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July 25, 1940 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1940-07-25

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Partly Cloudy Today;
Showers Tomorrow

Yl r e



The 'Nazi Way'
In Action .


Official Publication Of The Summer Session


Power Plant
Crane Hurled
To Destruction
By Windstorm
Andrew Casterline Saved
From Death By Severe
Heat Wave Yesterday
Two Are Injured
In Auto Accident
A severe' wind and rain storm,
which lasted only 20 minutes, yester-
day resulted in the destruction of the
University's $50,000 overhead crane,
caused an automobile accident in
which two were injured, and blew
down numerous trees and wires
throughout the city.
The 70-ton conveyor, which is
used to lift coal to feed the boiles
of the campus power plant, was
hurled by the blast of wind along
the length of the three-story high
track parallel to the west edge of the
plant where it broke through the
"stop" at the end and crashed into
the street at 5:40 p.m.
Its fall was partially broken by
the concrete bridge of the Univer-
sity's electric coal supply railway in
which a hole, five feet across and
one foot deep, was dug under the
Andrew Casterline, 52, of 215 S.
Fifth Ave., the crane's operator, was
caved from deathby the extreme
weather yesterday when the heat
forced him to quit work earlier than
The cost of reproducing the crane,
which was built in 1913, was esti-
mated at somewhere betw~een $40,000
and $50,000 last night by Edward C.
Pardon, superintendent of the Build-
ing and Grounds Department, who
stated that it wold take three
months to replace. Asked as to the
condition of the conveyor before the
accident, Pardon reported that it
was in perfect shape when Caster-
line left work at 4 p.m. and that no
force other than the weather had
any effect upon the catastrophe.
Injured while rushing to get out
of the storm were Janet, 2 and
Ethelyn Gloomer, 7, struck down by
a car driven by G. P. Reith, 20, all
of Ann Arbor., They were rushed to
the St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital
where it was learned that Ethelyn
had suffered bruises about her head
and right knee and that her sister
had a possible abdominal injury.
Trees were knocked down all over
the campus and on S. South St.,
White St., Oakland Ave., Geddes Rd.,
N. Main St., and E. Jefferson by the
wind. Damage to the University will
amount to about $200 or $300, it was
City Soap Box
Derby Racers
Receive Shirts
Official polo shirts, bearing the
Soap Box Derby emblem. are being
distributed today and tomorrow at
the Ann Arbor News to all entrants
in the city's fifth annual boys' race
classic scheduled to be held at 2 p.m.
Saturday at Broadway Hill.
A group of from 25 to 50 boys are
expected to enter the contest in com-
petition for the M. E. Coyle trophy,
given to the winner; gold, silver and

bronze medals, for first, second and
third place, and sports equipment,
scout knives, skates and bicycles con-
tributed by various localbmerchants.
The boys, who must be between the
ages of 11 and 15, will be divided in-
to two groups with Group A con-
sisting of those from 13 to 15 and
Group B for those who are either 11
or 12. Contestants will go down the
Broadway ramp two at a time with
one being eliminated each time with
a winner to be chosen in each class.
The finals will consist of a race be-
tween the two leaders.
Ann Arbor's first' prize winner will
be sent to Akron during the first week
in August to compete with the indi-
vidual champions of 120 other cities
for the title of Soap Box champion
of America.
Prof. Hahn To Talk
On Hittite Language

Anti-FifthColumn Move
Urged At Havana Meet
Cuban Minister Proposes Collective Trusteeship
Over European Possessions In Americas

