelson, veteran press chief. However, Roosevelt likes him and he won't be dropped entirely. He will be supplemented by younger and more aggres- sive hitters, such as Louis Ruppel, slam-bang former managing editor of The Chicago Times, and Victor Sholis, Ruppel's political writer, who will be his lieutenant. Hitler's Air Strength FROM THE LATEST War Department figures on Nazi air strength, you can get some idea of how tough a proposition the British are up against in warding off Hitler's air attacks. Not counting the Italian air force, the Ger- mans have about 26,000 airplanes and are turn- ing more out at the rate of about 2,000 a month. This is in contrast to the British airplane strength of between 6,000 and 8,000 planes. All reports indicate that the British planes are of better material, and that British pilots are better trained and willing to tackle over- whelming odds. In the long run, however, num- bers count, and Hitler probably could afford to lose more than 10,000 planes attacking Eng- land and still not feel the consequences. It isn't a very cheerful picture. French Republic WHEN JULY 14, which is Bastille Day and the French Fourth of July, rolled around this year, the Protocol Division of the State Department was in a quandary. For Bastille Day celebrates the establishment of the French Republic, and the State Depart- ment is supposed to leave congratulatory cards. Now that the French Republic has fallen, the Protocol Division did not know whether to ,leave cards marked "P. F." meaning "pour fe- liciter" (to congratulate), or to leave cards the Department is not waiting for the regular October term of the Kentucky grand jury to convene. Instead, Justice Department officials are swearing out a bill of information before the federal courts, in which they swear certain in- formation regarding price-fixing to be true, and to be in violation of the Sherman anti-trust act. Chief charge leveled against the big tobacco companies is that they combined to fix- the price paid to the tobacco farmer, also that they fixed the retail price of cigarettes paid by the consumer. The Justice Department has been investigat- ing monopolistic practices in the tobacco in- dustry for two years. Among other things its investigators have found that the annual income of 400,000 tobacco farmers in the United States averaged only $400 to $500. Meanwhile the offi- cers of the Reynolds Tobacco Company alone, have paid themselves a total of $28,000,000 dur- ing a five-year period. iMinton's Speech SCORES OF SPEECHES were made and re- ported during the Chicago convention, but the only one that really made GOP strategists sit up sharply was one by Senator Sherman Min- ton which completely escaped public notice. The Indiana New Dealer delivered his talk before a large Negrb rally in South Chicago, and fired a round at Wendell Willkie where politi- cally it hurts. Minton told his colored audience that Elwood, Ind., the Republican standard bearer's home town, had agreed to allow Negroes to participate in Willkie's acceptance ceremony only after a strong undercover pressure from GOP leaders. Up to a few years ago, Minton said, Elwood had large signs at its city limits warning Ne- groes to keep out. Also colored railroad workers were not allowed to get off trains to buy food in the town. Minton even promised to produce the signs. Minton's charges created a stir among his listeners and next day were all over the large Negro section of Chicago, which controls a lot of votes. For several years it has elected thIe lone Negro in Congress, the present incumbent being Arthur Mitchell, who has held the office for three terms. Note-The Negro vote can swing a close elec- tion in such key cities as New York, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Chicago, St. Louis and Detroit. Merry-Go-Round ASSISTANT SECRETARY of War Louis John- son has sloughed off 30 pounds-and feels better . . . REA is about to bring forth a film on' rural electrification, similar to "The River" in purpose. Pictures are by Joris Ivens, who got the amazing war shots in "The Spanish Earth" - .. How far the Nazis go in trying to win Latin America is shown by the Mexican army journal, "El Ejercito," in which the German Legation inserted a full page ad, reminding the Mexican army of "the cruel sacrifices they have borne for more than a century to conserve intact the heri- tage of their forefathers." Attending a convention banquet given by Mayor Ed Kelly, John L. Lewis smilingly per- mitted a Roosevelt button to be pinned on his lapel. The secret of the President's message to the convention was kept well from 6 p.m., when it was received, until Senator Barkley read it hours later. but one other nerson knew its nn- An Open Letter (The following letter was received by Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, director of the Summer Session, from Dr. Henry