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July 19, 1940 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1940-07-19

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MA'Y' Y 19, 190


lobe Trot To Feature Unique Dance
Affair To Be With Travel Theme
urkish Students To Give Sophisticated Slacks For Picnic Wear
Dance In Native Style
With Accordion Music





i '


Eight women will hostess at the
"Globe Trot" from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
today at the . League Ballroom, and
will be assisted by a floor committee
of eight men.
Peggy Whitker, Josephine Clancy,
Mary-Anna Jamison, Jean Wester-
man, Marlou Shartel, Mary Peirsol,
Betty Willging, and Eleanor Korstad
will be the officials according to
Jeanne . Crump, '42, in charge of
the dance.
The theme of the dance will be
traveling, and decorations along this
line are being arranged by Liese
Price, '43. A prize will be awarded
to the person coming from the far-
thest distant point, and the town
with the greatest amount of people
at the dance willbe recognized from
the floor. Dick Slade, '41, is-to do
the announcing for this. Town tags
are to be worn by the dancers.
Five students are to do a Turkish
folk dance in their native costume.
They are Altan Baltacioglu, Hayati
Dag, Connie Bryant and Doris Nash-
old. Orhan Barim will play Turkish
accordion music for the dancers.
Men students who are to act as
committeemen are Peter Antonelli,
Henry Adams, John Ailing, Bob Al-
len, Bill Coxon, Jimmy Dunlap, Jean
Geniese and Bob Mitchell.
The price of the dance is 35c a
person, and one may come with or
without partners.
Cover Bathing
Suit With Robe
Of New Cotton


A :.i

For the ever-popular picnic, the latest thing is a snappy candy-
striped, long-sleeved blouse with navy slacks. The new long-sleeved
style on sport blouses adds a feminine touch to outdoor ensembles.
For hot weather outings the open neckline is especially comfortable and
cool. Navy slacks are always appropriate and assure the wearer of a
neat trim appearance; they look particularly snappy with bright blouses.
To be acceptable to masculine taste, add femininity and gayety to your
summer sports wardrobe.
By ..,. The Two B's .. .

Lew Jenkins, the lightweight champion from Sweetwater, Tex., is
shown bouncing on one of the three times that he fell to the canvas in
the sixth round of his non-title bout in New York with welterweight
champion Henry Armstrong. Standing over Jenkins is Armstrong,
who won when Jenkins failed to come out for the seventh.

Senator Lister Hill of Alabama is shown here- as he placed the
name of Franklin D. Roosevelt in nomination at the Democratic Na-
tional Convention for a third term. Hill was the first speaker after
nominations were declared in order.

Have you ever felt silly while slip-
ping off the dress you are wearing in
lieu of a swimming robe, and there
you are amid the cars and staring
eyes that line the shore of Loch Al-
pine or any old swimming hole that
doesn't boast a place to change?
If you are among those who feel
that way, there's a very good answer
to your problem. Get a snappy little
beach coat to wear out-something
you can casually cast aside before you
step in the water. Wear a long robe
if you wish, but those fit in better
with the sea shore. The best idea
is, a short, colorful thing that wil
stand a little beating.
An example of such a wrap is a
flowered cotton coat, fitted in prin-
cess lines, with short slightly puffed
sleeves, and lined in terry cloth. You
can comfortably wear that for hours
after you've come out of the water.
Little coats made all of terry cloth
fit intothe situation just well, or if
you haven't yet gotten a bathing
suit, they can be had with robe to
match. Pastel gabardine frivolities
are as nice to have on these occa-
sions. Another idea is to have a
skirt of the same color as your suit,
so that the top of the suit looks like
a halter until the skirt is unbuttoned
and drops off. There you are ready
for a swim.
Dormitories Plan
Tea, Radio Dance
Among the social events of the
dormitories, Betsy Barbour will hold
its weekly tea for faculty and stu-
dent friends of the residents on the
lawn froni 4 to 5 p.m. today. Miss
Edith Barnard, social director of the
house, and Miss Rosemary Neuhaus,
social director of Stockwell Hall, will
Residents of Mosher Hall will en-
tertain friends at an informal radio
dance from 9 to 12 tomorrow. Chap-
erons for the evening will be Miss"
Mary McCampbell and Mrs. Holl
Dobbins, social directors of the house.
The dance is arranged by Ruth Watt
and Alvira Sata.
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at a low price.
609 Hoover Phone 594
Free pickups and deliveries
Price List
All articles washed and ironed.
Undershirts ..............:.:. 4
Pajama Suits ............ .10
Socks, pair ............... .03
Handkerchiefs .............. .02
Bath Towels............... .03
All Work Guaranteed
Also special prices on Coed's laun-
dries. All bundles done separately.
No markings. Silks. wools our