HAVANA, July 24. -(P)- Firm
measures to stamp out "fifth col-
umn" activities by foreign diplomatic
agents or other persons and knit
hemisphere defenses were urgently
advanced tonight by foreign minis-
ers of the -American republics.
Proposals before the Peace Conser-
vation Committee headed by Secre-
tary of State Cordell Hull included
an investigation of diplomatic and
consular agents and possible limita-
tion of their immunity privileges.
Simultaneously Cuba went a step
ahead of the United States proposal
to establish a "collective trusteeship"
over Western colonies by European
nations in the event they are threat-
ened with acquisition by another
non-American state.
Suggests Warning
Cuba suggested that the Pan-
American nations issue a declaration
warning that "any Western Hemi-
sphere territory offering peril" to any
American nation may be occupied
by armed American forces.
The United States already has be-
gun investigating foreign consular
agents at home and warned the Ger-
man Embassy in Washington in one
case that its officials must refrain
from public discussion or activity in
domestic affairs or leave the country.
Tighter immigration control and
close surveillance of aliens within
American nations along the lines
taken recently in the United States
also were believed under considera-
Means of establishing unified ac-
tion among the 21 American repub-
lics to resist any foreign efforts to
influence American policies were
Busy Drafting
Secretary Hull and other members
of a sub-committee were busy draft-
ing proposals dealing with European
possessions in this hemisphere into
one document. Those proposals were
said to conform generally with Sec-
retary Hull's idea of a collective trus-
Gas Tank Fire
Kills 2 Persons
Benton Harbor Explosion
Injures Six Others
-An explosion of an underground
gas storage tank in a farm resort to-
day burned two persons fatally and
one critically while six others suf-
fered less serious burns.
The dead:
Miss Pauline Luban, about 50, Chi-
cago, a cook.
Henry Kading, 36, Cassopolis, driv-
er of a service truck which was feed-
ing gas into the tank.
The blast, heard a mile around,
took place at the Flo-Ruth farm re-
sort two miles east of here, near
US-12. Benton Harbor firemen said
it apparently was caused when a
flame of a lighted kitchen stove
burner "backed up" through the feed
Miss Luban died at 7 p.m. in Mer-
cy Hospital. Kading died an hour
later. Mrs. Clara Schwartz, wife of
Joseph Schwartz, 52, the resort pro-
prietor, suffered critical burns.

teeship over any imperiled colony,
but there were minor divergencies.
Cuba proposed that any occupied
colony should be given the ultimate
choice of independence or annexa-
tion to an American nation.
Independence or restoration of a
colony to its original sovereignity was
declared a firm intention of. the proj-
ected trusteeship but the proposal
did not providefor a colony to be-
come annexed by an American re-
Conflicts With Hull"
This apparently conflicted with
Secretary Hull's declaration Monday
that there was no thought of absor-
ing any of these territories or of per-
mitting any nation to acquire a "spe-
cial interest" in them.
Increased lending power and free-
dom of action on loans, recom-
mended for the import-export bank
by President Roosevelt, was under-
stood to figure largely in the United
States plans for dealing with the
export surpluses problem.
Whether the cartel project an-
nounced by the President some time
ago entered directly into the econom-
ic plans was uncertain. But if the
cartel plan itself had been laid aside
because of some objections that it
was impractical, it was clear that
United States experts were devising
some method of relieving burdened
countries of excess products.
97 Refugee Children
Reach United States
NEW HAVEN, Conn., July 24.-(P)
-The first refugees to be .evacuated
from England to America as a group
-97 children and 23 mothers-ar-
rived here tonight from Montreal,
Canada, under the auspices of Yale
University and Swarthmore College,
for placement in private homes in
the United States.
Weary, but happy and in apparent
high spirits, the youngsters, rang-
ing in age from one month to 15
years, detrained at the New Haven
railroad station and were loaded im-
mediately into buses to be transport-
ed to the Yale Divinity School and
the local children's center-their
temporary havens.