Bouchard, director of Camp Da- vis, geology and engineering summer camp.) Dr. L. A. Hopkins Summer Session Ann Arbor, Michigan Dear Director Hopkins: Your letter of the 16th reached us only a short time in advance of Dean Yoakum. The Dean and his nephew sure put that new Pontiac over the road in record time. They spent the first night in Ames, Iowa; the second in Cheyenne, and reached here about 6:30 Friday evening, after stopping briefly at the U. of Wyoming camp west of Laramie. We were very pleased that Dean Yoakum could make the trip and we did what we could to show him our facilities and explain our problems. Yesterday morning we went over the camp quite carefully. The dean ar- rived at a very opportune time as we have the laboratory practically com- pleted, at least externally. He was present to see the last door hung and to see the completion of the chimney for the fireplace. The fireplace is a beauty, stone faced inside the building, 8 feet wide with a 4 foot, 6 inch opening. The outside is of brick. The mason has found a quarry of what the geologists tell me is rhyolite. If it had cooled more slowly it would have become granite and if it had cooled more rapidly it would have formed the obsidian found up in the park. It makes a very beau- tiful and valuable building stone as there are no bedding planes and it can be broken into any desired shape. The shades vary from gray to pink and with a few pieces of yellow sand- stone for contrast ithas made a very handsome addition to the building which will now serve as a meeting place for the entire group when mov- ing pictures or lectures are on the program. I will bring back some pictures to show you what it is like. The latter part of the morning yesterday, Ehlers and Belknap took the dean into Jackson, so he could get his bearings before going in again last night. In the latter part of the afternoon, Ehlers and Eardley took him to the hot springs up Granite Creek. Last night we all went in to show him the 'last of the old west', a Saturday night in Jackson. He and Bob left this morning after breakfast for Yellowstone. If they travel as rapidly returning as they did coming out, you may be seeing them before you see this. We are well satisfied with his visit and are pleased that it was possible for him to come while the camp, was in operation. I don't know what he will report to you, but his sole criti- cism here was concerning the use of the double-decked double beds and the use of the old log building as a class room. It doesn't, of course, resemble the Rackham Building. The new laboratory will be ready for use within the next day or so. The first of the tables will be ready Tuesday. It will likely be near the end of the session before everything is completed, such as the door and window stops, screens, electric lights, plumbing for the sink for the botan- ists, and grading around the edges to carry away the rain water. (We finally had a couple of fairly good showers during the week, so the vegetation has ceased to dry up.) Most of the group will be in Yel- lowstone next weekend. Belknap and' a party of students are part way up' the Grand Ttnn tday Thv tnk' Air Notes FIFTY-SEVEN CITIES are bidding furiously for the new $8,500,000 airplane engine research laboratory to be built by the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. NACA officials won't reach a de- cision for several weeks, but you can mark it down as definite that a Midwestern city, probably in the Great Lakes region, will be chosen as the site. Chief factor being weighed by the NACA is vulner- ability to air attack. Other considerations are: (1) Ac- cessibility to engine manufacturers; (2) proximity to an industrial center where skilled labor and technical supplies are available; (3) adequate power and water supply. At least five cities which want the airplane laboratory fulfill these specifications-South Bend, Chicago, Indianapolis, Detroit and Cleveland. Others being considered are Dayton, Milwaukee, Buffalo, and Columbus. Strongest point in favor of In- dianapolis-considered the best bet by insiders, with South Bend sec- ond-is the fact that the big Alli- son liquid-cooled engine plant is located there. Army and Navy offi- cials are keenly interested in the further development of liquid- cooled motors because of their higher speed and horsepower. Dayton cannot be counted out. since the Army has an air experimen- tal station there which could easily be expanded. Buffalo is closest to the big engine plants in Connecticut (Pratt-Whitney) and New - Jersey (Wright). However,-Buffalo also is the most vulnerable of the nine cities mentioned. Most important phase of the re- search to be conducted at the labor- atory is fuel conservation. About 60 per cent of the fuel energy in mili- tary airplane motors now being made is wasted, according to federal avia- tion authorities. Another problem is wind