"Bill of Divercement," the current
feature at the Michigan Theatre, is
an immensely emotional drama of
a family afflicted with hereditary
Adolphe Menjou digresses from his
usually gay, flippant roles to por-
tray Hilary, the father of the family,
who has been violently insane for
twenty years. He escapes from the
asylum, miraculously cured of his
supposedly incurable insanity and
returns home to find his wife, Fay
Bainter, who has divorced him 12
months previously, about to marry
Grey Meredith (Herbert Marshall).
His daughter Sydney (Maureen O'-
Hara), is also planning marriage,
but upon hearing from her aunt,
Dame May Whitty, that she also
has inherited this peculiar streak
of insanity, she sacrifices her chance
for happiness by refusing to marry
her fiance, Patric. Knowles. Her
mother is firmly determined to give
up Grey and stand by her former
husband until Sydney convinces her
that it would bring a misery that
could very well be avoided, so the
mother leaves only after securing a
promise from her daughter that she
will take care of him.
The final dramatic scene shows
the father and daughter finally com-
pleting an unusually capable per-
formance, that. we feel she stole the
show. However, all the actors 91id
actresses deserve our hearty com-
mendation. Maureen O'Hara seemed
somewhat weak at the beginning,
but finished in a grand manner.
Throughout the picture, we could-

n't quite decide whether the father
was insane or not, and the sound
equipment was annoying in that
occasionally it became harsh and
During the showing of "Bill of
Divorcement," we had a feeling that
we were watching the actual stage
play rather than the picture produc-
tion. The characters seemed as
though they were on the stage be-
fore us.
Group Discusses
Hostess Situation
At Social Hours
Thirty hostesses gathered in the
Kalamazoo room at the League yes-
terday to discuss and revise the host-
ess system which has been followed
thus far at all the social hours on
the League's program.
Virginia Osgood, president of the
Summer League Council, and Mary
Ellen Wheeler, social chairman, led
the group in discussion. It was de-
cided that in the future there will
be smaller and more select groups
of 10 girls to officiate at the weekend
dances and tea dances. These girls
will be selected by Jean Crump,
chairman of Friday nite dances,
Betty Hoag, chairman of Saturday
night dances and Ruth Streelman,
chairman of Wednesday afternoon
tea dances.
The hostesses, Miss Osgood de-
clared, are there to see to it that
everyone has a good time and it is
up to them to make people feel free
to ask aid in obtaining a dancing
partner. Also, she continued, it must
be stressed that any one person
need not feel obligated to dance
more than onie dance with any one
person and it will be perfectly cor-
rect for the boy to take the girl to
the side of the hall or back to the
hostess group and then to excuse
u at the
Serving from 11:30 to 2:00
Dinner hours: 5:30 to 7:30
Phone 6056
.. >

Elliott Roosevelt, son of the President, is shown on the platform at the Democratic National Convention
in Chicago with Mrs. Roosevelt and party leaders. Lef t to right: Senator Alben Barkley, permanent chair-
man of the convention; Edwin A. Halsey, sergeant-at- arms; L. W. "Chip" Robert, Jr., secretary of the con-
vention; Elliott Roosevelt and Mrs. Roosevelt.

Justin R. Whiting (above) was
elected president and a member of
the board of Commonwepfth and
Southern Corp., to succeed Wen-
dell L. Willkie, Republican pres-
idential nominee.

t Z0eddings
San d .
The marriag of Margaret Virginia
O'Neil, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John H. Hunt of W. South St., Kala-
mazoo, to James Alfred Hunt, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer G. Hunt of
Wheaton Ave:, Kalamazoo, was an-
nounced in the Kalamazoo Gazette
recently. The ceremony took place
in Huntington, Ind., on November
11, 1939, at the Central Christian
Church, with the f Reverend John
Paul Pack, pastor of the church,
Mrs. John Hunt is a graduate of
Meher's Business School and attend-
ed Western State Teacher's College
for one year before enrolling in the
University here. She is now a mem-
ber of the class of 1941, and is also
affiliated with the Ann Arbor Inde-
pendent Group.
Mr. and Mrs. Hunt are spending
the summer at Crooked Lake, in
Texas Township, and will be at home
in 'Ann Arbor this fall.

Among the steady stream of visitors who conferred with Secretary
of Commerce harry Hopkins in his Chicago hotel suite was Rep. Joseph
E. Casey (left), Massachusetts Democrat. Hopkins' quarters were con-
sidered the center of the "draft Roosevelt" movement at the Demo-
cratic National Convention. Hopkins received his guests in shirt sleeves
and suspenders.

Secretary of Agriculture Henry Wallace (left) and Senator Clyde
L. Herring of Iowa, waving cornstalks, were among the notables in the
Roosevelt demonstration at the Democratic convention.

rihunta/h £p cia/4
HEAVY MALTED MILK... .......12c
FRUIT SODAS......... ......12c
FRESH ORANGEADE ............1Oc
GRAPEFRUIT DRINK...........15c
Toasted Sandwich CANTALOUPE
and Malted Milk 22c SUNDAE 15c

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