Are Named
Shedd Assures Sparing
Men With Dependents
In Peacetime Work
Religious Objectors
Will Be Withheld
WASHINGTON, July 24.-(P)-
Men with dependents were assured
today that they would not be drafted
for military training in time of peace
under the Army's conscription pro-
gram, while the Senate Military
Committee virtually decided to ex-
emtp "conscientious objectors" from
combat training.
Thenassurance to men with de-
pendents was given by Brig. Gen.
William E. Shedd, Assistant Chief
of State, while he was testifying be-
fore the House Military Committee
in support of the Burke-Wadsworth
Compulsory Training Bill. This mea-
sure was approved with revisions by
the Senate Committee yesterday.
Gen. Shedd also said that provi-
sion had been made to place in a
"deferred" classification all men "es-
sential to industry."
He Finds Objector
Chairman Sheppard (Dem-Tex) of
the Senate Committee, in talking to
reporters, defined a "conscientious
objector" as one who could prove
that he was opposed to war on reli-
gious grounds. Such exemptions dur-
ing the World War, he said, were
based upon memberships in churches
whose creeds forbade military service
rathervthan upon individual reli-
gious views.
Sheppard explained, however, that
while "conscientious objectors" would
not be required to take combat train-
ing, they would be subject to other
forms of defense service.
Selections of drafters, Sheppard
said, would be made on the basis
of those who could "best afford to
go." When a reporter asked if this
might not resultin obtaining most
of the trainees from the ranks of
the poor and jobless, Sheppard re-
plied that some of the "well-to-do"
also were unemployed.
Answers Question
Gen. Shedd's observation on men-
with dependents was in reply to a
question on how the war department
proposed to protect a married man,
subject to a year of military train-
ing, if he were making payments on
a home or life insurance.
After saying that "never in peace-
time" would such persons be re-
quired to serve, Shedd proposed that
the legislation contain a declaration
that employes drafted for the ser-
vice be given their jobs back at the
expiration of training. This prompt-
ed Rep. Wadsworth (Rep-N.Y. to of-
fer an amendment providing that
drafteesibe issued certificates upon
completion of service and declaring
that men with such certificates
"ought to be re-employed" unless
the "employers' circumstances" had
changed so that re-employment was

Too Much History Threatens
Individualism, Gauss Caims

We have become too much histor-
icized, too likely to assume that ever-
ything happens under the irresistible
impulsion of the forces of history,
and we are told that, most of these
forces are irrational, Dean Christian
Gauss of Princeton University in-
formed an audience of the Graduate
Study Program in American Culture
and Institutions last night in his
lecture on "The Role of Individual-
ism in American Life."
"As we consider what has hap-
pened in Europe, it is not for us to
deny that men are often swayed by
unreasoning and deadly prejudices,"
he said. "Vast groups in the total-
itarian states have been indoctrined
with the belief that the time is past
for any individual freedom, that no
man can be allowed to make his own
history, that his Fuehrer or Duce
Prof. Sharfman
Will Consider
Social Controls
Transportation Authority
To Weigh 'Laissez Faire'
In Culture Study Series
Concluding the week's lectures of
the Graduate Study Programs in
American Culture and Institutions,
Prof. I. Leo Sharfman, chairman of.
the economics department, will speak
at 4:15 p.m. today in the Rackham
School auditorium on "The Develop-
ment of Social Control."
A round table discussion headed
by Professor Sharfman will consider
"Laissez Faire and Public Control"
a't 7:30 p.m. today in the Rackham
Amphitheatre. Participating will be
Professors Charles L. Jamison, Ar-
thur Smithies, William A. Paton,
William H. Wynne and Leonard L.
Watkins of the economics depart-
ment, and Prof. John P. Dawson of
the law school. The round table will
be open only to students enrolled in
the Program and members of the
Professor Sharfman s6rved as di-
rector of investigation of anti-trust
policy for the National Industrial
Conference Board from 1923 to 1924.
and was a member of the advisory
committee on railroad employment
to the Federal coordinator of Trans-
portation from 1933 to 1935. A win-
ner of the Ames Award, he was a
referee for the National Railroad
Adjustment Board from 1936 to 1937
and in 1937 was a member of the
President's Emergency Board in the
second New York Harbor dispute.