resistance, particularly in open- cowl, air-cooled motors. NACA researchers hope even- tually to develop a flat, liquid- cooled motor that will fit in the wings of streamlined fighting planes. Chief advantage of this type, besides speed, is its constant temperature, which enables plane, to function smoothly at the high altitudes necessary to repel bomb- ing attacks. A disadvantage, from a military standpoint, is the necessity of pro- tecting the cooling system with heavy bullet-proof armor, which isn't need- ed on air-cooled motors. For this reason, pending further research, most of the engines to be built for the Army and Navy will continue to be air-cooled. - Drew Pearson and Robert Allen Shooting Of Wade Tucker It is no ordinary political situation which underlies the critical wounding of Wade Tucker following a speech at Peach Orchard, in Southeastern Missouri, Saturday. Some of the political campaigns being waged in that section are more than the usual bickering over who shall draw the official salaries. Tuckerahimself a former tenant farmer and an ex-sheriff of New Madrid County, has been a leading figure in the revival of a sort of agrarian populism in Southeast Mis- souri. Last year, he organized an in- dependent association of farm la- borers, sharecroppers and tenant farmers. Is it possible that this is respon- sible for the reported procrastination of the' State highway patrol and of Shakespeare recordings by Evans and Gielgud will be played at the Michigan Wolverine, 209 S. State St., this afternoon from 4 to 5 p.m. Graduate Speech Students: A tea for all graduate Speech students will be held today, July 26, from 4 to 6 p.m. in the Assembly Room of the Horace0H. Rackham School of Grad- uate Studies. Vibration Problems Symposium. The second lecture in this series un- der the direction of Professor S. Tim- oshenko will be given by Professor J. P. Den Hartog of Harvard Uni- versity who will speak on "Multi- Cylinder Engines with Dynamic Dampers." The meeting will be held today, July 26, at 7:00 o'clock in Room 311 West Engineering Build- ing. All interested are cordially in- vited to attend. Linguistic Institute Lectures. "The Phrase." Professor Leonard Bloom- field, University of Chicago; and "Linguistic Structure." Professor Ze- hig S. Harris, University of Pennsyl- vania, to be given in the Ampitheater of the Rackham " Building, at 8:00 p.m. today. Piano Recital. Katherine Ziff, pianist, of Johnstown, Penn., will give a recital in uartial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Music degree, this evening, July 26, at 8:15 p.m., in the School of Music Auditorium. Miss Ziff is a student of Mr. John Kollen of the School of Music faculty. "What a Life" by Clifford Gold- smith will be given at 8:30 p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The performance will be given Sat- urady night. This is the fifth produc- tion of the Michigan Repertory Play- res of the Department of Speech. Tickets are available at the box-of- fice (phone 6300): prices are 75c, 50c and 35c. Internal Combustion Engine In- stitute Lectures: "General Motors Diesel Engine" Mr. F. G. Shoemaker, General Motors Diesel Division; and "Diesel Engine Combustion" Mr. C. S. Moore, National Advisory Com- mittee for Aeronautics, to be given at 9:00 a.m. in the Amphitheater. of the Rackham Building, on Saturday, July 27. Graduate Record Program will be held Saturday, July 27 in the Men's Lounge of the Rackham Building from 3 to 5 p.m. The program will consist of : Citronen Waltz by Jo- hann Straus, Italian Symphony by Mendelsohn, Fifth Piano Concerto (Emperor) by Beethoven and Panis Angelicus by Franck. Richard V. Lee will be in charge. All are invited to attend. Pi Lambda Theta: Formal initia- tion and reception will be held Sat- urday, July 27, at 7,30 p.m., in the West Conference Room of the Rack- ham Building. Graduate Outing Club will meet Sunday, 'July 28 at 2:30 p.m. in the rear of the Rackham Building for an outin gin the vicinity of Ann Ar- bor. Swimming, softball and hiking. Supper outdoors. All those having cars are asked to kindly bring them. All graduate students, faculty and alumni are invited. Publis Health Students. There will be a General Assembly of all Students in the Division of Hygiene and Pub- hic Health on Monday, July 29 at 4 p.m. in the Amphitheater of the Hor- ace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies. Dr. Sundwall will preside at the assembly. The opic for dis- cussion will be "Trends in Profession- al Public Health Education." All Graduate and Undergraduate stu- dents in Public Health are request- ed to attend. John Sundwall, M.D. Director. The Men's and Women's Educa- tion Clubs will hold their annual, jointly-sponsored mixer in the Wo- men's Athletic Building at 7:30 p.m., Monday, July 29. There will be a variety program of games, commun- ity singing, and old-time and social I