will make it for him and that only
the state is free.
"If this doctrine prevails in our
more closely knit world, this means
the end of individualism and free
enterprise everywhere. But I do nott
believe that free men will allow thesea
enslaving beliefs to prevail, to make
history, as Hitler has said, 'for the
next thousand years'.'
In America, Dean Gauss stated,
the demand for real freedom of en-
terprise, the demand that men be
allowed to make their own history,
has come to be associated with the,
idea of pioneering. The pioneer
economy, he pointed out, was one of
subsistence farming, highly individ-
ualistic, in which each family pro-
duced its own needs. Ownership of
land, according to Dean Gauss, gave
a living, economic independence and
status, and there was enough free
land for everyone.
This, he maintained, is now no
longer true, but rather land owner-
ship in many cases has become a
liability and the farmer, except for
the unemployed, is the country's
greatest economic problem. We might
as well admit, he said, that the age
of landlordism is dead and that when
it died the age of our frontier type
of pioneering and that form of indi-
vidual enterprise was likewise dead.
The freest field for individualism
today lies in the possibilities of trans-
forming nature and making it serve
man's needs, the work of inventors
and scientists, Dean Gauss asserted.
Not only in science and technology
but also in the shaping of political,
instruments this individualism may
be found, he claimed, and it is in
this field that we have lagged.
' "No forward looking people can be
content to live only off its past and
in this field of political and social
institutions we have not only failed
to be creative, but we have gone
backward," Dean Gauss warned.
"The Declaration of Independence
and the Bill of Rights were not na-
tionalistic documents. The rights
they insisted upon were the rights of
all men everywhere,-and democracy
as we initiated it was designed as a,
liberating institution for all man-
Italian Officer Buried-
With British Naval Honors
ALEXANDRIA, Egypt, July 24.-
(IP)-Capt. Umberto Navaro, Com-
mander of the Italian Cruiser Bar-
tolomeo Colleoni which was sunk in
battle last Friday, died of wounds
today and was buried with British
naval honors.
officers of the Australian Cruiser
Sydney. which sank the Italian. ship
in a battle near Crete in the Medi-
terranean, attended the funeral.

inister Adrien Marquet
Blasts Men Responsible
For 'Plunging Into War'
Grynszpan Taken
In Paris Prison
VICHY, France, July 24. -(P)-
The authoritarian regime o con-
luered France, in a dramatic state-
nent declaring "on the day of their
rial our dead will be present among
he accusers," solemnly pledged pun-
shment tonight ofr the traitors who
'plunged our country into war."
Speaking in the name of the gov-
rnment of Marshal Philippe Petain,
linister of Interior Adrien Marquet
lenounced in a nationwide broad-
ast the men he termed responsible
or declaring war against Germany
and assured his hearers the guilty
oon would be tried.
His address came shortly after it
vas revealed that former Premier
Daladier and 16 other former govern-
ment leaders or members of Parlia-
ment were confined to Marseille.
Dramatically the Minister ex-
"In the name of justice those re-
sponsible for so much political in
eptneSs and mlitary ignorance will
be punished."
He described the men who must
be punished as "those who plunged
our country into war at a time when
t was not prepared to fight."
When the German army attacked,
he said, "a spent political, economic
and social organization collapsed
over our heads.
Nazi Foe Seized
In French Capital
BERLIN, July 24.-(A-Herr Otto
trasser, arch-foe of Nazism whom
Heinrich Himmler has accused of
organizing the Munich bomb plot
against Adolf Hitler's life, and Her-
schel Grynszpan, the young Ger-
man-Polish Jew whose acts of assas-
sination precipitated the November,
1938, anti-Semitic riots in Germany,
have fallen into Nazi hands in Paris,
a well-informed German told me
Authorities declined cmment, but
my informant was in France at the
time the Germans took over.
He said Grynszpan was found in
La Sante prison, awaiting trial for
killing Ernst Vom Rath, a German
diplomat, in the latter's Paris office
Nov. 7, 1938. He now isheld for
trial by German authorities on a
murder charge.
Dr. I. A. Booker
Scores Foibles
Of Educators
Pedagogy's Fatal Fallacies
Pointed Out In Lecture
Given Here Yesterday
Characterizing the different
schools of modern education as the
crusading progressives, the educa-
tional mugwumps, and the essential-
ists, Dr. Ivan A. Booker of the re-
search division of the National Edu-
cation Association, pointed out the
"Fantastic Foibles and Fatal Falla-
cies of the Pneumatolytic Pedagogy"
in his lecture on education yesterday.
Between the essentialist and pro-
gressive extremes, Dr. Booker cited
four subdivisions of the mass of edu-
cators who are being more and more
attracted to the two opposing poles.
Shallow imitators, chemeleons, band-
wagon hypocrites, and sincere grop-
ers are representative of the teach-

ers who believe and practice the
misconceptions that he listed.
The belief that whatever is new
is good and whatever is old is bait,
and that change is progress, is one
of the most widely fallacious tenets
about which immediate curriculum
changes without long range view
have been proposed, the lecturer an-
tim m-+ad 'hpnP.vt nnrAm fitar

French Regime Pledges
Penalties For Traitors;
Strasser Seized By Nazis


S. L. A. Marshall Will Address
Phi Delta Kappa Group Today

S. L. A. Marshall, national and
international news analyst of the
Detroit News, whose topic is "Na-
tional Defense," will be the princi-
pal speaker at the summer initia-
tion banquet of Phi Delta Kappa at
6 p.m. today at the Union. Forty
graduate students, chosen for their
professional achievement and prom-
ise in the field of education, will be-
come members of the national hon-
orary fraternity at that time.
Noted for his coverage and inter-
pretation of domestic and foreign
affairs, Mr. Marshall is a well-known
world traveler. His study and com-
mentaries on Latin America make
him especially qualified to discuss
the relationship of the United States
to Pan-American republics in na-
tional and hemisphere defense.
With Prof. Harlan C. Koch of the

Goldsmith's Play
Is Being Presented
With Sim pl e Props
The Michigan Repertory Players'
first production in which elaborate
costumes and scenery are not needed
is Clifford Goldsmith's "What a Life"
which continues its run at 8:30 p.m.
today in the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
In all of the previous four plays
this year a great many problems
confronted both art director, Alex-
ander Wyckoff, and costumier, Eve-
lyn Cohen. In "What a Life," how-
ever, only one scene is used, that of
a principal's office, and the costumes
are all everyday clothes worn by
high school teachers and students.
Miss Cohen was required to pro-
cure costumes of the 16th and 18th
century in England for "The Critic,"
costumes of the early 1900's for "The
Star Wagon," a number of farmer's
outfits for "Beyond the Horizon,'
and clothes ranging from that of a
Hindu to a debutante in "Two on
ail Island."
The task faced by Mr. Wyckoff was
equally as difficult, as he had to pre-
pare sets of country roads, a work-
shop, the interior of a farm house,

i ,

More than 2,000 years before Stuart
Chase, amazed at his discovery of
semantics or the science of meaning,
revealed his find to the American
people in "The Tyranny of Words,"
Varro, distinguished grammarian of
the Roman republic, had also made
that discovery and had announced
his results in his work, "De Lingua
Prof. Roland G. Kent of the Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania, who last
evening told a Linguistic Institute
audience about Varro's anticipation
of Chase, pointed out in several ways
how strikingly modern were some of
Varro's statements of linguistic prin-
ciple. Despite the handicap of lack
of knowledge and of insufficient ma-
terials, Varro succeeded in arrviing
at many sound generalizations about
language, Professor Kent said, al-
though it is true that often these
principles were wrongly applied.
Professor Kent, who is the author
of the.,' Fn, l-i h tranglation of

out through disuse of their mean-
ing, or through supplantation by
foreign borrowing. He saw that a
word's meaning can change through
v*plication to new things or ideas.
Word-derivation, to Varro, con-
sisted of four categories. One was
name-formation, in which a word is
applied, with slightly altered form, to;
a different thing or idea. Another
was diminution, a third was aug-
mentation or increase by adding vari-
ous formative elements, and the
fourth was alteration for case, that
is, inflection.
Especially did Varro concern him-
self, said Professor Kent, with the
great battle between the Analogists
and the Anomalists. This conflict
agitated Greek and Latin grammar-
ians for three centuries and has ex-
tended into modern times in the
effort of the:linguists or present-day
Anomalists to revise the familiar but
artificial school-room grammar rules
of the present-day Analogists. The
Annmalists whose claims, according

Prof. Roland C. Kent Discusses
Linguistic Principles Of Varro

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